A.R. 3 Assembly Resolution No. 3--Committee on Elections an d Procedures January 23, 1995 _____________ Read and adopted SUMMARY--Adopts Standing Rules of Assembly for 68th session. (BDR R-1353) EXPLANATION--Matter in italics is new; matter in bra ckets [ ] is material to be omitted. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION--Adopting Standing Rules of the Assembly for the 68th session. RESOLVED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, That the Assembly Standing Rules as amended by the 67th session are adopted, with the following changes, as the Standing Rules of the Assembly for the 68th session of the Legislature: I. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Duties of Officers 1 [Speaker] Speakers of the Assembly. 1. All officers of the Assembly are subordinate to the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ in all that relates to the prompt, efficient and correct discharge of their official duties under [his] \the Speakers'\\ supervision. 2. Possessing the powers and performing the duties described in this rule, the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ shall: (a) Take the chair at the hour to which the Assembly stands adjourned, call the members to order, and upon the appearance of a quorum, proceed to business. (b) Preserve order and decorum and have general direction of the chamber of the Assembly and the approaches thereto, and in the event of any disturbance or disorderly conduct therein, order the same to be cleared. (c) Decide all questions of order, subject to a member's right to appeal to the Assembly. On appeal from such decisions, the [Speaker has] \Speakers have\\ the right, in [his place,] \their places,\\ to assign the reason for [his] \their\\ decision. (d) Have the right to name any member to perform the duties of the chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond one legislative day. (e) When the Assembly resolves itself into Committee of the Whole, name a chairman to preside thereover and call him to the chair. (f) Have the power to accredit the persons who act as representatives of the press, radio and television, and assign them seats. (g) Sign all bills and resolutions passed by the Legislature as provided by law. (h) Sign all subpenas issued by the Assembly or any committee thereof. (i) Receive all messages and communications from other departments of the government and announce them to the Assembly. (j) Represent the Assembly, declare its will and in all things obey its commands. (k) Vote on final passage of a bill or resolution, but [he] \the Speakers\\ shall not be required to vote in ordinary legislative proceedings except where [his vote] \their votes\\ would be decisive. In all aye and no votes, the [Speaker's name] \Speakers' names, in alphabetical order,\\ shall be called last. 3. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Speaker, through death, resignation or disability of [the] \a\\ Speaker, the \corresponding\\ Speaker pro Tempore shall temporarily and for the period of vacancy or disability \act in that Speaker's place to\\ conduct the necessary business of the Assembly. 4. If a permanent vacancy occurs in [the] \an\\ office of Speaker, the Assembly shall select a new Speaker. 2 Reserved. 3 Reserved. 4 Reserved. 5 Reserved. 6 Reserved. II. SESSIONS AND MEETINGS 10 Time of Meeting. The Assembly shall meet each day at 11 a.m., unless the Assembly adjourns to some other hour. 11 Open Meetings. All meetings of the Assembly and its standing committees shall be open to the public. 12 Reserved. III. DECORUM AND DEBATE 20 Points of Order. If any member, in speaking or otherwise, transgresses the rules of the Assembly, the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ shall, or any member may, call to order, in which case the member so called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain; and if called to order by a member, such member shall immediately state the point of order. If the point of order be sustained by the [Speaker,] \presiding officer,\\ the member shall not be allowed to proceed; but if it be not sustained, then he shall be permitted to go on. Every such decision from the [Speaker] \presiding officer\\ shall be subject to an appeal to the House; but no discussion of the question of order shall be allowed unless an appeal be taken from the decision of the [Speaker.] \presiding officer.\\ 21 Reserved. 22 Reserved. 23 Committee on Ethics; Legislative Ethics. 1. The Committee on Ethics consists of: (a) [Two] \Four\\ members of the Assembly appointed by the [Speaker from the majority political party; (b) One member of the Assembly appointed by the Minority Leader from the minority political party; and (c)] \Speakers; and (b) \\Two qualified electors of the state chosen by the members of the committee who are appointed pursuant to [paragraphs (a) and (b),] \paragraph (a),\\ neither of whom is a present or former member of the Legislature or employed by the State of Nevada. 