Assembly Bills
AB1 |
Chapter 19 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the payment of certain undergraduate fees and expenses of the dependent child of a public employee who is killed in the performance of his or her duties. (BDR 34-69)
AB2 |
Chapter 8 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Patriot Relief Account. (BDR 36-134)
AB4 |
Chapter 34 |
Effective May 19, 2017. |
Repeals provisions relating to reciprocal enforcement of support orders with foreign countries or political subdivisions. (BDR 11-175)
AB5 |
Chapter 267 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Provides for the creation of certain local improvement districts. (BDR 22-233)
AB6 |
Chapter 35 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing exemptions from the requirement to obtain a state business registration. (BDR 7-247)
AB7 |
Chapter 501 |
Sections 1 to 77, inclusive, 81, 82, 83, and 84 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 28 and 29 of this act expire by limitation on June 30, 2019. Sections 78, 79, and 80 of this act effective on July 1, 2019. |
Revises provisions related to education. (BDR 34-126)
AB8 |
Chapter 88 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the collection of delinquent municipal utility charges. (BDR 21-323)
AB9 |
Chapter 6 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the Secretary of State to appoint a Deputy of Securities. (BDR 18-424)
AB11 |
Chapter 36 |
Effective May 19, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles. (BDR 44-137)
AB12 |
Chapter 40 |
Effective May 19, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Makes various changes relating to insurance adjusters. (BDR 57-465)
AB13 |
Chapter 5 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the annual fee for conducting business in Nevada. (BDR 7-3)
AB14 |
Chapter 66 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the submission of a complete set of fingerprints with certain petitions and court orders relating to a legal name change and citations for domestic violence. (BDR 3-172)
AB17 |
Chapter 20 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the duties of a driver when approaching certain authorized vehicles of the Department of Transportation. (BDR 43-140)
AB19 |
Chapter 10 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises the reporting requirements for certain information relating to veterans. (BDR 37-125)
AB20 |
Chapter 67 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to services to assist persons with disabilities in obtaining employment. (BDR 38-225)
AB21 |
Chapter 502 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purpose of performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Makes various changes relating to elections. (BDR 24-2)
AB22 |
Chapter 89 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises certain provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 37-123)
AB23 |
Chapter 404 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety to establish and operate independent reporting facilities. (BDR 16-170)
AB24 |
Chapter 2 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the tuition charges assessed against certain students within the Nevada System of Higher Education. (BDR 34-165)
AB25 |
Chapter 503 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to certain allowable deductions from the period of probation or sentence of a person. (BDR 14-171)
AB26 |
Chapter 135 |
Effective May 26, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the dissemination of certain records of criminal history to certain persons by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History. (BDR 14-138)
AB27 |
Chapter 31 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Transfers certain duties from the Executive Secretary of the State Board of Parole Commissioners to the Department of Corrections. (BDR 16-262)
AB28 |
Chapter 79 |
Effective May 23, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the Commission on Judicial Discipline. (BDR 1-395)
AB29 |
Chapter 504 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing off-highway vehicles. (BDR 18-220)
AB31 |
Chapter 41 |
Effective May 19, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the Specialist for the Rights of Elderly Persons and the Community Advocate for Elder Rights. (BDR 38-130)
AB32 |
Chapter 80 |
Sections 2 to 41, inclusive, and 43, 44, and 45 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Section 42 of this act becomes effective on the date on which the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 666 requiring each state to establish procedures under which the state has authority to withhold or suspend, or to restrict the use of professional, occupational and recreational licenses of persons who (a) have failed to comply with the subpoena or warrant relating to a proceeding to determine the paternity of a child or to establish or enforce an obligation for the support of a child; or (b) are in arrears in the payment for the support of one or more children, are repealed by the Congress of the United States. |
Revises provisions governing pest control. (BDR 49-176)
AB33 |
Chapter 37 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Abolishes certain boards, commissions and councils relating to agricultural products. (BDR 40-312)
AB34 |
Chapter 145 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to government land. (BDR 26-179)
AB35 |
Chapter 12 |
Effective May 8, 2017, for the purposes of adopting regulations and taking such other actions as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and sections 1, 2, 3, 20 to 27, inclusive, and 29 of this act effective on July 1, 2017, and sections 4 to 19, inclusive, and 28 of this act effective on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Makes various changes relating to insurance. (BDR 57-466)
AB36 |
Chapter 584 |
Sections 1, 3, 6 to 9, inclusive, 11, 13, and 15 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, and 14 of this act effective: (a) on July 1, 2017, for the purpose of passing ordinances, establishing the boundaries of the additional ward created by the provisions of section 1.050 of the Charter of the City of Reno, as amended by section 2 of this act, changing the boundaries of the first through fifth wards to comply with the provisions of section 1.050 of the Charter of the City of Reno, as amended by section 2 of this act, and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and (b) on January 1, 2024, for all other purposes. |
Revises the Charter of the City of Reno. (BDR S-448)
AB37 |
Chapter 68 |
Effective May 22, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to justice courts and municipal courts. (BDR 1-397)
AB38 |
Chapter 69 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to bail. (BDR 14-399)
AB41 |
Chapter 268 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes changes relating to the qualifications for and classifications of various positions in State Government. (BDR 28-240)
AB45 |
Chapter 505 |
Sections 1 to 23, inclusive, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 to 38, inclusive, and 39 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 23.5, 23.7, 24.2, 24.5, 25.2, 25.4, 26.5, 27.1, 27.11, and 27.2 of this act effective on: (a) January 1, 2018, for purposes of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and (b) January 1, 2019, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to public office. (BDR 24-426)
AB46 |
Chapter 269 |
Effective July 1, 2017. Sections 10, 11, and 12 of this act expire by limitation on the date on which the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 666 requiring each state to establish procedures under which the state has authority to withhold or suspend, or to restrict the use of professional, occupationa,l and recreational licenses of persons who: (a) have failed to comply with the subpoena or warrant relating to a proceeding to determine the paternity of a child or to establish or enforce an obligation for the support of a child; or (b) are in arrears in the payment for the support of one or more children are repealed by the Congress of the United States. |
Revises provisions governing services provided to persons with mental illness and other disabilities. (BDR 39-132)
AB49 |
Chapter 506 |
Sections 1, 3 to 17, inclusive, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 to 29, inclusive, 35, 35.5, and 36 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 34.7, 34.8, and 34.9 of this act effective on July 1, 2017, if, and only if, Senate Bill No. 132 of the 79th Session is enacted by the Legislature and becomes effective. Sections 12.7 and 15.5 of this act expire by limitation on June 30, 2019. Sections 2, 18, 21, 24.5, and 30 to 34.6, inclusive, of this act effective on January 1, 2020. |
Makes various changes relating to charter schools. (BDR 34-255)
AB50 |
Chapter 70 |
Effective May 22, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the imposition of certain fees, civil penalties and administrative fines by the State Environmental Commission. (BDR 40-181)
AB52 |
Chapter 507 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Establishes provisions relating to dissolved mineral resources. (BDR 48-258)
AB54 |
Chapter 13 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to reports of certain accidents or motor vehicle crashes by employers. (BDR 53-160)
AB57 |
Chapter 108 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to coroners. (BDR 20-375)
AB60 |
Chapter 177 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions governing the initial issuance and reinstatement of certain licenses relating to vehicles. (BDR 43-221)
AB61 |
Chapter 125 |
Effective May 25, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing trust companies. (BDR 55-162)
AB62 |
Chapter 183 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the supervision of manufacturers and wholesale dealers of tobacco products. (BDR 32-390)
AB63 |
Chapter 81 |
Effective May 23, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to court interpreters. (BDR 1-393)
AB64 |
Chapter 61 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises requirements for receipt of a high school diploma for pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-251)
AB65 |
Chapter 184 |
Effective May 27, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to medical care for indigent persons. (BDR 38-438)
AB68 |
Chapter 270 |
Sections 1 to 9, inclusive, 15.1 to 16, inclusive, and 17 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 10 to 15, inclusive, of this act effective on October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to public safety. (BDR 43-223)
AB69 |
Chapter 608 |
Effective June 16, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to autonomous vehicles. (BDR 43-246)
AB70 |
Chapter 148 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions concerning the use of certain revenues in a redevelopment area. (BDR 22-413)
AB74 |
Chapter 82 |
Effective May 23, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the testing of offenders for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus. (BDR 16-257)
AB75 |
Chapter 83 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the licensing and control of gaming. (BDR 41-264)
AB76 |
Chapter 401 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions relating to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History. (BDR 14-260)
AB77 |
Chapter 341 |
Effective July 1, 2017. Section 1.7 of this act expires by limitation on June 30, 2019. |
Revises provisions related to teachers and other educational personnel. (BDR 34-253)
AB79 |
Chapter 42 |
Effective May 19, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to economic development. (BDR S-404)
AB80 |
Chapter 508 |
Effective June 9, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing redevelopment in certain cities. (BDR 22-416)
AB83 |
Chapter 376 |
Sections 98, 110, 112, and 114 of this act effective June 5, 2017. Sections 1 to 97, inclusive, 99 to109, inclusive, 111, 113, 115 to 152, inclusive, 154, 156, 157, and 159 to168, inclusive, and 169 of this act become effective: (a) June 5, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and (b) on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Sections 153, 155, and 158 of this act become effective: (a) June 5, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative acts that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and (b) on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Makes various changes relating to insurance. (BDR 57-159)
AB85 |
Chapter 21 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator in certain schools. (BDR 34-569)
AB89 |
Chapter 131 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to surgical centers for ambulatory patients. (BDR 40-364)
AB94 |
Chapter 430 |
Sections 1 to 7, inclusive, and 10 of this act effective June 8, 2017. Sections 8 and 9 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. |
Repeals the prospective expiration of the NV Grow Program. (BDR S-217)
AB95 |
Chapter 90 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing child support. (BDR 38-197)
AB96 |
Chapter 91 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing motor carriers. (BDR 58-118)
AB97 |
Chapter 431 |
Sections 1, 1.3, 2, 3.3 to 4, inclusive, 5, 6, and 8 of this act effective on October 1, 2017. Sections 1.7, 2.5, 3.1, and 4.5 of this bill effective on January 1, 2021. |
Revises provisions relating to evidence collected from and the reimbursement of payment for forensic medical examinations of victims of sexual assault. (BDR 15-538)
AB98 |
Chapter 43 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management of the Department of Administration. (BDR 18-580)
AB99 |
Chapter 9 |
Effective April 11, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and October 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to services for children. (BDR 38-144)
AB102 |
Chapter 64 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises certain provisions relating to the proper venue in civil actions. (BDR 2-591)
AB105 |
Chapter 176 |
Effective May 26, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises continuing education requirements relating to suicide prevention and awareness for certain providers of health care. (BDR 54-32)
AB106 |
Chapter 342 |
Effective June 4, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. Expires by limitation on June 30, 2021. |
Revises provisions governing state governmental procurement. (BDR 27-295)
AB107 |
Chapter 52 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Provides for the sealing of records relating to eviction under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-689)
AB108 |
Chapter 44 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Provides for the periodic review of Medicaid reimbursement rates. (BDR 38-209)
AB110 |
Chapter 509 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purposes of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-327)
AB113 |
Chapter 271 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires certain employers to make certain accommodations for a nursing mother. (BDR 23-7)
AB114 |
Chapter 146 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing irrigation districts. (BDR 48-639)
AB117 |
Chapter 136 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires certain educational personnel to take certain actions to review the academic plan of certain pupils in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 in public high schools to ensure that the pupils are college and career ready. (BDR 34-292)
