Assemblyman Lynn D. Stewart

Minority Whip
Party: Republican

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Assembly, 2007-2014 (first elected November 2006)—five special and three regular sessions
  • Minority Whip, Southern Nevada 2013-2014
  • Assistant Minority Floor Leader, 2009-2012

Other Public Service

  • High school government and history teacher for 34 years
  • United States Army, 1967-1970
  • ILT Transportation Corps
  • Vietnam, 1969-1970

Other Achievements

  • Thirty-year involvement in Boy Scouts of America
  • Church leader; England Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


  • Nevada Youth Legislature Foundation
  • We the People Constitution Competition
  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Greenspun College of Urban Affairs Advisory Board
  • Kids Voting
  • Ready for Life
  • Catholic Charities
  • Citizens for Responsible Government
  • Nevada Concerned Citizens


  • Las Vegas High School
  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Brigham Young University, B.S. and M.A.


Occupation: Retired High School Teacher; Student Teaching Supervisor for Brigham Young University-Idaho
Recreation: Reading (history and politics), taking grandchildren on “adventures”
Born: 1941, Salt Lake City, Utah
Spouse: Dianne
Children: Layne Duff Stewart, Suzanne Conger
Grand Children: Seven

Primary Sponsor

AB121 Revises provisions governing the campaigns of candidates for membership on the executive board of a homeowners' association. (BDR 10-164)
AB136 Revises provisions relating to the certification of public accountants. (BDR 54-736)
SB187 Revises provisions relating to the Nevada Youth Legislature. (BDR 34-516)
AB191 Revises the number of legislative measures that Legislators are authorized to request. (BDR 17-484)
AB225 Revises provisions relating to business brokers. (BDR 54-1017)
AB287 Authorizes the involuntary court-ordered admission of certain persons with mental illness to programs of community-based or outpatient services under certain circumstances. (BDR 39-163)
AB289 Revises provisions governing the installation and use of smart meters by certain electric utilities. (BDR 58-437)
AB290 Revises provisions relating to certain tax exemptions for certain veterans. (BDR 32-438)
AB291 Revises provisions relating to preferences in state purchasing for businesses owned by a veteran with a service-connected disability. (BDR 27-592)
AB292 Revises provisions governing the requirements for licensure to practice medicine. (BDR 54-756)
AB319 Requires photographic identification for voting. (BDR 24-162)
AB320 Revises provisions governing common-interest communities. (BDR 10-737)
AB344 Provides for the use of Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment in this State. (BDR 40-682)
SB357 Provides for tax credits for certain business entities. (BDR 18-478)
AB362 Provides for the establishment of the HIV/AIDS Drug Donation Program. (BDR 40-757)
AB412 Makes various changes relating to the Legislature. (BDR 17-528)