2. The [Speaker] \Speakers\\ shall appoint two members of the Assembly, one from [the majority political party and one from the minority] \each major\\ political party to serve as alternate members of the committee. If a member is disqualified, the alternate appointed from the same political party shall serve as a member of the committee during the consideration of a specific question. 3. A member is disqualified if he is the requester of advice concerning a question of ethics or conflict of interest, or if the advice is requested by another member of the Assembly and a reasonable person in his situation could not exercise independent judgment on the matter in question. 4. The committee shall hear complaints on alleged breaches of ethics and conflicts of interest, brought by Legislators and others, and it may advise Legislators on questions of breaches of ethics and conflicts of interest. All proceedings\ held to consider the character, alleged misconduct, professional competence or physical or mental health of any person\\ by the committee on matters of ethics or conflicts of interest are confidential unless a Legislator: (a) Against whom a complaint is brought requests a public hearing; (b) Discloses the opinion of the committee at any time after his hearing; or (c) Discloses the content of an advisory opinion issued to him by the committee. 5. A complaint which alleges a breach of ethics or a conflict of interest must be in writing and signed by the person making the allegation. The complaint must be filed with the [chairman] \chairmen\\ and he shall send a copy of the complaint, within 24 hours after receiving it, to the Legislator against whom the complaint is brought. 6. The criterion to be applied by the committee in determining whether a Legislator has a conflict of interest is whether the independence of judgment of a reasonable person in his position upon the matter in question would be materially affected by: (a) His acceptance of a gift or loan; or (b) His private economic interest. 7. A Legislator who determines that he has a conflict of interest may vote upon, advocate or oppose any measure as to which a potential conflict exists if he makes a general disclosure of the conflict. In determining whether to vote upon, advocate or oppose the measure, the Legislator should consider whether: (a) The conflict impedes his independence of judgment; (b) His participation will produce a negative effect on the public's confidence in the integrity of the Legislature; (c) His participation is likely to have any significant effect on the disposition of the measure; and (d) His interest is greater than the interests of an entire class of persons similarly situated. IV. QUORUM, VOTING, ELECTIONS 30 Manner of Voting. 1. The [Speaker] \presiding officer\\ shall declare all votes but the ayes and noes shall be taken when called for by three members present, and the names of those calling for the ayes and noes shall be entered in the Journal by the Chief Clerk. 2. The [Speaker] \presiding officer\\ shall call for ayes and noes by a division or by a roll call, either electronic or oral. 3. When taking the ayes and noes on any question, the electronic roll call system may be used, and when so used shall have the force and effect of any roll call under these rules. 4. When taking the ayes and noes by oral roll call, the Chief Clerk shall take the names of members alphabetically except that the [Speaker] \Speakers, in alphabetical order,\\ shall be called last. 5. The electronic roll call system may be used to determine the presence of a quorum. 6. The ayes and noes shall not be taken with the electronic roll call system until all members present are at their desks. The [Speaker] \Speakers\\ and the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ pro Tempore may vote at their desks or at the rostrum. 7. Only a member, certified by the Committee on Credentials \or special committee\\ of the Assembly, may cast a vote in the Assembly. A member shall not vote for another member on any roll call, either electronic or oral. Any member who votes for another member may be punished in any manner deemed appropriate by the Assembly. 31 Reserved. 32 Announcement of the Vote. 1. A member may change his vote at any time before the announcement of the vote if the voting is by voice, or at any time before the votes are electronically recorded if the voting is conducted electronically. 2. The announcement of the result of any vote shall not be postponed. 33 Voting by Division. Upon a division and count of the Assembly on any question, no person without the bar shall be counted. V. LEGISLATIVE BODIES 40 Standing Committees. The standing committees of the Assembly are as follows: 1. Ways and Means, [thirteen] \fourteen\\ members. 2. Judiciary, [fifteen] \fourteen\\ members. 3. Taxation, [eleven] \twelve\\ members. 4. Education, [eleven] \twelve\\ members. 5. Elections and Procedures, [eleven] \twelve\\ members. 6. Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining, [eleven] \ten\\ members. 7. Labor and Management, [eleven] \ten\\ members. 