[Rev. 1/29/2019 3:28:53 PM]
Business associations, exclusion of amounts owed certain other associations from presumption of abandonment, 2530
Donation of property by owner for educational purposes, 2875
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, disposal of personal property of occupants, procedures, liability, 3114, 3116
Housebreaking or unlawful occupancy, authority of owner to dispose of property, notice, 3113
Intersection improvement projects proceeds, laws inapplicable, 2530
Recreational vehicles on private property, authority of property owner, procedures, 1514-1517, 1519
Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, applicability of laws, 535
Actions to enjoin or to obtain other equitable relief, 829
Aging and Disabilities Services Division, reports, duties, 806, 807, 811-813, 835
Allegations, multidisciplinary teams to review, duties, 828
Child care facilities, background investigations, 836
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, employee background investigations, 837
Civil penalty, 829
Compensation to victims of crime, eligibility, 827
Death of victims, multidisciplinary team to review, duties, 831
Definition, 804
Foster care, background investigations, 832, 834
Guardianships, effect on, 820, 822, 824
Identification of incidents, state policy, 804
Juvenile services, employee background investigations, 814-817
Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs, duties, 827
Power of attorney, grounds for nonacceptance of acknowledged power, 825
Public Safety, Department of, reports to Legislature, 826
Reports by certain persons, required and prohibited acts, 806-811
Repository for Information Concerning Crimes Against Older Persons, records, 826
Residential facilities for groups, effect of violations, 839
Residential treatment facilities for children, employee background investigations, 838
Specialist for the Rights of Elderly Persons, duties, 835
State policy, 804
Establishment, components, 1429-1433
Vulnerable persons (See VULNERABLE PERSONS)
Criterion-referenced examinations for grades 9-12, duties, 2098
English language arts, duties, 2096-2098
Foreign or world languages, duties, 2096
Multicultural education, duties, 2073
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, duty to receive repealed, 221
Social studies, duties, 2073
Next-of-Kin Registry, establishment, 429-447
State personnel involved in work-related accidents, drug screening, 1049
Traffic accidents (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Medical use of marijuana, disciplinary action prohibited, 3108, 3109
Nevada State Board of Accountancy
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
By reason of insanity
Firearms, ownership or possession prohibited, 1807
Transmittal of verdict to Central Repository, time for, 1797
Criminal actions involving state agency, recovery of fees by prevailing party, procedures, limitations, 538, 539
Abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, immunities related to reports or investigations, 811
Accessory roads, actions concerning, legislative declaration, 2633, 2634
Alcoholic beverages, actions for damages related to business practices authorized, 883
Anaphylaxis, immunities related to auto-injectable epinephrine, 471-475
Art, immunities for injuries caused by certain interactions with public art, 1527, 1528
Attorney’s fees (See ATTORNEY’S FEES)
Cities, prohibited acts regarding civil actions, 2702
Commerce tax, overpayment and refund claims, 2895, 2896
Contractors, recovery of wages and benefits owed, 1932
Controlled substances, prescription tracking program, immunities of practitioners and agencies, 1559
Counties, prohibited acts regarding civil actions, 2419
CPR, immunities for rendering care or assistance, 2167, 2177, 2178
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, 1784
Deficiency judgments, acquisition of right by third party, limitation on amount of money judgment, 581, 582
Drones, liability of owners and operators, 1774
Electronic communications intercepted or disclosed pursuant to court order, immunities, 2486, 2489
Employers, garnishment of wages for debts owed to state agencies, liability, 133, 134
Epilepsy, persons with, physician’s duties regarding operation of motor vehicle, immunity from liability, 1457, 1460
Equine activities, immunities from liability, exceptions, 1322-1324
Background checks, immunity from liability, 1806
Local laws, remedies of persons adversely affected by enforcement, 1785, 1788, 1790, 1809, 1811, 1814, 2692, 2695, 2697
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, disposal of abandoned property of occupants, disputes regarding, liability for negligent or wrongful acts, 3116, 3117
Foreclosure of owner-occupied housing, immunities of Mediation Administrator and mediators, 3316
Forfeiture proceedings, requirements, 2501-2503
Future Farmers of America, remedies, 3617
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, immunities from liability, 111, 113
Graffiti violations, remedies of governmental entities, 2110
Health care records, recovery of civil penalties imposed on custodians, 1709
Health information exchange, immunities regarding records, 1043
Hearing-aid fitting or dispensing, liability for negligence or incompetence of apprentices, 2299
High-Speed Rail Authority, Nevada, immunities, 1265
Innkeepers, liability for damage to or theft of vehicle on premises limited, 1165
Insurance Commissioner, recovery of civil penalties, 3490
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, immunities and powers, 1160-1162
Juvenile court records, grounds for inspection of sealed records, 2572, 2573
Fraudulent filings against property of certain persons, recovery of civil penalties, 1357, 1358
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in certain civil actions, 582
Limitation of actions (See LIMITATION OF ACTIONS)
Mental health professionals, reports of certain threats by patients, immunities, 1552, 1817
Mutual Aid System, Nevada Intrastate, immunities of Division and emergency responders, 290, 291
Next-of-Kin Registry, access or use of information, immunities, 436
Notarial officers, authentication of signatures, Secretary of State immune from liability for certain actions, 933
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, prohibited acts, remedies, 2978
One action rule, inapplicability to certain actions, 3337
Private professional guardians
Bond, recovery on, 2355
Fines imposed upon, recovery, 2346
Produce vendors, remedies, 3617
Professional negligence, grounds for dismissal of actions, 2526, 2527
Public art, immunities for injuries caused by certain interactions with, 1527, 1528
Public roads, quiet title actions and actions for declaratory judgment, legislative declaration, 2633, 2634
Public works, duty of design professional to defend in negligence action, award of fees and costs, 784, 785
Research facilities, adoption of dogs and cats used by, immunities, 1732
School-based health centers, immunity from liability, 2526
School districts providing school police officers to charter schools, immunities, 1734, 1735
School pupils
Medical waste, immunity from liability, 525
Self-administration of medication, immunity from liability, 525
School service providers, recovery of civil penalties imposed on, 1853
Seized property, motion for return of, treatment as civil complaint in certain circumstances, 406
SLAPP suits, special motion to dismiss, procedures, 2455, 2456
Small claims, fees and jurisdiction of justice courts, 940, 942, 947
Statutes of limitation (See LIMITATION OF ACTIONS)
Stay of execution of civil judgment pending appeal, amount of bond to secure, 1521
Adult passengers, failure to wear safety belt, effect, 1375
Lease agreements between certificate holders and independent contractors, authority to intervene in actions, 2595
Transportation, Department of, remedies for certain violations, 2133-2135
Trespassers, injury to, liability of owner, lessee or occupant of premises, 1526, 1527
Trustees of deeds of trust
Declaration of nonmonetary status, authority to file in certain actions, procedures, 1612
Sales by trustees, action to declare void, 1617
Veterans, unclaimed human remains of, disposition, immunities from liability, 569
Administrative Services Division, duties, 1924
Authorized expenditures, 2855, 2856
Budget Division
Authorized expenditures, approval of augmentations, 2867
Capital improvements, repayment of bond issue money, duties, 3939, 3940
Chief, member of Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance, 2970
Charter schools, receipt of reports, 2872
Education savings accounts, receipt of pupil records, 1842
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, duties, 3752
State Distributive School Account, duties, 3739-3741
Transfer to Office of Finance, 1921-1924
Unclassified staff, salaries, duties, 2741, 2753-2755
Work programs of state agencies, duties, 172, 3677
Charter schools, duties, 2871, 2872
Medallions and bars, reporting requirements removed, 2767
Salary, 2743
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of
Tax collection from businesses, repeal of certain duty, 2676, 3375
Unit heads, appointment duty removed, 2756
Microwave system, appropriation, repayment, 3681, 3682
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, assistance, 2970
General appropriations, 3670, 3677, 3680
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, 2970
Unexpended grant money of state agencies, duties, 347, 348
State agencies, receipt of certain notices, 348
Hospital Care to Indigent Persons, Board of Trustees of the Fund for, agreements, 362
Human Resource Management, Division of
Biennial reports, certain requirements repealed, 365
Costs of administration, estimates for budget purposes, 1730
Salaries of state employees, duties, 2752
Screening tests for alcohol or drugs, maintenance of results, 1050
Internal Audits, Division of
Abuse, fraud or waste of money by agency or contractor, confidentiality of reports, duties, 164-167
Transfer to Office of Finance, 1921-1924
Unclassified staff, salaries, 2741
Public Works Division, State
Administrator, qualifications, 2379
Capital improvements, duties, 3941-3947, 3949
Henderson Armory, authority to use federal money for demolition, 4019, 4020
Lease of office rooms outside state buildings, duties, 461, 462
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, duties, 558
Nevada System of Higher Education, engineering and architectural services, 2380
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs, Legislative Committee on, reports to, 560
Stewart Indian School, maintenance of historic buildings, duties, 699
Veterans with service-related disabilities, local businesses owned and operated by, duties, 560
Purchasing Division
Legal services, advertisements for certain proposals, 334
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs, Legislative Committee on, reports to, 559
Veterans with service-related disabilities, local businesses owned and operated by, duties, 559
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2743
State Library and Archives, Division of
Administrator, title change, 22-24
Legislature’s oral history program, duties, 872, 874
Schedules for retention and disposition of official state records, education and training program, requirements, effect, 2324, 2325
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 563
Juvenile courts, enforcement of civil judgments, certain procedures repealed, 908
Supreme Court, appropriation to replace shortfall, 252
Contested cases
Authenticated copies or exhibits of documentary evidence, use, 708
Disciplinary action against licensee, fingerprints deemed discretionary, 711
Judicial review, procedures, 709-711
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, 1357-1361
Notice and opportunity for hearing to be required by statute or regulation, 708
Records, transmittal to reviewing court, time for, 710
Standard of proof in administrative hearings, 706-708, 711
Transcription of oral proceedings, payment of costs, 707
Voluntary surrender of license, deemed disciplinary action, 707
Regulations (See also specific agencies)
Nevada Administrative Code, removal of void regulations, 373, 381, 697, 698, 2322
Advertisements regarding adoption, prohibited acts, penalty, 2015, 2016
Relatives adopting child, waiver of minimum age difference, 420
Residency of child for 6 months in home of petitioners, exemption from requirement, 421
Spouses, procedures for adoption of child and establishment of parental rights, 420
Community health worker pools, additional licensure unnecessary, 2172
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, 2160
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, 357
Adults with intellectual disabilities, creation of power of attorney for, form, 1895-1901
Health information exchange, posting of directives, 1043
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited acts, penalty, 2015, 2016
Antifreeze, restrictions, 3641
Campaign practices, certain items exempt from disclosure requirements, 399-401
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, 509
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2890
Contractors, requirements, prohibited acts, 391
Cosmetological services, unlawful acts, penalties, 591, 600, 613
Deferred deposit loans, high-interest loans and title loan licensees, duties, 1144
Direct cremation facilities, requirements and restrictions, 1961, 1962, 1964
Direct mail ads, sales tax duties of sellers and purchasers, 458-461
Document preparation services, prohibited acts, 2619
Funeral arrangers, prohibited acts, 1964
Funeral establishments, requirements and restrictions, 1961
Hearing aid specialist apprentices, requirements, 2300
Meat or meat products, unlawful acts, penalties, 3628
Motor vehicle fuel, violations, deposit of civil penalties, 3640
Notaries public, unlawful acts, penalty, 931, 932
Petroleum products, violations, civil penalties, 3640
Prison industries, funding of advertising and promotion of goods and services, 398
School service providers, authorized and prohibited acts, 1853, 1854
Trafficking in children, prohibited acts, penalty, 2017
Wellness services, required disclosures, 2342
Business license applicants, industrial insurance coverage, 2665, 2670, 3368, 3371
Common-interest communities, requirements for lien foreclosures, 1337
Cremation of human remains, authorization, 1967, 1968
Electronic communications, interception by peace officers, procedures, 2486
Estate assets, transfer without letters of administration or probate of will, requirements, 789-791
Evidence, destruction of certain unnecessary physical evidence before trial, procedure, 865
Forcible entry or forcible detainer
Application for eviction, 3115, 3116
Contest by occupant, requirements, 3114-3116
Proof of service, requirements, 3124
Life estate in real property, termination, 3521
Public utilities, requirements for change in rate schedule, 281
Scholarship organizations, provision to donors, 88
Unlawful detainer, procedures, 3120, 3121, 3124
Adoption of child by certain relatives, procedures, 420
Child abuse or neglect, procedure for permanency hearings, 858, 859
Crimes committed by children, minimum age for punishment, 787
Foster care children, age for examination of credit reports by agencies providing child welfare services, 854
Judges and justices, minimum age for retirement with full benefits, 2735
Offenses committed when offender less than 18 years of age
Life without possibility of parole, sentence prohibited, 618
Mitigating factors in sentencing, consideration, 618
Parole, eligibility, 618
Public employees, minimum age for retirement with full benefits, 2725, 2726
Transportation network companies, discrimination prohibited, adoption of policy, 1383, 1405, 1413
Abandonment of older person, applicability of laws, penalties, 802-841
Abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation
Community health worker pools, duty to report, 2178, 2179
Guardians, considerations for suitability, 2362, 2366, 2505, 2508
Investment advisers and securities broker-dealers
Penalties for violations, 2022-2025
Peer support recovery organizations, duty to report, 2168
Reports and investigations, requirements, redaction of name of person making report authorized, 811
Day care facilities (See ADULT DAY CARE FACILITIES)
Property tax
Assistance program, funding, 3684
Transfer of base value of principal residence authorized, 4083
Public lands, transfer to State urged, use of certain revenue, 4060
Silver Haired Legislative Forum, requirements for bill draft request, 3189
County financial assistance, amount increased, 3582
District boards of agriculture, classification of directors, provisions removed, 3580, 3581
Fairs or exhibitions, holding of, mandate removed, 3581
Mineral industries within State, authority, 3582
Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries, name change, authority to move to other location, 3582
Fire sprinklers, authority to require in certain facilities restricted, 1990
Brokers, dealers, commission merchants or agents (See LIVESTOCK AND FARM PRODUCTS DEALERS AND OTHER LICENSEES)
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2889
Exported products, issuance of free-sale certificates, 3614
Fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, standards, prohibited acts, 373
Noxious weeds, program to certify agricultural products as being free from, 3586
Quarantine of agricultural commodities
Intrastate quarantine, indemnification for loss by destruction, repeal, 3642
Violations, penalties, 3583, 3585
Sales, registration and regulation of produce vendors, 3615, 3617
Seed potatoes, release of imports without inspection authorized, 371
Violations, civil penalties, 371
Applicability of laws, 3608
Diseased animals, compensation to owners following mandatory destruction, duties, 368
Industrial hemp grown or cultivated for research purposes, regulation, 1974
Pesticides, certain duties transferred, 3591
Sheep Inspection Account, State, duties, use, 3610
Weed control districts, removal of members from board of directors, 3591
Wineries, duties, 552
Agricultural products
Free-sale certificates, issuance, 3614
Produce vendors, registration, regulation, 3615, 3617
Quarantine, recovery of costs for prosecution of violations, 3585
Animal remedies sold in State, duties, 2463, 2464
Aquatic agriculture, duties, 3608
Authorized expenditures, 2861
Bees and apiaries, powers and duties, 3583
Breakfast After the Bell Program
Carcasses of animals and poultry, duties, 3624, 3626
Commercial animal feed, duties, 2467-2474
Craft food operations, duties, 1259-1261
Fairs, operation of state or regional fair authorized, duties, 3582
Fertilizers and agricultural minerals, duties, 3636, 3637
General appropriations, 3675, 3679
Industrial hemp, authority to grow or cultivate for research purposes, requirements, exemption from certain laws, 1973-1975
Livestock and sheep, declaration, duties, 3613, 3614
Marijuana, employees working with exempt from prosecution, 3092
Medical marijuana, publication of list of allowable pesticides in cultivation and production, duties, 3104
Pesticides, duties, 3591
Poultry, duties, 3626
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2747
Slaughterhouses, duties, 3624, 3626-3631
Veterinary biologics or pharmaceuticals sold in State, duties, 2463, 2464
Account for the Control of Weeds, sources, 369, 371, 2464, 2474, 3583, 3592, 3613, 3620, 3623, 3636, 3639, 3641
Noxious weeds, duties, 3586, 3587
Administrators of facilities for long-term care, penalty for certain violations, 1539
BASE jumping, prohibited acts, penalty, 1528
Funeral arranging, unprofessional conduct, 1962, 1963
State highways, unlawful discharges onto, civil penalty, 2135
Carrying or possessing concealed or at certain locations, restrictions, 1586-1588
Account for the Management of Air Quality, transfer of money to General Fund, 2206
Coal-fired generating plants, emission reduction and capacity replacement plans, requirements, 3654-3656
Engine emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
Commerce tax, imposition on air transportation businesses, calculation of amount, 2891
Drones (See DRONES)
Dropping objects from craft, prohibited acts, penalty, 1778
Game birds or game mammals, prohibited acts, 169
Personal property taxes for aircraft and component industry, abatement, 2328-2336
Sales and use tax for aircraft and component industry
Calculation of tax imposed, 2332
Exemption repealed, 2336
Drones, restrictions on operation near airport, 1773, 1774
Fund for Aviation, appropriation, 3681
Naming after deceased members of Armed Forces, procedures, 562
Public works, authority of public bodies regarding labor organizations, 2650, 2651
Transportation network companies, authority of airports, 1387, 1409, 1413
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Licenses and certificates
By endorsement, requirements, fees, 3035-3038, 3040
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Criminal history investigation of applicants, 2276, 2277
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Out-of-state practitioners, issuance, 2272
Periods of validity, 2272-2274
Refusal to renew, grounds, 2272
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education, 2288
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565
"Provider of health care," counselors included as, applicability of laws, 1554
"Treatment provider" for substance abusers under court order, definition, procedures, 746, 749-752, 754-758
Unlicensed or uncertified practice prohibited, 2277
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Continuing education, duties, 2288, 2289
Detoxification technicians, certification authority removed, 2279
Executive Director, duties, 2271
Problem gambling counselors, oral examination, duties, 2271
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Secretary-Treasurer, certain duties transferred, 2271
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Chiropractors, participation in diversion program, 508
Criminal defendants, examination, assignment to treatment provider, completion of treatment in another jurisdiction authorized, 743, 745
Facilities for the treatment of abuse (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)
Civil protective custody, certification requirement, 748
Community health worker pools, additional licensure unnecessary, 2172
Licensing, certification by Division unnecessary, 2475
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, 2160
Regulation, certain regulatory duties transferred, 306
"Treatment provider" for persons assigned by court, definition includes facilities, procedures, 746, 749-752, 754-758
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, 357
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, contents, 110-114
Community health worker pools, additional licensure unnecessary, 2172
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, 2160
Unlicensed operation, remedies of State, 357
Minors requesting emergency medical assistance following alcohol consumption, exemption from criminal penalties, 1450, 1451
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, 1995
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, 2955
Substance Abuse Working Group, extension, 3079
State employment, requirements, 1049, 1050
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, restrictions on award of alimony, 792
Administration of epinephrine by certain entities, immunities, 469-471
Schools, orders for receipt of auto-injectable epinephrine, requirements, 471-475
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Charitable lotteries, operation, procedure, 1483
Charitable solicitations, exemption from registration and disclosure requirements, 2250, 2251
Health care and public safety personnel, education and certain referrals encouraged, 4064-4066
Health care providers, continuing education requirements, use of credit earned, 249
Account for the Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of Abducted Children, creation, use, nonreversion, 394, 395
Committee for the Statewide Alert System
Gifts and grants, authority to seek, deposits, 396
Members, per diem and travel expenses, 395
Family foster homes, storage and carrying of ammunition authorized, duties, immunities, 3644
Regulation, authority reserved to Legislature, remedies, 1784-1792, 1808-1815
Sale or transfer, prohibited acts, 1807
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, immunities, 469-471
Administration of epinephrine by certain entities, immunities, 469-471
Schools, orders for receipt of auto-injectable epinephrine, requirements, 471-475
Anatomical Gift Account, donations to, 1420, 1421
Election to make gift at time of issuance or renewal of driver’s license or identification card, procedures, 1418-1421
Research facilities, agreements authorized regarding adoption of dogs and cats, 1731
Research facilities, agreements authorized regarding adoption of dogs and cats, 1731
Animal remedies sold in State, registration requirements, penalties for violation, 2463, 2464
Birds (See BIRDS)
Carcasses (See CARCASSES)
Collection or shipping for scientific or educational purposes, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, 3062, 3063
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses providing pet care, calculation of amount, 2894
Diseased animals
Administrative fines, deposit and use, 369
Compensation after mandatory destruction of animal, procedure, 368, 369
Dogs (See DOGS)
Equine activities, immunities from liability, exceptions, 1322-1324
Hunting (See HUNTING)
Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)
Rodent control, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, 3062, 3063
Service animals (See SERVICE ANIMALS)
Veterinary biologics and pharmaceuticals sold in State, registration requirements, penalties for violation, 2463, 2464
Wildlife (See WILDLIFE)
Nonprobate transfer of property on death, applicability of certain law, 3523
Postjudgment motion to adjudicate community property, authority to file, 861
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Advertisements, restrictions, 3641
Licensure, requirements, applicability of laws, 3640, 3641
Violations, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, 3641
Bond to secure stay of execution of judgment pending appeal, amount, 1521
Illegal lockout from dwelling, appeal of court’s decision on complaint for reentry, 3117
Industrial insurance, reimbursement for benefits paid during pendency of appeal, duties of injured employee, 1139, 1140
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, appeal of certain decisions or orders, procedures, 2141, 2142
Death penalty, time for rendering opinion on appeal repealed, 2569
General appropriations, 3671
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4081
Election, procedures, 1480
Recycling of paper, requirements, 2548
Security services provided by Capitol Police, obsolete language removed, 33, 34
Cosmetology, registration, training and practice, 588-590, 594, 598-602, 613
Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, Nevada, notices to, 1957, 1958
Hearing aid fitting and dispensing, 2298-2300
Arts Council, Nevada, 3770
Attorney General Administrative Fund, 2865
Aviation, Fund for, 3681
Capital improvements generally, 3934-3936
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, 2453
Contingency Account, 2209
Corrections, Department of, 1369, 1452
Emergency Account, 2209
Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, allocations to, 3681, 3682
Examiners, State Board of, 2753-2755
Extradition Coordinator, Office of the, 382
Forestry, Division of, 2453, 2688
General appropriations legislation, 3669-3693
Highway Patrol, Nevada, 879, 2210, 3668
Interim Finance Committee, 3680, 3681, 3683-3685, 3687, 3690, 3691, 3748
Judicial Selection, Commission on, 69
Knowledge Account, 3671
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2203
Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)
Legislators’ Retirement System, 3688
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the, 880
Nevada System of Higher Education
Economy of State, pilot program to stimulate, 2683
General appropriations, 3672, 3687, 3688
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, 3688
Patriot Relief Fund, 3674
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, 3688
Public Works Division, State, 3934, 3935
Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, 1452, 2209
Clark County School District, 2757, 2758
Grant Fund for Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, 3757
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, 3756
Incentive pay program for teachers, 2196, 2197, 3754
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, 2196, 3750-3754
Limited English proficient pupils, programs for, 3750
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, 3750
Nonprofit organizations operating high quality charter schools, grant program, 3749, 3750
Other State Education Programs Account, 3744
Professional Development Programs Account, 3755
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, 3757
State Distributive School Account, 879, 3739, 3740
Teacher licensure system, programming changes, 2074
Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, 2875
Stale Claims Account, 2209
Taxation, Department of, 2865, 3685
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, 2196
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, allocations to, 3680
Applicability of laws, 3608
Common-interest communities, constructional defect actions, 18
Condominium hotels, authority of associations, 1222
Consolidation of proceedings, restrictions on, 1978, 1979
Insurance covering dental care, disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, 195-198
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of arbitrators, prohibited acts, penalties, 1357-1361
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, reimbursement disputes, 290
Removal of arbitrator from arbitral proceedings for failure to make certain disclosures, 1979
School districts and certain employees, procedures, 1598
Trusts, provision for arbitration authorized, procedures, 3549, 3550
Vacation of award, grounds, motions, 1979, 1980
Wills, provision for arbitration authorized, procedures, 3549, 3550
Hunting, carrying of handgun for self-defense authorized, 974
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from disciplinary action, 2148
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2890
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Public works, duty to defend in negligence actions, award of fees and costs, 784, 785
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Charter schools located on federal military installations, enrollment preferences, 243
Commercial driver’s licenses, exemptions from driving test, 3864
Cosmetology licensees in service, extension of time to renew license, 605
Firefighters, retired professional, eligibility for special license plates, 63, 64
Memorials, naming of state facilities, procedures, 558, 561
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, creation, 3079
Motorcycle Riders, Program for Education of, authority to enroll, 90
National Guard (See NATIONAL GUARD)
Nevadans killed in Global War on Terrorism honored, 4018, 4019
Occupational licenses or certificates, issuance by endorsement, reciprocity of licensure, 3865-3922
Reserve, leave of absence for public officers and employees, procedures, 1915, 1916
School pupils with parent or guardian in service, sharing of data required, 53
Selective Service System, registration at time of application for driver’s license or identification card, 295-298
Veterans (See VETERANS)
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, duties, 3933
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Constables, peace officer powers, fees, 2518-2520
Liability of person causing or allowing, 2225
Occupational disease coverage, 2427-2433
Public art, immunities for injuries caused by certain interactions with, 1527, 1528
Advisory Committee on the Arthritis Prevention and Control Program, abolishment, 2339
State Program for Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease, components, 2337
Authorized expenditures, 2856
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, membership, 70, 76
General appropriations, 3671
Live entertainment tax proceeds, funding from, 3770
School pupils or personnel, assault upon, prohibited acts, 428
Sexual assault (See SEXUAL ASSAULT)
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2892
Exemptions from laws, 2810
Administrator, salary, 2746
Agency Account, sources, 2980
Authorized expenditures, 2864
Designation by Governor, term, 2979
Hearings, powers, 2982
Credits against promoter’s license fees, regulation, 2981
Disciplinary action, authority, 2982
Drug testing of unarmed combatants, duties, 2979, 2981
Temporary advances of money, requests, 2870
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Board of Athletic Trainers
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Epinephrine, administration, immunities, 470, 471
Alzheimer’s disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, 249
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, deposits exempt from attachment, 1429
Constables, duties, liability, fees, 2514, 2515, 2519
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, division of property and award of community property or spousal support, prohibited acts by court, 792, 795
Liquidation of debt owed by local government, 739
Achievement charter schools, receipt of information, duties, 3781, 3814, 3815
Accessory roads, powers and duties, 2633, 2634
Administrative proceedings, receipt of service of petition for judicial review, 709
Alternative nicotine products, duties, 1938
Authorized expenditures, 2854, 2855
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, 3187
Capital improvements contracts, approval, 3947
Charitable organizations, duties, 2253
Commerce tax, duties, 2896
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
Construction materials or goods used on public works, violations, duties, 2375
Contingent fee contracts for private legal services, requirements, reports, 333-338
Deceptive trade practices, cooperation and coordination in enforcement of laws, 3651
Electronic communications, interception of, duties, 2486, 2489
Extradition Coordinator, Office of the
Authorized expenditures, 2854
Fictitious address program, duties, funding, 3077-3080
Forfeitures in criminal proceedings, duties, receipt of reports, 2501
Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, Nevada, duties, 1954
General appropriations, 3669, 3670
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, approval of certain actions, 1160
Lien fraudulently filed against property of certain persons, duties, 1357
Medicaid fraud, petitions for sealing records, receipt of notice, 910
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, 3110
Meetings of public agencies, receipt of complaints of violations, 1061
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, creation, duties, 3079
Missing Children Clearinghouse, receipt of information, 856
Notaries acting without appointment, actions against, 929
Older Persons, Unit for Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes Against, duties, 828
Private professional guardians, notice of complaints against, 2361
Prosecuting Attorneys, Advisory Council for, appropriation and authorized expenditures, 2854, 3670
Public roads, powers and duties, 2632-2634
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, duties, 3585
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2741, 2742
Achievement School District, notice of availability of reports, 3780
Education savings accounts, misuse, receipt of notice, 1829
School service providers, duties, 1853
Substance Abuse Working Group, extension, 3079
Telephone solicitations, enforcement authority extended, 3653
Trade regulations and practices, enforcement authority extended, 3653
Transportation, Department of, duties, 2134, 2135
Vapor products, duties, 1938
Child custody, award of fees in actions concerning relocation of child, 2588, 2590
Common-interest communities, amount of costs for enforcing association’s lien, prohibited acts, 1334
Confession of judgment in justice court, amendment to include additional fees prohibited, 1369
Constructional defects actions, 5, 8
Criminal actions involving state agency, recovery of fees by prevailing party, procedures, limitations, 538, 539
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, liability for noncompliance with recording requirements, 475
Drones, actions for trespass, 1774
Lien or encumbrance fraudulently filed against property of certain persons, remedies, 1357, 1358
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, prohibited acts, remedies, 2978
Pollution laws, enforcement proceedings by Department of Transportation, 2133
Private professional guardians, disciplinary proceedings, 2360
Public works negligence actions, award of fees, 784, 785
State legal services by private attorneys, requirements for contingent fee contracts, 333-338
Bar associations
Charitable lotteries, operation, procedure, 1483
State Bar, duties regarding Commission on Judicial Discipline, 951
Charter School Authority, State Public, staffing requirements, 3259
City attorneys (See CITY ATTORNEYS)
District attorneys (See DISTRICT ATTORNEYS)
Document preparation services, prohibited acts, 2619
Escrow agents and agencies, applicability of laws, 2791
Family trust companies, privileged communications, 1209, 1210
Guardian ad litem in certain proceedings, prohibition on compensation for services repealed, 1326
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, 1495-1497
Mortgage servicers, applicability of laws, 2808
Motor vehicle personal injury claims, certain duties of claimants’ attorneys, repeal, 1355
Notaries public, prohibited acts, 2616, 2618
Public Employees’ Retirement Board, employment of General Counsel, 2157
Public utility attorneys, duties regarding rate schedule changes, 281
State legal services by private attorneys, requirements for contingent fee contracts, 333-338
State Public Defender (See STATE PUBLIC DEFENDER)
Taxicab Administrator, appointment of staff attorney, 2079
Injury to trespassing child, liability of owner, lessee or occupant, 1526, 1527
Livestock auctions, regulation, penalties, 3611-3613
Motor vehicle consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, 126-128
Commerce tax, imposition on publishing businesses, calculation of amount, 2892
Grand juries, use of audiovisual technology, 579
Peace officers, use of portable event recording devices, duties, 572-575, 3664-3668
Preliminary examinations, use of audiovisual technology, 577, 578
Applicability of laws, 2302, 2303
Civil penalties, 2309
Disciplinary action
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Dispensing audiologists
Audiograms, authority, 2300
Endorsement and examination required, 2298
Sales by catalog, mail or Internet, 2300, 2301
Supervision of apprentices, 2299
By endorsement, requirements, fees, 3016, 3017, 3893-3895
Fees generally, 2307
Hearing aid fitting and dispensing, endorsement, 2298, 2321
Inactive status, 2297
Issuance without examination, 2306
Limited licenses, 2297
Temporary licenses, 2306, 2307
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
"Provider of health care," inclusion as, effect, 2292
Telepractice, requirements, 2298
Aircraft and component industry, requirements for tax abatements, 2330, 2331
Commercial feed, audit of licensees, 2471
Criminal history records held by employers, security measures, 705
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, 1159
Livestock auctions, renewal of license, requirements, 3612
Public administrators, annual audits, 1914
Public Employees’ Retirement System, biennial audits, 245
Risk retention groups, audit committee required, 3506, 3507
Charter schools, annual independent audits, regulation, 3286, 3288
Clark County School District, 1875
Class-size reduction program, audit of use of money, 3061
Education savings accounts, requirements, 1829
Victory schools, programs and services provided to, 2203
Washoe County School District, 1875
Special license plates, charitable entities receiving fees, 994, 995
Arts Council, Nevada, 3770
Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, 3939, 3949