SCR2 Commemorates the 20th anniversary of the donation of precious art from the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the people of the State of Nevada, reaffirms the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and the Republic of China (Taiwan) and celebrates the donation of additional artwork to the Nevada Legislature under the Nevada Senate's SENarts initiative. (BDR R-695)
ACR4 Honors Nevadans who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terrorism. (BDR R-246)
ACR5 Memorializes former Assemblyman John W. Marvel. (BDR R-1211)
SCR5 Commemorates the 150th anniversary of the State of Nevada. (BDR R-613)
AJR6 Recognizes Nevada's partnership and friendship with, and expresses support for, the State of Israel. (BDR R-458)
ACR6 Expresses appreciation to the staff of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. (BDR R-1219)
SCR6 Memorializes former State Senator William J. Raggio. (BDR R-622)
ACR8 Memorializes John J. McDonald. (BDR R-1231)
SCR10 Memorializes former University Regent Dorothy Gallagher. (BDR R-1238)
SJR10 Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to allow voucher schools. (BDR C-35)
AR11 Expresses appreciation to the Chief Clerk and staff of the Assembly. (BDR R-1217)
AB95 Revises provisions governing prescription labels. (BDR 54-648)
AB107 Revises provisions governing an award of attorney's fees in causes of action for constructional defects. (BDR 3-551)
AB111 Revises provisions related to special license plates for disabled veterans. (BDR 43-530)
AB112 Makes various changes relating to collective bargaining agreements of local government employers. (BDR 23-647)
SB115 Revises provisions relating to safety equipment for certain skateboarders. (BDR 40-474)
AB124 Revises provisions governing eligibility for a Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship. (BDR 34-60)
AB129 Provides for the issuance of special license plates honoring peace officers who have received certain medals or the equivalent thereof. (BDR 43-154)
AB130 Revises provisions requiring the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to pay certain educational fees and expenses for certain dependent children. (BDR 34-187)
AB131 Revises provisions governing the Board of the Virgin Valley Water District. (BDR S-634)
AB135 Revises provisions relating to town advisory boards. (BDR 21-128)
SB138 Authorizes irrevocable trusts and certain other entities to hold ownership interests in professional entities. (BDR 7-848)
AB143 Makes various changes relating to concealed firearms. (BDR 20-615)
SB147 Revises provisions governing the frequency of required inspections of the emissions of certain motor vehicles. (BDR 40-427)
SB155 Revises provisions relating to the practice of clinical professional counseling. (BDR 54-714)
SB157 Revises provisions relating to the budgets of school districts. (BDR 34-849)
AB164 Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-410)
SB174 Authorizes the Governor to require the naming of a state building, park, highway or other property after a deceased member of the Armed Forces of the United States under certain circumstances. (BDR 27-853)
AB175 Revises provisions relating to uniformed-service and overseas voters. (BDR 24-635)
AB183 Allows a person who is 16 years of age to donate blood with the consent of his or her parent or guardian. (BDR 40-1015)
AB184 Revises provisions governing construction defects. (BDR 3-649)
SB188 Designates English as the official language of the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-431)
SB191 Increases the maximum speed at which a person may drive or operate a vehicle. (BDR 43-729)
SB192 Enacts the Nevada Preservation of Religious Freedom Act to prohibit governmental entities from substantially burdening the exercise of religion. (BDR 3-477)
AB192 Repeals the prospective expiration of the authority of county clerks to charge and collect an additional fee for filing and recording a bond of a notary public. (BDR S-1037)
AB193 Revises provisions governing compensation, wages and hours. (BDR 53-1019)
AB194 Clarifies that a person who holds a leasehold interest in the real property of another person may be criminally liable for the destruction or injury of that real property. (BDR 15-654)
AB195 Revises provisions governing applications for the renewal of permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-446)
AB196 Requires the Attorney General to bring an action to protect and secure certain constitutional rights of residents of this State under certain circumstances. (BDR 18-945)
AB198 Revises provisions governing taxicabs in certain counties. (BDR 58-86)
AB203 Revises provisions governing the granting of the right to visit a child to grandparents and great-grandparents of the child. (BDR 11-750)
SB204 Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish a next-of-kin registry. (BDR 43-712)
AB211 Revises provisions governing prevailing wages on certain public works projects. (BDR 28-1033)
AB212 Prohibits the possession of portable telecommunications devices by certain prisoners. (BDR 16-639)
AB216 Revises certain provisions governing voter identification. (BDR 24-125)
SB223 Revises provisions governing the carrying of concealed firearms on school property. (BDR 15-1062)
