AJR1 |
Expresses objection to the transfer of radioactive plutonium to this State. (BDR R-977) |
AR5 |
Adds former Assemblywoman Sadie Hurst to the Assembly Wall of Distinction. (BDR R-1253) |
AR6 |
Adds former Assemblywoman Genie Ohrenschall Daykin to the Assembly Wall of Distinction. (BDR R-1252) |
ACR8 |
Directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to conduct an interim study concerning compensation of on-call employees in the State of Nevada. (BDR R-1120) |
AB133 |
Sets forth legislative findings and declarations concerning homeless youth. (BDR S-399) |
AB136 |
Makes various changes relating to public construction. (BDR 28-145) |
AB162 |
Revises various provisions relating to governmental administration. (BDR 18-777) |
AB169 |
Establishes the Maternal Mortality Review Committee. (BDR 40-712) |
AB184 |
Revises provisions relating to security guards. (BDR 54-929) |
AB207 |
Revises various provisions relating to business entities. (BDR 7-146) |
AB232 |
Makes various changes to provisions governing hospitals. (BDR 40-158) |
AB234 |
Makes various changes relating to the Program for Child Care and Development. (BDR 38-305) |
AB240 |
Requires representatives from certain counties and cities to meet jointly and prepare reports addressing the orderly management of growth in their region. (BDR S-1043) |
AB247 |
Makes various changes relating to the care of children. (BDR 38-289) |
AB252 |
Revises provisions relating to providers of community-based living arrangement services. (BDR 39-656) |
AB263 |
Revises provisions governing private activity bonds. (BDR 30-91) |
AB294 |
Makes various changes concerning graduation requirements for certain pupils who experience instability concerning residence. (BDR 34-1022) |
AB301 |
Revises provisions relating to jails. (BDR 16-769) |
AB345 |
Makes various changes relating to elections. (BDR 24-873) |
AB363 |
Revises certain provisions relating to homeless youth. (BDR 43-1033) |
AB381 |
Designates April 16 as “Healthcare Decisions Day” in Nevada. (BDR 19-660) |
AB397 |
Revises provisions governing misconduct by certain public officers. (BDR 18-1038) |
AB400 |
Revises provisions governing economic development. (BDR 22-803) |
AB403* |
Revises various provisions relating to governmental administration. (BDR 18-573) |
SB410 |
Revises provisions relating to incentives for economic development. (BDR 32-881) |
AB476 |
Revises provisions concerning affordable housing. (BDR 25-1119) |
AB492 |
Revises provisions governing industrial insurance benefits. (BDR 53-709) |
AB499 |
Provides for a special license plate of limited duration commemorating the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. (BDR 43-1265) |
ACR3 |
Memorializes former Assemblyman Bob Price. (BDR R-971) |
SCR7 |
Celebrates the sister state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1266) |
SCR8 |
Memorializes former Nevada Attorney General and Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Springer. (BDR R-1259) |
ACR9 |
Celebrates the Life of Assemblyman Odis “Tyrone” Thompson. (BDR R-1291) |
SCR11 |
Directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to conduct an interim study of issues relating to pretrial release of defendants in criminal cases. (BDR R-1295) |
AB129 |
Requires certain first responders to receive certain training concerning persons with developmental disabilities. (BDR 40-157) |
AB138 |
Revises provisions governing workers' compensation. (BDR 53-708) |
AB147 |
Authorizes a physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse to perform certain services. (BDR 40-85) |
AB155 |
Revises provisions governing the eligibility requirements for grants awarded under the Silver State Opportunity Grant Program. (BDR 34-674) |
SB173 |
Revises provisions relating to criminal convictions of victims of sex trafficking and involuntary servitude. (BDR 14-595) |
AB174 |
Establishes the Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing. (BDR 18-94) |
AB176 |
Enacts the Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights. (BDR 14-87) |
AB185 |
Providing for a study concerning certain health benefits. (BDR S-277) |
AB190 |
Revises provisions relating to certain construction. (BDR 28-637) |
AB191 |
Makes an appropriation to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health of the Department of Health and Human Services to award grants to provide Mobile Outreach Safety Team services in certain counties. (BDR S-667) |
AB193 |
Revises provisions governing driver authorization cards. (BDR 43-896) |
AB196 |
Makes an appropriation for incentives for teachers who currently teach at Title I schools and underperforming schools. (BDR S-144) |
AB197 |
Revises provisions relating to consumer practices. (BDR 52-899) |
AB203 |
Revises provisions relating to bail in certain criminal cases. (BDR 14-127) |
AB269 |
Revises provisions governing elections. (BDR 24-834) |
AB304 |
Revises requirements relating to class sizes in public schools. (BDR 34-930) |
AB305 |
Revises provisions relating to certain financial transactions. (BDR 56-1060) |
AB307 |
Establishes provisions governing the use of a gang database by a local law enforcement agency. (BDR 14-897) |
AB308 |
Revises provisions relating to the modified business tax. (BDR 32-867) |
SB350 |
Revises provisions relating to Nevada Promise Scholarships. (BDR 34-308) |
AB374* |
Requires the Department of Health and Human Services, if authorized by federal law, to establish a health care plan within Medicaid for purchase by persons who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid. (BDR 38-881) |
AB382* |
Establishes provisions governing payment for the provision of emergency services and care to patients. (BDR 40-570) |
AB408* |
Revises provisions relating to Medicaid and health insurance. (BDR 38-957) |
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