AB118 |
Chapter 54 |
Effective May 22, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the issuance of permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-572)
AB122 |
Chapter 418 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions related to the manner in which the State Board of Examiners awards compensation to certain victims of crime. (BDR 16-305)
AB123 |
Chapter 419 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing business organizations. (BDR 7-531)
AB124 |
Chapter 420 |
Sections 1, 2, 3, and 9 of this act effective July 1, 2017. Sections 4, 5, 6, and 8 of this act effective on July 1, 2017, and expire by limitation on June 30, 2019. Section 7 of this act effective on July 1, 2019. |
Requires the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to establish the Nevada Model Code of Educator Ethics governing interpersonal interactions and certain communications by teachers, administrators and other employees with pupils. (BDR 34-296)
AB125 |
Chapter 211 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to court interpreters. (BDR 1-297)
AB126 |
Chapter 283 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Abolishes certain committees. (BDR 38-555)
AB127 |
Chapter 405 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to emergencies in schools. (BDR 34-196)
AB128 |
Chapter 126 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Exempts certain unpaid individuals from the requirement to obtain licensure as a process server. (BDR 54-700)
AB130 |
Chapter 552 |
Sections 43.3 and 45 of this act effective June 12, 2017. Section 43.5 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 1 to 43, inclusive, and 44 of this act effective on January 1, 2018. |
Revises various provisions relating to guardianships. (BDR 13-524)
AB132 |
Chapter 59 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Provides for enhanced penalties for committing assault or battery against certain civilian employees and volunteers of certain governmental entities. (BDR 15-111)
AB133 |
Chapter 71 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing landlords and tenants. (BDR 10-339)
AB134 |
Chapter 45 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing exemptions of certain special districts from certain requirements of the Local Government Budget and Finance Act. (BDR 31-562)
AB135 |
Chapter 76 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to prohibited acts concerning the use of marijuana and the operation of a vehicle or vessel. (BDR 43-598)
AB138 |
Chapter 272 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the de minimus collection of precipitation under certain circumstances. (BDR 48-445)
AB141 |
Chapter 377 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises the organizational structure and purposes of the Office of Minority Health. (BDR 18-214)
AB142 |
Chapter 212 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Establishes provisions concerning children seeking federal status as special immigrant juveniles. (BDR 1-739)
AB144 |
Chapter 594 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Creates the Nevada Advisory Commission on Mentoring. (BDR 34-31)
AB145 |
Chapter 111 |
Effective May 24, 2017. |
Extends the statute of limitations for certain civil actions for damages for injuries incurred as a child as a result of sexual abuse or pornography. (BDR 2-584)
AB146 |
Chapter 137 |
Effective July 1, 2017, and applies to a Canadian domestic-violence protection order issued before, on or after July 1, 2017, and to a continuing action for enforcement of a Canadian domestic-violence protection order commenced before, on or after July 1, 2017. |
Enacts the Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic-Violence Protection Orders Act. (BDR 3-617)
AB147 |
Chapter 84 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the disposal of property in the custody of certain governmental agencies. (BDR 14-577)
AB148 |
Chapter 284 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Increases the penalties for certain willful violations of provisions relating to notaries public and document preparation services. (BDR 19-756)
AB150 |
Chapter 380 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing private professional guardians. (BDR 13-808)
AB151 |
Chapter 60 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Provides for the voluntary training of law enforcement dispatchers. (BDR 23-767)
AB160 |
Chapter 273 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to energy efficiency in certain state buildings. (BDR 58-725)
AB161 |
Chapter 345 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to certain rental agreements. (BDR 10-733)
AB162 |
Chapter 16 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires a business that accepts a driver's license as proof of identity to also accept a permanent resident card for that purpose. (BDR 52-734)
AB163 |
Chapter 274 |
Sections 1, 1.3, 2, 3, 4, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 8, 9, and 10 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 1.7, 3.5, 5, and 7 of this act effective on October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing certain short-term loans. (BDR 52-737)
AB165 |
Chapter 130 |
Effective May 25, 2017, for the purposes of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Provides for the licensure of health services executives. (BDR 54-566)
AB169 |
Chapter 162 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing certain fees collected by county recorders. (BDR 20-832)
AB170 |
Chapter 46 |
Effective May 19, 2017. Section 1 of this act expires by limitation on June 30, 2032. Section 2 of this act expires by limitation on June 30, 2036. |
Revises the requirement for the Office of Economic Development to submit quarterly reports relating to certain economic development incentives. (BDR 32-302)
AB173 |
Chapter 132 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the process for a change of name. (BDR 3-586)
AB176 |
Chapter 149 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Establishes certain requirements for the operation of seasonal or temporary recreation programs. (BDR 38-702)
AB177 |
Chapter 230 |
Effective May 31, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to domestic violence. (BDR 3-210)
AB179 |
Chapter 275 |
Effective June 1, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing massage therapy. (BDR 54-766)
AB180 |
Chapter 165 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Enacts the Juvenile Justice Bill of Rights. (BDR 5-711)
AB181 |
Chapter 362 |
Effective January 1, 2019. |
Revises provisions governing the restoration of civil rights for certain ex-felons. (BDR 14-720)
AB183 |
Chapter 573 |
Sections 2.1, 2.6, 4.5, and 5 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 1, 2, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.7 to 4, inclusive, of this act effective on October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the collection of a hospital bill. (BDR 40-694)
AB184 |
Chapter 85 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions concerning the withdrawal of certain pleas. (BDR 3-286)
AB190 |
Chapter 105 |
Sections 1 to 13, inclusive, 16, and 17 of this act effective on January 1, 2018. Sections 14 and 15 of this act effective on January 1, 2019. |
Requires certain health and safety training for entertainment industry workers and supervisors. (BDR 53-151)
AB191 |
Chapter 63 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing parentage. (BDR 11-761)
AB192 |
Chapter 189 |
Effective May 27, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing the temporary limited appointment of persons with disabilities by state agencies. (BDR 23-525)
AB195 |
Chapter 127 |
Effective May 25, 2017, for the purposes of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing cosmetology. (BDR 54-119)
AB196 |
Chapter 213 |
Effective May 30, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Provides for an endorsement that a teacher, administrator or other educational personnel may obtain in cultural competency. (BDR 34-659)
AB199 |
Chapter 104 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to end-of-life care. (BDR 40-813)
AB202 |
Chapter 150 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires an interim study concerning the cost and affordability of higher education in this State. (BDR S-722)
AB203 |
Chapter 77 |
Effective May 23, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing cemeteries. (BDR 40-723)
AB204 |
Chapter 285 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Provides that marriage licenses and certificates of marriage may include the name to be used by each spouse after the marriage. (BDR 11-743)
AB205 |
Chapter 406 |
Effective June 5, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to cremation. (BDR 40-649)
AB207 |
Chapter 549 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing juries. (BDR 1-648)
AB209 |
Chapter 147 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the forfeiture of water rights. (BDR 48-308)
AB214 |
Chapter 142 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Establishes a program to increase participation by certain demographic groups in clinical trials. (BDR 40-707)
AB218 |
Chapter 231 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions concerning certain juvenile offenders. (BDR 14-215)
AB219 |
Chapter 286 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to gaming. (BDR 41-193)
AB221 |
Chapter 53 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the model plan developed for the management of a crisis or an emergency that involves a public school to include a procedure for the evacuation of a charter school. (BDR 34-594)
AB223 |
Chapter 175 |
Effective May 26, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and
on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to energy efficiency programs. (BDR 58-660)
AB224 |
Chapter 421 |
Effective June 6, 2017, for the purposes of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. Section 22 of this act expires by limitation on June 30, 2019. |
Revises provisions relating to persons with disabilities. (BDR 39-780)
AB227 |
Chapter 72 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes changes relating to domestic partnerships. (BDR 11-784)
AB228 |
Chapter 166 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the termination of parental rights. (BDR 11-590)
AB229 |
Chapter 167 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing domestic relations. (BDR 11-701)
AB231 |
Chapter 160 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to economic development. (BDR 18-294)
AB232 |
Chapter 161 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Establishes provisions governing changing the name of a minor. (BDR 3-811)
AB233 |
Chapter 138 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes a lessor of a motortruck to impose certain additional charges. (BDR 43-52)
AB234 |
Chapter 346 |
Effective January 1, 2020. |
Revises provisions governing motor carriers. (BDR 58-651)
AB235 |
Chapter 232 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Enacts the Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act. (BDR 3-714)
AB236 |
Chapter 92 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes an agency which provides child welfare services to obtain the education records of certain pupils. (BDR 38-838)
AB239 |
Chapter 38 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Enacts the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act. (BDR 59-687)
AB241 |
Chapter 276 |
Effective June 1, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on October 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Requires baby changing tables be included in certain buildings and facilities used by the public. (BDR 22-861)
AB243 |
Chapter 277 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to criminal convictions of victims of sex trafficking and involuntary servitude. (BDR 14-444)
AB244 |
Chapter 287 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to certain insurance gratuities. (BDR 57-95)
AB245 |
Chapter 143 |
Effective May 26, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Enacts provisions governing the dispensing of biological products and interchangeable biological products. (BDR 54-504)
AB246 |
Chapter 288 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the creation of a local improvement district and tax increment area. (BDR 22-705)
AB247 |
Chapter 109 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Provides for the early termination of certain rental agreements by victims of harassment, sexual assault or stalking. (BDR 10-655)
AB249 |
Chapter 553 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Requires the State Plan for Medicaid and all health insurance plans to provide certain benefits relating to contraception. (BDR 38-858)
AB251 |
Chapter 308 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the State Board of Pardons Commissioners to commute certain sentences of juvenile offenders. (BDR 16-304)
AB252 |
Chapter 58 |
Effective May 22, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations pursuant to the amendatory provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Authorizes a peace officer or retired peace officer to request the display of an alternate address on his or her driver's license or identification card. (BDR 43-692)
AB253 |
Chapter 309 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to adjudications of mental health. (BDR 39-688)
AB254 |
Chapter 233 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing guardianships. (BDR 13-595)
AB255 |
Chapter 168 |
Effective May 26, 2017. |
Provides that provisions governing certain short-term loans and installment loans do not apply to certain extensions of credit. (BDR 52-921)
AB258 |
Chapter 74 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Nevada Commission for Women. (BDR 18-852)
AB260 |
Chapter 310 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the crime of prostitution. (BDR 1-821)
AB261 |
Chapter 178 |
Effective May 26, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing motorcycle drivers' licenses and instruction permits. (BDR 43-837)
AB262 |
Chapter 169 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to contracts for the sale of vehicles. (BDR 52-937)
AB267 |
Chapter 551 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing industrial insurance. (BDR 53-650)
AB268 |
Chapter 478 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to a postconviction petition for a genetic marker analysis. (BDR 14-638)
AB275 |
Chapter 214 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the establishment of a statewide framework for providing integrated student supports for certain pupils and their families. (BDR 34-920)
AB276 |
Chapter 324 |
Effective June 3, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to employment practices. (BDR 53-289)
AB278 |
Chapter 371 |
Sections 4 to 8, inclusive, and 14 of this act effective June 4, 2017. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 9 to 13, inclusive, of this act effective on the effective date of the regulations adopted by the Administrator of the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department of Health and Human Services establishing the guidelines in this State for the support of one or more children pursuant to section 8 of this act. |
Revises provisions relating to the support of children. (BDR 11-892)
AB279 |
Chapter 93 |
Effective May 23, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing banks and other financial institutions regulated by the Commissioner of Financial Institutions. (BDR 52-1085)