8. Transportation, [nine] \ten\\ members. 9. Commerce, [thirteen] \twelve\\ members. 10. Health and Human Services, [eleven] \ten\\ members. 11. Government Affairs, fourteen members. \12. Economic Development and Tourism, eight members.\\ 41 Appointment of Committees. Except as otherwise provided in Assembly Standing Rule No. 23, all committees must be appointed by the [Speaker,] \Speakers,\\ unless otherwise directed by the Assembly. The [Speaker] \Speakers\\ shall designate the [chairman and vice chairman] \chairmen and vice chairmen\\ of each committee. To facilitate the full participation of the members during the adjournment required by NRS 218.115, the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ may temporarily appoint a member to a standing committee that is scheduled to meet during the adjournment if none of the committees to which the member is regularly assigned will be meeting during the adjournment. 42 Committee Action. \1. \\The committee shall have regular meetings scheduled by the Assembly leadership. A quorum of the committee is a majority of its members and may transact business except as limited by this rule. [Motions] \2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, motions\\ may be moved, seconded and passed by voice vote by a simple majority of those present \.\\ [, except that definite] \3. Definite\\ action on a bill or resolution will require a majority of the entire committee [. A] \except when the vote on a motion to report a bill or resolution to the floor, with or without amendment, results in a tie vote of the entire committee. In that case, the bill or resolution must be reported out of committee without a recommendation for action. The vote on such a bill or resolution may be reconsidered at any time before the bill or resolution is transmitted back to the Assembly, upon a motion to reconsider which is approved by a majority of the entire committee. Such a motion to reconsider may be made by any member of the committee. 4. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a\\ two-thirds majority of all the committee is required to reconsider action on a bill or resolution. \5. \\Committee introduction \of legislative measures which are not prefiled\\ requires concurrence of two-thirds of the committee and does not imply commitment to support final passage. \6. \\The [Chairman] \chairmen\\ shall vote on all final action regarding bills or resolutions. \7. \\No member of the committee may vote by proxy under any circumstances. 43 Subcommittees. Subcommittees made up of committee members may be appointed by the [chairman] \chairmen\\ to consider and report back on specific subjects or bills. 44 Committee on Elections and Procedures. The Committee on Elections and Procedures has jurisdiction over matters relating to personnel. It shall recommend by resolution the appointment of all attachés and employees of the Assembly not otherwise provided for by law. It may suspend or remove any such attaché or employee for incompetency or dereliction of duty. It shall function as the Committee on Rules and as the Committee on Credentials of the Assembly. 45 Procedure for Election Contests. 1. Upon receipt of a statement of contest from the Secretary of State pursuant to NRS 293.427, the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ shall, as soon as practicable, appoint a special committee to hear the contest or refer the contest to the Standing Committee on Elections and Procedures. The committee shall conduct a hearing to consider the contest. The committee shall keep written minutes of the hearing. The contestant has the burden of proving that any irregularities shown were of such a nature as to establish that the result of the election was changed thereby. 2. The contest must be submitted so far as may be possible upon depositions or by written or oral arguments as the Assembly may order. Any party to a contest may take the deposition of any witness at any time after the statement of contest is filed with the Secretary of State and before the contest is finally decided. At least 3 days' notice must be given to the prospective deponent and to the other party. If oral statements are made at any hearing before the Assembly or a committee thereof which purport to establish matters of fact, they must be made under oath. Strict rules of evidence do not apply. 3. The committee shall, not later than 5 calendar days after the contest was referred to the committee, report to the Assembly its\ findings on whether the contestant has met the burden of proving that any irregularities shown were of such a nature as to establish that the result of the election was changed thereby. The committee shall then report to the Assembly its\\ recommendation on which [candidate] \person\\ should be declared elected [.] \or report that it has no recommendation.\\ The Assembly shall, as soon as practicable thereafter but not later than 7 calendar days after the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ received the statement of contest, vote whether to accept or reject the committee's recommendation without amendment [.] \, if a recommendation is made.