AB147 |
Authorizes a physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse to perform certain services. (BDR 40-85) |
AB154 |
Revises certain requirements relating to secondhand dealers. (BDR 54-625) |
AB191 |
Makes an appropriation to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health of the Department of Health and Human Services to award grants to provide Mobile Outreach Safety Team services in certain counties. (BDR S-667) |
AB214 |
Makes an appropriation for a feasibility study of the development of the historic structures, buildings and other property and any artifact resources of the Nevada State Prison. (BDR S-535) |
AB215 |
Revises provisions relating to document preparation services. (BDR 19-666) |
AB216 |
Requires the establishment of a database of information relating to funding opportunities for higher education. (BDR 18-858) |
AB217 |
Revises provisions relating to firearms. (BDR 15-860) |
AB218 |
Revises provisions relating to education savings accounts. (BDR 31-850) |
AB233 |
Revises provisions related to water. (BDR 48-45) |
AB240 |
Requires representatives from certain counties and cities to meet jointly and prepare reports addressing the orderly management of growth in their region. (BDR S-1043) |
AB241 |
Revises the commerce tax as it applies to certain motor vehicle dealers. (BDR 32-15) |
AB244 |
Allows the imposition of a property tax in certain counties to fund capital projects of the school district based on the recommendations of an advisory committee and voter approval. (BDR S-1008) |
AB255 |
Revises provisions relating to permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-84) |
AB263 |
Revises provisions governing private activity bonds. (BDR 30-91) |
SB265 |
Revises provisions relating to certain information and records concerning public safety. (BDR 14-1042) |
SB282 |
Limiting the civil liability of crisis support centers under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-614) |
AB327 |
Revises provisions relating to abortion. (BDR 40-1058) |
AB338 |
Revises requirements for the operation of a motor vehicle by a young driver. (BDR 43-600) |
AB352 |
Revises provisions governing certain mortgages. (BDR 52-698) |
AB358 |
Makes certain changes to attract certain health professionals to practice in Nevada. (BDR 34-851) |
AB359 |
Revises provisions relating to work-based learning programs. (BDR 34-853) |
SB359 |
Provides for continued coverage for health care for certain chronic health conditions. (BDR 57-627) |
AB374 |
Revises provisions governing contractors. (BDR 54-662) |
AB375 |
Revises provisions governing birth certificates. (BDR 40-707) |
SB384 |
Revises provisions relating to criminal procedure. (BDR 14-857) |
SB389 |
Prohibits a person from owning or possessing an apiary within certain areas of this State. (BDR 49-1018) |
AB390 |
Revises provisions relating to equipment on motor vehicles. (BDR 43-1059) |
AB403 |
Revises provisions relating to certain traffic offenses. (BDR 43-42) |
AB405 |
Requires the State Treasurer to establish a student loan program for postsecondary education. (BDR 18-276) |
AB406 |
Makes various changes relating to the Airport Authority of Carson City. (BDR S-50) |
SB410 |
Revises provisions relating to incentives for economic development. (BDR 32-881) |
AB433 |
Revises provisions relating to caller identification information. (BDR 58-1006) |
AB436 |
Revises provisions governing certain tax exemptions for veterans. (BDR 32-998) |
AB476 |
Revises provisions concerning affordable housing. (BDR 25-1119) |
AB544 |
Revises provisions governing the age at which certain tobacco and vapor products may be purchased. (BDR 32-1294) |
ACR3 |
Memorializes former Assemblyman Bob Price. (BDR R-971) |
SCR7 |
Celebrates the sister state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1266) |
SCR8 |
Memorializes former Nevada Attorney General and Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Springer. (BDR R-1259) |
ACR9 |
Celebrates the Life of Assemblyman Odis “Tyrone” Thompson. (BDR R-1291) |
AB157 |
Establishes provisions relating to certain services for and resources concerning victims of human trafficking. (BDR 18-141) |
AB158 |
Revises provisions governing criminal procedures for certain juvenile offenders who are also victims of certain crimes. (BDR 14-143) |
AB161 |
Revises provisions governing common-interest communities. (BDR 10-705) |
AB174 |
Establishes the Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing. (BDR 18-94) |
AB178 |
Provides for transferable tax credits for the rehabilitation of historic buildings. (BDR 32-297) |
AB179 |
Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-622) |
AB195 |
Revises provisions governing crimes against property. (BDR 15-130) |
AB201 |
Revises provisions governing certain traffic laws. (BDR 43-604) |
AB280 |
Revises provisions governing document preparation services. (BDR 19-254) |
AB306 |
Enacts provisions to assist veteran-owned businesses to create cooperatives. (BDR 7-288) |
AB319 |
Revises provisions governing professional licensing. (BDR 54-314) |
SB325 |
Establishes the Nevada Child Adoption Grant Program to provide grants to assist certain prospective adoptive parents with certain costs of adoption. (BDR 11-163) |
AB340 |
Makes various changes concerning the acquisition and use of opioid antagonists by schools. (BDR 40-849) |
AB342 |
Revises provisions governing pupils who are children of military personnel. (BDR 34-624) |
SB360 |
Enacts the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act. (BDR 15-11) |
AB363 |
Revises certain provisions relating to homeless youth. (BDR 43-1033) |
AB380 |
Revises provisions governing safety in K-12 public schools. (BDR 31-41) |
AB392 |
Encourages employers to provide work-based learning opportunities for pupils. (BDR 34-952) |
AB401 |
Revises provisions governing the highway funding mechanism. (BDR 43-832) |
AB435 |
Requires certain children committed to a facility for the detention of children to be enrolled in a program of distance education in certain circumstances. (BDR 5-995) |
AB441 |
Creates the Joint Legislative Committee on Federalism. (BDR 17-993) |