AB280 |
Chapter 572 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to preferences in bidding for certain contracts for businesses based in this State. (BDR 27-1060)
AB282 |
Chapter 57 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing benefits and protections for service members and the spouses of service members. (BDR 52-625)
AB286 |
Chapter 484 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to court programs for the treatment of veterans and members of the military. (BDR 14-872)
AB288 |
Chapter 422 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the protection of older persons and vulnerable persons. (BDR 15-724)
AB291 |
Chapter 423 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to reports of presentence investigations and general investigations. (BDR 14-1076)
AB292 |
Chapter 278 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to bullying and cyber-bullying in public schools. (BDR 34-916)
AB296 |
Chapter 381 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the drafting of legislative measures. (BDR 17-956)
AB297 |
Chapter 65 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Requires certain local governments to designate sites for persons to meet in order to complete the sale of personal property that was initiated on the Internet. (BDR 20-765)
AB299 |
Chapter 279 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs to conduct a study concerning training standards for unlicensed persons providing care at certain facilities or homes or through certain agencies or providers. (BDR S-985)
AB301 |
Chapter 190 |
Effective May 27, 2017. |
Provides for the confidentiality of certain communications between parties during a peer support counseling session. (BDR 23-186)
AB304 |
Chapter 280 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to autism. (BDR 38-363)
AB305 |
Chapter 110 |
Effective May 24, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Requires each public school and private school to post a toll-free telephone number for a child abuse or neglect hotline. (BDR 34-362)
AB309 |
Chapter 510 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on October 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to the employment of veterans and certain widows and widowers by the State. (BDR 23-762)
AB310 |
Chapter 170 |
Effective July 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions governing public administrators. (BDR 20-103)
AB312 |
Chapter 215 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the State Board of Education to develop recommendations for pupil-teacher ratios in certain public schools. (BDR 34-960)
AB314 |
Chapter 311 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises various provisions relating to estates. (BDR 2-738)
AB316 |
Chapter 171 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to offenders. (BDR 16-961)
AB317 |
Chapter 139 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing limitations on conducting business using certain fictitious names. (BDR 52-1019)
AB319 |
Chapter 172 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the guardianship of minors. (BDR 13-502)
AB320 |
Chapter 343 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the statewide performance evaluation system. (BDR 34-1016)
AB321 |
Chapter 347 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes a county or city to require a hosting platform and certain users of hosting platforms to provide certain reports and information to a county or city. (BDR 20-1138)
AB322 |
Chapter 402 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing driver authorization cards. (BDR 43-955)
AB324 |
Chapter 47 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to document preparation services. (BDR 19-1091)
AB326 |
Chapter 554 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to reports of presentence investigations and general investigations. (BDR 14-1117)
AB327 |
Chapter 378 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to records of criminal history. (BDR 14-658)
AB328 |
Chapter 424 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to professional licensing boards. (BDR 54-157)
AB334 |
Chapter 140 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Prohibits a driver from operating a motor vehicle in the extreme left lane of a controlled-access highway under certain circumstances. (BDR 43-154)
AB335 |
Chapter 141 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions governing motor vehicles and off-highway vehicles. (BDR 43-670)
AB337 |
Chapter 203 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing termination of the employment of members of the National Guard. (BDR 36-1134)
AB339 |
Chapter 425 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to health care. (BDR 54-729)
AB340 |
Chapter 48 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to take certain actions to improve access to diapers and diapering supplies for recipients of public assistance. (BDR 38-871)
AB341 |
Chapter 174 |
Effective May 26, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing juvenile justice. (BDR 5-964)
AB343 |
Chapter 417 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requiring the Legislative Committee on Health Care to study certain issues concerning the group homes contracted with Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services. (BDR S-1114)
AB346 |
Chapter 312 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Enacts requirements relating to certain providers of child care. (BDR 38-283)
AB347 |
Chapter 78 |
Effective May 23, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Establishes certain requirements relating to surgical technologists. (BDR 40-721)
AB354 |
Chapter 427 |
Sections 1 to 6, inclusive, 7, 8, and 9 of this act effective June 6, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations or performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Section 6.5 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to employment practices. (BDR 18-275)
AB356 |
Chapter 313 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to criminal procedure. (BDR 14-1155)
AB359 |
Chapter 555 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Exempts certain entities that enter into contracts or agreements with the State of Nevada or a political corporation or subdivision of the State from certain provisions relating to contractors. (BDR 54-643)
AB361 |
Chapter 289 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing business practices. (BDR 52-320)
AB362 |
Chapter 556 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to educational personnel. (BDR 34-1144)
AB365 |
Chapter 191 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to marriage. (BDR 11-1020)
AB366 |
Chapter 479 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Creates four behavioral health regions in this State and a regional behavioral health policy board for each region. (BDR 39-987)
AB371 |
Chapter 574 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the State Land Registrar to facilitate the restoration and preservation of certain historic buildings by entering into a public-private partnership. (BDR 26-883)
AB372 |
Chapter 314 |
Effective July 1, 2017. Sections 25 and 26 of this act expire by limitation on the date on which the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 666 requiring each state to establish procedures under which the state has authority to withhold or suspend or to restrict the use of professional, occupational, and recreational licenses of persons who: (a) have failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant relating to proceeding to determine the paternity of a child or to establish or enforce an obligation for the support of a child; or (b) are in arrears in the payment for the support of one or more children, are repealed by the Congress of the United States. |
Enacts the Revised Uniform Athlete Agents Act. (BDR 34-952)
AB375 |
Chapter 557 |
Effective June 12, 2017. Section 1 of this act expires by limitation on April 2, 2018. |
Allows the imposition of certain taxes, fees, rates, charges, levies or assessments in a county to fund approved flood management projects of a flood management authority based on the recommendations of a flood control project needs committee. (BDR S-473)
AB377 |
Chapter 480 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the competency of a defendant in a criminal case. (BDR 14-1074)
AB379 |
Chapter 403 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes certain local governments to create a parks, trails and open space district. (BDR 25-211)
AB380 |
Chapter 485 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to real property. (BDR 10-340)
AB381 |
Chapter 281 |
Effective January 1, 2019. |
Revises provisions governing prescription drugs covered by certain policies of health insurance. (BDR 57-698)
AB384 |
Chapter 340 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions governing the consideration of the criminal history of an applicant for employment by the State or a county, city or unincorporated town. (BDR 23-33)
AB385 |
Chapter 17 |
Effective May 12, 2017, for the purpose of performing any administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Provides for the issuance of free annual permits to fifth graders to enter state parks and recreational areas. (BDR 35-656)
AB387 |
Chapter 14 |
Effective July 1, 2018, and expires by limitation on June 30, 2026. |
Revises provisions relating to social workers. (BDR 54-540)
AB388 |
Chapter 432 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Making an appropriation for the Women's Health Connection Program. (BDR S-915)
AB391 |
Chapter 86 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Creates the crime of bestiality. (BDR 15-29)
AB392 |
Chapter 133 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions concerning certain communications relating to elections. (BDR 24-85)
AB393 |
Chapter 185 |
Effective May 27, 2017. |
Sets forth legislative findings and declarations concerning certain changes in zoning and development standards. (BDR S-1157)
AB395 |
Chapter 477 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing juvenile justice. (BDR 5-853)
AB397 |
Chapter 433 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation for grants to local governmental entities and nonprofit organizations for certain family planning services. (BDR S-856)
AB399 |
Chapter 575 |
Sections 37.8, 37.9, and 39 of this act effective June 13, 2017. Sections 1 to 37.7, inclusive, and 38 of this act effective June 13, 2017, for the purposes of establishing the Nevada State Infrastructure Bank and appointing the Board of Directors, and for all other purposes, on the date on which the Director of the Department of Transportation notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that sufficient money is available to capitalize and carry out the business of the Nevada State Infrastructure Bank created by section 20 of this act. |
Establishes the Nevada State Infrastructure Bank and revises provisions relating to certain public works. (BDR 35-1129)
AB405 |
Chapter 589 |
Sections 25 to 28.5, inclusive, 29 to 33, inclusive, and 34 of this act effective June 15, 2017. Sections 1 to 24, inclusive, of this act effective on September 1, 2017. If the Legislature provides by law for an open, competitive retail electric energy market for all electricity customers within a service territory, including, without limitation, if the Legislature does so as a result of the proposed state constitutional amendment known as the Energy Choice Initiative, section 28.7 of this act becomes effective with regard to the customers within that service territory on the date on which such customers have the right to choose the provider of their electric utility service pursuant to that law. As used in this section, "electricity customer" means every person, business, association of persons or businesses, state agency, political subdivision of this State or any other entity in this State that is a customer of a provider of electric service. |
Establishes certain protections for and ensures the rights of a person who uses renewable energy in this State and revises provisions governing net metering. (BDR 52-959)
AB410 |
Chapter 291 |
Effective June 1, 2017. |
Authorizes a new vehicle dealer to file a claim for compensation with a manufacturer of motor vehicles under certain circumstances. (BDR 43-1024)
AB411 |
Chapter 234 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing employment with a department of juvenile justice services. (BDR 5-1029)
AB412 |
Chapter 235 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the jurisdiction of courts over certain criminal charges. (BDR 14-601)
AB413 |
Chapter 511 |
Sections 56 to 60, inclusive, and 63 of this act effective June 9, 2017. Sections 1 to 28, inclusive, and 61 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 29 to 55, inclusive, and 62 of this act effective: (a) June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any rules and regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and (b) on July 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Makes various changes relating to electronic documents and electronic signatures. (BDR 12-597)
AB415 |
Chapter 306 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Provides for the acceptance of a tribal identification card in certain circumstances. (BDR 18-366)
AB417 |
Chapter 481 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Creates the Nevada Main Street Program within the Office of Economic Development in the Office of the Governor. (BDR 18-1053)
AB418 |
Chapter 348 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-750)
AB420 |
Chapter 538 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing the use of electronic devices by offenders. (BDR 16-1073)
AB421 |
Chapter 558 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to corrections. (BDR 16-1058)
AB422 |
Chapter 540 |
Sections 56.5, 56.9, and 70 of this act effective June 12, 2017. Sections 1 to 56, inclusive, and 57 to 69, inclusive, of this act effective June 12, 2017, for the purposes of adopting any regulations and performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Section 56.7 of this act effective on January 1, 2020. |
Revises provisions relating to the use of marijuana. (BDR 40-983)
AB423 |
Chapter 434 |
Effective July 1, 2017, and expires by limitation on December 31, 2022. |
Requires the Secretary of State to collect and report information related to gender equality in the workplace. (BDR 7-1047)
AB424 |
Chapter 315 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the determination of death. (BDR 40-1025)
AB425 |
Chapter 144 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing alcohol, drug and problem gambling counselors. (BDR 54-1031)
AB428 |
Chapter 398 |
Effective June 5, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing the acquisition and use of opioid antagonists. (BDR 40-620)
AB429 |
Chapter 173 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Enacts provisions governing the interstate practice of psychology. (BDR 54-351)
AB431 |
Chapter 392 |
Effective June 5, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing alcoholic beverages. (BDR 52-1018)
AB434 |
Chapter 435 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes appropriations for incentives for employing teachers at Title I and underperforming schools. (BDR S-1033)
AB435 |
Chapter 186 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Designates October 16 as Sarah Winnemucca Day in Nevada. (BDR 19-1141)
AB436 |
Chapter 426 |
