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κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 201 (CHAPTER 125, SB 122)κ
For filing any notice of motion to move for a new trial of any civil action or proceeding, to be paid by the party filing same, two dollars fifty cents, which shall be in full for all services to be rendered in connection with said motion. For issuing an execution or order of sale in any action, one dollar. For filing a notice of appeal, and appeal bond, each, fifty cents. For filing remittitur from the supreme court, one dollar, and for rendering judgment entered thereon, twenty cents per folio. For issuing transcript of judgment and certifying thereto, one dollar. For filing and docketing abstract of judgment of justices court, and issuing execution thereon, one dollar fifty cents. For filing any paper in any case after judgment, not otherwise provided for, twenty-five cents. For making satisfaction of or credit on judgment, twenty-five cents. For recording any instrument or paper required to be recorded in his office, other than an instrument or paper in an action or proceeding in court as otherwise specified in this act, twenty cents per folio. For certifying any copy of any record, proceedings or paper on file in the office of clerk, fifty cents, and when such copy is made by him, per folio, fifteen cents. For filing all papers to be kept by him, not otherwise provided for, other than papers filed in an action or proceeding in court, and official bonds and certificates of appointment, each, twenty-five cents; and for indexing, twenty-five cents. For filing, indexing, and recording original or amended articles of incorporation, ten dollars. For filing, indexing, and registering certificates of copartnership, one dollar. For issuing marriage license, two dollars, one-half to be paid to county recorder. For administering each oath, without certificate, except in pending actions or proceedings, twenty-five cents. For issuing any certificate under seal, not otherwise provided for, fifty cents. For taking any affidavit, except in criminal cases, twenty-five cents. For searching records or files in his office, for each year, fifty cents; provided, that no charge is to be made to suitors or attorneys. For taking acknowledgment of any deed or other instrument, including the certificate, one dollar. Sec. 3. The said clerk shall neither charge nor collect any fees for services by him rendered to the State of Nevada, nor to the county of Lincoln, nor in any criminal case, nor in any habeas corpus proceeding. |
Fees of clerk of Lincoln County
No charge to State of Nevada or Lincoln County |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 202 (CHAPTER 125, SB 122)κ
Fees to go to county; exception
Repeal |
in any habeas corpus proceeding. In all proceedings begun, or for acts performed previous to this act becoming a law, such fees and charges shall be collected as were provided by law at the time such action or proceeding was begun, or service rendered. Sec. 4. All fees collected by the county clerk under the provisions of this act shall be by him turned into the general funds of said Lincoln County each month, excepting the court fee, concerning which other provision is made by law; provided, that he may retain for his personal use such fees and compensation, authorized by acts of Congress, as are allowed for services performed by him in connection with the entry and final proofs on government lands, and in connection with naturalization papers. Sec. 5. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
Irrigation districts
Assessment on lands to pay interest on outstanding bonds |
[Senate Bill No. 125Senator Penrose]
Chap. 126An Act to amend section twenty-seven of an act entitled An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection, and carriage of water, cooperation with the United States, and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 19, 1919.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section twenty-seven of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 27. At its regular meeting in October the board of directors shall levy an assessment upon the lands in said district in accordance with the provisions of this act, which assessment shall be sufficient to raise the annual interest on the outstanding bonds. At the expiration of ten years after a bond issue, or such other period as may be authorized, the board must increase said assessment as may be necessary from year to year to raise a sum sufficient to pay the principal of the outstanding bonds of that issue as they mature. The secretary of the board shall compute and enter in a separate column of the assessment book or books the respective sums to be paid as an assessment on the property therein enumerated. Except as otherwise provided herein, assessments made for any of the other purposes of this act shall be made and levied as above provided and entered in appropriate columns of the assessment book or books. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 203 (CHAPTER 126, SB 125)κ
In case of failure or refusal of the board of directors to levy an assessment as in this section provided, then, in the event such assessment has not otherwise been levied, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of the county in which the office of the district is located to levy such assessment at its next regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for such purpose. The state board of irrigation district bond commissioners, at any time upon obtaining knowledge of such failure or refusal, shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to forthwith levy such assessment. It shall be the duty of the district attorney of the county in which the office of any irrigation district is located, at the time such assessment should be made, to ascertain the fact in respect to the same, and if such assessment has not been made by the board of directors as required, to immediately notify the said board of county commissioners, the state board of irrigation district bond commissioners, and the attorney-general in respect to such failure. It shall be the duty of the district attorney and the attorney-general to aid in obtaining the earliest possible assessment following such failure or refusal of the district board to act. Where the last preceding assessment made will raise a sufficient revenue for the purposes of this section, in the event no other assessment is made, such assessment shall be deemed to have been levied for succeeding years, so long as it will produce the revenue required, and the taxes shall be collected in the same manner, and all officers shall perform the same duties in respect thereto, as though such assessment had been made for the particular year by the board of directors of the district. Where the assessment which should have been levied can be determined by a mere mathematical computation based on the relation between the amount to be raised for interest or interest and the redemption of bonds for any particular year and the apportionment of benefits in the district, such assessment shall be deemed to have been made, and the taxes based thereon shall be collected the same as though such assessment had been regularly levied by the board of directors of the district. |
When county commissioners levy assessment
When state board acts
Duty of district attorney and attorney-general |
[Assembly Bill No. 144Washoe County Delegation]
Chap. 127An Act providing an appropriation for the payment of street work on that portion of North Virginia and Ninth streets, in the city of Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, fronting on the property and grounds of the Nevada state university.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
Whereas, The city of Reno, a municipal corporation located in Washoe County, Nevada, has provided for the pavement of certain streets in the city of Reno, including North Virginia street and Ninth street in said city, and has provided for the payment thereof by special assessment against the properties fronting on said streets; and |
Preamble |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 204 (CHAPTER 127, AB 144)κ
To reimburse Reno for street improvements fronting university
$7,238.37 appropriated |
pavement of certain streets in the city of Reno, including North Virginia street and Ninth street in said city, and has provided for the payment thereof by special assessment against the properties fronting on said streets; and Whereas, The grounds of the Nevada state university front on 712 1/2 feet of said North Virginia street, and 300 feet on ninth street in said city; and Whereas, Under said improvements 24,225 square feet of pavement will be chargeable against the Nevada state university, and the cost thereof will amount to six thousand nine hundred and seventy-two and 75/100 ($6,972.75) dollars; and Whereas, 312 1/2 feet of curbing and gutter will be chargeable against the said Nevada state university, amounting to two hundred and sixty-five and 62/100 ($265.62) dollars; now, therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The sum of seven thousand two hundred thirty-eight and 37/100 ($7,238.37) dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the said city of Reno for the expense of improving North Virginia and Ninth streets, fronting on the property of the Nevada state university, for the paving of 24,225 square feet of pavement, and 312 1/2 feet of curb and gutter, and the state controller is hereby directed and required to draw his warrant for the sum of seven thousand two hundred thirty-eight and 37/100 ($7,238.37) dollars, in favor of said city of Reno, and the state treasurer is hereby authorized and required to pay the same. |
Amending act relating to state library
Scale of fees for commission of state officers |
[Assembly Bill No. 163Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 128An Act regulating the state library and amending certain acts in relation thereto.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. An act in relation to the state library (Statutes of Nevada, 1865, 153), as the same has been amended, is hereby amended as follows: Section 7 of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 7. Each and every officer of this state, civil and military, except commissioners of deeds and notaries public, shall, at the time of the issuance of his commission, and before entering upon the duties of his office, pay to the secretary of state a fee on the basis of $5, where the salary is $3,600 per year or less, |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 205 (CHAPTER 128, AB 163)κ
$3,600 per year or less, and $2 on each additional $1,000 or major fraction thereof per year, which, with all fees of whatever character, by the laws now in force, or which may hereafter be provided to be charged and collected in the office of the secretary of state, shall constitute a portion of the library fund; and the secretary of state shall exhibit an account of, under oath, and pay to the state treasurer, at the end of each quarter, dating from the first day of January, all moneys collected under this act, and the same, together with such revenues as are hereinafter provided, shall be reserved, set apart, and appropriated, as a state library fund. The support of the state library fund shall be by moneys appropriated out of the general fund by the legislature. On the 31st day of December, 1921, and annually thereafter the amounts paid out of the general fund for the support of the state library during that year shall be reimbursed to the general fund out of the state library fund by the state treasurer, and the amount remaining in the library fund shall be apportioned equally between the general fund and the state distributive school fund. Sec. 2. Section 6 of An act to provide for extending the use of the state library (Statutes of Nevada, 1917, 347) is hereby repealed. |
Said fees go to state library fund
General fund reimbursed
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 170Mr. Heward]
Chap. 129An Act to amend an act entitled An act to prohibit the employment of any person except a native-born or naturalized citizen of the United States by any officer of the State of Nevada, or any political subdivision of the state, or by any person acting under or for such officer, or by any contractor with the State of Nevada, or with any political subdivision of the state, in the construction of public works, or in any office or department of the state or in any office or department of any political subdivision of the state; providing penalties for violations of this act, and other matters relating thereto, approved March 28, 1919.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. Only citizens or wards of the United States or persons who have been honorably discharged from the military service of the United States shall be employed by any officer of the State of Nevada, or by any contractor with the State of Nevada, or any political subdivision of the state, or by any person acting under or for such officer or contractor, |
State officers and contractors no to employ aliens |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 206 (CHAPTER 129, AB 170)κ
Preference given to ex-service men
Exception as to university instructors
Contracts to contain proviso in accord with this act Contract void, when
Misdemeanor and penalty
Proviso |
contractor, in the construction of public works or in any office or department of the State of Nevada, or political subdivision of the state, and in all cases where persons are so employed, preference shall be given to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines of the United States and to citizens of the State of Nevada; provided, nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the working of prisoners by the State of Nevada, or by any political subdivision of the state, on street or road work or other public work; nor to prevent the working of aliens, who have not forfeited their right to citizenship by claiming exemption from military service, as common laborers in the construction of public roads, when it can be shown that citizens or wards of the United States or persons who have been honorably discharged from the military service of the United States are not available for such employment; nor to prevent the exchange of instructors between the University of Nevada and similar institutions of the North and South American countries; and provided further, that any alien so employed shall be replaced by any citizen, ward, or ex-service man of the United States applying for employment. Sec. 2. Section 2 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 2. In each contract for the construction of public works a proviso shall be inserted to the effect that if the provisions of section 1 of this act are not complied with by the contractor, the contract shall be void, and any failure or refusal to comply with any of the provisions of this act shall render any such contract void. All boards, commissions, officers, agents, and employees having the power to enter into contracts for the expenditure of public money on public works shall file in the office of the commissioner of labor the names and addresses of all contractors holding contracts with the State of Nevada, or with any political subdivision of the state. Upon the letting of new contracts the names and addresses of such new contractors shall likewise be filed. Upon the demand of the commissioner of labor a contractor shall furnish a list of the names and addresses of all subcontractors in his employ. Sec. 3. Section 4 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 4. Any officer of the State of Nevada, or of any political subdivision of the state, or any person acting under or for such officer, or any contractor with the State of Nevada, or with any political subdivision of the state or any other person who violates any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be fined in a sum of not less than one hundred ($100) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; provided, however, the penalties provided for in this act shall not apply where violations thereof are due to misrepresentations made by the employee or employees, by the production of fraudulent papers evidencing citizenship in the United States. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 207 (CHAPTER 129, AB 170)κ
are due to misrepresentations made by the employee or employees, by the production of fraudulent papers evidencing citizenship in the United States. |
[Assembly Bill No. 178Mr. Brown]
Chap. 130An Act creating a commission to be known as the Owyhee river development commission of Nevada, defining its powers and duties, and making an appropriation for the expenses thereof.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
Whereas, It is the ambition and moral duty of the people of the United States to provide farms for as many as possible of our honorably discharged soldiers in the recent worlds war, and there are now approximately 650,000 acres of unreclaimed but fertile land in Humboldt and Pershing Counties, extending for a distance of about 125 miles from the northern part of Paradise valley in a southwesterly direction along the Little Humboldt river and the Humboldt river to the south boundary line of Pershing County, also along several adjacent and tributary valleys, which can be reclaimed with water; and Whereas, It is believed that there is a large amount of unappropriated water in the Owyhee river which can be diverted in the northwestern part of Elko County and applied to the reclamation of said lands, and the president of the Winnemucca chamber of commerce, acting as trustee, has applied to appropriate said waters and conduct the same to the said lands with the purpose of imploring the federal government, on behalf of such soldiers, to construct such irrigation project; and Whereas, In order to properly demonstrate to the federal government the practicability and feasibility of constructing such project and reclaiming such lands it will be necessary to make preliminary surveys and compute the approximate cost of construction and collect other data concerning such project; now, therefore, it is hereby enacted as follows:
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. A commission is hereby created, to be known as the Owyhee river development commission of Nevada, to consist of the state engineer of the State of Nevada and two other citizens of the State of Nevada, to be appointed by the governor. Two of said commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Within thirty days after the passage and approval of this act the governor shall appoint said commissioners and they shall hold office until the governor shall conclude they have completed their duties, but not longer than two years from the passage of this act. |
Owyhee river development commission; personnel |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 208 (CHAPTER 130, AB 178)κ
Salaries of members
State engineer, chairman of commission, to call meeting
Duties of commission; report, etc. |
but not longer than two years from the passage of this act. The governor may at any time remove any commissioner for incompetency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. Any vacancy may be filled by the governor. Sec. 2. The members of said commission shall receive as compensation ten ($10) dollars for each day actually employed on the work of said commission and their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The commissioners shall employ such help as they deem necessary to complete the preliminary work, plans, and estimates as expeditiously as possible to present the same to Congress and the federal government as speedily as possible, and the compensation and expense of such help shall be paid out of the fund hereinafter created. Sec. 3. Within a reasonable time after the appointment of the members of said commission they shall meet upon the call of the state engineer of the State of Nevada, who shall be chairman of said commission, and thereafter they shall meet at the call of the chairman. The commission shall elect one of their members secretary. The commission shall audit all bills for expenses and per diem of its members and for wages and expenses of its employees, and when the same shall have been certified to by the chairman and secretary, the secretary shall file the same with the state board of examiners for approval, and the same shall be paid out of any moneys appropriated for that purpose. Sec. 4. Immediately after the first meeting the commissioners shall proceed to ascertain the flow of water in said Owyhee river and its tributaries; the amount of water already appropriated, and the amount unappropriated which can be conducted onto the said lands; the sites, size, and character of dams necessary; the dimensions and courses of canals and ditches necessary to conduct water onto the said lands; the sites and character of natural and other storage reservoirs necessary for storage of such waters; a description of the land that can be covered economically by such water; a description of the unappropriated land and the land held in private ownership within said proposed system. They shall also negotiate with the Central Pacific railway company and other individual owners, owning wild and unirrigated land within said project, for options, and they shall try to obtain the same for the least possible figure, for purchase either by the federal government or by a duly organized irrigation district, or by the soldiers settling on such lands under the proposed project, with terms of payment as lenient for the settler as possible. They shall endeavor to have the unappropriated lands within such project withdrawn from entry so as to preserve the same for the soldiers settling on such lands under said proposed project. They shall also do and perform each and every other act and thing necessary or conducive to presenting said project to Congress and the federal government as a practicable and feasible irrigation project, with the sole object of preserving, holding, and obtaining the same for the benefit of honorably discharged soldiers. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 209 (CHAPTER 130, AB 178)κ
senting said project to Congress and the federal government as a practicable and feasible irrigation project, with the sole object of preserving, holding, and obtaining the same for the benefit of honorably discharged soldiers. They shall make a detailed estimate of the entire cost of the project and a full report including maps and plats of the entire project. Sec. 5. When said report is completed, said commissioners shall file one copy of the same in the office of the state engineer of the State of Nevada, and they shall present other like copies to the senators and congressman from the State of Nevada and give them aid in properly presenting the proposed project to Congress and the federal government, with the object of enabling the federal government to act advisedly and expeditiously in constructing the said project. Sec. 6. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act, the sum of two thousand five hundred ($2,500) dollars is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. |
Report of commission; to state engineer and U. S. Senators and congressman |
[Assembly Bill No. 193Mr. Addenbrooke]
Chap. 131An Act providing for the creation of city (or town) planning commissions for incorporated cities and towns; prescribing their powers and duties, and other matters relating thereto.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The city (or town) council or governing body under any other name of any incorporated city or town may, by ordinance, create a city (or town) planning commission for such city or town. The word city, as hereinafter used in this act, shall be construed as meaning town in all cases of incorporated towns. Sec. 2. Such city planning commission shall consist of the mayor, the city attorney, the city engineer, ex officio, and seven other members to be appointed by the mayor, not more than two of whom shall be nonresidents of the city. At the first meeting of such commission, the seven appointed members shall choose their term of office by lot, as follows: One for one year; two for two year; two for three years; and two for four years. Their successors shall hold office for four years. Any vacancies shall be filled by the mayor for the unexpired term. Sec. 3. Members of the city planning commission shall receive no compensation. They shall annually elect a president and vice-president from the appointed members and may elect a secretary who need not be a member of the commission. |
City or town planning commissions authorized
Personnel of such commission
Duties and powers; no compensation |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 210 (CHAPTER 131, AB 193)κ
Secretary to keep accurate record
Further duties and powers as to civic betterment
Maps, plats, etc., submitted to commission before final action
Duties as to suburban improvements |
commission. Such commission may adopt by-laws and rules and regulations for its government and in connection with its duties, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act or of any ordinance creating such commission. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings, and the commission shall prepare and file with the city council an annual report at the end of each calendar year. The city council shall assign to such commission an office, or headquarters, in the city hall, if possible, in which to hold its meetings, transact its business, and kept its records. Such commission shall not have power or authority to incur any expense other than such as may be authorized by the city council. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the city planning commission, and they shall have power, except as otherwise provided by law, to recommend and advise the city council and all other public authorities concerning the laying out, widening, extending, paving, parking, and locating of streets, sidewalks, and boulevards; the betterment of housing and sanitary conditions, and the establishment of zones or districts within which lots or buildings may be restricted to residential use, or from which the establishment, conduct, or operation of certain business, manufacturing, or other enterprises shall be excluded, and limiting the height, area, and bulk of buildings and structures therein; to recommend to the city council and all other public authorities plans and regulations for the future growth, development, and beautification of the municipality in respect to its public and private buildings and works, streets, parks, grounds, and vacant lots; to do and perform any and all other acts and things necessary or proper to carry out the provisions of this act, and in general to study and propose such measures as may be for the municipal welfare. Sec. 5. All maps, plats and replats of land laid out in building lots, and the streets, alleys, or other portions of the same intended to be dedicated for public use or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto and located within the city limits, and all plans or plats for vacating, laying out, widening, extending, paving, parking, and locating streets, or plans for public buildings, shall first be submitted to such commission for report thereon before final action shall be taken by the city council, unless in case of emergency or the report of such commission is unreasonably delayed. Sec. 6. Said commission shall be authorized to represent the city and to appear and be heard by the board of county commissioners in the matter of the approval by such board of any map or plat of land laid out in streets, alleys, and public places when the same is situate within three miles outside the city limits of any incorporated city or town in which there is created a city planning commission, and which shall be exterior to the boundaries of any other incorporated city or town within such three-mile limit, when such map or plat is submitted to such board of county commissioners under the provisions of section three of an act entitled An act authorizing owners of land to lay out and plat such land into lots, streets, alleys, and public places, and providing for the approval and filing of maps or plats thereof, approved March 13, 1905. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 211 (CHAPTER 131, AB 193)κ
be exterior to the boundaries of any other incorporated city or town within such three-mile limit, when such map or plat is submitted to such board of county commissioners under the provisions of section three of an act entitled An act authorizing owners of land to lay out and plat such land into lots, streets, alleys, and public places, and providing for the approval and filing of maps or plats thereof, approved March 13, 1905. Sec. 7. The city planning commission may receive gifts, bequests, or devises of property to carry out any of the purposes of this act and shall have control and distribution over the same. |
Commission may receive gifts for public benefit |
[Assembly Bill No. 202Esmeralda County Delegation]
Chap. 132An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Esmeralda County to provide for the maintenance of a water supply for the town of Goldfield.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The board of county commissioners of Esmeralda County is hereby authorized and empowered to make such arrangement with the Goldfield Consolidated water company to insure the maintenance of a water supply for the town of Goldfield as in their judgment may be necessary for such maintenance. Sec. 2. Any funds in the general fund of Goldfield township or general fund of the county treasury of Esmeralda County not otherwise appropriated may be used for the purposes of this act, but in no instance shall the amount so used exceed the sum of four hundred ($400) dollars per month. Sec. 3. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to in any manner amend or repeal an act entitled An act granting to the Goldfield Consolidated water company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nevada, its successors in interest and assigns, a franchise to supply, for hire, the towns of Goldfield, Columbia, Jumbo, Diamondfield, and all additions thereto, with water for extinguishment of fire and for domestic and other purposes, and defining the boundaries of said towns, and other matters related thereto, approved March 14, 1907. Sec. 4. This act shall cease to be effective and the authority hereby granted shall cease on the first day of January, 1923, and said board shall not have power by virtue of this act to make any contract or any arrangement which shall bind said county for any period after said first day of January, 1923. |
To insure water supply for Goldfield
County funds use; limit
Not to affect previous act
This act ceases on January 1, 1923 |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 212κ
County commissioners may purchase or erect telephone lines, upon petition of two-thirds of taxpayers
Bonds to be issued
Sale of bonds; not less than 95c on the $1
County Telephone Fund
Denomination of bonds; interest not over 6% |
[Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 209Committee on Mines and Mining]
Chap. 133An Act to authorize the county commissioners of any of the counties of the State of Nevada to purchase, acquire, construct, and extend telephone lines; and extend and improve telephone lines; to authorize the issuance of bonds by the county to pay for the same, and other matters properly connected therewith.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The board of county commissioners of any of the counties of the State of Nevada is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase or construct telephone lines within the limits of the county, if, in the judgment of the board, it would be to the interest of the county to do so; and to issue bonds of the county for the purchase, extension and improvement thereof; provided, a petition signed by two-thirds of the taxpayers of the county, requesting any such action by the board, has been filed with the board; the bonds of the county issued pursuant to this act to extend for a period of not more than twenty years and shall bear interest at not to exceed 6% per annum, and the total of bonds to be for an amount not to exceed 2% of the assessed valuation of all property in said county for the year in which said bonds shall be issued. Sec. 2. The board of county commissioners shall cause said bonds to be prepared, and they shall be signed by the chairman of the board and its clerk and the county treasurer, and authenticated by the official seal of said county. Coupons representing the several installments of interest to fall due thereon shall be attached to each bond, so they may be removed without injury to the bonds, numbered consecutively and signed by the county treasurer or a printed facsimile of his signature. Sec. 3. The board of county commissioners is authorized to negotiate the sale of said bonds from time to time as the board deems necessary to the highest responsible bidders for cash and at a price not less than ninety-five cents on the dollar, or at private sale at not less than their par value; the proceeds of such sales shall be placed in what is known as the County Telephone Fund, which shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Payments from said fund shall be made only on warrants drawn on the county treasurer of said county in payment of the obligations contracted under the provisions of this act. Sec. 4. The said bonds shall be of the denomination of five hundred dollars each; they shall be numbered consecutively and they shall bear interest at not exceeding six per centum per annum, said interest payable semiannually on the first day of January of each year and the first day of July of each year after the issuance of said bonds until paid in full; and every twelve months after the date of issuance, four or more of said bonds shall be redeemed and paid until all of said bonds so issued shall have been redeemed and paid. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 213 (CHAPTER 133, Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 209)κ
centum per annum, said interest payable semiannually on the first day of January of each year and the first day of July of each year after the issuance of said bonds until paid in full; and every twelve months after the date of issuance, four or more of said bonds shall be redeemed and paid until all of said bonds so issued shall have been redeemed and paid. Said bonds shall be redeemed and paid as aforesaid in the order of their issuance, the lowest numbered bond to be first redeemed and paid, and so on until the whole amount of said bonds so issued shall have been redeemed and paid. Sec. 5. For the purpose of creating a fund for the redemption and payment of the said bonds and the interest thereon, the board of county commissioners of such county shall, annually, at the time of levying taxes for state and county purposes and in the same manner, levy a tax upon all property subject to taxation within the county sufficient in its judgment to provide for the payment of the interest annually due on said bonds and the redemption and payment of the said bonds as hereinbefore provided. Said taxes shall be assessed and collected as are other taxes, and shall be paid into a fund to be known as the County Telephone Redemption Fund, and shall be used for no other purpose except as herein provided; said fund shall be held by the county treasurer of said county and paid out by him as herein provided. At the maturity of said bonds and the coupons thereon, they shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the said County Telephone Bond Redemption Fund, and shall thereupon be canceled and marked paid by the county treasurer; no interest shall be allowed or paid on any of said bonds after they have become due and payable and shall have been called in for redemption. Sec. 6. When said bonds and coupons shall have been executed as herein provided, their legality shall not be open to contest by said county or by any person or corporation for or on its behalf for any reason whatsoever. Any balance remaining in any fund hereby created and provided for after the accomplishment of the said purposes shall be converted into and become part of the general fund of said county. Sec. 7. Upon a petition signed by twenty-five per cent (25%) of the freeholders of any county in the State of Nevada, said county owning or operating, or which shall hereafter own or operate, a telephone system, requesting the sale or lease of such county-owned telephone system, on being presented to the board, the board shall cause to be placed upon the ballot of the next general election, for the acceptance or rejection by the qualified voters of the county, the proposal contained in said petition; provided, that after said election, it being thereby shown that the majority favor the sale or lease of such telephone system, three disinterested persons shall be appointed by the district judge of the district to make a true and correct appraisement of the gross value of such telephone system. |
County Telephone Bond Redemption Fund
Legality of bonds not questioned
When county-owned system sold or leased; popular event |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 214 (CHAPTER 133, Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 209)κ
Notice of sale or lease published in newspaper
Conditions of sale or lease
County commissioners to conduct telephone system
This act supplementary to certain act
Repeal |
value of such telephone system. Upon the return of such appraisement, the board of county commissioners shall advertise the sale or lease, for a term of years agreed upon by said board, of such telephone system by notice published in at least one of the newspapers of said county for a period of thirty (30) days; such notice shall require sealed bids, to be accompanied by a certified check for at least five per cent (5%) of the sum bid, to be deposited with the county clerk of said county on or before the date stated in said notice; if such notice is for the sale of such telephone system, no bids shall be accepted by said board of county commissioners for a sum less than the amount of the appraisement of said telephone system; and if such notice is for the lease of such telephone system, it shall be for a sum to realize not less than seven per cent (7%) per annum, upon the value of such telephone system as so appraised. In case such system is leased, the said board shall safeguard the county s interests by demanding bonds for the faithful performance of all the covenants in the lease contained. The board may reject any and all bids. Sec. 8. The control, management, and conduct of any telephone line or system so purchased, acquired or constructed, by any county, shall be exercised by the board of county commissioners of such county, the said board having the right to employ such persons as may be necessary to carry on the business of the same and as may be required, it being expressly provided than no general or other statute shall limit or restrict the conduct and carrying on of such business by the said board save and except as herein specifically set forth. Sec. 9. This act is supplementary to that certain act of the legislature of the State of Nevada entitled An act to authorize the county commissioners of any of the counties of the State of Nevada to purchase or construct telephone lines, approved March 14, 1899. Sec. 10. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. |
