The Nevada Legislature provides external links as a service only.
Providing links to other websites does not imply our endorsement of, or responsibility for, those websites,
but is done as a convenience to those who access our website.
Nevada Assembly, 2019-2023 (first elected November 2018)—three regular and three special sessions
2021 SESSION COMMITTEES: Natural Resources (Chair); Growth and Infrastructure (Vice Chair); Ways and Means
2019 SESSION COMMITTEES: Growth and Infrastructure; Judiciary; Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining
2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEE: Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste (Vice Chair); Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of the Requirements for Reapportionment and Redistricting in the State of Nevada; Legislative Committee on Public Lands
Honors and Awards
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, Leadership in Energy Efficiency Award, 2022
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, Rising Environmental Leader, 2021
ACLU of Nevada, Most Civil Libertarian Legislator, 2021
CA-NVAWWA, Water Policy Leadership Award, 2021
Nevada Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents, Community Champion, 2020
Green Awards, Community Volunteer Leadership, 2018
Las Vegas Seven Best of the City, Best Activist, 2013
Mario Savio Young Activist Award, 2012
Las Vegas City Life, Local Hero, 2012
Other Achievements
Las Vegas Citizens Academy of Planning, 2013
Appliance Standards Awareness Project, National Steering Committee Member, 2022-Present
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Nevada Chapter, Board Member, 2016-2018
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Nevada, Mentor, 2014–2015
Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife, Member, 2015–2018
The Nevada Legislature provides external links as a service only. Providing links to other websites does not imply our endorsement of, or responsibility for, those websites, but is done as a convenience to those who access our website.