Sections 1, 5, and 6 of this act effective July 1, 2017. Sections 1.5 to 4.5, inclusive, of this act effective January 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions governing business. (BDR 18-1079)
AB439 |
Chapter 187 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing taxation of the sale, storage, use or other consumption of certain property by a licensed veterinarian. (BDR 32-1017)
AB440 |
Chapter 482 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing involuntary commitment proceedings. (BDR 39-997)
AB444 |
Chapter 236 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Sets forth certain requirements relating to the search and seizure of the property of an attorney. (BDR 14-1072)
AB447 |
Chapter 344 |
Effective June 4, 2017, for the purpose of performing any preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of the act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to Victory schools. (BDR S-717)
AB449 |
Chapter 282 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Establishes Public Lands Day in the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-770)
AB451 |
Chapter 22 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires a member of the board of trustees of a school district to complete certain training for professional development. (BDR 34-1032)
AB452 |
Chapter 118 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Directs the Legislative Committee on Energy to conduct an interim study concerning energy choice. (BDR S-1113)
AB453 |
Chapter 237 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Establishes conditional plea agreements in criminal cases. (BDR 14-1065)
AB454 |
Chapter 512 |
Sections 1 to 13, inclusive, 14, 15 to 31, inclusive, and 32 to 45, inclusive, and 46 of this act effective June 9, 2017. Sections 41.1 to 41.9, inclusive, of this act effective July 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. Sections 13.5, 14.2 to 14.8, inclusive, and 31.5 of this act effective on January 1, 2019. |
Makes various changes to provisions relating to professions. (BDR 54-109)
AB455 |
Chapter 134 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the electronic delivery of certain notices and documents relating to policies of insurance. (BDR 57-112)
AB457 |
Chapter 363 |
Sections 1 to 31, inclusive, 33, 34, 35, 35.5, 36.5, and 37 of this act become effective June 4, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. Sections 32 and 36 of this act become effective on October 1, 2017. Section 6, 14, 22, and 29 of this act and the amendatory provisions of section 9 of this act expire by limitation on December 31, 2019. Section 34.5 of this act becomes effective on January 1, 2020. |
Revises provisions relating to certain professional licensing boards. (BDR 54-410)
AB458 |
Chapter 216 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing industrial insurance. (BDR 53-489)
AB459 |
Chapter 188 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes a court to order certain blood and genetic testing concerning a child in need of protection. (BDR 38-1026)
AB461 |
Chapter 349 |
Effective June 4, 2017. |
Designates “Peace Week” in the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-1037)
AB464 |
Chapter 192 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing certain reports required to be submitted by or to certain governmental entities. (BDR 22-542)
AB465 |
Chapter 151 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the Advisory Committee on Participatory Democracy. (BDR 18-553)
AB466 |
Chapter 128 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises the provisions governing contracts for services between a state agency and a former employee of a state agency. (BDR 27-354)
AB467 |
Chapter 416 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Personnel Commission in the Division of Human Resource Management of the Department of Administration. (BDR 23-551)
AB468 |
Chapter 486 |
Sections 15.5, 88.5, and 113 of this act effective June 8, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on October 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Sections 1 to 15, inclusive, 16 to 88, inclusive, and 89 to 112, inclusive, of this act effective June 8, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2020, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to mortgage brokers, mortgage agents and mortgage bankers. (BDR 54-1028)
AB469 |
Chapter 11 |
Effective May 8, 2017. |
Provides for the reorganization of large school districts in this State. (BDR 34-986)
AB470 |
Chapter 483 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the creation of a preprosecution diversion program for defendants charged with certain misdemeanor offenses. (BDR 14-1062)
AB471 |
Chapter 307 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Creates the Nevada Office of Cyber Defense Coordination. (BDR 43-917)
AB472 |
Chapter 604 |
Sections 1 to 32, inclusive, and 34 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. Section 33 of this act effective on July 1, 2018. |
Establishes policies for reducing recidivism rates and improving other outcomes for youth in the juvenile justice system. (BDR 5-918)
AB473 |
Chapter 350 |
Effective June 4, 2017. |
Temporarily provides for the continued inclusion of certain drugs on the list of preferred prescription drugs to be used for the Medicaid program. (BDR 38-977)
AB474 |
Chapter 605 |
Effective June 16, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Makes various changes relating to drug overdoses and prescribing and using drugs. (BDR 40-1102)
AB475 |
Chapter 576 |
Sections 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 to 6.5, inclusive, and 7 of this act effective June 13, 2017. Sections 1.3, 2.3 to 2.47, inclusive, 2.6, 2.8, 6.7, 6.8, and 6.9 of this act effective on July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 31-975)
AB476 |
Chapter 15 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to notaries public. (BDR 19-1163)
AB477 |
Chapter 290 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes appointment of a General Counsel of the Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration. (BDR 27-895)
AB478 |
Chapter 94 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-463)
AB480 |
Chapter 351 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the assessment of an administrative fee on certain public purchases. (BDR 27-899)
AB481 |
Chapter 292 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Division of Internal Audits of the Office of Finance. (BDR 31-898)
AB482 |
Chapter 39 |
Effective May 19, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to programs of career and technical education. (BDR 34-1093)
AB483 |
Chapter 293 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Program to Encourage and Facilitate Purchases by Agencies of Commodities and Services From Organizations. (BDR 27-911)
AB484 |
Chapter 513 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the Commission on Postsecondary Education. (BDR 34-912)
AB485 |
Chapter 352 |
Effective June 4, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to school vehicles. (BDR 43-36)
AB486 |
Chapter 514 |
Effective July 1, 2017, and expires by limitation on June 30, 2019. |
Revises provisions governing the distribution of the governmental services tax. (BDR 43-978)
AB487 |
Chapter 547 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to vehicles. (BDR 58-783)
AB489 |
Chapter 542 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the Revolving Account for Land Management. (BDR 26-907)
AB490 |
Chapter 18 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the expenditure of money from the Account for Maintenance of State Park Facilities and Grounds. (BDR 35-902)
AB491 |
Chapter 488 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the education of children in foster care. (BDR 34-718)
AB492 |
Chapter 487 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to transferable tax credits to attract film and other productions to Nevada. (BDR 32-1166)
AB493 |
Chapter 436 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Corrections for a projected shortfall related to outside medical expenditures, contract temporary professional services and personnel expenditures. (BDR S-1177)
AB494 |
Chapter 399 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Makes a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy of the Department of Health and Human Services for a projected shortfall resulting from an increase in the Medicaid caseload over the amount legislatively approved for Fiscal Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. (BDR S-1176)
AB495 |
Chapter 209 |
Effective May 30, 2017. |
Makes a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety for a projected shortfall for activities related to reimbursements for the 2017 floods. (BDR S-1171)
AB496 |
Chapter 210 |
Effective May 30, 2017. |
Makes a supplemental appropriation to the Office of the Secretary of State for a projected shortfall related to credit card processing fees. (BDR S-1168)
AB497 |
Chapter 437 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Administrative Services of the Department of Motor Vehicles for a projected shortfall related to credit card processing fees. (BDR S-1167)
AB498 |
Chapter 438 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety for a joint field office to work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency on certain flood reimbursements. (BDR S-1172)
AB499 |
Chapter 439 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to restore the balances in the Stale Claims Account, Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account and Contingency Account. (BDR S-1184)
AB500 |
Chapter 440 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Account for the Governor's Portrait for the preparation and framing of a portrait of Governor Brian Sandoval. (BDR S-1190)
AB501 |
Chapter 441 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Legislative Fund for dues and registration costs for national organizations and computer hardware and radio replacements. (BDR S-1191)
AB502 |
Chapter 442 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Account for Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities. (BDR S-1192)
AB503 |
Chapter 443 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Office of the Secretary of State for the second phase of the replacement of the Electronic Secretary of State System (ESOS) software and hardware. (BDR S-1193)
AB504 |
Chapter 444 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Office of Finance and the Interim Finance Committee to replace the existing financial and human resource management information technology system. (BDR S-1194)
AB505 |
Chapter 407 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Department of Corrections for a new telephone system and certain information systems projects. (BDR S-1200)
AB506 |
Chapter 408 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Nevada Gaming Control Board for certain costs relating to the Alpha Migration Project. (BDR S-1201)
AB507 |
Chapter 409 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Department of Public Safety for the replacement of vehicles, pickup trucks and motorcycles for the Nevada Highway Patrol. (BDR S-1202)
AB508 |
Chapter 410 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Department of Public Safety for the replacement of dispatch center consoles and portable hand-held radios. (BDR S-1203)
AB509 |
Chapter 515 |
Effective June 9, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Department of Business and Industry for implementation of an electronic management system for public works and prevailing wage surveys in the Office of the Labor Commissioner. (BDR S-1207)
AB510 |
Chapter 411 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired of the Rehabilitation Division of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation and the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Rehabilitation Division of the Department for enhancement of client information systems. (BDR S-1208)
AB511 |
Chapter 445 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund. (BDR S-1209)
AB512 |
Chapter 446 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Temporarily extends fee for the provision of specialty court programs. (BDR S-1214)
AB514 |
Chapter 516 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety to provide money for transitional housing for indigent prisoners released on parole under certain circumstances. (BDR 16-1230)
AB517 |
Chapter 395 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Provides for compensation of state employees. (BDR S-1188)
AB518 |
Chapter 396 |
Sections 41, 47, 48, 49, 73, 81, and 82 of this act effective June 5, 2017. Sections 1 to 40, inclusive, 42 to 46, inclusive, 50 to 72, inclusive, and 74 to 80, inclusive, of this act effective on July 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes regarding state financial administration and makes appropriations for the support of the civil government of the State. (BDR S-1185)
AB519 |
Chapter 447 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Secretary of State to provide grants of money to the counties in this State for the purchase of voting machines. (BDR S-1238)
AB520 |
Chapter 448 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas for the construction of a new playground at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve. (BDR S-1243)
AB521 |
Chapter 449 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing veterans services. (BDR 37-1236)
AB522 |
Chapter 607 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the NevadaTeach Program at the University of Nevada, Reno. (BDR S-1246)
Senate Bills
SB1 |
Chapter 1 |
Effective February 14, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Legislative Fund for the costs of the 79th Legislative Session. (BDR S-498)
SB2 |
Chapter 152 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the surrender of a newborn child to a provider of emergency services. (BDR 38-39)
SB3 |
Chapter 353 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Breakfast After the Bell Program that provides breakfast to certain pupils at public schools. (BDR 34-135)
SB7 |
Chapter 30 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions of the Nevada Code of Military Justice. (BDR 36-169)
SB10 |
Chapter 354 |
Effective June 4, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the publication of information concerning unclaimed and abandoned property. (BDR 10-407)
SB12 |
Chapter 229 |
Effective May 31, 2017. |
Repeals certain provisions relating to governmental administrative tasks. (BDR 50-241)
SB13 |
Chapter 25 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Abolishes the Advisory Board on Motorcycle Safety. (BDR 43-311)
SB15 |
Chapter 95 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing vehicle registration and license plates. (BDR 43-173)
SB16 |
Chapter 28 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Changes the name of the General Services Division of the Department of Public Safety. (BDR 43-136)
SB19 |
Chapter 100 |
Effective May 24, 2017, for the purposes of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to dual credit courses. (BDR 34-227)
SB20 |
Chapter 96 |
Effective May 23, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to educational personnel. (BDR 34-342)
SB22 |
Chapter 29 |
Effective May 18, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to governmental administration. (BDR 31-236)
SB25 |
Chapter 382 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the organization and functions of the Office of the Attorney General relating to domestic violence and the fictitious address program. (BDR 18-385)