Educational Trust Account, 2107
General authorized expenditures legislation, 2854-2870
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, 3752
Other State Education Programs Account, 3744
Petroleum and petrochemical discharges, funding of cleanup, reimbursements, 2422, 3603, 3604
State Distributive School Account, 3741
State Supplemental School Support Account, 3757
Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of Abducted Children, Account for, 394
Summit View Youth Correctional Center, 3680
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
By endorsement, requirements, fees, 3028, 3029, 3031, 3032, 3907, 3908, 3911
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Continuing education requirements, 2287
Provisions removed, 668-672, 698
Disciplinary action, standard of proof for evidence, 721, 722
Insurance coverage for treatment provided by, 672-696
Registration, requirements, 668
Insurance coverage for treatment, 672-696
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, 126-128
Vehicles to be dismantled for parts, exemption from solid waste laws, 339
Constables, requirements when wearing uniform, 2518
Court Administrator, duties and receipt of copy of certain orders repealed, 2567-2569
Justices of the peace, time for payment of forfeitures to county treasurer, 2566
Political campaign items, exemptions from certain disclosure laws, 399-401
City money, deposit, requirements, 346
Commerce tax
Failure to pay, effect, 2944
Imposition, calculation of amount, 2892
Condominium hotels, deposits and investments, requirements, regulation, 1216
County money, deposit, requirements, 343, 344
Foreclosures, duties of mortgagee or beneficiary of deed of trust to provide certain notice to Division, 1348, 3333, 3334
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Barber schools
Barber chairs, requirements, 2441, 2442
Commerce tax, imposition, calculation of amount, 2893
Instructors, requirements, 2442
Licensing, requirements, 2441
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Cosmetology licensing of barbers, qualifications, 595
Barber schools, requirements, 2441
Instructor’s license, examination, procedures, fees, 2440, 2441
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Nail technologists practicing in barbershops, requirements, 592
State Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board
Instructor’s license, administration of examination, duties, 2440, 2441
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Prohibited acts, penalty, 1528
Agriculture, State Department of, powers and duties, 3583
State Quarantine Officer, certain duties repealed, 3642
Violations, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, deposit and use of money, 3583, 3642
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Continuing education requirements, 2287
Disciplinary action, standard of proof for evidence, 721, 722
By endorsement, requirements, fees, 3027, 3028, 3031, 3032, 3906, 3907, 3911
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Business identification number, assignment, 1322, 2661, 3364
Foreign corporations, right of county clerk to reject certificate of fictitious name, 2674, 3372
Lanes, operation of motorized wheelchairs authorized, restrictions, 1196, 1197
Criminal History, Central Repository for Nevada Records of, regulations, 844
Definition, 845
Aircraft, vehicle or vessel, use to harass game birds prohibited, 169
Carcasses of game birds delivered for processing, civil penalty for violations by processor, 3629
Hunting of migratory birds, requirements, 83
Management of migratory game birds, funding, 100
Poultry (See POULTRY)
Ravens, actions urged to mitigate effects on certain animals, 4026, 4027
Sage grouse
Endangered species, Federal Government urged not to list as, 4062-4064
Public lands, transfer to State urged, use of certain revenue, 4060
Ravens, actions urged to mitigate effect on grouse, 4026, 4027
State conservation plan, support expressed and certain actions urged, 4062-4064
Telemetry data, use to harass or take game birds prohibited, 170
Wildlife, Department of, unlawful use of records, 170
Gestational agreements, effect, 780
Intimate images, definition, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, 2233, 2234
Independent living services, program to provide to certain persons, establishment, requirements, 1432, 1433
Services provided to, research regarding costs authorized, 1433
Vehicles damaged on or stolen from premises, liability of owner or keeper limited, 1165
Certificates of ownership, procedures for issuance of duplicate, 38
Game birds or game mammals, prohibited acts, 169
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, regulation, 2635-2640
Hull numbers, state, issuance and verification, 36, 37, 39
Operating under the influence
Testing of blood, breath or urine of defendant
Admissibility of evidence in misdemeanor trial, 2534
Minors requested to submit to test, notification of parent or guardian, 2544
Refusal to submit to test at request of police officer, effect, 2543, 2545
Witnesses testifying regarding blood test, payment of fees, 2543
"Under the influence," term defined, 2542
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, 126-128
Cultural Affairs, Commission for, use of certain bond proceeds, 139, 140
Cultural resources, grant program, 72
General capital improvements legislation, 3936, 3939-3941, 3947-3949
Highways, special obligation bonds, maximum period of maturity extended, 1366
Historic preservation and cultural centers, financial assistance, 3947
Irrigation districts, authority, calculation of assessments, 168
Local governments
General obligations, requirements for issuance, use of proceeds, 3840, 3841
Water projects in tax increment areas, financing, 3198-3208
Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority, authority to issue bonds, 1265
Nevada System of Higher Education, capital improvements, 3949
Special election regarding municipal bond issue, date for holding, 1884, 1885
Tax levy for repayment of state bonds, 3948
Tourism improvement districts, maturity, 1190
Abandoned property, laws inapplicable to certain proceeds, 2530
Boy Scouts, issuance of license plates supporting, requirements, 654, 655
Discharges onto state highways, compliance with orders prohibiting, 2135
Education savings accounts, grant program, duties of schools, 1829
Livestock auctions, license to hold, requirements, 3611
Peer support recovery organizations, requirements, 2163, 2164
Private professional guardians, requirements, 2353-2355
Second Amendment license plates, requirements, 1940
Stay of execution of civil judgment pending appeal, amount of bond to secure, 1521
General election, date, charter amendment, 1889
Public health advisory board, membership, 2962, 2964
School precincts, reorganization of school district into, procedures, 3847-3850
Handgun, carrying for self-defense authorized, 974
Issuance of special license plates supporting, use of fees, 654-657
Replacement of special license plates, fee, 666, 667
Appropriation, 3679
Creation, 3852
Legislative declaration, 3852
List of schools meeting requirements, publication, 3853
Participation by schools, 3852, 3853
State Department of Agriculture, duties, 3853-3855
Types of breakfast that may be offered, 3853
Child care facilities, duty to provide appropriate space, 1542
Business practices, actions for damages authorized, 883
Commerce tax, imposition on drinking places, calculation of amount, 2894
Judicial retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2733
Legislator retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2736, 2737
Public employee retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2723
Naming after deceased members of Armed Forces, procedures, 562
Design professionals, immunity from disciplinary action for complying with certain codes, 2148
Energy conservation standards, adoption, restrictions, 2148
Fire sprinklers in structures, authority of local governments, 1989, 1990
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Deadly force, presumption, immunity from civil liability, 1784
Innkeepers, liability for burglary of vehicle on premises limited, 1165
Disciplinary action against agent or seller, grounds, 3394, 3396
Funeral arrangers, duties, 1971, 1972
Charter buses, exemptions from driver laws for certain employer-provided transportation, 782, 783
Commerce tax, imposition on transportation businesses, calculation, 2891, 2892
Excise tax
Collection procedures, 2605-2610
Imposition, 1390
Motor carriers (See MOTOR CARRIERS)
Railroad crossings, duties of drivers, prohibited acts, 194, 195
School buses (See SCHOOL BUSES)
Service animals, exemption from prohibitions, 273, 274
Authorized expenditures, 2863, 2864
Charter School Financing Law, administration, laws clarified, 2387-2392
Consumer Affairs Division
Investigative assistance to Attorney General, 3646
Revolving account for Division, administration, deposits, use, 3647
Temporary elimination of Division extended, 3653
Consumer Affairs Unit, creation, 3652
Deputy Director, duties as Commissioner of Consumer Affairs and Chief of the Consumer Affairs Unit, 3652
Financial Institutions, Division of
Deferred deposit loans, high-interest loans and title loan licensees, reports of violations, receipt, 1145
Family trust companies, supervisory authority, 1210
Foreclosures, receipt of notices from institutions that are mortgagees and beneficiaries of deeds of trust, duties, 1339, 1340, 1348, 1349, 3333, 3334
Private professional guardians, regulation, 2344-2372
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
General appropriations, 3675
Housing Division
Chief Financial Officer, qualifications, 34
Energy assistance programs, limitation on funding, 279
Industrial Relations, Division of
Attestations by business license applicants, receipt, duties, 2665, 2670, 3368, 3371
Completion cards for construction safety courses, duties, 3657
Coordination of collection of information from businesses, provision repealed, 2676, 3375
Debts owed to Division, procedures regarding delinquencies, 233, 234
Employment Security Division, duty to provide certain information, 2707
Taxation, Department of, receipt of information from Division, 2937
Injured Workers, Nevada Attorney For
Authorized expenditures, 2863
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2746
Insurance, Division of
Confidentiality of information, authority to share certain information, 3397-3399, 3414
Criminal history records, authority to inspect sealed records, 3510, 3511
Dental services, reimbursements, regulations, 2120
Fees, duties, deposits, 2832-2845
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, regulation, 2635-2640
Health insurance
Network plans, duties, 637
Small employers, duties, 640
Holding companies, duties, 3486-3503
Industrial insurance, duties regarding consolidated programs, 2612
Limited lines travel insurance, licensing and regulation of producers, 1198-1203
Reinsurance, duties, 3381-3388
State-chartered risk retention groups, duties, 3504-3508
Thrift companies, insurance of deposits, duties, 2813, 2814
Valuation Manual, adoption, procedures, 3390-3399
Labor Commissioner (See LABOR COMMISSIONER)
Manufactured Housing Division, conversion of parks, duties, 517
Mortgage Lending, Division of
Change of broker without agent associated, fee, regulation, 2801
Commissioner, ethics, 2808
Escrow agents and agencies, duties, 2790-2794
Mortgage servicers, duties, 2806-2809
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Real Estate Division
Claims for expenses, authority, 2783, 2784
Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Office of the Ombudsman for Owners in, receipt of information, duties, 1243, 1252, 1253
Complaints and disciplinary action, certain reporting requirements repealed, 2779
Employment of personnel, use of available money authorized, 2784
Fees and fines received from licensees, deposit, 2780-2784
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Subdivision of land, fees, 2785, 2786
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2745, 2746
Applications, Internet availability, duties of state and local agencies, 2658, 2659, 3361, 3362
Coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, 2676, 3375
Attestations, reports to Division of Industrial Relations, availability of certain information to attesters, 2665, 2670, 3368, 3371
Child support obligations, statement of compliance unnecessary, 2666, 2667, 2671
Occupations and professions, applications, 2666, 2667, 2671
Retail merchandise, affidavit of applicant to sell, repeal, 2676, 3375
Annual fee, increase, amount for certain types of business organizations, 2903, 2904
Business identification numbers
Inclusion on license, 1275, 2660
Cancellation by licensee, filing of certificate, 1278
Certificates of exemption, requirements, inapplicability to certain nonprofit entities, 1276
Commercial feed licensees, requirements, 2469, 2470
Common-interest communities, nonprofit unit-owners’ associations, exemptions, 1274-1276
Contents, 1275
Emergency response vehicles and equipment, exemption for certain persons providing, 1415
Refusal to issue, grounds, 1277
"Registration," "license" redesignated as, 3362
Renewal, applicability of penalties for failure to comply, 1278
Sole proprietors, suspension of license for child support violations, 2660, 2672
Tobacco manufacturers, when not deemed to be doing business in State, 2957, 2958
Unlicensed conduct of business, penalty, 1276-1278
Waiver of fees and penalties when no business conducted, authority, 1278
Transportation network companies, requirements, 1387, 1409, 1413
Business license applicants, attestations of industrial insurance coverage submitted electronically, effect, 2665, 2670
Confidentiality of certain information, exceptions, 2657, 2659, 3359, 3360
Health districts issuing licenses, certificates or permits, duties, 2658, 2659, 3361, 3362
Registration, use of common information by state and local agencies, 2658, 3361
Standards and requirements, consultations, 2658, 3360
State and local agencies issuing licenses, certificates or permits, duties, 2658, 2659, 3361, 3362
Workplace safety, provision of information, 2665, 2670, 3368, 3371
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Combined revenue from payroll tax and commerce tax, rate adjustments, 2896, 2897
Commerce tax (See COMMERCE TAX)
Deductions for hiring certain veterans, 3927, 3928, 3932
Insurance producers, applicability of tax, 2424-2426
Minerals, exclusion of person subject to tax on net proceeds from definition of "employer" for business tax purposes, 2901
Rate increase, threshold for imposition of tax, 2901
Tax credits
College savings plans or prepaid tuition plans, matching employee contributions, 2449, 2452
Commerce tax, effect, 2902
Film production, transferable tax credits, 1098-1109
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, 2479, 2480
Scholarship organizations, donations to, 86-89
Water projects in tax increment areas, use of proceeds, 3198-3208
Business identification number, assignment, 1322, 2661, 3364
Conversion, merger or exchange, contents of filed articles, 1319, 1320
Foreign trusts
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, 2674, 3372
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, authority, 1315-1318
Revocation of right to transact business, cancellation of registration, 1315
Initial and annual list, fee, 2921, 2923
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, 1317
Renewal or revival of certificate of trust, authority, 1314, 1315, 1317
Revocation of certificate, dissolution procedures following, 1314
Agriculture, State Department of, regulation, 3626-3631
Calves under 4 weeks of age, certain prohibition removed, 3623, 3624
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2891
Repeal of certain laws, 3642
Return of processed carcasses, civil penalties for violations, 3629
Violations of laws or regulations generally, civil penalties, deposit and use of money, 3623, 3630
General election, date, charter amendment, 1890
Board of Regents, reciprocal agreement regarding waiver of nonresident tuition for residents of Tahoe Basin encouraged, 2155, 2156
Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority, creation, powers and duties, 1262-1267
Advertising on clothing and certain other items, exemptions from disclosure requirement, 399-401
"Candidate" defined, 1178, 1179
Candidates elected despite ending campaigns, filing of finance reports, 388, 389
Committees for political action
Registration requirements, 1880, 1881
Committees for recall of public officer, duties regarding reports, 1882, 1883
Limitations on contributions during certain time period, 1880
Unspent contributions, disposal, duties, 1180-1182
Forester Firewarden, State, authority to prohibit or restrict activity on land under jurisdiction, duties, penalty for violations, 2224, 2225
Nonprofit entities, certain entities exempted from sanitation laws, 374
Mammograms, notices regarding, requirements, 1710, 1711
Mammography machines, use for other procedures authorized, 385
Nevada Cancer Institute, designation as official cancer institute repealed, 387
Reporting and analyzing information, requirements, penalties, access to data, 386
Supreme Court, time for rendering opinion on appeal repealed, 2569
Annual fee, time for payment, 2833
Commerce tax, applicability, 2952
State-chartered risk retention groups formed as, requirements, 3504, 3505, 3508, 3509
Adulterated or misbranded livestock or poultry carcasses, prohibited acts, 3629
Calves under 4 weeks of age, certain prohibition removed, 3624
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, duties transferred, 3624
Return of processed carcasses, civil penalties for violations, 3629
Sales, prohibited acts, 3624-3626
Immunities for rendering care or assistance, 2167, 2177, 2178
Deadly force, presumption, immunity from civil liability, 1784
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, 1781, 1782
Transportation network companies, laws inapplicable, 1379, 1402, 1413
Nonpartisan offices, certain primary election winners declared elected, charter amendments, 1481
Old Nevada State Prison, designation and assignment of historic and modern structures, duties, 867, 868, 871
State Public Defender, assessment for services provided, 2868
Stewart Indian School
Activities at and uses of buildings and grounds, designation of coordinating agency for discussions, 278
Sale of state land parcels to fund repair and maintenance, 700
Tahoe Basin (See TAHOE BASIN)
State Sealer of Consumer Equitability, duties, 3621, 3622
Deadly force, presumption, immunity from civil liability, 1784
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, 1781, 1782
Hearing aids, sales by certain persons, 2300, 2301
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses providing pet care, calculation of amount, 2894
Research facilities, duties relating to cats used in research, 1731, 1732
Certificates of authority
Application requirements, 1952
Child support violations, suspension, 1965
Period of validity, renewal, 1954
Qualifications, investigations, 1959
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Disciplinary action, grounds, 1962
OSHA requirements, compliance mandated, 1952
Unprofessional conduct, 1962, 1963
Vital statistics violations, order to desist, 1965
Veterans’ cemeteries, landscaping or xeriscaping surrounding interred remains, 566, 567
Juvenile courts, restraint of child during proceedings, restrictions, procedures for use, 2016, 2017
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, recommendations for membership, 3848, 3850
NV Grow Program, creation, consultations, 2681-2683
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, 2445
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, representation and duty removed, 549
Reno, nomination to county fair and recreation board, 407, 408
CHARTER AMENDMENTS (See specific cities)
License suspension or revocation, grounds, 2934
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, provisions inapplicable, 1144
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Drones, operation prohibited near certain facilities, exception, 1773, 1774, 1777
Child’s welfare, persons responsible for, 387
Children in need of protection
Adjudicatory hearings, requirements for service of summons, 1522
Circumstances in which child deemed in need of protection, 1183, 1184
Grand jury investigations, admissibility of hearsay evidence of victim’s statement, 578, 579
Guardians, considerations for suitability, 2362, 2366, 2505, 2506
Negligent treatment or maltreatment of child, acts constituting, 2245
Permanency hearings, procedures, 858, 859
Preliminary examinations, admissibility of hearsay evidence of victim’s statement, 577
Sexual abuse, admissibility of certain expert testimony, 2243, 2244
Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning the Abuse or Neglect of a Child, access to information, 1098
Termination of parental rights, considerations, 1185
Abuse or Neglect of a Child, Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning, access to information, 1098
Air guns, carrying or possessing, restrictions, 1586, 1587
Background investigations, scope, 836
Breastfeeding, facilities to provide appropriate space, 1542
Child’s welfare, persons responsible for, 387
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2893
Physical activity of children, requirements, prohibited acts, 1542, 1543
Abduction or removal of child, effect, penalties, 2585, 2587, 2590
Award of custody to person other than parent without consent, procedures, 2585
Best interest of child, considerations by court, 2583, 2584
Cessation of obligations concerning minor child, time for, 2587
Domestic violence by parent or other party, effect, 2584, 2590
Foreign residence or commitments of parent, procedures, 2587
Joint legal and physical custody by each parent prior to court orders, 2582
Joint legal custody, when presumed to be in best interest of child, 2582
Joint physical custody
Basis for preference, investigation by court authorized, 2582
When presumed not in child’s best interest, 2582
Legislative declaration, 2581, 2582
Limited custody, contents of orders awarding, 2586
Marital status of parents not determinative of parent and child relationship, 2582, 2591
Orders by court
Authority, 2586
Modification or termination, procedures, 2586
Penalty provisions and Hague Convention notice to be included, 2586, 2587
Party obtaining physical custody of child from person with physical custody, orders of court, procedures, 2587, 2588
Plan concerning custody order, submission by parents on request, 2587
Preference in awarding physical custody, order of, 2583
Primary physical custody
Award when joint physical custody not in child’s best interest, 2582
Children born out of wedlock, 2583
Pro se proceeding, authority of party, 2586
Records of child, access by noncustodial parent, 2587
Relocation by parent with physical custody, procedures, prohibited acts, penalty, 2588-2591
Trafficking in children, prohibited acts, 2017
Willful concealment of child, prohibited acts, 2590
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, 2244, 2245
Sexually exploited children, procedures in juvenile court, 570, 571
Sexually exploited children, procedures in juvenile court, 570, 571
Solicitation, penalties, 1003, 1004
Business licenses, state and local, requirements, 2660, 2666, 2667, 2671, 2672
Interstate Family Support Act, amendment, effective date, 890-896
Authorized expenditures, 2860
Block grants to agencies, procedures, 3683
Child’s welfare, persons responsible for, 387
Credit reports of children, age for examination, 854
Dissemination of information received by agency, restrictions, 1500, 1501
Employee background investigations, scope, 837
Foster care (See also FOSTER CARE)
Firearm injuries, immunity from liability, 3644
Specialized foster homes, use of money allocated for care
Reporting requirements, 3064, 3065
Review of placements, corrective actions, 3065
Use of money allocated for care, requirements, 3064
General appropriations, 3673
Gifts and grants, use of money, approval, 2869
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, 1495-1497
Missing children reports, duties, 856, 858
Permanency hearings, procedures, 858, 859
Competency of child under jurisdiction of juvenile court, determination, procedures, 2028-2033
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, procedures, 1495-1497
Foster care children, procedures, regulation, 858
Missing children reports, procedures, 855, 856
Sexually exploited children, procedures in juvenile court, 570, 571
Advisory committee abolished, 381
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Alcohol or drug dependence, participation in diversion program, 508
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Competency to practice, examination, 508
Disciplinary action
Grounds, 514
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Alzheimer’s disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, 249
Expiration, reinstatement, 513, 514
Foreign graduates, qualifications, 511
Temporary license, waiver of application fee, 511
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
Unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, 509, 510
Craft food operations, exemptions from regulation as food establishment, 1257-1259
Property tax exemption for parcels of land used exclusively for worship, 875
Weddings, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, 2629
Cigarette rolling machines, unlicensed operation prohibited, 2958, 2959
Definition, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, 2957, 2958
State business license, certain manufacturers exempt from licensure requirement, 2957
Taxation, increase in tax rate, use of proceeds, 2902, 2903, 2955
Tobacco Settlement, use and disbursement of money, 2859, 2865, 2866
Boulder City (See BOULDER CITY)
Businesses, coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, 2676, 3375
Caliente, date of general election, charter amendment, 1890
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Disabilities, persons with (See also DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH)
Authorization letters issued for special license plates, placards and stickers, requirements, 479
Drones, operation by public agency, requirements, 1776, 1777
Elections (See also ELECTIONS)
Date for holding general election, 1878, 1879
Ely, authority to move location of Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries, 3582
Eminent domain, prohibited acts related to mortgages and deeds of trust, 801
Energy conservation standards for buildings, prohibited regulation, 2148
Exercise of powers by city government, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Family resource centers, development of action plans, input, 978
Film production, abatement of fees, continuation, 1107, 1108
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Budgets, time for hearings on tentative budgets, 223
Catalyst Account, grants or loans from, 2482, 2483
Deposit of city money in financial institution, agreements, requirements, 346
Graffiti reward and abatement fund, authorized uses, 2114, 2115
Concealed firearms, regulatory authority removed, 1787, 1811
Regulatory authority reserved to Legislature, 1787-1789, 1810-1813
Graffiti, regulatory authority, use of reward and abatement fund, 2113-2115
Henderson (See HENDERSON, CITY OF)
Internet networks, study of peering, 1177, 1178
Investments, obligations of local governments, 3209, 3210
Land, agreements with certain persons for development, procedures, 310-319
Las Vegas (See LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Local improvements (See LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS)
Medical marijuana establishments (See MEDICAL MARIJUANA)
Mesquite (See MESQUITE, CITY OF)
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, 287-291
North Las Vegas (See NORTH LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)
Officers and employees (See also PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; specific officers)
Severe financial emergency, effect of failure to comply with requests by Department of Taxation, 734
Pedestrian safety zones, designation, 1561
Public utility infrastructure, prohibited acts by city, requests by city for information restricted, 3662, 3663
Reno (See RENO, CITY OF)
Rental cars, exemption of cities from governmental services fee, 3357
Retail merchandise, affidavit of applicant to sell, repeal, 2676, 3375
Rights-of-way, use of fuel tax proceeds for construction and upkeep, 527-534
Local precincts, reorganization of Clark County School District into, procedures, 3847-3850
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, 2444
Sparks (See SPARKS, CITY OF)
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, enactment, 1124, 1125
Transportation network companies, regulation restricted, 1387, 1409, 1413
Traps or snares, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, 3062, 3063
Water projects, financing, authority to create tax increment area, 3198-3210
Yerington, date of general election, charter amendment, 1893
Prosecuting Attorneys, Advisory Council for, appropriation and authorized expenditures, 2854, 3670
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, duties, 3585
Reno, staff, charter amendment, 773
Reno, charter amendment, 769, 772
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, 3188
Exercise of powers, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Intoxicating liquor licenses, duties, 65-69
Recycling of paper by municipal courts, certain duty removed, 2548
Reno, filling of vacancies, duties, 767, 768
Graffiti reward and abatement fund, approval of expenditures, 2115
Reno, powers, 767, 769, 771, 776, 777
Improvement districts, collection of unpaid assessments, 157
Redeposit of city money, agreements, 346
Specialty court program fee, continuation, 2955
Children in need of protection, adjudicatory hearings, service of summons, 1522
Constables, duties, fees, 2514, 2515, 2518
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, service on, 1161
Physicians, assistants, perfusionists and respiratory therapists, 498, 499
Registered agents, duty to accept, validity, 1321
Summary proceedings for obtaining possession of real property, recreational vehicle or mobile home, service of notices, 3123, 3124
Chair, selection, 3603
Compensation, 3603
Creation, composition, 3602
Fund for Cleaning Up Discharge of Petroleum, duties, 3603
Resolutions, transmittal to Legislative Counsel, 3603
Storage tank fee, duties, 3604
Concealed firearms, regulatory authority removed, 1785, 1792, 1808, 1818
Economy of State, pilot program to stimulate, duties, 2681
Fuel tax indexing, procedures beginning January 1, 2017, 2041-2068
High-Speed Rail System, Nevada, creation, 1262-1267
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, pilot program to provide services, reports, 1546-1548
Licenses, additional fee authorized, use, 2629, 2630
Wedding services, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, 2629
Medical marijuana dispensaries (See also MEDICAL MARIJUANA — Establishments)
Registration certificates, reallocation, 2987, 2988
Mount Charleston Fire Station, transfer to County authorized, 2230, 2231
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, composition, reports, 549, 550
Supreme Court, lease of office space in Regional Justice Center, 1977
Drivers, restrictions on acting as driver for transportation network companies, 2596
Lease to independent contractors authorized, restrictions, liability, 2595
Town advisory boards, election of members, 40, 41
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Campus Improvement Authority, boundaries, extension, 2011
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, 1395, 1396
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, recommendations for membership, 3848, 3850
Henderson, financing to improve and preserve certain facilities, 3140, 3144
Local school precincts, reorganization of District into, procedures, 3847-3850
Peer assistance and review of teachers, appropriation to carry out program, 2757, 2758
Zoom schools, identification, funding of programs and services, requirements, 1870-1875, 3750, 3751
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Alzheimer’s disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, 249
By endorsement, requirements, fees, 3032, 3911, 3912, 3914
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Continuing education requirements, 2287
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Threats by patients, duties, 1551, 1552, 1817, 1818
"Treatment provider" for substance abusers under court order, definition, procedures, 746, 749-752, 754-758
"Certificate of incorporation," changed to "articles of incorporation,” 3234-3239
Constables, required identification when wearing uniform, 2518
Political campaign items, exemptions from certain disclosure laws, 399-401
School pupils, disciplinary action for wearing certain clothing or accessories restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, 2026, 2027
Electric generation facilities, emissions reduction and capacity replacement plans, requirements, 3654-3656
Advisory Board, abolished, 381
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2893
Common-interest communities, when licensure as or contract with agency required, 1334, 1335
Document preparation services, exemptions from registration as, 935, 936
Medical use of marijuana, discipline of licensees prohibited, 3108, 3109
Tax credits for employers matching employee contributions, deposits into Trust Fund, regulations, 2448-2453
Authorized expenditures, 2862
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2751
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Accounting method for gross revenue, requirements, 2894
Amount, determination, 2885-2889
Business categories
Changes in categories, restrictions, 2885
Multiple categories, treatment, 2884
Business tax, credit for portion of commerce tax paid, 2902
Deficiency determinations, 2898
Delinquent taxes, liability, 2899, 2955
Exemptions from tax, 2878, 2879
Failure to pay, penalty, 2898
Financial institutions, employee payroll tax, credit for portion of commerce tax paid, 2900
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, section references, 2882, 2883
Overpayments and refunds, 2895-2897
Passive entity, when business deemed to be, 2883
Payment date, application for extension of time, procedures, 2885
Records, maintenance, inspection, 2884
Remedies of State, 2896
Returns, time for filing, contents, 2885, 2955
Situsing of gross revenue, rules, 2888
Changing locks by landlord, notice requirements, 1015, 1016
Termination of lease, authority of tenant upon certain violations by landlord, 1016
Assessments, costs of collection of past due obligations enforceable as assessments, 1333
Business license, state, exemptions for nonprofit unit-owners’ associations, 1274-1276
Community managers, renewal of certificates, continuing education requirements, regulation, 1583-1585
Constructional defects, procedures, 11, 18, 21
Declarants, time for termination of control of association, 800
Development of land, agreements with local governing bodies, procedures, 310-319
Executive board members, election
Eligibility, requirements, 1927, 1928
Time for, 800
Fee for support of Ombudsman and Commission, increase, 2592
Foreclosure of liens
Financial institutions which are also mortgagees or beneficiaries of deed of trust, duties, 1339, 1340, 1348, 3333
Mediation Program
Notice that unit subject to foreclosure mediation, effect, 1338, 1339, 3333
Notice of default and election to sell
Copy of notice, delivery requirements, 1339, 1344, 1345
Failure to comply with requirements, foreclosure of lien by sale prohibited, 1338
Persons entitled to receive copy of notice, 1339, 1541
Requests for copy of notice, requirements, 1344, 1345
Waiver of default and withdrawal of notice, provisions repealed, 1344
Notice of delinquent assessments, prerequisites to mailing, 1338
Bona fide purchaser or bona fide encumbrancer for value, rights unaffected by noncompliance with laws, 1344
Certificates of sale, requirements, 1342
Notices, requirements, 1338-1340, 1344, 1345
Payments made by holder of security interest before date of sale, effect, 1340, 1341
Postponement or rescheduling of sale, 1341
Redemption of unit sold, procedures, effect of failure to redeem, 1342, 1343
Title vested in purchaser, 1342
Liens on units
Collection agency, licensure or contract with, when required, 1334, 1335
Collection costs, inclusion in lien, limitations on amount, 1333, 1334
Extinguishment, time for, 1335
Foreclosures (See Foreclosure of liens, this heading)
Payments by holder of lien or encumbrance subordinate to association’s lien, effect, 1336
Officers, eligibility, 1927, 1928
Fee for support of Ombudsman, increase, 2592
Foreclosure of liens by sale, receipt of copies of deeds, 1343
Property taxes, assessment of real property and assignment of taxable value of common elements, 1204-1207
Solicitation of bids for association projects, requirements, procedures, 2182, 2183
State flag, restrictions on display prohibited, 851, 852
Community managers, duties, 1583-1585
Condominium hotels, duties, 1216
Fee for support of Ombudsman and Commission, increase, 2592
Abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation of older person, duty to report, 2178, 2179
CPR, immunities for rendering care or assistance, 2177, 2178
Damage to property of older person, complaints, 2180
Definitions, 2172
Facilities for the dependent
Additional licensure of certain facilities as pool unnecessary, 2172
Inclusion of pools as facilities, 2172
Background investigations, applicability of laws, 2176
Denial, suspension or revocation, grounds, 2177
Expiration and renewal, 2175, 2176
Medical facilities, additional licensure unnecessary, 2172
Nursing, State Board of, reports to Board of violations by licensees or certificate holders, 2181
Unlicensed operation prohibited, 2172
Renewal of certificates, continuing education requirements, regulation, 1583-1585
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, division of property, 792
Domestic relations actions, authority to file postjudgment motion to adjudicate property, time limit for certain motions, 861
Cities, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Counties, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Redevelopment areas
Extraordinary expenses, special assessments, applicability of laws, 153
Recalculation of assessed value in tax distribution formula, 3143, 3144
Redevelopment plans
Henderson, extension of termination date, use of revenue, 3140, 3141, 3144
Las Vegas, extension of termination date, criteria, 3141
Traffic violations, penalties, 1561
Medical Licensure Compact, Interstate, ratification, contents, 1150-1164
Mental Health, Interstate Compact on, adoption, contents, 1030-1035
Resale of utility services, reports, 232
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Constructional defects actions, offers of judgment, 7-9
Repeal of law governing offers of judgment, 2569
Commerce tax, imposition on software and data processing businesses, calculation of amount, 2892
District court clerks
Domestic violence protection orders, forwarding of copy to law enforcement agency, 2565
Fee book and table of fees, requirements, 2563, 2564
Probation or suspension of sentence, duties, 2566
Gaming devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, 397
Information security professionals, exemption from private investigator laws, 3348, 3349
Internet (See INTERNET)
Intimate images, definition, immunity from liability, 2233, 2234
Justices of the peace, certain records authorized to be maintained by electronic means, 2552, 2553
Motor Vehicles, Department of, technology fee authorized, 2211
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices, 3080, 3081
Race books and sports pools, regulation of global risk management, 1822, 1823
Cyber-bullying (See generally SCHOOLS, PUBLIC — Safe and respectful learning environment)
End-of-course examinations, electronic distribution of informational pamphlets, 2099
Nevada Ready 21 Technology grant program, funding, 3745
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, 1850-1854
Search warrants, electronic submissions and issuance, 2487, 2488
