[Rev. 11/27/2024 11:24:45 AM]
Definitions, 120A.003-120A.015
Deposits automatically renewable, indication of interest, presumption of abandonment, 120A.090
Local government, unclaimed money, 354.350
Location of owner, diligence, 120A.050
Mines, dangerous conditions caused by abandonment, 513.200-513.390
Outstanding check or credit balance not included in report of unclaimed property, 120A.065
Payment or delivery of property to Administrator, 120A.110
Penalties and interest, waiver, 120A.120
Recovery of unclaimed property delivered to State, 120A.060, 120A.100
Reports of unclaimed property, 120A.020-120A.050, 120A.100
Safety deposit boxes, 120A.070, 120A.080
Securities, registration statement, 90.410
Signs, abandoned and unmaintained, 410.390
State parks and recreation areas, vessels, vehicles and other personal property, 407.121
Vehicles, fee for towing abandoned vehicle, 487.030
Veterinarians, abandoned animals, 638.051
Counselor, required training, 442.180
Follow-up physical examinations, 442.190
Reports, 442.200
Application after voluntary surrender or revocation, 628.110
Contact information, notification of change, 628.100
Educational requirements, 628.055
Examination, 628.020-628.040, 628.080
Experience, general requirements, 628.060
Fingerprinting and criminal history investigation, 628.019
Reciprocity, 628.070
Retired or inactive status, reinstatement, 628.110
Revocation for nonpayment of fees, reinstatement, 628.110
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from accounting services, 363C.320
Continuing education, 628.080, 628.210-628.250
Definitions, 628.010
Fees imposed by Board, 628.016
Nevada State Board of Accountancy
Practice before Board, 628.850-628.985
Standing or temporary committees, establishment, 628.015
Quality of financial reporting, monitoring program, 628.550-628.590
Registration of public accountants, offices and business entities, 628.130-628.190
Renewal of permit and registration, 628.190, 628.210, 628.250
Standards of practice, 628.500-628.520
Unlawful practice, 628.460
Common-interest communities, mediation or arbitration of claims, 38.350
Limited-liability partnerships, recovery of fines, 87.400
Tort claims against State, agencies and political subdivisions, ch. 41
Enterprise Technology Services, Division of, ch. 242
Human Resource Management, Division of, ch. 284
Internal Audits, Division of, training programs, 353A.100
Risk Management Division, duties, receipt of reports, 284.589, 284.6014, 284.6015
State contracts for operating cost-savings measures, duties, 333A.150
State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of
Allocation of state or federal money to public libraries, considerations, 379.050
Certification of librarians, program for, ch. 379
Grants to public libraries, 378.150-378.170
Law libraries, ch. 380
Public records generally, ch. 239
State Publications Distribution Center, 378.090, 378.100
State Public Works Division
Performance contracts for operating cost savings measures, ch. 333A
Public works generally (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Declaratory orders and advisory opinions
Accountancy, Nevada State Board of, 628.980
Alcohol, drug and gambling counselors, 641C.635-641C.650
Business and Industry, Department of, 232.040, 232.050
Chiropractic physicians, 634.653
Colorado River Commission, 538.320
Contractors, 624.120
Cosmetology, 644A.970-644A.985
Court Reporters’ Board, Certified, 656.415
Dentistry, 631.279
Domestic Violence, Committee on, 228.630
Environmental Commission, State, 445B.888
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, 233.250, 233.260
Equalization, State Board of, 361.749-361.753
Ethics Commission (See ETHICS, COMMISSION ON)
Forestry, Division of, 527.560
Government Employee-Management Relations Board, 288.380-288.420
Health and Human Services, Department of, 439B.600-439B.640
Homeopathic medicine, 630A.240
Industrial Relations, Division of, 616A.420
Insurance, Division of, 679B.486-679B.490
Labor Commissioner, 607.650-607.670
Landscape architects, 623A.600
Local Government Finance, Committee on, 354.940, 354.942
Marriage and family therapy, 641A.645-641A.685
Mineral Resources, Commission on, 534A.680
Motor Vehicles, Department of, 481.410
Nursing, 632.935
Optometrists, 636.650
Oriental medicine, 634A.560
Perfusionists, 630.450
Pharmacy, 639.150
Physical therapists, 640.310
Physicians and physician assistants, 630.450
Private Investigator’s Licensing Board, 648.430
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 228.650
Public Employees’ Benefits Program, Board of the, 287.190-287.194
Public health administration, 439.100-439.130
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, 703.825
Purchasing Division, 333.200
Rehabilitation Division, 232.300-232.320
Respiratory care practitioners, 630.450
Restraining costs of health care, 439B.600-439B.640
Social workers, 641B.420-641B.440
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board, 637B.710, 637B.715
Tax Commission, Nevada, 360.190-360.200
Taxicab Authority, 706.980-706.988
Transportation Authority, Nevada, 706.4007, 706A.650
Unarmed combat, 467.845
Unemployment compensation, 612.700-612.720
Veterinarians, 638.410
Form of notice of adoption, amendment or repeal of regulation, 233B.010
Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, adoption of regulations by resolution, 278.850
Petitions for adoption, filing, amendment or repeal of regulations
Accountancy, Nevada State Board of, 628.985
Alcohol, drug and gambling counselors, 641C.655
Appraisers of real estate, 645C.475
Asset management companies and asset managers, 645H.500
Building inspectors, 645D.070
Business and Industry, Department of, 232.020, 232.030
Colorado River Commission, 538.330
Cosmetology, 644A.990
Domestic Violence, Committee on, 228.640
Environmental Commission, State, 445B.886
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, 233.270
Ethics Commission, 281A.555
Forestry, Division of, 527.550
Government Employee-Management Relations Board, 288.430
Homeopathic medicine, 630A.250
Human Resource Management, Division of, 284.826-284.838
Industrial Relations, Division of, 616A.440
Insurance, Division of, 679B.482, 679B.484
Labor Commissioner, 607.680
Land, sale of subdivided, 119.650
Land surveyors, 625.649
Landscape architects, 623A.600
Marriage and family therapy, 641A.695
Mineral Resources, Commission on, 534A.680
Motor Vehicles, Department of, 481.420
Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 278.840
Opticians, 637.700
Optometrists, 636.660
Oriental medicine, 634A.570
Perfusionists, 630.420-630.440
Pharmacy, 639.140
Physical therapists, 640.330
Physicians and physician assistants, 630.420-630.440
Podiatry, 635.320
