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10000 West Charleston Boulevard
Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89135-1006
The Nevada Legislature provides external links as a service only.
Providing links to other websites does not imply our endorsement of, or responsibility for, those websites,
but is done as a convenience to those who access our website.
Nevada Assembly, 2013–2015 (first elected November 2012)—two regular and two special sessions
Majority Floor Leader, 2015
2015 SESSION COMMITTEES: Ways and Means (Chair); Commerce and Labor
2013 SESSION COMMITTEES: Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining; Transportation; Ways and Means
2015-2016 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Interim Finance Committee (Chair); Committee to Consult with the Director (Vice Chair);
2013-2014 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Interim Finance Committee; Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee to Review and Advise on the Development of Priorities and Performance Based Budgeting by the Department of Administration, Budget Division; Committee to Consult with the Director
Other Achievements
Japan Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Las Vegas Executive Association, Member, 2003-current
Boy Scouts of America, Las Vegas Area Council
Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce
North Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce
Infragard, FBI affiliated public-private group
Chapman University, B.S., Business and Finance, Orange, California
Occupation: Business owner, AndersonPC Recreation: Cycling, outdoor sports, reading, traveling with family Born: 1970, Las Vegas, Nevada Spouse: April Christensen Anderson Children: Jacob, Taylor, Jordan, Joseph
The Nevada Legislature provides external links as a service only. Providing links to other websites does not imply our endorsement of, or responsibility for, those websites, but is done as a convenience to those who access our website.