Supreme Court Clerk, fee book, duties, 2550
Telehealth, regulation, insurance coverage, 619-648
Transportation network companies (See TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES)
General appropriations, 3676
Emergency medical services, requirements, exemption, 521-523
Assessments for common expenses, requirements, 1238
Bylaws, requirements, 1222, 1228
Common elements, liability for injury arising out of condition or use, 1236
Damage to unit or other part of condominium hotel, liability, 1238
Declarant’s control over association, termination, 1226
Conflict with bylaws, prevailing document, 1218
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, effect of laws, 1216
Enforcement of right or obligation by judicial proceeding, provision repealed, 1218
Executive boards
Books, records and other papers, duties, penalty for violations, 1242, 1243
Budgets, duty to adopt, 1224
Conflicts of interest, applicability of rules, 1223
Indemnification and defense of members, provisions removed, 1227
Meetings, notices, 1215, 1216, 1231
Quorum, 1233
Removal of members, procedures, 1227, 1229
Vacancies, filling, 1223
Fines for violations, notice of schedule to be provided to units’ owners, 1224, 1230
Leasehold condominium hotels, contents of declaration, 1219
Liens against units for assessments, priority, 1239
Notices, requirements, 1215, 1216, 1229, 1231
Ombudsman, duties, receipt of information, 1243, 1252, 1253
Protection of purchasers
Escrow of deposits, 1251
Public offering statements, requirements, 1244, 1245, 1248
Resales of units, requirements, 1246-1248
Statement of budget’s assumptions, requirements, 1245
Receiver, appointment during certain civil actions, duties, 1239
Remedies, procedures, 1218
Shared components, prohibition on use, 1228
Subdivision of residential units, 1220, 1221
Supplemental general principles of law, applicability, 1217
Unit-owners’ associations
Arbitration, authority, 1222
Budgets, duty to adopt, 1222
Deposits or investments, requirements, regulation, 1216
Insurance, general requirements, 1236, 1237
Liens against association, 1242
Mediation, authority, 1222
Meetings of units’ owners
Parliamentary authority, 1234
Quorum, 1233
Officers, duties, conflicts of interest, 1223, 1224
Organization, powers, 1222
Voting by units’ owners, 1234-1236
Violations, award of punitive damages, 1252
Justice courts, procedures, 1368, 1369
Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older person or vulnerable person, name of person reporting to be redacted from records, 811
Businesses, information submitted for licensing purposes, 2657, 3359, 3360
Chiropractors and assistants, competency examinations, certain information not privileged, 508
Commerce tax, certain information obtained by Department of Taxation, 2884
Commercial feed licensees, reports to State Department of Agriculture, 2470
County hospital boards, records of certain closed meetings, 1270
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of provisions, 241, 242
Deceptive trade practices, intelligence and information obtained during course of investigations, 3651
Economic Development, Office of, records of Office and of nonprofit corporation formed by Office, 702, 703
Epilepsy, persons with, information regarding ability to safely operate motor vehicle, 1457, 1460
Ethics, Commission on, certain information held by, 919, 920, 925, 926
Family trust companies, documents and communications, 1209, 1210
Gaming Commission or Control Board, communications to, 1487
Health information exchanges, records of, 1040-1043
Insurance companies, requirements, authorized disclosures, 3391, 3392, 3397-3399, 3414, 3415, 3488, 3490
Judicial Discipline, Commission on, certain proceedings and information, 951-953
Juvenile justice information, requirements, 1495-1497, 1500, 1501
Legislative Counsel Bureau, work produced, 3192, 3193
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, certain information, 2142
Next-of-Kin Registry, 436
Open Meeting Law, complaints regarding violations, certain documents, 1061
Competency examinations, certain information not privileged, 496, 504
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, complaints or disciplinary information, 1155
Knowing disclosure of privileged communication, effect, 494, 500
Private professional guardians, information submitted to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 2358, 2361
Privileged communications, exceptions, 496, 504, 508, 1458, 1804, 1805
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, prohibited acts, 3109
Public money, reports of abuse, fraud or waste by public agency or contractor, 164-167
Public works contracts, documents submitted by certain persons seeking, 452, 453, 457
Crisis or emergency management and response plans, 202
Safe-to-Tell Program, information provided through, 3071
Substance abuse treatment providers, records, 749
Transportation network companies, requirements, 1386, 1406, 1408, 1413
Voter registration, electronic mail addresses, 2641, 3163, 3164
Air Quality, Account for the Management of, use, 2206
Authorized expenditures, 2862, 2863, 2868
Businesses, coordination of collection of information from, provision repealed, 2676, 3375
Conservation Commission, State, distribution of grants to conservation districts, 84
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, creation, part of Department, 70, 76
Deputy Directors, appointment, 2002, 2003
Stewart Indian School, Account for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the, duties, 699
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, appointment of members, 2136
Environmental Commission, State
Authorized expenditures, 2862
Engine emission control regulations, certain duties repealed, 78, 79
Environmental Protection, Division of
Electric generating plants, remediation, duties, 2215, 2216
Petroleum and petrochemical discharges, duties, 2422, 3603
Renewable energy facilities, remediation, duties, 2215, 2216
Transportation, Department of, cooperation, 2134
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, representation, duties, 2136
Fire suppression, temporary advances of money, 3689
Forestry conservation camps, appropriation, 2453
Forestry, Division of
Employee retirement buyouts and terminal leave payments, appropriation, 2688
Equipment and vehicles, appropriation, 2453
Forester Firewarden, State
Authority to prohibit or restrict activity on land under jurisdiction, duties, penalty for violations, 2224, 2225
Fire protection districts, formation for purposes of securing federal aid, provisions repealed, 2231
Persons causing certain fires, authority to charge or remit expenses of extinguishment, 2225, 2229
Rangeland fire protection associations, duties, 1996-2000
General appropriations, 3675, 3676
Historic Preservation, Office of, duties regarding Stewart Indian School, 699
Old Nevada State Prison, designation and assignment of historic and modern structures, duties, 867, 868, 871
Public schools, consultations regarding cleaning products, duties repealed, 2084
Recycling of paper by courts, duty removed, 2548
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2750
State Lands, Division of
Fire protection districts, transfer of certain lands, 2230, 2231
Mineral County, transfer of certain land to, 302
Old Nevada State Prison, duties, 867, 868
Stewart Indian School, repair and maintenance of buildings, duties, 699, 700
State Parks, Division of
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, duties, 561
Motor vehicle fuel tax, receipt of allocations, 2868
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 563, 564
Water Resources Planning and Development, Advisory Board on, abolished, 381
Authorized expenditures, 2860, 2861, 2863
Capital improvements legislation, 3942
Equipment and vehicles, appropriation, 2453
General appropriations, 3675, 3676
Grants to conservation districts, distribution, 84
Federal agencies, cooperation, definitions, 1984
Grants from State Conservation Commission, receipt, 84
Legislative declarations and determinations, 1982, 1984
Parcel fee, imposition on voter approval, 1982-1984
Renewable resources programs, funding, 1984
Supervisors, service as directors of certain weed control districts, 1986, 1987
Judicial retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2733
Legislator retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2736, 2737
Public employee retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2723
Abolition of office in certain counties, 2516
Certification as peace officer, requirements, 2516, 2517
Clerks, appointment, compensation, 2517
Credit cards, debit cards or electronic transfers of money, authority, payment of convenience fees, 2515, 2516
Citations for nonregistered vehicles, authority regarding fee, 2518
Establishment by ordinance, authority of county commissioners, 2520
Increase of certain fees, 2519, 2520
Firearms, authority to carry
Foster homes, on premises of or in presence of foster child, duties, 3644
Restrictions, training requirements, 2518
Jails, certain duties removed, 2521
Powers and duties as peace officer, 2517, 2518, 2521, 2522
Process, writs or orders, duties, liability, fees, 2514, 2515, 2518, 2519
Sale of property under execution, fees for posting of notices, 2520
Summary proceedings for obtaining possession of real property, recreational vehicle or mobile home, procedures, duties, 3114, 3115, 3123, 3124
Traffic accidents, duties repealed, 2524
Uniforms, requirements when wearing, 2518
Warrants, duties, fees, 2518, 2520
Free speech, rights of school pupils, complaint procedure, 969
Religion, rights of public school pupils, remedies, 969
Second Amendment
School pupils, disciplinary action for wearing certain clothing or accessories restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, 2026, 2027
Special license plates supporting rights, issuance, 1939-1941, 1947
Free speech, rights of school pupils, complaint procedure, 969
Religion, rights of public school pupils, remedies, 969
Right to keep and bear arms, disciplinary action against school pupils for wearing certain clothing or accessories restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, 2026, 2027
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens’ Commission on, creation, duties, 4078-4081
Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, appointments, 4078, 4079
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
Hunting, fishing and trapping, recognition of rights, use to manage wildlife, 4024, 4025
Property tax
Base value of property, determination, 4082, 4083
Limit on total levy on property, 4082
Public revenue, requirements for passage of petition to generate, 4068-4072
Salaries of certain elected officers, increase during term authorized, 4079
Victims of crime, expansion of bill of rights, 4073-4075
Safety training completion cards, expiration and renewal, 3657
Transportation to work site provided by employer, driver exempt from certain requirements, 782
Attorney’s fees, award, restrictions, 5, 8
Damages, requirements for recovery, 16
Homeowner’s warranty, effect, 16
Homeowners’ associations, procedures, 11, 18, 21
Indemnification of controlling party by subcontractor, 4, 5
Inspection of defects, requirements, 12, 13
Notice of constructional defect, requirements, 5, 10, 11, 16
Offers of judgment, procedures, sanctions, 7-9
Repairs, time for completion, 14, 15
Statutes of limitation or repose, requirements, tolling, 16, 17, 21
Wrap-up insurance policies and consolidated insurance programs, effect, 5-7
Antifreeze, duties, 3640, 3641
Point-of-sale systems and cash registers, duties, 3621, 3622
Foster children, age for examination of reports by agencies providing child welfare services, 854
Gaming employees, authority of reporting agencies, 2719
Agricultural products, civil penalties for violations, 371
Shellfish containers, violations, 3608
Illegal lockout from dwelling, violation of writ of restitution, 3117
Safe-to-Tell Program, unlawful disclosures, 3072
Administrative and criminal fines, 391, 393
Advertisements, requirements, prohibited acts, 391
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2890
Consolidated insurance programs, requirements for, 2611-2614
Disciplinary action
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Financial responsibility of licensee or applicant, requirements, 2006
Good character of applicants or licensees, requirements, 2007
Independent contractors (See INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS)
Natural person qualifying for licensure on behalf of another, requirements, applicability of laws, 2005-2008
Omission of material fact in information to Board, prohibition, 390
Prime contractors
Health or welfare fund, provision of certain notices by contractors, 1933
Liability for labor costs of subcontractor, exceptions, 1931, 1932
Recovery of wages or benefits due employee of subcontractor, limitation of actions, 1932
Retention amounts, withholding, 2623
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members by homebuilders’ associations, 2445
Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, 2009
Retention amounts
Higher-tiered contractors, withholding, 2626
Prime contractors, withholding, payment, 2623
Public works, withholding of retainage, continuation of retainage laws, 2621, 2622, 2628
State Contractors’ Board
Advisory committee on insulation licensing classification, mandate removed, 2004
Public works, temporary disqualification of contractor, receipt of notice, 2720
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Transportational Storm Water Management, Advisory Committee on, representation, 2136
Works of improvement, temporary certificate of occupancy provided to owner authorized, 2625
Charter School Authority, State Public, authority to enter certain contracts, 3273
Cities, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Commercial fertilizers, reporting and payment of fees, 3637
Community reentry programs, provision of services, requirements, 1005, 1006
Constructional defects
Certain insurance policies or consolidated insurance programs, 5
Corporations, circumstances when contract not void or voidable, 3221, 3222
Corrections, Department of, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices by offenders, 3080, 3081
Counties, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Emergency response, certain persons exempt from state business license requirements, 1415
Escrow agents and agencies, grounds for voiding by other party, 2796
Gestational agreements, issuance of birth certificates, 780
Legal services provided state agencies by private attorneys, requirements, 333-338
Medical discount plans, contracts with dentists, requirements, 2438, 2439
Risk retention groups, service provider contracts, 3505, 3506
School police officers, provision of services to charter schools, 1734, 1735, 1738, 1739
School pupils
Disclosure of information pertaining to, required provisions, 2974
Education savings accounts, establishment, procedures, 1826-1831
Industrial insurance, amount of substance that certain health care providers may dispense, 1134
Misuse and abuse of substances, training requirements, penalties, 116-118, 120, 122-124
Prescription drug monitoring, duty to upload information to database, 115
Telehealth, requirements, 628
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, contents, 110-114
Medical students, administration and possession, authority, 1532, 1533
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Trafficking, prohibited acts, 3089
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts by drivers, duties of companies, 1385, 1407, 1408, 1413
Spendthrift trusts, limitation on applicability of Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, 1423
Agriculture, State Department of, authority, 2474
Business taxes and fees, coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, 2676, 3375
Conservation districts and weed control districts, authority, 1986, 1987
Employment Security Division, provision of information to Director of Department and Board of Regents, 2706
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority, 3092
Rangeland fire protection, authority, 1996-2000
Rehabilitation Division and Aging and Disability Services Division, 2222
School districts, consolidation, procedures, 3844
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Next-of-Kin Registry, access, immunities, 434-436
Annual list
Business identification number, assignment, 1322, 2661, 3364
"Certificate of incorporation," changed to "articles of incorporation,” 3233, 3234
Combinations with interested stockholders, requirements, 3230, 3231
Commerce tax, imposition, 2878-2899
Contracts or other transactions, circumstances when not void or voidable, 3221, 3222
Conversion or exchange, contents of articles filed with Secretary of State, 1319, 1320
Foreign corporations
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, 2674, 3372
Private professional guardian businesses, name, 2353
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, 1283
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, 1281-1284
Surrender of right to transact business following revocation of right, 1281
Contents of articles filed with Secretary of State, 1319, 1320
Duties of surviving entity, liability for obligations of constituent entity, 3242-3244
Officers to be designated by corporation, requirements, 3220
Private professional guardians (See PRIVATE PROFESSIONAL GUARDIANS)
Ratification or validation of corporate act, procedures, 3217-3219
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, 1279, 1280
Revocation of charter, dissolution procedures following, 1279
Certificate of change, effect, 3226
Certificate of designation, contents and effect, 3223-3228
Commerce tax, applicability, 2906, 2907
Consideration for shares, use of formula authorized, 3226
Issued shares deemed outstanding shares, exception, 3226
Shares of same class or series, requirements, 3222
Stock ledgers
Maintenance, requirements, 1279, 1280
Revision, 3219
Combinations with interested stockholders, requirements, 3230, 3231
Postponement, procedures, effect, 3228, 3230
Remote communication, holding by, 3227
Rights of stockholders, 3222
Contractor’s license, natural person qualifying on behalf of another, requirements, 2005-2008
Business identification number, assignment, 1322, 2661, 3364
Commerce tax, exemption, 2878, 2879
Default, provision repealed, 1322
Initial and annual list, fee, 2910
Authorized expenditures, 2860, 2861
Firearms, authority to carry in presence of foster child or on premises of certain foster homes, duties, 3644
General appropriations, 3674, 3675
Old Nevada State Prison, designation and assignment of historic and modern structures, duties, 867-871
Prison Industries, Fund for New Construction of Facilities for, use, duties, 398, 399
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, 1995
Protective services positions, appropriation, 3685
Silver State Industries Division
Old Nevada State Prison, use and upkeep of modern structures, 868
Silver State Industries Endowment Fund, creation, administration, 868
Supplemental appropriation, 1369, 1452
Telecommunications devices, access by offenders, duties, 3080, 3081
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 2750, 2755
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 564
Address changes, duties of licensees, 603
Advertisements, unlawful acts, penalties, 591, 600, 613
Apprentices, registration, training and practice, 588-590, 594, 598-602, 613
Barbers, requirements for licensure as cosmetologist or hair designer, 595
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Cosmetics retailers, exemption from cosmetology laws, 614
Definitions, 587, 588, 591, 592
Devices, regulation, restrictions on location of devices banned by Board, 592, 593
Disciplinary action
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Makeup artists practicing in, registration requirements, regulation, 2393-2398
Practice of cosmetology and threading, authority, 609
Service animals, requirements, 614, 615
Supervision, 609
Hair braiders, regulation, 597, 598, 602, 609, 610
Aestheticians, qualifications, 596
Applications, requirements, 597, 598, 606
Armed Forces members, extension of time to renew, 605
Cosmetologists, qualifications, 595
Hair braiders, qualifications, applications, 597, 598, 602
Hair designers, qualifications, 595
Limited licenses, practice at resort hotels, 603, 604
Nail technologists, qualifications, 596
Out-of-state licensees, repeal of certain provisions, 2396
Period of licensure, options, fees, 604-606
Schools of cosmetology, 610, 611
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
Massage therapy laws, exemptions, 586, 587, 2184
Nail technologists
Barbershops, requirements for persons practicing in, 592
Definitions, 588
Massage therapy licensing laws, exemption from, 2184
Qualifications for examination, 596
Schools of cosmetology
Commencement of operations, qualifications, regulations, 610, 611
Commerce tax, imposition, calculation of amount, 2893
Curriculum, requirements, 611, 612
License fees, 605
Qualifications, 611
Shampoo technologists
Applications for registration, 598
Certificate of registration
Address changes, duties, 603
Issuance, 602
Definitions, 588
Disciplinary action, grounds, 612, 613
Examinations for registration, 590, 591, 598, 602
State Board of Cosmetology
Apprentices, regulations, 601
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Fees, deposit, 593
Makeup artists, regulation, 2394
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Records, duties, 593
Schools, regulations, 611
Threading facilities, regulation, 607
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Authority to practice in establishment, 609
Facilities, inspection, 592, 607
Registration, fee, 607
Sanitary regulations, receipt by licensees, 593
Medical marijuana registry identification cards or letters of approval, unlawful acts, 3085
Agricultural commodities destroyed pursuant to intrastate quarantine, indemnification by county, provisions repealed, 3642
Businesses, coordination of forms and collection of information, provision repealed, 2676, 3375
Carson City (See CARSON CITY)
Disabilities, persons with (See also DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH)
Authorization letters issued for special license plates, placards and stickers, requirements, 479
Drones, operation by public agency, requirements, 1776, 1777
Eminent domain, prohibited acts related to mortgages and deeds of trust, 801
Energy conservation standards for buildings, prohibited regulation, 2148
Exercise of powers by county commissioners, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Family resource centers, development of action plans, input, 978
Film production, abatement of fees, continuation, 1107, 1108
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Agricultural districts, funding limitation increased, 3582
Budgets, time for hearings on tentative budgets, 223
Catalyst Account, grants or loans from, 2482, 2483
Claims for money owed by county, time to demand payment, 1149
Conservation districts, support, 1982-1984
Deposit of county money in financial institution, agreements, requirements, 343, 344
Fuel taxes, authority to impose additional taxes, 2041-2068
Concealed firearms, regulatory authority removed, 1785, 1808
Regulatory authority reserved to Legislature, 1784-1787, 1808-1810
Graffiti, regulatory authority, 2111
HIV, counseling of persons testing positive, duties, 848
Internet networks, study of peering, 1177, 1178
Investments, obligations of local governments, 3209, 3210
Acceptance of grant of right-of-way, permit, lease or patent over certain land, authority, 301
Commercial activity on public lands, Congress urged to share federal receipts with counties, 4060, 4061
Development, agreements with certain persons for, procedures, 310-319
Lincoln, contingent receipt of certain public lands sale proceeds, 4059
Local improvements (See LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS)
Medical marijuana establishments (See MEDICAL MARIJUANA)
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, 287-291
Officers and employees (See also PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; specific officers)
Longevity pay for elected officers, election not to receive, authority, 141
Salary increase for elected officers, 3246-3249
Severe financial emergency, effect of failure to comply with requests by Department of Taxation, 734
Pedestrian safety zones, designation, 1561
Protective services, offices for, reports of abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, duties, 806-808, 812, 813
Public utility infrastructure, prohibited acts by county, requests by county for information restricted, 3662
Rental cars, exemption of counties from governmental services fee, 3357
Retail merchandise, affidavit of applicant to sell, repeal, 2676, 3375
Rights-of-way, use of fuel tax proceeds for construction and upkeep, 527-534
State and Local Government Cooperation Act, enactment, 1124, 1125
Transportation network companies, regulation restricted, 1387, 1409, 1413
Traps and snares, exemption from certain regulatory requirements, 3062, 3063
Water projects, financing, authority to create tax increment area, 3198-3210
White Pine, contingent receipt of certain public lands sale proceeds, 4059
Wineries, location for engaging in certain activities, restriction repealed, 552
Increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, 3246-3249
Procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
Data centers and colocated businesses, tax abatements, receipt of reports, 3049
Property tax rolls, duties, 2711-2716
Collective bargaining by local governments, deposit of proposed agreements with clerk, 329
Increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, 3246-3249
Procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
District courts, duties as clerk of court, certain penalties repealed, 2556-2564, 2566, 2569
Elections (See ELECTIONS)
Foreign business entities, authority regarding certificate of fictitious name, 2674, 3372
Telephone systems owned by county, sale or lease, duties repealed, 107, 108
Wedding services, display of informational brochures at offices, 2629
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, 3188
Clark County
Marriage licenses, authority to impose additional fee, deposit and use, 2629, 2630
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, duties, 549
Reorganization of school district into precincts, procedures, 3847-3850
Town advisory boards, appointment in certain circumstances, 41
Authority to set repealed, salary for members through 2018-2019 Fiscal Year, 3249
Procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
Conservation districts, duties, 1982-1984, 1986, 1987
Abolishment of office in certain counties, 2516
Clerks for constables, appointment authorized, 2517
Fees, establishment, 2520
Exercise of powers, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Fire protection districts, merger, duties, 179
Highways, receipt of proposed work programs, 193
Insured deposit accounts, duties, 345
Intoxicating liquor licenses, certain duties transferred, 65-69
Jurors, selection duties repealed, 2554, 2555, 2569
Property tax rolls, duties, 2711-2716
Public administrators, duties, 1913, 1914
Rangeland fire protection associations, creation, duties, 1996-1998
Recycling of paper by courts, certain duty removed, 2548
Clark County School District, reorganization into precincts, procedures, 3847-3850
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, 2444
Taxation, procedures for imposition of additional taxes, 2445-2447
Security guards, certain vehicles operated by, regulation, 214
Telephone systems owned by county, proceedings to sell or lease, 106-108
Washoe County
Districts for promotion of tourism, duties, 466
Fair and recreation board, duties regarding, 407, 408
Weed control districts, duties, 1986, 1987
Additional taxes on voter approval, authority to impose, 2048-2050
Distribution and use of proceeds
Evaluation and approval of certain projects, 2063
Highway construction, maintenance and repair, deposit and use of certain taxes, 2041, 2065
Interstate users, requests for reimbursements, 48, 49
New or expanded services or facilities, closed meetings to discuss, status of records, 1270
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
Salary, increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, 3246-3249
Increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, 3246-3249
Procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
County money, deposit, duties, 343, 346
Data centers and colocated businesses, tax abatements
Documents related to, receipt, 3044, 3045
Repayment of abatement if business ceases to operate or qualify, duties, 3045
Improvement districts, collection of unpaid assessments, 157
Justices of the peace, time for paying certain money to treasurer, 2551, 2552, 2566
Sheep Inspection Account, State, duties removed, 3610, 3611
Specialty court program fee, continuation, 2955
Bail, duties and receipt of certain orders repealed, 2567-2569
Foreclosure Mediation, Account for, requests for allocations, 3334
Justices of the peace, docket and other records, duties repealed, 2554
Medical malpractice, certain reporting requirements repealed, 2776-2778
Recycling of paper and other materials, duties repealed, 2548
Security services provided by Capitol Police, obsolete language removed, 33, 34
Specialty court programs, funding, duties, reports, 2759, 2760, 2955
Statistical information received from lower courts, requirements, 2550, 2553, 2554
Constructional defects actions, 5, 8
Court reporters, amount of hourly compensation for reporting civil matters, 402
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, liability for noncompliance with recording requirements, 475
Divorce proceedings, additional fees, 1370, 1976
Domestic partnership, termination of, fees, 1370
Justice courts (See JUSTICES OF THE PEACE)
Lien or encumbrance fraudulently filed against property of certain persons, remedies, 1358
Public works negligence actions, award of costs and fees, 784, 785
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, 2955
Table of fees, posting by district court, 2563
Sparks Municipal Court, appointment, 189
Certified Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
District court services, compensation, 401, 402
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Appeals, Court of (See APPEALS, COURT OF)
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, 888
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, judicial notice, 1161
Immunities for rendering care or assistance, 2167, 2177, 2178
Authorized acts, 884
Business practices, actions for damages authorized, 883
Acidified foods, production, registration requirements, 1259-1261
Definitions, 1258
Exemption from regulation as food establishment, 1257-1259
Constables, authority, payment of convenience fees, 2515, 2516
State officers and employees, payroll offsets authorized to recover delinquent balances on state-issued travel charge cards, 449
City money, deposit, requirements, 346
Commerce tax, exemption, 2878, 2879
Condominium hotels, deposits and investments, requirements, regulation, 1216
County money, deposit, requirements, 343, 344
Foreclosures, duties of mortgagee or beneficiary of deed of trust to provide certain notice to Division, 1348, 3333, 3334
Distribution of small estates, procedures, 3530-3532
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Crematory operators
Disciplinary action
Grounds, 1962
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Application, 1952
Child support violations, suspension, 1965
Period of validity, renewal, 1954
Qualifications, investigation, 1959
Unprofessional conduct, 1962, 1963
Direct cremation facilities
Advertising, requirements and restrictions, 1961, 1962, 1964
Commission or gratuity unlawful, penalty, 1966
Definition, 1950
Disciplinary action, grounds, 1962
Fines for violations, 1966
Guide to services, publication by Board, 1953
Name, requirements, prohibited acts, 1961, 1962, 1964
Child support violations, suspension, 1965
Contents, 1962
Display, 1961
Investigations, 1959
Period of validity, 1954
Petition to revoke or suspend, filing, orders, 1964
Sanitation, requirements, 1961
Records, duties, 1970
Unlicensed operation prohibited, 1950
Unprofessional conduct, 1962, 1963
Funeral arrangers (See FUNERAL ARRANGERS)
Funeral directors and establishments, applicability of provisions, 1951
Internet sales, prohibited acts, 1950
Orders for cremation, priorities, procedures, 1966-1970, 1972
OSHA requirements, compliance mandated, 1952
Unclaimed human remains of veterans, disposition, immunities, 568, 569
Vital statistics violations, order to desist, 1965
CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS (See also specific crimes)
Agricultural products, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 373
Aircraft, dropping objects from, 1778
Alfalfa seeds, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 373
Animals, diseased, violations, 3608
Antifreeze, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3641
BASE jumping, prohibited acts, penalty, 1528
Battery with intent to commit sexual assault, 2237
Bees and apiaries, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3583, 3642
Burning, blasting or use of fireworks without permit, 2225, 2226
Cancer reporting, removal of criminal penalty for violations, 386
Carcasses, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3624
Child welfare services information, unlawful release, 1500, 1501
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited ads, 2015, 2016
Age at which child liable to punishment, 787
Alcohol violations by minors, exemption from criminal penalties if emergency medical assistance requested, 1450, 1451
Custody, unlawful relocation by certain parents, 2590, 2591
Indecent or obscene exposure in presence of, 2240, 2241
Lewdness with a child, 2241
Open or gross lewdness in presence of, 2240
Statutory sexual seduction, 2235, 2236
Trafficking in children, 2017
Commercial feed, unlawful acts, 2468, 2472-2474
Community paramedicine services, unlawful acts, 652, 653
Conservation district supervisors directing weed control district, violations, 1988
Construction materials or goods used on public works, violations, 2375
Controlled substances
Concentrated cannabis, prohibited acts, 3089, 3090
Trafficking, prohibited acts, 3089
Direct cremation facilities, unlawful commissions or gratuities, 1966
Disturbing the peace, prohibited acts, 428
Drones, unlawful acts, 1773, 1774, 1778
Eggs, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3626
Emergency, use of certain telephone lines to make false report, 1013, 1014
Escrow agents and agencies, violations, 2797
Fertilizers, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3638
Fish, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3623
Forester Firewarden, State, prohibitions or restrictions of activity on land under jurisdiction, violations, 2225
Fruit, unlawful sales, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3625
Funeral arrangers, unlawful commissions or gratuities, 1966
Graffiti, enhanced penalty for repeat offenses, 1008
Health care records, violations by custodians, 1709
Horse meat sales, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3624
Incompetent criminal defendants, crimes for which commitment after dismissal of charges may be sought, 1353
Indecent or obscene exposure, certain acts, 2240, 2241
Intimate images, unlawful dissemination or sale, 2234
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices, prohibited acts, 982
Juvenile justice information, unlawful release, 1497
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, 1357
Local governments under severe financial emergency, failure to comply with requests by Department of Taxation, 734
False advertising, 3628
Removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3624
Medical marijuana
Documents, unlawful acts, 3085
Mopeds, violations, 1767
Notarial acts, authentication of signatures, prohibited acts, penalties, 933
Employers, prohibited acts, 931, 932
"Licenciado," unlawful use of term, 2616, 2618
Noxious weeds, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3590
Open or gross lewdness, 2240
Pest control, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3587
Pesticides, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3636
Poultry, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3625
Powdered alcohol, unlawful acts, 1450
Sexual abuse of a prisoner, 897, 898
Unauthorized custodial conduct, 897, 898
Private professional guardians, violations, 2362
Produce, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3625
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, violations, 3585
Race book or sports pool wagers placed by business entities, unlawful acts, 1820, 1821
Real property
Unlawful occupancy, 3137
Unlawful reentry, 3137
Rodent control districts, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3592
Disturbing the peace, prohibited acts, 428
Safe-to-Tell Program, unlawful acts, 3072
Shellfish containers, violations, 3608
Transportation excise tax, violations, 2606, 2608
Vegetable sales, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3625
Wagering, prohibited acts, penalty, 2420, 2421
Weed control districts, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3591
Wellness service providers, violations, 2342
Firearms, sale or transfer to known members prohibited, penalty, 1807
Central Repository
Authorized expenditures, 2862
General appropriations, 3676
Investigations by, information required as prerequisite, regulations, 844, 845
Disposition of criminal cases, submission of certain information to Central Repository, time limit for, 1799
Employers, establishment of name-based search services, 704, 705
Federal Bureau of Investigation, requests for information from, procedures, 842, 843
Firearms transfers, fee for conducting background check prohibited, requests for allocations from Contingency Account, 1806
Gaming employees, authority of consumer reporting agencies, 2719
Insurance Commissioner, authority to inspect sealed records, 3510, 3511
Mental health information
National Crime Information Center, submission of information reported by courts, requirements, 1802-1804
Time for transmittal to Central Repository, 1796-1798, 1805, 1816
Use of records, restrictions, 1803
Older Persons, Repository for Information Concerning Crimes Against, records, reports, 826
Social Works, Board of Examiners for, dissemination of records to, 3863
Drones, images captured by, restrictions on use, 1775, 1776
Prescription drugs, access to computerized tracking program, limitations, duties, penalties, 1557
Alcoholics, examination, assignment to treatment provider, authority to complete treatment in another jurisdiction, 745
Attorney’s fees and litigation expenses, recovery by prevailing party in certain criminal actions, procedures, limitations, 538, 539
Defendants found incompetent
Conditional release, criteria, 1354
Crimes for which commitment after dismissal of charges may be sought, 1353
Time for transmittal of records to Central Repository, 1796-1798
Disposition of case, time for submission of information to Central Repository, 1799
Drones, prohibited acts, restrictions on use of images captured by, 1775, 1776
Drug addicts, examination, assignment to treatment provider, authority to complete treatment in another jurisdiction, 743, 745
Evidence (See EVIDENCE)
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, immunities from prosecution, 111, 113
Grand juries (See GRAND JURIES)
Medical assistance for overdose, person seeking, immunities from criminal liability, 113, 114
Medical marijuana
Affirmative defense to certain criminal charges, 3101
Exemptions from prosecution, 3091, 3092, 3111
Next-of-Kin Registry, access or use of information, immunities, 436
Opioid antagonists, immunity from criminal liability for certain actions, 111
Preliminary examinations (See PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS)
Schools, information provided to Safe-to-Tell Program, defendant’s right to compel disclosure, procedures, 3072
Sentencing (See SENTENCING)
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for certain crimes, 786
Sexual assault, limitation on time to commence action extended, 583