Private Investigator’s Licensing Board, 648.410, 648.420
Professional engineers, 625.649
Psychological Examiners, Board of, 641.170
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 228.655
Public Employees’ Benefits Program, Board of the, 287.196
Public health administration, 439.010-439.040
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, 703.546
Real Estate Commission, 645.875
Rehabilitation Division, 232.330
Respiratory care practitioners, 630.420-630.440
Social workers, 641B.445
State Engineer, protest hearings, 533.380
State Forester, 527.570
Taxicab Authority, 706.990
Transportation Authority, Nevada, 706.3958
Unemployment compensation, 612.730
Veterinarians, 638.420
Wildlife Commissioners, Board of, 501.195
Agencies which provide child welfare services
Disasters, plan for care of children during, 432.400
General standards for operation, 127.305-127.336
Placement of children for adoption, 127.351-127.465
Special needs children, adoption or placement, 127.475-127.510
Birth certificates, preparation, 440.120
Child-placing agencies
Foster care, placement of children in, 127.265, 127.270
General standards for operation, 127.145-127.205
Placement of children for adoption, 127.210-127.260
Intercountry adoptions, 127.095
Accidents or illnesses, 449.4081
Accounting, 449.4071
Admissions, 449.4077, 449.4078
Advertising and promotional materials, 449.407
Definitions, 449.4061
Director, 449.4072
Employees and volunteers, 449.4072-449.4073, 449.40815
Facility requirements, 449.4063, 449.4074
Fire and other emergencies, preparedness, reporting requirements, 449.4075
First aid, 449.4076
Food service, dietary consultants, 449.4082, 449.4089
Housekeeping and maintenance, 449.408
Insurance, 449.4069
Medical and ancillary services, 449.4084-449.4089
Medications, requirements, 449.4074, 449.4081
Physician, designation, 449.4078
Policies and procedures, 449.4071
Prescriptions, storage requirements, 449.4074
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, control over medical records upon suspension of license or cessation of operation, 449.009
Referrals, 449.40833
Services, requirements, 449.4079
Summary of client’s care, 449.40833
Supervision of clients, 449.40723
Alcohol, drug and gambling counselors and interns, 641C.405
Asset management companies and asset managers, 645H.455
Bail, businesses related to, 697.350, 697.355
Body shops, 487.160
Building inspectors, 645D.242, 645D.4405, 645D.610
Campgrounds, memberships in, 119B.250, 119B.270-119B.400
Care of adults during the day, facilities for, 449.407
Check-cashing, deferred deposit, short-term loan or title loan services, 604A.210
Child care facilities, 432A.270
Clinical professional counselor interns, 641A.196
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from advertising services and sale of advertising, 363C.325, 363C.375, 363C.380
Common-interest community managers, courses of instruction for, 116A.220, 116A.245, 116A.265
Consumer litigation funding companies, 604C.140
Photovoltaic systems, residential, prohibited practices, 624.694
Residential pools and spas, 624.6967, 624.69675
Cosmetology, schools of, 644A.650
Debt-management services, 676A.180
Dental care, organizations for, 695D.230
Dentists, 631.270
Designers, application of sales and use tax, 372.227
Document preparation services, 240A.070
Driver training, schools for, 483.772
Engineering, 625.630
Film and other productions in State, tax credit program, 360.800-360.865
Fire suppression devices, 477.407
Funeral directors and related occupations, 642.170
Groups, residential facilities for, 449.205
Health insurance, 689A.010-689A.270, 689C.172
Health maintenance organizations, 695C.140, 695C.295
Homeopathic medicine, 630A.140
Installment loans, 675.010
Landscape architects, 623A.025, 623A.420
Long-term care insurance, 687B.040, 687B.050, 687B.0775
Manufactured or mobile homes
Continuing education courses, 489.656
Dealers and other licensees, 489.340
Marijuana establishments, 453D.466-453D.473
Marriage and family therapy interns, 641A.196
Massage therapists, requirements, 640C.350
Medicare, insurance policies supplementary to, 687B.273, 687B.280
Mortgage bankers, 645E.250, 645E.285
Mortgage brokers, 645B.240
Mortgage lending and related professions, 645F.555, 645F.600, 645F.950
Motor carriers, certificate holders, 706.228
Motor vehicle dealers and other licensees, 482.100-482.250
Motor vehicle fuel and petroleum products, 590.090
Occupational therapists, 640A.310
Off-highway vehicles, dealers and other licensees, 490.200-490.290
Opticians, 637.250
Osteopathic physicians, 633.360
Outdoor advertising, 410.200-410.440
Perfusionists, 630.190
Physical therapy licensees, 640.630
Physicians and physician assistants, 630.190
Podiatry, forbidden practices, 635.375
Postsecondary educational institutions, private, 394.585-394.600
Prepaid limited health service organizations, 695F.220
Prices, comparative price advertising, 598.200-598.290
Private investigators and related occupations, 648.525
Provider-sponsored organizations, 695C.140, 695C.295
Public utilities, 704.280-704.295
Radiation machines, registration, 459.164
Real estate appraisers, schools and courses, 645C.225, 645C.340, 645C.415, 645C.418
Real estate licensees, 645.610-645.611
Real estate schools, 645.420
Residential designers, 623.820
Respiratory care, practitioners of, 630.190
Sales and use tax, application to advertising agencies, 372.130, 372.227
Schools, private kindergarten, elementary and secondary, 394.230
Subdivided land, sales, 119.015, 119.400-119.465
Surveyors, prohibited acts, 625.630
Time shares, 119A.190, 119A.305-119A.355
Veterinarians, 638.015, 638.067-638.069
Unmanned aerial vehicles, operation by public agencies for certain purposes, 493.100
Assistance to finance housing, ch. 319
Transferable tax credits, 360.870-360.896
Advocates for residents of facilities for long-term care, 427A.010-427A.310
Aging and Disability Services Division (See HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF)
Businesses, loan program for start-up businesses, 612.665-612.685
Damage to property of older patients of certain facilities, agencies and organizations, complaints, 427A.320-427A.3395
Day care facilities (See ADULT DAY CARE FACILITIES)
Elections, provision of information and assistance, 293.187-293.192, 293C.230, 293C.235
Employment agencies to provide nonmedical services, 449.870-449.882
Facilities and services (See generally COUNTIES—Miscellaneous special taxes)
Frail elderly persons, program to provide community-based services, 427A.350-427A.488
Groups, residential facilities for, 449.156-449.27706
Long-term care insurance, 687B.005-687B.140
Medicare, policies supplementary to, age discrimination prohibited, 687B.207
