The Nevada Legislature provides external links as a service only.
Providing links to other websites does not imply our endorsement of, or responsibility for, those websites,
but is done as a convenience to those who access our website.
2013 SESSION COMMITTEES: Judiciary; Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining; Transportation
2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEE: Interim Finance Committee; Interim Retirement and Benefits Committee; Legislative Commission; Legislative Commission's Subcommittee to Review Regulations
2017-2018 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Legislative Commission; Legislative Commission's Audit Subcommittee; Commission on Special License Plates; Interim Committee on Cognitive Needs of Older Persons in Nevada
2015-2016 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Legislative Committee for the Review and Oversight of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System; Commission on Special License Plates
2013-2014 INTERIM COMMITTEE: Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs
Other Public Service
United States Air Force, 1975-1977
Other Achievements
Powerdyne Quarter Horses, General Manager, 2003-2008
The Nevada Legislature provides external links as a service only. Providing links to other websites does not imply our endorsement of, or responsibility for, those websites, but is done as a convenience to those who access our website.