Preamble |
[Assembly Bill No. 210Elko County Delegation]
Chap. 134An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of the county of Elko to allow a certain claim of the Thiel detective agency of Denver, Colorado, against the said county of Elko, authorizing the county auditor of said county to audit the said claim and issue a warrant in payment thereof, and authorizing the county treasurer of the said county to pay the said warrant.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
Whereas, At the instance of Hon. E. P. Carville, who was then district attorney of Elko County, Hon. G. F. Talbot, who was then special prosecutor appointed by the district court to conduct certain cases then pending in said county, and Hon. E. T. Patrick, |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 215 (CHAPTER 134, AB 210)κ
to conduct certain cases then pending in said county, and Hon. E. T. Patrick, who was then deputy attorney-general of Nevada, the Thiel detective agency of Denver, Colorado, was employed to locate the one Benesch who was then charged in Elko County with presenting a fictitious charge against said county; and Whereas, The said Thiel detective agency did find the said Benesch in the city of Denver, Colorado, and, at the request of the said Carville, Talbot, and Patrick, kept the said Benesch under observation until extradition papers could be procured, and the arrival of the sheriff of Elko County to secure the delivery of the said Benesch to him on said charge; and Whereas, In carrying out the instructions of said Carville, Talbot, and Patrick, the said Thiel detective agency rendered services in behalf of the said Elko County in the value of one hundred ninety dollars and sixty cents ($190.60); and Whereas, Said Thiel detective agency presented its said claim to the then acting board of county commissioners of the said county and the said claim was rejected by the said board because it had not been authorized by said board; and Whereas, Said claim could not be presented to the succeeding board of county commissioners of said county under the law on account of it having been once rejected, and because of the expiration of the time established by law within which claims against counties should be presented; and Whereas, In the opinion of this legislature the said claim of the Thiel detective agency against the said county of Elko, in the sum above named, is a just claim against said county and should be paid by said county; now, therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The board of county commissioners of the county of Elko, State of Nevada, is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to allow and approve the claim of the Thiel detective agency of Denver, Colorado, against the county of Elko for the services rendered on behalf of the said county recited in the preamble hereof in the sum of one hundred and ninety dollars and sixty cents ($190.60). Sec. 2. The county auditor of the said county of Elko is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to audit the said claim in favor of the said Thiel detective agency and draw his warrant in payment thereof, and the county treasurer of said county is hereby directed to pay the same. |
Elko County to pay Thiel detective agency $190.60
Duty of county officers
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 216κ
Statement of city finances to be published quarterly in newspaper When such statement posted |
[Assembly Bill No. 211Mr. Gummow]
Chap. 135An Act to amend an act entitled An act providing for the incorporation of cities, their classification, the establishment and alteration of their boundaries, the government and disincorporation thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, approved March 27, 1907, by adding thereto an additional section to be known as section 18 1/2 thereof.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby amended by adding thereto an additional section, to be known as section 18 1/2 thereof, which said section 18 1/2 shall be as follows: Section 18 1/2. It shall be the duty of the city clerk to cause to be published quarterly in some newspaper published in the city a statement of the finances of the city, showing receipts and disbursements, bills allowed and paid. Such statement shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk. If there should be no newspaper published in such county, such financial statement shall be posted by the city clerk at the door of the city hall. |
All insurance fees to go into general fund of state treasury |
[Assembly Bill No. 218Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 136An Act to amend an act entitled An act relating to the office of ex officio state insurance commissioner, and extending and further defining his powers and duties; requiring further licenses in connection therewith, other matters relating thereto, repealing acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, and providing penalties for the violation hereof, Statutes of Nevada, 1915, 117.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 9 of the act mentioned in the title of this act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 9. The state insurance commissioner is hereby empowered to direct all insurance transactions between the state and the insurance companies, and all the moneys collected for licenses, penalties, or other moneys paid by the insurance companies or solicitors to the state to enable them to transact business in the state shall be paid into the general fund of the state treasury. The support of the ex officio state insurance commissioners department shall be from the general fund in the state treasury, subject to appropriation out of said fund by the legislature. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 217 (CHAPTER 136, AB 218)κ
general fund in the state treasury, subject to appropriation out of said fund by the legislature. |
[Assembly Bill No. 220Mr. Brown]
Chap. 137An Act to amend section 1 of an act to regulate the fees of the county clerk of Humboldt County, State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, approved March 23, 1917.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The county clerk of Humboldt County, State of Nevada, as county clerk and ex officio clerk of the district court of the Sixth judicial court of the State of Nevada, in and for Humboldt County, shall, from and after the passage of this act, charge and collect the following fees in civil, probate, and guardianship proceedings, provided, that said clerk shall neither charge or collect any fees for services by him rendered to the State of Nevada or to the county of Humboldt: On the commencement of any action or proceeding in the district court (except a probate or guardianship proceeding), to be paid by the party commencing such action or proceeding, seven dollars; said fee to be paid in addition to the court fee of three dollars now provided by law. On an appeal to the district court, to be paid by the party taking such appeal, seven dollars; said fee to be paid in addition to the court fee of one dollar now provided by law. On the appearance of any defendant, or any number of defendants answering jointly, to be paid upon the filing of the first paper in the action by him or them, five dollars. For every additional defendant, or intervener appearing separately, two dollars and fifty cents. The foregoing fees shall be in full for all services rendered by clerk in the case, to and including the making of the judgment roll. For all suits certified up from a justice court, involving the question of title or possession of real property, or otherwise, to be paid by the plaintiff, ten dollars, this to include the making of the judgment roll in such action. On filing of a petition for letters testamentary, or of administration or guardianship, eight dollars and fifty cents, to be paid by the petitioner; provided, that at the time of filing the inventory and appraisement in any such proceedings there shall be an additional deposit of fifty cents for each additional one thousand dollars of the appraised value in excess of two thousand dollars; said fee to be paid in addition to the court fee of one dollar and fifty cents now provided by law. |
Fees of clerk of Humboldt County |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 218 (CHAPTER 137, AB 220)κ
Fees of clerk of Humboldt County
No charge in criminal cases
Repeal |
in excess of two thousand dollars; said fee to be paid in addition to the court fee of one dollar and fifty cents now provided by law. On filing a petition to contest any will, or codicil, five dollars, to be paid by the petitioner. On the filing of any notice or motion to move for a new trial of any civil action or proceeding, the party filing the same shall pay to the clerk, in full for all services to be rendered in connection with said motion or proceeding, two dollars and fifty cents. For any paper in a civil, probate or other matter certified to by the county clerk or clerk of the district court, fifty cents. For all services performed in an adoption case, five dollars. For all services performed in an action or proceeding which has been transferred from the district court of another county, ten dollars; this fee shall be in full for all services rendered in such suit so transferred, to and including the making of the judgment roll. For services performed and all papers filed in proceedings to perpetuate testimony, five dollars. For filing objections or cross-petitions to the appointment of an executor, administrator or guardian, or petition for removal of the same, or objections to the settlement of an account, or of any other proceedings in an estate or guardianship matter, five dollars, to be paid by the moving or objecting party. No fee shall be charged by the clerk for any services rendered in any criminal case. In all proceedings begun or for acts performed, previous to this act becoming a law, such fees and charges as were provided by law at the time such action or proceeding was begun or act performed. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
[Assembly Bill No. 225Committee on Labor]
Chap. 138An Act to amend section four of an act entitled An act creating the office of labor commissioner of this state, providing for the appointment of such commissioner and other employees, defining their duties and fixing their compensation, and providing a penalty for the violation of its provisions, and other matters relating thereto, approved March 24, 1915, as amended and approved March 23, 1917, and March 13, 1919.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section four of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 219 (CHAPTER 138, AB 225)κ
Section 4. Said commissioner shall inform himself of all laws of the state for the protection of life and limb in any of the industries of the state, all laws regulating the hours of labor, the employment of minors, the payment of wages, and all other laws enacted for the protection and benefit of employees, and shall have the power and authority, when in his judgment he deems it necessary, to take assignment of wage claims and prosecute actions for collection of wages and other demands of persons who are financially unable to employ a counsel in cases in which, in the judgment of the commissioner, the claims for wages are valid and enforceable in the courts; and it shall be the duty of said labor commissioner to enforce all labor laws of the State of Nevada, the enforcement of which is not specifically and exclusively vested in any other officer, board or commission, and whenever after due inquiry he shall be satisfied that any such law has been violated, or that persons financially unable to employee a counsel have a valid and enforceable claim for wages or other demand, he shall present the facts to the district attorney of the county in which such violation occurred or wage claim accrued, and it shall be the duty of such district attorney to prosecute the same. |
Duty of labor commissioner
When to sue for wages due workmen
Must enforce all labor laws
District attorneys to assist |
[Assembly Bill No. 238Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 139An Act to repeal an act entitled An act to regulate the sale of state law books, approved March 5, 1907, being section 2937, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain acts |
[Assembly Bill No. 244Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 140An Act to repeal an act entitled An act fixing the number of officers and attaches of the legislature of the State of Nevada, and to define their duties and specify their pay, and repealing all acts in conflict therewith, approved January 27, 1909, being sections 4114-4117, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 220κ
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 252Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 141An Act to repeal an act entitled An act providing for the printing of legislative bills and resolutions, and other matters relating thereto, approved March 14, 1911, being sections 4120-4124, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Stale printer to bind 200 copies of 21 Nevada Reports
Appropriation, $200 |
[Assembly Bill No. 257Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 142An Act directing the binding of certain copies of volume number 21 of the Nevada Reports and making an appropriation therefor.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The superintendent of state printing is hereby authorized and directed to have bound in buckram 200 copies of volume 21 of the Nevada Reports now in his possession, and upon the completion of the binding thereof to deliver said volumes to the secretary of state. Sec. 2. To carry out the provisions of this act the sum of two hundred ($200) dollars is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the general fund of the state treasury not otherwise appropriated. |
New prices for state law books |
[Assembly Bill No. 258Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 143An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled An act in relation to the sale of state law books, approved February 28, 1913, and repealing a certain act.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. The secretary of state is hereby authorized and directed to sell the state law books at the following prices, namely: For each volume of the Nevada Reports, four dollars; for each volume of Nevada and Sawyers Digest (1878), one dollar; for each volume Compiled Laws of Nevada (1861-1900), six dollars; Statutes of Nevada, four dollars a volume; Special Session Laws, 1908, and 1912, fifty cents per volume; for each volume of Constitutional Debates, |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 221 (CHAPTER 143, AB 258)κ
fifty cents per volume; for each volume of Constitutional Debates, 1864, three dollars; for each set consisting of vols. 1 and 2 of Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, fourteen dollars; for vol. 3. Revised Laws, fifteen dollars. Sec. 2. That certain act entitled An act supplemental to An act to regulate the sale of state law books, approved March 5, 1907, approved February 26, 1913, is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain acts |
[Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 264Committee on Banks and Banking]
Chap. 144An Act relating to the payment of the state debt, creating a consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, providing for a tax levy, making an additional guarantee for the discharge of the funded obligations of the State of Nevada, and other matters relating thereto.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
Whereas, The constitution provides that an annual tax, sufficient to pay the interest semiannually, and the principal within twenty years from the passage of any acts creating a state debt, shall be levied by the legislature; and Whereas, This obligation should be so discharged that in no case shall less than a sufficient tax be levied for such purposes; therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. In order to more fully secure the several bond issues of the State of Nevada, a consolidated bond interest and redemption fund is hereby created. Sec. 2. All moneys heretofore collected, or moneys to be collected, from taxes or any other sources, for the purpose of meeting the interest and redemption requirements of the several bonds of the State of Nevada, issued or to be issued, shall be placed in the consolidated bond interest and redemption fund. Sec. 3. All payments on both principal and interest of the several bond issues of the State of Nevada shall be paid when and as they become due out of the moneys of the consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, and said moneys are hereby appropriated for that purpose. Sec. 4. For the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1921, and for each year thereafter, an ad valorem tax of a sufficient number of cents to meet the bond interest and redemption requirements of the State of Nevada, at a rate to be specified by the legislature from time to time according to the purpose of this act, shall be levied on each one hundred dollars of taxable property within the state, including the net proceeds of mines and mining claims, except such property as is by law exempt from taxation, and the proceeds of such tax shall be placed in the consolidated bond interest and redemption fund in the state treasury, and the same are hereby appropriated for the purpose of discharging the obligations of the State of Nevada for bond interest and redemption. |
Bond issues secured
Consolidated bond interest and redemption fund
All payments out of said fund
Ad valorem tax for 1921 and succeeding years |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 222 (CHAPTER 144, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 264)κ
When payments made from general fund
Repeal |
law exempt from taxation, and the proceeds of such tax shall be placed in the consolidated bond interest and redemption fund in the state treasury, and the same are hereby appropriated for the purpose of discharging the obligations of the State of Nevada for bond interest and redemption. Sec. 5. When and if, for any reason whatever, there shall be insufficient funds in the consolidated bond interest and redemption fund to pay the interest or the principal on any bonds mentioned or referred to in this act, such interest or principal shall be paid out of the general fund in the state treasury without restriction and without delay, and such charges are hereby made a first lien on any moneys in the general fund. Should sufficient funds later come into the said consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, reimbursement shall be promptly made to the general fund. Sec. 6. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
Controversy as to division of school moneys in Clark County
Matter to be settled by mutual agreement |
[Assembly Bill No. 266Mr. Smith]
Chap. 145An Act for the relief of educational district No. 1 of the Clark County, Nevada.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
Whereas, The legislature of Nevada, at its twenty-ninth session passed an act entitled An act providing for the division of Clark County, Nevada, into educational districts, and providing for the government of the schools therein, approved March 29, 1919; and Whereas, Under the interpretation of said act as to the division of taxes for the second installment of the year 1918 and also as to the division of moneys then on hand in the county high-school fund of said county by the auditor of said county, it is claimed by the board of education of said educational district No. 1 that it was deprived of its just apportionment of said moneys; and Whereas, A dispute in regard to the proper apportionment of said moneys has arisen and which should be settled by agreement between the said board of education of educational district No. 1 and the county board of education of the Clark County high school; now, therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The matter recited in the preamble hereof is hereby referred for adjustment by mutual agreement to said board of education of educational district No. 1 and said county board of education of the Clark County high school to determine a just apportionment of said moneys, and, upon such determination, the said board of education of the Clark County high school is hereby authorized to draw its warrant in favor of said educational district No. 1 for such amount as may be so determined, |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 223 (CHAPTER 145, AB 266)κ
in favor of said educational district No. 1 for such amount as may be so determined, and the count treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same. |
[Assembly Bill No. 269Mr. Royle]
Chap. 146An Act to provide an appropriation for furnishing certain rooms in the Nevada heroes memorial building.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby appropriated the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500), out of any moneys in the general fund of the state treasury in the year 1922 not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of purchasing furnishings for rooms provided for the use of ex-service men as designated in an act entitled An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled An act to provide for the erection of the Nevada heroes memorial building in Carson City, Nevada, defining the duties of the board of capitol commissioners in respect thereto, providing for the issuance of bonds therefor and the manner of their redemption, and other matters relating thereto, approved March 29, 1919, approved March 7, 1921. Sec. 2. The board of capitol commissioners is hereby empowered to make the necessary expenditures from the funds appropriated for this purpose. Before purchasing any such furniture, however, the said board of capitol commissioners shall ascertain, in so far as possible, the needs and requirements of the ex-service men, such needs and requirements being given due consideration by said board of capitol commissioners when furnishings are purchased. |
Appropriation, $1,500 for furnishing rooms for ex-service men in heroes memorial building
Capitol commissioners to consult needs of veterans and make expenditure |
[Assembly Bill No. 274Mr. Gentry]
Chap. 147An Act to establish commissioner districts in the county of Lincoln, and providing for the election of members of the board of county commissioners thereof.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Within ninety days after the passage of this act, the board of county commissioners of Lincoln County shall divide said county into three commissioner districts in such manner that the towns of Pioche and Panaca shall be in the first district, the town of Caliente in the second district, and the town of Alamo in the third district. |
Three county commissioner districts for Lincoln County |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 224 (CHAPTER 147, AB 274)κ
Rotation of long-term commissioner
Qualifications of county commissioners |
and the town of Alamo in the third district. They shall also establish election precincts within said county in such manner that each and every election precinct shall be wholly within some one of said districts. Sec. 2. At every election hereafter, at which county commissioners are to be elected, one member of the board of county commissioners shall be elected from each one of said districts in which a vacancy may exist, or may impend because of the expiration of the term of office of the incumbent member from that district; provided, that, commencing with district No. 1 at the general election of 1922, each of said districts shall in turn be entitled to elect the long-term commissioner in the order in which said districts are numbered; and provided, further, that no two commissioners shall serve at one and the same time from any one district. Sec. 3. Candidates for the office of county commissioner for the respective districts shall be qualified electors and residents of the district for which they are candidates. |
Preamble Funds specified
Balances unutilizable
Said funds turned into general fund |
[Assembly Bill No. 275Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 148An Act authorizing the state treasurer to merge certain special funds in the state treasury with the general fund therein; specifying the funds referred to and authorizing official action to carry out the purpose of this act.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
Whereas, The following funds are kept separate and apart in the state treasury: General insurance fund............................................................... $5,000.00 Fire insurance fund...................................................................... 9.71 Building and loan license fund.................................................. 208.25 Employment agency fund........................................................... 50.00 State library fund.......................................................................... 5,000.00 Immigration fund.......................................................................... 52.19 Fish and game fund..................................................................... 1,855.45 State ore sampler fund................................................................. 119.35 ___________ Total............................................................................................... $12,294.95; and
Whereas, Said funds are made up of unexpended balances and moneys remaining over and above the needs for which they were collected and in their present situation cannot be utilized for any useful purpose and should therefore be made available to increase the general fund and to lessen the tax-levy requirements for conducting the state government; therefore
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. That the funds mentioned in the preamble and the moneys thereof shall be and they are hereby merged in the general fund in the state treasury henceforth and the state treasurer is directed to carry this act into effect, and the state controller and other officers are directed to make the necessary entries in their books to evidence and effectuate the operation of this act. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 225 (CHAPTER 148, AB 275)κ
the general fund in the state treasury henceforth and the state treasurer is directed to carry this act into effect, and the state controller and other officers are directed to make the necessary entries in their books to evidence and effectuate the operation of this act. |
[Assembly Bill No. 282Committee on State Prison and Insane Asylum]
Chap. 149An Act to provide suitable quarters at the Nevada hospital for mental diseases for the treatment and care of those suffering from or afflicted with shell shock or other mental diseases, and making an appropriation therefor.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The board of commissioners of the Nevada hospital for mental diseases is hereby authorized and directed to provide and properly equip and prepare suitable quarters in what is known as the Stone House, on the grounds of said institution, for the treatment, care, and accommodation of those persons committed to the said Nevada hospital for mental diseases who are ex-service men of the world war formerly in the service of the military or naval forces of the United States, and may be suffering from or afflicted with what is commonly known as shell shock or other mental diseases, and who in the judgment or opinion of the superintendent of said Nevada hospital should not be confined with other inmates of said mental hospital; provided, however, if there by available space, the attendants caring for such patients may be quartered therein; and provided, further, if there be no such patients in said institution, said building may be used for other purposes. Sec. 2. The sum of four thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the general fund of the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of making the necessary repairs, the employment of nurses, and carrying out the other provisions of this act. |
Quarters reserved in Nevada hospital for ex-service men
Appropriation, $4,000 |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 226κ
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 288Mr. Lockhart]
Chap. 150An Act repealing an act entitled An act defining the duties of the secretary of state in regard to the disposition of certain publications, and other matters in relation thereto, approved March 15, 1917.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. That certain act, entitled and approved as aforesaid, is hereby repealed. |
State tax-rate fix
60 cents for 1921; apportionment
62 cents for 1922 |
[Assembly Bill No. 290Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 151An Act to fix the state tax levy for the fiscal years 1921 and 1922 and to distribute the said levy to the proper funds.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. For the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1921, and ad valorem tax of sixty cents (60c) on each one hundred dollars of taxable property is hereby levied and directed to be collected for state purposes upon all taxable property in the state, including net proceeds of mines and mining claims, except such property as in by law exempt from taxation, which shall be apportioned by the state controller among the various funds of the state as follows: Contingent university fund, ten cents, not less than one cent of which shall be used or set aside for permanent construction on the property of the University of Nevada. Public service division of the University of Nevada fund, two cents. State farm bureau fund, one cent. Consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, three cents. Public-school teachers retirement salary fund, five-tenths of one cent. The general fund, twenty-four cents. The distributive school fund, eleven cents. State highway fund, six cents. new state prison building fund, one cent. Nevada hospital for mental diseases building fund, one cent. Civic and physical training fund, five-tenths of one cent. Sec. 2. For the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1922, an ad valorem tax of sixty-two cents (62c) on each one hundred dollars of taxable property is hereby levied and directed to be collected for state purposes upon all taxable property in the state, including net proceeds of mines and mining claims, except such property as is by law exempt from taxation, which shall be appropriated by the state controller among the various funds of the state as follows:
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 227 (CHAPTER 151, AB 290)κ
ation, which shall be appropriated by the state controller among the various funds of the state as follows: Contingent university fund, eleven cents, not less than two cents of which shall be expended or set aside for permanent construction on the property of the University of Nevada. Public service division of the University of Nevada fund, two cents. State farm bureau fund, one cent. Consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, four cents. Public-school teachers retirement salary fund, five-tenths of one cent. The general fund, twenty-four cents. The state distributive school fund, eleven cents. State highway fund, six cents. New prison building fund, one cent. Nevada hospital for mental diseases building fund, one cent. Civic and physical training fund, five-tenths of one cent. |
Apportionment |
[Senate Bill No. 130Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 152An Act to amend an act entitled An act to provide for the appointment of a state auditor, fix his compensation, prescribe his duties, to inspect and audit public accounts and to establish a uniform system of public accounting, cost-keeping, and reporting, and mattters relating thereto, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, approved March 10, 1917.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 3 1/2: Section 3 1/2. In addition to the other duties imposed by law on the state auditor, he shall be ex officio the deputy clerk of the board of examiners and shall assist the board of examiners in the examination, classification and preparation for audit of all the claims required to be presented to said board, and he shall check and audit all such claims before they are submitted to said board for audit, approval and allowance. The general rules of procedure to govern this work shall be more particularly prescribed in harmony with this act by the board of examiners, and the state auditor shall comply with any such rules so prescribed. Sec. 2. Section 9 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 9. The salary of the state auditor is hereby fixed at three thousand ($3,000) dollars per annum, payable in equal monthly installments, the same as other state officials are paid. |
State auditor deputy clerk of state board of examiners
Salaries of state auditor and deputy |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 228 (CHAPTER 152, SB 130)κ
equal monthly installments, the same as other state officials are paid. he shall appoint a deputy who shall have the proper qualifications to perform the duties of the office, and who shall receive a salary of twenty-four hundred ($2,400) dollars per annum, payable in equal monthly installments, the same as other state officials are paid. |
Appropriation ($500) for refund of twice-paid state taxes |
[Senate Bill No. 18Senator Sheehan]
Chap. 153An Act to amend section 7 of an act entitled An act regulating the manner of procedure of obtaining refund of state, county and other taxes which have been twice paid, and making an appropriation therefor, approved March 14, 1917.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 7 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the general fund of the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be used in making refund for double payment of state taxes only. |
Refund of taxes of certain patented mines |
[Assembly Bill No. 39Mr. Hart]
Chap. 154An Act prescribing a manner of procedure for obtaining a refund of state, county, and other taxes which have been assessed and paid on patented mines in certain contingencies.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Whenever it shall appear to a board of county commissioners in any county of this state, by competent evidence, that a tax has been paid on one or more patented mining claims by the owner thereof, and a remission of said tax on said patented mining claims has been ordered to be made by the Nevada tax commission, and by mistake or inadvertence, on the part of the proper county officers, such remission of such tax as so ordered by said commission has not been entered upon the tax-roll, and consequently such tax has been paid in full by the owner of such patented mining claims, under protest, said board of county commissioners, by its unanimous resolution, may direct the county treasurer to refund to such owner the amount of county and district taxes which he has overpaid on account of such failure to enter such remission of taxes. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 229 (CHAPTER 154, AB 39)κ
on the part of the proper county officers, such remission of such tax as so ordered by said commission has not been entered upon the tax-roll, and consequently such tax has been paid in full by the owner of such patented mining claims, under protest, said board of county commissioners, by its unanimous resolution, may direct the county treasurer to refund to such owner the amount of county and district taxes which he has overpaid on account of such failure to enter such remission of taxes. Sec. 2. Any such claim for refund of taxes as provided in section one of this act must be presented to the board of county commissioners within six months after the enactment hereof. Sec. 3. Whenever it shall appear to the state board of examiners of the State of Nevada, by competent evidence, that a tax has been paid on one or more patented mining claims by the owner thereof, and a remission of said tax on said patented mining claims has been ordered to be made by the Nevada tax commission, and by mistake or inadvertence on the part of the proper county officers such remission of such tax as so ordered by said commission has not been entered upon the tax-roll, and consequently such tax has been paid in full by the owner of such patented mining claims, under protest, said state board of examiners, by its unanimous resolution, may direct the state controller to draw his warrant for refund to such owner for the amount of state taxes which he has overpaid on account of such failure to enter such remission of taxes. Sec. 4. Any such claims for refund of taxes as provided in section 3 of this act must be presented to the said state board of examiners within six months after enactment hereof. Sec. 5. If any person shall feel aggrieved by the action taken by any board of county commissioners on any such claim, an action may be prosecuted thereon for and on behalf of such person against such county, as on other rejected county claims. Sec. 6. If any person shall feel aggrieved by the action taken by said board of examiners on any such claim, an action may be prosecuted thereon for and on behalf of said person against the State of Nevada under and pursuant to the provisions of section 5653-5655, Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, which are hereby made applicable to any such action. Sec. 7. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the sum of two hundred fifty ($250) dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the general fund of the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be used in making refund for excess payment of state taxes only. |
Procedure in county
Time limit
State board of examiners to order refund, when
Time limit
Court action, when
Certain laws to govern action
Appropriation, $250 |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 230κ
Personnel of state rabies commission
County rabies board, personnel of
To cooperate with U.S.D.A.