SB26 |
Chapter 304 |
Effective June 2, 2017, for the purposes of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Makes certain changes concerning governmental entities that contract with or invest in companies that boycott Israel. (BDR 27-418)
SB27 |
Chapter 97 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises the definition of the term “mental illness” for purposes of provisions relating to criminal procedure, mental health and intellectual disabilities. (BDR 39-133)
SB29 |
Chapter 73 |
Effective May 22, 2017. |
Provides for the transfer of a criminal case from one justice court or municipal court to another such court or a district court in certain circumstances. (BDR 1-396)
SB31 |
Chapter 180 |
Effective May 26, 2017; for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and for all other purposes, on the earlier of July 1, 2020; or the date on which the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, pursuant to section 25 of this act, notifies the Governor that sufficient resources are available to enable the Department to carry out the amendatory provisions of this act. |
Revises provisions governing the registration and regulation of commercial motor vehicles. (BDR 43-141)
SB32 |
Chapter 50 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes to provisions governing securities. (BDR 7-417)
SB33 |
Chapter 202 |
Effective May 29, 2017. |
Prohibits the foreclosure of real property or a lien against a unit in a common-interest community owned by certain military personnel or their dependents in certain circumstances. (BDR 3-164)
SB35 |
Chapter 99 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Creates the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice Information Sharing of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice. (BDR 14-261)
SB37 |
Chapter 200 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to the issuance and renewal of license plates which commemorate the 150th anniversary of Nevada's admission into the Union. (BDR 43-232)
SB38 |
Chapter 217 |
Effective May 30, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the State's Central Mailing Room. (BDR 33-129)
SB40 |
Chapter 51 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the registration of child custody determinations from outside Nevada. (BDR 11-401)
SB41 |
Chapter 355 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises various provisions relating to business entities. (BDR 7-425)
SB42 |
Chapter 26 |
Effective May 18, 2017. |
Revises provisions related to justices of the peace. (BDR 1-394)
SB43 |
Chapter 98 |
Effective May 23, 2017. |
Revises the membership of the Nevada State Board on Geographic Names. (BDR 26-127)
SB44 |
Chapter 49 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the State Public Works Division to issue certain permits. (BDR 28-238)
SB45 |
Chapter 27 |
Effective May 18, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the State Public Works Division of the Department of Administration. (BDR 28-128)
SB46 |
Chapter 218 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing background checks of operators, employees and certain adult residents of a child care facility. (BDR 38-131)
SB47 |
Chapter 517 |
Effective June 9, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to the appropriation of water. (BDR 48-499)
SB49 |
Chapter 489 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to funding for pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-405)
SB50 |
Chapter 154 |
Effective May 26, 2017. |
Provides for advance directives governing the provision of psychiatric care. (BDR 40-174)
SB51 |
Chapter 156 |
Effective May 26, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to the adjudication of vested water rights. (BDR 48-180)
SB53 |
Chapter 120 |
Effective May 25, 2017, for the purpose of appointing members of the Telecommunications Advisory Council created by section 25 of this act, adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to the installation, operation and maintenance of telecommunications facilities. (BDR 18-234)
SB54 |
Chapter 193 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the use of the proceeds of a tax for infrastructure by certain smaller counties. (BDR 32-341)
SB56 |
Chapter 325 |
Effective June 3, 2017, for the purpose of performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Provides a charter for the City of Mesquite. (BDR S-434)
SB57 |
Chapter 62 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V & T Railway. (BDR S-414)
SB58 |
Chapter 4 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises various provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 37-124)
SB59 |
Chapter 219 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the program to monitor prescriptions for certain controlled substances. (BDR 40-386)
SB60 |
Chapter 356 |
Section 13 effective June 4, 2017. Sections 1 to 12, inclusive, effective June 4, 2017, for the purpose of performing any tasks necessary to obtain the approval of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for a program established pursuant to section 11 of this act. For all other purposes sections 1 to 10, inclusive, and 12 effective on the date on which a program to provide increased capitation payments to governmental providers for ground emergency medical transportation services established pursuant to section 11 of this act is approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; and section 11 effective on the date that a program to provide increased capitation payments to governmental providers for ground emergency medical transportation services established pursuant to that section is approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Revises provisions governing Medicaid payments for ground emergency medical transportation services. (BDR 38-411)
SB64 |
Chapter 179 |
Effective May 26, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the distribution of the proceeds of taxes on aviation fuel and fuel for jet or turbine-powered aircraft. (BDR 32-222)
SB65 |
Chapter 383 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Revises provisions related to the filing by certain electric utilities of an integrated resource plan. (BDR 58-167)
SB66 |
Chapter 596 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to work-based learning programs. (BDR 34-254)
SB69 |
Chapter 518 |
Sections 1 to 8.5, inclusive, and 10 to 14, inclusive, effective June 9, 2017. Section 9.5 effective on July 1, 2017, if Senate Bill No. 516 of this session is enacted by the Legislature and approved by the Governor. Section 9 effective on the date on which the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 666 requiring each state to establish procedures under which the state has authority to withhold or suspend, or to restrict the use of professional, occupational and recreational licenses of persons who: have failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant relating to a proceeding to determine the paternity of a child or to establish or enforce an obligation for the support of a child; or are in arrears in the payment for the support of one or more children, are repealed by the Congress of the United States. |
Revises provisions relating to state government. (BDR 54-229)
SB70 |
Chapter 3 |
Effective March 15, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the management of certain abandoned or unclaimed property by the Department of Veterans Services. (BDR 37-166)
SB71 |
Chapter 326 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to medical facilities, facilities for the dependent and certain other facilities. (BDR 40-183)
SB72 |
Chapter 519 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Merit Award Program. (BDR 23-239)
SB74 |
Chapter 520 |
Effective June 9, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to water. (BDR 48-178)
SB75 |
Chapter 157 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to the Department of Wildlife. (BDR 45-139)
SB78 |
Chapter 194 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to local government financial administration. (BDR 31-403)
SB79 |
Chapter 294 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions concerning the confidentiality of certain personal information of certain persons and entities. (BDR 20-400)
SB81 |
Chapter 327 |
Effective June 3, 2017. |
Provides for the conversion of state-chartered savings and loan associations to savings banks. (BDR 56-163)
SB84 |
Chapter 384 |
Sections 1 to 15.5, inclusive,16.5 to 30, inclusive, and section 31 effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 15.7 and 16 effective on January 1, 2018.
Makes various changes relating to ethics in government. (BDR 23-250)
SB91 |
Chapter 153 |
Effective May 26, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to drug donation programs. (BDR 40-271)
SB92 |
Chapter 7 |
Effective March 30, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease. (BDR S-270)
SB101 |
Chapter 238 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Restricts the authority to inject neuromodulators derived from Clostridium botulinum and dermal and soft tissue fillers to certain medical professionals. (BDR 40-677)
SB105 |
Chapter 87 |
Effective May 23, 2017. |
Authorizes and requests the Governor to proclaim “Indigenous Peoples Day.” (BDR 19-115)
SB107 |
Chapter 102 |
Effective May 24, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Authorizes ethnic and diversity studies in public high schools. (BDR 34-116)
SB108 |
Chapter 103 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires a study to determine the manner in which to include certain instruction relating to criminal law in the social studies curriculum for public high schools. (BDR S-523)
SB110 |
Chapter 107 |
Effective May 24, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the process for a change of name. (BDR 3-142)
SB112 |
Chapter 75 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires a course of study in health provided to pupils in certain grade levels in public schools to include certain information on organ and tissue donation. (BDR 34-516)
SB117 |
Chapter 195 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to election accessibility. (BDR 24-547)
SB118 |
Chapter 220 |
Effective May 30, 2017, for the purpose of appointing the voting members to the Nevada Task Force on Financial Security created by section 1 of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. This act expires by limitation June 30, 2019. |
Creates the interim Nevada Task Force on Financial Security. (BDR S-23)
SB120 |
Chapter 521 |
Sections 5 and 6 effective June 9, 2017. Sections 1 to 4, inclusive, effective on July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to problem gambling. (BDR 40-810)
SB121 |
Chapter 522 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to conduct an interim study concerning issues regarding the behavioral and cognitive care needs of older persons. (BDR S-63)
SB122 |
Chapter 164 |
Effective May 26, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Establishes a program to provide grants for family planning services. (BDR 40-630)
SB123 |
Chapter 155 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. (BDR 38-507)
SB124 |
Chapter 490 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions concerning the ownership, possession and control of firearms by certain persons. (BDR 3-307)
SB125 |
Chapter 256 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the sealing of criminal records. (BDR 14-20)
SB126 |
Chapter 450 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Establishes a program to provide loans to small business enterprises, minority-owned business enterprises, women-owned business enterprises and disadvantaged business enterprises. (BDR 18-21)
SB131 |
Chapter 112 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Requires certain pharmacies to, upon request, provide a prescription reader or advice on obtaining a prescription reader. (BDR 54-665)
SB132 |
Chapter 491 |
Effective July 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions relating to public high schools. (BDR 34-47)
SB133 |
Chapter 163 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act. (BDR 11-571)
SB136 |
Chapter 316 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes concerning health care. (BDR 18-143)
SB137 |
Chapter 357 |
Effective June 4, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing certain plans, programs and reports relating to veterans. (BDR 37-64)
SB138 |
Chapter 358 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the creation of a local improvement district for a waterfront maintenance project. (BDR 22-678)
SB141 |
Chapter 204 |
Sections 1, 2, 4 and 9 of this act become effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 3 and 5 to 8, inclusive, of this act become effective on the earlier of July 1, 2018, or the date on which the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that sufficient resources are available to enable the Department to carry out the provisions of chapter 62, Statutes of Nevada 2015, page 262. |
Revises provisions relating to special license plates for veterans with a qualifying service-connected disability. (BDR 43-636)
SB144 |
Chapter 548 |
Effective June 12, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-300)
SB145 |
Chapter 239 |
Effective May 31, 2017, for the purpose of performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Sections 1 to 2, inclusive, expire by limitation December 31, 2025. |
Revises provisions relating to energy. (BDR 58-54)
SB146 |
Chapter 590 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the filing of an integrated resources plan with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. (BDR 58-15)
SB148 |
Chapter 56 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 37-57)
SB149 |
Chapter 492 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing regional transportation commissions. (BDR 22-318)
SB150 |
Chapter 591 |
Effective June 15, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions related to energy efficiency programs. (BDR 58-568)
SB155 |
Chapter 451 |
Effective June 8, 2017, for the purpose of performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Makes an appropriation for educational leadership training programs. (BDR S-1)
SB159 |
Chapter 221 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Provides for the regulation of the sale of dextromethorphan. (BDR 40-543)
SB160 |
Chapter 121 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to administrative regulations. (BDR 18-610)
SB162 |
Chapter 385 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to psychological assistants, psychological interns and psychological trainees. (BDR 54-614)
SB163 |
Chapter 247 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to professional entities. (BDR 7-632)
SB164 |
Chapter 295 |
Effective June 1, 2017. |
Authorizes a school district to lease school buses or vehicles belonging to the school district in certain circumstances. (BDR 34-668)
SB165 |
Chapter 257 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes concerning the prevention and treatment of obesity. (BDR 40-791)
SB167 |
Chapter 452 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation for the creation and maintenance of school gardens. (BDR S-834)
SB169 |
Chapter 375 |
Sections 1.7 and 21 to 24, inclusive, effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 2 to 9, inclusive, and 11 to 20, inclusive, effective on October 1, 2017. Sections 1.3 and 10 effective on January 1, 2020.
