Senator Skip Daly

Deputy Majority Whip
Party: Democratic

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Senate, 2022-Present (first elected November 2022)
  • 2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Legislative Commission; Legislative Committee on Public Lands; Sunset Subcommittee of the Legislative Commission
  • 2019 SESSION COMMITTEES: Commerce and Labor; Judiciary; Legislative Operations and Elections
  • Nevada Assembly, 2011-2014 and 2017-2019 (first elected November 2010; after lapse in service, subsequently elected November 2016)—four regular and two special sessions
  • 2017-2018 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Interim Committee on Cognitive Needs of Older Persons in Nevada; Nevada Veterans' Services Commission
  • 2017 SESSION COMMITTEES: Commerce and Labor; Government Affairs; Legislative Operations and Elections

Other Public Service

  • Sparks Charter Committee, 2002-2010
  • Sparks Citizens Advisory Committee, 2002-2010
  • Washoe County Schools Construction and Revitalization Advisory Committee, 2007-2008
  • Advisory Group to Conduct Interim Study on Lease-Purchase and Installment-Purchase Agreements by Public Entities, 2005-2006


  • Northern Nevada Laborers (joint labor and management) pension, health and welfare, vacation plan, and training and apprenticeship trust funds, member of Board of Trustees
  • Laborers’ International Union of North America, Local 169
  • United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra, Board Member


  • Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno, A.A.
  • Reed High School, Sparks


Occupation: Former Business Manager/Secretary/Treasurer, Laborers’ Union Local 169, Reno - now retired
Recreation: Travel, golf, hunting, sports
Born: 1959 - Reno, Nevada
Spouse: Lisa
Children: Sara, Brian

Primary Sponsor

SB81* Revises provisions governing regional planning. (BDR S-536)
SB93 Establishes certain labor standards for the award of grants of federal money by a state agency for certain purposes. (BDR 18-556)
SB100 Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-197)
SB101 Revises provisions relating to wildlife. (BDR 45-555)
SB102 Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-90)
SB116 Revises provisions relating to the compensation of elected county officers. (BDR 20-92)
AB172* Revises provisions governing collective bargaining for certain public employees. (BDR 23-700)
SB191 Revises provisions relating to court reporters and court reporting firms. (BDR 54-14)
SB197 Revises provisions relating to criminal procedure. (BDR 14-196)
SB198 Revises provisions relating to labor. (BDR 53-557)
SB272* Revises provisions relating to governmental administration. (BDR 27-876)
SB275* Revises provisions relating to manufactured home parks. (BDR 10-958)
SB384* Establishes certain provisions relating to the award of grants of federal money by a state agency for the development of broadband services and infrastructure. (BDR 18-1035)


AJR6* Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to adopt the National Popular Vote Compact. (BDR C-389)
SJR7* Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to establish certain rights relating to reproductive health. (BDR C-864)
SB96 Designates January 27 as “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” in the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-604)
SB189 Provides for the licensure and regulation of genetic counselors. (BDR 54-69)
SB193 Establishes a pilot program to reduce interest rates on mortgage loans to certain eligible families. (BDR 25-42)
SB301* Revises provisions governing public works. (BDR 28-967)