Provision for funds for 1921 |
[Assembly Bill No. 138Mr. Hill]
Chap. 155An Act providing for the eradication of noxious animals in the State of Nevada; for the suppression of rabies; for cooperation between the state, the counties, and the bureau of biological survey, United States department of agriculture, in the administration thereof; for the levy of taxes therefor; for the creation of state and county boards for the purpose, and defining their duties.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The state rabies commission is hereby created. It shall consist of the governor, who shall be chairman, and four additional members appointed by the governor. The appointed members shall be, respectively, the director of the state veterinary control service; one member chosen from the state board of sheep commissioners; one member chosen from the state board of stock commissioners, and one member chosen from the state board of health. The director of the state veterinary control service shall act as secretary of the commission without extra compensation. The appointed members of the commission shall serve ex officio and only so long as they remain in the offices from which they shall have been chosen. They shall serve without salary, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary traveling and living expenses while attending meetings or directly engaged in the active performance of their duties on the commission. Sec. 2. A county rabies board is hereby created for each county in the State of Nevada. Each board shall consist of the chairman of the board of county commissioners, who shall be chairman of the board, and two additional members, to be chosen by the board of county commissioners. The members shall serve without salary and their actual expenses shall be allowed and paid out of the county rabies fund in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the state rabies commission and the respective county rabies boards to cooperate with the bureau of biological survey of the U. S. department of agriculture for the eradication of noxious animals and the suppression of rabies in the State of Nevada under the advice and direction of said survey. Sec. 4. For the purpose of providing funds for the work mentioned in this act, it is hereby provided: First: That for the calendar year 1921, there is appropriated all moneys not theretofore expended which have been or shall be realized from the proceeds of the special ad valorem tax provided for in chapter 51, Statutes of 1917, as amended by chapter 29, Statutes of 1919, as assessed in the calendar year 1920, together with such further appropriation as may be made by the legislature from the general fund of the state treasury. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 231 (CHAPTER 155, AB 138)κ
the calendar year 1920, together with such further appropriation as may be made by the legislature from the general fund of the state treasury. Second: That for the calendar year 1922 and thereafter, there is hereby appropriated from the general fund of the state treasury a sum of seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-five ($7,725). Sec. 5. The expenditure of state and county funds provided for in this act shall be authorized by the state rabies commission and the respective county rabies boards, under the direction of the biological survey of the U. S. department of agriculture. All claims against county rabies funds shall be certified by the said biological survey and approved by the county rabies board, and shall be allowed and paid by the boards of county commissioners of the respective counties. All claims against the state rabies fund shall be certified by the said biological survey, by the chairman and secretary of the state rabies commission, and shall be subject to audit and approval by the state board of examiners, as in the case of other state claims. Sec. 6. It is the intent of this act that approximately one-half of the cost of the work provided for in this act in every county shall be paid out of the state rabies fund and the other approximate half of said cost shall be paid out of the county rabies fund by the county in which the work is done; excepting that the necessary expenses of the members of the state rabies commission and of the county rabies boards shall be paid entirely out of the state rabies fund and the respective county rabies funds, respectively. Whenever provision is made for a county rabies fund in the manner described in this act, the state rabies commission shall cause to be expended in that county an amount not to exceed the amount so provided for work in the county during a like period. Should any county refuse or neglect to make provision for a county rabies fund, the state rabies commission may at its option refuse to authorize any work to be done in that county under the provisions of this act. Nothing herein shall prevent the expenditure in any county of any sums provided for the eradication of noxious animals or the suppression of rabies by the United States government. Sec. 7. That certain act entitled An act creating the state rabies commission; prescribing its membership; making an appropriation for the control and eradication of rabies and noxious animals within the State of Nevada in cooperation with the biological survey of the U. S. department of agriculture, approved March 8, 1917, is hereby repealed; provided, however, that the agreement made by authority of said act shall be and remain in full force and effect for the years 1921 and 1922; and provided further, that all tax moneys collected by virtue of said act shall be paid into and become a part of the special fund in the state treasury known as the state rabies fund, hereinbefore referred to. |
Appropriation ($7,725)
Manner of paying claims on state and county rabies fund
Intent of act specified
County funds, specifications concerning
Repeal of certain act
Previous agreement stands good |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 232 (CHAPTER 155, AB 138)κ
paid into and become a part of the special fund in the state treasury known as the state rabies fund, hereinbefore referred to. |
State board of education may change boundaries of supervision districts
Compensation of deputy superintendents of public instruction |
[Assembly Bill No. 142Mr. Henderson]
Chap. 156An Act to amend an act entitled An act concerning public schools and repealing certain acts relating thereto, approved March 20, 1911, and acts amendatory thereof.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 8 of the above-entitled is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 8. Five educational supervision districts are hereby established as follows: District number 1, comprising Elko County; district number 2; comprising White Pine, Lander, and Eureka Counties; district number 3, comprising Humboldt, Pershing, and Churchill Counties; district number 4, comprising Washoe, Storey, Ormsby, Douglas, Lyon, and Mineral Counties; district number 5, comprising Lincoln, Nye, Clark, and Esmeralda Counties; provided, that the state board of education may, with the approval of the deputy superintendents concerned, make such changes in the boundaries of these supervisional districts as may be found in their judgment to be better adapted to the needs of the several supervisional districts. Sec. 2. Section 13 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 13. The compensation of each deputy superintendent of public instruction, including the office deputy for the superintendent of public instruction, is hereby fixed at twenty-four hundred dollars per annum, and shall be paid out of the state distributive school fund in the same manner as the salaries of other state officers are paid. All claims for the traveling expenses, including the cost of transportation and cost of living of each deputy superintendent of public instruction and of the office deputy for the superintendent of public instruction while absent from his or her place of residence, together with necessary office expenses, shall be paid from the state distributive school fund of the state, whenever such claims shall be allowed by the state board of examiners; provided, that not more than nine hundred dollars shall be paid from the state distributive school fund of the state in settlement of claims for such traveling expense of any deputy superintendent of public instruction, nor more than five hundred dollars for such traveling expenses of the office deputy for the superintendent of public instruction during any one year, and not more than five hundred dollars shall be paid from the state distributive school fund of the state in settlement of claims for such office expenses of any deputy superintendent of public instruction for any one year. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 233 (CHAPTER 156, AB 142)κ
instruction, nor more than five hundred dollars for such traveling expenses of the office deputy for the superintendent of public instruction during any one year, and not more than five hundred dollars shall be paid from the state distributive school fund of the state in settlement of claims for such office expenses of any deputy superintendent of public instruction for any one year. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. |
Repeal |
[Assembly Bill No. 195Mr. Lockhart]
Chap. 157An Act to amend sections 203, 207, 209, and 210 of an act entitled An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto, approved March 20, 1911, being sections 3443, 3447, 3449, and 3450, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 21, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 203 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 203. Each parent, guardian, or other person in the State of Nevada, having control or charge of any child between the ages of seven and eighteen years, shall be required to send such child to a public school during the time in which a public school shall be in session in the school district in which said child resides; but such attendance shall be excused, when satisfactory evidence is presented to the board of trustees of the school district in which such child resides: 1. That the childs bodily or mental condition or attitude is such as to prevent or render inadvisable attendance at school, or application to study. A certificate from any reputable physician that the child is not able to attend school, or that its attendance is inadvisable, must be taken as satisfactory evidence by any such board; or 2. That the student has already completed the twelve grades of the grade and high-school courses; but any student between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years who has completed the work of the first eight grades may be excused from full-time school attendance and be permitted to enter proper employment or apprenticeship, by the authority of the board of trustees. In all such cases no employer or other person shall contract for the services or time of such student until the student presents a written permit from the attendance officer or school trustees. This permit must be kept on file by the employer, and on discharge of the employed minor must be returned by the employer to the school authorities issuing same; or |
Children between 7 and 18 must attend school
Excused, when
Reasons for non-attendance
Same |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 234 (CHAPTER 157, AB 195)κ
Reasons for non-attendance
Attendance officer
Penalty for abetting truancy
Employers to report
Penalty for falsely stating age of child |
must be returned by the employer to the school authorities issuing same; or 3. That the child is receiving under private or public tutelage, at home or in school, equivalent instruction fully approved by the school trustees as to kind and amount; or 4. That a child fourteen years of age or over must labor for its own or its parents support; or 5. That the deputy superintendent shall determine that the childs residence is located at such distance from the public school as to render attendance impracticable or unsafe. Sec. 2. Section 207 of said act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 207. The board of trustees of any school district may appoint and remove at pleasure an attendance officer and shall fix the compensation therefor, and shall prescribe the duties of such officer, not inconsistent with law, and make rules and regulations for the performance thereof. It shall be the duty of the attendance officer or any peace officer, or any other school officer, to arrest, during school hours, without warrant, any child between the ages of seven and eighteen years, who has been reported to him by the teacher, the city superintendent, or other person connected with the schools, as an absentee from instruction upon which he is lawfully required to attend within the school district. Such arresting officer shall forthwith deliver the child so arrested to the teacher, parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of said child. Sec. 3. Section 209 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 209. Any person who induces or attempts to induce any child to be absent unlawfully from school, or who knowingly employs or harbors while school is in session any child absent unlawfully from school, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment of not more than twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The attendance officer or any other school officer is hereby empowered to visit any place or establishment were minor children are employed to ascertain whether the provisions of this law are fully complied with, and may demand from all employers of such children a list of children employed, with their names and ages. Change of residence of a family having a child or children of school age shall be reported in writing within five days to the attendance officer or board of school trustees by the real-estate dealers and owners in charge of the property. Sec. 4. Section 210 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 210. Any parent, guardian, or other person who makes a false statement concerning the age or school attendance of a child between the ages of seven and eighteen years who is under his control or charge, such false statement being made with intent to deceive under this act, or any real-estate dealer or owner who fails and refuses to report any change of residence as specified in section 209 hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment of not more than twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 235 (CHAPTER 157, AB 195)κ
who is under his control or charge, such false statement being made with intent to deceive under this act, or any real-estate dealer or owner who fails and refuses to report any change of residence as specified in section 209 hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment of not more than twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. |
[Assembly Bill No. 4Mr. Mathews]
Chap. 158An Act for the relief of Geo. G. Schweis.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
Whereas, Geo. G. Schweis, inspector of apiaries, brought in his claim for services as inspector of apiaries for the month of December, 1920, as provided for in chapter 81, Statutes of Nevada for 1919, after the appropriation for the payment of said claim had reverted; and Whereas, The said claim has been examined, allowed, and approved by the state board of examiners, and is a just and legal claim against the State of Nevada; now, therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The sum of $66.66 is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the general fund of the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of said claim. Sec. 2. The state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant in favor of Geo. G. Schweis for the said sum of $66.66, and the state treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same. |
Preamble; relief of Geo. G. Schweis
Appropriation, $66.66 |
[Assembly Bill No. 30Mr. Byers]
Chap. 159An Act for the relief of the Northeastern Nevada agricultural board.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
Whereas, The Northeastern Nevada agricultural board brought in its claim for expenses for the month of December, 1920, amounting to $258.25, after the appropriation for the payment of the said claim had reverted; and Whereas, Had said claim been presented in due time, there was ample money remaining in the fund appropriated therefor for its payment; and |
Preamble; relief Northeaster Nevada agricultural board |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 236 (CHAPTER 159, AB 30)κ
Appropriation, $258.25 |
Whereas, The said claim has been examined, allowed, and approved by the state board of examiners, and is a just and legal claim against the State of Nevada; now, therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The sum of $258.25 is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the general fund of the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of said claim. Sec. 2. The state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant in favor of J. Carlos Lambert of Metropolis, Nevada, county agent, for the said sum of $258.25, and the state treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same. |
Preamble; paying Reno for street work
Appropriation, $217.50 |
[Assembly Bill No. 31Mr. Heward]
Chap. 160An Act to provide for the relief of the city of Reno.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
Whereas, In the year nineteen hundred and twenty, the city of Reno, a municipal corporation, located in Washoe County, Nevada, performed certain work on the street in front of the Nevada historical society building on North Center street, in said city, of the value of two hundred seventeen and 50/100 ($217.50) dollars, for curbing, guttering and paving that portion of North Center street in front of said property, said work comprising 50 feet of curb and gutter and 600 square feet of bithulithic paving; and Whereas, The said sum of two hundred seventeen and 50/100 ($217.50) dollars has never been paid to the city of Reno; now, therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The sum of two hundred seventeen and 50/100 ($217.50) dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the said city of Reno for the expenses of improving North Center street in said city in front of the Nevada historical society property, and the state controller is hereby directed and required to draw his warrant for the sum of two hundred seventeen and 50/100 ($217.50) dollars in favor of said city of Reno, and the state treasurer is hereby authorized and required to pay the same. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 237κ
[Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 43Committee on Labor]
Chap. 161An Act to amend an act entitled An act relating to the compensation of injured workmen in the industries of this state and the compensation to their dependents where such injuries result in death, creating an industrial insurance commission, providing for the creation and disbursement of funds for the compensation and care of workmen injured in the course of employment, and defining and regulating the liability of employers to their employees; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act, approved March 15, 1913, and as amended by an act approved March 22, 1915, and as amended by an act approved March 28, 1917, and as amended by an act approved March 28, 1919.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 25 of the above-entitled act, as amended by an act approved March 22, 1915, and as amended by an act approved March 27, 1917, and as amended by an act approved March 28, 1919, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 25. Every employee in the employ of an employer within the provisions of this act, who shall be injured by accident arising out of and in course of employment, or his dependents as hereinafter defined, shall be entitled to receive the following compensation:
(A) Death Benefits If the injury causes death, the compensation shall be known as a death benefit, and shall be payable in the amount and to and for the benefit of the persons following: 1. Burial expenses, not to exceed one hundred and twenty-five ($125) dollars, in addition to the compensation payable under this act. 2. To the widow, if there is no child, thirty per centum of the average wage of the deceased. This compensation shall be paid until her death or remarriage, with two years compensation in one sum upon remarriage. 3. To the widower, if there is no child, thirty per centum of the average wage of the deceased, if wholly dependent for support upon the deceased employee at the time of her death. This compensation shall be paid until his death or remarriage. 4. To the widow or widower, if there is a child or children, the compensation payable under clause one (1) or clause two (2), and in addition the additional amount of ten per centum of such wage for each such child until the age of eighteen years. In case of the subsequent death of such surviving wife (or dependent husband) any surviving child of the deceased employee shall have his compensation increased to fifteen (15) per centum of such wages, and the same shall be payable until he shall reach the age of eighteen years; provided, that the total amount payable shall in no case exceed sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of such wage. |
Amending industrial insurance law
Compensation of employees or dependents
Death benefits specified |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 238 (CHAPTER 161, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 43)κ
Death benefits specified |
ing wife (or dependent husband) any surviving child of the deceased employee shall have his compensation increased to fifteen (15) per centum of such wages, and the same shall be payable until he shall reach the age of eighteen years; provided, that the total amount payable shall in no case exceed sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of such wage. If the children have a guardian other than the surviving widow or widower, the compensation on account of such children may be paid to such guardian. The compensation payable on account of any child shall cease when he dies, marries, or reaches the age of eighteen years, or if over eighteen years, and incapable of self-support, becomes capable of self-support. 5. If there be a surviving child or children of the deceased under the age of eighteen years, but no surviving wife (or dependent husband) then for the support of each child until the age of eighteen years, fifteen per centum of the wages of the deceased; provided, that the aggregate shall in no case exceed sixty-six and two-thirds per centum of such wages. 6. If there be no surviving wife (or dependent husband) or child under the age eighteen years, there shall be paid to a parent, if wholly dependent for support upon the deceased employee at the time of his death, twenty-five per centum of the average monthly wage of the deceased during dependency, with an added allowance of ten per centum if two dependent parents survive; to the brothers or sisters, under the age of eighteen years, if one is wholly dependent upon the deceased employee for support at the time of injury causing death, twenty per centum of the average monthly wage for the support of such brother or sister, until of the age of eighteen years. If more than one brother or sister is wholly dependent, thirty per centum of the average monthly wage at the time of injury, causing death, divided among such dependents share and share alike. If there is no one of them wholly dependent, but one or more partly dependent, ten per centum divided among such dependents share and share alike. 7. In all other cases, questions of total or partial dependency shall be determined in accordance with the facts as the facts may be at the time of the injury. If the deceased employee leaves dependents only partially dependent upon his earnings for support at the time of the injury causing his death, the monthly compensation to be paid shall be equal to the same proportion of the monthly payments for the benefit of persons totally dependent as the amount contributed by the employee to such partial dependents bears to the average wage of deceased at the time of the injury resulting in his death. The duration of such compensation to partial dependents shall be fixed by the commission in accordance with the facts shown, but in no case exceed compensation for one hundred months. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 239 (CHAPTER 161, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 43)κ
8. Compensation to the widow or widower shall be for the use and benefit of such widow or widower, and of the dependent children, and the commission may, from time to time, apportion such compensation between them in such way as it deems best for the interests of all beneficiaries. If a dependent to whom a death benefit is to be paid is an alien not residing in the United States, the compensation shall be only sixty (60%) per cent of the amount or amounts above specified. 9. Any excess of wages over one hundred and twenty ($120) dollars a month shall not be taken into account in computing compensation for death benefits. 10. In such cases where compensation is awarded to the widow, dependent children, or persons wholly dependent, no lump-sum settlements shall be allowed. 11. In case of the death of any dependent specified in the foregoing enumeration before the expiration of the time named in the award, funeral expenses not to exceed one hundred and twenty-five ($125) dollars shall be paid.
(B) Total Disability 1. Temporary total disability: For temporary total disability, if there be no one residing in the United States totally dependent upon the workman at the time of the injury, compensation of sixty (60%) per cent of the average monthly wage, but not more than seventy-two ($72) dollars nor less than thirty ($30) dollars per month, but not exceeding one hundred months, during the period of such disability, total amount not to exceed seven thousand two hundred ($7,200) dollars; if there be persons residing in the United States totally dependent for support upon the workman, compensation as provided herein with an additional allowance of ten ($10) dollars per month for such dependents during the period of such disability. 2. Permanent total disability: In cases of total disability adjudged to be permanent, compensation of sixty (60%) per cent of the average monthly wage, but not less than thirty ($30) dollars per month nor more than sixty ($60) dollars per month during the life of the injured person; provided, in cases of permanent total disability, if the character of the injury is such as to render the workman so physically helpless as to require the services of a constant attendant, an additional allowance of thirty ($30) dollars per month may be made so long as such requirements shall continue, but such increase shall not obtain or be operative while the workman is receiving hospital care under or pursuant to the provisions of section 23 of this act. In cases of the following specified injuries, in the absence of proof to the contrary, the disability caused thereby shall be deemed total and permanent: 1. The total and permanent loss of sight of both eyes. 2. The loss by separation of both legs at or above the knee. |
Death benefits specified
Total disability benefits specified |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 240 (CHAPTER 161, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 43)κ
Total disability benefits specified
Partial disability benefits specified |
3. The loss by separation of both arms at or above the elbow. 4. An injury to the spine resulting in permanent and complete paralysis of both legs or both arms, or one leg and one arm. 5. An injury to the skull resulting in incurable imbecility, or insanity. 6. The loss by separation of one arm at or above the elbow, and one leg by separation at or above the knee may be deemed a permanent total disability. The above enumeration is not taken as exclusive; and in all other cases, permanent total disability shall be determined in accordance with the facts.
(C) Partial Disability 1. Temporary partial disability: For temporary partial disability, sixty (60%) per cent of the difference between the wages earned before the injury and the wages which the injured person is able to earn thereafter, but not more than forty ($40) dollars per month for a period not to exceed sixty (60) months during the period of said disability. for the purpose of this provision any excess of wages over one hundred and twenty ($120) dollars per month shall not be taken into account in computing compensation for temporary partial disability. 2. In case of any of the following specified injuries, the disability caused thereby shall be deemed a permanent partial disability, and compensation of fifty (50%) per cent of the average monthly wage, subject to a minimum of thirty ($30) dollars per month and a maximum of sixty ($60) dollars per month, shall be paid in addition to the compensation paid for temporary total disability for the period named in the following schedule: (a) For the loss of a thumb, fifteen (15) months. (b) For the loss of a first finger, commonly called the index finger, nine (9) months. (c) For the loss of a second finger, seven (7) months. (d) For the loss of the third finger, five (5) months. (e) For the loss of the fourth finger, commonly called the little finger, four (4) months. (f) The loss of a distal or second phalange of the thumb, or the distal or third phalange of the first, second, third, or fourth finger, shall be considered a permanent partial disability, and equal to the loss of one-half of such thumb or finger, and compensation shall be one-half of the amount specified for the loss of the entire thumb or finger. (g) The loss of more than one phalange of the thumb or finger shall be considered as the loss of the entire finger or thumb; provided, however, that in no case shall the amount received for more than one finger exceed the amount provided in this schedule for the loss of a hand. (h) For the loss of a great toe, seven (7) months. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 241 (CHAPTER 161, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 43)κ
(i) For the loss of one of the other toes other than the great toe, two and one-half (2 1/2) months. (j) However, the loss of the first phalange of any toe shall be considered to be equal to the loss of one-half of such toe, and compensation shall be one-half of the amount above specified. (k) The loss of more than one phalange shall be considered as the loss of the entire toe. (l) For the loss of a major hand, fifty (50) months; the loss of a minor hand, forty (40) months. (m) For the loss of a major arm, sixty (60) months; for the loss of a minor arm, fifty (50) months. (n) For the loss of a foot, forty (40) months. (o) For the loss of a leg, fifty (50) months. (p) For the loss of an eye by enucleation, thirty (30) months. (q) The permanent and complete loss of sight in one eye without enucleation, twenty-five (25) months. (r) For permanent and complete loss of hearing in one ear, twenty (20) months. (s) For permanent and complete loss of hearing in both ears, sixty (60) months. (t) The permanent and complete loss of the use of a finger, toe, arm, hand, foot, or leg may be deemed the same as the loss of any such member by separation. (u) For the partial loss of use of a finger, toe, arm, hand, foot, leg, or partial loss of sight or hearing, fifty (50%) per cent of the average monthly wage during that proportion of the number of months in the foregoing schedule provided for the complete loss of use of such member, or complete loss of sight or hearing, which the partial loss of use thereof bears to the total loss of use of such member or total loss of sight or hearing. (v) Facial disfigurement: For permanent disfigurement about the head or face, which shall include injury to or loss of teeth, the commission may allow such sum for compensation thereof as it may deem just, in accordance with the proof submitted, for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months. (w) In all cases of permanent partial disability, not otherwise specified in the foregoing schedule, the percentage of disability to the total disability shall be determined. For the purpose of computing compensation for a disability that is partial in character but permanent in quality, fifty (50%) per cent of the average monthly wage not to exceed the sum of sixty ($60) dollars per month for the period of one (1) month shall represent a one (1%) per cent disability. In determining the percentage of disability, consideration shall be given, among other things, to any previous disability, the occupation of the injured employee, the nature of the physical injury, and the age of the employee at the time of the injury. |
Partial disability benefits specified |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 242 (CHAPTER 161, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 43)κ
Partial disability benefits specified
Schedule for rating disabilities Refusal to submit to treatment voids compensation |
physical injury, and the age of the employee at the time of the injury. (x) Where there is a previous disability, as the loss of one eye, one hand, one foot, or any other previous permanent disability, the percentage of disability for a subsequent injury shall be determined by computing the percentage of the entire disability and deducting therefrom the percentage of the previous disability as it existed at the time of the subsequent injury. (y) The commission may adopt a schedule for rating permanent disabilities and reasonable and proper rules to carry out the provisions of this subsection. No compensation shall be payable for the death or disability of an employee, if his death be caused by, or in so far as his disability may be aggravated, caused or continued by, an unreasonable refusal or neglect to submit to or follow any competent and reasonable surgical treatment or medical aid. |
General appropriation for 1921-1922
Governors office and mansion
Lieutenant-Governor |
[Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 68Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 162An Act making appropriations for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the years 1921 and 1922.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the general fund for the purpose hereinafter expressed, and for the support of the government of the State of Nevada for the years 1921-1922:
Administrative Offices Sec. 2. The Office and Mansion of the Governor. For salary of governor......................................................................................... $14,000.00 For salary of governors private secretary....................................................... 4,800.00 For salary of clerk in governors office............................................................. 3,000.00 For salary extra clerical help................................................................................ 375.00 For traveling expenses of the governor............................................................ 1,200.00 For dues to governors conference................................................................... 500.00 For light, power, fuel, telephone, care of grounds, repairs and furnishings at governors mansion.................................................................................. 4,052.00
Sec. 3. The Office of Lieutenant-Governor and Adjutant-General. For salary of lieutenant-governor and adjutant-general................................. $7,200.00 For salary of stenographer, care, transfer, transportation, and insurance of military property; for traveling and incidental expenses of the adjutant-general............................................................................................. 2,650.00 |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 243 (CHAPTER 162, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 68)κ
Sec. 4. The Office of the Secretary of State. For salary of the secretary of state.................................... $7,200.00 For salary of deputy secretary of state............................................................. 4,800.00 For salary of clerk 4,000.00 For salary of typist............................................................... 3,000.00 For salary of stenographer.................................................. 3,000.00 For salary of extra clerk........................................................ 750.00 For indexing territorial records............................................ 250.00
Sec. 5. The Office of Attorney-General and Mineral Land Commissioner. For salary of attorney-general............................................................................ $7,200.00 For salary of deputy attorney-general............................................................... 6,000.00 For salary of stenographer.................................................................................. 3,000.00 For salary of mineral land commissioner........................................................... 2,800.00 For traveling and contingent expenses............................................................. 3,000.00
Sec. 6. The Office of State Controller and Insurance Commissioner. For salary of state controller............................................................................... $7,200.00 For salary of deputy state controller................................................................. 4,800.00 For salary of typist............................................................................................... 3,000.00 For protection of state revenue.......................................................................... 500.00 For salary of clerk for insurance commissioner................................................ 3,000.00 For salary of extra clerk........................................................................................ 3,000.00 For premiums on insurance................................................................................. 9,500.00 For fire protection for public buildings............................................................. 500.00
Sec. 7. The Office of the State Treasurer. For salary of state treasurer................................................................................ $7,200.00 For salary of deputy state treasurer................................................................... 4,800.00 For salary of clerk 3,000.00 For exchange on state money transfers............................................................ 6,000.00
Sec. 8. The State Mine Inspector. For salary of state mine inspector...................................................................... $7,200.00 For salary of two deputies................................................................................... 9,600.00 For salary of clerk 3,000.00 For support of mine inspectors office.............................................................. 7,700.00
Administrative Plants Sec. 9. The State Printing Office. For salary of superintendent of state printing................................................. $7,200.00 For salary of bookkeeper..................................................................................... 3,000.00 For support of state printing office and bindery............................................. 50,000.00
The Boards, Commissions, and Appointive Offices Sec. 10. The Board of Capitol Commissioners. For fuel, light, care of capitol buildings and grounds, water, stationery and stamps, telephone and telegraph, capitol repairs and furnishings, to be budgeted to state offices by the board of capitol commissioners....................................................... $52,000.00 |
Secretary of state
State controller and insurance commissioner
State treasurer
Inspector of mines
State printing office
Capitol and grounds, etc. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 244 (CHAPTER 162, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 68)κ
Public service commission
Tax commission
State board of health
Bank examiner and board of finance
State auditor
Commissioner of labor
Fish and game commission
State police
N.E. Nevada agricultural board
Cement commission
Historical society
State engineer |
Sec. 11. The Public Service Commission. For salaries of commissioners............................................................................ $15,000.00 For salary of secretary and rate expert.............................................................. 6,000.00 For support of commission................................................................................. 20,000.00
Sec. 12. The Nevada Tax Commission. For salaries of commissioners............................................................................ $6,000.00 For salary of secretary......................................................................................... 6,000.00 For support of commission................................................................................. 12,000.00
Sec. 13. The State Board of Health. For salary of secretary of state board of health............................................... $5,000.00 For support of state board of health................................................................. 3,800.00
Sec. 14. The State Bank Examiner and State Board of Finance. For salary of state bank examiner....................................................................... $8,000.00 For salary of clerk 3,000.00 For support state bank examiner and state board of finance......................... 3,000.00
Sec. 15. The State Auditor. For salary of state auditor................................................................................... $6,000.00 For salary of deputy auditor............................................................................... 4,800.00 For support of state auditors office................................................................. 5,200.00
Sec. 16. The Labor Commissioner. For salary of labor commissioner....................................................................... $3,000.00 For salary of clerk 3,000.00 For salary of statistical assistants..................................................................... 600.00 For support of labor commissioners office..................................................... 3,150.00
Sec. 17. The Fish and Game Commission. For support of the fish and game commission................................................. $17,500.00
Sec. 18. The Nevada State Police. For support of the Nevada state police............................................................ $19,800.00
Sec. 19. Northeastern Nevada Agricultural Board. For support of the Northeastern Nevada agricultural board......................... $1,000.00
Sec. 20. The Cement Commission. For support of the cement commission............................................................. $700.00
Sec. 21. The Nevada Historical Society. For support of the Nevada historical society.................................................. $10,000.00
Sec. 22. The State Engineers Office. For support and maintenance of state engineers office including all salaries provided by law............................................................................... $50,000.00 For special adjudication expenses and for special investigations ordered by the thirtieth session of the legislature................................................... 20,000.00 For cooperative water measurements with U. S. geological survey............. 5,000.00 |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 245 (CHAPTER 162, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 68)κ
For cooperative snow survey with U. S. government and State of California 1,500.00
Sec. 23. The State Ore Sampler. For support of state ore sampler for 1921......................................................... $855.00
Sec. 24. The State Library. For salaries of librarian, assistant librarians, labor, expense and purchases of books for Nevada state library...................................................................................................... $24,000.00
The Penal and Charitable Institutions Sec. 25. The State Orphans Home. For support and maintenance of state orphans home, including all salaries of its officials $63,400.00 For truck and plow................................................................................................ 1,000.00 For reimbursing prison stock trust fund for cut stone.................................... 2,500.00 For changing oil plant.......................................................................................... 500.00
Sec. 26. The Nevada School of Industry. For support of the Nevada school of industry, including all salaries of its officials $36,680.00 For construction of superintendents cottage................................................. 5,000.00 For equipment and poultry.................................................................................. 2,500.00
Sec. 27. The Nevada State Prison. For support of Nevada state prison, including all salaries of its officials.... $130,000.00 For repairs and improvements............................................................................ 5,000.00 For death watch over condemned criminals..................................................... 3,000.00
Sec. 28. The Nevada State Hospital for Mental Diseases. For salaries, support, maintenance and repairs Nevada state hospital for mental diseases $152,000.00 For furnishings for new building........................................................................ 12,000.00 For purchase of dairy cattle................................................................................ 1,500.00
Sec. 29. The Care of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. For the care of the deaf, dumb and blind (under the control of the state board of education) $18,500.00
Sec. 30. The Florence Crittenton Mission. For support of the Florence Crittenton mission............................................... $5,000.00
Sec. 31. The Vocational Rehabilitation Board. For support of state vocational rehabilitation under direction of the vocational rehabilitation board in cooperation with the federal government................................... $10,000.00
Educational Institutions Sec. 32. Department of Education. For salaries and expenses of deputy superintendents of public instruction of March 1, 1921 $2,400.00 For office files.............................................................................. 500.00 |
Ore sampler
State library
State orphans home
School of industry
State prison
Hospital for mental diseases
Deaf, dumb, and blind
Florence Crittenton mission
Vocational rehabilitation
Partial, for deputies |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 246 (CHAPTER 162, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 68)κ
Vocational education
Public-service division
State farm bureau
Supreme court
Nevada reports
District judges
Miscellaneous expenses
Deficiency interest
From distributive school fund |
Sec. 33. State Board for Vocational Education. For support of vocational education in cooperation with federal board for vocational education and local and district school boards and including the mining schools and states proportion of the salaries and expenses of all officers of said state board........................................ $35,000.00
Sec. 34. The Public-Service Division of the University. For support of the public-service division of the University of Nevada to December 1, 1921............................................................................................ $35,000.00
Sec. 35. The Farm Bureaus. For state cooperation with county farm bureaus in 1921............................... $15,000.00
The Judicial Branch Sec. 36. The Supreme Court. For salaries of the supreme court justices........................................................ $36,000.00 For salary of the clerk of the supreme court..................................................... 6,000.00 For salary of the reporter of decisions.............................................................. 4,800.00 For salary of the stenographers of the court and clerk.................................. 9,000.00 For salary of the bailiff......................................................................................... 500.00 For stamps and stationery and supplies, telephone and telegraph and expenses for the supreme court and clerk.................................................. 1,600.00 For publishing 44th, 45th, and 46th Nevada Reports..................................... 4,800.00 For printing decisions in Carson Appeal.......................................................... 3,600.00 For equipment for the supreme court................................................................ 900.00
Sec. 37. The District Courts. For traveling expenses of the district judges (to be budgeted by the board of examiners)........................................................................................ $11,000.00
Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses Sec. 38. For care of G. A. R. cemetery.............................................................................. $300.00 for election expense............................................................................................. 1,000.00 For industrial insurance, state employees........................................................ 5,000.00 For state officers bond premiums..................................................................... 400.00 For relief of Grace Wildes.................................................................................... 2,400.00 For rewards by the governor.............................................................................. 4,000.00 For state advertising in Carson News............................................................... 3,000.00 For commission for the promotion of uniformity of legislation..................... 300.00
Sec. 39. For interest on state department deficiencies.................................................. $2,000.00
Sec. 40. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the state distributive school fund for the purposes hereinafter expressed for the years 1921 and 1922: |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 247 (CHAPTER 162, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 68)κ
Sec. 41. Department of Education. For superintendent of public instruction.......................................................... $7,200.00 For deputy superintendents of public instruction.......................................... 26,400.00 For stenographer.................................................................................................. 3,000.00 For traveling and office expense, superintendent and deputy superintendents 16,500.00 For support of evening schools, teachers examinations, miscellaneous educational expenses and educational test supplies..................................................... 12,750.00
Sec. 42. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the permanent school fund for the purposes hereinafter expressed, for the years 1921 and 1922:
Sec. 43. The Surveyor-General and State Land Register. For salary of surveyor-general and state land register................................... $7,200.00 For salary of deputy surveyor-general and state land register..................... 4,800.00 For salary of draftsman...................................................... 4,000.00 For salary of typist.............................................................. 3,000.00 For township plats.............................................................. 200.00
Sec. 44. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed, including all acts and parts of acts which provide appropriations for the purposes outlined in this act. |
Superintendent of public instruction, and deputies, etc.