Missing Endangered Older Persons, Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of, 427A.490-427A.545
Parole, geriatric, 213.533, 213.5335
Prescription readers, notice of availability by retail community pharmacies, 639.756
Real estate licensees, continuing education, exemption, 645.449
Senior Prescription Program, 439.800-439.862
State parks, annual permits, 407.050
Taxicab transportation, 706.496, 706.857-706.870
Weatherization assistance program, eligibility, 702.870
Air pollution, minimization, 445B.22093
Generally, ch. 588
Agricultural products
Certified produce vendors’ certificates, 576.500-576.640
Certified producers’ certificates, 576.300-576.440
Dealers, brokers, commission merchants and agents, 576.050-576.085
Inspection and certification, 587.340-587.359
Organic agricultural products, certification, 587.9015-587.928
Quarantine, ch. 554
Commercial feed
Brand and product names, 587.520
Content guarantees, 587.530-587.560
Definitions, 587.500
Directions for use, precautionary statements, 587.580
Exemptions, 587.630
Ingredients, 587.570
Labels, contents, 587.510
Manufacturers, distributors and guarantors
Application for license or renewal, contents, fees, 587.632
Inspection or audit requested by licensee, fees for costs, 587.636
Quarterly fee, amount, exemption, 587.634
Quarterly report, submission, 587.634
Misbranding, 587.610
Nonprotein nitrogen, 587.590
Official samples, 587.600
Tolerances, 587.620
Damage caused by certain game animals, prevention and mitigation, 504.350-504.440
Farm equipment, certificates of origin, 587.340-587.359
Farm vehicles, registration, 482.429-482.440
Farmers’ markets, 446.970-446.981
Quarantines against disease, 554.910-554.950
Seeds, registration and certification, 587.640-587.810
Garlic and Onion Growers’ Advisory Board, ch. 556
Permits for movement of implements of husbandry, 484D.630
Planting and harvesting seasons, designation for purposes of federal regulations regarding drivers used by motor carriers, 561.200
Seeds (See SEEDS)
Taxes on agricultural real property, 361A.010-361A.240
Unmanned aerial vehicles, operation by public agencies, 493.100
Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, 701B.600-701B.720
Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, 701B.400-701B.545
Rodent control districts, 555.800, 555.810
Agricultural products, seeds and farm equipment, ch. 587
Alternative livestock, 576.100-576.260
Bees and apiaries, inspection, fees for certification, 552.060
Brand inspection, ch. 565
Breakfast After the Bell Program, duties, 387.370, 387.375
Commercial feed
Manufacturers, distributors and guarantors, 587.632-587.636
Commercial fertilizers and agricultural minerals, ch. 588
Craft food operation (See FOOD)
Diseased animals, ch. 571
Fees for certain services provided by Department, exceptions, 561.610
Hearings for adjudication of contested cases, 561.300-561.580
Industrial hemp, ch. 557
Insects, pests and noxious weeds, control, ch. 555
Livestock and farm product dealers, brokers, commission merchants and agents, 576.050-576.085
Marijuana testing facilities, duties, 453D.794, 453D.796
Organic Agricultural Products, Advisory Council for, compensation of members, 587.928
Pesticides, ch. 586
Public sales of livestock, ch. 573
Public weighmasters, ch. 582
Quarantines of agricultural commodities, ch. 554
State Quarantine Officer
Feeding food waste to swine, 571.150-571.190
Transactions with or payments to Department electronically or through Internet, authority of Director, 561.600
Weights and measures, ch. 581
Abbreviations, 445B.211
Ambient air quality, state standards, 445B.22097
Animal matter, requirements for reduction, 445B.2209
Appeal of Director’s decision, application forms, 445B.279
Best available retrofit technology
Control measures, 445B.22096
Definition, 445B.029
Emission limitations, 445B.22095, 445B.22096
Confidential information, 445B.224
Definitions, 445B.001-445B.209
Compliance, schedules and alternative methods of determining, 445B.271, 445B.273
Concealment prohibited, 445B.225, 445B.601
Confidentiality of information restricted, 445B.224
Construction, modification or reconstruction projects, 445B.235-445B.250
Emission reduction credits, 445B.380-445B.390
Engine emissions control (See ENGINE EMISSIONS CONTROL)
Excess emissions, 445B.232, 445B.233
Hazardous emissions (See Toxic or hazardous air contaminants, this heading)
Hydrogen sulfide, 445B.2208
Mercury Air Emissions Control Program, Nevada, 445B.3611-445B.3689
Monitoring systems, 445B.255-445B.267
Particulate matter, 445B.22027-445B.22037
Plan for reduction, 445B.230
Rate of emissions, determination, 445B.239
Sulfur, 445B.2204-445B.22063, 445B.2208
Testing and sampling, 445B.252
Toxic emissions (See Toxic or hazardous air contaminants, this heading)
Visible emissions, 445B.22017, 445B.2202, 445B.576-445B.578
Environmental requirements, 445C.010-445C.140
Equipment for pollution control, 445B.227
Federal laws and regulations, adoption by reference, 445B.221
Fines, 445B.281, 445B.283, 445B.7045
Fleet vehicles, use of alternative fuels, ch. 486A
Incinerator burning, 445B.2207
Odors, 445B.22087
Open burning, 445B.22067
Operating permits
Class IV, 445B.3526
Definition, 445B.123
Mercury operating permit to construct, 445B.3625, 445B.3661, 445B.3663, 445B.3679-445B.3689
Organic solvents and other volatile compounds, handling, 445B.22093
Property tax exemption for property used to control, 361.046-361.050
Severability of regulations, 445B.220
Solid waste landfills, 445B.22073
Standard Industrial Classification Manual, adoption by reference, 445B.221
State Environmental Commission, rules of practice, 445B.875-445B.899
Stop orders, 445B.190, 445B.277
Toxic or hazardous air contaminants
Identification of substances, 445B.2201
Information concerning emissions, confidentiality, 445B.224
List of Hazardous Air Pollutants, adoption by reference, 445B.221
Order for reduction or discontinuance, 445B.229
Prohibited discharges, 445B.22013
Unmanned aerial vehicles, operation by public agencies, 493.100
Violations, 445B.200, 445B.275, 445B.281, 445B.283
Administrative proceedings, 641C.500-641C.655
Code of Ethics, adoption by reference, 641C.120
Continuing education and training, 641C.300-641C.320
Definitions, 641C.005-641C.066
Disciplinary action and proceedings, 641C.300, 641C.440-641C.450, 641C.632
“Field of social science” interpreted, qualification of degree, 641C.070
Insurance claims, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
Interns, authority, 641A.196
Licensing and certification, 641C.200-641C.295
Native American alcohol and drug counselors, 641C.276-641C.278
Severability of regulations, 641C.075
Standards of practice, 641C.080, 641C.400-641C.450
