Assemblyman Edgar Flores

Majority Whip
Party: Democratic

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Assembly, 2015-2021 (first elected in November 2014)—four regular and four special sessions
  • 2021 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Commerce and Labor; Education
  • 2019 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Education (Vice Chair); Taxation
  • 2017 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Education; Taxation
  • 2015 SESSION COMMITTEES: Education; Government Affairs; Transportation
  • 2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of Issues Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana; Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of Issues Relating to Pretrial Release of Defendants in Criminal Cases
  • 2017-2018 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste (Chair); Committee to Conduct an Interim Study Relating to Affordable Housing; Advisory Task Force on School Leader Management


  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), B.A., English
  • William S. Boyd School of Law, UNLV, J.D.


Occupation: Attorney
Born: Las Vegas, Nevada

Primary Sponsor

SCR14 Memorializes former District Court Judge Don P. Chairez. (BDR R-1140)
AB102 Revises requirements for the issuance of certain annual permits for entering, camping and boating in state parks and recreational areas. (BDR 35-877)
AB125 Revises provisions relating to credits against sentences of offenders. (BDR 16-233)
AB130 Revises provisions governing insurance. (BDR 57-780)
AB131 Revises provisions relating to the use of portable event recording devices by peace officers. (BDR 23-241)
AB132 Establishes provisions relating to custodial interrogations of children. (BDR 5-783)
AB133 Revises provisions relating to peace officers. (BDR 23-240)
AB160 Revises provisions governing credit awarded to reduce a sentence of imprisonment. (BDR 14-173)
AB164 Establishes provisions relating to the dispensing of certain contraceptives. (BDR 40-239)
SB174 Revises provisions relating to juvenile justice. (BDR 5-874)
SB190 Provides for the dispensing of self-administered hormonal contraceptives. (BDR 54-3)
AB194 Revises provisions governing the suspension and expulsion of pupils. (BDR 34-176)
AB195 Revises provisions relating to pupils who are English learners. (BDR 34-174)
AB201 Revises provisions relating to informants. (BDR 14-777)
AB212 Makes various changes relating to court interpreters. (BDR 1-758)
AB213 Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-242)
AB230 Revises provisions relating to juvenile justice. (BDR 5-791)
AB236 Revises provisions governing the qualifications for the Office of Attorney General. (BDR 18-921)
AB245 Increases certain fees relating to notaries public and document preparation services. (BDR 19-983)
AB246 Revises provisions governing employment practices relating to employee safety. (BDR 53-781)
AB251 Makes various changes relating to records concerning children. (BDR 5-986)
AB277 Revises provisions governing insurance. (BDR 57-984)
AB298 Revises provisions relating to noncommercial vehicle leases. (BDR 8-782)
SB318 Makes various changes relating to improving access to governmental services for persons with limited English proficiency. (BDR 40-955)
AB322 Provides for the licensure and regulation of certain events at which the sale and consumption of cannabis or cannabis products is allowed. (BDR 56-789)
AB331 Makes various changes to provisions relating to affordable housing. (BDR 22-807)
SB347 Revises provisions governing sexual misconduct in institutions of the Nevada System of Higher Education. (BDR 34-237)
AB351 Establishes provisions governing the prescribing, dispensing and administering of medication designed to end the life of a patient. (BDR 40-882)
AB376 Enacts the Keep Nevada Working Act and makes various other changes relating to immigration. (BDR 18-737)


SCR3 Memorializes former state Senator Joseph M. Neal, Jr. (BDR R-901)
AJR3 Urges various actions relating to the protection and conservation of land and water. (BDR R-775)
ACR6 Memorializes former Assemblyman and Senator Alan H. Glover. (BDR R-1158)
AJR7 Urges the Congress of the United States to pass the National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2020. (BDR R-765)
SCR12 Celebrates the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan, which continues to enhance trade, educational and cultural relations. (BDR R-1151)
AB88 Makes various changes relating to governmental entities. (BDR 34-147)
AB113 Increases the limitation of time within which a criminal prosecution for sex trafficking must be commenced. (BDR 14-610)
AB116 Revises provisions relating to traffic offenses. (BDR 43-491)
AB121 Revises certain provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-774)
AB122 Revises provisions governing prekindergarten programs. (BDR 34-738)
SB128 Directs the State Treasurer to conduct a study concerning publicly funded scholarship and grant programs in this State. (BDR S-535)
AB151 Revises provisions relating to offenses. (BDR 14-776)
AB157 Authorizes a person who is the victim of certain discriminatory conduct relating to an incident involving a peace officer to bring a civil action under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-227)
AB158 Revises the penalties for certain offenses involving alcohol or cannabis. (BDR 15-360)
SB162 Revises provisions governing transportation. (BDR 43-33)
AB172 Requires the Nevada Veterans Services Commission to conduct a study relating to the Department of Veterans Services. (BDR S-712)
AB186 Establishes provisions relating to the issuance of citations and arrests by peace officers. (BDR 23-634)
AB187 Designates the month of September of each year as “Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Prevention and Awareness Month” in Nevada. (BDR 19-917)
AB206 Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-746)
AB207 Provides that certain businesses which offer goods or services through an Internet website, mobile application or other electronic medium are places of public accommodation. (BDR 54-567)
AB208 Revises provisions relating to career and technical education. (BDR 34-198)
AB220 Establishes provisions relating to the use of mobile devices by peace officers. (BDR 23-924)
AB224 Provides for access to menstrual products in certain public schools. (BDR 34-767)
AB240 Revises provisions governing mining. (BDR 46-936)
AB256 Provides for Medicaid coverage of doula services. (BDR 38-849)
AB262 Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-946)
AB301 Revises provisions governing motor vehicles. (BDR 58-696)
AB364 Revises provisions related to education. (BDR 34-53)
AB371 Enacts provisions governing discrimination based on race. (BDR 34-697)
SB448 Revises provisions governing public utilities. (BDR 58-46)