From permanent school fund
State land office
Repeal |
[Assembly Bill No. 112Mr. Lockhart]
Chap. 163An Act to provide for the appointment of policemen, with the powers of peace officers, to serve upon the premises and property owned or operated by railroad companies.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The governor of this state is hereby authorized and empowered, upon the application of any railroad company, to appoint and to commission to serve during his pleasure one or more persons having the residential qualifications of an elector, designated by such company, and to serve at the sole expense of such company, as policeman or policemen, with the powers of peace officers, and who, after being duly sworn, may act as such policeman or policeman upon the premises or property owned or operated by such company. The company designating such person or persons shall be responsible civilly for any abuse of his or their authority. |
Providing for railroad police
Company responsible |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 248 (CHAPTER 163, AB 112)κ
Officer must wear star
Repeal |
Sec. 2. Every such policeman shall, when on duty, wear in plain view a star bearing the words Railroad Police, and the name of the company for which he is commissioned. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. |
Amending school law
High-school tax in counties without regular county high school
Conditions high schools must comply with
When commissioners may reduce tax for high schools |
[Assembly Bill No. 116Mr. Cross]
Chap. 164An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled An act to authorize county commissioners, in counties not having high schools, to aid district high schools, under certain conditions, and other matters properly connected therewith, approved March 9, 1915, approved March 25, 1919.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: High-School Tax in Counties Without Regular County High School Section 1. In any county in which no county high school is located, the county commissioners, at the time of making the annual levy for said county, if petitioned by the board of trustees of the district high school in any county having but one duly organized high school, or the several boards of trustees of the district high schools in counties having more than one such high school, shall levy a county tax for high-school purposes of not less than twenty cents (20c), or such a part thereof as is shown in said petitions to be necessary, on the hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation of the county, for the benefit of any district high school or schools that comply with the following conditions: 1. That the said high school or schools shall have standard courses in commercial work or manual arts, or domestic arts, or standard courses in agriculture; 2. That the board of school trustees of each district interested shall have passed a resolution opening their high school to all properly qualified students of the county; 3. That the board of school trustees of the district or districts having high schools as described in paragraph 1 of these conditions shall each have levied a special district tax of not less than twenty cents (20c) on the hundred ($100) dollars of the assessed valuation. Should the board of trustees of the district or districts each make petitions as provided in section 1 of the above-entitled act and each comply with condition 1 and condition 2 of said act, but levy a special district tax of less than twenty cents (20c) on the hundred ($100) dollars of assessed valuation, then the board of county commissioners may, for the year in which said special district tax of less than twenty cents (20c) is levied, reduce the county tax rate for high schools by the same number of cents on the hundred ($100) dollars of assessed valuation. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 249 (CHAPTER 164, AB 116)κ
may, for the year in which said special district tax of less than twenty cents (20c) is levied, reduce the county tax rate for high schools by the same number of cents on the hundred ($100) dollars of assessed valuation. If, on approval of this act, the tax levy for 1921 shall have been fixed, as required by law, the boards of county commissioners of all counties affected by this act are hereby required to change said tax levy as herein provided for, if petitioned by the board of school trustees of boards of school trustees so to do within thirty days after the passage and approval of this act. |
Tax levy for 1921 |
[Assembly Bill No. 125Mr. Spellier]
Chap. 165An Act to provide for the equipment and completion of a mining experiment station building at the University of Nevada; providing for the issuance and sale of bonds therefor and the redemption thereof.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
Whereas, The federal government has assigned a mining experiment station to the State of Nevada to be located at the University of Nevada, upon condition that the State of Nevada properly house same; and Whereas, The sum of $30,000 authorized by chapter 67, Statutes of Nevada, 1919, was not sufficient to provide the housing space required by said mining experiment station:
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The governor, state controller, and state treasurer are hereby constituted a commission and hereby authorized, directed, and empowered to prepare and issue bonds of the State of Nevada in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Said bonds shall be in denominations of five hundred dollars ($500) each, payable in gold coin of the United States, and shall be numbered serially, and when retired shall be retired in order of their issuance. Said bonds shall be signed by the governor and endorsed by the state treasurer, and countersigned by the state controller, and authenticated by the great seal of the state. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semiannually, and shall be payable within twenty years from date of issuance. Sec. 2. Upon the issuance and execution of said bonds the same shall be sold to the highest and best bidder, giving preference to the State of Nevada; provided, that any and all binds may be rejected. When so sold the state controller shall place the proceeds of said sale in a fund to be known as the University Mining Experiment Station Building Fund. At least two of said bonds of five hundred dollars each shall be redeemed each year, commencing June 1, 1922, and annually thereafter on same date. |
Bonds ($10,000) for completion of mining experiment station
University Mining Experiment Station Building Fund |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 250 (CHAPTER 165, AB 125)κ
State tax 1/10 cent
Limited to $10,000
All bills paid from said fund |
each shall be redeemed each year, commencing June 1, 1922, and annually thereafter on same date. Sec. 3. There shall be annually levied an ad valorem tax of one-tenth of one cent on each hundred dollars of taxable property in the State of Nevada, including the net proceeds of mines, and all moneys derived therefrom shall be paid into the university mining experiment station building interest and redemption fund, which shall be used for the purpose of paying interest and the annual redemption of the bonds authorized by this act. If after the payment of interest and the redemption of the number of bonds, as herein provided for, there shall remain a surplus in said fund, such surplus shall be used for the retirement and cancelation of additional bonds provided in this act to the amount of such surplus. Sec. 4. The board of regents of the University of Nevada is hereby authorized and directed to complete and equip said mining experiment station building. The cost of said equipment and completion of building shall not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Sec. 5. All bills for the employment of architect and for the equipment and completion of said mining experiment station building shall be paid out of the university mining experiment station building fund, herein provided for in section 2, upon bills approved by the board of regents of the University of Nevada and audited and approved by the board of examiners of the State of Nevada as other claims against the state are paid. |
Bounty for commercial oil well
Commercial well defined
Commission created |
[Assembly Bill No. 126Committee on Mines and Mining]
Chap. 166An Act to provide for the payment of a bounty to encourage the boring of wells in searching for oil, and making an appropriation therefor.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Any person, firm, company, corporation, or association of persons who first brings into production in the State of Nevada a commercial oil well shall receive as a bounty therefor from the State of Nevada the sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars. Sec. 2. A commercial well is hereby defined as a well that produces equivalent of one hundred barrels of oil each day of twenty-four hours for a period of thirty successive days. Sec. 3. The governor, attorney-general, and secretary of state of the State of Nevada are hereby made a commission for carrying out the purposes of this act. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 251 (CHAPTER 166, AB 126)κ
Sec. 4. Upon application for the payment of the bounty herein provided the said commission shall determine whether the provisions of this act have been fulfilled, and if the said commission shall so determine it shall issue a certificate to such effect to the state board of examiners. Sec. 5. Upon presentation of a claim for the payment of the bounty herein provided for, accompanied by said certificate, the state board of examiners shall allow such claim in the sum of not to exceed twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars, and such claim shall be allowed, approved, and paid in the usual method for allowance, approval, and payment of claims against the state. Sec. 6. The sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the general fund often state treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out the provisions of this act. |
Commission to decide as to bounty
When bounty paid
Appropriation, $25,000 |
[Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 139Committee on Agriculture]
Chap. 167An Act regulating the manner and method of weighing and testing milk and cream and dairy products; providing standard methods for the determining of butter-fat and other content thereof; providing for the appointment of licensed testers; providing ways and means for standardizing measures, scales, weights, and other apparatus used in creameries or factory of dairy products to determine the amount of percentage of fat in milk or cream; making the commissioner of food and drugs the official in charge of the enforcement of this act; making it unlawful to violate any provision of this act, and other matters properly connected therewith.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any hauler of milk or cream, other than a common carrier, or any person, firm or corporation receiving or purchasing milk or cream by weight or test or both, or by measure or test or both, to fraudulently manipulate the weight, measure or test of milk or cream, or to take unfair samples thereof, or to fraudulently manipulate such samples. Such hauler or other agent shall weigh or measure the milk or cream of each patron accurately and correctly and shall report such weights and measurements accurately and correctly to the creamery or factory. He shall thoroughly mix the milk the milk or cream of each patron by pouring or stirring until such milk or cream is uniform and homogeneous in richness, before the sample is taken from such milk or cream. |
Regulating method of weighing and testing milk, cream, and dairy products |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 252 (CHAPTER 167, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 139)κ
False tests declared unlawful
Licensed testers
Licenses revoked, when
Record of tests to be kept
Samples retained for 24 hours or more |
taken from such milk or cream. When the weighing or sampling is done at the creamery, shipping station or factory, the same rule shall apply. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, by himself or as the agent, servant, employee or officer of any person, firm or corporation, receiving or purchasing milk or cream on the basis of the amount of butter-fat contained therein, to underread, overread or otherwise fraudulently manipulate the Babcock test used for determining the per cent of butter-fat in milk or cream, or to falsify the records thereof, or to read the test at any other temperature than the correct one, which is one hundred thirty degrees to one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit, or to pay on the basis of any measurement or weight except the true measurement or weight, which is seventeen and six-tenths cubic centimeters for milk and nine grams or eighteen grams for cream; provided, that in all tests for cream the cream shall be weighed into the test-bottle. All testing of milk or cream purchased on the basis of the amount of butter-fat contained therein shall be done by licensed tester, who shall supervise and be responsible for the operation of the Babcock test of milk or cream. A license shall be issued to such person by the commissioner of food and drugs, whose duty it shall be to examine into the qualifications of the applicant for such license, and every such applicant shall satisfy said officer of his qualifications and comply with the provisions herein, before any license shall be issued to him. Sec. 3. Said licenses shall be revoked at any time by the commissioner of food and drugs, when in his opinion said licensee has not conformed to any or all of the provisions of this act which relate to his duties. Sec. 4. Said licensed tester shall, in addition to the records herein required to be kept, record all tests made by him in a permanent book of record, a form for which shall be supplied by the department, and said tests shall be indelibly recorded in said record-book in such a manner as to identify the patron whose milk or cream has been tested, and also in such a manner as to prevent erasures or changes made in these tests, and said record shall be at all times during business hours kept open to the inspection of the commissioner of food and drugs or his agents, or of any officer of the city and county board of health, or of any peace officer of the city, county or state, or of any patron who may be delivering milk or cream to the plant or place where such tests are made. Sec. 5. Such licensed tester also shall retain in testable condition a sample of all milk or cream so tested by him for a period of not less than twenty-four hours after said tests of milk or cream have been made, and said tester shall be responsible for the safe keeping of such samples of milk or cream and shall retain the same in his custody for said period of time. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 253 (CHAPTER 167, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 139)κ
of time. The commissioner of food and drugs shall make uniform rules and regulations for the proper enforcement of this act and the same shall be printed in the state printing office and distributed by the commissioner of food and drugs upon application therefor to licensed or other dairymen, creameries and other parties interested in the same. The said commissioner shall make analyses of all samples of milk or cream submitted to him, charging therefor only actual cost exclusive of his salary, when the same are presented in suitable standard containers to be furnished by said commissioner of food and drugs and under directors for taking said samples as he may prescribe. Sec. 6. Every creamery, shipping station, milk factory, cheese factory, ice-cream factory, condensery, or any person, firm or corporation receiving or purchasing milk or cream on the basis of butter-fat contained therein, shall be required to hold a license so to do. The license shall be issued to such creamery, shipping station, milk factory, condensery, ice-cream factory, cheese factory, or person, firm or corporation by the commissioner of food and drugs upon complying with all sanitary laws, rules and regulations of the State of Nevada, and upon complying with the provisions of this act and upon payment of a license fee as provided for in this act. Sec. 7. All licenses required herein shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of each year, and the fee for issuing same shall be one dollar for a full year or fraction thereof. The licenses may be revoked by the commissioner of food and drugs if, after due notice, the licensee fails or has failed to comply with the laws, rules, and regulations under which the license was granted; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to individuals, hotels, restaurants, or boarding-houses, buying milk or cream for private use. Sec. 8. The commissioner of food and drugs shall, from time to time, inspect and examine as to their accuracy, or their adaptability to give accurate results, all glassware, measures, scales, weights and other apparatus used in creameries and factories of dairy products, where milk and cream are purchased, to determine the amount of percentage of fat in milk or cream. Said commissioner of food and drugs shall supply at cost, and not oftener than once a year, to every creamery, or other factory of dairy products where milk and cream, or either, are purchased, on application, not more than two tubes or bottles and one pipette of the forms used with the Babcock test, which he shall first examine as to accuracy, and if accurate, or adapted to give accurate results under the usual method of operating the Babcock test, said commissioner of food and drugs shall certify to this by marking durably and permanently upon each and every piece of apparatus supplied the letters C. F. D. |
Containers furnished by food-and-drugs commissioner Creamery, etc., must have license from food-and-drugs commissioner
Licenses expire each Dec. 31
Food-and-drugs commissioner to inspect measures, etc.
To mark apparatus |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 254 (CHAPTER 167, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 139)κ
Fee for testing
States standard measure specified
Babcock test for all cream sold
Details of requisites
Penalty |
Said commissioner of food and drugs shall also, upon payment at the rate of one dollar for each dozen, test or examine into the accuracy of all test-bottles or tubes and pipettes sent to it direct from any creamery, or other factory of dairy products, where milk or cream is purchased, and if found accurate, or adapted to give accurate results, the letters C. F. D. shall be marked upon each piece of apparatus examined. Sec. 9. That states standard measure, or pipette, shall have a capacity of seventeen and six-tenths cubic centimeters, and the standard test-tubes or bottles for milk shall have a capacity of one cubic centimeter of mercury at a temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit between zero and five on the graduated scale on the neck thereof; the scale to have a length of not less than six and five-tenths (6.5) millimeters for each per cent, or six and five-tenths centimeters between zero and ten on the graduated scale on the neck thereof, said scale to be graduated to at least two-tenths of one per cent. The milk-fat in the neck of said bottle to be read from the lower line separation between the fat and the water to the top of the fat column at a temperature not lower than 130 degrees Fahrenheit and not higher than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. All cream sold in the State of Nevada on the basis of the richness or the percentage of milk-fat contained therein shall be tested by the Babcock test, using a weighed sample of eighteen grams, or a weighed sample of nine grams (results to be doubled), weighed on a balance sensitive to 10 milligrams, and tested in a test-bottle with a scale graduated to at least five-tenths of one per cent, said scale to be of a length of at least one centimeter to every five per cent where an eighteen-gram sample is used. Where a nine-gram sample is used in a bottle graduated for eighteen grams, the test-bottle must have a scale graduated to at least two-tenths of one per cent, said scale to be a length of at least two centimeters to every five per cent. Where a nine-gram sample is used in a bottle graduated for nine grams, the test-bottle shall have a scale graduated to five-tenths of one per cent and shall be of a length not less than seven centimeters for every fifty per cent. The milk-fat in the test-bottle shall be read at a temperature not lower than 130 degrees Fahrenheit and not higher than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The fat column must be read from the bottom of the lower meniscus to the bottom of the upper meniscus; provided, however, that no test-bottles now in use in an creamery or other factory of dairy products or by any private party in this state shall be condemned or declared unfit for use prior to the expiration of one year from the taking effect of this act, if the scale thereof is correctly calibrated. Sec. 10. Any person violating any provision of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail of not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 255 (CHAPTER 167, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 139)κ
thereof shall be fined in the sum of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail of not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 11. All moneys received by the commissioner of food and drugs shall be accounted for by him annually to the state treasury. Such moneys as are received by the commissioner of food and drugs under the provisions of this act may be used by such commissioner for expenses necessary or incident to the carrying into effect of this act and for performing such duties as are required of him hereunder, and the overplus, if any, paid into the state treasury annually at the time of making his annual accounting. This act shall be effective from and after April 1, 1921. |
Moneys must be accounted for
In effect |
[Assembly Bill No. 143Mr. Henderson]
Chap. 168An Act to provide for the teaching of thrift in the public schools of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. It is hereby made the duty of all teachers in the public schools in the State of Nevada to teach in their respective schools lessons on the subject of thrift. These lessons shall emphasize the importance of industry, production, earning, wise spending, regular saving, and safe investment; also, the importance of thrift in time and material. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the state board of education to prepare courses of study on the subject of thrift as outlined in section 1, the same to be a part of the state courses of study for elementary and high schools. |
Public-school teachers to teach thrift
State board to prepare course in thrift |
[Assembly Bill No. 168Mr. Gummow]
Chap. 169An Act to prevent injury to oil-, gas-, or petroleum-bearing strata or formations by the penetration or infiltration of water therein, providing the method of abandoning oil wells, for the appointment of oil commissioners to enforce this act, and fixing penalties for the violation thereof.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the owner of any well now drilled or that may be drilled in the State of Nevada on lands containing or producing oil, gas, or petroleum, to properly case such wells with metal casing in accordance with approved methods, and to effectually shut off all water overlying or underlying the oil-bearing strata and to effectually prevent any water from penetrating such oil-bearing strata. |
Duties of owners of oil wells |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 256 (CHAPTER 169, AB 168)κ
Duties of oil commissioner
Well owners must take precautionary measures on abandoning well
Oil commissioner to approve
Further duties of well owners |
properly case such wells with metal casing in accordance with approved methods, and to effectually shut off all water overlying or underlying the oil-bearing strata and to effectually prevent any water from penetrating such oil-bearing strata. Sec. 2. Whenever it appears to the oil commissioner hereinafter provided for that any water is penetrating oil- or gas-bearing strata, he may order a test of water shut-off and designate a day upon which the same shall be held. Said order shall be in written form and served upon the owner of said well at least ten days prior to the day designated in said order as the day upon which said shut-off test shall be held. Upon the receipt of such order it shall be the duty of the owner to hold said test in the manner and at the time prescribed in said order. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the owner of any well referred to in this act, before abandoning the same, or before removing the rig, derrick, or other operating structure therefrom, or removing any portion of the casing therefrom to use every effort and endeavor, in accordance with methods approved by the oil commissioner, to shut off and exclude all water from entering oil-bearing strata encountered in the well. Before any well is abandoned the owner shall give written notice to the oil commissioner of his intention to abandon such well and of his intention to remove the derrick or any portion of the casing from such well and the date upon which such work of abandonment or removal shall begin. The notice shall be given to the oil commissioner at least five days before such proposed abandonment or removal. The owner shall furnish the oil commissioner with such information as he may request, showing the condition of the well and proposed method of abandonment or removal. The oil commissioner shall, before the proposed date of abandonment or removal, furnish the owner with a written order of approval of his proposal or a written order stating what work will be necessary before approval to abandon or remove will be given. If the commissioner shall fail within the specified time to give the owner a written order, such failure shall be considered as an approval of the owners proposal to abandon the well, or to remove the rig or casing therefrom. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the owner of any well referred to in this act, before abandoning the same, to withdraw the casing therefrom, if possible, and to securely fill such well with clay, earth, or cement mortar, or other good and sufficient materials, used alone or in combination, and thoroughly pack and tamp the same into such well to a point as far above the uppermost oil-bearing strata as the commissioner may decide shall be necessary, and while withdrawing the casing therefrom to effectually and permanently shut off and exclude all water underlying and overlying said oil-bearing strata, and to the satisfaction of the commissioner, whether any oil-bearing strata has been encountered or not. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 257 (CHAPTER 169, AB 168)κ
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the owner of any well referred to in this act to keep a careful and accurate log of the drilling of such well, such log to show the character and depth of the formations passed through or encountered in the drilling of such well, and particularly to show the location and depth of the water-bearing strata, together with the character of the water encountered from time to time, and to show at what point such water was shut off, if at all, and if not to so state in such log, and show the depth at which oil-bearing strata is encountered, the depth and character of the same, and whether all water overlying and underlying such oil-bearing strata was successfully and permanently shut off so as to such oil-bearing strata prevent the percolation or penetration into such oil-bearing strata of such water; said record of well to be kept on file and subject to the inspection of the oil commissioner at any time during business hours. Sec. 6. The term owner, as herein used, shall mean and include each and every person, persons, partnership, copartnership, association, corporation, trustee or trustees, owning, leasing, managing, operating, drilling or possessing any well mentioned in this act, either as principal or principals, lessee or lessees of such principal or principals, contractor or contractors, and their and each of their employees. The term oil-bearing strata, as herein used, shall mean and include any bed, seam, or stratum of rock or sand or other material which contains, includes, or yields oil, rock-oil, or petroleum oil, or natural gas, or either of them. Sec. 7. In order to carry out the provisions of this act, upon petition of three or more operating oil companies, within the county, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of said county to appoint a commissioner, who shall hold office at the pleasure of said board of county commissioners. The duties of said commissioner shall be to see that the provisions of this act shall be enforced. He shall be designated and known as Oil Commissioner. The compensation of said commissioner shall be fixed by the said board of county commissioners and shall be paid out of the general county fund; provided, however, that the salary of the oil commissioner shall not exceed one hundred and fifty dollars per month. Sec. 8. Upon the filing of a complaint with said commissioner alleging the violation of any of the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the commissioner, if so requested by the complainants, to make or cause to be made a thorough investigation of the well and premises complained of, to determine whether or not any of the provisions of this act have been violated, and the said commissioner may enter upon the premises where such well is situated, with such necessary agents and assistants as he may require to conduct such investigation. If an action be commenced against the owner of the well complained of, and the defendant be convicted of a violation of any provision of this act, he shall, in addition to the penalties hereafter set forth, pay all reasonable and proper costs incident to the making of such investigation; otherwise the cost of such investigation shall be paid by the complaining parties. |
Owner must keep log of well drilling
Owner defined
Oil-bearing strata defined
Oil commissioner, appointment of
Salary not to exceed $150 Duties of oil commissioner |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 258 (CHAPTER 169, AB 168)κ
When well declared public nuisance
Penalties |
of a violation of any provision of this act, he shall, in addition to the penalties hereafter set forth, pay all reasonable and proper costs incident to the making of such investigation; otherwise the cost of such investigation shall be paid by the complaining parties. The commissioner shall have the authority, however, to investigate any well or premises upon which a well is being drilled, or has been drilled, whether any complaint has been made or not. Sec. 9. Any well drilled and abandoned in violation of the provisions of this act is hereby declared a public nuisance. If any well under the provisions of this act be declared a public nuisance, it shall be the duty of the oil commissioner of the county in which such well is situated to enter upon the premises, take possession of such well and to abate said nuisance, and to take all necessary steps to prevent the percolation or penetration of water into the oil-bearing strata. He shall keep an accurate account of the expense of such work and all expenses so incurred shall be a charge against the owner of such well and a lien upon the same, to be recovered in an action by the district attorney of the county in which said well is situated. Sec. 10. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any owner of any well referred to in this act who refuses to permit the oil commissioner or any of his duly appointed agents or deputies to inspect the same or who wilfully hinders or delays the said commissioner or any of his said agents or deputies in the performance of his duty, is guilty of a misdemeanor. |
Fees of justice of peace of Reno township |
[Assembly Bill No. 171Mr. Heward]
Chap. 170An Act regulating and fixing the fees to be charged and collected by the justice of the peace of Reno township, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The justice of the peace of Reno township shall be allowed to charge, and to collect, the following fees: On the commencement of any action or proceeding in the justices court, Reno township, to be paid by the party commencing such action or proceeding, five dollars. On the appearance of any defendant, or any number of defendants answering jointly, to be paid by him or them upon the filing of the first paper in the action, or at the time of the appearance if the appearance or answer be oral, two dollars; for every additional dependent, appearing separately, one dollar. For entering judgment by default or confession, one dollar. For issuing commission to take testimony, one dollar. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 259 (CHAPTER 170, AB 171)κ
The foregoing fees shall be in full for all services rendered by said justice of the peace in the case, to and including entering satisfaction of or credit on judgment. For filing a notice of appeal, and appeal bonds, each, one dollar; provided, however, but one charge shall be made if both papers are filed at the same time. For issuing supersedeas to an execution, one dollar. For making up and transmitting transcript and papers on appeal, five dollars. For taking depositions, per folio, thirty-five cents. For taking acknowledgments of any instrument, fifty cents. For taking any affidavit, except in criminal cases, fifty cents. For celebrating marriage and returning certificate to recorder, five dollars. Sec. 2. All civil fees and all other fees shall be accounted for and paid over monthly not later than the tenth day of the next succeeding month in which such fees were collected by the said justice of the peace to the county treasurer of Washoe County. Sec. 3. All fees collected by said justice of the peace for celebrating marriage and returning certificates to recorder shall be retained by said justice of the peace as a perquisite of his office. Sec. 4. No fees shall be charged or collected by said justice of the peace for any services rendered in any criminal case wherein the State of Nevada is plaintiff; provided, that no fee shall be charged by the justice of the peace to the State of Nevada, or the county of Washoe or city of Reno, or any officer of any of the same, which such officer is acting in an official capacity in any case. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force on and after the first day of April, nineteen hundred twenty-one. |
Fees of Reno justice of the peace
Fees paid monthly to county treasurer
Certain fees retained by justice
No fees charged, when
In effect April 1, 1921 |
[Assembly Bill No. 172Mr. Whitacre]
Chap. 171An Act to amend section 23 of an act entitled An act to amend an act entitled An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto, approved March 24, 1915.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 23 is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 23. The board of county commissioners of each county shall constitute a board of equalization, of which board the clerk of the board of county commissioners shall be the clerk. |
County board of equalization |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 260 (CHAPTER 171, AB 172)κ
Meet in July
Sitting limited
Duty of clerk
Published in newspaper or by posting
State board of equalization
Recorder to attend on county board |
