SB159 |
Requires each public school and private school to adopt a policy concerning safe exposure to the sun. (BDR 34-583) |
SB193 |
Makes an appropriation for educational programs relating to history, law and civics. (BDR S-368) |
SB202 |
Revises provisions relating to children with disabilities. (BDR 34-685) |
SB205 |
Requires the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management of the Department of Administration to create a pilot program to award grants of money to certain governmental and nonprofit organizations. (BDR S-807) |
SB206 |
Revises provisions relating to state financial administration. (BDR 31-806) |
SB249 |
Requires each public school to establish and maintain a school library. (BDR 34-13) |
SB261 |
Revises provisions relating to firearms. (BDR 15-21) |
SB263 |
Revises provisions relating to the regulation and taxation of certain vapor products, alternative nicotine products and tobacco products. (BDR 32-700) |
SB313 |
Revises provisions relating to computer literacy and computer science education. (BDR 34-731) |
SB314 |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-730) |
SB315 |
Revises provisions relating to public health. (BDR 40-581) |
SB319 |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-1063) |
SB320 |
Makes various changes concerning the placement of pupils in certain more rigorous courses. (BDR 34-681) |
SB321 |
Abolishes the Achievement School District. (BDR 34-682) |
SB324 |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-683) |
SB340 |
Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-808) |
SB350 |
Revises provisions relating to Nevada Promise Scholarships. (BDR 34-308) |
SB365 |
Revises provisions relating to health insurance. (BDR 57-684) |
SB408 |
Revises provisions relating to public safety. (BDR 43-805) |
SB489 |
Revises provisions relating to state and local business licenses. (BDR 7-137) |
SB493 |
Revises provisions relating to misclassification of employees. (BDR 53-1087) |
SB498 |
Revises provisions relating to certain tax-exempt organizations. (BDR 20-1082) |
SB557 |
Revises provisions relating to campaign practices. (BDR 24-1272) |
ACR3 |
Memorializes former Assemblyman Bob Price. (BDR R-971) |
SR5 |
Inducts Valerie Wiener into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1262) |
SJR5 |
Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise provisions relating to the State Legislature. (BDR C-58) |
SR6 |
Inducts Barbara Katherine Cegavske into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1261) |
SCR7 |
Celebrates the sister state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1266) |
SCR8 |
Memorializes former Nevada Attorney General and Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Springer. (BDR R-1259) |
SJR8 |
Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to guarantee equal rights. (BDR C-1278) |
ACR9 |
Celebrates the Life of Assemblyman Odis “Tyrone” Thompson. (BDR R-1291) |
SB143 |
Repeals, revises and reenacts provisions relating to background checks for certain sales or transfers of firearms. (BDR 15-755) |
SB155 |
Revises provisions regarding the possession and use of personal identifying information and fictitious personal identifying information. (BDR 15-917) |
SB158 |
Revises the definition of the term “supervisory employee” for purposes of provisions relating to collective bargaining. (BDR 23-789) |
SB160 |
Requires the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to adopt certain regulations concerning natural gas infrastructure. (BDR 58-909) |
SB165 |
Makes various changes to provisions governing prescribing, dispensing and administering controlled substances designed to end the life of a patient. (BDR 40-292) |
SB166 |
Revises provisions relating to employment. (BDR 18-5) |
AB169 |
Establishes the Maternal Mortality Review Committee. (BDR 40-712) |
SB173 |
Revises provisions relating to criminal convictions of victims of sex trafficking and involuntary servitude. (BDR 14-595) |
AB174 |
Establishes the Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing. (BDR 18-94) |
SB175 |
Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-618) |
SB177 |
Revises provisions relating to employment practices. (BDR 53-723) |
SB178 |
Creates the Council on Food Security and the Food for People, Not Landfills Program. (BDR 18-57) |
SB179 |
Revises provisions relating to abortions. (BDR 40-567) |
SB192 |
Revises provisions relating to health care. (BDR 53-781) |
SB200 |
Requires health insurers to provide coverage for certain services and equipment. (BDR 57-43) |
SB201 |
Revises provisions governing loans. (BDR 52-568) |
SB207 |
Revises provisions governing apprentices. (BDR 28-740) |
SB209 |
Revises provisions relating to hemp. (BDR 49-584) |
SB210 |
Revises provisions relating to energy. (BDR 58-307) |
SB215 |
Revises provisions relating to occupational diseases. (BDR 53-317) |
SB218 |
Revises provisions relating to domestic violence. (BDR 3-316) |
SB220 |
Revises provisions relating to Internet privacy. (BDR 52-920) |
SB223 |
Revises provisions relating to persons in need of care or assistance. (BDR 13-67) |
SB245 |
Revises provisions relating to civil actions. (BDR 3-965) |
SB254 |
Revises provisions relating to carbon reduction. (BDR 40-907) |
SB255 |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-790) |
AB258 |
Makes changes relating to the provision of special education in public schools. (BDR 34-760) |
SB262 |
Makes various changes to provide for tracking and reporting of information concerning the pricing of prescription drugs for treating asthma. (BDR 40-55) |
SB282 |
Limiting the civil liability of crisis support centers under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-614) |
SB284 |
Creates the Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization. (BDR S-742) |
AB289 |
Revises provisions relating to the subject area of reading. (BDR 34-93) |
SB293 |
Makes various changes relating to children who are victims of commercial sexual exploitation. (BDR 38-517) |
SB312 |
Requires an employer in private employment to provide paid leave to employees under certain circumstances. (BDR 53-888) |
SB331 |
Designates the new Interstate Highway No. 11 as the Purple Heart Highway. (BDR S-78) |
SB336 |
Requires the Governor to annually proclaim July 28 as Buffalo Soldiers Day in the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-791) |
SB342 |
Revises provisions relating to animals. (BDR 14-748) |
SB361 |
Provides for the dispensing of self-administered hormonal contraceptives to any patient. (BDR 54-921) |
AB363 |
Revises certain provisions relating to homeless youth. (BDR 43-1033) |
SB370 |
Revises the State Plan for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. (BDR 38-966) |
SB386 |
Revises provisions governing certain tax exemptions for veterans. (BDR 32-737) |
SB416 |
Revises provisions relating to the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS). (BDR 23-895) |
SB490 |
Requires the Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs to conduct a study related to disparities and unlawful discrimination in the awarding of certain contracts by the State or a local government. (BDR S-586) |
SB491 |
Revises provisions concerning vehicles. (BDR 43-135) |
AB499 |
Provides for a special license plate of limited duration commemorating the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. (BDR 43-1265) |
SB547 |
Revises provisions relating to providers of new electric resources. (BDR 58-913) |
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