AB227 Creates the Nevada Land Management Task Force to conduct a study addressing the transfer of certain public lands in this State. (BDR S-594)
AB228 Authorizes certain providers of health care to provide voluntary health care service in this State in association with certain organizations. (BDR 54-245)
SB230 Provides for the design, construction or installation and maintenance of a memorial dedicated to Nevada's fallen soldiers. (BDR S-553)
AB238 Revises provisions governing graduation from high school. (BDR 34-415)
SB240 Authorizes the reimbursement of teachers for certain out-of-pocket expenses. (BDR 34-651)
SB241 Establishes a tax credit for donations to a school tuition organization. (BDR 34-87)
SB244 Authorizes the placement of a designation of veteran status on certain documents issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles. (BDR 43-80)
AB245 Limits the recovery of damages arising from a motor vehicle accident under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-657)
AB248 Creates a statutory subcommittee of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (BDR 14-616)
AB255 Provides for an audit concerning the use by the Department of Health and Human Services of certain assessments paid by counties to the Department. (BDR S-191)
SB256 Requires the board of trustees of each school district to adopt a policy to exempt certain pupils from certain attendance requirements. (BDR 34-782)
AB257 Revises provisions governing public works. (BDR 28-962)
AB258 Revises provisions relating to prevailing wage requirements for public works. (BDR 28-908)
AB266 Revises provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 37-527)
SB266 Revises provisions governing coverage for chemotherapy in a policy of health insurance or health care plan. (BDR 57-879)
AB268 Authorizes certain counties to enter into a cooperative agreement to create a tax increment area under certain circumstances. (BDR 22-957)
AB275 Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-738)
AB276 Consolidates the Manufactured Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry within the Housing Division of the Department. (BDR 18-1029)
AB278 Enacts provisions related to multicultural education. (BDR 34-512)
AB280 Revises provisions governing certain sexual crimes involving minors. (BDR 15-9)
AB281 Revises provisions relating to recordkeeping on public works projects. (BDR 28-1070)
SB294 Revises provisions governing constables. (BDR 20-902)
AB296 Revises provisions governing certain tax exemptions for veterans. (BDR 32-810)
SB298 Requires the Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs to conduct a study concerning property tax assistance for senior citizens. (BDR S-735)
AB312 Makes various changes to the Charter of Carson City. (BDR S-41)
AB314 Makes various changes relating to lobbyists. (BDR 17-1027)
AB317 Makes various changes relating to common-interest communities. (BDR 10-1012)
AB318 Revises provisions relating to the payment of overtime compensation and prevailing wages. (BDR 28-720)
AB321 Revises provisions governing the Merit Award Program for state employees. (BDR 23-760)
AB322 Revises provisions concerning casualty insurance. (BDR 57-1038)
AB323 Provides a deduction from the payroll tax for newly hired employees under certain circumstances. (BDR 32-761)
SB331 Exempts certain home-based businesses from the requirement to obtain a state business license. (BDR 7-479)
AB333 Revises provisions relating to incentives for economic development. (BDR 31-811)
AB352 Revises provisions governing hoax bombs. (BDR 15-510)
AB371 Provides for the designation and operation of charter agencies. (BDR 18-718)
SB376 Proposes to revise provisions relating to the preservation and promotion of the arts and museums in this State. (BDR 18-625)
AB380 Revises provisions governing contracts for services entered into by certain public employees. (BDR 23-85)
AB381 Encourages the Office of Historic Preservation of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and Partners in Conservation to collaborate to identify and develop programs for the preservation and protection of the historical culture of St. Thomas, Nevada. (BDR S-909)
AB384 Revises provisions governing historic preservation. (BDR 33-605)
AB385 Establishes provisions relating to the deposit of data with a provider of information services. (BDR 52-808)
AB386 Establishes a pilot program for the administration of mental health screenings to pupils enrolled in selected secondary schools in the Clark County School District and the Washoe County School District. (BDR S-1022)
AB392 Revises provisions governing the truancy of pupils. (BDR 5-617)
AB393 Expands the rights of children placed in foster care. (BDR 38-919)
AB395 Revises provisions regarding common-interest communities. (BDR 10-1013)
AB398 Makes an appropriation to the Department of Motor Vehicles for the creation and maintenance of a branch office in Assembly District No. 6 in Clark County. (BDR S-1018)
AB399 Revises various provisions relating to unarmed combat. (BDR 41-142)
AB400 Revises provisions governing parole and probation and criminal offenders. (BDR 14-946)
AB401 Revises provisions governing the designation of certain city nonpartisan offices. (BDR 24-58)
AB504 Revises provisions relating to constructional defects. (BDR 3-1247)
SB520 Makes certain changes relating to public safety. (BDR 14-1234)