Revises provisions relating to sexual offenses. (BDR 15-472)
SB171 |
Chapter 339 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Requires certain pharmacies to post or provide written instructions for the safe disposal of unused drugs. (BDR 54-634)
SB175 |
Chapter 24 |
Effective May 18, 2017. |
Designates May 18 as Asian Culture Day in Nevada. (BDR 19-74)
SB176 |
Chapter 129 |
Effective May 25, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any preliminary administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to public safety. (BDR 23-666)
SB177 |
Chapter 106 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the assignment of certain defendants to a program for treatment of mental illness. (BDR 14-754)
SB178 |
Chapter 453 |
Effective June 8, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to the funding formula for K-12 public education. (BDR 34-792)
SB182 |
Chapter 196 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing sheriffs, constables and deputy constables. (BDR 20-607)
SB183 |
Chapter 328 |
Effective on July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to housing authorities. (BDR 31-616)
SB185 |
Chapter 317 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to trade regulations. (BDR 52-27)
SB187 |
Chapter 454 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation for the establishment of a fine arts museum in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the expansion of the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno, Nevada. (BDR S-267)
SB188 |
Chapter 197 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions prohibiting certain discriminatory acts. (BDR 18-106)
SB189 |
Chapter 587 |
Effective June 14, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to child care facilities. (BDR 38-61)
SB191 |
Chapter 205 |
Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 of this act become effective May 29, 2017. Sections 4 and 6 of this act become effective on the earlier of: July 1, 2018; or the date on which the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, pursuant to section 7 of chapter 62, Statutes of Nevada 2015, page 268, notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that sufficient resources are available to enable the Department to carry out the amendatory provisions of chapter 62, Statutes of Nevada 2015, page 262. |
Establishes a standard for evidence of eligibility for any benefit, program or assistance provided to a veteran with a military service-connected disability. (BDR 37-803)
SB192 |
Chapter 455 |
Sections 2 and 3 effective July 1, 2017. Section 1 effective July 1, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of that section and October 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Establishes required hours of operation for certain mobile mental health units. (BDR 39-816)
SB194 |
Chapter 374 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Prohibits the sale of products derived from or containing certain animal species under certain circumstances. (BDR 52-664)
SB195 |
Chapter 198 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to common-interest communities and time shares. (BDR 10-470)
SB197 |
Chapter 32 |
Effective May 18, 2017. |
Extends the deadline for issuing certain bonds for certain environmental improvement projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin. (BDR S-493)
SB198 |
Chapter 33 |
Effective May 18, 2017. |
Extends the deadline for issuing certain bonds relating to the property and natural resources of Nevada approved by the voters in 2002. (BDR S-494)
SB199 |
Chapter 393 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to alcoholic beverages. (BDR 52-519)
SB200 |
Chapter 597 |
Effective June 15, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. For all other purposes: Sections 1, 4, 7, 8, 8.5, 9 and 10 effective July 1, 2017. Sections 3, 4.5, 5 and 5.5 effective July 1, 2018. Section 6 effective July 1, 2020. Sections 2 and 8.3 effective July 1, 2022.
Revises provisions relating to instruction in computer education and technology. (BDR 34-266)
SB201 |
Chapter 23 |
Effective May 17, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Enacts provisions relating to conversion therapies. (BDR 54-301)
SB202 |
Chapter 113 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises various provisions of the Charter of the City of Sparks. (BDR S-503)
SB203 |
Chapter 559 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to domestic corporations. (BDR 7-71)
SB204 |
Chapter 240 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to investigate and establish biennial targets for certain electric utilities to procure energy storage systems under certain circumstances. (BDR 58-642)
SB206 |
Chapter 122 |
Sections 5, 6, 7 and 9 of this act become effective May 25, 2017. Sections 1 to 4, inclusive, of this act become effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to barbering. (BDR 54-535)
SB209 |
Chapter 560 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to insurance. (BDR 57-485)
SB212 |
Chapter 561 |
Effective July 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions governing the welfare of pupils. (BDR 34-674)
SB213 |
Chapter 493 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-583)
SB215 |
Chapter 241 |
Effective May 31, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises the circumstances under which the holder of a driver's license or identification card must report a name change to the Department of Motor Vehicles. (BDR 43-673)
SB225 |
Chapter 577 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to bullying and cyber-bullying. (BDR 34-753)
SB227 |
Chapter 318 |
Effective June 2, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to nurses. (BDR 54-213)
SB229 |
Chapter 599 |
Effective June 15, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations or performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to guardianships. (BDR 13-87)
SB230 |
Chapter 329 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to judgments. (BDR 2-512)
SB232 |
Chapter 550 |
Effective June 12, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Enacts the Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights. (BDR 53-887)
SB233 |
Chapter 323 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Requires the State Plan for Medicaid and certain health insurance plans to provide certain benefits. (BDR 38-817)
SB235 |
Chapter 598 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Provides for the regulation of ticket sales to an athletic contest or live entertainment event in certain circumstances. (BDR 52-672)
SB237 |
Chapter 182 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the protection of children. (BDR 38-469)
SB239 |
Chapter 296 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to common-interest communities. (BDR 10-471)
SB240 |
Chapter 199 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to gaming. (BDR 41-939)
SB241 |
Chapter 101 |
Effective May 24, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Provides for the establishment of the State Seal of STEM Program and the State Seal of STEAM Program. (BDR 34-680)
SB244 |
Chapter 523 |
Section 39 effective June 9, 2017. Sections 38.3, 38.5 and 38.7 effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 1 to 38, inclusive, effective: June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and on July 1, 2018, for all other purposes.
Revises provisions relating to historic preservation. (BDR 33-515)
SB245 |
Chapter 222 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing county treasurers. (BDR 20-599)
SB246 |
Chapter 562 |
Sections 5, 6 and 7 effective June 12, 2017. Sections 1 to 4, inclusive, effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 1 to 3, inclusive, of this act expire by limitation on June 30, 2021. |
Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-667)
SB247 |
Chapter 158 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-326)
SB249 |
Chapter 456 |
Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 effective June 8, 2017. Section 4.5 effective July 1, 2017. Section 2 effective July 1, 2022. |
Requires instruction in financial literacy and economics in public schools. (BDR 34-62)
SB251 |
Chapter 524 |
Effective June 9, 2017. |
Requires the Board to Review Claims to adopt regulations for the administration of certain programs to assist operators of petroleum storage tanks. (BDR 40-942)
SB252 |
Chapter 159 |
Effective May 26, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions governing interscholastic activities. (BDR 34-785)
SB253 |
Chapter 319 |
Effective June 2, 2017, for the purpose of providing the notice required pursuant to section 19 of this act; and October 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Establishes the Nevada Pregnant Workers' Fairness Act to provide protections to female employees and applicants for employment who are affected by a condition of the employee or applicant relating to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition. (BDR 53-773)
SB255 |
Chapter 248 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to common-interest communities. (BDR 10-789)
SB256 |
Chapter 181 |
Effective May 26, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to the Board of Dental Examiners of Nevada. (BDR 54-549)
SB257 |
Chapter 457 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the welfare of children. (BDR 38-662)
SB258 |
Chapter 563 |
Section 2 and 3 effective July 1, 2017. Section 1 effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to property. (BDR 10-994)
SB259 |
Chapter 564 |
Effective June 12, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and October 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. (BDR 43-606)
SB260 |
Chapter 386 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Establishes requirements for engaging in the collaborative practice of pharmacy. (BDR 54-973)
SB262 |
Chapter 359 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions concerning payments for treatment relating to mental illness or the abuse of alcohol or drugs. (BDR 57-455)
SB267 |
Chapter 123 |
Effective May 25, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing real property. (BDR 9-822)
SB268 |
Chapter 565 |
Effective June 12, 2017, for the purpose of performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and October 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises various provisions relating to corrections. (BDR 16-546)
SB270 |
Chapter 525 |
Sections 1, 2, 5 to 8 and 13, inclusive, and 11 effective on July 1, 2017. Sections 3, 4, 9, 10 and 12 effective on January 1, 2028. |
Revises provisions relating to water. (BDR 48-359)
SB273 |
Chapter 223 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the dismissal of a probationary employee of a school district. (BDR 34-582)
SB274 |
Chapter 330 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to sibling visitation in child welfare cases. (BDR 38-925)
SB277 |
Chapter 114 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to criminal justice information. (BDR 14-1004)
SB279 |
Chapter 224 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes certain mayors to perform marriages. (BDR 11-517)
SB281 |
Chapter 331 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to real property. (BDR 32-99)
SB283 |
Chapter 527 |
Effective June 9, 2017. |
Provides for the issuance of special license plates indicating support for the Vegas Golden Knights hockey team. (BDR 43-924)
SB286 |
Chapter 588 |
Sections 74 and 78 effective June 14, 2017. Sections 1 to 71, inclusive, 73, 75, 76 and 77 effective January 1, 2019. Section 72 effective July 1, 2026. Sections 22 and 32 expire by limitation the date on which the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 666 requiring each state to establish procedures under which the state has authority to withhold or suspend, or to restrict the use of professional, occupational and recreational licenses of persons who: have failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant relating to a proceeding to determine the paternity of a child or to establish or enforce an obligation for the support of a child; or are in arrears in the payment for the support of one or more children,
are repealed by the Congress of the United States.