board the clerk of the board of county commissioners shall be the clerk. The board of equalization of each county shall meet on the fourth Monday of July in each year, and shall continue in session from time to time until the business of equalization presented to them is disposed of; provided, however, that they shall not sit after the fourth Monday in August. The board shall have power to determine the valuation of any property assessed, and may change and correct any valuation, either by adding thereto or deducting therefrom such sum as shall be necessary to make it conform to the actual cash value of the property assessed, whether said valuation was fixed by the owner or assessor; except that in case where the person complaining of the assessment has refused to give the assessor his list under oath, as required by this act, no reduction shall be made by the board in the assessment made by the assessor. If the board finds it necessary to add to the assessed valuation of any property on the assessment roll, they shall direct the clerk to give notice to the person so interested, by letter, deposited in the postoffice, or express, or otherwise, naming the day when they shall act in that case, and allowing a reasonable time to appear. As soon as possible after the adjournment of the board in August, its clerk shall make out a list of all persons who have not appeared before the board, the valuation of whose property has been added to on the assessment roll, and shall state the amount so added, and list of all property, the valuation on which has been added to on the assessment roll, with the amounts so added, the owners of which have not appeared before the board; and the board of county commissioners shall cause the same to be published in one newspaper in the county, if there be any, and if not, then by posting one copy of the same in a public place in each election precinct in the county, and any person, to the assessed value of whose property there was an amount added, not appearing before the board of equalization, may appear before the state board of equalization at its next regular session, and upon making an affidavit that he had no knowledge of such increased valuation of his property, he shall be given a hearing and final judgment of the state board, and the secretary of the state board shall note all changes made and certify them to the county auditor, who shall make the changes required on the assessment roll. The recorder of the county shall be present and attend all meetings of the county board of equalization, with an abstract of all unsatisfied mortgages and liens shown in the records of his office, arranged in alphabetical order, for which service he shall receive no compensation, and the county board of equalization shall make use of said abstract, and all other information that it can procure from the recorder of his office, or otherwise, in equalizing the assessment roll of the county, and may require the assessor to enter upon such assessment roll any other property which has not been assessed; and the assessment and equalization so made shall have the same force and effect as if made by the assessor before the delivery of the assessment roll by him to the clerk of the board of county commissioners. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 261 (CHAPTER 171, AB 172)κ
require the assessor to enter upon such assessment roll any other property which has not been assessed; and the assessment and equalization so made shall have the same force and effect as if made by the assessor before the delivery of the assessment roll by him to the clerk of the board of county commissioners. |
Final force and effect |
[Assembly Bill No. 177Mr. Henderson]
Chap. 172An Act granting to contractors for, patentees of and purchasers of lands from the State of Nevada, the oil, gas, coal and oil shales lying within such lands and repealing such acts and parts of acts as are in conflict herewith.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Every person, corporation, or association, his, her, or its heirs, assigns or lawful successors, who has a subsisting contract with the State of Nevada for the purchase of any lands of the State of Nevada or who may hereafter contract with the State of Nevada for the purchase of any of its public lands, and every patentee of lands purchased from the State of Nevada, shall, subject to the royalty provision hereinafter reserved, be deemed and held to have the right to the exclusive possession of the lands described in such contract, including all gas, coal, oil and oil shales that may exist in such lands; and every person, corporation, or association, his, her, or its heirs, assigns, or lawful successors, who has heretofore received or shall hereafter receive or be entitled to receive any patent or deed from this state granting to him, her or it any such lands, shall, subject to the royalty provision hereinafter reserved, be deemed to have the fee-simple title to the lands described in such patent or deed, including all gas, coal, oil and oil shales which may exist therein; provided, however, that any such contract holder or patentee shall pay to the State of Nevada for the fund which was the original beneficiary of such lands a royalty of five (5%) per cent of the net proceeds of all gas, coal, or oil mined or extracted therefrom. Sec. 2. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed as impairing any rights heretofore acquired under existing laws to any such lands or rights therein. Sec. 3. All acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. |
Exclusive possession of gas, coal, and oil shales to all state land contractors
Royalty to state, 5%
Not to impair previous rights Repeal |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 262κ
Eminent domain may be exercised for certain cases |
[Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 180Mr. Gummow]
Chap. 173An Act to amend section 664 of an act entitled An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto, approved March 17, 1911, being section 5606, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 664 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 664. Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the right of eminent domain may be exercised in behalf of the following public uses: 1. All public uses authorized by the government of the United States. 2. Public buildings and grounds for the use of the state, and all other public uses authorized by the legislature. 3. Public buildings and grounds for the use of any county, incorporated city or town, or school district; reservoirs, water rights, canals, aqueducts, flumes, ditches or pipes for conducting water for the use of the inhabitants of any county, or incorporated city or town, or for draining any county, or incorporated city or town; for raising the banks of streams, removing obstructions therefrom, and widening, deepening, or straightening their channels, for roads, streets, and alleys, and all other public uses for the benefit of any county, incorporated city or town, or the inhabitants thereof. 4. Wharves, docks, piers, chutes, booms, ferries, bridges, toll-roads, by-roads, plank and turnpike roads, roads for transportation by traction engines or road locomotives, roads for logging or lumbering purposes, and railroads and street railways for public transportation. 5. Reservoirs, dams, water gates, canals, ditches, flumes, tunnels, aqueducts, and pipes for supplying persons, mines, mills, smelters, or other works, for the reduction of ores, with water for domestic and other uses, or for irrigating purposes, or for draining and reclaiming lands, or for floating logs and lumber on streams not navigable. 6. Roads, railroads, tramways, tunnels, ditches, flumes, pipes, and dumping-places to facilitate the milling, smelting, or other reduction of ores, or the working of mines, and for all mining purposes; outlets, natural or otherwise, for the deposit or conduct of tailings, refuse, or water from mills, smelters, or other works for the reduction of ores, or from mines, mill dams, natural gas or oil pipe-lines, tanks or reservoirs; also an occupancy in common by the owners or possessors of different mines, mills, smelters, or other places for the reduction of ores, or any place for the flow, deposit or conduct of tailings or refuse matter; also necessary land upon which to erect smelters and to operate the same successfully, including deposition of fine flue dust, fumes and smoke. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 263 (CHAPTER 173, Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 180)κ
upon which to erect smelters and to operate the same successfully, including deposition of fine flue dust, fumes and smoke. 7. By-roads leading from highways to residences and farms. 8. Telegraph, telephone, electric light, and electric power lines, and sites for electric light and power plants. 9. Sewerage of any city, or town, of any settlement of not less than ten families, or of any public building belonging to the state, or of any college or university. 10. Canals, reservoirs, dams, ditches, flumes, aqueducts, and pipes for supplying and storing water for the operation of machinery for the purpose of generating and transmitting electricity for power, light, or heat. 11. Cemeteries or public parks. 12. Pipe-lines for the purpose of conducting any and all liquids connected with the manufacture of beet sugar. 13. Pipe-lines for the transportation of crude petroleum to or for the public, for hire or otherwise, from any oil filed or place of production within the State of Nevada to any distributing, refining, or marketing center or reshipping point thereof, or otherwise. |
Eminent domain may be exercised for certain uses
[Assembly Bill No. 181Committee on Claims]
Chap. 174An Act for the relief of the Elko lumber company and the Henderson banking company.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
Whereas, During the year 1920 the Elko lumber company, at the special instance and request of the Nevada school of industry, delivered and furnished to said school certain material at and for the price of eighty-four dollars ninety-six cents ($84.96); and Whereas, During the same year the Henderson banking company permitted an overdraft of the account of the said Nevada school of industry to the extent of fourteen dollars sixteen cents ($14.16); and Whereas, There was ample funds in the appropriation for the building and equipping of the manual-training building of said Nevada school of industry to meet both of the above-mentioned accounts; and Whereas, Owing to the failure of the said Nevada school of industry to present said claims in due time, the balance remaining in the said appropriation for the building and equipping of the manual-training building reverted to the general fund of the state; and Whereas, The above-mentioned accounts are just and valid claims against the State of Nevada, and would have been paid out of the fund had they been presented in apt time; now, therefore, |
Preamble |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 264 (CHAPTER 174, AB 181)κ
Appropriation, $99.12 |
been paid out of the fund had they been presented in apt time; now, therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant in favor of said Elko lumber company for the sum of $84.96, and in favor of the Henderson banking company for the sum of $14.16, and the state treasurer is hereby directed to pay the said warrants. Sec. 2. The sum of ninety-nine dollars twelve cents ($99.12) is hereby appropriated, out of the general fund in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, in payment of the aforesaid claims. |
Mining schools maintained-one-fourth by county; three-fourths by state and federal government
Must adhere to budget
County commissioners to provide in budget for countys share |
[Assembly Bill No. 186Mr. Tannahill]
Chap. 175An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled An act creating schools of mines in Virginia City, Tonopah, Goldfield, and in the Ely mining district, Nevada; providing for the control of said schools, and making appropriations therefor, approved March 25, 1919.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 5 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5. On and after January 1, 1921, the said mining schools shall be maintained as local, state and federal cooperative enterprises in which one-fourth of the salaries and other maintenance costs of said schools shall be borne by the respective counties wherein said schools are situated and three-fourths thereof shall be borne by the state and the federal government under the terms of the Smith-Hughes vocational education act and the state act or acts accepting the benefits of the same. It is further provided: That each of the aforesaid schools shall confine its expenditures to items and amounts named in its budget approved by the state board for vocational education, and that financial support from state and federal funds shall be available in the form of a quarterly subsidy amounting to three-fourths of all submitted bills of expense properly receipted, authorized and approved. The respective boards of county commissioners in the counties in which said schools are located shall in preparing budgets on estimated expenditures for the years 1921 and thereafter provide in the tax levies of the preceding year for sufficient moneys to permit of county cooperation in the support of the said schools as aforesaid, and any county failing to make such provision shall forfeit the right to state and federal moneys for the support of the mining schools situated therein and the right to receive moneys from the state vocational fund. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 265 (CHAPTER 175, AB 186)κ
failing to make such provision shall forfeit the right to state and federal moneys for the support of the mining schools situated therein and the right to receive moneys from the state vocational fund. |
[Assembly Bill No. 188Mr. Heward]
Chap. 176An Act to amend an act entitled An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto, approved March 17, 1911, as amended by act approved March 24, 1913, as amended by act approved March 17, 1915.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 410 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 410. Whenever any person shall be convicted of any felony for which no fixed period of confinement is imposed by law and where a judgment of confinement is rendered, the court shall, in addition to any fine or forfeiture which he may impose, direct that such person be confined in the state prison for an indeterminate term limited only by the minimum and maximum term of imprisonment prescribed by law for the offense of which such person shall be convicted; and where no minimum term of imprisonment is prescribed by law, the court shall fix the minimum term in his discretion at not less than one year nor more than five years, and where no maximum term of imprisonment is prescribed by law, the court shall fix such maximum term of imprisonment. Immediately after the rendition of judgment in such case, the district attorney who prosecuted same shall transmit to the secretary of the board of pardons and parole commissioners a written statement of facts within his knowledge which may aid said board in the exercise of the powers conferred by section 411 of this act, and may include in such statement such comments as he may deem pertinent. A copy thereof shall be transmitted at the same time to the district judge who presided at the trial, and as soon as possible after the delivery of the prisoner to the penitentiary, and not later than ninety days thereafter, the warden shall transmit to said trial judge a statement setting forth results of investigation of prior record of said prisoner. Within ten days after receipt of the wardens statement, said trial judge shall transmit to the secretary of the board of pardons and parole commissioners a written statement containing facts and comments pertinent to the case, and he shall therein recommend some fixed period for confinement of the defendant within the limits of the sentence imposed. |
Indeterminate sentence, how fixed
Statement of facts to board of pardons and parole commissioners
Copy of same to judge who presided; warden to investigate prior record of prisoner
Judge to recommend fixed period of sentence |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 266κ
Employed children to attend part-time schools
Excused, when
Parents, etc., to send employed child to part-time schools; exception
Penalty |
[Assembly Bill No. 190Mr. Cross]
Chap. 177An Act to amend an act entitled An act to provide for the establishment of part-time schools and classes and to compel attendance of minors upon such schools and classes, approved March 25, 1919.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 3 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3. All employed children of the state between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years shall attend part-time classes established in their respective districts as hereinafter provided, unless they have completed the eight grades of the prescribed grammar-school course, or the equivalent thereof, and are excused from attendance by authority of the board of school trustees for any of the following reasons: 1. That such attendance would endanger the security of employment in a highly desirable and respectable position; 2. That the distance between the place of employment and the school building is so great as to make part-time attendance impossible or impracticable; 3. That the student is bound to an apprenticeship under a satisfactory contract; 4. That the student is excused from attendance in accordance with the terms of subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 of section 203, chapter 133, Statutes of Nevada, 1911, including all amendments thereto. Sec. 2. Section 10 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 10. Every parent, guardian, or other person in the State of Nevada, having control of any child between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years, and at work, shall be required to send such child to a part-time school or class, whenever there shall have been such part-time school or class established in the district where the child resides or may be employed, unless excused in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of this act. Sec. 3. Section 11 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 11. In case any parent, guardian, or other person in the State of Nevada having control or charge of any child or children between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years shall fail to comply with the provisions of this act, he shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and shall, on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) or by imprisonment in the county or city jail not less than two nor more than ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 267 (CHAPTER 177, AB 190)κ
than ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Sec. 4. Section 15 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 15. In the foregoing sections the expression school board of any school district refers to the board of trustees in control of the high school, or, in its absence, the elementary school. |
School board defined |
[Assembly Bill No. 192Committee on Claims]
Chap. 178An Act for the relief of Groesbeck & OBrien Co.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
Whereas, Groesbeck & OBrien Co. did furnish the state hospital for mental diseases thirty coffins for the burial of indigent dead from that institution in the period from June 1, 1917, to December 26, 1918, and said coffins were reasonably worth the sum of one hundred thirty-six dollars and fifty cents ($136.50); and Whereas, Payment for said coffins has never been made, and the board of examiners has examined a claim for the same and recommends its allowance in the sum named; therefore:
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. That the state controller shall draw his warrant, and the state treasurer pay the same, in favor of Groesbeck & OBrien Co. in the sum of one hundred thirty-six and fifty one-hundredths ($136.50) dollars in full payment and settlement of the claim mentioned in the preamble of this act, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated. |
Preamble; to pay for coffins of indigent dead |
[Assembly Bill No. 194Miss Averill]
Chap. 179An Act to amend An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto, approved March 20, 1911, and acts amendatory thereof.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 79 of said act is hereby repealed, said repeal to be in effect on and after September 1, 1921. Sec. 2. Section 80 of said act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 80. From and after September first, nineteen hundred and eleven, no school district, except when newly organized, |
Appropriation, $136.50
Sec. 79 of school law repealed
When school district receives no money |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 268 (CHAPTER 179, AB 194)κ
Division of district
Distribution of emergency school fund
Apportionment of state distributive school fund |
organized, in which there was not taught, by a legally qualified teacher, a public school for a term of at least six months of the school year ending the last day of June preceding, with at least three children of school age in actual attendance for one hundred days, shall receive any portion of the public school moneys. When a new district is formed by the division of an old one, it shall be entitled to a just share of the school moneys to the credit of the old district, after the payment of all outstanding debts at the time when a school was actually commenced in such new district; and the superintendent of public instruction shall divide and apportion such remaining money according to the number of census children resident in each district, for which purpose he may order a census to be taken, the expenses of which shall be met as provided in section 133 of this act. Sec. 3. Section 93 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 93. The money in the emergency school fund, or such part thereof as may be necessary, shall be distributed to the various districts entitled thereto on the basis of teachers-one teacher to every fifty census children or fraction thereof; and not more than two hundred and fifty dollars shall be allowed for any one teacher. The money thus distributed shall be used only in payment of salaries of teachers. The superintendent of public instruction shall submit to the state board of education lists of school districts entitled to money under the provisions of this act, and estimates of the amount of money necessary for each district. Upon notice from the superintendent of public instruction that an emergency apportionment has been made to any school district as herein provided, the board of county commissioners shall transfer from the county general fund to the credit of such district the sum of one hundred dollars. Sec. 4. Section 151 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 151. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction, immediately after the state controller shall have made his semiannual report, to apportion the state distributive school fund, subject to apportionment at such time. He shall apportion the moneys of said fund amount the several counties of the state in the following manner: 1. He must ascertain the number of teachers to which each school district is entitled by calculating one teacher for every thirty school-census children or fractional part of thirty equal to fifteen or more; provided, that a school having an average attendance of twenty or more, as shown by the report of such district for the last preceding school year, shall be allowed an extra teacher, if such school has regularly employed two teachers since the preceding semiannual school apportionment. 2. He must apportion the state distributive school fund, subject to apportionment at the time, among the several counties of the state in the following manner: |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 269 (CHAPTER 179, AB 194)κ
(a) For the second semiannual apportionment in 1921, he shall apportion $150 for each teacher to which the county is entitled as provided in paragraph 1 of this section. Thereafter at each semiannual apportionment he shall apportion $137.50 for each teacher to which the county is entitled as provided in paragraph 1 of this section; provided, that for districts having an average daily attendance of less than five pupils for the preceding school year, he shall apportion $62.50. (b) For the second semiannual apportionment in 1921, he must apportion on a per capita basis from the state distributive school fund $2.50 for every child between the ages of six and eighteen years in the county, as shown by the last preceding school census. Thereafter at each semiannual apportionment he must apportion on a per capita basis from the state distributive school fund $6.50 for every child between the ages of six and eighteen years in the county, as shown by the last preceding school census.
State School Reserve Fund, How Distributed. (c) He shall set aside from the state distributive school fund then remaining the sum of $20,000, to be known as the state school reserve fund. (d) He shall apportion the balance of the state distributive school fund, after the said $20,000 has been set aside, on a per capita basis in proportion to the number of school-census children in each district to the total number of school-census children in the state, as shown by the last preceding school census.
Relief for Certain Counties Having County High Schools-From State School Reserve Fund. 3. (a) Whenever any county has levied 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation of the county, of which at least 25 cents on the $100 is for elementary-school purposes, in counties where a separate levy is made for elementary schools and a separate levy for county high-school purposes, if such levy does not bring in an amount of money equal to that required by law of such county for all county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon, the superintendent of public instruction must apportion to said county from the state school reserve fund a sum of money such that taken with the amount raised by the levy of 25 cents on the $100 by the county shall be sufficient to make the sum required by law of such county for county school purposes; provided, that in addition to such levy of 25 cents on the $100 the county has levied at least 15 cents on the $100 for county high-school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon.
Relief for Certain Counties Not Having County High Schools-From State School Reserve Fund. (b) Whenever any county has levied 40 cents on the $100 of the assessed valuation of the county for the combined elementary and high-school purposes in a county having no county high school, if such levy does not bring in an amount of money equal to that required by law of such county for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon, the superintendent of public instruction must apportion to such county from the state school reserve fund a sum of money such that taken with the amount raised by the levy of 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation by the county shall be sufficient to make the sum required by law of such county for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon. |
Apportionment of school moneys
State school reserve fund
Relief for certain county high schools
For counties without high schools |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 270 (CHAPTER 179, AB 194)κ
Special high-school relief
Special district relief; limitation |
elementary and high-school purposes in a county having no county high school, if such levy does not bring in an amount of money equal to that required by law of such county for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon, the superintendent of public instruction must apportion to such county from the state school reserve fund a sum of money such that taken with the amount raised by the levy of 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation by the county shall be sufficient to make the sum required by law of such county for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon.
Special High-School Relief Apportionment, When. 4. (a) In addition to the apportionments already provided for in this act, the superintendent of public instruction shall apportion from the state school reserve fund to any county which shall have levied a county high-school tax, when this county high-school tax rate taken with the rate required of the county for elementary schools (any relief rate having been deducted) makes a rate in excess of 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation of such county, a special high-school relief apportionment, equal in amount to that raised by the county by such tax in excess of 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation in the county, as specified above, for the county high-school fund. But in no case shall he apportion from the state school reserve at any semiannual apportionment an amount in excess of $12.50 per pupil as determined by the average monthly enrollment in such county high school for the preceding school year.
Special District Relief Apportionment, When-Limitation. (b) The superintendent of public instruction shall apportion to any district in the state which after receiving the regular state and county apportionment provided for above shall lack the necessary funds to maintain its school properly, a special district relief apportionment from the state school reserve fund whenever such district shall have levied (and there shall have been collected the first half of) a special district tax of not less than 15 cents on the $100 of assessed valuation of said district. If the county in which such district is located has levied a total tax for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and interest thereon, amounting to 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation of such county, the state shall provide from said state school relief fund a sum of money equal to not more than $5 per census pupil for such relief apportionment to the district; provided, that no district shall receive less than $50 relief apportionment under the provision of this act. In case the county levy for school purposes in the county in which said district is located is less than 40 cents on the $100 assessed valuation for county school purposes, exclusive of school bonds and the interest thereon, the county shall provide from its county general fund such special relief apportionment to be made by the superintendent of public instruction. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 271 (CHAPTER 179, AB 194)κ
its county general fund such special relief apportionment to be made by the superintendent of public instruction. (c) Subdivision 4(b) shall not apply to any district having more than 290 census children. Sec. 5. Section 152 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 152. The superintendent of public instruction shall immediately after he has apportioned the state distributive school fund, as provided in this act, proceed to apportion the combined state distributive school fund and the county school fund belonging to each county among its several school districts as follows: (a) For the second semiannual apportionment in 1921, he shall apportion to each district in the several counties $375 for each teacher to which the district is entitled as provided in section 151, paragraph 1. Thereafter at each semiannual apportionment he shall apportion to each district in the several counties $450 for each teacher to which the district is entitled as provided in section 151, paragraph 1; provided, that to districts having an average daily attendance of less than five pupils for the preceding school year, he shall apportion $375. (b) For the second semiannual apportionment of 1921, he must further apportion on a per capita basis to each district $5.50 for each child between the ages of six and eighteen years in the school district, as shown by the last preceding school census. Thereafter at each semiannual apportionment he must apportion on a per capita basis to each district $6.50 for each child between the ages of six and eighteen years in the school district, as shown by the last preceding school census. (c) He shall apportion the balance remaining in the combined state distributive school fund and county school fund, on a per capita basis in proportion to the number of school-census children in the county, as shown by the last preceding school census.
Joint District Apportionment. (d) He shall apportion the amounts of the money due any joint school district formed of parts of two or more counties, in such manner that the counties concerned and the state shall each contribute the regular amounts per census child, and the money due such district on census teacher shall be apportioned to each county in proportion to the number of school-census children residing in that part of said joint school district.
District School Fund-May be Used for What. (e) The moneys appropriated to each school district under the provisions of this act together with any moneys raised by special district tax for school maintenance shall be known as the district school fund of such district, and may be used to purchase sites, build or rent school houses, to purchase libraries, to pay teachers or contingent expenses, or for transportation of pupils to and from school, as the school board of such school district may deem proper; and the county treasurers and the county auditors of the several counties of the state shall keep account of said moneys as a single fund for each school district within their respective counties. |
When not applicable
State superintendent to apportion combined state and county funds
Methods of apportionment
Joint districts
District school fund |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 272 (CHAPTER 179, AB 194)κ
County school tax, when
Reserve fund moneys revert
State superintendent to notify county officers
County officers to retain per cent of school salaries for insurance
Such amount sent to Nevada industrial commission |
ries, to pay teachers or contingent expenses, or for transportation of pupils to and from school, as the school board of such school district may deem proper; and the county treasurers and the county auditors of the several counties of the state shall keep account of said moneys as a single fund for each school district within their respective counties.
County Commissioners to Levy Sufficient School Tax. 2. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of each county not later than the April meeting, 1917, so as to provide funds under this act for the school year 1917-1918, and annually thereafter, at the time of levying their county taxes, to levy a county school tax sufficient to provide the moneys required for the apportionments to be made under this act. And the provisions of this act shall become effective for the first semiannual apportionment in the year 1918, at the time provided in sections 1 and 2 of this act.
Surplus Reserve Fund Moneys to Revert. 3. Any money remaining in the state school reserve fund, and in any county school reserve fund on the 30th day of June and the 31st day of December of any year shall revert to the state distributive school fund and to the county school fund, respectively.
Paragraphs Formerly Included in Section 152. 4. The superintendent of public instruction shall, by means of a printed report, notify the county treasurer, the county auditor, and the clerk of each board of school trustees of such apportionment in detail.
