Public Proposals | Legislative Proposals
Assembly Districts (click here to collapse or expand)
1. Alex Garza - Hipanics for Fair Representation (click here to collapse or expand)
Senate Districts (click here to collapse or expand)
1. Alex Garza - Hipanics for Fair Representation (click here to collapse or expand)
Congressional Districts (click here to collapse or expand)
1. Artie Blanco (click here to collapse or expand)
2. Dwayne Chesnut, Forrest Darby, Mike Selvage - The Grassroots Team (click here to collapse or expand)
3. Dwayne Chesnut, Forrest Darby, Mike Selvage - The Grassroots Team (click here to collapse or expand)
- Presentation, "Redistricting Nevada Part 1: US Congress - A Grassroots Proposal" (8 pages, includes maps, charts and tables)
- Presentation, "Redistricting Nevada Part 1: US Congress" (25 pages, includes maps, charts and tables)
- Legal Brief
- Alternative CD-2/CD-4 Boundary Line
- Statistical Tables
- Email Relating to Census Block Splits
4. Ed Gobel, Linda West Myers (click here to collapse or expand)
- Map
- Statistical Tables
- Presentation, "Nevada Congressional Redistricting Plan � All For OUR State" (5 pages, includes charts)
5. Vicenta Montoya (click here to collapse or expand)
6. Jose Solorio (click here to collapse or expand)
- Option 1:
- Option 2:
7. Andres Ramirez (click here to collapse or expand)
8.Alex Garza - Hipanics for Fair Representation (click here to collapse or expand)
Board of Regents Districts (click here to collapse or expand)
1. Scott G. Wasserman, Chief Executive Officer and Special Counsel, Board of Regents (as presented to, and
unanimously approved by, the Board of Regents on May 6, 2011)
- Maps
- Statistical Tables
- Presentation, "Redistricting & Reapportionment," (38 pages, includes maps and tables)