Revises provisions governing the regulation of applied behavior analysis. (BDR 39-633)
SB287 |
Chapter 338 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the protection of children. (BDR 38-609)
SB291 |
Chapter 415 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to health records. (BDR 54-350)
SB295 |
Chapter 225 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing endowment care funds for cemeteries. (BDR 40-840)
SB300 |
Chapter 458 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Department of Education for a program of peer assistance and review of teachers. (BDR S-4)
SB301 |
Chapter 115 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-550)
SB303 |
Chapter 494 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Requires an audit of certain performance assessments conducted in public schools. (BDR S-306)
SB305 |
Chapter 242 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions regarding certain proceedings concerning children. (BDR 38-926)
SB306 |
Chapter 537 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purpose of performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Sections 1.7, 2 and 3 of this act expire by limitation June 30, 2019. |
Revises provisions relating to offenders. (BDR 16-298)
SB308 |
Chapter 258 |
Effective July 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions relating to motor vehicle insurance. (BDR 43-938)
SB311 |
Chapter 249 |
Effective May 31, 2017 |
Makes permanent the repeal of certain provisions relating to sellers of travel. (BDR 52-90)
SB312 |
Chapter 243 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to driving under certain conditions. (BDR 43-94)
SB313 |
Chapter 119 |
Effective May 24, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to local public libraries. (BDR 33-804)
SB314 |
Chapter 244 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions related to the installation of certain systems for obtaining wind energy. (BDR 22-482)
SB318 |
Chapter 226 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the payment of wages to certain employees. (BDR 53-1088)
SB320 |
Chapter 497 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Sets forth certain conditions relating to the towing or immobilizing of a motor vehicle. (BDR 58-1143)
SB322 |
Chapter 337 |
Sections 1, 2 and 4 effective July 1, 2018. Section 3 effective July 1, 2019. |
Revises provisions governing the requirement for an examination in civics as a condition for graduation from high school. (BDR 34-993)
SB323 |
Chapter 332 |
Sections 1, 3 and 4 effective June 3, 2017. Section 2 effective June 3, 2017, for the purposes of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Section 3 expires by limitation October 1, 2019.
Revises provisions governing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. (BDR 38-627)
SB324 |
Chapter 373 |
Effective June 4, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Authorizes employees of certain facilities and organizations to check vital signs and provide related services. (BDR 40-372)
SB325 |
Chapter 593 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing medical assistance to certain children. (BDR 38-941)
SB326 |
Chapter 55 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires a child care facility to grant priority in admission to children of a parent serving or who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States. (BDR 38-558)
SB337 |
Chapter 360 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes registered pharmacists to collect specimens and perform certain laboratory tests. (BDR 54-945)
SB338 |
Chapter 227 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to contractors. (BDR 2-518)
SB339 |
Chapter 245 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions relating to the issuance of vintage license plates. (BDR 43-80)
SB344 |
Chapter 539 |
Sections 3 to 9 inclusive, effective July 1, 2017. Section 1 effective October 1, 2017. Section 2 effective January 1, 2020. |
Revises various provisions relating to the labeling, packaging and advertising of marijuana. (BDR 40-451)
SB350 |
Chapter 566 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the installation and use of certain technology devices in a motor vehicle. (BDR 52-575)
SB352 |
Chapter 372 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the taxation of property rebuilt after an event proclaimed an emergency or disaster by the Governor. (BDR 32-929)
SB355 |
Chapter 495 |
Effective June 8, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Increases the fee for a certificate of death to fund grief support services. (BDR 40-114)
SB360 |
Chapter 387 |
Section 9.1 effective June 5, 2017. Sections 4 to 7, inclusive, and 8 effective June 5, 2017 for the purpose of performing any preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of those sections; and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. Sections 1 to 3.5, inclusive, and 7.5 effective on October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the protection of older persons, vulnerable persons and persons in need of a guardian. (BDR 15-965)
SB361 |
Chapter 496 |
Effective June 8, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions related to domestic violence. (BDR 53-775)
SB362 |
Chapter 116 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to racketeering. (BDR 15-966)
SB364 |
Chapter 333 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the trapping of certain animals. (BDR 45-107)
SB366 |
Chapter 246 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to Medicaid. (BDR 38-927)
SB368 |
Chapter 534 |
Effective July 1, 2017 |
Provides for compensation of state employees. (BDR S-113)
SB369 |
Chapter 379 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to public schools. (BDR 34-971)
SB370 |
Chapter 297 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the transportation of game, hunters and hunting equipment. (BDR 45-206)
SB371 |
Chapter 301 |
Effective June 1, 2017. |
Establishes provisions governing the care of an animal which has been impounded. (BDR 14-153)
SB373 |
Chapter 459 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the appointment of a Minority Affairs Management Analyst in the Office of the Director of the Department of Business and Industry. (BDR 18-1108)
SB375 |
Chapter 305 |
Effective June 2, 2017. |
Authorizes agreements between the Governor and Indian tribes in this State relating to the regulation of the use of marijuana. (BDR 18-321)
SB376 |
Chapter 567 |
Effective June 12, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to gaming. (BDR 41-480)
SB377 |
Chapter 460 |
Effective July 1, 2017, and expires by limitation on June 30, 2019. |
Revises provisions relating to indigent defense. (BDR 14-1005)
SB383 |
Chapter 322 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing financial planners. (BDR 54-1150)
SB386 |
Chapter 334 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to progressive discipline and on-site review of disciplinary decisions. (BDR 34-1137)
SB388 |
Chapter 298 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to persons who provide personal care in the home. (BDR 40-613)
SB390 |
Chapter 544 |
Effective July 1, 2017, and expires by limitation June 30, 2019. |
Extending and revising the Zoom schools program for the 2017-2019 biennium. (BDR S-788)
SB391 |
Chapter 461 |
Sections 1 to 15 and 20, inclusive, and 17, 18, 18.5 and 19 effective June 8, 2017 for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Section 18.3 effective on July 1, 2017. Section 16 effective June 8, 2017 for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and on July 1, 2018, for all other purposes.
Provides for awards of scholarships by community colleges in the Nevada System of Higher Education. (BDR 34-815)
SB394 |
Chapter 369 |
Effective June 4, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to health insurance. (BDR 57-950)
SB396 |
Chapter 259 |
Effective July 1, 2017. Sections 13 and 14 of this act expire by limitation on the date on which the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 666 requiring each state to establish procedures under which the state has authority to withhold or suspend, or to restrict the use of professional, occupational and recreational licenses of persons who: have failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant relating to a proceeding to determine the paternity of a child or to establish or enforce an obligation for the support of a child; or are in arrears in the payment for the support of one or more children, are repealed by the Congress of the United States.
Revises provisions relating to industrial hemp. (BDR 49-53)
SB398 |
Chapter 391 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Establishes various provisions relating to the use of blockchain technology. (BDR 59-158)
SB399 |
Chapter 370 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Provides for the acceptance of a tribal identification card in certain circumstances. (BDR 18-78)
SB400 |
Chapter 498 |
Effective June 8, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Authorizes the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to enter into success contracts. (BDR 18-310)
SB402 |
Chapter 499 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Restricts the use of certain disciplinary action on persons in confinement. (BDR 16-1087)
SB406 |
Chapter 361 |
Effective June 4, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations or performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to court reporters and court reporting firms. (BDR 54-949)
SB407 |
Chapter 388 |
Effective June 5, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Creates the Nevada Clean Energy Fund. (BDR 58-1133)
SB409 |
Chapter 364 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to animals. (BDR 15-100)
SB411 |
Chapter 320 |
Effective June 2, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing cruelty to animals. (BDR 50-11)
SB412 |
Chapter 117 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions related to lifeline service. (BDR 58-624)
SB413 |
Chapter 299 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Establishes “Public Lands Day” in the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-772)
SB414 |
Chapter 428 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the taxation of certain property owned by nonresidents. (BDR 32-935)
SB415 |
Chapter 389 |
Sections 1 to 9, inclusive, and section 13 effective October 1, 2017. Sections 10, 11 and 12 effective January 1, 2019, and expire by limitation December 31, 2028, only if the proposal submitted pursuant to sections 2 to 9, inclusive, of this act is approved by the voters at the General Election, November 6, 2018. |
Proposes to exempt sales of feminine hygiene products from sales and use taxes and analogous taxes. (BDR 32-631)
SB420 |
Chapter 321 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing pupil publications in public schools and student publications in the Nevada System of Higher Education. (BDR 34-776)
SB422 |
Chapter 250 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing regional planning coalitions in certain counties. (BDR 22-919)
SB428 |
Chapter 526 |
Sections 1 and 11 effective July 1, 2017. Sections 1.3, 2 to 5, inclusive, 6 and 7 to 10, inclusive, effective on the date 2 years after the date on which the Administrator of the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, pursuant to the authority granted in NRS 407.065, establishes Tule Springs State Park. Sections 1.7, 5.5 and 6.5 effective January 1, 2018. |
Provides for the issuance of certain special license plates. (BDR 43-1015)
SB429 |
Chapter 260 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Establishes provisions relating to urban agriculture. (BDR 22-1078)
SB432 |
Chapter 568 |
Effective January 1, 2018. |
Revises provisions governing proceedings for the termination of parental rights. (BDR 38-475)
SB433 |
Chapter 390 |
Sections 1 to 36, inclusive, and 38, to 41 inclusive, effective July 1, 2017. Section 37 effective July 1, 2017, if, and only if, Assembly Bill No. 319 of this session is enacted by the Legislature and becomes effective.
Revises provisions relating to guardianships. (BDR 13-487)
SB437 |
Chapter 300 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to physical therapy. (BDR 54-483)
SB442 |
Chapter 545 |
Effective July 1, 2017. Section 2 expires by limitation June 30, 2023. Sections 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 7.5, 14.7 and 14.9 expire by limitation June 30, 2032. Section 3 expires by limitation June 30, 2035. Sections 8 and 9 expire by limitation June 30, 2036. Section 22 expires by limitation June 30, 2049. Section 4 expires by limitation December 31, 2056. |
Revises provisions relating to economic development. (BDR 32-1001)
SB443 |
Chapter 528 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Requires the Aging and Disability Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to employ sign language interpreters. (BDR 38-145)
SB444 |
Chapter 462 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Department of Veterans Services to provide assistance and support for the Adopt a Vet Dental Program. (BDR S-147)
SB445 |
Chapter 463 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Eighth Judicial District Court for a Veterans Court Coordinator. (BDR S-148)
SB447 |
Chapter 261 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to absentee voting. (BDR 24-1125)
SB448 |
Chapter 500 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-603)
SB451 |
Chapter 583 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to criminal justice. (BDR 14-1007)
SB452 |
Chapter 414 |
Section 7.1 effective June 5, 2017. Sections 1 to 6, inclusive, effective June 5, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. Section 5.5 effective July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Sections 1 to 5, inclusive, and 6 effective July 1, 2018, for all other purposes.
