Assemblyman Harvey J. Munford

Party: Democratic

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Assembly, 2004-2014 (first elected November 2004)—six special and five regular sessions

Honors and Awards

  • MVP—basketball in college
  • NAIA All-American, two years
  • Montana State University Hall of Fame
  • Holds the record in shooting percentage and block shots at Montana State University at Billings
  • First black man to attend and graduate from Montana State University at Billings

Other Achievements

  • Accompanied students on 13 trips to Washington, D.C., through the Close-Up Program (where students see government in action)
  • Attended two Presidential inaugurations with the Close-Up Program: 1993—President William J. Clinton; 2001—President George W. Bush
  • First in the history of Montana State University at Billings to be free-agent drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Rams


  • Akron University Alumni Association
  • Montana State University Alumni
  • National Education Association
  • Sunny Place Homeowners’ Association
  • West Las Vegas Horseback Riding Club


  • Montana State University at Billings, B.A., Biology and Physical Education, and M.A., Guidance and Counseling and Political Science


Occupation: Retired School Teacher
Recreation: Horseback riding, watching old Western movies, dancing, playing the organ
Born: 1940, Akron, Ohio
Spouse: Viviana
Children: Vivian, Helen, Donna, Jamila, Steve

Primary Sponsor

SJR12 Urges the President of the United States to grant a posthumous pardon to John Arthur “Jack” Johnson. (BDR R-440)
AB122 Imposes a fee on sales by fast-food businesses of certain items of prepared food. (BDR 32-57)
AB123 Prohibits certain pedestrians from manually typing or entering text into a cellular telephone or other handheld wireless communications device while crossing a highway. (BDR 43-489)
AB124 Revises provisions governing eligibility for a Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship. (BDR 34-60)
SB125 Revises provisions relating to rules and regulations of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association. (BDR 34-871)
AB142 Revises provisions relating to the sealing and removal of certain records. (BDR 14-490)
AB208 Prohibits the Department of Taxation from applying sales taxes to the provision of meals by employers to their employees. (BDR 32-492)
AB249 Revises provisions governing vacancies in the office of district attorney. (BDR 20-39)
AB250 Provides immunity from civil liability to certain persons for injuries or death resulting from certain equine activities. (BDR 3-243)
AB278 Enacts provisions related to multicultural education. (BDR 34-512)
AB281 Revises provisions relating to recordkeeping on public works projects. (BDR 28-1070)
AB397 Revises provisions relating to real property. (BDR 10-511)
AB398 Makes an appropriation to the Department of Motor Vehicles for the creation and maintenance of a branch office in Assembly District No. 6 in Clark County. (BDR S-1018)
AB399 Revises various provisions relating to unarmed combat. (BDR 41-142)
AB400 Revises provisions governing parole and probation and criminal offenders. (BDR 14-946)
AB401 Revises provisions governing the designation of certain city nonpartisan offices. (BDR 24-58)