Duty of County Treasurer and County Auditor in Connection with School Insurance Fund. 5. The county treasurer of every county, before notifying the superintendent of public instruction of the county school fund to be apportioned in the July apportionment for the year 1915, shall set aside an amount equal to one-half of one per cent of salaries paid to employees of each and every school district of the county during the two years beginning July 1, 1913, and ending June 30, 1915, and this fund shall be known as the School Insurance Fund. 6. In January, 1916, and semiannually thereafter, the county treasurer of every county shall, in like manner, set aside an amount equal to one-half of one per cent of salaries paid to employees of each and every school district of the county during the preceding six months, and credit the same to the school insurance fund. 7. The amount certified to the superintendent of public instruction for apportionment shall not include the school insurance fund so set aside. 8. The county auditor shall, during the month of July, 1915, and semiannually thereafter, draw his warrant in favor of the Nevada industrial commission for an amount equal to that named in the aforesaid order to be paid out of the school insurance fund. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 273 (CHAPTER 179, AB 194)κ
that named in the aforesaid order to be paid out of the school insurance fund. |
[Assembly Bill No. 199Mr. Hussman]
Chap. 180An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Douglas County, Nevada, to issue bonds to provide funds for constructing and improving roads and highways and constructing bridges in Douglas County, Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. For the purpose of constructing and improving highways and roads and constructing bridges in Douglas County, the board of county commissioners of Douglas County is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue bonds in the name of said Douglas County in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, said bonds to be known as the Douglas County Highway Bonds, All money derived from the sale of said bonds to be expended by the county commissioners of said Douglas County, and within the bounds of said county. Sec. 2. The said board of county commissioners shall cause said bonds to be prepared, and they shall be signed by the chairman of said board and its clerk and the county treasurer, and authenticated by the official seal of said county. Coupons representing the several installments of interest to fall due thereon shall be attached to each bond, so they may be removed without injury to the bonds, numbered consecutively and signed by the county treasurer or a printed facsimile of his signature. Sec. 3. The said board of county commissioners is authorized to negotiate the sale of said bonds from time to time, as the said board deems necessary, to the highest responsible bidders, for cash, and at a price not less than ninety-five cents on the dollar, or at private sale at not less than their par value; the proceeds of such sales shall be placed in what is known as the Douglas County Highway Fund, which shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Payments from said fund shall be made only on warrants drawn on the county treasurer of said county in payment of the obligations contracted under the provisions of this act. |
Douglas County bonds for highway construction
Preparation of bonds
Douglas County Highway Fund |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 274 (CHAPTER 180, AB 199)κ
Denomination and interest
Douglas County Highway Bond (1921) Redemption Fund
Legality of bonds not questioned
Balance reverts to general road fund
Faith of Nevada pledged |
Sec. 4. The said bonds shall be of the denomination of five hundred dollars each; they shall be numbered consecutively and they shall bear interest at not exceeding six per centum per annum, said interest payable semiannually on the first day of January of each year and the first day of July of each year after the issuance of said bonds until paid in full; and on the first day of July, 1924, and every twelve months thereafter, five or more of said bonds shall be redeemed and paid until all of said bonds so issued shall have been redeemed and paid. Said bonds shall be redeemed and paid as aforesaid in the order of their issuance, the lowest-numbered bond to be first redeemed and paid, and so on until the whole amount of said bonds so issued shall have been redeemed and paid. Sec. 5. For the purpose of creating a fund for the redemption and payment of the said bonds and the interest thereon, the said board of county commissioners of said county shall, in the year 1921 and annually thereafter, at the time of levying taxes for state and county purposes and in the same manner, levy a tax upon all property subject to taxation within said Douglas County sufficient in its judgment to provide for the payment of the interest annually due on said bonds and the redemption and payment of the said bonds as hereinbefore provided. Said taxes shall be assessed and collected as are other taxes, and shall be paid into a fund to be known as the Douglas County Highway Bond, 1921, Redemption Fund, and shall be used for no other purpose except as herein provided; said fund shall be held by the county treasurer of said county and paid out by him as herein provided. At the maturity of the said bonds and the coupons thereon, they shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the said Douglas County Highway Bond Redemption Fund, and shall thereupon be canceled and marked paid by the county treasurer; no interest shall be allowed or paid on any of said bonds after they have become due and payable and shall have been called in for redemption. Sec. 6. When said bonds and coupons shall have been executed as herein provided, their legality shall not be open to contest by said county or by any person or corporation for or on its behalf for any reason whatsoever. Sec. 7. Any balance remaining in any fund hereby created and provided for after the accomplishment of the said purposes shall be converted into and become a part of the general road fund of said county. Sec. 8. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this act shall not be repealed, nor the taxation hereby imposed be omitted, until all the bonds and coupons issued under and by virtue of this act shall have been paid in full as herein provided. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 275κ
[Assembly Bill No. 206Committee on Claims]
Chap. 181An Act for the relief of the Gray, Reid, Wright Company.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
Whereas, During the year 1919 supplies were delivered by the Gray, Reid, Wright Company to the Nevada state prison in amounts as follows: In the month of January, 1919, $7.07; in the month of April, 1919, $202.40; in the month of June, 1919, $161.54; making a total of $371.01; and Whereas, Claims for said supplies were inadvertently not presented for payment during the 1919-1920 period, and these claims cannot now be legally paid otherwise than by relief act; and Whereas, The said claims have been examined, approved and allowed by the state board of examiners and are just and legal and valid claims against the State of Nevada; now, therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The amount of $371.01 is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the general fund of the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of the above claim to the Gray, Reid, Wright Company, and the state controller is hereby directed to draw his warrant therefor and the state treasurer is directed to pay the same. |
Preamble; supplies to state prison
Appropriation, $371.01, For Gray, Reid, Wright Co. |
[Assembly Bill No. 213Mr. Spellier]
Chap. 182An Act to amend an act entitled An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto, approved March 20, 1911.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. That certain act entitled and approved as aforesaid is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto, to be known and designated as section 67 1/2, as follows: Section 67 1/2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the last preceding section, no school site shall be purchased nor any schoolhouse erected or repaired, at a greater expense than five thousand dollars, |
Amending school law
No school improvement over $5,000 without popular election |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 276 (CHAPTER 182, AB 213)κ
Additional registration |
thousand dollars, unless the same is first authorized by a majority vote of the school district cast at a school election called and held as provided by law; at which said election no person shall be allowed to vote unless he or she is a resident of the district and his or her name appears upon the official registry list of the voting precinct or precincts including the district for the last preceding general election, or for the last preceding town or city election; provided, that any citizen of the United States who shall have resided in this state six months, and in the school district thirty days next preceding the day of election, and whose name is not upon the said official registry list, may, not more than ten days nor less than five days prior to the day of election for the purpose of having his or her name registered, apply to the clerk of the board of school trustees, or to a person authorized by the trustees of the district to act as registry agent. |
Surveyor-general may lease certain state lands
Size of leases
$1 per acre per year; royalty
Attorney-general to prepare form of lease |
[Assembly Bill No. 215Mr. Hartley]
Chap. 183An Act to provide for the leasing of coal and oil-bearing lands by the state.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The surveyor-general of the State of Nevada is hereby authorized to lease any land now or hereafter owned by the State of Nevada, or which may hereafter be granted it by the United States of America, except contract lands, upon terms as hereinafter provided in this act. Sec. 2. Such leases shall be in blocks of not less than forty nor more than twelve hundred and eighty acres each and shall conform to governmental subdivisions. Sec. 3. Such leases shall be based upon a fixed rental of one dollar per acre annually for each and every acre contained therein, and shall further provide for a fixed royalty of five per cent of the net proceeds of all oil, coal or gas extracted therefrom. Sec. 4. Such leases shall be executed upon a form to be prepared by the attorney-general, which form shall contain all of the covenants and agreements usual and necessary to leases for the extraction of coal, oil and gas. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 277κ
[Assembly Bill No. 216Mr. Smith]
Chap. 184An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Clark County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds to provide for aid in the construction of state highways within said county.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The board of county commissioners of Clark County, Nevada, is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds of said Clark County in the sum of not to exceed seventy-five thousand ($75,000) dollars and not to exceed six per cent (6%) interest per annum thereon and to run not to exceed twenty years and to be issued from time to time, as may be required, in the usual form of county bond. The said board is also authorized and empowered to levy an annual tax upon all the property within the said Clark County subject to taxation for the purpose of paying the interest and principal of said bonds. Sec. 2. Said bonds shall be sold by the said board at not less than the par value thereof and the proceeds thereof when sold shall be deposited with the treasurer of Clark County to the credit of the Clark county-state highway fund, and shall be used solely for the purpose of aiding in the construction of state highways within the said Clark County. Sec. 3. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this act shall not be repealed, nor the taxation thereby imposed be omitted, until all the bonds issued under and by virtue thereof shall have been paid in full. |
$75,000 bond issue for Clark County for state highways
Annual tax
Bonds sold at par value
Faith of Nevada pledged |
[Assembly Bill No. 217Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 185An Act to amend an act entitled An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, Statutes of Nevada, 1915, 236.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 34 of the act mentioned in the title of this act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 34. All amounts collected from fees and licenses under special acts to regulate insurance business in the state shall be paid into the general fund in the state treasury. |
All insurance fees and licenses to go into state general fund |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 278κ
Washoe County bonds ($35,000) for addition to and repair of county hospital
County commissioners to issue bonds
Records of bonds
Denomination and interest
Sale of bonds; not less than par value |
[Assembly Bill No. 222Washoe County Delegation]
Chap. 186An Act to authorize, empower, and direct the board of county commissioners of the county of Washoe, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund to be used for the building and furnishing of an addition to, and the repair of, the county hospital of Washoe County, Nevada; to levy a tax for the payment of interest thereon and the redemption thereof; and other matters relating thereto.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The board of county commissioners of Washoe County, Nevada, is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to prepare and issue, in accordance with the provisions of this act, bonds of Washoe County, Nevada, for an amount not to exceed the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars, exclusive of interest, for the purpose of creating a fund to be used for the building and furnishing of an addition to, and the repair of, the county hospital of Washoe County, Nevada. Sec. 2. The said board of county commissioners shall cause said bonds to be prepared and made ready for issuance. Such bonds shall be signed by the chairman of said board, countersigned by the county treasurer, and authenticated with the seal of the county. Coupons for interest shall be attached to each bond, so that the same may be removed without injury to the bonds, and each of said coupons shall be consecutively numbered, and bear the signatures of the chairman of said board and the county treasurer. Sec. 3. The clerk of the said board of county commissioners shall keep a record of all proceedings under the provisions of this act, showing the number and date of each bond to whom issued. Sec. 4. Said bonds shall be in such form and denominations as said board of county commissioners may direct, and shall run for a period of from one year to not exceed twenty years from the date of the passage of this act, bearing interest at rate not to exceed six (6%) per cent per annum. Interest shall be payable semiannually, on the first day of July and the first day of January of each year, at the office of the county treasurer of said Washoe County. Sec. 5. The said board of county commissioners is hereby authorized to negotiate the sale of said bonds, or such number thereof as it may deem necessary, by publishing a notice of such proposed sale in a newspaper, or newspapers, published in said county for at least ten days before such bonds are disposed of, inviting sealed bids to be made for said bonds, reserving and having the right to reject any and all bids, and said bonds shall be sold only to the highest or most advantageous bidder therefor; provided, that no bonds shall be sold for less than par value and accrued interest; and provided further, that all bonds shall be payable in gold coin or currency of the United States, and the interest thereon shall be payable in like gold coin or currency. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 279 (CHAPTER 186, AB 222)κ
highest or most advantageous bidder therefor; provided, that no bonds shall be sold for less than par value and accrued interest; and provided further, that all bonds shall be payable in gold coin or currency of the United States, and the interest thereon shall be payable in like gold coin or currency. Sec. 6. All moneys derived from the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the county treasurer of said county, and the said treasurer is hereby required to receive and safely keep the same in a fund known as County Hospital Addition, Furnishing and Repair Fund, and to pay out said moneys only for the purpose for which the same was received, and in the same manner as other claims against the said county are presented, allowed, and paid. Sec. 7. For the purpose of creating a fund for the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds so issued, the said board of county commissioners is authorized, empowered, and directed to levy and collect annually thereafter a special tax upon all the property, both real and personal, subject to taxation, including the proceeds of mines, within the boundaries of said Washoe County, until said bonds and the interest thereon shall have been fully paid and discharged, sufficient to pay the interest upon said bonds, and to provide a fund for the payment of the principal of the same, according to their tenor and effect. Such tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are assessed and collected, and the proceeds thereof shall be kept by the county treasurer in a special fund to be known as County Hospital Addition, Furnishing and Repair Bond Redemption Fund, and paid out therefrom only in the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds; provided, that when the principal and interest of the said bonds shall have been fully paid, and all of said bonds retired, any and all moneys remaining on hand in said special fund shall be transferred to the general fund of said Washoe County. Sec. 8. Whenever the county treasurer of said Washoe County shall pay and redeem any bond issued under the provisions of this act, he shall forthwith cancel the bond, or bonds, and coupons by writing across the face thereof the word Paid, and perforate the same, together with the date of such payment, and sign his name thereto, and turn the same over to the county auditor, taking his receipt therefor, which receipt shall be filed with the clerk of the said board of county commissioners, and the auditor of said Washoe County shall credit the said treasurer on his books for the amount so paid. Sec. 9. Should the holder of said bonds, or any of them, from any cause whatever, fail to present such bonds to the said county treasurer when they become due, all interest on such bonds shall thereafter immediately cease. |
County Hospital Addition, Furnishing, and Repair Fund
County Hospital Addition, Furnishing, and Repair Bond Redemption Fund
Disposal of residue
Treasurer to cancel paid bonds
Interest ceases, when |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 280 (CHAPTER 186, AB 222)κ
Faith of Nevada pledged
In effect |
Sec. 10. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this act shall not be repealed, nor the taxation imposed be omitted, until all the bonds and coupons issued hereunder and by virtue hereof shall have been paid in full, as in this act specified. Sec. 11. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. |
State ore sampler deficiency
Claims named
$262.83 directed to paid |
[Assembly Bill No. 223Committee on Claims]
Chap. 187An Act authorizing payment of the claims of the department of the state ore sampler.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Whereas, the claims of the department of the state ore sampler for the period from November 30 to December 31, 1920, were forwarded to the state board of examiners too late to be audited and paid before the close of the fiscal year 1920 and are unpaid; and, whereas, said claims are just and due and owing and are recommended for payment by the board of examiners in the following detail:
F. C. Lincoln.............................................................................................. $78.83 H. E. Higgins............................................................................................. 100.00 Ella Lewis................................................................................................... 10.00 D. H. Allen................................................................................................. 35.00 Reno Pressed Brick Co............................................................................ 39.00 ________ Total ....................................................................................................... $262.83
The state controller is hereby directed to draw his warrants in payment of the above-mentioned claims to the total amount of $262.83, out of moneys in the general fund not otherwise appropriated, and the state treasurer is directed to pay the same. |
Preamble |
[Assembly Bill No. 224Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 188An Act to appropriate money for the national association of railway commissioners in payment of services rendered.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
Whereas, During the years 1919 and 1920, the national association of railway commissioners performed for and on behalf of the State of Nevada valuable services; and |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 281 (CHAPTER 188, AB 224)κ
Whereas, The said association has not received any compensation therefor, and the sum of $1,000 being a reasonable amount to be paid the said association for said services rendered; therefore,
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars is hereby appropriated, from any moneys in the general fund of the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment to the national association of railway commissioners of the said sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars. Sec. 2. The state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant in favor of the said national association of railway commissioners for the said sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars, and the state treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same. |
Appropriation, $1,000
Directed to be paid |
[Assembly Bill No. 236Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 189An Act to repeal an act entitled An act to prevent the shipment of wild game from this state, approved February 16, 1899, being section 2113, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 237Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 190An Act to repeal an act entitled An act to prevent the dissemination of disease among apiaries; to provide for the appointment of an inspector, and to define his duties and compensation, approved March 6, 1901, being sections 477-481, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 282κ
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 240Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 191An Act to repeal an act entitled An act providing for the establishment of private hatcheries for artificial propagation, culture and maintenance of food fishes, for their regulation and licensing, and for the sale, shipment, transportation and disposition of fish raised and propagated therein or thereby, and prescribing a penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof, approved March 20, 1911, being sections 2076-2084, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 245Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 192An Act to repeal an act entitled An act to provide for the protection and the preservation of trout and other fish in the waters of the State of Nevada, and other matters pertaining thereto, and to state in part what shall be evidence of its violations, and to prescribe penalties for its violation, and to provide for its enforcement, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, approved March 15, 1911, being sections 2059-2075, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 246Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 193An Act to repeal an act entitled An act providing for the payment of a portion of the moneys collected for county licenses for the sale of liquors into the city treasury of incorporated cities within such county, approved February 17, 1893, being section 954, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 283κ
[Assembly Bill No. 247Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 194An Act to repeal an act entitled An act to provide for the preservation of fish in the waters of this state, and matters properly relating thereto, approved March 14, 1903, being sections 2047-2051, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 248Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 195An Act to repeal an act entitled An act to provide for the payment of a bounty to encourage the boring of wells in searching for oil, natural gas and artesian water in the State of Nevada, approved March 19, 1901, being sections 712-717, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 249Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 196An Act to repeal an act entitled An act giving authority to the boards of county commissioners of the several counties of this state to extend the close season for fishing in streams and waters of a certain class, and providing for the enforcement of the same, approved March 16, 1905, being sections 2056-2058, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 284κ
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 250Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 197An Act to repeal an act entitled An act providing for the protection and preservation of game, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, approved March 24, 1909, being sections 2085-2100, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 251Mr. Bartlett]
Chap. 198An Act to repeal an act entitled An act to regulate and license the hunting of game birds and animals, and the taking and catching of fish, and to provide revenue therefrom for game and fish preservation and protection, and to prescribe a penalty for the violation thereof, and to make an appropriation for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this act, approved February 26, 1909, being sections 2101-2112, Revised Laws of Nevada.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby expressly repealed. |
Petition signed by 15 applicants to secure evening school |
[Assembly Bill No. 259Mr. Henderson]
Chap. 199An Act to amend an act entitled An act to provide for the establishment of evening schools, approved March 24, 1917.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. Any board of school trustees or other school board in charge of a public school is hereby authorized to establish an evening school therein whenever fifteen or more bona-fide applicants for instruction in such evening school residing in said district shall petition the school board in writing for the same. Such school shall be open to native-and foreign-born youths and adults, and only such courses of instruction shall be given therein as shall have been approved by the state board of education. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 285 (CHAPTER 199, AB 259)κ
Sec. 2. Section 3 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3. At the time of making the regular semiannual apportionment, the superintendent of public instruction shall apportion from the state distributive school fund to the districts or schools which have established and maintained evening schools in accordance with the provisions of this act such an amount as is shown, by the reports from the several evening schools, to be necessary under this act; but in no case shall the total amount so apportioned in any one year exceed the amount set aside for this purpose in the general appropriation act budgeted for this purpose. Reports shall be made to the superintendent of public instruction at such time and in such manner as he shall prescribe. Apportionment to any district or school on account of evening schools shall be made on the basis of not more than one dollar per hour of actual teaching for each teacher employed in the said evening schools, or not more than forty dollars per teacher per school month; provided, that, for apportionment purposes under this act, not more than one teacher shall be counted for each ten persons in average daily attendance, except that, where instruction is given in Americanization only, such average attendance may be not less than six persons. Teachers in the evening schools shall keep daily record of enrollment and attendance by months of the pupils under their instruction, and before the distinct shall receive any apportionment provided in this act, and at the close of the session, they shall make a final report in triplicate on the blanks provided therefor by the superintendent of public instruction, and file a copy of such report with the superintendent of public instruction, the deputy superintendent, and the clerk of the school board. Sec. 3. Section 4 of the above-entitled act is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Section 5 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5. On written orders of a board of school trustees having established an evening school, the county auditor shall issue warrants upon the county treasurer for the payment of just claims for equipment and maintenance, and for additional salaries of teachers in amounts not to exceed those amounts apportioned to the district for the teachers from the state distributive school fund, all of which claims are hereby made just and legal charges against the general fund of the county, and the county treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same. |
State superintendent to apportion school money to evening schools
Basis of apportionment
Teachers to make report
Expenses, how paid |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 286κ
Amending title of state act for vocational rehabilitation
Gifts or donations received for vocational rehabilitation fund |
[Assembly Bill No. 260Mr. Henderson]
Chap. 200An Act to amend the title of an act and to amend an act entitled An act to accept the benefits of any act that may be passed by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry, approved March 28, 1919.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The title of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: An act to accept the benefits of an act passed by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise and their return to civil employment, approved June 2, 1920. Sec. 2. The above-entitled act is further amended by adding a new section to be numbered section seven: Section 7. The state board of education is hereby authorized and empowered to receive such gifts and donations, either from public or private sources, as may be offered unconditionally or under such conditions related to the vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise as are proper and consistent with the provisions of this act. All moneys received as gifts or donations shall be deposited in the state treasury and shall constitute a permanent fund to be called the special maintenance fund for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled persons, to be used to defray the expenses of vocational rehabilitation in special cases of persons undergoing reeducation and training. |
[Assembly Bill No. 262Mr. Lockhart]
Chap. 201An Act to repeal an act providing for the university engineering experiment station building bonds, and to provide for the disposition of moneys collected pursuant to said act.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. That the act entitled An act to provide for the housing of an engineering experiment station at the University of Nevada; providing for the issuance and sale of bonds therefor and the redemption thereof, approved March 19, 1919, Statutes 1919, 116, be and the same is hereby repealed. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 287 (CHAPTER 201, AB 262)κ
University of Nevada; providing for the issuance and sale of bonds therefor and the redemption thereof, approved March 19, 1919, Statutes 1919, 116, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That all moneys collected and to be collected pursuant to the act hereby repealed shall be transferred to the consolidated bond interest and redemption fund in the state treasury, subject to any appropriation out of the same. |
Repealing certain act of 1919
Transfer of residue |
[Assembly Bill No. 268Mr. Royle]
Chap. 202An Act exempting certain motor vehicles from the payment of a license fee and prohibiting the use of such vehicles for other than public business.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. All motor vehicles belonging to the State of Nevada or to any board, bureau, department, or commission thereof, or to any county, city, town, or school district in the state shall be exempted from the payment of a license fee thereon. Sec. 2. All such motor vehicles so exempted from the payment of a license fee shall be distinguished by a sign thereon to be placed upon machine in the usual place for the display of a license, and such sign shall bear thereon the word Nevada. Sec. 3. Such sign shall be furnished by the secretary of state for such machines at the actual cost thereof. Sec. 4. All motor vehicles exempted from license fee by the provisions of this act shall have painted on each side thereof in plain letters a sign showing the department, school district, city, town, or county owning and operating such machine and in addition thereto such sign shall include the words For Official Use Only. Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether a public official or otherwise, to use any such vehicle for any other use than the conduct of the public business. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. |
Public motor vehicles exempt from license
Must display sign Nevada
Sign free
For Official Use Only
Not for private use |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 288κ
Fees of district court reporters
Criminal case fees paid by county
Monthly salary, when
Fees in civil cases |
[Assembly Bill No. 270Mr. Heward]
Chap. 203An Act to amend section 6 of an act entitled An act to provide for the appointment of official reporters for the district courts, their duties, qualifications, and compensation, and to repeal all former acts in relation thereto, approved March 12, 1907, being paragraphs 4968, et seq., of Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, as amended by act approved March ......., 1921.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 6 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follow: Section 6. For his services the official reporter shall receive the following fees: For reporting testimony and proceedings, ten dollars per day, which amount, when more than one case is reported in one day, must be apportioned by the court between the several cases. For transcription he shall receive ten cents per hundred words for the first copy, and five cents per hundred works for each additional copy. In criminal cases the fees for reporting and for transcripts ordered by the court to be made must be paid out of the county treasury upon the order of the court; provided, that when there is no official reporter in attendance, and a reporter pro tempore is appointed, his reasonable expenses for traveling and detention must be fixed and allowed by the court and paid in like manner; and provided further, that the respective district judges may, with the approval of the respective board or boards of county commissioners within the judicial district, fix a monthly salary to be paid to such official reporter, in lieu of said per diem and transcribing fees in criminal cases; said salary and also actual traveling expense in cases where the reporter acts in more than one county, to be prorated by the judge on the basis of time consumed by criminal work in the respective counties; said salary and traveling expenses to be paid out of the respective county treasuries upon the order of the court. In civil cases the fees for reporting and for transcripts ordered by the court to be made must be paid by the parties in equal proportions, and either party may, at his option, pay the whole thereof; and in either case all amounts so paid by the party to whom costs are awarded must be taxed as costs in the case. The fees for transcripts and copies ordered by the parties must be paid by the party ordering the same. No reporter must be required to perform any service in a civil case until his fees have been paid to him or deposited with the clerk of the court. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 289 (CHAPTER 203, AB 270)κ
Where a transcript is ordered by the court or by any party, the fees for same shall be paid to the clerk of the court and by him paid to the reporter upon the furnishing of the transcript. |
Clerk to collect fees and pay to reporter |
[Assembly Bill No. 272Mr. Heward]
Chap. 204An Act to amend an act entitled An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto, approved March 17, 1911, by adding thereto an additional section to be known as section 308 1/2 thereof.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby amended by adding an additional section thereto, to be known as section 308 1/2 thereof, which said additional section shall read as follows: Section 308 1/2. Whenever, in the opinion of a judge of a district court about to try a defendant against whom has been filed any indictment or information for a felony, the trial is likely to be a protracted one, the court may cause an entry to that effect to be made in the minutes of the court, and thereupon, immediately after the jury is impaneled and sworn, the court may direct the calling of one or two additional jurors, in its discretion, to be known as alternate jurors. Such jurors must be drawn from the same source, and in the same manner, and have the same qualifications as the jurors already sworn, and be subject to the same examination and challenges; provided, that the prosecution shall be entitled to one, and the defendant to two, peremptory challenges to such alternate jurors. Such alternate jurors shall be seated near, with equal power and facilities for seeing and hearing the proceedings in the case, and shall take the same oath as the jurors already selected, and must attend at all times upon the trial of the cause in company with the other jurors; and for a failure so to do are liable to be punished for contempt. They shall obey the orders of and be bound by the admonition of the court upon each adjournment of the court; but if the regular jurors are ordered to be kept in custody of the sheriff during the trial of the cause, such alternate jurors shall also be kept in confinement with the other jurors; and, except as hereinafter provided, shall be discharged upon the final submission of the case to the jury. If, before the final submission of the case, a juror die, or become ill, so as to be unable to perform his duty, |
Amending civil practice act
Alternate jurors
Peremptory challenges
When confined |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 290 (CHAPTER 204, AB 272)κ
his duty, the court may order him to be discharged and draw the name of an alternate, who shall then take his place in the jury-box, and be subject to the same rules and regulations as though he had been selected as one of the original jurors. |
Fees of secretary of state
Fees specified |
[Assembly Bill No. 277Committee on Ways and Means]
Chap. 205An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled An act to provide a fee bill for the office of secretary of state, approved March 24, 1913.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. The secretary of state of the State of Nevada shall be allowed to charge and to collect the following fees; provided, however, that said secretary of state shall neither charge, nor collect, any fees for services by him rendered to the State of Nevada, or any county, city, or town thereof, or any officer thereof in his official capacity: On filing any certificate or articles or other paper relative to corporations in the office of the secretary of state, the following fees and taxes shall be paid to the secretary of state for the use of the state: For certificate or articles of incorporation, twenty (20) cents for each thousand dollars of the total amount of capital stock authorized, but in no case less than fifty ($50) dollars; consolidation and merger of corporations, twenty (20) cents for each thousand dollars capital authorized, beyond the total authorized capital of the corporations merged or consolidated, but in no case less than twenty ($20) dollars; increase of capital stock, twenty (20) cents for each thousand dollars of the total increase authorized, but in no case less than twenty ($20) dollars; extension or renewal of corporate existence of any corporation, one-half that required for the original certificate or articles of incorporation by this act; dissolution of corporation, change of nature of business, amended articles or certificate of incorporation or organization (other than those authorizing increase of capital stock), decrease of capital stock, the increase or decrease of par value of or number of shares, twenty ($20) dollars; for filing list of officers and directors or trustees and name of agent in charge of principal office, two ($2) dollars; notice of removal of principal place of business, other than by amendment, two dollars ($2); for comparing any document to be certified when copy thereof is furnished, if any corrections are required to be made therein before certifying thereto, forty (40) cents for each folio of one hundred words of said document so compared; |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 291 (CHAPTER 205, AB 277)κ
for certifying to copy of articles of incorporation, where copy is furnished, ten ($10) dollars; for certifying to copy of amendment to articles of incorporation, where copy is furnished, ten ($10) dollars; for certifying to authorized printed copy of the general corporation law, as compiled by the secretary of state, ten ($10) dollars; for all certificates not hereby provided for, ten ($10) dollars; provided, that no fees shall be required to be paid by any religious or charitable society or educational association having no capital stock; and provided further, that foreign incorporations shall pay the same fees to the secretary of state as are required to be paid by corporations organized under the laws of this state, except that, where a foreign corporation is organized without fixing or stating a par value to its authorized capital stock, or where its articles or charter, or the legislative, executive, or other governmental acts or other instrument of authority, under which it was created, required by law to be filed in the office of the secretary of state, do not fix or state any par value to its authorized capital stock, then, for the purpose of taxes and fees to be paid to the secretary of state, upon qualifying before carrying on the business in this state, but for no other purpose, the authorized capital stock of such foreign corporation shall be taken to be of the par value of one hundred dollars per share. Each and every civil officer of this state, except commissioners of deeds and notaries public, shall, at the time of the issuance of his commission, and before entering upon the duties of his office, pay a fee to the secretary of state on the basis of five ($5) dollars where the salary is thirty-six hundred ($3,600) dollars per year or less, and two ($2) dollars on each additional one thousand ($1,000) dollars or major fraction thereof per year; for a written copy of any law, joint resolution, transcript of record, or other paper on file or of record in this office, forty (40c) cents per folio; for certifying to any such copy and use of state seal, ten ($10) dollars for each impression; for attesting extradition papers for other states, $5 each time the state seal is necessarily used; for filing and recording each official bond, ten ($10) dollars; for filing and recording trade-marks and names, ten ($10) dollars; for each passport and other document signed by the governor and attested by the secretary of state, ten ($10) dollars; for each commission as notary public, ten ($10) dollars; for each commission as commissioner of deeds, ten ($10) dollars; for each commission signed by the governor and attested by the secretary of state, other than notaries public and commissions of deeds, ten ($10) dollars; for each commission issued by the governor to staff or line officers of the militia of the State of Nevada, no charge; all commissions issued to directors of the Nevada state agricultural society, or to any agricultural society now organized, or that may be hereafter organized, shall be free. |
Fees of secretary of state
Graded scale for state officers commission
Military and certain other officers exempt |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 292 (CHAPTER 205, AB 277)κ
Repeal |
organized, or that may be hereafter organized, shall be free. For searching records or archives of the state, and other records and documents kept in his office, he shall charge a reasonable fee. For each certificate of qualification, issued to surety companies, ten ($10) dollars. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
Bonds of White Pine County ($125,000) for additional county high-school buildings |
[Assembly Bill No. 280Mr. Lockhart]
Chap. 206An Act to provide for enlarging and improving the White Pine County high-school building and the equipment thereof, and for the construction and equipment of an additional county high-school building or buildings for said White Pine County high school or branch thereof, and to provide for the issuance and payment of bonds for the creation of a fund to be used for said purposes, and to repeal an act entitled An act to provide for the erection, furnishing and equipment of a manual-training building for the White Pine County high school in the city of Ely, State of Nevada, and for the issuance and payment of bonds for the creation of a fund for the erection, furnishing and equipment of said building, approved April 1, 1919.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The board of county commissioners of White Pine County, Nevada, for the purpose of creating a fund for enlarging and improving the presently existing White Pine County high-school building and the equipment thereof, including a heating plant, and the construction and equipment of a dormitory or dormitories for the accommodation of students, and for the construction and equipment of an additional county high-school building or buildings for said White Pine County high school or branch thereof, are hereby authorized and empowered to issue and sell, all at one time or from time to time in such lesser numbers as may in their judgment be required, negotiable coupon county high-school improvement bonds of said county to an amount aggregating the principal sum of one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000). Said bonds shall be two hundred and fifty (250) in number, numbered consecutively from 1 to 250, both inclusive, of the denomination of five hundred dollars ($500) each. They shall bear interest from their date until paid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semiannually on the first days of January and July, respectively, in each year, and each semiannual installment of interest on each bond shall be evidenced by an appropriate coupon, so attached to said bond that it may be removed without injury to the said bond. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 293 (CHAPTER 206, AB 280)κ
interest on each bond shall be evidenced by an appropriate coupon, so attached to said bond that it may be removed without injury to the said bond. Each of said bonds and coupons shall be signed by the chairman of the board of county commissioners and countersigned by the county treasurer, and each bonds shall be authenticated by having the seal of the county impressed thereon. Both the interest and the principal on said bonds shall be payable, at a place to be designated in said bonds, in gold coin of the United States of America of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness. Sec. 2. Each of said bonds and each of the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be substantially in the following forms respectively, to wit:
(Form of Bond) No.......... United States of America State of Nevada, County of White Pine COUNTY HIGH-SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT BOND
The county of White Pine, in the State of Nevada, acknowledges itself to owe, and for value received hereby promises to pay, to the bearer hereof the principal sum of five hundred dollars, on the ....... day of ................................, 19...., with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of six per centum per annum, such interest payable semiannually on the first days of January and July, respectively, in each year, as evidenced by and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due; and both the interest and principal of this bond are hereby made payable in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at ....................... in the city of ......................., State of ......................., U. S. A., and for the prompt payment of this bond, with interest thereon as aforesaid, when due, the full faith, credit and resources, and all the taxable property of said county are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series of two hundred and fifty bonds of like tenor and amount issued by said county under and in compliance with the constitution of the State of Nevada and of an act of the legislature of said state passed at its thirtieth session, entitled An act to provide for enlarging and improving the White Pine County high-school building and the equipment thereof, and for the construction and equipment of an additional county high-school building or buildings for said White Pine County high school or branch thereof, and to provide for the issuance and payment of bonds for the creation of a fund to be used for said purposes, and to repeal an act entitled An act to provide for the erection, furnishing and equipment of a manual-training building for the White Pine County high school in the city of Ely, State of Nevada, and for the issuance and payment of bonds for the creation of a fund for the erection, |
Form of bond |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 294 (CHAPTER 206, AB 280)κ
Form of bond
Form of coupon
Legality of bonds not to be questioned
Clerk to keep record |
creation of a fund for the erection, furnishing and equipment of said building, approved April 1, 1919, approved March ....., 1921, and all other laws and authority thereunto enabling. And it is hereby certified and warranted that said county is duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the constitution and laws of the State of Nevada, and that the board of county commissioners thereof is the duly constituted corporate authority of said county; that said county is duly authorized to issue this bond, and every other bond of this series, and that all conditions precedent to render the same valid and binding obligations of said county have been duly and strictly complied with and performed; that the total indebtedness of said county, including this bond and the other bonds of this series, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation, and that due provision has been made for the levy and collection of a direct annual ad valorem tax on all the taxable property of said county, in addition to all other taxes, sufficient to pay the interest accruing hereon, as the same falls due, and also to discharge the principal hereof at maturity. In Witness Whereof, The said board of county commissioners has caused this bond to be sealed with its seal, and, together with the interest coupons hereto attached, to be signed by its chairman and countersigned by the county treasurer of said county. ............................................................................... As Chairman of Board of County Commissioners. Countersigned by.........................................., (Seal) County Treasurer. No....... (Form of Coupon) On ................................................., 19...., the county of White Pine, State of Nevada, for value received, will pay to the bearer hereof the sum of ................................. dollars in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at ........................., being ............ months interest then due on its county high-school improvement bond No. ..............., dated ...... ..................., 19..... ................................................... As Chairman of Board of County Commissioners. Countersigned by.........................................., County Treasurer.
