Vetoed Bills, 1899-Current

Information contained in this database was compiled by going through the Journals of the Senate and the Journals of the Assembly. The bill numbers, bill summaries, and votes regarding the vetoes were found using the Journals. The date of the veto was taken from the veto message itself. Sometimes the veto messages were not printed in the Journals, but in the Appendices to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly.

Bills are cataloged according to their session of origin (i.e., the session in which they were introduced), regardless of whether the veto of the bill was acted on in the same session. For example, Governor Sadler vetoed five bills that originated in the 1899 Session. However, he vetoed the bills after session and the bills were returned to the 1901 Session where they were acted upon. Those five bills are counted as belonging to the 1899 Session. Similarly, those five bills are not counted toward the vetoed bill total for 1901 as they were introduced in and vetoed in 1899.

The information in this database covers the years 1899 to current and is therefore not comprehensive and should not be relied upon as a complete listing of all vetoes. Because information older than 1899 is more difficult to verify, it has not been included. As information is verified and cataloged, it will be added. For information about vetoes for sessions prior to 1899, please contact the Nevada State Archives at 775-684-3310.

Any combination of fields will work - use as many or as few as you need. The symbols & / ! represent Boolean AND, OR, NOT and may be used between words or phrases. Include a space before and after the symbol. For example, you could search for government and politics / taxation in the Bill Summary field and you would get results that had one or the other subject assigned to it. If you search for government and politics & taxation in the same field, you will get results that have both of those subjects. Likewise, if you search for government and politics ! taxation in the same field, you will get results that have the government and politics subject, but not taxation.

Use an asterisk (*) at the end of a word to search for all possible word endings. For example, you could search for legislat* and you would get results containing all words beginning with legislat (legislature, legislative, legislator, etc.).

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Note re Outcomes:

When a vetoed bill is returned to its house of origin, the question is put before the body: "Shall the bill pass notwithstanding the veto of the Governor?" A yea vote is a vote for override, a nay vote is a vote to sustain the veto. The votes are noted in this book as follows:

Yea (Override)—Nay (Sustain)—Excused—Absent—Not Voting

Thus, a vote of 25-8-2-2-3 means 25 members voted to override, 8 voted to sustain, 2 members were excused, 2 members were absent, and 3 members did not vote. A two-thirds majority is necessary in each house to override a gubernatorial veto. This is only a note on the vote regarding the veto and does not represent the original votes of the houses on the bill. Please consult the Journals of the Senate and Assembly to find the original votes on the bills.

When a house does not raise the question of a veto for a vote, it is noted in this database as Not Acted Upon. The notation is to indicate that the question of the veto itself was not put before the body nor acted upon.

Some bills of the most recent session have the notation (Not acted upon) and others have the notation (To be returned to 20XX Legislature). The bills that were not acted upon were bills vetoed during session which the Legislature needed to act on before sine die. The bills with the notation (To be returned to 20XX Legislature) are bills that were vetoed after session and will be returned to the next regular session of the Legislature for final disposition.

This field searches for the ordinal number of the session—e.g., the 25th Session (which was the 1911 session).

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