SCR2 Commemorates the 20th anniversary of the donation of precious art from the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the people of the State of Nevada, reaffirms the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and the Republic of China (Taiwan) and celebrates the donation of additional artwork to the Nevada Legislature under the Nevada Senate's SENarts initiative. (BDR R-695)
ACR4 Honors Nevadans who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terrorism. (BDR R-246)
SCR5 Commemorates the 150th anniversary of the State of Nevada. (BDR R-613)
ACR5 Memorializes former Assemblyman John W. Marvel. (BDR R-1211)
ACR6 Expresses appreciation to the staff of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. (BDR R-1219)
SCR6 Memorializes former State Senator William J. Raggio. (BDR R-622)
AJR6 Recognizes Nevada's partnership and friendship with, and expresses support for, the State of Israel. (BDR R-458)
ACR8 Memorializes John J. McDonald. (BDR R-1231)
SCR10 Memorializes former University Regent Dorothy Gallagher. (BDR R-1238)
SJR10 Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to allow voucher schools. (BDR C-35)
SJR11 Urges Congress to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to restore the authority of the governments of the United States and individual states to regulate and restrict independent political expenditures. (BDR R-1047)
AR11 Expresses appreciation to the Chief Clerk and staff of the Assembly. (BDR R-1217)
AB97 Revises provisions governing habitual criminals, habitual felons and habitually fraudulent felons. (BDR 15-680)
AB111 Revises provisions related to special license plates for disabled veterans. (BDR 43-530)
AB112 Makes various changes relating to collective bargaining agreements of local government employers. (BDR 23-647)
AB127 Authorizes the Nevada Gaming Commission to adopt a seal identifying certain licensees of interactive gaming and prohibits the unauthorized use of such a seal. (BDR 41-99)
SB139 Expands provisions governing criminal and civil liability for certain crimes to include crimes motivated by the victim's gender identity or expression. (BDR 15-703)
AB141 Revises provisions concerning tips and gratuities received by employees. (BDR 53-183)
AB147 Requires the notification of patients regarding breast density. (BDR 40-172)
SB147 Revises provisions governing the frequency of required inspections of the emissions of certain motor vehicles. (BDR 40-427)
SB150 Revises provisions governing the equipment and training required to operate a motorcycle. (BDR 43-54)
AB152* Creates an advisory committee to develop recommendations for the funding of highways in this State. (BDR S-180)
AB159 Establishes a diversion program for certain defendants. (BDR 14-669)
AB164 Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-410)
SB171 Provides for a program of matching grants to local governments for the maintenance and repair of public works. (BDR 43-621)
AB175 Revises provisions relating to uniformed-service and overseas voters. (BDR 24-635)
AB176 Revises provisions relating to the emissions testing of certain consigned vehicles. (BDR 40-964)
AB183 Allows a person who is 16 years of age to donate blood with the consent of his or her parent or guardian. (BDR 40-1015)
SB190 Revises provisions relating to motor carriers. (BDR 58-585)
SB191 Increases the maximum speed at which a person may drive or operate a vehicle. (BDR 43-729)
AB195 Revises provisions governing applications for the renewal of permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-446)
AB203 Revises provisions governing the granting of the right to visit a child to grandparents and great-grandparents of the child. (BDR 11-750)
SB204 Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish a next-of-kin registry. (BDR 43-712)
SB213 Revises certain provisions relating to trapping. (BDR 45-450)
SB235 Authorizes a local law enforcement agency to establish or utilize an electronic reporting system to receive information relating to purchases of scrap metal. (BDR 54-869)
SB245 Enacts provisions relating to captive wild animals. (BDR 20-161)
AB248 Creates a statutory subcommittee of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (BDR 14-616)
AB255 Provides for an audit concerning the use by the Department of Health and Human Services of certain assessments paid by counties to the Department. (BDR S-191)
SB258 Creates the Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children. (BDR 38-192)
SB261 Revises provisions relating to door-to-door solicitation. (BDR 52-829)
AB263 Revises provisions governing bidding on certain highway projects. (BDR 35-792)
AB266 Revises provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 37-527)
SB266 Revises provisions governing coverage for chemotherapy in a policy of health insurance or health care plan. (BDR 57-879)
AB268 Authorizes certain counties to enter into a cooperative agreement to create a tax increment area under certain circumstances. (BDR 22-957)
AB270 Revises provisions governing minority affairs. (BDR 18-130)
AB272 Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-791)
AB280 Revises provisions governing certain sexual crimes involving minors. (BDR 15-9)
SB294 Revises provisions governing constables. (BDR 20-902)
SB303 Provides for the issuance of driver authorization cards. (BDR 43-596)
AB306 Revises provisions relating to private investigators and related professions. (BDR 54-677)
AB307 Revises provisions governing victims of crime. (BDR 16-743)
SB308 Clarifying provisions governing certain tax exemptions for veterans. (BDR 32-644)
AB312 Makes various changes to the Charter of Carson City. (BDR S-41)
AB314 Makes various changes relating to lobbyists. (BDR 17-1027)
AB321 Revises provisions governing the Merit Award Program for state employees. (BDR 23-760)
AB322 Revises provisions concerning casualty insurance. (BDR 57-1038)
AB323 Provides a deduction from the payroll tax for newly hired employees under certain circumstances. (BDR 32-761)
AB327 Revises provisions governing state accountability. (BDR 31-554)
AB329 Revises provisions governing taxicabs in certain counties. (BDR 58-555)
AB344 Provides for the use of Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment in this State. (BDR 40-682)
AB362 Provides for the establishment of the HIV/AIDS Drug Donation Program. (BDR 40-757)
SB378 Enacts the Nevada Liberty Preservation Act. (BDR 15-728)
SB379 Revises provisions concerning the Nevada Transportation Authority. (BDR 58-56)
AB384 Revises provisions governing historic preservation. (BDR 33-605)
AB385 Establishes provisions relating to the deposit of data with a provider of information services. (BDR 52-808)
SB396 Makes various changes relating to firearms. (BDR 15-931)
AB412 Makes various changes relating to the Legislature. (BDR 17-528)