Sec. 3. The said board of county commissioners and said county treasurer shall cause the said bonds and coupons to be prepared in substantially the respective forms above set forth, and shall cause the same to be executed for and in behalf of said county in the manner aforesaid, and, when so executed and sold, their legality shall not be open to contest by said county, or by any person or corporation for it or in its behalf, for any reason whatsoever. Sec. 4. The clerk of the board of county commissioners shall keep a detailed and accurate record of all proceedings under the provisions of this act, which record must show the number and date of each bond and to whom issued. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 295 (CHAPTER 206, AB 280)κ
under the provisions of this act, which record must show the number and date of each bond and to whom issued. Sec. 5. The board of county commissioners of White Pine County is hereby authorized to negotiate the sale of said bonds by advertising for sealed proposals, or by private sale or sales, as they may deem for the best interest of the county, and may reject any and all bids; provided, that the bonds and the interest thereon shall be made payable in gold coin of the United States; and provided further, that the said board shall sell the bonds to the highest and best bidder or bidders in the event that they elect not to sell the same at private sale or sales. Sec. 6. On the first day of January next after the issuance of any of said bonds, and annually thereafter until an aggregate of one hundred and fifty of such bonds shall have been redeemed, ten of said bonds, together with the interest thereon then due and payable, shall be paid and redeemed by said county treasurer. Commencing on the first day of January next after the redemption of one hundred and fifty bonds, as hereinbefore provided, and annually thereafter, twenty of said bonds, together with the interest thereon then due and payable, shall be paid and redeemed by said county treasurer. The payment and redemption of said bonds shall be in the order of their numbers, the lowest-numbered bond to be first paid and redeemed, then the next lowest, and so on until the whole amount of said bonds shall have been paid and redeemed. Sec. 7. All moneys derived from the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the county treasurer of said county, and the said treasurer is hereby required to receive and safely keep the same in a fund hereby created and designated as County High-School Improvement Fund, and to pay out said moneys in the manner now provided by law for the payment of money from the County High-School Fund and only for the purposes provided in this act. Sec. 8. The county board of education of White Pine County is hereby authorized and directed to use the moneys derived from the sale of said bonds, or such portion thereof as they may deem necessary, for the purposes hereinbefore stated, and any balance remaining in such fund after the completion of such enlargement, improvement, construction, and equipment shall be transferred to the appropriate fund provided for the maintenance of said high school, in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of law pertaining to the establishment, maintenance, and management of county high schools. Sec. 9. Said county board of education shall determine the character of the said enlargements and improvements and of said additional building or buildings, and the location thereof, so to be constructed, and may construct such additional building or buildings, either within the city of Ely or elsewhere within said county, said board shall also determine the character of the materials to be used in the construction of such building or buildings and improvements, and the plans therefor. |
Bonds sold to highest bidder
Ten bonds redeemed annually
Order of redemption
County High-School Improvement Fund
County board of education to use money
General law to govern |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 296 (CHAPTER 206, AB 280)κ
County treasurer liable
Annual tax
Tax ceases, when
Treasurer to cancel redeemed bonds |
Ely or elsewhere within said county, said board shall also determine the character of the materials to be used in the construction of such building or buildings and improvements, and the plans therefor. The laws in force governing the letting of contracts by boards of county commissioners are hereby made applicable to, and the same shall govern, the action of the county board of education in carrying out the provisions of this act. All demands and bills contracted by said county board of education in carrying out the provisions of this act shall be paid in the manner now provided by law for paying claims against the County High-School Fund. Sec. 10. The county treasurer of said White Pine County shall be liable on his official bond for the safe-keeping of the money which shall come into his hands under the provisions of this act, and for the faithful discharge of all his duties in relation thereto. Sec. 11. For the purpose of creating a fund for the payment of the bonds authorized by this act, and the interest thereon, the board of county commissioners of said White Pine County is hereby authorized and directed to levy and collect annually a special tax on all property, both real and personal, subject to taxation within the boundaries of said White Pine County, until such bonds, and the interest thereon, shall have been fully paid, sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and to pay and retire the same as hereinbefore provided, and the amount of money to be raised by such tax shall be included in the annual estimate or budget for said county for each year for which said tax is hereby required to be levied. Such tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected, and the proceeds thereof shall be kept by the county treasurer in a special fund, to be known as the County High-School Improvement Redemption Fund. Sec. 12. Whenever the bonds and interest provided for in this act shall have been fully paid, the tax authorized by this act shall cease, and all moneys remaining in the said bond fund shall, by order of the board of county commissioner of said county, be transferred to the fund for paying the contingent expenses of said county high school. Sec. 13. Whenever the county treasurer shall redeem any of the bonds issued under the provisions of this act, he shall cancel the same by writing across the face thereof Paid, together with the date of such payment, sign his name thereto, and turn the same over to the county auditor, taking his receipt therefor, which receipt shall be filed with the clerk of the board of county commissioners, and the auditor shall credit the treasurer on his books for the sum so paid. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 297 (CHAPTER 206, AB 280)κ
Sec. 14. Should the holder of said bonds, or any of them, for any cause whatever, fail to present said bonds to the said county treasurer for payment when they become due, all interest on said bonds shall thereafter immediately cease. Sec. 15. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this act shall not be repealed, nor the taxation thereby imposed be omitted, until all the bonds and coupons issued under and by virtue thereof shall have been paid in full as in this act specified. Sec. 16. That certain act entitled An act to provide for the erection, furnishing, and equipment of a manual-training building for the White Pine County high school in the city of Ely, State of Nevada, and for the issuance and payment of bonds for the creation of a fund for the erection, furnishing, and equipment of said building, approved April 1, 1919, is hereby repealed. |
Interest ceases, when
Faith of Nevada pledged
Repeal of certain act |
[Assembly Bill No. 283Mr. Hill]
Chap. 207An Act fixing and regulating the salary and fees of the justice of the peace and constable of Bald Mountain township, Washoe County, Nevada, and repealing a certain act relating thereto.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The justice of the peace and the constable of Bald Mountain township, Washoe County, Nevada, shall each receive a salary of four hundred and eighty dollars ($480) per year, payable in twelve equal installments. Sec. 2. In addition to the salaries specified in the preceding section, the said officers shall be entitled to collect and retain the fees now allowed by law in civil cases. Sec. 3. This act shall be and become effective on and after January 1, 1923. Sec. 4. That certain act entitled An act fixing and regulating the salary and fees of the justice of the peace and constable of Bald Mountain township, Washoe County, Nevada, approved February 28, 1919, is hereby expressly repealed. |
Salary of justice of the peace and constable of Bald Mountain Civil fees retained
In effect, 1923 Repeal |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 298κ
Amending school law
Qualifications of state superintendent
Duties and powers of state superintendent of public instruction |
[Assembly Bill No. 284Committee on Education]
Chap. 208An Act to amend sections 5, 6, 12, 19, 25, 32, 38, 53, 59, 75, 149, 158, 160, 161, 170, 171, and 178 of an act entitled An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto, approved March 20, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. Section 5 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 5. The superintendent of public instruction shall be elected quadrennially by the qualified electors of the state at the same time and in the same manner as the governor is elected, and shall hold office for the term of four years from the first Monday in January next after the election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be a graduate of a standard college or university, shall hold a Nevada teachers certificate of the high-school grade, and shall have had at the time of his election not less than forty-five months of successful teaching experience, at least twenty months of which shall have been in the State of Nevada. Sec. 2. Section 6 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 6. The superintendent of public instruction shall have power and it shall be his duty: 1. To visit each county in the state at least once each year for the purpose of conducting institutes, visiting schools, consulting with school officers, and addressing public assemblies on subjects pertaining to the schools; and the necessary traveling expenses incurred by the superintendent in performance of such duties, such traveling expenses to include the cost of transportation and board while absent from his place of residence, shall be allowed, audited, and paid out of the general fund, in the same manner as claims upon said fund are now allowed, audited, and paid; provided, that the sum so expended in any one year shall not exceed one thousand dollars; 2. To apportion the state distributive school fund; 3. To apportion the county school fund of each county among its various districts; 4. To report to the governor biennially, on or before the first day of December of the years preceding the regular session of the legislature. The governor shall transmit said report to the legislature; and whenever it is ordered published the state printer shall deliver a sufficient number of copies to the superintendent who shall distribute the same among school officers of the state and of the United States. Said report shall contain a full statement of the condition of public instruction in the state; a statement of the condition and amount of all funds and property appropriated to the purpose of education; |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 299 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
instruction in the state; a statement of the condition and amount of all funds and property appropriated to the purpose of education; the number and grade of schools in each county; the number of the children in each county between the ages of six and eighteen years of age; the number of such attending public schools; the number attending private schools; the number attending no schools; the number under six years of age; the number between eighteen and twenty-one years of age; the amount of public-school moneys apportioned to each county; the amount of money raised by county taxation, district tax, subscription or otherwise, by any city, town, district, or county, for the support of schools therein, the amount of money raised for building school-houses; a statement of plans for the management and improvement of public schools; and such other information relative to the educational interests of the state as he may think of importance; 5. To prescribe suitable rules and regulations for making all reports and conducting all necessary proceedings under this act and to furnish suitable blank forms for the same; to cause the same, with such instructions as he shall deem necessary and proper for the organization and government of schools, to be transmitted to the local school officers, who shall be governed in accordance therewith. He shall prepare a convenient form of school register for the purpose of securing accurate returns from the teachers of public schools, and shall furnish each school district in the state with such registers. He shall prepare pamphlet copies of the school law and all amendments thereto, and shall transmit a copy thereof to each school trustee, school-census marshal, and school teacher in the state; 6. To convene a state teachers institute biennially in the even-numbered years in such place and at such time as he may deem advisable. It shall be his further duty to convene five district teachers institutes in the various sections of the state biennially in the odd-numbered years in such places and at such times as he may deem advisable. he shall engage such institute lecturers and teaches as he shall deem advisable, and shall preside over and regulate the exercises of all state and district institutes. No institute shall continue less than four nor more than ten days. The expenses incurred in holding such institutes shall be paid out of the state distributive school fund; provided, that the amount for the state institute shall not exceed five hundred dollars nor the amount of any one district institute two hundred and fifty dollars, and the state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants for the same upon the order of the superintendent of public instruction. All teachers shall be required to attend the district institutes held in the supervision districts in which they may be teaching respectively, unless they shall be excused for good cause by the superintendent of public instruction, and without loss of salary for the time thus employed; |
Duties and powers of state superintendent of public instruction |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 300 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
Duties and powers of superintendent of public instruction
Duties and powers of deputy superintendents |
tendent of public instruction, and without loss of salary for the time thus employed; 7. To call, with the approval of the board of county commissioners, a county teachers institute in any county at such time and place as in his judgment will best subserve the educational interests of the county, and preside over and regulate the exercises of the same. The expenses of such institute shall be paid out of the county general fund of the county in which such institute is held; provided, that the board of county commissioners shall authorize such institute upon the application of the superintendent of public instruction; and provided, that such expenses shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars. All teachers shall be required to attend any county institute held in the counties in which they shall be teaching respectively, unless excused for good cause by the superintendent of public instruction, and without loss of salary for the time thus employed; 8. To call meetings of the state board of education in January and June of each year, and at such other times as he shall deem proper, or when two members of said board shall request a meeting; 9. To perform such other duties relative to the public schools a may be prescribed by law; 10. To have done at the state printing office any printing required in the performance of his duties; 11. To require a written report from each deputy superintendent on the first day of October, the first day of January, the first day of April, and the first day of July of each school year. Such reports shall contain any information or facts that the superintendent of public instruction may require; 12. To arrange blank forms, including school registers, for teachers contracts, and supply the same to school trustees and teachers; 13. The superintendent of public instruction shall, at the expiration of his term of office, deliver to his successor all property and effects belonging to his office, and take a receipt for same. Sec. 3. Section 12 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 12. Within his supervision district each deputy superintendent shall have power, and it shall be his duty: 1. To file with the county auditor of each county a directory of all teachers who shall be entitled to draw salary from the state or the county funds, and to advise the county auditor from time to time of any changes or additions to such directory, and to file with the county auditor a directory of all qualified school trustees of each county. The county auditor shall not draw any warrant in favor of any teacher until he shall be officially informed by the deputy superintendent that such teacher is legally entitled to receive salary from the state or county school funds; |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 301 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
2. To investigate any claim against any school fund whenever a written protest against the drawing of a warrant in payment of said claim against any school fund shall be filed with the county auditor. If, upon investigation, the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall find that any claim against any school fund is illegal or unreasonably excessive, he shall notify the county auditor and the clerk of the board of trustees who drew the order for such illegal claim, stating the reasons in writing why such order is illegal or unreasonably excessive, he shall notify the county auditor and the clerk of the board of trustees who drew the order for such illegal claim, stating the reasons in writing why such order is illegal or excessive, and the county auditor, if so notified, shall not draw his warrant in payment of such claim. If the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall find that any protested claim is legal and actually due the claimant, he shall authorize the county auditor to draw his warrant for such claim, and the county auditor shall immediately draw his warrant in payment of the claim; 3. To suspend the certificate of any teacher for a time not to exceed one year, who fails to attend any district or county institute unless excused for nonattendance by the superintendent of public instruction; 4. To suspend the certificate of any teacher for any of the causes for which a certificate may be revoked by the state board of education; 5. To inspect the record books and accounts of boards of trustees, and to authorize and enforce an efficient method of keeping the financial records and accounts of the school district; 6. To inspect the school fund accounts of the county auditors of the several counties, and report the condition of the funds of any school district to the trustees thereof; 7. To grade the schools in his supervision district, in the month of July of each year, designating which schools are high schools, and which are elementary schools, and to keep record of such gradation in his office; 8. To appoint school trustees in all districts in which the qualified voters failed to elect. Sec. 4. Section 19 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 19. All examinations for teachers certificates shall be conducted by deputy examiners, who shall act under the authority of the state board of education. It shall be the duty of the deputy examiners to send all examination papers to the superintendent of public instruction without grading them. The deputy superintendents of public instruction shall act as deputy examiners in such counties in their respective districts as shall be designated by the superintendent of public instruction, and the deputy superintendent of public instruction shall appoint in addition a sufficient number of deputy examiners to provide for all the counties of the state; provided, that there shall not be more than two such deputy examiners in any one county. Deputy examiners other than the deputy superintendents of public instruction shall receive a compensation of five dollars a day, to be paid as other claims out of the state distributive school fund. |
Duties and powers of deputy superintendents
Teachers examinations
Deputy examiners |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 302 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
Elementary-school certificates
Grading of examination papers |
other than the deputy superintendents of public instruction shall receive a compensation of five dollars a day, to be paid as other claims out of the state distributive school fund. The state board of education shall prescribe such rules and regulations governing examinations as may be needful to secure uniformity and justice. Sec. 5. Section 25 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 25. The elementary-school certificate, first grade, shall be valid for three years from the date of issuance, and shall be issued upon examination in the following subjects: Spelling, reading, writing, English grammar, mental arithmetic, written arithmetic, physiology and hygiene, history of the United States, geography, general history, drawing, music, business forms, civics, current events, and theory and methods of teaching, and the rudiments of Nevada school law; provided, that such certificate shall not be issued on examination to any person whose general average is less than eighty-five per cent or whose grade is less than sixty-five per cent in any one subject. The elementary certificate, first grade, shall not be issued to any person under twenty years of age nor to any person who has had less than sixteen months of successful experience in teaching. Such certificate may be renewed by the state board of education according to such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe. Any person who shall at any regular examination make a grade of eighty-five per cent or more in any subject or subjects shall receive credit for such subject or subjects toward a first-grade elementary certificate; provided, that such hold-over grade of eighty-five per cent or more shall not be valid for more than three years from the date of such examinations. The state board of education may allow credits for satisfactory work done by applicants for certificates on examination, in a standard summer school, normal school, or college, in determining their per cent standing in any subject. Sec. 6. Section 32 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 32. All examination papers for teachers certificates shall be examined and graded under the authority of the state board of education by the board of educational examiners, which shall consist of at least one member of the state board of education, the deputy superintendents of public instruction, and such other persons, not to exceed three in number, as may be appointed by the superintendent of public instruction. The board of educational examiners shall certify the grade of each applicant in each subject to the state board of education. Persons appointed by the superintendent of public instruction as members of the board of educational examiners shall receive compensation at the rate of five dollars a day for the time actually employed in such service, to be paid out of the state distributive school fund in the usual manner. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 303 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
service, to be paid out of the state distributive school fund in the usual manner. Sec. 7. Section 38 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 38. Each and every teacher employed in this state, whose compensation is payable out of the public funds, shall take and subscribe to the oath as prescribed by the fifteenth article of the state constitution before entering upon the discharge of the duties of such teacher. Such oath, when so taken and subscribed to, shall, if that of a teacher in the state university, be filed in the office of the board of regents; if of any other class of teachers, the same shall be filed in the office of the deputy superintendent of public instruction. The oath is as follows: I, ......................, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and government of the United States, and the constitution and government of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any state convention or legislature to the contrary notwithstanding. And further that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties of teacher on which I am about to enter (if an oath) so help me God; (if an affirmation) under the pains and penalties of perjury. Sworn and subscribed to before me a..................................of the county of................................and State of Nevada, this..............day of............................., Anno Domini 192..... Sec. 8. Section 53 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 53. In all school districts having a voting population of one hundred or over, the board of school trustees shall have printed ballots of uniform size containing the names in alphabetical order of all persons candidates for the office of school trustee. There shall be at least as many ballots printed as there are voters in the district, and no ballots other than those furnished by the board of school trustees shall be voted. Sec. 9. Section 59 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 59. In school districts having a voting population of one hundred (100) or over, candidates for the office of school trustee shall, not later than five days before the day of election, have their names filed with the county clerk of said county, with designation of the term of office for which they are candidates, and no names shall be placed upon the ballots unless filed within the time herein provided. In case of a recall election in districts having a voting population of less than one hundred (100), candidates for the office of school trustee shall, not later than three days before said election, have their names filed with the clerk of the school board in the district, with the designation of the term of office for which they are candidates, and no names shall be voted on unless filed within the time and in the manner herein provided. |
Official oath for teachers
Form of oath
Printed ballots for certain school elections
Candidates for trustee, how to file |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 304 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
Powers of county boards
Duties of county treasurer
Duties of county auditor |
have their names filed with the clerk of the school board in the district, with the designation of the term of office for which they are candidates, and no names shall be voted on unless filed within the time and in the manner herein provided. Sec. 10. Section 75 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 75. Under the provisions of this act, county boards of education in control of high schools shall have the same powers and duties as are prescribed by law for school trustees. Sec. 11. Section 149 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 149. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer of each county: 1. To receive and hold as a special deposit all public-school moneys, whether received by him from the state treasurer or raised by the county for the benefit of the public schools, or from any other source, and to keep separate accounts thereof and of their disbursements; 2. On the second Monday of June and on the second Monday of December of each year to notify the superintendent of public instruction and the district deputy superintendent of the amount of money received since the last semi-annual report for the following funds: (a) the county school fund, showing the amount subject to apportionment and indicating the amount in this received from forest reserve payments; (b) for the support of the high schools in the county; (c) special district taxes in the several school districts in the county; (d) for the payment of emergency loans; (e) for school bond redemptions and interest on school bonds; and (f) any other special funds a record of which may be needed for the reports of the superintendent of public instruction; 3. To pay over all public-school moneys received by him only on warrants of the county auditor, issued upon orders of the board of school trustees for their respective school districts. All orders issued in accordance with law by the said trustees shall be valid vouchers in the hands of the county auditors for warrants drawn upon such orders. It shall be the duty of the county auditor of each county, on or before the tenth day of July, annually, to make full report to the superintendent of public instruction of the public-school moneys received into the several school funds during the school year ending June 30 next previous thereto, as called for in the semiannual reports of the county treasurer to the superintendent of public instruction, together with a particular statement of the disbursements of said school moneys and any balances remaining in the several funds, in such form as the reports of the superintendent of public instruction may require. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 305 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
In case of the failure and neglect of any county treasurer or any county auditor to perform the duties required of him in this section, such county treasurer or such county auditor shall forfeit for the benefit of the county school fund of the county the sum of one hundred dollars from his official compensation; and it is hereby made the duty of the board of county commissioners, upon notification by the superintendent of public instruction of such failure or neglect on the part of said county treasurer or county auditor, to deduct one hundred dollars from the official compensation of such county treasurer or county auditor and to place the same to the credit of the county school fund of the county. Sec. 12. Section 158 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 158. There shall be a state text-book commission, to consist of the members of the state board of education and four additional persons appointed by the governor. On or before the 15th day of January, 1923, and every four years thereafter, the governor shall appoint four members of the said text-book commission, who shall hold office for four years from and after the first day of February succeeding their appointment, and who, with the members of the state board of education, shall constitute the state text-book commission. The appointed members of the text-book commission shall be persons actively engaged in school work, and, before entering upon the duties of their office, they shall take the constitutional oath and file the same in the office of the secretary of state. If any vacancy occur during the term of any appointed member, by death, resignation, or removal, the governor shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of some person eligible as provided above. Sec. 13. Section 160 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 160. The state text-book commission shall hold its meetings to adopt text-books in the office of the superintendent of public instruction in Carson City not later than the third Tuesday in April, 1923, and not later than the third Tuesday in April every four years thereafter, unless an earlier date be asked for by a majority of the commission. The secretary, at the request or with the consent of any three members of the commission, may call special meetings of the state text-book commission whenever there may be business to transact of such importance as to justify the call, stating definitely the purpose of the meeting. At the meeting held not later than the third Tuesday in April, 1923, and every four years thereafter not later than the third Tuesday in April, the state text-book commission shall adopt a uniform series of text-books for exclusive use as text-books in all the elementary public schools of the state. If a contract for any text-book adopted at any regular meeting of the state text-book commission shall expire, either through the failure of the publishers of said book to fulfil the conditions of the contract, or for any other reason, the state text-book commission may adopt another book to take the place of the one on which the contract has lapsed, after notifying the text-book publishers as hereinafter provided for in cases of regular adoption. |
State text-book commission
Meetings of state text-book commission |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 306 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
Notice to publishers of text-books
Bids for supplying books |
the state text-book commission shall expire, either through the failure of the publishers of said book to fulfil the conditions of the contract, or for any other reason, the state text-book commission may adopt another book to take the place of the one on which the contract has lapsed, after notifying the text-book publishers as hereinafter provided for in cases of regular adoption. When regular adoptions are being made the commission may adjourn from day to day; provided, that the session shall not continue beyond ten actual days. Sec. 14. Section 161 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 161. Not later than the tenth day of February, 1923, and every four years thereafter, if the commission shall deem it advisable to make changes in the lists of prescribed text-books, the secretary of the commission shall notify all publishers of text-books who shall have placed their names and postoffice addresses on file with the said superintendent of public instruction, to be kept on file in the office of the said superintendent of public instruction, that the said text-book commission, as provided in this act, will meet and will receive sealed proposals up to twelve oclock noon of the first day set for the meeting of the state text-book commission, as herein provided, for supplying the State of Nevada with a series of text-books for use in all the public elementary schools of the state, for a period of four years from and after the first day of September next following the said meeting, in the following branches, viz: Reading, grammar, arithmetic, geography, history of the United States, physiology and hygiene, writing, spelling, drawing, music, and will also approve other books for supplemental use, as permitted in this act. Said sealed proposals shall be made in accordance with a form to be prescribed by the commission and shall be addressed to the superintendent of public instruction, Carson City, Nevada, and shall be endorsed Sealed proposals for supplying text-books for use in the State of Nevada. Said proposals shall include a statement of the introductory price, the exchange price for new books in the hands of the dealers, the exchange price for second-hand books and the retail price at which publishers will agree to furnish each text-book to the school children of Nevada at one or more places in each county as shall be designated by the commission. Whenever any contract shall be terminated by reason of the failure of any contracting publisher to observe the terms of the contract, or when any contract shall cease to be in force and effect, the text-book commission shall notify publishers to this effect, in a manner hereinbefore prescribed, that adoptions will be made to fill out the unexpired term of such contract, and that sealed bids shall be filed with the superintendent of public instruction on or before a date to be determined by the commission, to be specified in the notification to publishers. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 307 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