Supervision of certified interns, 641C.280-641C.295
Unprofessional conduct, 641C.440
Administrative proceedings, 641C.500-641C.655
Duties of staff, 641C.100
Detoxification technicians, 458.341-458.352
Disciplinary proceedings, 458.361-458.391
Accidents, notification to Bureau of Licensure and Certification, 449.154939
Administrators, 449.15491, 449.154911
Admissions, limitations, 449.154917
Definition, 449.154903
Files, maintenance, confidentiality, 449.154943
Rights of clients, 449.154941
Definitions, 449.1549-449.154905
Fire protection, 449.154945
First aid, 449.154933
General operational guidelines, 449.154913
Health and sanitation, 449.154919-449.154929
Licensing fees, 449.016-449.0168
Medication, 449.154935
Policies and procedures, establishment, maintenance, 449.154915
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, control over medical records upon suspension of license or cessation of operation, 449.009
Residents with restricted mobility, accommodations for, 449.154931
Telephones and listing of telephone number, 449.154937
Tuberculosis, testing of residents and employees, 441A.375, 441A.380
Infants, CARA plans of care, 449.939-449.948
Nurses, Alternative Program for Chemically Dependent, duties of advisory committee, 632.211
Administrative programs, 458.213
Certification of programs, 458.103-458.138
Coalition programs, 458.203
Drug court programs, 458.291-458.306
Evaluation center programs, 458.321-458.336
Information and referral services, 458.193
Operators and staff, 458.153-458.183
Prevention programs, 458.223, 458.228
Treatment programs, 458.241-458.272
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, review of actions, appeals, 458.401
Publications, adoption by reference of certain, 458.095
State employees, screening tests, 284.880-284.894
Administrator, duties, 449.111
Bylaws, 449.085
Accommodations for clients, 449.132
Inventory and return of clients’ belongings, 449.102
Medication, 449.144
Money of clients, 449.094
Records of clients, 449.150
Transfer to another facility, 449.091
Construction or remodeling, 449.081, 449.129
Dietary services, 449.147
Disaster preparedness and reporting, 449.098
Equipment and maintenance, 449.129
Fire safety and reporting requirements, 449.098, 449.135
Governing body, 449.085
Health services, 449.141
Insurance, 449.105
Laundry requirements, 449.126
Denial, revocation or suspension, 449.079
Policies and procedures, 449.088
Programs, general requirements, 449.108
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, control over medical records upon suspension of license or cessation of operation, 449.009
Sanitary requirements, 449.123
Social model detoxification programs, 449.121-449.1218
Tuberculosis, testing of residents and employees, 441A.375, 441A.380
Nevada Alfalfa Seed Council, recommendation for appointment to Advisory Board, 587.850
Standards for certification of seed, 587.258-587.274
Allodial Title Trust Account, 361.956, 361.958
Annual statement, 361.950
Participation in program, requirements, 361.920
Purpose of program, 361.920
Inspection fees, ch. 360A
Use in fleet vehicles, ch. 486A
Ambulance attendants, 632.565-632.590
Unarmed combat, advanced life support unit required at site of program, 467.414
Manufacture, handling and storage, 618.5155-618.5335
Ambulatory surgical centers, administration and record of anesthesia, 449.9945
Certified registered nurse anesthetists, 631.224, 632.500-632.550
Chiropractic physicians, requirements for performing manipulation on patient under anesthesia, 634.3665
Dentists, administration of general anesthesia, 631.2211-631.2256
Industrial Relations, Division of, adoption by reference of Relative Value Guide of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, 616C.146
Outpatient facilities, permit for services, 449.9994-449.999489
Procaine hydrochloride (See DRUGS)
Veterinarians, use, 638.700, 638.710
ANIMALS (See also LIVESTOCK; WILDLIFE; specific animals)
Brands and marks (See BRANDS AND MARKS, ANIMALS)
Brucellosis (See BRUCELLOSIS)
Euthanasia technicians, 638.450-638.565
Invasive body decoration establishments, live animals prohibited on premises, exceptions, operator may not handle or care for animals while on-duty, 444.00839
Veterinarians and veterinary technicians (See VETERINARY MEDICINE)
Availability of Volume 15.05 of “Annual Book of ASTM Standards,” 590.035
License fee, 590.015
Prohibited acts, 590.020
Recycling, 444.8801-444.9071, 444A.090-444A.140
Standard specifications, adoption by reference, availability for inspection and purchase, 590.010
Account for Low-Income Housing, 319.885-319.950
Energy conservation, 701.010-701.245, 704.800-704.876
Multi-unit housing, loans, 319.600-319.790
Tax credits for low-income housing, 319.951-319.998
Telephones, shared tenant service, 704.689-704.6897
Conservation and Natural Resources, Department of, appeal of final decisions, 445B.890, 486A.240, 486A.250
Disclosure of improper governmental action, retaliation against state officer or employee, 281.305, 281.315
Health facilities’ projects, 439A.515-439A.555
Indigent status for health care purposes, appeal of determination, 439B.441-439B.449
Industrial insurance, decisions of Appeals Panel, 616B.994
Public works
Building official, appeal of decisions made in capacity of, 341.161
Determinations regarding qualification, 338.270, 338.280, 338.400, 338.410
Determinations to impose administrative penalty, 341.225
State Engineers, decisions of, 532.270
Subdivision of land, adverse environmental decisions, 278.530
Tax Commission, Nevada, appeals to, 360.172-360.185
Adoption by reference of certain requirements and standards, 641D.090
Disciplinary action, grounds for, 641D.600
Licensure or registration
Continuing education, 641D.140, 641D.160
Examinations, 641D.120
Fees, 641D.200
Inactive status, placement on and restoration from, 641D.180
Issuance of provisional license or proof of licensure, 641D.100
Renewal of license or registration, notification, 641D.140
Requirements, 641D.100
Suspension of license or registration, 641D.600
Supervision, 641D.300
Advisory committee, establishment, duties, 645C.600-645C.620
Appraisal management companies, 645C.370-645C.391
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from appraisal services, 363C.470
Confidentiality of records of Real Estate Division, 645C.040
Definitions, 645C.005-645C.010
Disciplinary and other actions, 645C.700-645C.710
Educational requirements, 645C.200-645C.355
Inspections by Real Estate Division, 645C.035
Licensing and certification, 645C.050-645C.107
Practice before Commission of Appraisers of Real Estate, 645C.475-645C.510
Property taxes, certification of appraisers, 361.535-361.575
Administrator’s authority, 645C.030
