SB78 |
Revises the membership of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners. (BDR 45-107) |
SB87 |
Revises provisions relating to certain state property. (BDR 33-487) |
SB97 |
Provides that certain restrictions relating to public gatherings do not apply to certain events at which a vaccine for COVID-19 is administered. (BDR S-897) |
SB98 |
Makes various changes to provisions relating to the Carson Water Subconservancy District. (BDR S-579) |
SB99 |
Makes changes to provisions relating to fiscal notes. (BDR 17-700) |
AB99 |
Revises provisions governing public works. (BDR 28-686) |
SB114 |
Authorizes food that contains certain components of hemp to be produced or sold at certain food establishments under certain circumstances. (BDR 49-65) |
SB153 |
Revises provisions relating to the observance of time by the State of Nevada and its political subdivisions. (BDR 19-24) |
AB162 |
Revises provisions relating to apprentices. (BDR 28-687) |
AB163 |
Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-690) |
AB168 |
Revises provisions relating to riots. (BDR 15-518) |
SB181 |
Revises provisions relating to alcohol and drug counselors. (BDR 54-558) |
SB216 |
Revises provisions relating to community water systems. (BDR 19-590) |
SB225 |
Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-550) |
SB232 |
Revises provisions governing the operation of vehicles on certain highways in the State of Nevada. (BDR 43-69) |
SB238 |
Revises provisions relating to public water systems. (BDR 40-885) |
SB252 |
Extends the period during which certain complaints may be filed with the State Contractors' Board under certain circumstances. (BDR 54-961) |
SB262 |
Establishes provisions requiring the award of reasonable attorney's fees under certain circumstances. (BDR 2-640) |
SB266 |
Revises provisions relating to workers' compensation. (BDR 53-706) |
AB311 |
Revises the Charter of the City of Elko. (BDR S-928) |
SB319 |
Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-525) |
SB323 |
Authorizes a business to establish an area where certain restrictions to restrain the spread of COVID-19 do not apply. (BDR 40-639) |
SB338 |
Revises provisions governing partial tax abatements for certain renewable energy facilities. (BDR 32-560) |
SB348 |
Creates provisions governing emergency 911 services. (BDR 43-707) |
AB375 |
Revises provisions relating to alcoholic beverages. (BDR 52-915) |
SB395 |
Revises provisions governing the funding of capital projects by school districts in certain counties. (BDR 34-815) |
SB462 |
Creates the Reapportionment and Redistricting Advisory Commission. (BDR 17-1180) |
SCR3 |
Memorializes former state Senator Joseph M. Neal, Jr. (BDR R-901) |
SJR5 |
Urges the Legislature, Governor and community organizations to work together to resolve various issues created by the COVID-19 pandemic. (BDR R-958) |
SR5 |
Inducts David R. Parks into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1165) |
SR6 |
Inducts Mark Amodei into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1164) |
ACR6 |
Memorializes former Assemblyman and Senator Alan H. Glover. (BDR R-1158) |
SCR12 |
Celebrates the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan, which continues to enhance trade, educational and cultural relations. (BDR R-1151) |
SCR14 |
Memorializes former District Court Judge Don P. Chairez. (BDR R-1140) |
SB88 |
Revises provisions relating to emergency management. (BDR 36-51) |
SB96 |
Makes various changes relating to services provided to persons with autism spectrum disorders. (BDR 38-89) |
SB118 |
Establishes provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-155) |
SB119 |
Revises provisions relating to domestic relations. (BDR 11-163) |
AB127 |
Revises provisions relating to the confidentiality of certain personal information of peace officers and retired peace officers. (BDR 20-662) |
SB130 |
Provides for a presidential preference primary election. (BDR 24-37) |
SB131 |
Revises provisions relating to the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management in the Department of Administration. (BDR 18-100) |
SB132 |
Makes an appropriation from the State General Fund to the Eighth Judicial District for the funding of support services provided by juvenile justice assessment centers to pupils at public schools in the Clark County School District. (BDR S-553) |
SB133 |
Establishes provisions relating to obligations for the support of children. (BDR 11-552) |
SB136 |
Revises provisions relating to offenders. (BDR 16-625) |
SB152 |
Revises provisions related to education. (BDR 34-622) |
SB177 |
Revises provisions relating to the Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence. (BDR 16-926) |
AB185 |
Eliminates certain scheduled increases in the minimum wage. (BDR 53-688) |
SB206 |
Revises provisions relating to insurance which provides for the payment of expenses not covered by Medicare. (BDR 57-556) |
SB221 |
Revises provisions relating to public employment. (BDR 23-629) |
SB244 |
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-621) |
SB264 |
Prohibits trucks and truck-tractors over a certain weight from using the left lane on highways with two lanes in the same direction of travel except to pass when no other traffic will be impeded, from using the left lane at all on highways with three or more lanes in the same direction, and from using a high-occupancy vehicle lane when there is only one such lane. (BDR 43-962) |
SB265 |
Revises provisions relating to work-based learning programs. (BDR 34-624) |
AB314 |
Revises provisions governing civil liability for injury or death resulting from exposure to COVID-19. (BDR 3-448) |
SB419 |
Revises provisions relating to unemployment compensation. (BDR 53-1139) |