Sec. 15. Section 170 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 170. The text-books adopted by the state text-book commission shall be used in every public school in the state in the grades for which they are adopted, and no other books shall be used as text-books in such grades; provided, however, that this section shall not be interpreted in such a manner to prohibit the use of supplemental books purchased by the district, nor the temporary use for try-our purposes of text-books submitted by text-book publishers for state adoption, upon approval of the state text-book commission. Any school officer or teacher who shall violate the provisions of this act by requiring the pupils to use text-books other than those adopted by the state text-book commission, or by permitting the use of such other books as texts, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. All superintendents, principals, teachers, and school officers are charged with the execution of this law, and the superintendent of public instruction shall require the trustees of the several school districts, or the clerks thereof, to report annually as to the text-books used in their schools. Sec. 16. Section 171 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 171. The members of the state text-book commission shall, with the exception of the governor, the superintendent of public instruction, and the president of the university, receive the sum of five dollars per diem for each day actually engaged in transacting the business of the commission, and actual traveling expenses. Bills for such compensation shall be allowed and paid in the usual manner. The state text-book commission shall not be in session more than ten days in any one year. Sec. 17. Section 178 of the above-entitled act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 178. At each general election there shall be elected a county board of education, to consist of three members, two of whom shall serve two years, and the other four years, and thereafter at each regular biennial election there shall be elected two members of said board, one of whom shall serve for two years and the other for four years. Each person elected as herein provided shall enter upon the duties of his office on the first Monday in January next following his election, and shall hold office until his successor is elected and qualified. If, at any time, a vacancy shall occur on said board, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction to appoint a member for the unexpired term. Each member of a county board of education, whether elected or appointed, shall file with the deputy superintendent of public instruction a copy of the official oath of office, which copy shall be accompanied by his statement showing the term for which the said member has been elected or appointed. |
Texts adopted must be used in all schools
Expenses of text-book commissioners
County board of education to be elected
Official oath |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 308 (CHAPTER 208, AB 284)κ
which copy shall be accompanied by his statement showing the term for which the said member has been elected or appointed. |
Highway bonds for Washoe County; aggregate $150,000
First issue, $50,000
Equal amount from Californians |
[Assembly Bill No. 285Washoe County Delegation]
Chap. 209An Act to authorize, empower, and direct the board of county commissioners of Washoe County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund to be used for the improvement and construction of a highway within said county; to levy a tax for the payment of interest thereon and redemption thereof, and other matters relative thereto.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. For the purpose of aiding the department of highways of the State of Nevada in constructing a highway across the county of Washoe, now designated as Route 1 of the system of state highways as defined by An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada, chapter 169, Statutes 1917, the board of county commissioners of Washoe County is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to issue bonds in the name of said Washoe County in the aggregate sum of one hundred fifty thousand ($150,000) dollars. The said bonds shall be known as the Washoe County Highway Bonds, Issue 1921, and they shall be issued and sold at such times as may be necessary to take advantage of equal amounts tendered to the department of highways of the State of Nevada or to Washoe County from such sources as hereinafter provided. It is provided, however, that the first issuance and sale shall be for not less than fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars and that any bonds which are issued and not sold within twenty-four months after the passage of this act shall be canceled. All money derived from the sale of said bonds is to be expended within the bounds of the said county and for the purposes herein set forth. It is provided that the said county commissioners shall not issue said bonds or any part thereof, except upon the fulfillment of the following express condition: That an amount of money equal to the total amount of the herein bond issue shall be raised and made available to the department of highways of the State of Nevada by individuals or organizations in California or any state or states other than Nevada, said money to be available for expenditure upon any portion of route 1 of the system of state highways as defined by An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada, chapter 169, Statutes 1917, or as said route 1 may be hereafter designated between the Utah and California lines. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 309 (CHAPTER 209, AB 285)κ
said route 1 may be hereafter designated between the Utah and California lines. Sec. 2. The said board of county commissioners shall cause said bonds to be prepared, and they shall be signed by its members and its clerk and the county treasurer, and authenticated with the official seal of the said county. Coupons representing the several installments of interest to fall due thereon shall be attached to each bond, so they may be removed without injury to the bonds, numbered consecutively and signed by the county treasurer. Sec. 3. The said board of county commissioners is authorized to negotiate the sale of said bonds to the highest responsible bidder at not less than their par value, after advertising for sealed bids for the same in one or more papers published in Washoe County for a period of not less than two weeks preceding the date of the opening of said bids; the proceeds of such sale shall be placed in what shall be known as The Washoe County Highway Fund, which shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Payments from said fund shall be made only on warrants drawn by the county treasurer of said county in payment of the obligations contracted under the provisions of this act. Sec. 4. The said bonds shall be of the denomination of five hundred ($500) dollars each; they shall be numbered consecutively and they shall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum; said interest payable on the second Monday of January of the second succeeding year in which said bonds or any of them shall have been issued, and every twelve months thereafter; and on the second Monday of January, 1924, and every twelve months thereafter, fifteen or more of said bonds shall be redeemed and satisfied until all of said bonds so issued shall have been redeemed and satisfied. Said bonds shall be redeemed an satisfied as aforesaid, in the order of their issuance, the lowest-numbered bond to be first paid and redeemed, and so on until the whole amount of said bonds shall have been redeemed and satisfied. Sec. 5. For the purpose of creating a fund for the redemption of the said bonds and the payment of the interest thereon, the said board of county commissioners of Washoe County shall in the year 1922, and annually thereafter at the time of levying taxes for state and county purposes and in the same manner, levy and collect a special and additional tax upon all property within Washoe County sufficient in its judgment to provide for the payment of the interest annually due on said bonds, and the redemption and satisfaction of the bonds, as hereinbefore provided. The said taxes shall be assessed and collected the same as other taxes, paid to the county treasurer, and by him placed in the Washoe County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund. At the maturity of said bonds and the coupons thereon, they shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the said Washoe County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund, and shall thereupon be canceled and marked paid by the county treasurer; no interest shall be allowed or paid on any of said bonds after they have become due and payable, and shall have been called for redemption. |
County commissioners to issue bonds
The Washoe County Highway Fund
Denomination and interest
Washoe County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 310 (CHAPTER 209, AB 285)κ
Cooperation with department of highways
County to acquire rights of way
Faith of Nevada pledged |
bonds and the coupons thereon, they shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the said Washoe County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund, and shall thereupon be canceled and marked paid by the county treasurer; no interest shall be allowed or paid on any of said bonds after they have become due and payable, and shall have been called for redemption. Sec. 6. The board of county commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into any necessary agreements with the department of highways of the State of Nevada by which the said department of highways will be enabled to carry out the improvements contemplated herein, and said board of county commissioners is further authorized and empowered to make payments to the said department of highways out of the fund created by the provisions of this act on account of the construction in whole or in part of the improvements contemplated herein. Sec. 7. All necessary rights of way shall be acquired by the board of county commissioners of Washoe County in the name of the State of Nevada, and all expense in connection therewith shall be paid out of the fund created by this act. Sec. 8. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this act shall not be repealed until all of the obligations which may be incurred thereunder shall have been satisfactorily consummated. |
Highway bonds for Pershing County; aggregate, $75,000 |
[Assembly Bill No. 286Pershing County Delegation]
Chap. 210An Act to authorize, empower, and direct the board of county commissioners of Pershing County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund to be used for the improvement and construction of a highway within said county; to levy a tax for the payment of interest thereon and redemption thereof, and other matters relative thereto.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. For the purpose of aiding the department of highways of the State of Nevada in constructing a highway across the county of Pershing, now designated as Route 1 of the system of state highways as defined by An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada, chapter 169, Statutes 1917, the board of county commissioners of Pershing County is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to issue bonds in the name of said Pershing County in the aggregate sum of seventy-five thousand ($75,000) dollars. The said bonds shall be known as the Pershing County Highway Bonds, Issue 1921, and they shall be issued and sold at such times as may be necessary to take advantage of equal amounts tendered to the department of highways of the State of Nevada or to Pershing County from such sources as hereinafter provided. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 311 (CHAPTER 210, AB 286)κ
issued and sold at such times as may be necessary to take advantage of equal amounts tendered to the department of highways of the State of Nevada or to Pershing County from such sources as hereinafter provided. It is provided, however, that the first issuance and sale shall be for not less than twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars and that any bonds which are issued and not sold within twenty-four months after the passage of this act shall be canceled. All money derived from the sale of said bonds is to be expended within the bounds of the said county and for the purposes herein set forth. It is provided that the said county commissioners shall not issue said bonds or any part thereof, except upon the fulfilment of the following express condition: That when an amount of money equal to the total amount of the herein bond issue shall have been raised and made available to the department of highways of the State of Nevada by individuals or organizations in California or any state or states other than Nevada, said money to be available for expenditure upon that portion of route 1 of the system of state highways defined by An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada, chapter 169, Statutes 1917, as amended, or as said route 1 may be hereafter designated between the Utah and California lines, as lies within the boundaries of said Pershing County, the board of county commisioners shall thereupon cause a special election to be held at which said election the question of the issuance of the bonds herein provided shall be submitted to the electors of said Pershing County, and if the issuance of said bonds is approved at the special election the county commissioners are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue the same. Sec. 2. The said board of county commissioners shall cause said bonds to be prepared, and they shall be signed by its members and its clerk and the county treasurer, and authenticated with the official seal of the said county. Coupons representing the several installments of interest to fall due thereon shall be attached to each bond, so they may be removed without injury to the bonds, numbered consecutively and signed by the county treasurer. Sec. 3. The said board of county commissioners is authorized to negotiate the sale of said bonds to the highest responsible bidder at not less than their par value, after advertising for sealed bids for the same in one or more papers published in Pershing County for a period of not less than two weeks preceding the date of the opening of said bids; the proceeds of such sale shall be placed in what shall be known as The Pershing County Highway Fund, which shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Payments from said fund shall be made only on warrants drawn by the county treasurer of said county in payment of the obligations contracted under the provisions of this act. |
First issue, $25,000
Equal amount from Californians
Popular election to decide bond issue
County commissioners to issue bonds
The Pershing County Highway Fund |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 312 (CHAPTER 210, AB 286)κ
Denomination and interest
Pershing County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund
Cooperation with department of highways
County to acquire rights of way |
Sec. 4. The said bonds shall be of the denomination of two hundred fifty ($250) dollars each; they shall be numbered consecutively and they shall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum; said interest payable on the second Monday of January of the second succeeding year in which said bonds or any of them shall have been issued, and every twelve months thereafter; and on the second Monday of January, 1924, and every twelve months thereafter, fifteen or more of said bonds shall be redeemed and satisfied until all of said bonds so issued shall have been redeemed and satisfied said bonds shall be redeemed and satisfied as aforesaid, in the order of their issuance, the lowest-numbered bond to be first paid and redeemed, and so on until the whole amount of said bonds shall have been redeemed and satisfied. Sec. 5. For the purpose of creating a fund for the redemption of the said bonds and the payment of the interest thereon, the said board of county commissioners of Pershing County shall in the year 1922, and annually thereafter at the time of levying taxes for state and county purposes and in the same manner, levy and collect a special and additional tax upon all property within Pershing County sufficient in its judgment to provide for the payment of interest annually due on said bonds, and the redemption and satisfaction of the bonds, as hereinbefore provided. The said taxes shall be assessed and collected the same as other taxes, paid to the county treasurer, and by him placed in the Pershing County Highway 1921 Bond Issued and Redemption Fund. At the maturity of said bonds and coupons thereon, they shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the said Pershing County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund, and shall thereupon be canceled and marked paid by the county treasurer; no interest shall be allowed or paid on any of said bonds after they have become due and payable, and shall have been called for redemption. Sec. 6. The board of county commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into the necessary agreements with the department of highways of the State of Nevada by which the said department of highways will be enabled to carry out the improvements contemplated herein, and said board of county commissioners is further authorized and empowered to make payments to the said department of highways out of the fund created by the provisions of this act on account of the construction in whole or in part of the improvements contemplated herein. Sec. 7. All necessary rights of way shall be acquired by the board of county commissioners of Pershing County in the name of the State of Nevada, and all expense in connection therewith shall be paid out of the fund created by this act. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 313 (CHAPTER 210, AB 286)κ
Sec. 8. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this act shall not be repealed until all of the obligations which may be incurred hereunder shall have been satisfactorily consummated. |
Faith of Nevada pledged |
[Assembly Bill No. 287Humboldt County Delegation]
Chap. 211An Act to authorize, empower, and direct the board of county commissioners of Humboldt County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund to be issued for the improvement and construction of a highway within said county; to levy a tax for the payment of interest thereon and redemption thereof, and other matters relative thereto.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. For the purpose of aiding the department of highways of the State of Nevada in constructing a highway across the county of Humboldt, now designated as Route 1 of the system of state highways as defined by An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada, chapter 169, Statutes 1917, the board of county commissioners of Humboldt County is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to issue bonds in the name of said Humboldt County in the aggregate sum of seventy-five thousand ($75,000) dollars. The said bonds shall be known as the Humboldt County Highway Bonds, Issue 1921, and they shall be issued and sold at such times as may be necessary to take advantage of equal amounts tendered to the department of highways of the State of Nevada or to Humboldt County from such sources as hereinafter provided. It is provided, however, that the first issuance and sale shall be for not less than twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars and that any bonds which are issued and not sold within twenty-four months after the passage of this act shall be canceled. All money derived from the sale of said bonds is to be expended within the bounds of the said county and for the purposes herein set forth. It is provided that the said county commissioners shall not issue said bonds or any part thereof, except upon the fulfilment of the following express condition: That when an amount of money equal to the total amount of the herein bond issue shall have been raised and made available to the department of highways of the State of Nevada by individuals or organizations in California or any state or states other than Nevada, said money to be available for expenditure upon that portion of route 1 of the system of state highways as defined by An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada, chapter 169, Statutes 1917, as amended, or as said route 1 may be hereafter designated between the Utah and California lines, as lies within the boundaries of said Humboldt County, the board of county commissioners shall thereupon cause a special election to be held at which said election the question of the issuance of the bonds herein provided shall be submitted to the electors of the said Humboldt County, and if the issuance of said bonds is approved at the said special election the county commissioners are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to issue the same. |
Highway bonds for Humboldt County; aggregate, $75,000
First issue, $25,000
Equal amount from Californians |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 314 (CHAPTER 211, AB 287)κ
Popular election to decide bond issue
County commissioners to issue bonds
The Humboldt County Highway Fund
Denomination and interest
Humboldt County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund |
highway law for the State of Nevada, chapter 169, Statutes 1917, as amended, or as said route 1 may be hereafter designated between the Utah and California lines, as lies within the boundaries of said Humboldt County, the board of county commissioners shall thereupon cause a special election to be held at which said election the question of the issuance of the bonds herein provided shall be submitted to the electors of the said Humboldt County, and if the issuance of said bonds is approved at the said special election the county commissioners are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to issue the same. Sec. 2. The said board of county commissioners shall cause said bonds to be prepared, and they shall be signed by its members and its clerk and the county treasurer, and authenticated with the official seal of the said county. Coupons representing the several installments of interest to fall due thereon shall be attached to each bond, so they may be removed without injury to the bonds, numbered consecutively and signed by the county treasurer. Sec. 3. The said board of county commissioners is authorized to negotiate the sale of said bonds to the highest responsible bidder at not less than their par value, after advertising for sealed bids for the same in one or more papers published in Humboldt County for a period of not less than two weeks preceding the date of the opening of said bids; the proceeds of such sale shall be placed in what shall be known as The Humboldt County Fund, which shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Payments from said fund shall be made only on warrants drawn by the county treasurer of said county in payment of the obligations contracted under the provisions of this act. Sec. 4. The said bonds shall be of the denomination of two hundred fifty ($250) dollars each; they shall be numbered consecutively and they shall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum; said interest payable on the second Monday of January of the second succeeding year in which said bonds or any of them shall have been issued, and every twelve months thereafter; and on the second Monday of January, 1924, and every twelve months thereafter, fifteen or more of said bonds shall be redeemed and satisfied until all of said bonds so issued shall be redeemed and satisfied. Said bonds shall be redeemed and satisfied as aforesaid, in the order of their issuance, the lowest-numbered bond to be first paid and redeemed, and so on until the whole amount of said bonds shall have been redeemed and satisfied. Sec. 5. For the purpose of creating a fund for the redemption of the said bonds and the payment of the interest thereon, the said board of county commissioners of Humboldt County shall in the year 1922, and annually thereafter at the time of levying taxes for state and county purposes and in the same manner, levy and collect a special and additional tax upon all property within Humboldt County sufficient in its judgment to provide for the payment of the interest annually due on said bonds, and the redemption and satisfaction of the bonds, as hereinbefore provided. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 315 (CHAPTER 211, AB 287)κ
and additional tax upon all property within Humboldt County sufficient in its judgment to provide for the payment of the interest annually due on said bonds, and the redemption and satisfaction of the bonds, as hereinbefore provided. The said taxes shall be assessed and collected the same as other taxes, paid to the county treasurer, and by him placed in the Humboldt County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund. At the maturity of said bonds and the coupons thereon, they shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the said Humboldt County Highway 1921 Bond Issue and Redemption Fund, and shall thereupon be canceled and marked paid by the county treasurer; no interest shall be allowed or paid on any of said bonds after they have become due and payable, and shall have been called for redemption. Sec. 6. The board of county commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into any necessary agreements with the department of highways of the State of Nevada by which the said department of highways will be enabled to carry out the improvements contemplated herein, and said board of county commissioners is further authorized and empowered to make payments to the said department of highways out of the fund created by the provisions of this act on account of the construction in whole or in part of the improvements contemplated herein. Sec. 7. All necessary rights of way shall be acquired by the board of county commissioners of Humboldt County in the name of the State of Nevada, and all expense in connection therewith shall be paid out of the fund created by this act. Sec. 8. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this act shall not be repealed until all of the obligations which may be incurred thereunder shall have been satisfactorily consummated. |
Cooperation with department of highways
County to acquire rights of way
Faith of Nevada pledged |
[Senate Bill No. 16Senator Kenney]
Chap. 212An Act to repeal an act entitled An act prohibiting the sale, furnishing, giving away, or having in possession of any intoxicating drinks; defining the same; making the superintendent of the Nevada state police ex officio commissioner of prohibition and defining his duties; prescribing penalties for the violation of this act and providing for the enforcement of the same, approved April 1, 1919.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The above-entitled act is hereby repealed. |
Repeal of certain act |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 316κ
Hoisting engineers must hold license
Temporary exception of 30 days
Inspector of mines may grant license
Physicians certificate |
[Senate Bill No. 24Senator Miller]
Chap. 213An Act providing for the issuance of licenses to hoisting engineers; providing a fee for such licenses; creating district boards of examiners; providing for revocation of licenses; creating the hoisting engineers license fund in the state treasury; making a temporary appropriation for carrying out the purposes of this act, and providing a penalty for violation of any of the provisions hereof.
[Approved March 22, 1921]
The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Operators of Hoisting Engines Must Procure License. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any steam, electric, gas, air, or any other hoisting machinery over six (6) horsepower when either is used in lowering or hoisting men, except in operating elevators in buildings, without first obtaining a license therefor from the board of examiners as herein provided; except in case of accident, sickness, refusal to work, or any unforeseen prevention of the licensed engineer employed by the owner, renter or user of a steam, electric, gas, air, or any other hoisting machinery operated in remote districts and which would retard the work to be performed, in which case the owner, renter, or user may, for the space of thirty days, employ any person of the age of twenty years or more whom he may consider competent to run any of the machinery aforesaid, although such person so employed may not be a holder of a hoisting engineers license. The person, firm or corporation so employing the unlicensed engineer must immediately notify the inspector of mines, who is hereby made ex officio chairman of all examining boards; but no owner, renter or user of any of the hoisting machinery aforesaid shall be allowed to so employ unlicensed hoisting engineers for more than thirty days in any one calendar year; and it shall be unlawful, except as stated in this section, for any person, firm or corporation to employ any person not duly licensed as a hoisting engineer, within the meaning of this act, to run or operate any steam, electric, gas, air, or any other hoisting machinery subject to the provisions of this act.
Application and Fee for License-Life of License. Sec. 2. Application for such licenses shall be made to the inspector of mines at Carson City, Nevada, who is hereby made ex officio chairman of all examining boards, and a fee shall be charged therefor as provided in section eight of this act for obtaining such license to operate steam, electric, gas, air, or any other hoisting machinery. Sec. 3. Each applicant for license must file with his application for same a certificate from a licensed physician as to the condition of his heart, sight, and hearing. |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 317 (CHAPTER 213, SB 24)κ
Sec. 4. Any person who makes application to the chairman of the board of examiners must state the character of hoisting engine which he intends to operate, whether steam, electric, gas, air, or any other hoisting machinery, and such other information as may be required by the ex officio chairman of the examining board. Sec. 5. Such license shall be given for the period to July first of the year of application and therefrom for the period of one year from the said July first, and may be renewed in the manner hereinafter provided in this act for the renewal of licenses. Sec. 6. Except as herein otherwise provided, all licenses shall be issued to cover the year commencing with the first day of July. Any person or persons applying for a license under this act within two months after the commencement of such year shall be required to pay the proportional share of such license for the remainder of such year, as hereinbefore provided, and for the next license year at the same time. Sec. 7. Each and every license granted under the provisions of this act must be displayed by the owner thereof in a conspicuous place of the engine-room of the property in which he is employed. Sec. 8. Upon application for a license the applicant shall pay to the inspector of mines, as chairman of all examining boards, a fee of five ($5) dollars, which shall be placed in the hoisting engineers license fund in the state treasury, which is hereby created, and no part or portion of said fee shall be returned to the applicant should he fail to pass the required examination.
First-, Second-, and Third-Class Licenses-Special and General-Qualifications of Applicant. Sec. 9. Licenses issued under this act shall be divided into three classes-namely, first-class, second-class, and third-class. No person shall be granted a first-class license who has not taken and subscribed to an oath that he has had at least two years experience in the operation of at least one of the engines named in section one of this act, and whose knowledge of the construction and operation of the machine he is to be licensed to take charge of is such as to justify the belief of the board of examiners that he is competent to take charge of and operate such machinery. No person shall be granted a second-class license who has not taken and subscribed to an oath and proved to the satisfaction of the board of examiners that he has had at least one years experience and that he is competent to operate at least one of the engines named in section one of this act, and whose knowledge of the construction and operation of the machine he is to be licensed to take charge of is such as to justify the belief of the board of examiners that he is competent to take charge of and operate such machinery. No person shall be granted a third-class license who has not taken and subscribed to an oath and proved to the satisfaction of the board of examiners that he has had sufficient experience and is competent to operate at least one of the engines named in section one of this act, and whose knowledge of the construction and operation of the machine he is to be licensed to take charge of is such as to justify the belief of the board of examiners that he is competent to take charge of and operate such machinery. |
Character of hoist to be stated
Life of license
Year begins July 1
Proportional charge
License must be displayed
License fee, $5
Three classes of licenses; qualifications for each class
Second-class license |
κ1921 Statutes of Nevada, Page 318 (CHAPTER 213, SB 24)κ
Third-class license
License, when granted
General license includes all classes
First-class license
Second-class license
Third-class license
Renewal fee, $2.50 |
granted a third-class license who has not taken and subscribed to an oath and proved to the satisfaction of the board of examiners that he has had sufficient experience and is competent to operate at least one of the engines named in section one of this act, and whose knowledge of the construction and operation of the machine he is to be licensed to take charge of is such as to justify the belief of the board of examiners that he is competent to take charge of and operate such machinery. Sec. 10. Any applicant may make an application to the chairman of the board of examiners to run either one of the engines mentioned in section one of this act, and after applicant makes the proper showing to the board as to his ability to operate the class of engine for which he has applied, a license shall be granted him by the board specifying on its face the class of engine which he is entitled to operate. Sec. 11. Any applicant making application to the chairman of the board of examiners for a general license must prove his ability to operate and manage any of the above classes of hoisting machinery mentioned in section one, and if applicant makes the proper showing to the board as to his ability to operate all classes of hoisting machinery mentioned in section one, a license shall be granted him by the board to run and operate all classes of hoisting engines mentioned in section one, and such license shall specify on its face that applicant is entitled to operate all classes of engines mentioned in section one.
Machinery Which Licensee Qualified to Operate. Sec. 12. Any person to whom is granted by the board of examiners a first-class license under the provisions of this act shall be deemed qualified to operate any machinery named in section one of this act, and which is designated on his license, without regard to the horsepower thereof. Any person to whom is granted a second-class license by the board of examiners under the provisions of this act shall not be permitted to operate any of the machinery named in section one thereof of a greater capacity than seventy-five h |