\\ If the recommendation is accepted, the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ shall declare the recommended [candidate] \person\\ elected. If the recommendation is rejected [,] \or the committee did not make a recommendation,\\ the Assembly shall consider immediately [whether to declare another candidate elected.]\ which person should be declared elected.\\ The [Speaker] \Speakers\\ shall not adjourn the Assembly until it has declared a [candidate] \person\\ to be elected. 4. The [Speaker] \Speakers\\ shall inform the Governor of the identity of the [candidate] \person\\ declared to be elected by the Assembly. 46 Committee Action on Reports. Committee reports shall be adopted at a committee session actually assembled and meeting as a committee with a quorum present. Every committee vote on a matter pertaining to a bill or resolution shall be recorded. The vote may be taken by roll call at the discretion of the [chairman.] \chairmen.\\ 47 Committee Records. The [chairman] \chairmen\\ of each committee shall keep, or cause to be kept, a complete record of the committee proceedings in which there shall be entered: 1. The time and place of each meeting; 2. The attendance and absence of members; 3. \The name of the chairman presiding; 4. \\The names of all persons appearing before the committee, with the names of persons, firms, corporations or associations in whose behalf such appearance is made; and [4.] \5.\\ The subjects or measures considered and action taken. 48 Disposition of Committee Records. All minutes, records and documents in the possession of committees and their chairmen shall be filed in the offices of the Legislative Counsel Bureau upon adjournment sine die. 49 Committee Hearings. [Public hearings shall be held on important bills and other matters of high public interest. Presence] \A public hearing must be held on each bill and resolution which is referred to committee. The presence\\ of a quorum of the committee is desirable but not required. Public hearings are opened by the \presiding\\ chairman who announces the subject under consideration and provides for those wishing to address the committee to be heard. These persons shall rise in an order determined by the\ presiding\\ chairman, address the chair, furnish their names, addresses and firms or other organizations represented. Committee members may address the \presiding\\ chairman for permission to question the witness. When all persons present have been heard, the \presiding\\ chairman may declare \closed\\ the [public hearing closed] \portion of the meeting wherein the committee will accept public testimony\\ on the matter before proceeding to other matters. 50 Reserved. 51 Reserved. 52 Concurrent Referrals. When a bill or resolution is referred to two committees \,\\ the bill or resolution must go to the first committee named. If the first committee votes to amend the bill or resolution, it must be reprinted with amendments and then returned to the first committee or sent immediately to the next committee. If there is no amendment proposed by the first committee, or if the first committee acts upon the bill or resolution after amendment, the bill or resolution must be sent with the committee recommendation immediately to the second committee. VI. RULES GOVERNING MOTIONS 60 Entertaining. No motion shall be debated until the same be distinctly announced by the [Speaker;] \presiding officer;\\ and it shall be reduced to writing, if desired by the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ or any member, and be read by the Chief Clerk before the same shall be debated. A motion may be withdrawn by the maker at any time before amendment or before the motion is put to vote. 61 Reserved. 62 Reserved. Particular Motions 63 Reserved. 64 Reserved. 65 Indefinite Postponement. When a question is postponed indefinitely, the same shall not be considered again during the session and the question shall not be subject to a motion for reconsideration. 66 To Strike Enacting Clause. A motion to strike out the enacting clause of a bill or resolution shall not take precedence over any other subsidiary motion. If the motion is carried, it shall be considered equivalent to the rejection of such bill or resolution. 67 Division of Question. Any member may call for a division of the question, which shall be divided, if it comprehend propositions in substance so distinct that, one being taken away, a substantive proposition shall remain for the decision of the Assembly. A motion to strike out being lost shall preclude neither amendment nor a motion to strike out and insert. A motion to strike out and insert shall be deemed indivisible. 