Sexual offenses, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, prohibited acts, exclusion of testimony, 2244, 2245
Solicitation of charitable contributions, violations, 2253
State highways, unlawful discharges onto, 2134
Victims of crime, constitutional amendment to expand rights, 4073, 4074
Administrative services, per diem allowances and travel expenses, funding for payments limited, 139, 140
Repealed, Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation deemed successor entity, 77, 78
Chair, election, filling of vacancy, 71
Creation, 70
Fund for the Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Affairs, creation, duties, 71-73
Meetings, quorum, 71
Per diem allowances and travel expenses, payment, 71
Plan for preservation and promotion of Nevada’s cultural resources, duties, 71, 78
Program for awarding financial assistance, duties, 71, 72
Successor entity to Commission for Cultural Affairs, deemed, 77
Authorized expenditures, 2861
Alcoholic beverages, injuries caused by business practices, remedies, 883
Condominium hotels, award of punitive damages, 1252
Constructional defects actions, requirements, 16
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, liability for noncompliance with recording requirements, 475
Drones, actions for trespass, 1774
Escrow agents and agencies, unlicensed practice, 2796
Firearms laws, persons adversely affected by enforcement of local laws, 1785, 1788, 1790, 1809, 1811, 1814
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, 3119
Garnishment of wages for debts owed to state agencies, prohibited acts by employers, remedies, 133
Graffiti violations, remedies of governmental entities, 2110
Lien or encumbrance fraudulently filed against property of certain persons, remedies, 1357, 1358
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, 2978
Professional negligence, limitation on amount of noneconomic damages, 2526
Attorney General, enforcement authority extended, 3653
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Live entertainment tax, actions included or excluded as live entertainment, 3764, 3765
Medical students, administration and possession, authority, 1534, 1535
Prescriptions generally (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Tax abatements for centers and colocated businesses, eligibility, duration and percentage, 3041-3059
Security of personal information, applicability of provisions, 241, 242
Congress urged to allow states to establish year-round, 4056
Burial or cremation of human remains, authority to order, priority, 1966-1968, 1970, 1972
Unclaimed human remains of veterans, disposition, immunities, 568, 569
Interpreters to assist state agencies in providing access, requirements, 888
Telecommunication devices, establishment of centers to provide certain services, funding, 888
Candidates for office, counting of votes for, death occurring after certain time, 3577
Diabetes, self-medication by school pupils, immunities, 525
Drug overdose fatalities, duties of Department of Health and Human Services, 112
Judge killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, 2732, 2733
Legislator killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, 2737-2740
Life tenancy, termination of interest of tenant, 3521
Medical waste at schools, immunities, 525
Next-of-Kin Registry, establishment, 429-447
Police officer or firefighter killed in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, 2724, 2725
Public employee killed in course of employment, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, 2724, 2725
Supreme Court, time for rendering opinion on appeal repealed, 2569
Constables, authority, payment of convenience fees, 2515, 2516
Wills, validity established during lifetime of person making will, effect, 3527
Agreement for deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, recording requirements, effect of noncompliance, 475
Beneficiary, authority to substitute as trustee for purpose of reconveyance, 1613
Deficiency judgments, acquisition of right by third party, limitation on amount of money judgment, 581, 582
Eminent domain, taking of deed or note, prohibited acts, 801
Home equity loans secured by, procedures to terminate line of credit, 1610-1612
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in civil actions, 582
Trustees, authority to file declaration of nonmonetary status in certain actions, procedures, 1612
Committee, authorized expenditures, 2865
Executive Officer, salary, 2743
License suspension or revocation, grounds, 2934
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, contents, 1143-1145
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Assessments for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, 2845
Dental care services also covered by health insurance policy, prohibited acts, requirements, 2120
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2833, 2836, 2837
Telehealth, coverage requirements, 645, 646
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, 3469, 3470
Continuing education, duties, 117
Evidence in disciplinary proceedings, standard of proof, 712-719
Prescription drugs, computerized tracking program, access to and use of information, 1558
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Secretary-Treasurer, duties, 3875
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Employment status, duties, 2476, 2477
Salary, 2744
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Disciplinary action
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Standard of proof for evidence, 712-719
Applications, procedures, 3875
Clinical examinations, requirements, 3876, 3877
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
State Public Health Dental Hygienist
Salary, 2744
Status, duties, 2477
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Claims for payments for certain services, procedures when covered by multiple insurers, 2120
Controlled substances (See also CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES)
Misuse and abuse, training requirements, penalty for violation, 117, 118
Disciplinary action
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Standard of proof for evidence, 712-719
Inspection of facilities, fees, 3878
Insurance, arbitration of disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, 195-198
Alzheimer’s disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, 249
Applications, procedures, 3875
Clinical examination, requirements, 3875
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
Medical discount plans, contracts with, requirements, 2438, 2439
"Minimal sedation" and "moderate sedation," definitions, regulation, 3874-3878
Prescriptions (See also PRESCRIPTIONS)
Computerized tracking program, violations deemed unprofessional conduct, 1171
Privileged communications, exceptions, 1805
Senior Institutional Dentists, salary, 2752
State Dental Health Officer
Salary, 2744
WICHE Health Care Access Program, support fees, requirements, 1507, 1508
Authorized expenditures, 2858
General appropriations, 3672, 3687
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
By endorsement, requirements, fees, 3039, 3040, 3920, 3921
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Facilities certification, duties of Division, 306
Suicide prevention and awareness, continuing education, 2288, 2289
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Regulations, certain duties transferred or repealed, 306, 2279
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, 2158
School pupils, authority to self-administer medication, procedure, immunities, 524-526
County fuel tax indexing, authority, procedures, 2045, 2046, 2048
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Alzheimer’s disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, 249
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Reciprocity of licensure, duties of Board, 3865
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
City councils, exercise of powers, rule modified, 2699-2703
County commissioners, exercise of powers, rule modified, 2416-2419
Costs of providing services to persons who are blind or visually impaired, receipt of reports, 1433
Subcommittee on Communication Services, nonvoting members, recommendations to Division, 886, 887
Terms of office, 1434
ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, establishment, components, 1429-1433
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons, establishment, requirements, 888, 1432, 1433
Handicapped parking spaces, use by certain veterans, 259, 266
Assisted killing and retrieval of wounded big game mammal, regulation, 972
Course in hunter responsibilities, accommodation for completion, 973
Independent living services, program to provide to certain persons, establishment, requirements, 1432, 1433
License plates and stickers, authorization letters for, requirements, 479, 480, 482
Motor vehicles substantially modified for use, authority of used vehicle dealers to sell, 850, 851
Motorized wheelchairs
Bicycle lanes, use authorized, restrictions, 1196, 1197
Sidewalk obstructed or absent, authority to travel on adjacent highway, 1197
Parking placards or stickers
Authorization letters, requirements, 479, 480, 482
Mopeds, applicability of laws, 1760-1762
Property taxes, base value of property improved to provide accessibility to persons with disability, 4083
State employment
Filling positions without competition, 1046
Separation from service or disability retirement, considerations, 1046
Telecommunication devices for persons with impaired speech or hearing, establishment of centers to provide certain services, funding, 888
Transportation network companies
Additional charges for passengers with physical disabilities prohibited, 1383, 1405, 1413
Discrimination prohibited, adoption of policy by company, 1383, 1405, 1413
Wheelchair accessible vehicles, duties, 1383, 1405, 1413
Veterans (See VETERANS)
Absent ballots, requests for, requirements, 1147, 1148
Assistance at polls, requirements, 1146-1149
Vulnerable persons (See VULNERABLE PERSONS)
Live entertainment tax, actions included or excluded as live entertainment, 3764
Attorney General, enforcement authority extended, 3653
Education savings accounts, discrimination by schools against former opt-in children prohibited, 1843
Transportation network companies, discrimination prohibited, adoption of policy, 1383, 1405, 1413
Alzheimer’s disease
Health care and public safety personnel, education and certain referrals encouraged, 4064-4066
Health care providers, continuing education requirements, use of credit earned, 249
Advisory Committee on the Arthritis Prevention and Control Program, abolishment, 2339
State Program for Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease, components, 2337
Cancer (See CANCER)
Epilepsy (See EPILEPSY)
Heart diseases (See HEART DISEASES)
Counseling of persons testing positive, duties of certain persons and entities, 848
Medical laboratory tests, qualifications of certain persons, prohibited regulation, 848, 849
Lung diseases, occupational disease coverage for public safety personnel, 2427-2429
Professional negligence, grounds for dismissal of actions, 2526, 2527
SLAPP suits, special motion to dismiss, procedures, 2455, 2456
Board for the Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers, membership, 1371
Education and counseling, funding, 1370, 1371
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, procedures, 1163
Auto-injectable epinephrine, training of certain non-professionals, 470, 471
Basic support for school districts, computation, 2088, 2089
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses providing educational services, calculation of amount, 2893
Education savings accounts (See also EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNTS)
Opt-in child, eligibility to attend program, 1841, 1842
"Participating entity," definition, application requirements, 1826, 1829
Enrollment in part-time programs, permission unnecessary, 2093, 2094
Private schools, authority to provide program, 1195
"Program of distance education" defined, 1194
School apportionments and allocations to providers, requirements, 1192, 2091, 2093, 2094
University schools for profoundly gifted pupils, authority to provide program, 1194
Business practices, actions for damages authorized, 883
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2890
Craft distilleries, authorized acts, 884
Bees and apiaries, duties removed, 3583
Child support enforcement, duties, 2671, 2672
Child welfare services information, authority to disseminate, 1501
Increase, authority not to receive any part of salary, 3246-3249
Procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
Contractors, actions for wages and benefits owed, duties, 1931
Education savings accounts, misuse, receipt of notice, 1829
Electronic communications, interception of, duties, 2486, 2489
Juvenile court
Competency of child, determination, procedures, 2028-2033
Prostitution or solicitation of prostitution by child under 18 years of age, duties, 570
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, 1495-1497
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, 3110
Pesticides, duties removed, 3635
Prosecuting Attorneys, Advisory Council for, appropriation and authorized expenditures, 2854, 3670
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, duties, 3585
Abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, state policy regarding, 804
Candidates for office, challenges to petitions of independent candidates, duties of court, 3576
Charter schools, petitions by sponsor for appointment of receiver, 3255
Child support enforcement, duties, 2671, 2672
Civil family law self-help centers, use of certain fees for, 1976
Constructional defects actions, offers of judgment, duties of clerk, 8
Corporate acts, ratification or validation, authority, 3217-3219
County clerks and clerks of court
Applicability of laws, certain penalties repealed, 2556-2564, 2566, 2569
Physicians, reports to Court Administrator, duties of clerk repealed, 2776-2778
Court reporters, compensation for services, 401, 402
Deceptive trade practices, proceedings involving, authority of court, 3647-3649
Domestic violence protection orders, forwarding of copy to law enforcement agency, 2565
Electronic communications, interception of, procedures, 2486
Eleventh Judicial District, creation, 1024
Evidence, destruction of certain unnecessary physical evidence before trial, procedure, 864-866
Facilities, use of certain fees for, 1976
Fees, electronic format of records authorized, 2564
Fifth Judicial District, composition, 1024
Financial statements, monthly statements required, 2564
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, powers and duties, 3114-3117
Gestational agreements, issuance of birth certificates, duties, 780
Guardianships, procedures
Adult wards, 2362-2365, 2367, 2368, 2504-2507, 2509, 2510
Minor wards, 2366-2368, 2508-2510, 2512
Humboldt River Decree, jurisdiction of courts, 1024
Interception of communications, applications for, procedures, 2486
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4081
Election, procedures, 1480
Eleventh Judicial District, number of judges, 1023
Sixth Judicial District, number of judges, 1024
Jury, selection by county commissioners repealed, 2554, 2555, 2569
Mental health facilities, involuntary court-ordered admissions, procedures, 2993
Political parties, challenges to qualifications of minor parties, duties, 3575
Private professional guardians
Appointment of guardian of adult, 2364, 2506
Notices, receipt, 2346, 2350, 2352, 2355, 2360
Probation or suspension of sentence, duties, 2566
Probation violators, continuation of diversion program, 1995
Professional negligence actions
Dismissal, grounds, 2526, 2527
Training of judges, adoption of rules, 2529
Recycling of paper, requirements, 2548
Regional justice centers, use of certain fees for, 1976
Rural Advisory Board to Expedite Proceedings for the Placement of Children, appointment duty removed, Board abolished, 381
Sixth Judicial District, composition, 1024
Statistical information, requirements, submission to Court Administrator, 2550, 2551
Technology upgrades, use of certain fees for, 1976
Wills delivered or presented to district court clerk, effect, 961
Eminent domain, prohibited acts related to mortgages and deeds of trust, 801
Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)
Budgets, time for hearings on tentative budgets, 223
Deposit of district money in financial institution, requirements, 344
Investments, obligations of local governments, 3209, 3210
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, 287-291
Reno, districts to finance tourism and entertainment facilities, requirements, imposition and use of additional tax, 465-468
Rental cars, exemption of districts from governmental services fee, 3357
Virgin Valley Water District, letters of commitment to supply water services, procedures, 358, 359
Washoe County, creation of district for promotion of tourism, imposition of room surcharge, 466-468
School property, acts constituting disturbance, 428
Displaced homemakers, fee for education and counseling, increase, 1370
Fees, additional fees when filing certain motions, 1976
Postjudgment motion to adjudicate community property, authority to file, time limit for certain motions, 861
Nonprobate transfer of property on death, applicability of certain law, 3523
Veterans with service-connected disability, division of property and award of alimony or spousal support, 792, 795
Applications for registration
Grounds for denial, 936
Requirements, 2619
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2893
Convictions affecting right to practice, included pleas, 936
Documents, requirements, 937
Exemptions from registration requirements, 935, 936
Foreign citizens, registration authority, 936, 937
"Licenciado," prohibited use of term, penalty, 2619
"Notario" and "notario publico," prohibited use of terms, penalty, 2619
Revocation of registration for cause, registration prohibited following, 936
Violations, filing of complaints authorized, 2620
Disciplinary action, 3354-3356
Qualifications, 3354
Revocation of registration, grounds, 3347
Supervision, 3352
Investigations by Board, liability for costs, 3352
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Principal place of business in State, requirement repealed, 3351, 3353
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses providing pet care, calculation of amount, 2894
Peace officers, effective responses to incidents involving dogs or where dogs are present, training requirements, 448
Research facilities, duties relating to dogs used in research, 1731, 1732
Service animals (See SERVICE ANIMALS)
Common-interest communities, restrictions on service as officer or executive board member, 1927, 1928
Estates of decedents, "spouse" includes domestic partner, 3524
Guardian for adult ward, preferences for appointment as, 2363, 2364, 2505, 2507
Guardianships, "spouse" includes domestic partner, 3538
Judicial retirement, "spouse" includes domestic partner, 2736
Legislator retirement, "spouse" includes domestic partner, 2737
Public employees’ retirement, "spouse" includes domestic partner, 2731
Termination of partnership, court fees, use, 1370
Trusts, "spouse" includes domestic partner, 3538
Authorized expenditures for programs, 2854, 2860
Child custody proceedings, considerations, 2584
Educational program regarding prevention and victim services, authorization, 191
Fictitious address program, transfer of regulatory authority, 3077-3080
Firearms, possession by domestic violence offenders prohibited, penalties, 1782, 1783
Grand jury investigations, admissibility of hearsay evidence of victim’s statement, 578, 579
Guardians, considerations for suitability, 2362, 2366, 2505, 2508
Preliminary examinations, admissibility of hearsay evidence of victim’s statement, 577
Protection orders
Public Safety, Department of, reporting requirements, 2764
Registration of foreign orders, copies forwarded to law enforcement agency, 2565
Anatomical gifts, procedures for identification as donor, 1419, 1420
Applications, contents, 437-439
Commercial driver’s licenses
Issuance or renewal, receipt of information regarding Next-of-Kin Registry, 445
Veteran status, designation, procedures, 1425
Veterans, exemption from driving test requirement for certain veterans, 3864
Driver authorization cards
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of provisions, 241, 242
Emergency contact information, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, 429-447
Driving under the influence, grounds for revocation, hearing, 2538, 2540
Emergency contact information, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, 429-447
Foreign countries, reciprocal agreements for issuance authorized, 1022
Issuance or renewal, receipt of information regarding Next-of-Kin Registry, 442, 444, 445
Selective Service System, procedures regarding registration, 295-298
Veteran status, designation, procedures, 1425, 1426
Actual physical control of vehicle, exception to rule, 2535
Affirmative defense regarding consumption of alcohol, use prohibited in certain circumstances, 1365
Driver’s license, revocation, grounds, hearing, 2538, 2540
Pedestrian safety zones, penalties for violations, 1560, 1561
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, 2955
Testing of blood, breath or urine of defendant
Admissibility of evidence in misdemeanor trial, procedures, 2534
Notice of effect of refusal to submit to test, duty of peace officer to give, 2536
Refusal to submit to test at request of police officer, effect, 2535, 2537, 2538
Witnesses testifying regarding blood test, payment of fees, 2536
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts by drivers, duties of companies, 1385, 1407, 1408, 1413
Treatment, application for, procedures, 754-758
"Under the influence," term defined, 2535
Acrobatic flying, authorized and prohibited acts, 1778
Airports, prohibited and authorized operation near, penalty for violation, 1773, 1774
Construction of laws, 1778
Critical facilities, prohibited and authorized operation near, penalty for violation, 1773, 1774
Definitions, 1777
Dropping objects from craft, prohibited acts, penalty, 1778
Evidence gathering, procedures, restrictions, 1775, 1776
Law enforcement agencies, lawful and unlawful operation, 1774-1776
Operating under the influence, penalty, 1778
Public agencies, authorized and unauthorized activities, 1776, 1777
Registry, establishment and maintenance, 1776
Tax abatements for aircraft and component industry, 2328-2336
Trespass, actions by property owners, exceptions, damages, 1774
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, appropriation, 3680
Weaponized drones, prohibited acts, penalty, 1773
Education and training programs on prevention and recognition and response to, funding, 112, 113
Emergency medical personnel, authority to administer opioid antagonists, 111
Fatalities, documentation of number, trends, patterns and risk factors, reports, 112
Health care professionals
Opioid antagonists, authority to prescribe and dispense, immunities, 111
Training requirements, penalties for violation, 116-118, 120, 122-124
Interventions, reports regarding, 112
Lay persons, authority to receive and administer opioid antagonists, immunities, 111
Medical assistance for overdose, person seeking, definition, immunities from criminal liability, evidence in mitigation of sentence, 113, 114
Peace officers, authority to possess and administer opioid antagonists, 111
Pharmacists, authority to furnish opioid antagonists, training requirements, 112
Prescription drug monitoring, requirements, penalties for violation, 114, 115, 124, 125
State Board of Pharmacy, development of standardized procedures or protocols for furnishing opioid antagonists, requirements, 112
Storage of opioid antagonists, registration and licensing unnecessary, 111, 112
Industrial insurance, results of certain tests to be provided to insurer or employer upon request, 1136
State personnel involved in work-related accidents, drug screening, 1049
Unarmed combatants
Promoter’s license fees, credit against fee for administering drug test program, 2980, 2981
Requirements, 2979
Controlled substances (See CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES)
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, contents, 110-114
Investigational drugs, access by terminally ill patients, 982
Medical students, administration and possession, authority, 1534, 1535
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Electronic stamps, use, 83
Sale of stamps, use of proceeds for management of migratory game birds, 100
Adults with intellectual disabilities, creation of power of attorney for, form, 1895-1901
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, 3538
Dyslexia Resource Guide, preparation and publication, 2384
Professional development for teachers and other educational personnel, requirements, 2383
School pupils, assessments and therapies, requirements, 2382, 2383
Special education, minimum standards for, requirements, 2386
Teacher training courses, requirements, 2386
Liquid nicotine, regulation and taxation, exclusion as tobacco product, 2495, 2496
Vapor products, prohibited sales, penalties, 1935-1939
Abatement of taxes
Agreements and applications for partial abatements, effective date required, 1063, 1068, 1074, 1076, 1078
Aircraft and aircraft component industry, 2328-2336
Applications, restrictions on approval, 1066, 1067
Average hourly wage paid to new employees, considerations, effect, 1066, 1067
Data centers and colocated businesses, 3041-3059
Eighth calendar quarter, deadline for meeting certain employment requirements, 1063-1065
Eligibility, applicant to offer primary jobs, 1063
Employee hires, estimate of total number, applicant to provide, 1065
Enterprise communities, required medical benefits for employees of businesses in, 1079
"Full-time employee" defined, 1068
Health care benefits, certain duty of Office removed, 1067
Public works, authority of public bodies regarding labor organizations, 2650, 2651
Renewable energy facilities, continuation of procedures, 2955
Severe financial emergency, certain tax exempt from abatement, 739
Catalyst Account, grants or loans from, reports, 2481-2483
Development resource, applicability of laws, 2481
Federal JOBS Act, duties of Securities Division, 2022
Growth and expansion of existing businesses, pilot program to encourage, creation, appropriation, 2681-2683
Natural gas, infrastructure expansion consistent with program of economic development, authority, 251
Nonprofit corporation, formation by Office, confidentiality of records, 702, 703
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, composition, reports, 549, 550
Regional development authority, appointment of members to Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, 2444
Transferable tax credits to new or expanding businesses, procedures, reports, 2479-2481
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, appropriation, 3680
Catalyst Account, grants or loans from, duties, 2483
Nonprofit corporation formed by Office, duties, 701
Transferable tax credits to new or expanding businesses, duties, 2479, 2480
Abatement of taxes (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Authorized expenditures, 2856
Confidentiality of information, authority of clients to request, 702, 703
Data centers and colocated businesses, duties, 3041-3059
Electric utilities, assistance with marketing vacant or decommissioned assets, 2219
Existing businesses, pilot program to encourage expansion, creation, 2681-2683
Film production in State, tax credit program, duties, 1101-1108
General appropriations, 3671
Nonprofit corporation, formation authorized, procedures, confidentiality of information, 701, 702
Reports to Legislature, repeal of certain requirements, 2768
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, duties, receipt of recommendations, 2827, 2829
Train Employees Now Program, appropriation, 3681
Transferable tax credits to new or expanding businesses, authority to issue, duties, reports, 2479-2482
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 564
Auto-injectable epinephrine, training of certain non-professionals, 470, 471
Charter schools (See SCHOOLS, CHARTER)
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses providing educational services, calculation of amount, 2893
Continuing education (See specific occupations and professions)
Craft food operations, training requirements, 1260
Distance education (See DISTANCE EDUCATION)
Domestic violence prevention and services, programs authorized, 191
Drug overdoses, funding of education and training programs, 112, 113
Firearm safety courses, funding, 1940
Homeschooling (See HOMESCHOOLING)
Mentorship program for children in State, study, 1455
Nevada Revised Statutes, reorganization of Title 34, 3838, 3839
Notaries public, mandatory training, 929, 930, 934
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices for educational purposes, 3080, 3081
Private schools (See SCHOOLS, PRIVATE)
Public benefit trusts, creation and administration, 3539, 3540, 3542
Public schools (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
Multicultural education, duties, 2074
Achievement School District
Annual report of accountability, notice of availability, 3780
Creation within Department, 3788
Armed Forces members, children or wards of, sharing of certain data with Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, 53
Authorized expenditures, 2857
Average daily enrollment of pupils, reporting requirements, duties, 3709
Basic support guarantee, duties, 3708, 3709
Budgets, duties, 2092
Charter schools
Achievement charter schools, duties, 3312, 3313, 3789-3793, 3798, 3812, 3813
Establishment of weighted lottery to improve diversity at certain schools, duties, 3256, 3257
Uniform enrollment calendar and process, duties, 3257
Evaluation of academic needs of pupils, duties, 3263, 3265
Grants to nonprofit organizations to establish and operate high quality schools, duties, 2872
Reconstitution of governing bodies, receipt of reports, 3282
Regulations, duties, 3286-3288
Restart under new charter contract, regulation, receipt of reports, 2461, 2462
State Public Charter School Authority, consultations, 3286, 3288, 3289
Trust Fund for Educational Technology, duties, 3307
Class-size reduction, duties, 3060, 3061, 3742-3744
Cleaning products used in schools, certain duties repealed, 2084, 2085
College and career readiness, duties, 3747, 3748
Crisis or emergency
Model management plan, duties, 201-203
School response plans, receipt, dissemination, 200-202, 204
Data collected concerning pupils, duties, receipt of reports, 2973-2975
Disabilities, pupils with
2016-2017 Fiscal Year, calculation of funding, duties, reports, 3735
Due process hearings, duties, 2076, 2077
Dyslexia, duties, 2384
Early childhood education, duties, 3746, 3747
Education savings accounts, duties, receipt of pupil records, 1830, 1831, 1842, 1843
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, duties, 3700
Examinations and assessments
Education savings accounts, pupils receiving instruction through, requirements, 1830
Informational pamphlets, duties, 2099
General appropriations, 3671, 3672, 3678
Gifted and talented pupils, duties, 3746
Kindergartens, duties, reports, 3752-3754
Libraries, repeal of duty to approve or disapprove list of books, 2107
Limited English proficient pupils
Clark County School District, Zoom schools, duties, receipt of reports, 1871, 1872, 1875
Programs and services, funding, duties, receipt of reports, 1871-1875
Washoe County School District, Zoom schools, duties, receipt of reports, 1871, 1872, 1875
Literacy of pupils enrolled in K-3
Academic retention of pupils in grade 3, receipt of reports, 1860, 1866
Funding of programs, duties, receipt of reports, 1867, 1868, 3750
Plans to improve, receipt, 1861
Mental or behavioral health professionals for schools, duties, 3748, 3749
Nevada Plan, development of plan to provide additional resources, duties, 3734, 3735
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, receipt of certain notice, 3820
Personal safety of children, instruction in, duties, receipt of reports, 1327-1329
Plans to improve achievement of pupils, receipt of recommendations, 221
Pupil-teacher ratios, duties, 3060, 3061, 3742-3744
Safe and respectful learning environment
Complaints by parents and guardians, receipt, 416
Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment
Creation, 410
Director, appointment, duties, 410, 411, 413
Safe-to-Tell Program and Advisory Committee, establishment, duties, 3070-3076
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2744
Scholarship organizations, duties, receipt of reports, 87, 88
School lunches, duties, 3742
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, duties, 2400
State of public education, contents of annual report, 2974, 2975
Statewide system of accountability (See SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY, STATEWIDE SYSTEM)
STEM, Advisory Council on, transfer from Department, 2827
Superintendent of Public Instruction (See SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION)
Teachers, reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses, duties, 2874
Transportation costs, duties, 3741, 3742
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 564
Victory schools, duties, receipt of reports, 2199-2202
Agreements with State Treasurer
Annual survey of parents and guardians, requirements, 1830, 1831
Application to enter agreement, publication, 1827
Automatic termination, basis for, 1827
Early termination authorized, effect, 1827
Information to be provided to parent or guardian entering agreement, 1827
Period of validity, 1827
Renewal, effect of failure to renew, 1827
Required provisions, 1826
Separate agreement for each child authorized, 1827
Audit of accounts, 1829
Authority to establish account, 1826
Definitions, 1826
Financial management firms
Fees for management of accounts, establishment, 1829
Maintenance of accounts at, 1827
Misuse of money in account, remedies of State Treasurer, 1829
Qualification by State Treasurer, 1829
Grant of money
Carrying forward of money to next school year authorized, 1828
Deductions for administrative costs, 1828
Deposits into account, amount for certain children, 1827, 1828
Installments of money to be made quarterly, 1828
Portion of instruction received from participating entity and portion from public school, effect, 1828
State General Fund, certain money to revert to, 1828
Use of money, authorized uses, 1828
More than one account per child prohibited, 1827
Opt-in children
Admission to public school, requirements, 1842, 1843
Apportionments from DSA, requirements, 1839, 1840
Basic support of school district, computation to include, 1838
Classes or extracurricular activities, participation by, 1836, 1837, 1844, 1845
Definition, 1831
Discrimination by schools against former opt-in child prohibited, 1843
Distance education, eligibility to attend program, 1841, 1842
Enrollment in public school, duty to provide certain documentation, 1843
Examinations and assessments, participation, duties of school district, 1843
Interscholastic activities, participation, 1833-1835, 1845, 1846
Notice of intent to participate in programs and activities, development and use of standard form, 1843
Notice that child is opt-in child
Effect of filing notice, 1844, 1845
Requirements, written acknowledgment, 1842
Pupils suspended or expelled from school, authority to become opt-in child, 1846, 1847
Records of opt-in child, requests for copies, restrictions on release, 1842
Youth Legislature, eligibility to serve, 1832, 1833
Participating entities
Annual list of participating entities, requirements, 1831
Definition, 1826
Educational records of child, duty of school district to provide, 1831
Eligibility, application requirements, 1829
Examinations and assessments of pupils, duties, 1830
Payments received, duty to provide receipt, 1830
Prohibition on continuation as participating entity, grounds, notice requirements, 1830
Refunds or rebates of money to parent or guardian prohibited, 1829
Security, requirements, 1829, 1830
Tuition and fees, receipt of payments for, duties of entities, 1830
Prohibited and authorized accounts, 1827
Regulations, 1831
Achievement School District
Accountability reports, duties, receipt of notice of availability, 3780, 3782
List of public schools eligible for conversion to achievement charter school, receipt, duties, 3789
Plan to improve pupil achievement, duties, 3785
Average daily enrollment reports, duties, 3711
Budgets of Department of Education, duties repealed, 223, 2092
Charter schools
Data reported by sponsors, regulations, 3279
State Public Charter School Authority, certain duties transferred to, 3289, 3298
Clark County School District, reorganization into local school precincts, duties, 3847, 3850
Class-size reduction, duties, 3753
Crisis or emergency management, duties transferred to Department, 200-202, 204
Disabilities, pupils with
Basic support guarantee, multiplier for pupils, receipt of reports, 3735
Due process hearings held pursuant to federal law, regulation, 2077
Interagency Panel, duties, 3731
Special education, minimum standards for, 1027, 1028
Special education program units, duties, 3738, 3739
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, duties, 3731
Dyslexia, duties, 2386
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, duties, receipt of reports, 3699, 3700
English language arts, duties, 2095, 2102
Examinations and assessments, duties, 1083, 1864, 2098
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, 3695
Incentives for newly hired teachers, duties, 2196, 3754
Limited English proficient pupils
Funding of programs and services, duties, receipt of reports, 1873-1875
"Long-term limited English proficient," duties, 1875
Membership, requirements, 2082
Performance evaluations, duties, 2412-2414
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, receipt of certain notice, duties, 3820
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils
Board’s plans, requirements, duties, 218-221, 3785
Principals’ plans, receipt repealed, 217
Pupil-teacher ratios, duties, 3753
Academic retention of pupils in grade 3, regulation, 1864
Funding of literacy programs, receipt of reports, duties, 1868
Professional development for teachers and learning strategists, duties, 1861, 1862
Safe and respectful learning environment, duties, 413
Seal, duty to adopt official seal repealed, 2107
State of public education, contents of annual report, 2974, 2975
Statewide system of accountability (See SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY, STATEWIDE SYSTEM)
STEM, Advisory Council on, receipt of reports, 2930
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, duties, 2193-2196
Training of educational personnel, duties, certain duties repealed, 2100
Victory schools, duties, 2201, 2202
Broadband and WAN access and improvement, incentive grant program, duties, 3745
Nevada Ready 21 Technology grant program, funding, duties, 3745
Plans for use of educational technology in public schools, duties, 3305
Food establishments, exemption of certain facilities from definition, 369, 370
Violations, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, 3623, 3626
Ballot questions
Motor vehicle fuel, imposition and continuation of additional taxes, 2045, 2046
Special fuel, imposition and continuation of additional taxes, 2045, 2046
Absent ballots, requests for, requirements, 1147, 1148
Delivery to receiving center or central counting place, procedure, 3166, 3177
Independent candidates, designation on ballot, 3150
Sample ballots, distribution by electronic mail, 2641, 2642, 2644, 3147, 3165, 3175, 3178
Vacancy in nomination, time limit for change on ballot due to, 3572, 3573
Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)
Death of candidate after certain time, counting of votes for, 3577
Financial disclosure statements, requirements, 1718-1725
Independent candidates
Designation on ballot, 3150
Partisan office, time for filing or challenging petition to qualify, 3575, 3576
Signatures on petitions, duties of county clerks, 3568-3571
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of, prohibited acts, penalties, 1357-1361
Minor political parties, petition deadlines, 3573, 3574
