AB134 |
Revises provisions governing nonprofit corporations. (BDR 7-223) |
AB147 |
Requires the notification of patients regarding breast density. (BDR 40-172) |
SB182 |
Expands full-day kindergarten in public schools. (BDR 34-138) |
AB221 |
Requires the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to consider measures to revise the manner in which payments are reviewed and made to providers under Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. (BDR S-232) |
AB288 |
Revises provisions governing graduation from high school. (BDR 34-524) |
AB316 |
Revises provisions governing medical records. (BDR 40-233) |
AB344 |
Provides for the use of Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment in this State. (BDR 40-682) |
SB345 |
Creates the Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. (BDR S-700) |
AB348 |
Revises provisions relating to foster care. (BDR 38-457) |
AB369 |
Revises provisions relating to coverage for autism spectrum disorders in certain policies of health insurance and health care plans. (BDR 57-819) |
AB375 |
Revises provisions relating to services for persons with autism spectrum disorders. (BDR 40-999) |
AB376 |
Authorizes the reimbursement of teachers for certain out-of-pocket expenses. (BDR 34-774) |
AB377 |
Revises provisions governing the crime of sexual conduct between certain school employees or volunteers at a school and pupils. (BDR 15-514) |
AB378 |
Revises provisions governing spendthrift trusts. (BDR 13-656) |
SB407 |
Revises provisions governing the statewide performance evaluation system for teachers and administrators. (BDR 34-143) |
SCR2 |
Commemorates the 20th anniversary of the donation of precious art from the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the people of the State of Nevada, reaffirms the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and the Republic of China (Taiwan) and celebrates the donation of additional artwork to the Nevada Legislature under the Nevada Senate's SENarts initiative. (BDR R-695) |
ACR4 |
Honors Nevadans who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terrorism. (BDR R-246) |
ACR5 |
Memorializes former Assemblyman John W. Marvel. (BDR R-1211) |
SCR5 |
Commemorates the 150th anniversary of the State of Nevada. (BDR R-613) |
ACR6 |
Expresses appreciation to the staff of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. (BDR R-1219) |
SCR6 |
Memorializes former State Senator William J. Raggio. (BDR R-622) |
ACR8 |
Memorializes John J. McDonald. (BDR R-1231) |
SCR10 |
Memorializes former University Regent Dorothy Gallagher. (BDR R-1238) |
AR11 |
Expresses appreciation to the Chief Clerk and staff of the Assembly. (BDR R-1217) |
AB95 |
Revises provisions governing prescription labels. (BDR 54-648) |
SB117 |
Revises provisions governing the powers of the Department of Taxation. (BDR 32-536) |
AB132 |
Provides immunity from civil liability to persons employed by an agency to provide personal care services in the home in certain circumstances. (BDR 40-151) |
AB152* |
Creates an advisory committee to develop recommendations for the funding of highways in this State. (BDR S-180) |
AB154 |
Revises provisions concerning child death review teams. (BDR 38-611) |
AB155 |
Revises provisions governing reports of the abuse or neglect of a child. (BDR 38-610) |
AB159 |
Establishes a diversion program for certain defendants. (BDR 14-669) |
SB159 |
Declares the Legislature's support for a land exchange near the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. (BDR S-552) |
SB172 |
Provides a deduction from the payroll tax for newly hired full-time employees under certain circumstances. (BDR 32-537) |
SB173 |
Makes appropriations to the Knowledge Fund. (BDR S-534) |
AB175 |
Revises provisions relating to uniformed-service and overseas voters. (BDR 24-635) |
AB181 |
Makes various changes to provisions governing employment practices. (BDR 53-48) |
SB187 |
Revises provisions relating to the Nevada Youth Legislature. (BDR 34-516) |
AB192 |
Repeals the prospective expiration of the authority of county clerks to charge and collect an additional fee for filing and recording a bond of a notary public. (BDR S-1037) |
SB224 |
Revises provisions governing driving under the influence. (BDR 43-668) |
AB224 |
Revises provisions governing the collection and maintenance of certain data relating to public education. (BDR 34-269) |
AB248 |
Creates a statutory subcommittee of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (BDR 14-616) |
SB266 |
Revises provisions governing coverage for chemotherapy in a policy of health insurance or health care plan. (BDR 57-879) |
AB272 |
Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-791) |
SB303 |
Provides for the issuance of driver authorization cards. (BDR 43-596) |
AB311 |
Creates the Contingency Account for Victims of Human Trafficking. (BDR 16-715) |
AB314 |
Makes various changes relating to lobbyists. (BDR 17-1027) |
AB353 |
Authorizes the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to establish a financial aid program for students enrolled in the Nevada System of Higher Education. (BDR 34-918) |
AB374 |
Revises provisions relating to counties. (BDR 20-520) |
AB389 |
Revises provisions governing parentage. (BDR 11-922) |
SB404 |
Revises provisions relating to business practices. (BDR 28-827) |
SB406 |
Revises provisions governing tourism improvement districts. (BDR 21-139) |
SB408 |
Revises provisions governing state financial administration. (BDR 31-828) |
SB410 |
Revises provisions governing hypodermic devices. (BDR 40-451) |
AB412 |
Makes various changes relating to the Legislature. (BDR 17-528) |
AB416* |
Revises provisions governing certain programs for renewable energy. (BDR 58-849) |
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