Revises provisions governing certificates of title for vehicles. (BDR 43-1067)
SB454 |
Chapter 262 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Enacts the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act. (BDR 12-1070)
SB457 |
Chapter 603 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Provides for the award of college credit for military education, training and occupational experience. (BDR 34-1080)
SB458 |
Chapter 529 |
Sections 1 to10 inclusive, effective July 1, 2017. Sections 6.5, 7.3 and 7.7 effective July 1, 2017, if and only if, Senate Bill No. 516 is enacted by the Legislature and approved by the Governor. |
Revises provisions relating to the development and operation of the statewide longitudinal data system. (BDR 34-331)
SB460 |
Chapter 413 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the membership of the Local Government Employee-Management Relations Board. (BDR 23-556)
SB462 |
Chapter 251 |
Effective July 1, 2017. Expires by limitation June 30, 2021. |
Authorizes a board of county commissioners to create a committee to review general improvement districts. (BDR 20-496)
SB466 |
Chapter 255 |
Effective October 1, 2017. Section 4 expires by limitation January 1, 2019. |
Makes various changes relating to the State Board of Oriental Medicine. (BDR 54-557)
SB467 |
Chapter 579 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to technology in public schools. (BDR 34-1120)
SB468 |
Chapter 580 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes changes relating to overtime and the calculation of hours worked for certain domestic service employees. (BDR 53-149)
SB471 |
Chapter 335 |
Effective June 3, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and October 1, 2017, for all other purposes.
Revises provisions related to improvement districts. (BDR 25-495)
SB473 |
Chapter 263 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Excludes juveniles from increased penalties for certain sexual offenses. (BDR 15-346)
SB476 |
Chapter 252 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Makes changes relating to the Commission for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels. (BDR 10-554)
SB477 |
Chapter 336 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Enacts provisions relating to residential establishments for persons with disabilities. (BDR 22-146)
SB478 |
Chapter 581 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to certain disciplinary action against state employees. (BDR 23-1043)
SB480 |
Chapter 264 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the protection of children. (BDR 38-1089)
SB481 |
Chapter 429 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Creates the Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired. (BDR 38-604)
SB482 |
Chapter 578 |
Effective June 13, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to health care facilities. (BDR 40-605)
SB487 |
Chapter 541 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to sales of marijuana and related products. (BDR 32-818)
SB488 |
Chapter 569 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to certain crimes. (BDR 15-1086)
SB490 |
Chapter 571 |
Effective June 12, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the foreclosure of real property. (BDR 9-488)
SB491 |
Chapter 124 |
Effective May 25, 2017. |
Makes various changes relating to mechanical voting systems and mechanical recording devices. (BDR 24-491)
SB492 |
Chapter 546 |
Effective July 1, 2017, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and on January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-450)
SB493 |
Chapter 265 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions concerning the participation of certain school administrators in collective bargaining. (BDR 23-1081)
SB496 |
Chapter 367 |
Effective June 4, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the issuance of revenue bonds and other securities by the Nevada System of Higher Education. (BDR S-1083)
SB497 |
Chapter 530 |
Effective July 1, 2017. Expires by limitation June 30, 2018. |
Creates the Advisory Task Force on School Leader Management. (BDR S-332)
SB498 |
Chapter 531 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to mortgage brokers, mortgage agents and mortgage bankers. (BDR 54-484)
SB499 |
Chapter 266 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to forestry. (BDR 47-492)
SB500 |
Chapter 532 |
Effective June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other preparatory tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Revises provisions relating to the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry. (BDR 18-909)
SB501 |
Chapter 365 |
Effective June 4, 2017. |
Extends the prospective expiration of the Consumer Affairs Unit of the Department of Business and Industry. (BDR 18-908)
SB502 |
Chapter 302 |
Effective June 1, 2017, for the purpose of appointing, pursuant to section 51 of this act, members to the Board of the Public Employees' Benefits Program created by NRS 287.041, as amended by section 15 of this act; and on July 1, 2017, for all other purposes. |
Makes various changes relating to the Public Employees' Benefits Program and the Public Employees' Deferred Compensation Program. (BDR 18-979)
SB503 |
Chapter 467 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Account for the Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program. (BDR S-904)
SB509 |
Chapter 303 |
Effective June 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the imposition of an assessment on the operators of certain agencies and facilities. (BDR 38-980)
SB510 |
Chapter 254 |
Effective May 31, 2017. |
Revises provision governing the eligibility of a child for assistance from the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program. (BDR 38-901)
SB511 |
Chapter 533 |
Sections 6.5 and 29 effective June 9, 2017. Sections 1 to 6, inclusive, and 7 to 28, inclusive, effective: June 9, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations or performing any preparatory administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes.
Revises provisions governing boating and wildlife. (BDR 45-896)
SB512 |
Chapter 366 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to fees for the use of certain state lands. (BDR 26-906)
SB513 |
Chapter 201 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Increases the limit on the assessment for water distribution expenses. (BDR 48-905)
SB514 |
Chapter 535 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the Division of Water Resources of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. (BDR 48-903)
SB515 |
Chapter 253 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to the financial administration of the Securities Division of the Office of the Secretary of State. (BDR 7-894)
SB516 |
Chapter 595 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing workforce innovation and apprenticeships. (BDR 53-913)
SB518 |
Chapter 368 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to certain accounts used for the education of pupils enrolled in public schools. (BDR 34-1094)
SB519 |
Chapter 206 |
Effective May 30, 2017. |
Makes supplemental appropriations to the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for a projected shortfall for adoption subsidies. (BDR S-1181)
SB522 |
Chapter 468 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes a supplemental appropriation to the State Distributive School Account for an unanticipated shortfall in local school support tax revenues and an increase in K-12 enrollment for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years. (BDR S-1175)
SB524 |
Chapter 228 |
Effective May 31, 2017. |
Makes supplemental appropriations to the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for a projected shortfall for certain activities. (BDR S-1173)
SB525 |
Chapter 207 |
Effective May 30, 2017. |
Makes a supplemental appropriation to the Nevada Highway Patrol Division of the Department of Public Safety for a projected shortfall related to higher than anticipated costs for providing protective services for dignitaries visiting the State of Nevada. (BDR S-1182)
SB526 |
Chapter 208 |
Effective May 30, 2017. |
Makes supplemental appropriations to the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for projected shortfalls related to child and adolescent services. (BDR S-1169)
SB527 |
Chapter 469 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes a supplemental appropriation to the Nevada Supreme Court for a projected shortfall related to judicial selection processes. (BDR S-1170)
SB528 |
Chapter 470 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Fund for Aviation for the enlargement, improvement or maintenance of rural airports, landing areas or air navigation facilities in Nevada. (BDR S-1174)
SB529 |
Chapter 471 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety for the costs associated with emergency responses to flood events that occurred in 2017. (BDR S-1183)
SB530 |
Chapter 472 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy of the Department of Health and Human Services for the completion of the Medicaid Management Information System modernization project and authorizes the expenditure of certain money for such a purpose. (BDR S-1196)
SB531 |
Chapter 473 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Aging and Disability Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services for deferred maintenance projects at the Desert Regional Center and for changing the information system platform for early intervention services. (BDR S-1195)
SB532 |
Chapter 474 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health of the Department of Health and Human Services for a laboratory information system and integrated medication management system. (BDR S-1197)
SB533 |
Chapter 412 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for certain information system projects and authorizes the expenditure of certain money for such purposes. (BDR S-1198)
SB534 |
Chapter 400 |
Effective June 5, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for deferred maintenance projects essential for the security and operation of certain facilities. (BDR S-1199)
SB536 |
Chapter 543 |
Effective June 12, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for projects at certain parks and recreation areas. (BDR S-1205)
SB537 |
Chapter 475 |
Effective June 8, 2017. |
Makes appropriations to the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for certain equipment, a vehicle and certain deferred maintenance projects. (BDR S-1206)
SB538 |
Chapter 570 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Adopts provisions to protect Internet privacy. (BDR 52-1216)
SB539 |
Chapter 592 |
Sections 26.9 and 28 effective June 15, 2017. Section 8.6 effective July 1, 2017. Sections 1 to 6.5, inclusive, 7.5, 8, 9 and 26.6 effective June 15, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and October 1, 2017, for all other purposes. Sections 10 to 26.3, inclusive, and 27 effective June 15, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and January 1, 2018, for all other purposes. Section 7 effective June 15, 2017, for the purpose of adopting regulations and performing any other administrative tasks necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; and May 1, 2018, for all other purposes.
Revises provisions relating to prescription drugs. (BDR 40-1217)
SB540 |
Chapter 585 |
Effective June 14, 2017. |
Directs the Legislative Commission to authorize the construction or installation of a memorial to Nevada firefighters on the Capitol Complex. (BDR S-1221)
SB541 |
Chapter 586 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Enhances the criminal penalty for certain crimes committed against first responders. (BDR 15-1219)
SB543 |
Chapter 464 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health. (BDR S-1235)
SB544 |
Chapter 394 |
Section 2 effective July 1, 2015; expires by limitation June 30, 2019. Sections 1 to 21, inclusive, 23 and 25 to 44, inclusive, and 46 effective July 1, 2017. Section 22 effective July 1, 2017, if and only if Senate Bill No. 390 of this session is enacted by the Legislature and approved by the Governor. Section 24 effective July 1, 2017, if and only if Assembly Bill No. 447 of this session is enacted by the Legislature and approved by the Governor.
Ensures sufficient funding for K-12 public education for the 2017-2019 biennium. (BDR 34-1189)
SB545 |
Chapter 397 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes expenditures by agencies of the State Government for the 2017-2019 biennium. (BDR S-1186)
SB548 |
Chapter 602 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Provides for the establishment of the Nevada Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation. (BDR 34-1232)
SB549 |
Chapter 465 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Makes an appropriation to the Division of State Library, Archives and Public Records of the Department of Administration for certain projects, services and technology. (BDR S-1240)
SB550 |
Chapter 466 |
Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4.1 effective June 8, 2017. Sections 3.1 to 3.9, inclusive, effective July 1, 2017.
Makes an appropriation to a disbursement account for costs relating to a human resource management information system for the Clark County School District and an appropriation to the Washoe County School District for certain other expenses and an appropriation to the Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc. for certain grants. (BDR S-1231)
SB551 |
Chapter 476 |
Sections 2.5 and 3 effective June 8, 2017. Sections 1 and 2 effective July 1, 2017. |
Establishes for the 2017-2019 biennium the subsidies to be paid to the Public Employees' Benefits Program for insurance for certain active and retired public officers and employees. (BDR S-1242)
SB552 |
Chapter 536 |
Sections 2, 3.5 and 5 effective June 9, 2017. Sections 1, 3 and 4 effective on July 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions governing the cost of certain coverage under the Public Employees' Benefits Program. (BDR 23-1226)
SB553 |
Chapter 601 |
Effective June 15, 2017. |
Authorizes and provides funding for the advance planning of the College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building and to complete planning and begin construction of a new building for the Medical School at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (BDR S-1244)
SB554 |
Chapter 582 |
Effective October 1, 2017. |
Revises provisions relating to transportation network companies. (BDR 58-1247)
SB555 |
Chapter 600 |
Effective July 1, 2017. |
Authorizes the issuance of an additional amount of credits against the modified business tax for taxpayers who donate money to a scholarship organization. (BDR 32-1248)