Conservation districts, imposition of parcel fee, 1982-1984
County-owned telephone systems, proceedings to sell or lease, 107
District court judges, procedures, 1480
Election board officers
Appointment for polling places, 3148, 3166, 3167
Delivery of ballots and materials to receiving or counting center, 3166, 3177
Early voting, duties, 3156
Election board register, term repealed, redesignated "roster,” 3151-3154, 3158-3164, 3168-3170, 3174-3177, 3181
General election, date for holding by cities, 1878, 1879, 1889-1893
Initiative petition to generate public revenue, requirements for passage, 4068-4072
List of registered voters
Internet publication, requirements, 3152, 3153, 3169
Posting at precinct or polling place, requirements, 3152, 3153, 3169
Mechanical recording devices, use, procedures, 3157, 3158, 3173, 3174
Primary election with multiple candidates from same major party, procedures, 3576, 3577
Vacancies in nomination, procedure for filling, 3572, 3573
Nonpartisan offices
District court judges, procedures, 1480
Primary election winners declared nominated or elected, 1480
Vacancies in nominations, procedure, 3572
Polling places
Applicability of laws, 3148, 3149, 3151, 3158, 3164, 3166, 3167, 3174
Election board officers for polling places, appointment, 3148, 3166, 3167
List of registered voters (See List of registered voters, this heading)
Maximum number of registered voters, 3148
Primary elections
Major party with multiple candidates, effect, 3576, 3577
Nonpartisan offices, procedures, 1480
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, tax increases recommended by, procedures, 2445-2447
Regulations generally, duties of Secretary of State, 1877, 1878
Definition includes records in electronic form, 3147
Early voting, requirements, 3157, 3173
Election board register, term repealed, redesignated "roster,” 3151-3154, 3158-3164, 3168-3170, 3174-3177, 3181
Inability to sign roster, identification of registered voter, 3151, 3152, 3168
Signatures, comparison, procedure when signatures differ, 3152, 3156, 3157, 3168, 3169, 3172, 3173
Sample ballots, distribution by electronic mail, 2641, 2642, 2644, 3147, 3165, 3175, 3178
Special elections
Municipal bond issuance, date for holding, 1884, 1885
Property tax, additional levy, date for holding, 1887, 1888
Tally list
Definition includes electronically generated reports, 3147
Town advisory boards in Clark County, election of members, 40, 41
Voter registration
City clerks, duties, 3163, 3164
Confidentiality of information, 3163, 3164
Registrar of voters’ register, requirements, 3159
Assistance at polls, requirements, 1146-1149
Disabilities, persons with
Absent ballots, requests for, requirements, 1147, 1148
Assistance at polls, requirements, 1146-1149
Inability to sign roster, identification of registered voter, 3151, 3152, 3168
Signatures, comparison, procedure when signatures differ, 3152, 3156, 3157, 3168, 3169, 3172, 3173
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited advertisements, penalty, 2015, 2016
Business licenses, requirements, 2658-2660, 2670, 3361, 3362
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, 509
Condominium hotels, duties of associations and executive boards, 1215, 1243, 1247
Corporations, stockholders’ meetings, 3227
Cosmetology licensees and registrants, records of Board, confidentiality of e-mail address, 593
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of provisions, 241, 242
District court clerks
Domestic violence protection orders, forwarding of copy to law enforcement agency, 2565
Fee book and table of fees, requirements, 2563, 2564
Probation or suspension of sentence, duties, 2566
Elections and voter registration
E-mail address of registered voters
Sample ballots, electronic distribution, 2641, 2642, 2644, 3147, 3165, 3175, 3178
Health information exchanges, security and retrieval of records, 1038-1043
Insurance licensees, requirements, 3466-3470
Interception of electronic communications
Applicability of laws, 2488-2495
Procedures, immunities, 2485, 2486, 2489, 2491
Intimate images, definition, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, 2233, 2234
Justices of the peace, certain records authorized to be maintained by electronic means, 2552, 2553
Medical Examiners, Board of, service of process, 499
Mortgage bankers, duties regarding records, 2804
Mortgage brokers, duties regarding records, 2799
Motor vehicle insurance, electronic proof of insurance authorized, 797, 3485, 3514, 3515
Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, service of process, 506
Public engagement by state agencies, requirements, 1007
Cyber-bullying (See generally SCHOOLS, PUBLIC — Safe and respectful learning environment)
Electronic distribution of informational pamphlets for end-of-course examinations, 2099
Search warrants, electronic submissions and issuance, 2487, 2488
Solicitation on behalf of charitable or nonprofit organizations, required disclosures, 2250, 2251
Supreme Court Clerk, fee book, duties, 2549, 2550
Trafficking in children, prohibited advertisements, penalty, 2017
Fiscal reports by Department of Veterans Services, receipt, 3933
State laws regarding, receipt of copies, 565
Constables, authority, payment of convenience fees, 2515, 2516
Garnishment of wages for debts owed to state agencies, procedures, 133
Transportation network companies, authority, 1383, 1405, 1413
Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries, authority to move to other location, 3582
Judicial retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2733
Legislator retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2736, 2737
Public employee retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2723
Business license exemption for certain providers of vehicles and equipment, 1415
Drones, operation by law enforcement agencies authorized, 1775
False reports on certain telephone lines, prohibited acts, 1013, 1014
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, operation, 287-294
Volunteer health practitioners, duties of host entities, 293
Air ambulance attendants, minimum number, qualifications, 1728
Ambulance attendants and firefighters
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Community paramedicine services, procedures for provision, 649-651
Nurses serving as attendants, training requirements, 1729
Paramedics, letter of endorsement and identification card, issuance, 1728
Physicians and physician assistants serving as attendants, training requirements, 1729
"Provider of health care," inclusion of EMS personnel, effect, 878
Committee on Emergency Medical Services, composition, 877
Emergency medical services registered nurse, authorized activities, issuance of letter of endorsement and identification card, 1727-1730
Epinephrine, administration, immunities, 470, 471
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, contents, 110-114
Independent centers for emergency medical care (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, 1529
"Provider of health care," inclusion as, applicability of laws, 1554
Minors requesting assistance following alcohol consumption, exemption from criminal penalties, 1450, 1451
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, 287-291
School crisis or emergency response plans, consultations, receipt of copies, 198-200, 203, 204
Special events, requirements for services, exemptions, 521-523
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, immunities, 1395, 1396
Authorized expenditures, 2862
General appropriations, 3677
Mortgage or deed of trust on private property, prohibited acts, 801
Property taxes, authority of owner to transfer base value of condemned property, 4083
Certificate of registration, requirements, 2679, 2680
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2893
Definitions, 2678
Office and maintenance of records, requirements repealed, 2680
Unemployment compensation, responsibilities of client companies, 2680
College savings plans or prepaid tuition plans, tax credits for employers matching employee contributions, 2448-2453
Criminal history records, establishment of name-based search services, 704, 705
Employment Security Division, provision of information to Director of Department and Board of Regents, 2706
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Medicaid, filing of false or fraudulent claims, remedies of certain employees or agents, 915
Minors, authorized handling of vapor products or alternative nicotine products, 1937
Notaries public, prohibited acts by employers of, 931, 932
Prison employees, prohibited acts, penalty, 897, 898
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices for employment purposes, 3080, 3081
Unemployment compensation (See UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION)
Unlawful employment practices
Duty to withhold income, violations related to, 132-134
Service animals, exemption from prohibitions, 272
Veterans, authority of private employers to give hiring preferences, 3861
Wages (See WAGES)
Duties, certain duties repealed, 221
Authorized expenditures, 2864
Employment Security Division
Businesses, coordination of collection of information from, provision repealed, 2676, 3375
Director of Department and Board of Regents, agreement for provision of certain information authorized, 2706
Federal old-age and survivors insurance, reporting requirements repealed, 2768
Fee for investigating simultaneous claims for industrial insurance, removal, 2708
Industrial Relations, Division of, duty to provide certain information, 2707
Secretary of State, receipt of information from Division, 2674, 3373
State Controller, receipt of information from Division, 136
Taxation, Department of, receipt of information from Division, 2935, 2936
General appropriations, 3676
Rehabilitation Division, cooperative agreement with Aging and Disability Services Division required, 2222
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2744
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 564, 3860, 3861
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Appropriation, Governor’s Office, 3669
Authorized expenditures for state programs, 2854, 2864
Energy assistance programs for residential property, reports, limitation on funding, 279
Energy efficiency programs, legislative study, 3658-3661
Green banks, study of establishment, 3658-3661
Standards for energy conservation in buildings, restrictions, immunity of design professionals complying with standards, 2148
State and Local Government Panel on Renewable and Efficient Energy, abolishment, 381
Authorized expenditures, 2854
Energy conservation standards for buildings, prohibited acts, immunity of design professionals complying with standards, 2148
Energy efficiency programs, legislative study, duties, report, 3659, 3660
Green banks, study of establishment, duties, report, 3659, 3660
Renewable Energy Account, duties, 1919, 1920
Salaries of Director and Deputy Director, 2740
State and Local Government Panel on Renewable and Efficient Energy, abolishment, 381
Authorized maintenance stations licensed to install, repair and adjust pollution control devices, provisions repealed, 78-82
Inspection and testing of vehicles, study, 2220
Mopeds, exemption from requirements, 1771
Replica vehicles, exemption from requirements, 127
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from disciplinary action, 2148
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Public works, duty to defend in negligence actions, award of fees and costs, 784, 785
Schools, establishment of State Seal of Biliteracy Program, 1453, 1454
Voting, assistance at polls, requirements, 1146-1149
Authorized expenditures, 2862
Engine emission control regulations, certain duties repealed, 78, 79
Board of Registered Environmental Health Specialists
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Public health advisory board, Clark County, membership, 2962
Cleaning products used in public schools, requirements, 2084, 2085
Coal-fired generating plants, emission reduction and capacity replacement plans, requirements, 3654-3656
Engine emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)
Petroleum and petrochemical discharges, cleanup, funding, reimbursements, 2422, 3601-3607
Sage grouse (See BIRDS)
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, 2158
Operation of motor vehicle, prohibited acts, 1460
Physician’s duties regarding operation of motor vehicle, confidentiality of information, immunity from liability, 1457-1460
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, certain duty removed, 1457
State Board of Health, certain duty removed, 1457
Administrator, salary, 2744
Authorized expenditures, 2864
General appropriations, 3676
Veterans, hiring preferences of private employers, review of policies, duties, 3861
Appeals filed by mail, when deemed filed with board, effect of postmarks, 1205
Persons authorized to file appeals, procedure for objection to written authorization to file, 2689, 2690
Mines, appeal of tax assessments, 1084, 1085
Persons authorized to file appeals, procedure for objection to written authorization to file, 2689, 2690
Duties of participants, 1322, 1323
Immunities from liability, exceptions, 1322, 1323
Domestic relations actions, authority to file postjudgment motion to adjudicate property, time limit for certain motions, 861
Dangerous mental health patients, procedures following escape, 1032
Definitions, 3762
Imposition of tax, rate, 3766, 3767
Inclusion as live entertainment, 3763, 3764
Person responsible as taxpayer, duties, 3765, 3766, 3770
Applicability of laws, 2791, 2792
Contracts, grounds for voiding by other party, 2796
Control person, definition, applicability of laws, 2790-2793
Employment or association with agency, requirements, prohibited acts, 2790, 2794, 2796
Contents, 2794
Issuance or renewal, requirements, 2792, 2793
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Registry, use, payment of costs, 2790
Unlicensed practice unlawful, penalties, 2791, 2796, 2797
Appraisement or inventory of property, waiver, 3529
Direct cremation facilities, issuance of temporary license after death of funeral director, 1960, 1961
"Interested person," applicability, 3524-3526
Jurisdiction of courts, 3533, 3534
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, 429-447
Notices, persons entitled to, 3534
Personal representatives
Administrator with will annexed, powers, persons ineligible to serve, 3527, 3528
Disqualification of certain persons to act, authority of court, 3527, 3528
Vexatious litigant, findings, 3537, 3538
Sale of property, technical correction, 3528
Sanctions imposed by court, limitations, 3534
Small estates
Distribution, procedures, 3530-3532
Nonprobate transfers, effect on family support from estate, 3530, 3531
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, 3524
Summary administration, monetary limit increased, 789
Transfer of estate assets without letters of administration or probate of will, monetary limit, requirements, 789-791
Void transfers, presumptions, 3536, 3537
Wills (See WILLS)
Graffiti laws, applicability, 2109, 2111, 2114
Arbitrators, removal from arbitral proceeding for failure to make certain disclosures, 1979
Charter School Authority, State Public, receipt of gifts by Authority or Executive Director restricted, 3261
Charter school governing bodies, requirements, regulation, 3286, 3288
Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, 2808
Common-interest communities, eligibility of officers and executive board members, 1927, 1928
Condominium hotels, officers and executive board members, conflicts of interest, 1223
Economic Development, Office of, directors of nonprofit corporation formed by, 702
Cooling-off period before serving as paid lobbyist, 1012
Gifts from lobbyists, definitions, prohibited acts, 1713-1715, 1717
Nevada Ethics in Government Law
Requests for opinions
Cooling-off period, requests regarding, disclosure of certain information authorized, 925, 926
Disclosure of information, effect on confidentiality, 919, 920, 926
Investigative file of Commission, documents included, confidentiality, 920, 921
Third-party requests, confidentiality of requester, authorized disclosures, 920
Timeline for rendering opinions, 918, 919
Willful violations
Consideration of certain factors, 922
Qualification for protection under "safe harbor" provision, 923
Private professional guardians, prohibited acts, 2355, 2356
Risk retention groups, boards of directors, 3507, 3508
Authorized expenditures, 2854
General appropriations, 3677
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2742
Affidavit of landlord, requirements, 3120, 3121
Contest by tenant, filing of affidavit, 3120
Forcible entry or forcible detainer (See FORCIBLE ENTRY OR FORCIBLE DETAINER)
Notice of change of ownership, requirements, 3122
Notice of sale under execution, requirements, 3129-3131
Housebreaking or unlawful occupancy (See HOUSEBREAKING OR UNLAWFUL OCCUPANCY)
Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure, applicability, 3125
Notice to surrender premises, requirements, 3120, 3123, 3124
Recovery of possession of property by landlord, procedures, 3120, 3121
Recreational vehicles, applicability of laws, 3119, 3120
Stay of execution of order for removal or nonadmittance, authority of tenant to request, 3120
Administrative proceedings, contested cases (See ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND PROCEDURE)
Attorney’s fees and litigation expenses, recovery by prevailing party in certain criminal actions, procedures, 539
Constructional defects actions, rejected offers of judgment, admissibility, 8
Drones, admissibility or inadmissibility of evidence obtained through use of, 1775, 1776
Grand juries, requirements, 578-580
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, 2028-2033
Destruction of unnecessary quantity before trial, procedure, 864-866
Seizure with concentrated cannabis, procedures following, 3089
Preliminary examinations, admissibility of hearsay evidence, 577
Professional negligence, applicability of rebuttable presumption, 2528
Sexual offenses
Other sexual offenses committed by defendant, admissibility of evidence, 2243
Pandering or sex trafficking, admissibility of certain testimony, 2240
Psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, 2244, 2245
Sexual abuse of minor or vulnerable person, admissibility of expert testimony, 2243, 2244
SLAPP suits, motions to dismiss, burden of proof, 2455, 2456
Testing of blood, breath or urine of defendant, admissibility of evidence in misdemeanor trial, 2534
Charter schools, grants to nonprofit organizations to establish and operate high quality schools, duties, 2872
Commerce tax, duties, 2895, 2896
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, duties, receipt of reports, 71, 72
Debts owed to state agencies, duties, 233, 234
General appropriations legislation, duties, 3690
Medical marijuana taxation, duties, 2260
Motor carriers of passengers, excise tax, duties, 2606
Real Estate Division and Commission, claims for expenses, 2784
Salaries, appropriations, duties, 2753-2756
Taxicabs, excise tax, duties, 2606
Transportation network companies, excise tax, duties, 2606
Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of, duty removed, 2434
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2843, 2844
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, deposits exempt from execution, 1429
Constables, duties, liability, fees, 2514, 2515, 2518, 2519
Debts owed to state agencies, garnishment of wages authorized, 130
Sale of property under execution, license unnecessary for liquor sold at sale, 2523
Interception of communications, authority of peace officers, 2486
Permit required for certain activity, penalty for noncompliance, 2225, 2226
Intimate images, definition, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, 2233, 2234
Judicial retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2733
Legislator retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2736, 2737
Public employee retirement benefits, grounds for forfeiture, 2723
Office of the Extradition Coordinator
Authorized expenditures, 2854
Sentencing, waiver of defendant’s right to be present, requirements, 307
Eye drops, coverage by health insurers, dispensing of refills, 205-213
School pupils with visual problems, contents of notice to parent or guardian, 2070
Agricultural associations, holding of fairs or exhibitions, mandate removed, 3581
Agriculture, State Department of, authority to operate state or regional fairs, duties, 3582
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, immunities, 469-471
Equine activities, immunities from liability, exceptions, 1322-1324
Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries, name change, authority to move to other location, 3582
Abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, state policy regarding, 804
Action plans, requirements, 978
Case managers, duties, 979
Definitions, 978
Purpose of centers clarified, 978
Actions of company not to be inconsistent with certain documents, 1212
Allocations to income, 1214
Commerce tax
Failure to pay, effect, 2944
Imposition, calculation of amount, 2892
Confidentiality of documents and communications, 1209, 1210
Conflicts of law, effect, 1209
Copy of trust instrument, provision to beneficiary on request, 1209
Court proceedings, petitions to seal records, 1209
Designation of person to represent and bind beneficiary, 1208, 1209
Definition, 1208
Powers and duties, applicability of laws, 1209, 1210
Financial Institutions, Division of, supervisory authority, 1210
Good faith actions, presumptions, effect, 1210
Guaranty of indebtedness, authority, 1211
Guardians for certain persons, appointment, 1208
Privileged communications, disclosures, 1209, 1210
Reports, requirements, 1213, 1214
Transactions with beneficiary and certain others, presumptions, 1212, 1213
Craft food operations, exemptions from regulation as food establishment, 1257-1259
Appurtenance of water to place of use, "farm" defined for purposes of, 303
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2889
Implements of husbandry
Definition, 1119
Lamps and reflectors, applicability of laws, 1120
Liability insurance, penalty for violations, 1118
License plates, requirements, fees, 1117-1119
Motor carriers, applicability of laws, 1117, 1121
Motor vehicle registration, applicability of laws, 1117
Nonmotorized implements, transport on highways, 1118
Size or weight of vehicle, applicability of laws, 1119-1121
Slow-moving vehicle placard, requirements, 1118, 1119
Vehicles containing dyed fuel, applicability of laws, 1116
Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)
Special fuel taxes, refunds for bulk purchases, regulations, 1115, 1116
Compensation, 2970
Creation, 2969
Duties, 2971
Officers, election, 2970
Terms, vacancies, 2970
Adulteration, prohibited acts, 2473, 2474
Audits of licensees upon request, 2471
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2890
Commercial Feed Account, creation, sources, use, 2470, 2471
Contract feeders, laws inapplicable, 2468
Customer-formula feed, laws inapplicable, 2468
Definitions, 2467
Inspections, procedures, 2471
Labeling, requirements, 2468, 2472
Child support obligations, effect, 2469
Conditions placed on license, grounds, 2468, 2469
Debts owed to State, effect, 2470
Denial, suspension or revocation, grounds, 2468, 2469
Expiration, 2468
Facilities, requirements, 2468
Fees, 2468
Issuance, 2468
State business license, effect, 2469, 2470
Misbranding, prohibited acts, 2472, 2473
Noncomplying feed, orders by Department regarding, condemnation, 2471, 2472
Packaging, reuse prohibited, 2474
Penalties for violations, 2474
Quarterly reports and fees, requirements, 2470
Repeal of laws, 373
Publication of information, 2474
Retail sales, exemption from regulation, 2468
Samples, procedures for obtaining and testing, publication of information, 2471, 2474
Unlicensed manufacture, distribution or action as guarantor prohibited, 2468
FELONIES (See also CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS; specific crimes)
Incompetent criminal defendants, crimes for which commitment after dismissal of charges may be sought, 1353
Brands and grades, grounds for denial of registration, 3636
Publication of statistical information, mandate removed, disclosures authorized, 3637
Rules and standards, adoption by reference authorized, 3636
Sales reports, requirements, penalty for violations, 3637
Sellers and distributors, registration, 3638
Short weight, payment of penalty to consumer repealed, 3637
Violations, civil penalties, 3637-3639
Private fiduciary, appointment as guardian for adult ward, 2364, 2506
Private professional guardians, prohibited acts, 2355, 2356
Calculation of amount of credit, 1104-1106
Cities and counties, local fee abatements, continuation, 1107, 1108
Credits purchased in good faith, repayment by transferee prohibited, 1108
Eligibility, application for certificate of eligibility, procedures, 1101-1103, 1106, 1107
Employees of enterprise, determination of status as full-time equivalent employee, 1099, 1100
Limitation on amount of credit, 1106
Production companies, applicability of laws, 1100
Reports to Governor and Legislature, 1108
Sunset provision repealed, 1109
Creation, composition, officers, 1921, 1922
Capital improvements, duties, 3936, 3939, 3940, 3947-3949
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, duties, receipt of reports, 72
General obligation bond issue, duties, 3936, 3939, 3940, 3947-3949
Redeposits of state money, approval regarding agreements, 344
Deductions for hiring certain veterans, 3926, 3927, 3932
Employee payroll tax
Amount, determination, effect of commerce tax, 2900, 2901
College savings plans or prepaid tuition plans, matching contributions, credit against tax, 2448, 2449, 2451
Combined revenue from payroll tax and commerce tax, rate adjustments, 2896, 2897
Minerals, inclusion of person subject to tax on net proceeds in definition of "employer" for tax purposes, 2900
Scholarship organizations, donations to, credit against tax, 86-89
Water projects in tax increment areas, use of proceeds, 3198-3208
Film production, transferable tax credits, 1098-1109
Insurance producers, tax inapplicable to certain persons, 2424-2426
Transferable tax credits to new or expanding businesses, procedures, 2479, 2480
FINES (For criminal penalties, see CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS; specific crimes)
Abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, 829
Agricultural products and seeds, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 371
Alternative nicotine products, violations, 1936, 1937
Animal remedies sold in State, violations, 2464
Antifreeze, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3641
Athletic Commission, Nevada, authority to impose, 2982
Audiologists, violations, 2309
Bees and apiaries, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3583
Butcher shops, violations, 3623, 3630
Cancer reporting, violations, 386
Carcasses, violations, 3624-3626, 3629
Contractors, violations, 391
Deceptive trade practices, violations, deposits, 3647-3649
Dependent, facilities for the, unlicensed operation, 357
Direct cremation facilities, violations by owners, 1966
District court clerks, fines for certain violations repealed, 2564, 2569
Eggs, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3623, 3626
Escrow agents and agencies, unlicensed practice, 2796
Feed for animals, violations, 2474
Fertilizers, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3637-3639
Fish, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3623
Fruit, violations, 3625
Funeral arrangers or funeral directors, violations, 1965, 1966, 1972
Game used for human food, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3623
Garnishment of wages for debts owed to state agencies, prohibited acts by employers, 133
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, violations, 2640
Health care records, violations by custodians, 1709
Health information exchanges, uncertified operation, 1040
Hearing aid specialists, violations, 2309
Horse meat sales, violations, 3624
Insurance holding companies, violations, 3490, 3503
Justices of the peace
Payments to county treasurer, time for, 2566
Repeal of fines for certain violations, 2569
Juvenile courts, enforcement of certain civil judgments, certain procedures repealed, 908
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, 1357
Live entertainment tax, violations by gaming establishments, 3771
Livestock and farm products dealers and other licensees, deposit and use of certain fines, 3620
Livestock auctions, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3613
Livestock, diseased, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 369
Long-term care, administrators of facilities for, violations, 1539
Meat, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3623
Medicaid fraud, 912
Motor vehicle fuel, advertising violations, deposit of civil penalties, 3640
Natural gas, violations, 322-324
Notaries, violations, 929, 931, 932, 2618
Noxious weeds, control of, violations, 3590
Pest control, violation of orders of Department regarding host plants, 3587
Pesticides, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3636
Petroleum products, advertising violations, deposit of civil penalties, 3640
Poultry, violations, 3623, 3625, 3626
Prescription drug monitoring, violations, 115
Private Investigator’s Licensing Board, authority to assess fines, 3355
Private professional guardians, violations, 2346, 2360-2362
Produce, violations, 3623, 3625
Quarantine of agricultural commodities, violations, deposit and use of certain fines, 3583
Registered agents, violations, 1278
Rodent control districts, violations, deposit and use of civil penalties, 3592
School service providers, violations, 1853
Securities personnel, violations against aged or vulnerable persons, 2022-2025
Slaughterhouses, violations, 3623, 3630
Solicitation of charitable contributions, violations, 2252, 2253
Speech pathologists, violations, 2309
Speed limits, violations, 309
Subsurface installations, violations, 322-324
Tow car operators, violations, 1462, 1463
Transportation, Department of, authority to enforce certain pollution laws, 2133, 2135
Transportation network companies, violations, 1386, 1408, 1409, 1413
Vapor products, violations, 1937
Vegetables, violations, 3625
Veterinary biologics or pharmaceuticals sold in State, violations, 2464
Weed control districts, violations, 3591
Weights and measures, deposit and use of certain fines, 3622, 3623
Alcohol or drug abuse counselors, license or certificate by endorsement, applicants for, 3036, 3037, 3916-3918
Behavior analysts, license by endorsement, applicants for, 3028, 3907
Charter schools, requirements of members of governing bodies, 3256, 3290
Chiropractors, reinstatement of expired license, 514
Contractors, person who qualifies on behalf of applicant, 2008
Detoxification technicians, certificate by endorsement, applicants for, 3039, 3920
Disciplinary action against licensees under Administrative Procedure Act, fingerprints deemed discretionary, 711
Escrow agents and agencies, licensees and control persons, 2793
Foster care, adults routinely supervising children in homes, 543
Funeral or cremation business, applicants for license, permit or certificate, 1951
Massage therapists, license by endorsement, applicants for, 3025, 3904
Medical marijuana establishments
Independent contractors serving as agents, requirements, 2266
Transfer of ownership, requirements, 2986
Nurses, license by endorsement, applicants for, 3004, 3879, 3880
Osteopathy, license by endorsement, applicants for, 3011, 3884, 3887
Physical therapists, license by endorsement, applicants for, 3022, 3900
Physician assistants, license by endorsement, applicants for, 2997, 3009, 3867
Endorsement, applicants for license by, 2996, 3866
Expedited licensure, applications for, 1153
Podiatry, license by endorsement, applicants for, 3889
Private professional guardians, license applicants, 2347
Problem gambling counselors, certificate by endorsement, applicants for, 3038, 3919
Psychologists, license by endorsement, applicants for, 3028, 3907
Social workers, license by endorsement, applicants for, 3034, 3914
Transportation network companies, drivers, 1391, 1413
Alzheimer’s disease, certain actions encouraged, 4064-4066
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, creation, participation, 287-291
Personnel (See FIREFIGHTERS)
School crisis or emergency response plans, consultations, receipt of copies, 198-200, 203, 204
Emergency fund, balance, transfers, 182, 183
Fire protection operating fund, deposits, 183
Formation by petition to State Forester Firewarden, provisions repealed, 2231
Merger to form consolidated district, procedures, 179, 180
Rangeland fire protection associations, creation, duties, 1998-2002
School crisis or emergency response plans, consultations, receipt of copies, 198-200, 203, 204
State Land Registrar, transfer of certain lands authorized, effect, 2230, 2231
Washoe County, duties of districts, 3517
Installation in structures, authority of local governments to require, 1989, 1990
Concealed firearms
Foster homes, authority to carry in presence of foster child or on premises of certain homes, 3644
Local ordinances, regulatory authority removed, 1785, 1787, 1790, 1792, 1808, 1811, 1813, 1818
Local records of registration, destruction required, 1785, 1787, 1788, 1790, 1792, 1808, 1811, 1813, 1814
Out-of-state permittees, right to carry in Nevada, 1783
Constables, authority to carry, training requirements, 2518, 3644
Family foster homes, storage and carrying of firearms authorized, duties, immunities, 3644
Hunting with archery equipment or muzzle-loading firearm, authority to carry handgun for self-defense, prohibited acts, 974
License plates supporting Second Amendment rights, issuance, 1939-1941, 1947
Possession while under the influence, refusal to submit to evidentiary test at request of peace officer, procedures following, 2534
Privileged communications, exceptions, 1804, 1805
Prohibitions on possession
Domestic violence offenders, 1782, 1783
Federal law, possession prohibited if prohibited by federal law, 1806
Guilty but mentally ill, persons found, 1807
Insanity, persons acquitted by reason of, 1807
Regulation, authority reserved to Legislature, remedies, 1784-1792, 1808-1815
Sale or transfer
Background checks, fee by Central Repository prohibited, immunity from liability, 1806
Prohibited acts, 1807
School pupils, disciplinary action for certain acts restricted, conflicting regulation prohibited, 2026, 2027
Alzheimer’s disease, certain actions encouraged, 4064-4066
Death in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, 2724, 2725, 2739
Occupational diseases
Postretirement claims, restrictions on compensation received, 2428, 2431
Presumption of eligibility for coverage, 2427-2429, 2431, 2432
Special license plates for retired professional firefighters, eligibility, 63, 64
Yellow Dot Program, establishment, immunities, 1395, 1396
Expenses for extinguishment of fires or meeting emergencies, collection, 2225, 2229
Fire sprinklers in structures, authority of local governments to require, 1989, 1990
Forest and wildland fires, funding of suppression programs, 2863, 2869
Innkeepers, liability for damage to vehicle on premises limited, 1165
Nevada Fire Safe Council, Congress urged to facilitate payments to contractors, 4016, 4017
Permit required for certain activities, penalty, 2225, 2226
Person causing fire or other emergency on privately- or publicly-owned property, liability, 2225
Rangeland fire protection associations, creation, 1996-2002
State Forester Firewarden, authority to prohibit or restrict certain activities, duties, penalties for violations, 2224, 2225
Washoe County, duties of fire protection entities, 3517
Permit required for certain activities, penalty for noncompliance, 2225, 2226
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2889
Constitutional recognition of right to fish, use to manage wildlife, 4024, 4025
Sales of fish, prohibited acts, penalties, 3623
Trout stamps, deposit and use of fees, 96
Common-interest communities, restrictions on display of state flag prohibited, 851, 852
Craft food operations, exemptions from regulation as food establishment, 1257-1259
Roadblocks due to flooding, liability for response costs after driving through, 1122, 1123
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Chief Medical Officer, certain duties transferred, 3623, 3625
Commerce tax, imposition on food service businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Craft food operations, production of pickled foods, 1257-1262
Eggs, civil in lieu of criminal penalty for violations, 3623, 3626
Fish, sales of certain fish prohibited, 3623
Fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts, standards, prohibited acts, penalty, 371, 373
Meat (See MEAT)
Poultry (See POULTRY)
Quarantine Officer, State, duties, 3623, 3625
Breakfast After the Bell Program, creation, funding, 3679, 3852-3855
Pupils receiving free or reduced-price lunches, contents of accountability reports, 964-968
Commerce tax, imposition, calculation of amount, 2894
Craft food operations, exemptions from regulation, 1257-1259
Definition, certain facilities exempted from, 369, 370
Diseased animals, prohibited acts, penalties, 3608
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, immunities, 469-471
Shellfish containers, prohibited acts, penalties, 3608
Authority of owner to seek to recover possession, 3113, 3114, 3118, 3119
Contest by occupant, rights, procedure, effect of timely filed affidavits, 3114-3116
Damages authorized, 3119
Eviction, application, procedures, authority of court, 3115, 3116
Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure, applicability, 3125
Landlord and tenant laws inapplicable, 3133
Notice to surrender, requirements, 3113-3115, 3119-3121, 3123, 3124
Personal property of occupant, duties of owner, payment of costs, disposal of abandoned property, 3116
Proof of service of orders or writs, requirements, 3124
Removal of occupant or order for nonadmittance, authority of court, 3114, 3115
Stay of execution of summary order for removal
Finding of peaceable entry by occupants, effect, 3116
Requests by occupants, requirement, 3114
Surrender of property before expiration of notice, effect, 3114
Unlawful reentry, penalty, 3137
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Constables, posting notices of sale, fees, 2520
Deed in lieu of foreclosure sale, recording requirements, effect of noncompliance, 475
Deeds of trust, procedures following foreclosure, rights of bona fide purchasers, 1617, 1618
Deficiency judgments
Acquisition of right by third party, limitation on amount of money judgment, 581, 582
Application for deficiency judgment, requirements, 3340
Definitions, applicability, 3336, 3337, 3340, 3345
Financial institutions which are also mortgagees or beneficiaries of deed of trust, duties, 1348, 3333, 3334
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in civil actions, 582
Leases of property
Notice of change of ownership, requirements, 3122
Notice of sale under execution, requirements, 3129-3131
Mediation Program
Initiation of mediation to negotiate loan modification, requirements, immunities, 3315-3317
Judicial foreclosures, procedures, 3338-3340
Prospective repeal of program, 3334
One action rule, inapplicability to certain actions, 3337
Proceeds of foreclosure sale, disposition, 3340
Child custody proceedings involving parent living or with significant commitments in foreign country, procedures, 2587
Document preparation services, registration qualifications, 936, 937
Immigration laws, comprehensive reform urged, 4066, 4067
Physician Visa Waiver Program, fees, 360
Public schools, employment as teacher or administrator, restrictions, 239, 240
Child custody proceedings involving parent living or with significant commitments in foreign country, procedures, 2587
Driver’s licenses, reciprocal agreements for issuance authorized, 1022
Interstate Family Support Act, amendment, effective date, 890-896
Israel, support expressed and friendship and partnership recognized, 4055, 4056
Taiwan, 30th anniversary of sister-state relationship commemorated, 4025, 4026
Document preparation services, prohibited advertisements, 2619
Notaries public, prohibited advertisements, 2616, 2618