Petitions for regulations, 645C.475
Severability, 645C.025
Standards of practice, 645C.400-645C.450
State lands, appraisal of land offered for sale or lease, 321.500-321.525
Supervision of interns, 645C.108-645C.120
Administration of programs, 610.310-610.465
Cosmetologists, 644A.300-644A.395, 644A.875
Electrologists, 644A.350-644A.395
Elevator mechanic, work cards, 455C.468-455C.476
Embalmers, “full-time employees” interpreted, 642.040
Equal opportunity, 610.510-610.990
Falconry, 503.240-503.250, 503.310
Hunting, apprentice and mentor, 502.0097
Interpreters, registration, 656A.240, 656A.290
Joint committees, 610.225-610.250
Sales and use tax exemption, 372.702
Wages and benefits, 610.480-610.495
Meetings, 610.115
Powers and duties generally, 610.110, 610.145
Records, 610.930
Certified produce vendors’ certificates, 576.500-576.640
Certified producers’ certificates, 576.300-576.440
Common-interest communities, procedures, 38.350
Contracts between managers and unarmed combatants, 467.137
Special incentive elk tags, panels to resolve disputes, 502.42283
Unarmed combat, contracts between combatant and manager, procedures, 467.103
Administrative proceedings and disciplinary action, 623.900-623.950
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from architectural services, 363C.330
Continuing education, 623.630-623.646
Contract requirements, 623.780
Drawings and other documents, 623.766-623.780, 623.810
Exemption of certain services from regulation, 623.020
Landscape architects (See LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS)
Names, corporate or fictitious, 623.740
Notice of change of address or place of employment, 623.720
Plans submitted to public authorities, 623.766
Publicly funded projects, proposals for, 623.800
Educational credits, 623.415-623.475
Examination, oath, 623.290, 623.400
Fees, 623.290
Practice as principal, determination, 623.310
Qualifications, 623.400-623.475
Reciprocity, 623.410
Renewal or restoration of expired certificate, 623.280
Training, evaluation, 623.300
Stamp, validation and use, 623.763
Budget and financial administration, 623.160, 623.170
Chair, 623.135
Executive Director, 623.150
Fees, 623.290
Meetings, 623.115
Practice before Board, 623.900-623.950
Seal, 623.175
Secretary-Treasurer, 623.145, 623.160
Grants, ch. 233C
Transportation and disposal, 444.965-444.976
Advertisements, requirements, 645H.455
Certificates of registration and permits
Application, 645H.100-645H.150
Cancellation, suspension or revocation, 645H.300-645H.330
Denial or refusal to renew, 645H.060, 645H.130, 645H.260
Display, 645H.220
Issuance and renewal, 645H.200-645H.270
Check or draft returned to Real Estate Division for lack of payment, effect, 645H.060
Confidentiality of records of Real Estate Division, 645H.040
Definitions, 645H.010-645H.030
Disclosure of certain information by Real Estate Division, 645H.050
Practice before Real Estate Division, 645H.500-645H.570
Standards of practice, 645H.400-645H.470
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from certain services, 363C.340
Registration fees, 398.100
Unarmed combat, ch. 467
Advance directives for health care, registry, ch. 449A
Generally, ch. 640B
Adoption, form of notice, amendment or repeal of regulation, 233B.010
Campaign practices, civil penalties, 294A.097
Common-interest community managers, duties, 116A.350
Consumer litigation funding, assessment for costs of legal services, 604C.230
Domestic Violence, Committee on, ch. 228
Identity theft program cards, duties, 205.070, 205.080
Limited-liability partnerships, recovery of fines, 87.400
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, requests for appointment of deputy attorney general, 439.700
Public utilities, duties of Consumer’s Advocate, ch. 703
State employees, receipt of reports of alleged discrimination, 284.696
Tort claims against State, duties, 41.130
Unarmed combat, request for public book or record, duties, 467.0085
Water and sewer systems, resource plans, duties, 704.566, 704.5685
Wildlife Commissioners, Board of, duties, 501.155
Livestock, ch. 573
Advisory Committee on Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids, 637B.033, 637B.034
Alteration of license or license card, 637B.0375
Applicability of provisions, 637B.014
Complaints filed against apprentice, 637B.720
In-service training, 637B.0391-637B.0394
Operating office or satellite office without approval of Board prohibited, 637B.0398
Review of work by sponsor, supervision not required for certain duties, 637B.0398
Duties, 637B.0398
Qualifications, limitation on number of apprentices or sponsors, 637B.0396
Au.D or Ph.D, authorized use, 637B.011
Continuing education, 637B.0368, 637B.400-637B.430
Definitions, 637B.001-637B.008
Insurance claims, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
Alteration of license or license card prohibited, 637B.0375
Attachment of transcript and other proof of qualifications, provision of additional information, 637B.0355, 637B.0356
Combined application for renewal of license as audiologist and speech-language pathologist, 637B.036
For license expired 3 years or more, 637B.037
Payment of fee, 637B.035
Fee schedule, 637B.030
Hearing aids, license to engage in practice of fitting and dispensing
Examination, 637B.0373
Provisional license, renewal of, 637B.0363
Temporary license issued to hearing aid specialist or dispensing audiologist, 637B.0374
Inactive status, conversion of standard license to, renewal of inactive license, conversion of inactive license to active status, 637B.0368
Information to be maintained with Board, notices provided to licensee by Board, 637B.0385
Practice under any name under which licensee does not hold license prohibited, change of name, issuance of duplicate license, 637B.038
Reinstatement, 637B.0365
Standard and provisional license
Expiration and application for renewal, 637B.036
Requirements for renewal, 637B.400
Retroactive renewal, 637B.0364
Verification of license by Board upon request of license, 637B.039
Name of licensee, requirements and restrictions, 637B.038
Practice without license, 637B.0382
Professional conduct and standards of practice
Case history and minimum procedures required for prospective candidate for hearing aid, exception, 637B.0446
Disciplinary action, grounds, 637B.046, 637B.048
Health care records and other records, preparation and retention, 637B.042, 637B.045
Hearing aid specialist or dispensing audiologist
Delegation of duties to unlicensed office assistant, aid or technician, 637B.0442
Duties concerning hearing aid sold or fit, 637B.0448
“Professional incompetence” interpreted, 637B.048
Professional responsibility, 637B.042
Responsibility to client, 637B.044