68 To Reconsider--Precedence Of. A motion to reconsider shall have precedence over every other motion, except a motion to adjourn, or to fix the time to which to adjourn; and when the Assembly adjourns, while a motion to reconsider is pending, or before passing the order of Motions and Resolutions, the right to move a reconsideration shall continue to the next day of sitting. No notice of reconsideration of any final vote shall be in order on the day preceding the last day of the session. VII. DEBATE 80 Speaking on Question. No member shall speak more than twice during the consideration of any one question, on the same day, and at the same stage of proceedings, without leave. Members who have once spoken shall not again be entitled to the floor (except for explanation) to the exclusion of others who have not spoken. 81 Previous Question. The previous question shall be put only when demanded by three members. The previous question shall not be moved by the member last speaking on the question. VIII. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS A. Rules and Procedure 90 Mason's Manual. The rules of parliamentary practice contained in Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure shall govern the Assembly in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Standing Rules and orders of the Assembly, and the Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly. 91 Suspension of Rule. No standing rule or order of the Assembly shall be rescinded or changed without a vote of two-thirds of the members elected, and one day's notice being given of the motion therefor; but a rule or order may be suspended temporarily by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. 92 Notices of Bills, Topics and Public Hearings. \1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3: (a) \\All committees shall provide notice of public hearings on bills, resolutions or topics of high public importance at least 5 calendar days before such hearings. \(b) Notice for public hearings on bills, resolutions and topics not deemed by the chairmen to be of high public importance must be provided at least 24 hours before such hearings. (c) \\Notice shall also be provided for all other committee meetings at least 24 hours in advance of such meetings. Notices in all cases shall include the date, time, place and agenda to be covered and shall be posted conspicuously in the legislative building, appear in the daily history and be made available to the press. \2. \\The noticing requirements of this rule may be suspended for emergency situations but only after approval by a two-thirds vote of a committee. \3. Subsection 1 does not apply to: (a) Committee meetings held on the floor of the Assembly during a recess; or (b) Conference committee meetings.\\ 93 Reserved. 94 Privilege of the Floor and Lobbying. No person, except Senators, former Assemblymen and state officers, may be admitted at the bar of the Assembly, except by special invitation on the part of some member; but a majority may authorize the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ to have the Assembly cleared of all such persons. No person may do any lobbying upon the floor of the Assembly at any time, and it is the duty of the Sergeant at Arms to remove any person violating any of the provisions of this rule. 95 Material Placed on Legislators' Desks. All papers, letters, notes, pamphlets and other written material placed upon an Assemblyman's desk shall contain the signature of the Legislator requesting the placement of such material on the desk or shall contain a designation of the origin of such material. This rule does not apply to books containing the legislative bills and resolutions, the legislative daily histories, the legislative daily journals or Legislative Counsel Bureau material. 96 Peddling and Soliciting. Peddling, begging and soliciting are strictly forbidden in the Assembly Chamber, and in the lobby, gallery and halls adjacent thereto, and no part of said chamber or halls shall be used for, or occupied by signs or other devices for any kind of advertising. 97 Petitions and Memorials. Petitions, memorials and other papers addressed to the Assembly, shall be presented by the [Speaker,] \Speakers,\\ or by a member in [his] \their\\ place. A brief statement of the contents thereof shall be made [verbally] by the introducer. They shall not be debated on the day of their being presented, but shall be on the table, or be referred, as the Assembly shall determine. 98 Request of Purpose. A member may request the purpose of a bill or joint resolution upon its introduction. 99 Remarks. It shall be in order for members to make remarks and to have such remarks entered in the Journal. 100 Precedence of Parliamentary Authority. The precedence of parliamentary authority in the Assembly shall be as follows: 1. The Constitution of the State of Nevada. 2. The Statutes of the State of Nevada. 3. The Standing Rules of the Assembly and the Joint Standing Rules of the Senate and Assembly. 4. Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure. 101 Reserved. 102 Reserved. 103 Reserved. B. Bills 104 Reserved. 