Council to Establish Academic Standards, duties, 2096
State Seal of Biliteracy Program, establishment, 1453, 1454
Acquittal of claimant, return of property after, 2502
Bail, forfeiture orders, receipt by and duties of Court Administrator repealed, 2567-2569
Denial or dismissal of charges, return of property after, 2502
District court clerk, failure to post table of fees, forfeiture repealed, 2563
Justices of the peace, failure to post table of fees, forfeiture repealed, 2552, 2553
Office, for failure to comply with requests by Department of Taxation during severe financial emergency, 734
Peace officers, duties, reports, 2500, 2501
Plea or stipulation, forfeiture following, 2503
Proceedings for forfeiture, filing of complaint, duties of court, 2501, 2502
Property subject to forfeiture, time for court’s determination, 2503
Seizure by law enforcement agency, requirements for forfeiture of property, 2501, 2502
Supreme Court Clerk, failure to post table of fees, forfeiture repealed, 2550
Contractors’ Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, 2009
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, 1357-1361
Medical marijuana registry identification cards or letters of approval, unlawful acts, 3085
Abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, requirements for background checks, 832, 834
Adults routinely supervising children in home, background checks authorized, 542-544
Child’s welfare, persons responsible for, 387
Credit report of child, age for examination by agencies providing child welfare services, 854
Firearms and ammunition, storage and carrying by certain persons authorized, duties, immunities, 3644
Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, powers and duties, 1186, 1187
License to operate home, grounds for denial, suspension or revocation, 544
Missing children, procedures, regulation, 858
Runaways, procedures, regulation, 858
Specialized foster homes, placements
Reporting requirements, 3064, 3065
Review of placements, corrective actions, 3065
Use of money allocated for care, requirements, 3064
Permits to drill and operate well, fees, 173, 174
Nevada High-Speed Rail Authority, selection of franchisee for construction and operation of System, 1264
Craft food operations, exemptions from regulation as food establishment, 1257-1259
Assessments for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, 2845
Commerce tax, imposition, 2953
Dental care services, prohibited acts, requirements, 2120
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2833, 2835, 2837
Telehealth, coverage requirements, 641, 642
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, 3469, 3470
Contractors’ Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, 2009
Domestic relations actions, authority to file postjudgment motion to adjudicate property, time limit for certain motions, 861
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, effect of fraud perpetrated against unlawful or unauthorized occupants, 3116
Insurance fraud, acts or omissions related to certain policies issued outside State, 320, 321
Insurance licensees, grounds for disciplinary action, 3470
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, 1357-1361
Medicaid fraud
Civil penalties, 912
Limitation of actions, 914
Private plaintiffs, procedures, distributions to, 911, 913-915
Remedies of certain employees, contractors or agents, 915
Sealing of records relating to conviction, 909, 910
Medical marijuana, tax violations, penalties, 2261
Mortgage servicers, fraudulent acts by borrowers, remedies, 2810
Notarial acts, authentication of signatures, prohibited acts, penalties, 933
Public money, reports of fraud involving agency or contractor, confidentiality of information, exceptions, 164-167
Secretary of State, filing of documents with, prohibited acts, regulation, 938
Transportation excise tax, violations, penalty, 2608
Unemployment compensation, acts constituting fraud, time for recovery of fraudulent payments, 2709
Spendthrift trusts, limitation on applicability, 1423
School pupils, rights, complaint procedure, 969
Craft food operations, production of pickled foods, 1257-1262
Diseased or unwholesome, prohibited acts, civil penalty in lieu of criminal penalty, 3625
Fresh products, standards, prohibited acts, 373
Violations, civil penalties, 371
Attorney General, duties, 1954
Continuing education courses, duties, 1951
Crematories, duties, 1968
Direct cremation facilities, duties, 1950, 1954, 1960
Fees, duties, 1954
Fingerprints of licensure applicants, duties, 1951
Funeral arrangers, duties, 1950, 1954
Guide to services, duties, 1953
Investigations, procedures, 1954, 1959
Members, qualifications, 1952, 1953
President, redesignation as Chair, 1953, 1956
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Register of licensees, duty to keep and furnish, 1953
Secretary, duties, 1953, 1957, 1958, 1972
Treasurer, references removed, 1953, 1954
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Vital statistics violations, duties, 1965
Business premises
Inspection, 1954
Location, requirements, 1950
Room where embalming taking place, prohibited acts, 1965
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Commissions and gratuities unlawful, penalty, 1966
Definition, 1949
Disciplinary action, grounds, 1962
Fines for violations, 1965, 1966
Funeral and burial service contracts, applicability of laws, 1971
Funeral director’s license, qualifications, 1959
Contents, 1961
Display, 1961
Examination, 1950
Inactive status, 1961
Period of validity, 1954
Petition to revoke or suspend, filing, orders, 1964, 1965
OSHA requirements, compliance mandated, 1952
Preneed sales agreements, duties, penalty for violations, 1972
Unlicensed practice prohibited, 1950, 1965, 1966
Unprofessional conduct, 1962, 1963
Vital statistics violations, order to desist, 1965
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Accreditation of embalming colleges, requirements, 1955, 1956
Advertising, prohibited acts, 1964
Conduct of business, place, 1958
Definition of "funeral director,” 1951
Direct cremation facilities, management, 1958, 1961
Disciplinary action
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Funeral arrangers, licensure of director or embalmer unnecessary, 1950
Applications, requirements, 1951, 1959
Continuing education courses, 1951
Examinations, 1955, 1958, 1959
Period of validity, 1954, 1955
Qualifications, investigation, 1959
Renewal, 1951, 1954, 1956, 1960
Special temporary license, issuance, 1960, 1961
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
OSHA requirements, compliance mandated, 1952
Unprofessional conduct, 1962, 1963
Vital statistics violations, order to desist, 1965
Advertising, requirements and restrictions, 1961, 1964
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Definition, 1951
Disciplinary action
Grounds, 1962
Medical use of marijuana by permit holder, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Management, 1961
Name, requirement, prohibited acts, 1961, 1962, 1964
OSHA requirements, compliance mandated, 1952
Permit to operate
Applications, 1951
Child support violations, suspension, 1965
Contents, 1962
Period of validity, 1954
Qualifications, investigation, 1959
Records, duties, 1970
Sanitation, requirements, 1961
Unprofessional conduct, 1962, 1963
Vital statistics violations, order to desist, 1965
Disciplinary action against agent or seller, grounds, 3394, 3396
Livestock and farm products dealers, brokers and commission merchants
Actions against authorized, 3617
Applicability of laws, 3619
Livestock auctions, laws inapplicable, 3613
Associated equipment, regulation of manufacturers, sellers and distributors, 1486, 1488-1491
Club venues, regulation, 1484, 1487, 1488
Devices incorporating advanced technology, legislative declaration, regulations to encourage manufacture, 396, 397
Gaming employees
Consumer reporting agencies, authority to investigate or to disclose information, 2719
Definition, 1485
Medical marijuana, authority of Board to preclude use, 3110
Interactive gaming
Manufacturers of equipment associated with interactive gaming, removal of provisions, 1490-1494
Service providers, licensing, 1490
Limited-liability companies and limited partnerships, repeal of certain restrictions, 1494
Live entertainment tax (See LIVE ENTERTAINMENT TAX)
Military installation, conditions for relocation of adjacent establishment, 422
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, appointment of members, 2444
Race books and sports pools
Business entities, wagers by, requirements, penalty for violations, 1819-1821
Global risk management, regulation, 1822, 1823
Resort hotels
Cosmetology practitioners, licensing, 603, 604
Vehicles damaged on or stolen from premises, innkeeper’s liability limited, 1165
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for loitering in gaming area, 786
Taxes and fees
Film production, transferable tax credits, 1098-1109
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, 2479, 2480
Wagering, prohibited acts, penalty, 2420, 2421
Associated equipment, regulation, 1488, 1489
Authorized expenditures, 2866
Club venues, regulation, 1484, 1487, 1488
Debts owed to Board, duties, 234, 236
Devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, 397
Interactive gaming, duties, 1490-1494
Live entertainment tax, duties, 3766, 3773, 3774
Race books and sports pools, duties, 1820, 1822, 1823
Associated equipment, regulation, 1488, 1489
Authorized expenditures, 2861, 2866
Club venues, regulation, 1484, 1487, 1488
Debts owed to Board, procedures regarding delinquencies, 234, 236
Devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, 397
Live entertainment tax, duties, 3766, 3772, 3773
Medical marijuana, authority to preclude use by employees, 3110
Military installation, relocation of adjacent establishment, authority of Board, 422
Name change, 1367
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, receipt of reports, 2480
Open Meeting Law, applicability, 1367
Race books and sports pools, duties, 1820, 1822
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 2747, 2748, 2755
Craft food operations, exemptions from regulation as food establishment, 1257-1259
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Consignment auctions, prohibited acts, penalties, 126-128
Constables, duties, liability, fees, 2514, 2515, 2518, 2519
Debts owed to state agencies, collection procedures, prohibited acts, penalties, 130-136
Transportation network companies, discrimination prohibited, adoption of policy, 1383, 1405, 1413
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Birth certificate of resulting child, issuance, 780
Achievement Charter School District and Executive Director, authority to accept, 3789
Agriculture, State Department of, authority to seek and accept, 2464, 3853
Anatomical gifts, procedures regarding election to make by holders of driver’s license or identification card, 1418-1422
Budgets of state agencies, approval of certain work program revisions unnecessary, 901, 902
Charter schools, authority to seek and accept, 1330
Child welfare services agencies, use of money, approval, 2869
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, authority to seek and accept, 699
Economic Development, Office of, authority to seek and accept, 2683
Education, Department of, authority to seek and accept, 1328, 2874
Education, State Board of, authority to accept, 2194
Energy, Legislative Committee on, authority to accept, 3660
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, authority to seek and accept, 2970
Financial disclosure statements of public officers or candidates, requirements, 1718, 1723
Indian Commission, Nevada
Gift Fund, creation, deposits, 278
Sale of donated property authorized, requirements, 278
Lobbying, "gift" defined, prohibited acts, 1714, 1715, 1717
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, authority to seek and accept, 3079
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority to seek and accept, 248
Regional transportation commissions, authority to seek and accept, 1396
Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office for a, authority of Director, duties, 3073
Scholarship organizations, requirements for receipt, 89
School districts, authority to seek and accept, 1330
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, authority to accept, 2829
State Public Charter School Authority and Executive Director, restrictions on acceptance, 3261
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, authority to seek and accept, 396
Superintendent of Public Instruction, authority to accept, 3694, 3730
Veterans Gift Account, sources, 1168
Issuance of special license plates supporting, use of fees, 657, 658
Replacement of special license plates, fee, 666, 667
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons with disabilities, 888, 1432, 1433
Criminal offenders, authorized capabilities of electronic supervision devices, 348-356
Community health worker pool employees, immunities, 2177, 2178
Minors requesting emergency assistance following alcohol consumption, immunity from criminal penalties, 1450, 1451
Peer support recovery organizations, immunities, 2167
Mopeds, registration, requirements, 1746, 1752, 1769
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, recommendations to impose supplemental taxes, procedures, 2445-2447
Registration transfer or cancellation, refund or credit of fees, 1112-1114
State General Fund, deposits of certain revenue, requirements, 2927-2933, 2956
State Highway Fund, deposits of certain revenue, requirements, 2931-2933
Veterans with service-connected disability and surviving spouses, tax exemption, 3929, 3930
Appointments made by
Athletic Commission, Nevada, Chair, 2979
Charter School Authority, State Public, 3257, 3258
Claims, Board to Review, 3602
Clark County School District, reorganization technical advisory committee, 3847, 3850
Collection Agency Advisory Board, duties repealed, 381
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens’ Commission on, 4078, 4079
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, 70
Displaced Homemakers, Board for the Education and Counseling of, 1371
Education, State Board of, 2082
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, 2970, 2971
Finance, Office of, Director, 1921
Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, Nevada, 1952, 1953
High-Speed Rail Authority, Nevada, 1263, 1267
Judicial Discipline, Commission on, alternate members, 951
Medically Indigent, Fund for the Institutionalized Care of, Board of Trustees, duties repealed, 381
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, 304
Real Estate Commission, 2684, 2685
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, 3075
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, 2827, 2828
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, Board of Directors, 555
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board, 2303, 2304, 2321
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, 2399
Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Department of, appointment procedure for Director, 74
Water Resources Planning and Development, Advisory Board on, duties repealed, 381
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, 3856-3858
Authorized expenditures
Approval of augmentations, 2867
Generally, 2854
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, 3187
Budget, work program, approval of certain revisions unnecessary, 901, 902
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, duties, 2970, 2971
Finance, Office of
General appropriations legislation
Duties, 3677-3680, 3683-3687, 3690, 3691
Office and Mansion, support, 3669
High-Speed Rail System, proclamation of completion, 1266
Legal services, duties regarding certain contracts, 334
Medical Licensure Compact Commission, Interstate
Participation in activities, 1163
Receipt of certain notices, 1162
Memorials, naming of state facilities after deceased members of Armed Forces, duties, 558, 561-563
Motor Vehicles, Department of, notices from, 268, 298, 326, 447, 482, 1114, 1422, 1771
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System
Authority to request aid, 291
Indian tribe or nation, notice of participation, 288
Withdrawal of participation, notice, 288
Reports, receipt
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, 2764, 2765
Child and Family Services, Division of, 3065
Court Administrator, 2760
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, 71
Economic development, certain nonprofit corporation, 702
Economic Development, Office of, 1108, 2480, 2481, 2483
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, 2971
Human Resource Management, Division of, 365
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, 1159
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Board for the Regulation of, 2775
Medical Examiners, Board of, 485
Personnel Commission, 364
Basic support guarantee, certain information, 3708, 3709, 3735
Breakfast After the Bell Program, 3854, 3855
Budget recommendations, 2092
Disabilities, pupils with, multiplier for basic support guarantee, 3735
Early childhood education, 3747
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, 3700
Expenditures associated with legislative appropriations for certain categories of pupils, 3734
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, 1868
Nevada Plan, plan to provide additional resources to, 3734, 3735
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, 217, 221
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, 3076
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, 2400
State of public education, 2974, 2975
STEM, Advisory Council on, 2830
Stroke Registry, operation and use, 248, 249
Transportation, Department of, 193
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, 565, 1168, 3933
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, 3858
Salaries of certain staff members, 2740, 2741
Achievement School District, notice of availability of reports, 3780
Basic support guarantee, duties, 3708, 3709
Clark County School District, reorganization into to local school precincts, declaration, 3850
Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, duties, 3752
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, 3745
State Distributive School Account, duties, 3739-3741
Senior citizen’s property tax assistance, duties, 3684
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, duties, 2399
Western Regional Higher Education Compact, Office of, creation, duties, 2122
Workforce Investment Board, recommendations from Advisory Council on STEM, 2829
Cities, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Counties, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Covering or removal, authority of cities and counties, payment of costs, 2111, 2113, 2114
Estrays and livestock, applicability of laws, 2109, 2111, 2114
"Graffiti implement," definition, 2110
Public art, immunities for injuries caused by certain interactions with, 1527, 1528
Repeat offenses, enhanced penalty, 1008
Reward and abatement funds, authorized uses, procedure, 2114, 2115
Violations, remedies of governmental entities, 2110
Audiovisual technology, testimony by witness through use of, requirements, 579
Evidence receivable before grand jury, 578, 579
Notice of consideration of indictment, effect of inadequate notice, 580
Deadly force, presumption, immunity from civil liability, 1784
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, 1781, 1782
Achievement Charter School District and Executive Director, authority to accept, 3789
Agriculture, State Department of, authority to seek and accept, 2464, 3853
Capital improvements, funding, 3948
Catalyst Account, grants from, reports, 2481-2483
Child welfare services, agencies which provide
Approval of use of money, 2869
Block grants, receipt, duties, 3683
Commerce tax, imposition on grantmaking businesses, calculation of amount, 2894
Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, authority to seek and accept, 699
Conservation districts, receipt, 84
Cultural resources, preservation and promotion, 71, 72
Drug overdoses, education and training programs, 112, 113
Economic Development, Office of, authority to seek and accept, 2683
Energy, Legislative Committee on, authority to accept, 3660
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, authority to seek and accept, 2970
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, duties of Administrator, 347, 348
Highway Safety Grants Account, authorized expenditures, 2862
Justice grants
Appropriation, 3676
Authorized expenditures, 2862
License plate fees received by charitable organizations, requirements, 995, 996
Military Legal Assistance, Office of, authority to seek and accept, 3079
Nevada Indian Commission’s Gift Fund, creation, deposits, 278
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority to seek and accept, 248
Public works
Henderson Armory, authority to use federal money for demolition, 4019, 4020
Labor organizations, authority of public bodies, 2650, 2651
Regional transportation commissions, authority to seek and accept, 1396
Scholarship organizations receiving tax credit donations, duties, 87
Accountability system, requirement to provide financial support to low-ranking schools, 2459, 3749
Broadband and WAN access and improvement, incentive grant program, funding, 3745
Charter schools
Authority to seek and accept, 1330
Grants to nonprofit organizations to establish and operate high quality schools, 2871, 2872, 3749, 3750
College and career readiness, funding, 3748
Early childhood education grant programs, funding, 3746, 3747
Education, Department of, authority to seek and accept, 1328
Education savings accounts, grants administered through, 1826-1831
Education, State Board of, authority to accept, 2194
Great Teaching and Leading Fund
Appropriation, 3756
Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, transfer of money to General Fund, 2205
Incentives for newly hired teachers, 2196, 2197, 3754, 3755
Limited English proficient pupils, programs and services, 1872, 1873, 3750, 3751
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, funding, 1867, 1868, 3750
Mental health worker grant program, 3748, 3749
Nevada Ready 21 Technology program, 3745
Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office for a, authority of Director, duties, 3073
Scholarship organizations receiving tax credit donations, duties, 87
School districts, authority to seek and accept, 1330
Superintendent of Public Instruction, authority to accept, 3694, 3730
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, authority to accept, 2829
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Office of, duties of Director, 2827
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program
Appropriation, 3688
Creation, administration, 2189-2191
State agencies generally
Budgets of agencies, approval of certain work program revisions unnecessary, 901, 902
Money that will be unexpended by end of period for which grant was made, notice requirements, 348
Statewide Alert System, Committee for the, authority to seek and accept, 396
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, 2193-2196
Tourism, Grant Program for the Development of Projects Relating to, transfer of certain money, 2205
WICHE Health Care Access Program, authority of Nevada State Commissioners, 1506
Authorized expenditures, 2858
General appropriations, 3672
Human Trafficking, Contingency Account for Victims of, emergency allocations, 1003
Members and chairs, provisions regarding initial terms removed, 367
Study of establishment, 3658-3661
Alcoholic beverage samples, actions for damages related to business practices authorized, 883
Commerce tax, imposition on retail trade businesses, calculation of amount, 2891
Cancellation, effect, 2638
Cease and desist orders, 2639
Commercial use or resale of vehicle, inapplicability of certain provisions, 2636
Costs to borrower, consideration as finance charge or interest prohibited, 2637
Creditors, authorized and prohibited acts, 2637
Disclosures, requirements, 2637, 2638
Finance agreement, waiver part of, 2637
Fines for violations, 2640
Free-look period, definition, requirements, 2636, 2638
Insurance Code, applicability of laws, 2636, 2637, 2639
Liability insurance, requirements, effect of cancellation or termination of policy, 2639
Payments by borrower, 2637
Records, maintenance, inspection, 2639
Adult wards, appointment of guardian, preferences, procedures, 2362-2365, 2504-2507
Caregiver for person admitted to hospital, authority to designate, consent to release of medical information, 176, 177
Disqualification of guardian, grounds, 824
Family trust company beneficiaries, appointment of guardians for, 1208
Firearm possession by proposed ward, time for transmission of orders to Central Repository, 1805
Jurisdiction of court, grounds for declining jurisdiction, 824
Mental Health, Interstate Compact on, appointment of guardian pursuant to, 1033
Minor wards
Appointment of guardians, preferences, 2367, 2508, 2509
Guardian ad litem in certain proceedings, prohibition on compensation repealed, 1326, 1327
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, 1495-1497
Medical marijuana, procedures for use by certain minors, 3095
Suitability of guardian, considerations, 2366, 2367, 2508, 2509
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, 429-447
Petitions, contents of certain petitions, 820, 822
Private professional guardians (See PRIVATE PROFESSIONAL GUARDIANS)
Removal of guardian, considerations, 2367, 2368, 2509
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, 3538
Transfer of jurisdiction to Nevada, considerations by court, 2368, 2510
Predatory Animal and Rodent Committee, membership, 959, 960
Juvenile courts, restraint of child during proceedings, restrictions, procedures for use, 2016, 2017
Deferred deposit loans, high-interest loans and title loan licensees, prohibited acts, 1145
Intimate images, definition, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, 2233, 2234
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, 1357-1361
Notarial acts, authentication of signatures, prohibited acts, penalties, 933
Secretary of State, filing of documents with, prohibited acts, regulation, 938
Wildlife, prohibited acts involving, 169, 170
Cleaning products used in public schools, requirements, 2084, 2085
Fund for the Care of Sites for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, transfer of money to General Fund, 2205
Railroad crossings, duties of vehicle drivers, prohibited acts, 194, 195
Subsurface installations, penalties for violations, 322-324
Abandonment of older or vulnerable persons
Cooperation in identifying, state policy, 804
Aging and Disability Services Division
Abandonment of older persons, receipt of reports, duties, 806, 807, 811-813, 835
ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, duties, 1432
Administrator, regulatory authority, 57, 59, 61
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons, duties, 888, 1433
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, appropriation, 3683, 3684
Blind or visually impaired persons, authority to conduct research on costs of providing services to, 1433
Desert Regional Center, reversion of money for computer system extended, 3692
Independent living, program to provide services to certain persons, duties, 1432, 1433
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, persons with
Children, pilot program to provide certain services, duties, 1546-1548
Jobs and day training services providers, preferences, 2222, 2223
Services to, regulatory authority, 2222
Long-Term Care Ombudsman, training of advocates and officers and employees of facilities, 383
Rehabilitation Division, cooperative agreement required, 2222
Senior citizen’s property tax assistance rebate program, appropriation, 3684
Specialist for the Rights of Elderly Persons, duties, 835
Telecommunication devices for persons with impaired speech or hearing, centers to provide certain services, funding, 888
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Authorized expenditures, 2858-2860
Child and Family Services, Division of
Abuse or Neglect of a Child, Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning, duties, 1098
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, 1495-1497, 1500, 1501
Mental Health, Interstate Compact on, duties, 1037
Missing children, regulation, 858
Residential treatment to children, facilities providing, employee background checks, 838
Rural Advisory Board to Expedite Proceedings for the Placement of Children, abolished, 381
Specialized foster homes, duties, reports, 3064-3066
Youth Parole Bureau (See YOUTH PAROLE BUREAU)
Community mental health services, duties, 1817
Disabilities, Nevada Commission on Services for Persons with, terms of members, duties, 1434
Salary, 2744
Drug overdoses, duties, reports, 112, 113
Family resource centers, regulations, 978
General appropriations, 3672-3674
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, pilot program to provide certain services to children with intellectual disabilities , duties, 1546-1548
Health facilities, approval of capital expenditures, requirements, use of application fees, 2436, 2437
Health information exchanges, duties, 1038-1042
Human trafficking, Contingency Account for Victims of, duties, 100, 1003
Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, duties, 125, 2158
Patient-centered medical homes, duties, 1550
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Advisory Committee, abolishment, 2339
Membership, 304
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of
Abuse or Neglect of a Child, Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning, access to information, 1098
Air ambulances, duties, 1728
Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, duties, 746, 747
Alzheimer’s disease, certain actions encouraged, 4064-4066
Behavioral Health and Treatment money, transfer to General Fund, 2206
Carcasses of animals, duties transferred, 3624
Chief Medical Officer
Cancer, reporting and analyzing information, duties, 385
Fish, meat or game, duties transferred, 3623
Fruits, vegetables and other market produce, duties transferred, 3625
Poultry, duties transferred, 3625
Salary, 2745
Slaughterhouses, duties transferred, 3626
Child care facilities, duties, 2775
Community health worker pools, regulation, 2172-2177
Detoxification technicians, facilities or programs, duties, 306, 2279
Domestic violence, educational program regarding prevention and victim services, authorization, 191
Epilepsy, persons with, certain duties repealed, 1457
Facilities for the dependent operating without license, duties, 357
Medical marijuana
Confidentiality of information, 3109
Duties, 2265-2269, 2986-2988, 3092, 3105, 3106, 3109, 3110
Regulations, when deemed void, 2987
Mental Health, Interstate Compact on, duties, 1035-1037
Peer support recovery organizations, licensing and regulation, 2159-2167
Poultry, duties transferred, 3626
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, representation, 3075
Slaughterhouses, duties transferred, 3626, 3627, 3631
Stroke patients, establishment of Registry, duties, annual reports, 247-249
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease, State Program for, duties, 2337
Schools, public, consultations regarding use of cleaning products repealed, 2084
Slaughterhouses, duty transferred, 3630
Transportation network companies, contracts with authorized, 1406
Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 2744, 2745, 2755
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 564
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of
Energy assistance programs, reports, limitation on funding, 279
Interstate Family Support Act, duties, 894
Attorney General, enforcement authority extended, 3653
Advance directives, posting to exchange, 1043
Certification, regulations, notice of intent to deny, suspend or revoke, 1040
Compliance with requirements regarding records, when acts deemed in, 1043
Definition, 1038
Exemption from certain laws, 1044
Immunities regarding records, 1043
Retrieval of records, patient consent, 1041, 1042
Security of records, regulations, 1040, 1041
Statewide system authorized, regulations, 1039
Uncertified operation prohibited, penalty, 1040
Air ambulances, regulation of number and qualifications of attendants, duties, 1728
Business-related applications, Internet availability, 2658, 2659, 3361
Clark County
Chief medical officer, appointment, compensation, duties, 2961, 2962
District board of health, composition, duties, prohibited acts, 2962-2964
District health officer, duties, compensation, 2961, 2963, 2964
Public health advisory board, composition, duties, 2962-2964
Community paramedicine services, reports, duties, 649-651
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, reports, duties, 470
Health districts
Clark County, composition of district, 2962
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, representation, 549
State business portal, duties related to, 2658, 2659, 3361, 3362
Inspection of meat or poultry, duty removed, 3629
Assessments for National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, 2845
Autism spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, 689-691
Dental care services
Arbitration of disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, 197
Prohibited acts, requirements, 2120
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, 208, 209
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2833, 2836, 2837
Synchronization of patient’s multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, 2126-2128
Telehealth, coverage requirements, 643, 644
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, 3469, 3470
Appropriation for services, 3673
Authorized expenditures for services, 2859
Child care facilities, duties regarding nursing mothers, 1542
Cancer, reporting and analyzing information, regulation, 385-387
Child care facilities, duties, 1542, 1543
Community health worker pools, regulation, 2173
Detoxification technicians, facilities or programs, duties, 306
Emergency Medical Services, Committee on, appointments, 877
Epilepsy, removal of certain duty, 1457
Epinephrine, administration by certain entities, reports, duties, 470
Mammograms, duties, 1710
Medical laboratories, HIV testing, prohibited regulation, 849
Peer support recovery organizations, regulation, 2160
Physician Visa Waiver Program, fees, 360
Slaughterhouses, duties transferred, 3628
Telehealth, duties, 631, 649-651
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Sources, 2865
Advertising, requirements, 2300
Identification as apprentice required, 2300
Licensure, requirements, 2299
Negligence or incompetence, liability, 2299
Sponsors, 2299
Supervision, 2299
Time limit on service, 2300
Audiograms, authority, 2300
Board of Hearing Aid Specialists
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Repeal, 2322
Secretary, duties, 2321
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board, successor entity, 2320
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Change of address of place of business, notice to Board, 2300
Civil penalties, 2309
Disciplinary action
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Inspections by Board, 2310
Legislative declaration, 2301
Applications, 2306
Apprentice licenses, 2299
Child support obligations, effect, 2306, 2309
Display, 2300
Fees generally, 2307
Inactive status, 2297
Issuance without examination, 2306
Provisional licenses, 2297, 2298
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 3865
Sales by catalog, mail or Internet, 2300, 2301
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board (See SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY, AUDIOLOGY AND HEARING AID DISPENSING BOARD)
Unlicensed practice prohibited, remedies, 2309, 2310
Grand juries, admissibility in certain investigations, 578, 579
Preliminary examinations, admissibility in certain circumstances, 577
Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke and Heart Disease, abolishment, 2339
Occupational disease coverage, public safety personnel, 2429-2432
State Program for Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease, components, 2337
Authority of certain entities to grow or cultivate for research purposes, requirements, exemption from certain laws, 1973-1975
Community redevelopment (See also COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT)
Extension of termination date, use of revenue, 3140, 3141, 3144
General election, date, charter amendment, 1890, 1891
Public health advisory board, membership, 2962, 2964
School precincts, reorganization of school district into, procedures, 3847-3850
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
License suspension or revocation, grounds, 2934
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, contents, 1143-1145
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Assistance from other persons or entities, agreements, 1265
Bonds, authority to issue, 1265
Chair, election, 1263
Creation, 1263
Franchisee for construction and operation of System, selection, 1264
Immunities from liability, 1265
Incorporation, authority, 1264, 1265
Legislative declaration, 1263
Appointment, terms, 1263, 1267
Compensation, 1264
State agency, designation as, 1264
Employers, tax credits for matching employee contributions, regulations, 2450-2452
Authorized expenditures, 2862
Capital improvements legislation, 3935
Dignitary protection, appropriation, 879
General appropriations, 3676, 3677
Portable event recording devices
Appropriation, 3668
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2750
School crisis or emergency management, development of model plan, duties, 201
Troopers (See also PEACE OFFICERS)
Medical marijuana, authority of Division to preclude use, 3110
Vehicles and motorcycles, appropriation, 2210
Yellow Dot Program, duties, 1395
Accessory roads and public roads
Attorney General, duties, 2632-2634
Counties, protocol to perfect its rights to and finalize title to, development and implementation, 2634
Land Use Planning Advisory Council, duties, 2634
Legislative findings and declarations, 2633, 2634
Nevada Association of Counties, duties, 2634
Quiet title and declaratory judgment actions, authority, 2633, 2634
Cities, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Construction, maintenance and repair
Abandoned or unclaimed property, laws inapplicable to intersection improvement project proceeds, 2530
County fuel taxes, imposition and use for county highways, annual increases, 2041, 2065
Design-build contracts, confidentiality of certain submitted documents, 452
Proposed work programs, reports to Governor, 193
Reports to Legislature, 192
Rights-of-way, use of fuel tax proceeds, 527-534
Special obligation bonds to fund highway construction projects, maximum period of maturity extended, 1366
Counties, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Discharges, requirements for, abatement or remediation, penalties, 2132-2140
Encroachment removal, amount recoverable by Department of Transportation, 2139
Highway Safety Grants Account, authorized expenditures, 2862
Naming after deceased members of Armed Forces, procedures, 562
Obstruction of roadways in certain manner prohibited, civil remedies, 2977, 2978
Pedestrians, authority to travel on highway when sidewalk obstructed or absent, duty of driver to yield the right-of-way, 1196, 1197
Rules of the road (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)
Transportation facility contracts, confidentiality of certain submitted documents, 453
Bond issue for protection and restoration projects, 3947
Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, creation, 70
Fund for the Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Resources, creation, sources and use, 71-73, 139, 140
"Historic," definition, 300
Legislature, establishment of oral history program, 871, 872
Old Nevada State Prison
Designation and assignment of structures, 867-871
Endowment Fund for the Historic Preservation of the Nevada State Prison, creation, sources and use, 868, 869
Stewart Indian School
Activities at and uses of buildings and grounds, designation of coordinating agency for discussions, 278
Repair and maintenance of historic buildings, funding, 699, 700
Counseling of persons testing positive, duties of certain persons and entities, 848