Unprofessional conduct, 637B.046
Waiver of medical evaluation, requirements, 637B.0444
Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board
Executive Director and staff, 637B.025
Practice before Board
Address for written communications and documents to Board, 637B.700
Apprentices, complaints filed against, 637B.720
Attorney’s fees and costs, recovery, 637B.735
Board authorized to act on own motion, 637B.705
Complaints against licensees, filing or initiation of, contents, review, 637B.720
Conduct of hearing in contested cases, 637B.730
Declaratory orders and advisory opinions, petitions for, 637B.710, 637B.715
Petition to request adoption, amendment or repeal of regulation or for formal hearing, contents and filing, 637B.705
Witnesses, fees and reimbursement for mileage, 637B.740
Schedule of fees, 637B.030
School pupils with, 388.028, 388.150, 388.387, 391.378
Services for certain persons with, 427A.551-427A.558
Administrative fines, 487.900
Application for salvage title, 487.021
Definition, 487.010
Fee for towing abandoned vehicle, 487.030
Financial records, disclosure, 487.027
License, application, 487.013
Liens on vehicles, ch. 108
Purchaser of vehicle, provision of documents to, 487.025
Salvage and nonrepairable vehicles, 487.360, 487.370
Annual report, submission, 706B.445
Base rates, duties, 706B.435
Confidentiality of certain information
Applications filed with Authority, inclusion of confidential information prohibited, 706B.120
Requests for confidentiality, procedures, 706B.630-706B.650
Decals, issuance, 706B.365
Definitions, 706B.001-706B.090
Deviation from regulations, 706B.105
Disciplinary action, 706B.475
Federal regulations, adoption by reference, 706B.375
Fees or remittances, accepted forms of payment, 706B.115
Administrative fines, imposition, 706B.475
Payment, 706B.115
Gross operating revenue, submission of statement, 706B.440
Interruption of service, limitations, 706B.410
Laws and regulations, compliance required, 706B.370
Operations, requirements regarding commencement of, 706B.360
Passenger curb loading zones, restrictions on staging or standing in, 706B.400
Passengers, solicitation prohibited, 706B.395
Applications, 706B.300, 706B.305
Corporate changes, notice requirements, 706B.330
Identification on vehicles, requirements, 706B.320
Insurance, notice of change, 706B.335
Issuance, 706B.310
Property rights, no investment of certain rights upon issuance of permit, 706B.325
Suspension or revocation, 706B.315
Points of contact, designation, 706B.385
Practice before Authority, 706B.550-706B.960
Public records, requests for copies, 706B.120
Records, maintenance, availability, 706B.430
Registered agents, notification of Authority, 706B.390
Regulatory assessments, issuance, payment, 706B.440
Severability of regulations, 706B.100
Taxicab stands, separation of vehicle by certain distance required, 706B.395
Time, computation, 706B.110
Trade or fictitious name, use, 706B.380
Decals, issuance, placement, 706B.365
Identification on vehicles, requirements, 706B.320
Inspections, 706B.420, 706B.425
Placard, display, 706B.405
Taxicab stands, separation of vehicle by certain distance required, 706B.395
Use beyond scope of authority prohibited, 706B.415
Air carriers
Property tax, 361.4685-361.4695
Sales tax exemption, application, 372.715
Air transportation companies, property tax, 361.451-361.4695
Airline industry groups, property tax, 361.4685-361.4695
Airport transfer service
Definition, 706.015
Provision of service, 706.348
Standard specifications, adoption by reference, 590.055
Storage tanks, regulation, 459.9921-459.9931, 459.99395-459.999
Hunting, restrictions on use of certain aerial vehicles or devices, 503.148
Insurance, 686B.530
Regional commercial air service, grants for, 231.500-231.550
State parks, restrictions, 407.125
Collection and payment, 365.195, 365.200-365.207
Disciplinary action against licensees, grounds, 365.165, 365.190, 365.300
Distributed and taxable, when fuel deemed, 365.151
Habitually delinquent dealer, when deemed, 365.183
Licenses, requirements, 365.161-365.170
Records, 365.255
Refunds, 365.210
Review of monthly tax returns, 365.175, 365.180, 365.190
Sealing of pumps or metered pipes and hoses of rack, orders for, 365.305
Security for payment, 365.175-365.190
Statement of fuel sold, date for filing, 365.195
Course of instruction, 683A.225
Definitions, 697.120
Duties of licensees, 697.310-697.355
Early surrender of defendant, 697.550
Examination for licensure, 697.125
Fiduciary accounts, 683A.390-683A.440
Purpose of regulations, 697.110
Severability of regulations, 679A.010
Solicitors, 697.250
Surety companies, 697.360-697.380
Unlicensed persons, 697.130
Abandoned or unclaimed property, duties, ch. 120A
Annuities, sales, 683A.315
Applications to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fingerprints may be required, 657.010
Audits and examinations, assessment of costs related to, 658.030, 658.040, 659.010
Borrowing money from affiliates, 662.110
Commerce tax, ch. 363C
Complaints, failure to respond in timely manner, confidentiality, 668.010
Definitions, 659.020, 662.001-662.008
Deposit with affiliate of money held as fiduciary or agent, 662.100
Depositories of public money and securities, ch. 356
Electronic terminals, fees for establishment and operation, 660.010
Fees of Commissioner of Financial Institutions
License renewal, 658.050
Mechanical tellers, 660.010
Organizational changes, 666.010, 666.020
Proposed banks, 659.030
Supervision and examination, 658.010
Fiduciary, appointment of foreign organization to act as, 662.120
Foreign banks, ch. 666A
Housing, assistance to finance, ch. 319
Insurance, licensing of banks, 683A.080-683A.094
Long-term capital notes or debentures, 662.010-662.090
Retention of records, 665.010, 665.020
Supervision and examination, fee, 658.010
Taxes on financial institutions, ch. 363A
Barbershops in which apprenticeship may be served, 643.220
Chairs, leasing requirements, 643.240
By endorsement, application and qualifications, 643.025
Completion of apprenticeship, requirements, effect of noncompliance, 643.030
Conviction of certain crimes, hearing, 643.040
Education and experience, requirements, 643.120
Equivalency examination when educational requirements unmet, 643.130
Failure of examination or failure to take examination, 643.090, 643.100
Felony conviction, effect, 643.010
Interpreter, use during examination, 643.080
Limit on number of examinations taken, 643.090
Qualifications for examination, 643.010, 643.060
Fees, 643.070, 643.160, 643.170
Foreign licenses unrecognized, 643.140
Good cause, definition, documentation, 643.005
Restoration of revoked license, 643.180
Revocation, grounds, 643.030, 643.050