105 Substitute Bills. A substitute bill shall be deemed and held to be an amendment, and treated in all respects as such. However, a substitute bill may be amended after its adoption, in the same manner as if it were an original bill. 106 Skeleton Bills. The introduction of skeleton bills is authorized after the beginning of a session when, in the opinion of the sponsor and the Legislative Counsel, the full drafting of the bill would entail extensive research or be of considerable length. A skeleton bill will be provided for purposes of introduction and committee referral. Such bill will be a presentation of ideas or statements of purpose, sufficient in style and expression to enable the Legislature and the committee to which the bill may be referred to consider the substantive merits of the legislation proposed. The committee, if it treats the skeleton bill favorably, shall then request the draft of a completed bill in such detail as would afford the committee the opportunity of considering the legislative ideas proposed in context with all their necessary ramifications. 107 Reserved. 108 Reserved. 109 Reading of Bills. The [Speaker] \presiding officer\\ shall announce at each reading of a bill whether it be the first, second or third reading. The first reading of a bill shall be for information. If there is objection, the question shall be, "Shall the bill be rejected?" If the question to reject fails to receive a majority vote by the members present, or if there is no objection, the bill shall take the proper course. No bill shall be referred to a committee until after the first reading, nor amended until after the second reading. 110 Second Reading and Amendment of Bills. All bills shall be read the second time on the first legislative day after which they are reported by committee, unless a different day is designated by motion. Upon second reading, Assembly bills reported without amendments shall be engrossed and placed on the General File and Senate bills reported without amendments shall be placed on the General File. Committee amendments reported with bills shall be considered upon their second reading, and such amendments may be adopted by a majority vote of the members present. Any amendment which is numbered, copied and made available to all members shall be moved and voted upon by number unless any member moves that it be read in full. Assembly bills so amended shall be reprinted, engrossed, and placed on the General File, and Senate bills so amended shall be reprinted, reengrossed, and placed on the General File. Any member may move to amend a bill during its second or third reading, and such motion to amend may be adopted by a majority vote of the members present. Bills so amended on second reading shall be treated the same as bills with committee amendments. Any bill so amended upon the General File shall be reprinted and reengrossed. The reprinting of amended bills may be dispensed with only in accordance with the provisions of law. 111 Consent Calendar. 1. On or before the 80th calendar day of a regular session, a standing committee may by unanimous vote of the members present report a bill with the recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar. The question of recommending a bill for the consent calendar may be voted upon in committee only after the bill has been recommended for passage and only if no amendment is recommended. If the bill is an Assembly bill, it must be engrossed upon receipt by the Chief Clerk of the committee's recommendation. 2. The Chief Clerk shall maintain a list of bills recommended for the consent calendar. The list must be printed in the daily history and must include the summary of each bill, and the date the bill is scheduled for consideration on final passage. 3. Unless postponed by motion, the consent calendar must be considered on Monday and Thursday. A bill reported on Friday to Monday, inclusive, is eligible to be considered on the following Thursday; a bill reported on Tuesday to Thursday, inclusive, is eligible to be considered on the following Monday. 4. At any time before the presiding officer calls for a vote on the passage of the consent calendar, a member may give written notice to the Chief Clerk or state orally from the floor of the Assembly in session that he objects to the inclusion of a particular bill on the consent calendar. If a member so objects, the Chief Clerk shall remove the bill from the consent calendar and transfer it to the second reading file. A bill removed from the consent calendar may not be restored to that calendar. 5. During floor consideration of the consent calendar, members may ask questions and offer explanations relating to the respective bills. 6. When the consent calendar is brought to a vote, the bills remaining on the consent calendar must be read by number and summary and the vote must be taken on their final passage as a group. 112 Reserved. 