Do you need to register as a Lobbyist?
Before you register as a lobbyist, review the following questions to determine if you are required to register.
Review these questions
- Do you represent a group or entity and will lobby for their interests or benefit?
- Are you paid to represent an entity, group, or employer to lobby for their interests or benefit?
- Do you receive a salary from any employer and will lobby for their interests or benefit?
- If you answer YES to any of the above questions, then you are required to register as a lobbyist.
- If you answer NO to all of the above questions, then you are not required to register as a lobbyist.
- You may be required to register as a lobbyist regardless of whether you are receiving compensation for your services.
- Persons who confine their lobbying activities to communicating directly with one or more members of the Legislative Branch and only on an infrequent or irregular basis and who do not otherwise engage in any lobbying activities, unless those persons engage in a pattern of conduct that is substantially similar to engaging in lobbying activities on a recurrent or regular basis.
- Persons who contact only Legislators who are elected from the district in which they reside are not required to register as lobbyists.
Instructions to Register as a Lobbyist, File Expenditure Reports and Terminate
- To register as a Lobbyist, you must first have an account with the Nevada Legislature. If you do not have one, Register with the Nevada Legislature here.
- If you have a Nevada Legislature account, Sign In using the Sign In link on the top right of this page or Sign In here
- After you sign in to your Nevada Legislature account, you will return to this page where you can then Register as a Lobbyist .
- After you have registered as a lobbyist, you can sign in to your lobbyist account to file your expenditures.
Registration Fees for the 83rd (2025) Session
Paid Lobbyist $300 Paid Lobbyist - Non-Profit, 501(c)(3) only (must provide proof) $100 Non-Paid Lobbyist $20 Non-Paid Lobbyist - Military Veteran (must provide proof) $0 Intern $20 -
Expenditure Report Filing Requirements and Penalties NRS 218H.400If you register as a Lobbyist, you must file an Expenditure Report. If you terminate before the end of the session -- you must file a termination report.
A Paid Lobbyist is required to file a Monthly Expenditure Report whether or not
there were any expenditures.
- The penalty for failure to file your monthly expenditure report(s) or to file late is $10 per day until the report(s) are submitted. Failure to file the report(s) may result in suspension or revocation.
A Non-Paid Lobbyist is required to file a Monthly Expenditure Report whether or not there were any expenditures.
- The penalty for failure to file a monthly expenditure report(s) may result in suspension or revocation.
A Paid Lobbyist is required to file a Monthly Expenditure Report whether or not
there were any expenditures.