AB108 | Makes an appropriation to the Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Account. (BDR S-875) |
AB119 | Revises provisions relating to paramilitary activity. (BDR 36-191) |
AB160* | Revises provisions governing the sealing of certain criminal records. (BDR 14-634) |
AB160 | Creates the Nevada-Ireland Trade Commission. (BDR 18-650) |
AB169 | Requires that certain health insurance policies and health plans cover speech-language pathology for certain purposes. (BDR 57-735) |
AB171 | Authorizes the State Quarantine Officer to order the temporary suspension of certain prohibitions relating to the sale, offer or exposing for sale or transport for sale of eggs produced by egg-laying hens in certain enclosures under certain circumstances. (BDR 51-985) |
AB208 | Restricts the use of certain products by governmental entities and government-funded entities. (BDR 19-737) |
AB322* | Revises provisions relating to kratom products. (BDR 52-763) |
AJR6* | Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to adopt the National Popular Vote Compact. (BDR C-389) |
SJR7* | Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to establish certain rights relating to reproductive health. (BDR C-864) |
AB224* | Revises provisions governing collective bargaining. (BDR 23-155) |