Limitation on number employed, 643.230
Barber schools
Chairs, requirements, 643.480
Cosmetologists, courses for, 643.734, 643.736
Disciplinary action, 643.521, 643.525
Enrollment, 643.440
Hours of instruction, 643.660, 643.670
Instruction in services for all patrons required, 643.750
Instructors, licensure, 643.450-643.460
Letter of graduation, 643.720
Location, 643.490
Sanitary conditions, 643.530-643.650
Separate entities, requirement, 643.500
Short courses, 643.740
Space requirements, 643.470
Rules governing conduct, 643.680
Suspension or expulsion, 643.690, 643.700
Absence of barber from shop, 643.300
Apprenticeships, shops in which service authorized, 643.220
Entrances and exits, 643.260, 643.270
Leasing and rental agreements, 643.290
Licensing and fees, 643.190-643.210
Sales and use tax, application, 372.140
Sanitary conditions, 643.320-643.415
Separate entities, requirement, 643.250
Space requirements, 643.280
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from barbering services, 363C.360
Cosmetologists, requirements for licensure as barber, 643.020, 643.734, 643.736
Cosmetology schools, curriculum requirements, 644A.630
Demonstrations, exhibitions and seminars, 643.770
Fines, 643.780
Licensing of barbers
Conviction of certain crimes, hearing, 643.040
Equivalency examination when educational requirements unmet, 643.130
Failure of examination, 643.110
Interpreter, use during examination, 643.080
Limit on number of examinations taken, 643.110
Qualifications for examination, 643.020, 643.030, 643.050
Time limitation for taking, effect of noncompliance, 643.050
Fees, 643.070, 643.160, 643.170
Foreign countries, qualifications of barbers licensed in, 643.060
Foreign licenses unrecognized, 643.140
Good cause, definition, documentation, 643.005
Restoration of revoked license, 643.050
Physical examinations, 643.440, 643.760
Temporary permits not to be issued, 643.150
Applications, inspections, 444.100-444.104
Construction standards, 444.108-444.188
Mineral baths, 444.230-444.236
Natural bathing places, 444.240-444.252
Outdoor assemblies, standards of operation, 444.5496
Pools, 444.198-444.208, 444.230-444.236
Severability of regulations, 444.097
Spas, 444.310-444.546, 444.5496
Water slides, 444.194-444.1995
Public accommodations, 447.240, 447.250
Sterilization of used bedding, 444.001-444.006
Africanized honeybees, quarantine, 554.805-554.825
Custom application of pesticides, protection of bees, 555.470
Feral honeybees, removal from quarantine area, 554.065
Inspection of apiaries and colonies, 552.060
Posting of signs on property on which apiary is located, 552.100
Colorado potato beetle, quarantine, 554.700-554.730
Japanese beetle, quarantine, 554.162-554.220
Applied behavior analysis (See APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS)
Certification, acceptance in other state, restrictions, 641.020
Continuing education, 641.132, 641.1363-641.1395
Fees of Board of Psychological Examiners, 641.019
Insurance claims, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
Acceptance of licensure in other state, restrictions, 641.020
Applications deemed withdrawn, 641.1503
Display, 641.213
Education, requirements, 641.050, 641.063
Examination, 641.113
Inactive status, renewal or restoration to active status, 641.133
Provisional licenses, 641.029, 641.031
Renewal, 641.132
Practice before Board of Psychological Examiners, 641.170-641.175
Standards of conduct
Aiding in unlawful practice, 641.241
Applicability of regulations, 641.200
Assessment procedures, 641.234
Confidentiality of information, 641.224
Delegation of responsibilities to unqualified person, 641.241
Guidelines for Responsible Conduct, adoption by reference, 641.255
Impairment of ability to practice, 641.229
Misrepresentation of qualifications or other matters, 641.239
Organizations, status pursuant to contracts with, 641.204
Parents and guardians, status and authority, 641.206
Records, maintenance and availability, 641.213, 641.219
Scope of practice, 641.209
Violation of laws or regulations, 641.200, 641.241, 641.245
Supervision, 641.083
Commercial electronic variable message signs, 410.350
Construction of signs, 410.270, 410.310-410.350
Digital billboards, 410.350
Directional and official signs, 410.430, 410.500-410.630
Location of signs, 410.650-410.750
New highways, applicability of regulations, 410.800
Political signs, 410.440
Property tax, 361.1305
Violations, notice, remedies, 410.775
Sage grouse conservation grant program, 548.500-548.540
Adverse birth outcomes and birth defects, information program, 442.052-442.058
Blood samples from infants, 442.020-442.050
CARA plans of care, 449.939-449.948
Certificates of birth
Abstracted certificates, 440.155
Addition of child’s name, 440.080
Alteration or correction, 440.023-440.040, 440.080
Certified copies of certificates, issuance, quality, 440.070, 440.075
Examination of certificate, 440.021
Preparation of new birth certificate, 440.075, 440.100-440.150
Replacement certificates, 440.050, 440.060
Statistical portion of certificate, restrictions on use, 440.075
Delayed certificates of birth, 440.300-440.360
Fees for certain records, 440.400
Birth certificates for, 440.092-440.098
Sanitary practices, 442.018
Sterilization methods, 442.017
Neonatal care, provision by hospital, 442.250-442.550
Registration of births
Birth certificates (See Certificates of birth, this heading)
Electronic birth registry system, access to, 440.098
Foundling child, form of recording birth, 440.090
Index of data or statistical information, procedure for use, contents, 440.0215
Severability of provisions, 440.020
Statistical information, furnishing to governmental agencies or covered entities, 440.022
Services under Social Security Act, 442.600-442.788
Community health nursing clinics, fees for services and supplies, 442.222
Pharmacists and pharmacies, dispensation of self-administered hormonal contraceptives, 639.771-639.774
Accreditation, 449.61389
Birth assistants, 449.61393, 449.613935
CARA plans of care, 449.939-449.948
Clinical provider, qualifications, 449.613925
Commerce tax, calculation of uncompensated care deduction for health care providers, 363C.230
Complaints, 449.61395
Compliance with certain regulations, codes and ordinances, 449.613915, 449.61392
Controlled substances, administration and storage, 449.613956
Death of patient, notification, provision of counseling, 449.61396
Definitions, 449.61387-449.613885, 449.613953
Delivery and care, staff requirements, 449.613925
Design, construction, equipment and maintenance of center, 449.613895, 449.6139
Director, duties, 449.613925, 449.613945, 449.613956, 449.61396
Drugs, administration and storage, 449.613956
Health and safety of patients, 439.900-439.945
