AB101 |
Authorizes a private plaintiff to bring an action for a declaratory judgment regarding a violation of state law or a local ordinance by certain governmental entities. (BDR 3-26) |
AB121 |
Revises certain provisions relating to public officers and candidates for public office. (BDR 17-776) |
AB136 |
Makes various changes relating to public construction. (BDR 28-145) |
AB162 |
Revises various provisions relating to governmental administration. (BDR 18-777) |
AB190 |
Revises provisions relating to certain construction. (BDR 28-637) |
AB226 |
Prohibits certain entities or persons from requiring another person to undergo implantation of a microchip or other permanent identification marker. (BDR 15-25) |
AB240 |
Requires representatives from certain counties and cities to meet jointly and prepare reports addressing the orderly management of growth in their region. (BDR S-1043) |
AB341 |
Enacts provisions relating to the compensation of certain school nurses. (BDR 34-636) |
AB370 |
Revises provisions relating to workers' compensation. (BDR 53-6) |
AB371 |
Temporarily requires the reporting of certain information relating to requests for public records by certain governmental entities. (BDR S-16) |
AB379 |
Revises provisions relating to local governments. (BDR 20-638) |
AB403* |
Revises various provisions relating to governmental administration. (BDR 18-573) |
AJR1 |
Expresses objection to the transfer of radioactive plutonium to this State. (BDR R-977) |
ACR3 |
Memorializes former Assemblyman Bob Price. (BDR R-971) |
SJR3* |
Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to provide certain rights to voters. (BDR C-55) |
AJR4 |
Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to pass acts to combat illegal harvesting and trafficking of human organs. (BDR R-92) |
SCR7 |
Celebrates the sister state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1266) |
SCR8 |
Memorializes former Nevada Attorney General and Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Springer. (BDR R-1259) |
ACR9 |
Celebrates the Life of Assemblyman Odis “Tyrone” Thompson. (BDR R-1291) |
AB138 |
Revises provisions governing workers' compensation. (BDR 53-708) |
AB146 |
Creates the Nevada Office of the Inspector General. (BDR 18-2) |
AB159 |
Establishes the Governor's Advisory Council on Food Security within the Department of Health and Human Services. (BDR 18-830) |
AB174 |
Establishes the Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing. (BDR 18-94) |
AB178 |
Provides for transferable tax credits for the rehabilitation of historic buildings. (BDR 32-297) |
AB179 |
Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-622) |
AB182 |
Designates neon as the official state element of the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-670) |
AB195 |
Revises provisions governing crimes against property. (BDR 15-130) |
AB219 |
Makes various changes relating to education. (BDR 34-673) |
AB231 |
Revises provisions governing automobile emissions. (BDR 40-836) |
SB265 |
Revises provisions relating to certain information and records concerning public safety. (BDR 14-1042) |
AB267 |
Provides compensation to certain persons who were wrongfully convicted. (BDR 3-657) |
AB269 |
Revises provisions governing elections. (BDR 24-834) |
SB282 |
Limiting the civil liability of crisis support centers under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-614) |
AB303* |
Requires that core correctional services be provided only by the State or a local government with certain exceptions. (BDR 16-1103) |
AB304 |
Revises requirements relating to class sizes in public schools. (BDR 34-930) |
AB306 |
Enacts provisions to assist veteran-owned businesses to create cooperatives. (BDR 7-288) |
AB326 |
Provides for tax credits for certain business entities that invest in certain fresh food retailers located in underserved communities and similar areas. (BDR 18-318) |
AB339 |
Revises provisions relating to wages paid to certain persons who participate in job and day training services. (BDR 39-104) |
AB363 |
Revises certain provisions relating to homeless youth. (BDR 43-1033) |
AB374* |
Requires the Department of Health and Human Services, if authorized by federal law, to establish a health care plan within Medicaid for purchase by persons who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid. (BDR 38-881) |
AB376 |
Revises provisions relating to persons in custody. (BDR 16-675) |
AB408* |
Revises provisions relating to Medicaid and health insurance. (BDR 38-957) |
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