Medical laboratory tests, qualifications of certain persons, prohibited regulation, 848, 849
Veterans Day at the Legislature, establishment, 558
Providers of wellness services, authorized and prohibited acts, 2340-2342
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2893
Postacute care, legislative study, 1543, 1544
"Provider of health care," inclusion as, applicability of laws, 1554
Deadly force, presumption, immunity from civil liability, 1784
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, 1781, 1782
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Alzheimer’s disease, continuing education, use of credit earned, 249
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2893
Community health worker pools, additional licensure unnecessary, 2172
Long-Term Care Ombudsman, training of officers and employees of facilities, duties, 383
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, 2160
Education savings accounts, grant program, applicability of provisions, 1827
English language arts, requirements, 2104
Interscholastic activities, applicability of rules and regulations, 2143
Deadly force, use, immunity from liability, 1784
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, 1781, 1782
Wagering, prohibited acts, penalty, 2420, 2421
Equine activities, immunities from liability, exceptions, 1322-1324
Event facilities, authority to require fire sprinklers in certain facilities restricted, 1990
Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)
Sales of meat, civil penalty for violations, repeal of criminal penalty, 3624
Service animals (See SERVICE ANIMALS)
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, 1529
Postacute care, legislative study, 1543, 1544
"Provider of health care," inclusion of facility as, applicability of laws, 1554
Dental care services
Arbitration of disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, 196, 197
Prohibited acts, requirements, 2120
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, 207, 208
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2833, 2836, 2837
Synchronization of patient’s multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, 2126
Telehealth, coverage requirements, 642, 643
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, 3469, 3470
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Cancer, availability of hospital records for abstracting information concerning, penalties, 386
Capital expenditures, approval requirements, 2436
Caregivers designated by patients, duties, immunity from liability, 176-178
Children, hospitals offering residential treatment to and operating private school, funding, 2087, 2088
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2893
Community health worker pools, additional licensure unnecessary, 2172
County hospitals, closed meetings of trustees to discuss new or expanded services or facilities, status of records, 1270
Medical students, prohibited acts, liability of facility for violations, 1529
Peer support services, additional licensure unnecessary, 2160
Postacute care, legislative study, 1543, 1544
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Stroke centers, duties, 249
Telehealth providers, privileges, 631
Interception of communications by peace officer, authority, 2486
Commerce tax, imposition, calculation of amount, 2893
Resort hotels, licensing of cosmetology practitioners, 603, 604
Service animals, exemption from prohibitions, 272, 273
Vehicles damaged on or stolen from premises, innkeeper’s liability limited, 1165
Acts constituting, penalty, 3136, 3137
Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure, applicability, 3125
Lockout by owner, procedure for recovery of property by occupant, 3117, 3124
Contents, 3113
Filing of copy with court, requirements, 3113
Posting on dwelling required, duration, 3113
Proof of service, requirements, 3124
Owner, authority to retake possession and change locks, 3112
Personal property of occupant, duties of owner, payment of costs, 3113
Procedures inapplicable if unlawful or unauthorized occupant is occupying dwelling, 3113
Unlawful reentry, penalty, 3137
Nevada Rural Housing Authority, exemption from Local Government Purchasing Act, 1917
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, representation, 549
Children, trafficking in, prohibited acts, 2017
Contingency Account for Victims of Human Trafficking, use, emergency allocations, 1002, 1003
Fictitious address program, transfer of regulatory authority, 3077-3080
Victims convicted of certain crimes, vacation of judgment authorized, 786
Jurisdiction over matters arising under, 1024
Archery equipment, hunting with, authority to carry firearm for self-defense, prohibited acts, 974
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2889
Constitutional recognition of right to hunt, use to manage wildlife, 4024, 4025
Disabilities, persons with
Assisted killing and retrieval of wounded big game mammal, regulation, 972
Course in hunter responsibilities, accommodation for completion, 973
Equine activities, immunities from liability, exceptions, 1322-1324
Migratory bird stamps, possession while hunting, 83
Muzzle loader, hunting with, authority to carry handgun for self-defense, prohibited acts, 974
Telemetry data, prohibited acts, 170
Wildlife, Department of, unlawful use of records to harass or take game mammal, game bird or other wildlife, 170
Adoption of child, consent of spouse, establishment of parental rights, 420
Common-interest communities, restrictions on service as officer or executive board member, 1927, 1928
Divorce (See DIVORCE)
Epinephrine injections, administration, immunities, 470, 471
Guardian for adult ward, preferences for appointment as, 2363, 2505
Judge killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse, 2732, 2739
Legislator killed in course of service, benefit options for surviving spouse, 2737, 2739
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, 429-447
Police officer or firefighter killed in line of duty, benefit options for surviving spouse, 2724, 2739
Public employee killed in course of employment, benefit options of surviving spouse, 2724, 2739
Risk retention groups, "material relationship" with group defined, 3508
Veterans and Armed Forces members
Audiology, speech-pathology or hearing aid fitting and dispensing, temporary license to practice, 2307
Employers, authority of private employers to give preference in hiring, 3861
Occupational licenses or certificates, issuance by endorsement, reciprocity of licensure, 3865-3922
Sales and use taxes, exemption for certain relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, 3930, 3931
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, creation, 2193-2196
Will executed before marriage, effect of reference to spouse by name, 3527
Permits to drill and operate well, fees, 173, 174
Administration of epinephrine by certain entities, immunities, 469-471
Public schools, duties regarding medical waste, 524-526
Anatomical gifts, election at time of issuance or renewal of state identification card, procedures, 1421
Emergency contact information, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, 429-447
Selective Service System, procedures regarding registration, 296-298
Veteran status, designation, procedures, 1426, 1427
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of provisions, 241, 242
Assistive technology, program to provide services to certain persons with disabilities, 888, 1432, 1433
School pupils
Notice to parent or guardian, contents, 2070
Special education, minimum standards for, 1027, 1028
Telecommunication devices, establishment of centers to provide certain services, funding, 888
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, 2244, 2245
Medical marijuana establishments, authority to serve as agent, application, 2265, 2266
Presumption of status as, conditions, 1743, 1744
Principal and independent contractor relationship, exclusion from minimum wage laws, 1744
Prisons, prohibited acts, penalty, 897, 898
State Dental Health Officer, status, duties, 2476, 2477
State Public Health Dental Hygienist, status, duties, 2477
Taxicabs, lease to independent contractors authorized, restrictions, liability, 2595
Authorized expenditures, 2856
Children’s Health Insurance Program, Advisory Committee Concerning the, abolished, 381
Executive Director, salary, 2747
General appropriations, 3671
Gift Fund, creation, administration, 278
Sales of donated property authorized, requirements, 278
Stewart Indian School
Activities at and uses of buildings and grounds, designation as coordinating agency for discussions, 278
Repair and maintenance of historic buildings, duties, 699
Breakfast After the Bell Program, creation, funding, 3679, 3852-3855
Girl Scouts, use of license plate fees to defray costs of participation in, 657, 658
Hospital Assessment Account, repeal, 363
Hospital Care to Indigent Persons, Fund for, procedures, powers of Board of Trustees, 362
Medical Assistance to Indigent Persons, Supplemental Account for, repeal, 363
Medically Indigent, Fund for the Institutional Care of the, repeal of Fund and Board of Trustees, 363, 381
Mental illness or mental deficiency, delivery to other state after discharge authorized, 1036
Mentorship program for children in State, requirements, 1455
School pupils, amount of grant money authorized from education savings account, 1827, 1828
Veterans, unclaimed human remains of, disposition, immunities from liability, 568, 569
Victory schools, designation, funding, 2198-2203, 3751, 3752
Alcohol or drug testing, results to be provided to insurer or employer upon request, 1136
Appeal of certain orders, reimbursement for benefits paid during pendency of appeal, duties of injured employee, 1139, 1140
Bills submitted to insurers by health care providers, payment, 1134, 1135
Business licenses, attestation of coverage, procedures, 2665, 2670, 3368, 3371
Claims, applications to reopen, requirements, 1141
Consolidated insurance programs
Access to construction site and claims documents, requirements, 2613, 2614
Claims administrators, requirements, 2614
Policies, issuance, 2614
Safety coordinator, requirements, 2613
Threshold cost for participation, amount, determination, 2611, 2612
Coordination of collection of information from businesses, provision repealed, 2676, 3375
Employee leasing companies, requirements, 2680
Employee’s intoxication or use of controlled or prohibited substance, effect on compensation, 1135-1137
Independent review organizations, time for payment of annual fee, 2833
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, duties of assisting principals, 289
Permanent partial disability, conditions for lump sum payments, 1142
Providers of health care
Bills submitted to insurers, payment or denial, 1134, 1135
Controlled substances prescribed or dispensed by, duties, 1134
Drugs prescribed or dispensed by, prohibited acts, duties, 1134
Self-insured employers
Annual fee to Commissioner, time for payment, 2833
Annual financial statements, requirements, 3515
State business portal, availability of information to employers, 2665, 2670, 3368, 3371
Telehealth, coverage requirements, 635, 636
Unemployment compensation, comparison of information to determine persons filing simultaneous claims, procedures, 2707
Exemption from regulation as private investigator, 3348, 3349
Peering, study, duties, 1177, 1178
Adults with intellectual disabilities, creation of power of attorney for, form, 1895-1901
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices prescribed to terminally ill patients, requirements, 984, 990
Public revenue generation, requirements, 4068-4072
Publication requirements, 3150, 3177
Signatures on petitions, duties of county clerks, 3568-3571
Abandonment of older or vulnerable persons, 829
Commerce tax, prohibited injunctions, 2895
Discharges onto state highways, remedies of Director of Department of Transportation, 2135
Drones, trespassing violations, 1774
Firearms laws, persons adversely affected by enforcement of local laws, 1785, 1788, 1790, 1809, 1811, 1814, 2692, 2695, 2697
Hearing aid specialists, unlicensed practice, 2310
Medical marijuana taxation, prohibited injunctions, 2261
Obstruction of ingress or egress to property, prohibited acts, remedies, 2978
Private professional guardians, violations, 2360, 2361
Solicitation of charitable contributions, violations, 2253
Telehealth, violations by osteopathic physicians, 626
Transportation excise tax, prohibited injunctions, 2607
Commerce tax
Failure to pay, effect, 2944, 2948, 2949
Imposition, calculation of amount, 2892
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Condominium hotels, general requirements, 1236, 1237
Constructional defects
Homeowner’s warranty, effect, 16
Indemnification of controlling party by subcontractor, 4, 5
Wrap-up insurance policies and consolidated insurance programs, effect, 5-7
Dental care services
Arbitration of disputes concerning independent medical evaluations, 195-198
Prohibited acts, requirements, 2120
Fraud, acts or omissions related to certain policies issued outside State, 320, 321
Group insurance for public employees
Authorized expenditures, 2865
Autism spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, 673, 674
Eligibility for participation, affiliation period, 1416, 1417
Enrollment period, effect of failure to enroll or decline coverage, 1417
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, 211, 212
State agencies, premium holiday, 171, 172
2015-2017 biennium, amount, 2852, 2853
Break in service for more than 1 year by certain employees, effect, 2852
Synchronization of patient’s multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, 2130, 2131
Telehealth, coverage requirements, 629, 630
Guaranteed asset protection waivers
Applicability of laws, 2636, 2637, 2639
Liability insurance, requirements, effect of cancellation or termination of policy, 2639
Health insurance
Arbitration of disputes concerning dental care, procedures, 195, 196
Autism spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, 677-687
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, 206, 207
Medicaid recipients, duties of insurers in regard to, 283-286
Network plans, considerations by Commissioner, 637
Notice of proposed cancellation, nonrenewal or alteration, 3477, 3478
Synchronization of patient’s multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, 2123-2125
Telehealth, coverage requirements, 637-641
Life insurance
Cash surrender value, 3478, 3479
Premiums, calculation of adjusted premiums, 3481, 3482
"Crash," noneffect of change of terminology from "accident,” 1694
Guaranteed asset protection waivers, regulation, 2635-2640
Personal injury claims, certain duties of claimants, repeal, 1355
Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, duties of assisting principals, 289
Private professional guardian companies, requirements, 2354
Thrift companies, insurance of deposits, requirements, 2813, 2814
Transportation network companies, requirements, 1376-1379, 1398-1401, 1413
Travel insurance policies, licensing and regulation of travel retailers disseminating, 1198-1203
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2832, 2833, 2845
Annual reports, requirements, 3464, 3465
Disciplinary action, grounds, 2950, 3394, 3396, 3470, 3471
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2832, 2833
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, repeal, 2845
Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, limitation, 3475, 3476
Assets and liabilities
Absence of specific valuation requirement, effect, 3395
Actuarial examination of company, authority of Commissioner, 3395, 3396
Actuarial opinions, 3392-3394, 3412-3415
Assumptions or methods of companies, requirement to change authorized, 3396
Confidentiality of information, exceptions, 3391, 3392, 3397-3399, 3414, 3415
Disallowed assets, 3399
Disciplinary action, authority of Commissioner, 3394, 3396
Exemptions from regulation, 3399
Experience reporting agent, designation, receipt of information, 3397
Principal-based valuation, requirements, 3395-3397
Standards for valuation
Policies and contracts issued after 1971 and before operative date of Valuation Manual, 3400, 3408, 3410, 3411
Policies and contracts issued after operative date of Valuation Manual, 3392, 3394, 3396
Policies and contracts issued before 1972, 3408, 3410, 3411, 3415
Regulations, 3415
Valuation Manual
Changes to Manual, effective date, 3394
Contents, requirements, 3394, 3395
Operative date, requirements, publication of notice, 3394
Captive insurers
Annual fee, time for payment, 2833
Commerce tax, applicability, 2952
State-chartered risk retention groups formed as, requirements, 3504, 3505, 3508, 3509
Commerce tax, applicability, 2892, 2950
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2832-2837
Fraud, acts or omissions related to certain policies issued outside State, 320, 321
Health insurance
Dental care services, prohibited acts, requirements, 2120
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, 206, 207
Medicaid recipients, duties of insurers in regard to, 283-286
Notice of proposed cancellation, nonrenewal or alteration, 3477, 3478
Rate information, certain documents deemed trade secret, 3471
Synchronization of patient’s multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, 2123-2125
Utilization review, agents who conduct, requirements, 3469, 3470
Asset-backed security, conditions for qualification, 3425
Authorization of investments by Board of Directors, 3430, 3431
Control, when deemed to exist, presumption, determination of Commissioner, 3426
Credit risk, calculation of amount, 3426
Equivalent securities, qualification as, 3426
Financial guaranty insurers, 3448-3463
Foreign investment, when deemed, 3427
General investment qualifications, 3428-3430
Life and health insurers, 3433-3448
Loans to officers and directors, 3432, 3433
Mortgage guaranty insurers, 3448-3463
Prohibited investments, 3431, 3432
Property and casualty insurers, 3448-3463
Regulations, 3433
Special rated credit instrument, qualification as, 3427, 3428
Valuations of investments, 3433
Life insurance
Cash surrender value, 3478, 3479
Premiums, calculation of adjusted premiums, 3481, 3482
Motor vehicle insurance
"Crash," noneffect of change of terminology from "accident,” 1694
Electronic proof of insurance authorized, 797-799, 3485, 3514, 3515
Personal injury claims, certain duties of insurers of claimants, repeal, 1355
Rental cars, solicitation and sales of insurance, applicability of laws, 3358
Tow car operators, duty to identify and record insurers, 1468, 1469
Accreditation of reinsurers, suspension or revocation, 3383, 3386
Annual fee, time for payment, 2833
Ceding insurers, duties, 3384
Ceding reinsurance, allowance of credit, 3381, 3383-3388
Certification of assuming insurers
Applicant certified in NAIC accredited jurisdiction, effect, 3384
Qualified jurisdictions, recognition as, publication of list, 3382, 3383
Suspension or revocation, 3383, 3386
Certified reinsurers
Inactive status, effect, 3383, 3384
List of reinsurers, publication, 3383
Rating, assignment, 3383, 3384
Security, requirements, duties, 3383, 3384
Termination of certificate, effect, 3383
Nevada Life and Health Guaranty Association, powers and duties, 3471-3474
Trust funds maintained by assuming insurers, procedures, 3387, 3388
Stabilization of insurance costs, fee repealed, 2845
Discipline, evidentiary standard in certain proceeding, 722
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2841, 2842
Assumed claims for property and casualty insurers, coverage, 3476
Commerce tax, imposition, 2951
Acquisition or merger, procedures, duties of Commissioner, 3491-3499
Confidentiality of information, disclosures, 3502, 3503
Disclaimers of affiliation, 3501
Enterprise risk, reports, penalties for violations, 3500, 3501
Extraordinary distributions to shareholders, 3502
Fines for violations, 3490, 3503
Registration of insurer members, requirements, penalties, 3499
Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Model Act, adoption, contents, 3486-3490
Film production, transferable tax credits, 1098-1109
New or expanding businesses, transferable tax credits, 2479, 2480
Business tax, applicability, 2424-2426
Disciplinary action, grounds, 2950, 3394, 3396, 3470, 3471
Electronic mail address, duties, 3466-3470
Fees of Insurance Commissioner, 2832, 2833, 2837-2840
Limited lines travel insurance, licensing and regulation, 1198-1203
Nonresident firms or corporations, duties, 3469
Rental cars, solicitation and sales of insurance, applicability of laws, 3358
Abandonment of vulnerable persons, applicability of laws, penalties, 802-841
Admission to certain facilities or programs of community-based or outpatient services, applicability of laws, 57
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, 2028-2033
Pilot program to provide services, establishment, funding, reports, 1546-1548
Consumer’s rights, applicability of laws, 59, 61
Durable power of attorney for health care decisions for adults, creation, form, 1895-1899
End-of-life decisions for adults, form, 1899-1901
False reports of emergency, assignment of defendant to treatment program, 1014
Hospitalization, applicability of laws, 57
Interstate Compact on Mental Health, adoption, contents, 1030-1035
Jobs and day training services providers
Agreements with providers, required provision, 2222
For-profit providers, certification required, 57, 58
Long-term support, cooperative agreements for provision of, 2222
Restraints and interventions, use, applicability of laws, 57
Services to, authority of Administrator of Aging and Disability Services Division, 2222
Supported living arrangement services
Cooperative agreement required between Rehabilitation Division and Aging and Disability Services Division, 2222
Intensive care coordination services, pilot program to provide, 1546-1548
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from disciplinary action, 2148
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2890
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Public works, duty to defend in negligence actions, award of fees and costs, 784, 785
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Adoption or permanent free care of child, prohibited advertisements, penalty, 2015, 2016
Attorney General, publication of certain information, 335, 336
Audiologists and speech-language pathologists, telepractice, authority, 2298
Business license and similar applications, availability, 2658-2660, 3361, 3362
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, duties, 2764
Charitable contributions
Charitable organizations, information and financial reports filed with Secretary of State, 2252
Disclosures required for webcasts, 2251
Chiropractors, unprofessional conduct, 509
Collective bargaining by local governments, publication of agreements, 329
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2890
Conservation districts, imposition of parcel fee, notice of election, 1983
Cremation services, unlawful acts, 1950
Data collectors, security of personal information, applicability of laws, 241, 242
Deferred deposit loan service offerings, requirements, 1144, 1145
District court clerk, publication of fees, 2563
Drones, publication of registry, 1776
List of registered voters, publication, 3152, 3153, 3169
Sample ballots, access to, 2641, 2642, 2644, 3147, 3165, 3175, 3178
Financial disclosure statements of public officers or candidates, filing, 1720
Financial Institutions, Division of, duties, 1339, 1340, 1348, 1349
Forfeitures, publication of certain reports, 2501
Devices incorporating advanced technology, regulations to encourage manufacture, 397
Race books and sports pools, regulation of global risk management, 1822, 1823
Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, duties of Administrator, 348
Hearing aids, sales by certain persons, 2300, 2301
High-interest loan service offerings, requirements, 1144, 1145
Insurance Commissioner, filing of certain form by reinsurers, 3385, 3386
Interception of electronic communications
Applicability of laws, 2488-2495
Procedures, immunities, 2485, 2486, 2489, 2491
Intimate images, definition, unlawful dissemination or sale, penalties, 2234
Justices of the peace, fees, electronic records, 2552
License plates, charitable organizations receiving fees, duties, 1000
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of certain persons, notices regarding, 1359, 1360
Marketplace Fairness Act, Congress urged to pass, 4061, 4062
Medical Examiners, Board of, duties, 485, 486
Motor vehicle insurance, electronic proof of insurance authorized, 797-799, 3485, 3514, 3515
Motor Vehicles, Department of
Anatomical gifts, duties, 1422
Authorization letters for issuance of special license plates, placards and stickers, duties, 482
Classic vehicle plate or classic rod plate, combination with personalized prestige license plates, duties, 326
Mopeds, registration requirements, 1771
Next-of-Kin Registry, duties, 433, 447
Registration transfer or cancellation, refund or credit of fees, duties, 1114
Selective Service System, procedures regarding registration, duties, 298
Special license plates for veterans, duties, 268
Networks, study of peering, 1177, 1178
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, duties, 2142
Parole Commissioners, State Board of, duties, 2767
Patient-centered medical homes, publication of information, 1550
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, contents, 1143-1145
Prescription drug monitoring system, access to database, 1169
Prisoners, agreements authorizing use of telecommunications devices, 3080, 3081
Property tax rolls, publication of lists relating to taxpayers and valuations, notice, 2712, 2713, 2715
Public engagement by state agencies, requirements, 1007
Achievement School District, duties, 3780
Automated system of accountability information, index of data elements, 2973
Basic support guarantee, certain information, 3708, 3709
Broadband and WAN access and improvement, incentive grant program, funding, 3745
Cleaning and maintenance products used in schools, provision of notices, 2084, 2085
Cyber-bullying (See generally SCHOOLS, PUBLIC — Safe and respectful learning environment)
Disabilities, pupils with, information relating to due process hearings, 2077
Distance education (See DISTANCE EDUCATION)
Dyslexia, provision of professional development, 2383
Education savings accounts, provision of certain information, 1827, 1830, 1843
Enrollment capacity, list of schools exceeding, publication of information, 1256
Examinations and assessments
Education savings accounts, requirements, 1830
End-of-course examinations, electronic distribution of informational pamphlets, 2099
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, information regarding deposits, 3696
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, duties, 2142
Nevada Ready 21 Technology grant program, funding, 3745
Reading, academic retention of pupils in grade 3, reports, 1860, 1861, 1866
Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office of, duties, 410
Safe-to-Tell Program, publication of information concerning, 3072, 3073
Scholarship organizations, grants provided by, publication of adjusted amounts, 87
School service providers, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, 1850-1854
Stroke Registry, operation and use, reports, 248, 249
Supreme Court Clerk, fees, electronic records, 2550
Telehealth, regulation, insurance coverage, 619-648
Title loan service offerings, requirements, 1144, 1145
Trafficking in children, prohibited advertisements, penalty, 2017
Transportation network companies, requirements, 1382, 1384-1386, 1404, 1406-1408, 1413
Veterans Services, Department of, duties, 565, 3933
Deaf or hard of hearing, availability to provide access to state agencies, requirements, 888
Sparks Municipal Court, appointment, 189
Charter school pupils, transportation by school district, 3295
Education savings accounts, opt-in child, participation in activities, 1833-1835, 1845, 1846
Live entertainment tax, exemptions, 3767
Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, appeal of decisions, 2141, 2142
Ninth grade pupils, eligibility, 2142
Transfer pupils, eligibility, applicability of rules and regulations, 2142
Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loan licensees, prohibited acts, 1145
Commerce tax, imposition on drinking places, calculation of amount, 2894
Complaints against licensees, procedures, 66-69
Craft distilleries, authorized acts, 884
Licenses and permits
Cities, powers and duties of governing bodies, 65-69
Exemption from requirement, liquor sold at sale of property under execution, 2523
Fees, payment, 68
Sales, affidavit of applicant, repeal, 2676, 3375
Minors requesting emergency medical assistance following alcohol consumption, exemption from criminal penalties, 1450, 1451
Powdered alcohol, prohibited acts, penalty, 1450
Transportation network companies, prohibited acts by drivers, duties of companies, 1385, 1407, 1408, 1413
Authorized and prohibited activities, 551-553
Labeling of bottles of wine, regulation, 552
Location, restriction removed, 552
Boats, operating under the influence (See BOATS AND BOATING)
Firearms, possession while under the influence, procedure following refusal to submit to evidentiary test, 2534
Deadly force, presumption, immunity from civil liability, 1784
"Justifiable homicide," definition, presumptions, 1781, 1782
Aged or vulnerable persons
Penalties for violations, 2022-2025
Commerce tax, failure to pay, grounds for discipline, 2926
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Condominium hotel unit-owner’s associations, 1216, 1222
Insurers, investments by (See INSURANCE COMPANIES)
Victims convicted of certain crimes, vacation of judgment authorized, 786
Assessments to pay indebtedness of district, calculation, 168
Reclamation Safety of Dams Act, compliance with, authority, 168
Support expressed and friendship and partnership recognized, 4055, 4056
Cities, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Constables, certain duties removed, 2521
Counties, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Drones, prohibited acts, 1773, 1774, 1777
Justice courts and municipal courts, authorized places for holding court, 980
"Sexual abuse" of a prisoner, definition, penalty, 897, 898
"Unauthorized custodial conduct," definition, penalty, 897, 898
Divorce of veterans with service-connected disability, division of property, 792
Constructional defects actions, offers of judgment, 7-9
Deficiency judgments, limitation on amount of money judgment, 581, 582
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in civil actions, 582
Juvenile courts
Enforcement of civil judgments, certain procedures repealed, 908
Restitution, judgment requiring parent or guardian to pay, expiration, 2577, 2578
Restitution, criminal judgment to remain open until satisfied, 2573, 2574
Stay of execution of civil judgment pending appeal, amount of bond to secure, 1521
Alternate members, appointment, 951
Deliberative sessions, confidentiality of minutes, 953
Determinations and findings, requirements, 950
Existence of proceedings, confidentiality of information, 951, 952
Former judge or justice, applicability of provisions to, 950, 951
Frivolous complaints and actions related to proceedings, certain filings deemed to be, 951
General appropriations, 3671
General Counsel, salary, 2742
Perjury by witness, disclosures following, 952
Supreme Court, jurisdiction over complaints and actions, 951
Age of retirement with full benefits, establishment, 2735
Annual service multiplier to determine benefit, reduction, 2736
Appropriation, 3670
Compensation used to determine benefit, limitation on amount, 2736
Contributions by members, requirements, 2732
Felony conviction, forfeiture of benefits, 2733
Judge killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, 2732, 2733, 2739
Purchase of service credit, exclusion in determining years of service for retirement with unreduced benefit, effect of family medical emergency, 2735
Reemployment of retired judge or justice
Allowances, continuation under Judicial Retirement Plan, requirements, 3067, 3069
Benefits, sunset on certain laws removed, 3069
Cooling-off period, 3067
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, 2736
Administrative decisions, procedures, 709-711
Data centers petitioning for tax abatements, decisions regarding, 3046
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission regulations, 1161
Medical marijuana taxes, appeal of final decisions, other proceedings prohibited, 2260, 2261
Nevada Transportation Authority, appeal of final decisions, 2595
Taxicab Authority, appeal of final decisions, 2601
Transportation excise tax, final decisions of Tax Commission, 2607, 2608
General appropriations, 3671
Supplemental appropriation, 69
County commissioners, duties to select jurors in certain counties repealed, 2554, 2555, 2569
Grand juries (See GRAND JURIES)
Lien or encumbrance filed against property of juror, prohibited acts, penalties, 1357-1361
Membership, 236
Parole, study, 238
Portable event recording devices used by peace officers, duties, 3668
Summary proceedings for obtaining possession of real property, recreational vehicle or mobile home, applicability of Rules, 3125
Confession of judgment, procedures, 1368, 1369
Forcible entry or forcible detainer, powers and duties, 3114-3117
Illegal lockouts from dwelling, complaints for reentry, procedures, 3117
Monetary limit for jurisdiction, increase, 945-948
Physicians, reports to Court Administrator, duties of court clerk repealed, 2776-2778
Places for holding, 980
Recycling of paper, requirements, 2548
Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, representation, 236
County treasurer, time for payment of fines, fees and bail, 2551, 2552, 2566
Docket, authorized format, certain duties repealed, 2554, 2569
Actions for claims exceeding certain sum, 940, 942
Electronic format of records authorized, 2552
Fines for certain violations repealed, 2569
Monthly financial statements required, 2552
Payments to county treasurer, time for, 2551, 2552
Small claims, fees in certain actions, 940, 942
Table of fees, posting, requirements, penalty repealed, 2552, 2553
Fines and forfeitures, time for payment to county treasurer, 2566
Money collected on any process, disposition, duties repealed, 2569
Qualifications of justices in certain townships, 939
Statistical information, requirements, submission to Court Administrator, 2553
Traffic violations, duty to record repealed, 2569
Civil judgments, certain enforcement procedures repealed, 908
Competency of child
Adjudication of child as delinquent or in need of supervision, prohibited during period of incompetency, 2033
Determination of incompetency, effect, procedures following, 2031
Evaluation of child
Appointment and qualifications of expert, 2029
Considerations, duties of expert, 2029, 2030
Other experts authorized to testify on competency of child, 2029
Reports, requirements, 2030
Statements by child during evaluations, admissibility, 2031
Expedited hearings, procedures, 2030, 2031
Final disposition of case, period tolled during determination, 2029
"Incompetent," defined, 2028
Motion for evaluation of child, requirements, 2029
Periodic reviews of child determined to be incompetent, requirements, procedures following, 2031, 2032
Placement of child pending determination, services provided to child, 2028, 2029
Supervision and consent decrees during period of incompetency prohibited, 2033
Suspension of case to determine competency, 2028
Termination of jurisdiction over child who fails to attain competency, considerations, 2032, 2033
Crimes committed by children, minimum age for punishment, 787
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, procedures, 1495-1497
Judgment requiring parent or guardian to pay, expiration, 2577, 2578
Repeal of certain enforcement procedures, 908
Restraint of child during proceedings, restrictions, procedure for use of restraints, 2016, 2017
Sealing records of child, procedures, inspection of sealed records, 2570-2573
Sexual offenses
Expert testimony concerning behavior in preparing child for sexual abuse, admissibility, 2243, 2244
Psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, prohibited acts, exclusion of testimony, 2244, 2245
Sexually exploited children, procedures, 570, 571
Specialty court programs, fee, continuation, 2955
"Treatment provider" for substance abusers under court order, definition, procedures, 746, 752-754
Competency of child under jurisdiction of juvenile court, determination, procedures, 2028-2033
Crimes committed by children, minimum age for punishment, 787
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, procedures, 1495-1497
Lewdness with a child, delinquent acts, 2241
Authorized expenditures, 2860, 3680
Capital improvements legislation, 3938
Child’s welfare, persons responsible for, 387
Employees, scope of background checks, 814
General appropriations, 3673
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, 1495-1497
Superintendents of state facilities, salaries, 2745
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, 1495-1497
Child welfare services information, authority to disseminate, 1501
Employees, scope of background checks, 815, 817
Juvenile court, determination of competency of child, receipt of reports, 2032
Juvenile justice information, release of records, authority, duties, 1495-1497
Duties, 3734
Child custody proceedings, effect of abduction of child, penalties, 2585, 2587, 2590
Adoption of child by certain relatives, procedures, 420, 421
Charitable solicitations, exemption from registration and disclosure requirements, 2250, 2251
Common-interest communities, restrictions on service as officer or executive board member, 1927, 1928
Contractors’ Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, 2009
Epinephrine injections, administration, immunities, 470, 471
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, contents, 110-114
Guardian of adult or minor ward, preferences for appointment as, 2362, 2363, 2367, 2505, 2509
Mental health facility admissions, consideration of applications by certain kin prohibited, 2992
Motor Vehicles, Department of, establishment of Next-of-Kin Registry, 429-447
Risk retention groups, "material relationship" with group defined, 3508
Sales and use taxes, exemption for certain relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, 3930, 3931
Trafficking in children, prohibited acts, 2017
Belt buckles, knives made integral part of, prohibitions repealed, 1587
Dirks and daggers, prohibition on carrying concealed repealed, 1587
Switchblade knives, prohibitions repealed, 1587, 1591
Craft food operations, certain food items prepared by, 1259
Livestock feed, requirements, 2468, 2472
Pet food, requirements, 2468, 2472
Used or recycled oil, labeling requirements, 3639
Wine, regulation, 552
Contractors for public works, duties, 2720
General appropriations, 3675
Prevailing wages, duties, 2652-2654
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2746
Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, representation, 4078
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, representation, 2444
Public works, authority of public bodies relating to contracts, 2650, 2651
Medical laboratories (See MEDICAL LABORATORIES)
Medical marijuana testing laboratories, qualifications, 3106
Research facilities, duties regarding dogs and cats used in research, 1731, 1732
Building and design codes, compliance, immunity from discipline, 2148
Commerce tax, imposition on businesses, calculation of amount, 2890
Drones, immunities for trespass, 1774
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Public works, duty to defend in negligence actions, award of fees and costs, 784, 785
Cities, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Counties, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Master plans, cooperation between state and local governments regarding, 1124, 1125
Accessory roads and public roads, duties, 2634
Areas of critical environmental concern, duties, 375
Executive Council, composition, duties, 375
Eleventh Judicial District, County made part of, 1024
Commercial tenancies
Changing locks by landlord, notice requirements, 1015, 1016
Termination of lease, authority of tenant upon certain violations by landlord, 1016