113 General File. All bills reported to the Assembly, by either standing or special committees, after receiving their second readings shall be placed upon a General File, to be kept by the Chief Clerk. No bill shall be considered by the Assembly until the regular order of business shall have been gone through. Then bills shall be taken from the General File and acted upon in the order in which they were reported, unless otherwise specially ordered by the Assembly. But engrossed bills shall be placed at the head of the file, in the order in which they are received. The Chief Clerk shall post, in a conspicuous place in the chamber, a daily statement of the bills on the General File, setting forth the order in which they are filed, and specifying the alterations arising from the disposal of business each day. He shall likewise post notices of special orders as made. 114 Reserved. 115 Reconsideration of Vote on Bill. On the first legislative day that the Assembly is in session succeeding that on which a final vote on any bill or resolution has been taken, a vote may be reconsidered on the motion of any member. Notice of intention to move such reconsideration shall be given on the day on which such final vote was taken by a member voting with the prevailing party. It shall not be in order for any member to move a reconsideration on the day on which such final vote was taken, except by unanimous consent. But there shall be no reconsideration of a vote on a motion to indefinitely postpone. Motions to reconsider a vote upon amendments to any pending question may be made at once. 116 Reserved. 117 Reserved. C. Resolutions 118 Treated as Bills--Joint Resolutions. The procedure of enacting joint resolutions shall be identical to that of enacting bills. However, joint resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution shall be entered in the Journal in their entirety. 119 Reserved. 120 Order of Business. The Order of Business must be as follows: 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading and Approval of Journal. 3. Presentation of Petitions. 4. Reports of Standing Committees. 5. Reports of Select Committees. 6. Communications. 7. Messages from the Senate. 8. Motions, Resolutions and Notices. 9. Introduction, First Reading and Reference. 10. Consent Calendar. 11. Second Reading and Amendment. 12. General File and Third Reading. 13. Unfinished Business of Preceding Day. 14. Special Orders of the Day. 15. Remarks from the Floor, limited to 10 minutes. 121 Reserved. 122 Privileged Questions. Privileged questions shall have precedence of all others in the following order: 1. Motions to fix the time to which the Assembly shall adjourn. 2. Motions to adjourn. 3. Questions relating to the rights and privileges of the Assembly or any of its members. 4. A call of the House. 5. Motions for special orders. 123 Privilege of Closing Debate. The author of a bill, resolution or a main question shall have the privilege of closing the debate, unless the previous question has been sustained. 124 Reserved. 125 Reserved. 126 Vetoed Bills. Bills which have passed both Houses of the Legislature and are transmitted to the Assembly accompanied by a message or statement of the Governor's disapproval or veto of the same, shall be taken up and considered immediately upon the coming in of the message transmitting the same, or shall become the subject of a special order, and when the message is received, or (if made a special order) when the special order is called, the said message or statement shall be read together with the bill or bills so disapproved or vetoed; and the message and bill shall be read by the Chief Clerk without interruption, consecutively, one following the other, and not upon separate occasions; and no such bill or message shall be referred to any committee, or otherwise acted upon save as provided by law and custom; that is to say, that immediately following such reading the only question (except as hereinafter stated) which shall be put by the [Speaker] \Speakers\\ is, "Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" It shall not be in order, at any time, to vote upon such vetoed bill without the same shall first have been read, from the first word of its title to and including the last word of its final section; and no motion shall be entertained after the [Speaker has] \Speakers have\\ stated the question, save a motion to adjourn or a motion for the previous question, but the merits of the bill itself may be debated. The message or statement containing the objections of the Governor to the bill shall be entered upon the Journal of the Assembly. The consideration of a vetoed bill, and the objections of the Governor thereto, shall be a privileged question, and shall take precedence over all others. 127 Reserved. 128 Reserved. IX. LEGISLATIVE INVESTIGATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS 140 Compensation of Witnesses. Witnesses summoned to appear before the Assembly or any of its committees shall be compensated as provided by law for witnesses required to attend in the courts of the State of Nevada. 141 Use of the Assembly Chamber. The Assembly Chamber shall not be used for any public or private business other than legislative, except by permission of the Assembly. -30-