Forcible entry or forcible detainer
Landlord and tenant laws inapplicable, 3133
Stay of execution of summary order for removal, grounds, 3116
Manufactured home parks (See MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS)
Trespassers, injury to, liability of owner, lessee or occupant of premises, 1526, 1527
Unlawful detainer (See EVICTION)
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Public works, duty to defend in negligence actions, award of fees and costs, 784, 785
State Board of Landscape Architecture
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Community redevelopment (See also COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT)
Extension of termination date, criteria, 3141
General election, date, charter amendment, 1892
Public health advisory board, membership, 2962, 2964
School precincts, reorganization of school district into, procedures, 3847-3850
Administrator of State Public Works Division, lease of office rooms outside of state buildings, duties, 461, 462
Employee leasing companies, requirements, 2678-2680
Supreme Court, authority to lease office space in Clark County, 1977
Taxicabs, authority of certificate holder to lease to independent contractor, restrictions, liability, 2595, 2596
Energy efficiency programs, 3658-3661
Engine emission control, inspection and testing of vehicles, 2220
Green banks, establishment, 3658-3661
Internet networks, peering, 1177, 1178
Mentorship program for children in State, 1455
Parole systems, 238
Rights, privileges and immunities of Legislators related to studies, clarification of law, 3194, 3195
Improvement of public education and cost efficiencies, 2400
Local school precincts, impact on public school financing, 3847, 3850
Teachers, administrators and other educational personnel, professional development, 3699, 3700
Staff assistance by Legislative Counsel Bureau, restriction, 3192
Water, conservation and alternative sources, 1909
Accounting Unit, duties regarding Legislator salaries, 4015
Audit Division
Clark County School District, duties, 1875
Class-size reduction program, audit of use of money, 3061
Nonprofit organizations operating charter schools, duties, 2872
Special license plates, charitable entities receiving fees, duties, 994, 995
Victory schools, duties, 2203
Washoe County School District, duties, 1875
Authorized expenditures, 2857
Building maintenance, appropriation, 2204
Compensation schedule for certain elected officers, duties, 4080
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, 888
Appropriations for Bureau and interim operations, duties, 3681
Authorized expenditures, approval of augmentations, 2867
Lobbyists, former Legislators registering as paid lobbyists, duties, 1012
Motor Vehicles, Department of, notices from, 268, 298, 326, 447, 482, 1114, 1422, 1771
Reports, receipt (See also LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)
Aircraft and component industry, tax abatements, 2334
Attorney General, 336
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, 826, 2764, 2765
Child and Family Services, Division of, 3065
Child care facilities, 2775
Community paramedicine services, 650
Court Administrator, 2759, 2760, 2955
Domestic violence protective orders, 2764
Drones, operation by public agencies, 1776
Economic development, certain nonprofit corporation, 702
Economic Development, Office of, 1108, 2334, 2480, 2481, 2483, 3051
Emissions From Motor Vehicles, Advisory Committee on the Control of, 2220
Energy assistance programs, 279
Energy efficiency incentives, 3660
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, 2971
Green banks, development, 3660
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, services provided to, 1547, 1548
Local Government Finance, Committee on, 2772
Local governments in severe financial emergency, 733
Medical Examiners, Board of, 485
Mentoring programs, 1455
Nevada Association of Counties, 2419
Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities, 2703
Nevada System of Higher Education, Board of Regents, 53
Probation violators, diversion program, continuation, 1995
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, 1388, 1413
Real Estate Division, 2779
Redevelopment agencies in certain cities, use of revenue, 3140
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, 550
Regulatory bodies, reciprocal agreements with other states, 3866
Basic support guarantee, certain information, 3708, 3709
Breakfast After the Bell Program, 3854, 3855
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, 3850
Early childhood education, 3747
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, 3700
Expenditures associated with legislative appropriations for certain categories of pupils, 3734
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, 3696, 3697
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of programs and services, 1873-1875
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, 1868
Local school precincts, impact on public school financing, 3850
Mentoring programs, 1455
Nevada Plan, plan to provide additional resources to, 3734, 3735
Safe-to-Tell Program, 3073, 3076
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, 2400
STEM, Advisory Council on, 2830
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, 2191
Stroke Registry, operation and use, 248-250
Supreme Court, 2761
Taxation, Department of, 1017
Tourism and entertainment facilities, districts to finance, 468
Tourism, districts to promote, 468
Transportation Authority, Nevada, 1410
Transportation, Department of, 192
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Campus Improvement Authority, 2013
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, 565, 1168, 3933
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, 279
Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation, Legislative Bureau of
Achievement School District, notice of availability of reports, 3780
Automated system of accountability information, duties, 2976
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, time for receipt, 221
Fiscal Analysis Division
Child welfare services, agencies which provide, receipt of reports, 3064
Education savings accounts, receipt of pupil records, 1842
Other State Education Programs Account, duties, 3745
Payroll deductions, authority of Legislative Fiscal Officer, 1919, 1920
Temporary advances of money, notices, 2870, 3689, 3690, 3941
Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, 2752
Work program revisions, duties, 172
Information technology, appropriation, 2204
Interim Finance Committee
Autism Treatment Assistance Program, appropriation, 3683, 3684
Capital improvements, duties, 3949
Child welfare services money, duties, 2869
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, duties, 3848
Corrections, Department of, appropriation, 3685
Educational Trust Account, expenditures from, duties, 2107
Energy assistance programs, duties, 279
Foreclosure Mediation, Account for, duties, 3334
General appropriations legislation, duties, 3678-3681, 3683-3687, 3690-3692
Legal services, duties regarding certain contracts, 334, 338
Mental health workers in schools, appropriation, duties, 3749
Motor Vehicles, Department of, appropriation, 3690
Nevada System of Higher Education, appropriations, 3686, 3687
Petroleum, Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of, approval of certain expenditures, 2422, 2423
Real Estate Division and Commission, claims for expenses, 2784
Recycling of paper by Supreme Court, duty removed, 2548
Reports, receipt
Administration, Department of, 2767
Basic support guarantee, multiplier for pupils with disabilities, 3735
Economic Development, Office of, 2480, 2481, 2483
Energy assistance programs, 279
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of programs and services, 1873
Mental health workers in schools, 3749
Nonprofit organizations operating charter schools, 2872
Probation violators, diversion program, continuation, 1995
Property tax proceeds for bond payments, 3949
Transportation, Department of, 2137
Salaries of state employees, duties, 2752
Senior citizen’s property tax assistance program, appropriation, 3684
State budget, approval of certain work program revisions unnecessary, 901, 902
State Public Defender assessments, duties, 2868
Train Employees Now Program, appropriation, 3681
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program, appropriation, 3680
Water projects in tax increment areas, approval of financing, 3198
Legal Division
Audiology and Speech Pathology, Board of, duties regarding name change, 2322
Bill draft requests, duties, 3182, 3185-3189
Claims, Board to Review, receipt of resolutions, 3603
Cultural Affairs, Commission for, duties regarding name changes, 77
Education laws, reorganization of Title 34, duties, 3838, 3839
Finance, Office of, duties regarding name changes, 1924
Gaming Control Board, duties regarding name change, 1367
Nevada Administrative Code, removal of void regulations, 373, 381, 697, 698, 2322
State business license, duties regarding terminology changes, 3375
State Library and Archives, Division of duties regarding name changes, 24
Transportation network companies, codification of provisions, duties, 2610
Vehicle accidents, duties regarding terminology change, 1707
Wildlife accounts, duties regarding name changes, 105
Legislative Commission
Authorized expenditures, approval of augmentations, 2867
Clark County School District
Reorganization into local school precincts, duties, 3847, 3848, 3850
Request for audit, 1875
Lobbying, contents of regulations, 1716
Nonprofit organizations operating charter schools, request for audit, 2872
Operation of Bureau and interim activities, appropriation, duties, 3681
Oral history program for Legislature, duties, 871, 872
Reports, receipt
Breakfast After the Bell Program, 3854, 3855
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, 2764
Class-size reduction program, audit, 3061
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, 71
Domestic violence protective orders, 2764
Drones, operation by public agencies, 1776
Economic development, certain nonprofit corporation, 702
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, 2971
Local governments in severe financial emergency, 733
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, 1388, 1391, 1413
Redevelopment agencies in certain cities, use of revenue, 3140
Research Division, 872
Taxation, Department of, 1017
Transportation Authority, Nevada, 1410, 1413
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, 565, 1168, 3933
Special License Plates, Commission on, requests for audits, duties, 994
Victory schools, request for audit, 2203
Washoe County School District, request for audit, 1875
National organization costs and dues, appropriation, 2204
Research Division, Nevada Legislature Oral History Program, duties, 871, 872
Rights, privileges and immunities, laws clarified, 3194, 3195
Studies and investigations generally, staff assistance, 3192
Work produced, confidentiality, 3192, 3193
Appropriation, 3688
Compensation used to determine benefit, limitation on amount, 2738
Felony conviction, forfeiture of benefits, 2736, 2737
Legislator killed in course of service, benefit options of surviving spouse and survivor beneficiary, 2737-2740
Purchase of service credit, exclusion in determining years of service for retirement with unreduced benefit, effect of family medical emergency, 2738
"Spouse" defined to include domestic partner, 2737
Minority Leader
Appointments made by
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, 3847, 3850
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, 3699
Postacute care study committee, 1544
Reno Charter Committee, 770
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, 3075
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, 2827, 2828, 2830
Medical Licensure Compact Commission, Interstate, receipt of certain notice, 1162
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, 2399
Appointments made by
Charter School Authority, State Public, 3257, 3258
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, 3847, 3850
Economic development, board of directors of certain nonprofit corporation, 701
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, 3699
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, 2969, 2971
Postacute care study committee, 1544
Reno Charter Committee, 770
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, 3075
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, 2827, 2828, 2830
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, Board of Directors, 555
Contingent fee contracts, receipt of reports, 336
Medical Licensure Compact Commission, Interstate, receipt of certain notice, 1162
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, 2399
Wall of Distinction, additions
Attaches, appointment, 3976, 3977, 3999, 4016, 4018, 4019, 4024
Bills and resolutions, drafting requests
Assignment of number for priority, prerequisites, 3182, 3185-3189
Legislator requests, last day for introduction extended, 4017
Prefiling, deadline, duty of Legislators to prefile, 3183, 3184
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, membership, 3847
Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, powers and duties, 1186, 1187
Achievement School District, notice of availability of reports, 3780
Basic support guarantee, duties, receipt of reports, 3708, 3709
Early childhood education, receipt of reports, 3747
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, receipt of reports, 3700
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, receipt of reports, 3696, 3697
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of programs and services, receipt of reports, 1874, 1875
Literacy of pupils enrolled in K-3, receipt of reports, 1868
Mentorship program for children in State, duties, 1455
Nevada Plan, plan to provide additional resources to, receipt of reports, duties, 3734
Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, time for receipt, 221
Safe-to-Tell Program, receipt of reports, 3073
State of public education, receipt of reports, 2974, 2975
State Public Charter School Authority, receipt of recommendations, 3289
University students who are veterans, receipt of reports, 53
Victory schools, receipt of reports, duties, 2202
Energy, study of green banks and efficiency incentives, duties, 3659-3661
Finance, receipt of report on Fund for Energy Assistance and Conservation, 279
Health Care
Community paramedicine services, receipt of reports, 650
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, services provided to, receipt of report, 1547, 1548
Regulatory bodies, reciprocal agreements, receipt of reports, 3866
Stroke Registry, operation and use, receipt of reports, 248-250
Public Lands, study of water conservation and alternative water sources, 1909
Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs
Abandonment of senior citizens, duties, 827
Transportation, receipt of report on emission control, 2220
Ways and Means, receipt of report on Fund for Energy Assistance and Conservation, 279
Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, Citizens’ Commission on, duties, 4080
Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, interpreters to be available, 888
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, membership, 3699
Appointment, 3976, 3977, 3999, 4016, 4018, 4019, 4024
Classified service, transfers to, eligibility, 1993, 1994
Energy assistance programs, duties, 279
Family resource centers, development of action plans, input, 978
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, 2970
Initiative petitions for generation of public revenue, requirements for passage, 4068-4072
Joint Standing Rules, 3999-4014
Legislative Fund
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, compensation of legislative members, 3700
General appropriations, 3670, 3677, 3681
Salary increases, appropriation, 2755
Session expenses, appropriation, 1
Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Certain Elected Officers, creation, duties, 4078-4081
Duties performed outside of session, 4080
Increase during term authorized, 4079
Voluntary transfer of portion of salary to State General Fund, 4015
Cooling-off period before serving as paid lobbyist, 1012
Gifts from lobbyists, definitions, prohibited acts, 1713-1715, 1717
Public Employees’ Benefits Program, eligibility date for participation, 1417
Rights, privileges and immunities, laws clarified, 3194, 3195
Oral history program for Legislature, establishment, 871, 872
Property tax, duties, 4083
Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee, representation, 2444
Reports, receipt
Administration, Department of, 2767
Aircraft and component industry, tax abatements, 2334
Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, 826, 2764
Child and Family Services, Division of, 3065
Community paramedicine services, 650
Court Administrator, 2760
Domestic violence protective orders, 2764
Drones, operation by public agencies, 1776
Economic development, certain nonprofit corporation, 702
Economic Development, Office of, 1108, 2334, 2480, 2481, 2483, 2768, 3051
Employment Security Division, 2768
Energy assistance programs, 279
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, 2971
Intellectual disabilities and related conditions, children with, services provided to, 1547, 1548
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, 1159
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Board for the Regulation of, 2775
Local Government Finance, Committee on, 2772
Local governments in severe financial emergency, 733
Medical Examiners, Board of, 485
Nevada Association of Counties, 2419
Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities, 2703
Nevada System of Higher Education, Board of Regents, 53
Property tax proceeds for bond payments, 3949
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, 1388, 1413
Redevelopment agencies in certain cities, use of revenue, 3140
Regional Business Development Advisory Council, 550
Regulatory bodies, reciprocal agreements with other states, 3866
Basic support guarantee, certain information, 3708, 3709
Breakfast After the Bell Program, 3854, 3855
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, 3850
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, 3700
Expenditures associated with legislative appropriations for certain categories of pupils, 3734
Great Teaching and Leading Fund, 3696, 3697
Limited English proficient pupils, funding of programs and services, 1874, 1875
Literacy programs for pupils enrolled in K-3, 1868
Nevada Plan, plan to provide additional resources to, 3734, 3735
Safe-to-Tell Program, 3073, 3076
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, 2400
STEM, Advisory Council on, 2830
Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, 2191
Supreme Court, 2761
Taxation, Department of, 1017
Tourism and entertainment facilities, districts to finance, 468
Tourism, districts to promote, 468
Transportation Authority, Nevada, 1410
Transportation, Department of, 192
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Campus Improvement Authority, 2013
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, 565, 1168, 3933
Revenue projections, reserves, duties, 3690
Achievement School District, authority to make recommendations for legislation, 3778
Safe and respectful learning environment, legislative declaration, 881
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, membership, 3075
Hall of Fame, inductions
Townsend, Randolph J., 4022, 4023
Majority Leader
Appointments made by
Charter School Authority, State Public, 3257, 3258
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, 3847, 3850
Economic development, board of directors of certain nonprofit corporation, 701
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, 3699
Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, 2969, 2971
Postacute care study committee, 1544
Reno Charter Committee, 770
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, 3075
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, 2827, 2828, 2830
Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, Board of Directors, 555
Contingent fee contracts, receipt of reports, 336
Medical Licensure Compact Commission, Interstate, receipt of certain notice, 1162
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, 2399
Minority Leader
Appointments made by
Clark County School District, reorganization advisory committee, 3847, 3850
Educator Professional Development, Advisory Task Force on, 3699
Postacute care study committee, 1544
Reno Charter Committee, 770
Safe-to-Tell Program Advisory Committee, 3075
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Advisory Council on, 2827, 2828, 2830
Medical Licensure Compact Commission, Interstate, receipt of certain notice, 1162
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission, recommendations for membership, 2399
Standing Rules, 3977-3998, 4030-4052
Session expenses, appropriation, 1
Standing rules
Veterans Day at the Legislature, establishment, 558
Victims of crime, laws regarding, duties, 4074
Women Veterans Advisory Committee, recommendations to Legislature, 3857
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, 2244, 2245
Indecent or obscene exposure, penalties for certain acts, 2240, 2241
Lewdness with a child, prohibited acts, penalties, 2241
Open or gross lewdness, penalties for certain acts, 2240
Pupils and students, sexual conduct with, prohibited acts, penalties, 2242, 2243
Cities, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Counties, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
State Library and Archives (See ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF)
Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation, Commission for, membership, 70
Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)
Condominium hotels, requirements, 1239, 1242
False or fraudulent lien filed against property of certain persons, penalties, civil remedies, 1357-1361
Junior lienholders, amount of recovery in certain civil actions, 582
Mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens
Contractors’ Recovery Fund, certain persons ineligible to recover from, 2009
Notice of right to lien, requirements, 1932-1934
Motor vehicle consignment auctions, prohibited lienholders, 126-128
Recreational vehicles abandoned on private property, authority of property owner, procedures, 1514-1517, 1519
Bill draft requests, requirements, prefiling deadline, 3187
Compensation, procedure for establishment, increase during term authorized, 4078-4080
General appropriations, 3669
Session expenses, appropriation, 880
Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Department of, appointment procedure for Director, 74
Unclassified staff, salaries, 2741
Assessments of members, limitation, 3475
Commerce tax, applicability, 2950
Definitions, 3475
Reinsurance, powers and duties of Association, 3471-3474
Termination, recording procedures, 3521
Adults with intellectual disabilities, creation of power of attorney for, form, 1895-1901
Constructional defects, 16, 17, 21
Contractors, recovery of wages or benefits due employee of subcontractor, 1932
Corporate acts, ratification or validation, actions relating to, 3218
Deeds of trust, action to declare trustee’s sale void, 1617
Domestic relations actions, postjudgment motions to adjudicate property, 861
Fraudulent transfers, limitations inapplicable to claims for relief with respect to transfers to spendthrift trust, 1423
Medicaid, liability for false or fraudulent claims, recovery, 914
Private professional guardians, recovery on bond, 2355
Restitution, actions concerning, 2573, 2574
Sexual assault, limitation extended, 583
Business identification number, assignment, 1322, 2661, 3364
Conversion or exchange, contents of articles filed with Secretary of State, 1319, 1320
Foreign companies
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, 2674, 3372
Initial and annual list, fee, 2912
Private professional guardian businesses, name, 2353
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, 1291
Renewal or revival of registration, authority, 1288, 1289, 1292
Revocation of right to transact business, cancellation of registration, 1288
Gaming licensees, repeal of certain restrictions on eligibility, 1494
Initial and annual list, fee, 2911
Legally organized, when deemed, 3239
Contents of articles filed with Secretary of State, 1319, 1320
Duties of surviving entity, liability for obligations of constituent entity, 3242-3244
Private professional guardians (See PRIVATE PROFESSIONAL GUARDIANS)
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, 1289-1291
Revocation of charter, dissolution procedures following, 1288
Business identification number, assignment, 1322
General partners, maintenance of list, requirements, 1313
Business identification number, assignment, 1322, 2661, 3364
Certificate of registration
Renewal or revival, authority, 1294, 1295, 1297
Revocation, dissolution procedures following, 1293, 1294
Foreign partnerships
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, 2674, 3372
Initial and annual list, fee, 2915
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, authority, 1295-1297
Initial and annual list, fee, 2913, 2914
Business identification number, assignment, 1322, 2661, 3364
Conversion or exchange, contents of articles filed with Secretary of State, 1319, 1320
Foreign partnerships
Certificate of fictitious name, right of county clerk to reject, 2674
Initial and annual list, fee, 2917, 2918, 2920
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, 1303, 1311
Renewal or revival of right to transact business, authority, 1300, 1301, 1304, 1307, 1308, 1311, 1312
Revocation of right to transact business, cancellation of registration following, 1299, 1300, 1307
Formed, when deemed, 3241, 3242
Gaming licensees, repeal of certain restrictions on eligibility, 1494
Initial and annual list, fee, 2916, 2919
Contents of articles filed with Secretary of State, 1319, 1320
Duties of surviving entity, liability for obligations of constituent entity, 3242-3244
Records, place of maintenance, inspection, 1301-1303, 1310
Renewal or revival of certificate, authority, 1298, 1299, 1301, 1306, 1307, 1309, 1310
Revocation of certificate, dissolution procedures following, 1298, 1305, 1306
Commerce tax, imposition on transportation businesses, calculation, 2891, 2892
Excise tax, imposition, 1390
Public lands, contingent receipt of certain sale proceeds, 4059
County fuel tax indexing, authority, procedures, 2045, 2046, 2049
Special fuel taxes, factors for conversion of volumetric measurements, 450
Licensees, medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Reports to Governor and Legislature, repeal of requirements, 2775
Regulation and taxation, exclusion as tobacco product, 2495, 2496
Deeds of trust, action to declare trustee’s sale void, 1617
Filing of notice against property of certain persons, prohibited acts, penalties, 1357-1361
"Admission charge," definition, included and excluded fees and charges, 3762, 3763
Amount upon which tax is based, procedure when vague or subjective, 3766
Consideration collected for admission required for imposition of tax, 3762
Exclusions from tax, removal of certain exclusions, 3763-3765, 3767-3769
"Facility," definition, 3763
Gaming establishments
Amount upon which tax is based, procedure when vague or subjective, 3766
Unsuitable method of operation, acts constituting, penalties, 3771
Investigatory or disciplinary proceedings authorized, 3771
Regulations, certain regulations deemed void, 3774
Auctions, regulation of operators, penalties, 3611-3613
Calves under 4 weeks of age, prohibition on sale for food removed, 3623, 3624
Carcasses (See CARCASSES)
Commercial feed (See FEED, COMMERCIAL)
Diseased livestock
Administrative fines, deposit and use, 369
Compensation after mandatory destruction of animal, procedure, 368, 369
Meat, prohibited acts, 3623
Event facilities, authority to require fire sprinklers in certain facilities restricted, 1990
Graffiti laws, applicability, 2109, 2111, 2114
Taxation, declaration of livestock, 3613, 3614
Applicability of laws, duty of exempt persons to register with Department repealed, 3619, 3620
Civil penalties for violations, deposit, 3620
Future Farmers of America
Applicability of laws, 3619
Authority to maintain action against licensees, 3617
Licensure, requirements, 3615, 3616
Adults with intellectual disabilities, creation of power of attorney for, form, 1895-1901
Agricultural loans, funding of certain program, 369, 371, 2464, 2474, 3583, 3592, 3613, 3620, 3623, 3636, 3638, 3641
Catalyst Account, loans from, reports, 2481-2483
High-interest loans (See HIGH-INTEREST LOANS)
Home equity loans secured by mortgage, procedures to terminate line of credit, 1610-1612
Installment loan businesses, effect of failure to pay commerce tax, 2944, 2948, 2949
Insurers, authorized investments, requirements, prohibited acts, 3432, 3433, 3439, 3441, 3443, 3456
Motor vehicles, guaranteed asset protection waivers, regulation, 2635-2640
Nevada ABLE Savings Program
Security, use of money as security prohibited, 1429
Student loans, eligibility unaffected by money deposited pursuant to Program, 1430
Payday Lender Best Practices Act, adoption, contents, 1143-1145
Renewable Energy Account, reimbursement of certain loans, procedure, 1919, 1920
Severe Financial Emergency Fund, time for repayment of loans, 734
WICHE Health Care Access Program, conversion of certain portion of support fees into loan, 1508
Educational or informational meeting, event or trip, definition, treatment, 1713-1715
Expenditures, reports, 1716
Gifts, prohibited acts, 1717
Legislators, cooling-off period before serving as paid lobbyist, 1012
Collective bargaining agreements
Approval, procedures for, 329
Expiration, time for, procedures when no successor agreement effective, 1596
Fiscal emergency, reopening of agreements authorized, 2966, 2967
Fact-finding, issues regarding financial ability to pay, certain money to be excluded from consideration, 2968
Hearings by Board
Prohibited practices, time for hearing, 1599, 1600
Refusal to bargain in good faith, time for hearing, 1594
Leave for employee serving employee organization, when authorized, 1593
Negotiations, exclusion of certain money from, 2968
Achievement charter schools, reassignment of staff, authority of school districts, 3791, 3818
Administrators, exclusions from bargaining units, determinations, 1596, 1597
Arbitrators, time for selection, duties, authority of parties to select another arbitrator, 1598
Charter school governing bodies, rights to terminate employment or refuse to employ excluded from collective bargaining, 3309
Local school precincts in Clark County, applicability of laws, 3845, 3846
Negotiations at impasse, when to declare, 1598
Notice by employee organization of desire to negotiate, requirements, 1597
Performance pay and enhanced compensation program for teachers and administrators, exemption from collective bargaining, 3821
Turnaround schools, certain decisions excluded from collective bargaining, 3836
Scope of mandatory bargaining, 1594
Severe financial emergency of local government, powers and duties of Department of Taxation, 730, 731
Authorized expenditures, 2863
Hearings, requirements, 1594, 1599, 1600
Salaries of unclassified staff, 2746
School administrators, duties of Commissioner, 1597
Administrative support, 724
Chair and Vice Chair, election, 724, 741
Compensation, 724
Fiscal watch, local governments placed on, receipt of notice, 726
Meetings, 724
Motor vehicle fuel tax allocations, reporting requirements repealed, 2772
Quorum, 724
Severe financial emergency
Emergencies unlikely to cease within 3 years, procedures, 735
Hearings to determine, duties, 727, 729, 730
Revenue enhancement and expense mitigation plans, duties, 732, 733
Termination or modification of management of local government, 738
Technical financial assistance to local government, duties, 726, 727
Terms of members, additional terms, 724
City finances and funds (See CITIES)
Construction of capital projects, funds for, deposits, 3045
County finances and funds (See also COUNTIES)
Claims for money owed by county, time to demand payment, 1149
Failure to file certain documents, withholding of distributions, 725, 726
Fiscal watch, placement of local government on, procedures, 726, 727
Public Employees’ Benefits Program, delinquent payments, withholding of distributions, 726
School districts (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
Severe financial emergency
Conditions, 729
Declaration, procedures following, 730-739
Purpose of laws, 725
Repeal of certain laws, 741
Stabilize operation of local government and mitigate effects of natural disasters, funds to, deposits, 3045
Technical financial assistance to local government, requests for, 726
Tentative budgets, time for hearings on, 223
Cities, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2699-2703
Counties, regulatory authority, modification of Dillon’s Rule, 2416-2419
Nevada Rural Housing Authority, exemption from laws, 1917
Operating cost savings measures, maximum length of performance contracts, 1917, 1918
Collection procedures, 157
Extraordinary maintenance, repair and improvement of certain projects, special assessments for, applicability of laws, 153
Surplus amounts, authorized use, 154, 155
Commercial area vitalization projects, removal of provisions, 143-154, 163
Modification of projects
Neighborhood improvement projects
Assessment plat, protest by owner to inclusion of tract, modification of plat, 148, 149, 154
Authority of governing body, 144
Boundaries, prohibitions, 152
Dissolution of district, 148
Estimate of expenditures and proposed assessment roll, 153, 154
Hearings, procedures, 147, 148
Local government tax distribution account, prohibited distributions, 154
Management of proposed district, requirements, 146
Modification of plans or plats, requests for, 148, 149
Nonprofit associations, contracts with, 152
Petitions for acquisition or improvement of project, 147
Preliminary plans, requirements, 146
Provisional orders, notice of hearing, 149-151
Written remonstrances by tract owners, effect, 151
Surplus and deficiency funds
Deposits, 155
Use of money, refunds, 154, 155
Waterfront projects
Authority of governing bodies, 144
Definition, 143
Aircraft and component industry
Abatement, application for partial abatement, 2328-2330
Calculation of tax imposed, 2332, 2333
Exemptions, relatives of National Guard members killed while performing duties, 3931
Out-of-state retailers, collection and remittance requirements, reports, 1017, 1019-1021
Rate, temporary increase made permanent, 2953
Tourism improvement districts, distribution of pledged amounts, 1190, 1191
Sex trafficking or involuntary servitude, victims of, vacation of judgment of conviction for loitering, 786
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Board of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Medical students, penalty for certain violations involving, 1539
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
Charitable lotteries, qualified organizations, authority, 1483
Charter schools, enrollment of pupils, 1128, 3256, 3257
Sale or delivery, specifications for oil, 3639, 3640
Used or recycled oil, labeling requirements, 3639
Occupational disease coverage, public safety personnel, 2427-2429
Criminal actions, psychological or psychiatric examination of victim or witness, exclusion of testimony, 2244, 2245
Charitable contributions, prerequisites for solicitation, penalties for violations, 2248-2253
Commerce tax, imposition on transportation and publishing businesses, calculation of amount, 2891, 2892
Conservation districts, imposition of parcel fee, election by mail authorized, 1983
County boards of equalization, when mailed appeals deemed filed, effect of postmarks, 1205
Debts owed to state agencies, notices regarding wage garnishments, 130-132
Direct mail purchases, sales tax duties of sellers and purchasers, 458-461
Hearing aids, sales by certain persons, 2300, 2301
Cosmetological establishments, practice in
Child support obligations, effect, 2395-2397
Disciplinary action, grounds, 2396-2398
Registration requirements, 2393
Definitions, 2393
Exemptions from regulation, 2398
Qualifications to engage in practice generally, 2394
Notices to patients, requirements, 1710, 1711
Radiation machines, use for other procedures authorized, 385
Autism spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, 693-696
Eye drops, denial of coverage restricted, 210, 211
Synchronization of patient’s multiple prescriptions, requirements, prohibited acts, 2129, 2130
Telehealth, coverage requirements, 647, 648
Commerce tax, prohibited issuance of writ, 2895
Medical marijuana taxation, prohibited issuance of writ, 2261
School officials, authority of parent or guardian to petition court to compel certain performance by, 410
Transportation excise tax, prohibited issuance of writ, 2607
Conversion of park, determination of fair market value of certain homes, 516, 517
Limited lien resale licenses and permits, criteria for issuance, 518
Managers, exemption of certain managers from continuing education requirements, 537
Owner, agent or park, exclusion as dealer for certain purposes, 518
Utility services, applicability of laws relating to resale, 225-232
"Dealer," definition, 518
Animal remedies, veterinary biologics and pharmaceuticals, registration requirements, 2463, 2464
Cigarette manufacturers, applicability of laws, prohibited acts, 2957, 2958
Commercial animal feed, licensing and regulation, 2467-2474
Drones, operation prohibited near certain facilities, exception, 1773, 1774, 1777
Associated equipment, regulation, 1486, 1488, 1489
Devices incorporating advanced technology, legislative declaration, regulations to encourage manufacture, 397
Interactive gaming, equipment associated with, removal of provisions, 1490-1494
Investigational drugs, biological products or devices, provision to terminally ill patients, 982
Knife as integral part of belt buckle, prohibitions repealed, 1587
Switchblade knives, prohibitions repealed, 1587, 1591
Condominium hotels, recording of plats, 1220
Neighborhood improvement projects, protests and modification of plat, 148, 149, 154
Utility infrastructure, prohibited acts by local governmental entities, 3662, 3663
Affirmative defense in criminal proceedings, 3101
Agriculture, State Department of, employees working with marijuana exempt from prosecution, 3092
"Concentrated cannabis," definition, prohibited acts, applicability of laws, 3085-3091
Evidence, destruction of unnecessary quantity before trial, procedure, 864-866
Industrial hemp, authority of certain entities to grow or cultivate for research purposes, requirements, exemption from certain laws, 1973-1975
Trafficking in controlled substances, prohibited acts, 3089
License fees
Administrative fees deemed separate and district from license fee, 2630
Authority of county commissioners to impose additional fee, deposit and use, 2630
Wedding services, display of informational brochures at offices of county clerk, 2629
Wedding tourism, funding to promote, sources, 2630
Will executed before marriage, effect of reference to spouse by name, 3527
Abandonment of older or vulnerable person, reports, duties, 806-811
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
By endorsement, requirements, fees, 3032, 3911, 3912, 3914
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Continuing education, 249, 2287
Veteran applicants, collection of data, reports, 565, 3865
Medical use of marijuana, discipline prohibited, 3108, 3109
School personnel, grant program, 3748, 3749
Threats by patients, duties, 1551, 1552, 1817, 1818
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Continuing education, duties, 2287
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Firearms, authority to carry in presence of foster child or on premises of certain foster homes, duties, 3644
Sparks Municipal Court, appointment, 189
Rights of crime victims, constitutional amendment to expand, 4073-4075
Audiology and speech-language pathology laws, exemptions, 2302, 2303
Board of Massage Therapists
Concurrent licensure, reciprocal agreements, requirements, 3865, 3866
Reciprocity of licensure for certain persons, duties, 3865
Veterans Affairs, Interagency Council on, reports to, 565, 3865
Grounds for, 2187