Infection, policies and procedures for control of, 449.61391
Information to be provided to patient, 449.61395
Laboratory testing supplies, administration and storage, 449.613956
Accreditation, 449.61389
Medical records, 449.61395
Oxygen, administration and storage, 449.613905
Pregnancy, requirements for birthing center, 449.613945
Standards for birth centers, adoption by reference, 449.61392
Supervised training, 449.61394
Change of ownership, vaccination requirements, 571.355
Possession, transport, import or export, 503.140, 571.040, 571.045, 571.100
Generally, ch. 426
Grievance resolution for applicants and recipients of services, 426.520-426.575
Licenses, issuance, 502.240
Scopes, permit for use, 503.146
Insurance, discrimination, 686A.160
Prescription readers, notice of availability by retail community pharmacies, 639.756
Vending facilities, 426.010-426.500
Ambulatory surgical centers, procurement, storage and transfusion of blood, 449.9925
Bodily fluids, management precautions in certain facilities, 441A.285
Hepatitis, duties of blood banks, 441A.310, ch. 460
Infants, blood samples from, 442.020-442.050
Intoxication, testing for, affidavits and declarations of witnesses, ch. 50
Open-heart surgery, blood bank required, 449.61238
Prostitutes, testing of, 441A.800
Aquatic invasive species, duties, fees, 488.520-488.527
Boat liveries, 488.350
Certificates of number
Application, 488.100
Dealer’s certificate of number, issuance, 488.195-488.205
Demonstration or test model vessels, 488.210
Destroyed or abandoned vessels, procedures, 488.145
Expiration, 488.130
Invalidity and surrender, 488.140
Lost or destroyed certificate, duplicate, 488.125
Marine documentation pending or issued, procedures, 488.120
Renewal certificates, 488.135
Rental vessels, documentation for certain vessels, 488.350
Temporary certificate or authorization number, 488.175
Certificates of ownership
Application, 488.100, 488.300, 488.305
Contents, 488.315
Destroyed or abandoned vessels, procedures, 488.145
Lien, transfer of certificate when vessel subject of lien, 488.322-488.326
Certificate of number, issuance of dealer’s certificate of number, 488.195-488.205
Report of vessel sale, issuance, 488.170
Revocation of authority to serve as vessel dealer for Department of Wildlife, 488.215
Death or disappearance of person, notice to Department of Wildlife regarding certain occurrences, 488.440, 488.445
Definitions generally, 488.010, 488.045
Education in safe boating, 488.553-488.586
Federal statutes and regulations concerning inland navigation, applicability, 488.430
Fire protection, power-driven vessels, 488.415-488.425
Hull numbers, 488.185, 488.305, 488.320
Identification number
Composition, 488.150
Demonstration or test model vessels, 488.210
Exempt vessels, 488.155
Placement on vessel, 488.160
Removal, 488.165
Laughlin access area, prohibited activities, 488.476
Life jackets
Equipment requirements, 488.405, 488.410
Towing a person on water skis, surfboard, inflatable device or similar device, requirements, 488.450
Lights for manually propelled vessels, 488.400
Mooring or anchoring vessels in certain areas, buoys, 488.458
Navigable bodies of water in State, use of lands associated with, 322.010-322.270
Noise restrictions for vessels, 488.460
Personal information, removal from list sold by Department, 488.050
Prohibited areas for vessels, 488.465, 488.467
Rebuilding of vessels, prerequisites, 488.305
Reckless or negligent operation, prima facie evidence, 488.435
Regattas, races and other events, 488.490-488.510
Rental of certain vessels or personal watercraft, procedures, 488.350
Restricted areas for vessels, 488.467, 488.470
Sale or transfer of vessel
Dealer’s report of vessel sale, 488.170
Inspection of vessel, 488.320
Speed, areas in which reduced speed required, 488.455
State parks, docking of boats, 407.121, 407.131
Surfboards, authorized and prohibited acts, 488.450
Temporary operating permits, 488.120, 488.170
Towing, restrictions and prohibited acts, 488.450
Validation decals, 488.120, 488.165, 488.180
Waste disposal, 488.530-488.540
Authorized and prohibited activities, 488.450
Reckless or negligent operation of vessel, prima facie evidence, 488.435
Wildlife management areas, restrictions, 488.467
Administrative fines, 487.900
Advertising, 487.160
Bond or deposit, coverage, 487.140
Definitions, 487.100
Financial records, disclosure, 487.155
Frame, replacement of conventional frame of vehicle, 487.300
Hearings, 487.180
Application, 487.110
Denial, suspension or revocation, 487.180
Separate license required for each shop, 487.130
Liens on vehicles, ch. 108
Outdoor signs, display, 487.150
Prerequisites for use of certain body parts or subcontracting of repairs, 487.170
Salvage and nonrepairable vehicles, 487.360, 487.370
Accidents, procedure following, 455C.172, 512.573
Age maximum, 455C.248
Alterations, 455C.182, 455C.202, 455C.216, 512.585
Attendants and supervision, 455C.268, 455C.274, 512.590, 512.592
Backflow prevention devices, 455C.214
Blowoff equipment, 455C.236, 455C.284, 455C.286
Clearance, 455C.250-455C.254, 512.579, 512.581
Codes, adoption by reference, 455C.108, 512.562
Connective pipes, 455C.210
Contractor’s license, requirements and exemptions, 455C.300, 512.594
Cracks, procedures when cracks evident, 455C.164, 455C.220
Cutoffs for fuel, 455C.274, 455C.280
Decrease in working pressure or temperature, 455C.200
Definitions, 455C.002-455C.012, 512.500-512.558
Doors, 455C.212
Exemptions from regulations, 455C.114, 455C.116, 512.566
Exits for certain boiler rooms, 455C.272
Feeding and feeding devices, 455C.256, 455C.258, 455C.280
Fees of Mechanical Compliance Section, 455C.118
Fines, imposition, 455C.618-455C.622
Gas burners, emergency shut-off valve, 455C.206
Hot water boilers, 455C.232, 455C.276-455C.280
Hydrostatic tests
Boilers, 455C.158, 455C.240, 455C.248
Pressure vessels, 455C.298
Accident, procedure following, 455C.172, 512.573
Code violation, procedure upon determination, 455C.168
Condemned boilers or pressure vessels, 455C.174, 512.574
Failure to prepare for inspection, 455C.160
Frequency and scope, 455C.156, 512.570
Operating permit, inspection for, 455C.056, 455C.150-455C.154
Preparation for inspection, 455C.156, 455C.158, 512.570
Report by special inspector, 455C.166
Uncovering of parts not visible, 455C.162, 455C.164
Unsafe condition, procedure upon determination, 455C.170, 512.574
Installations, 455C.180-455C.184, 512.575-512.581
Insurance companies, duties, 455C.120, 512.568
Leaks, procedures when leak evident, 455C.164
Mechanical Compliance Section, authority and jurisdiction, 455C.015
Mining industry, occupational safety, 512.500-512.594
New boilers or pressure vessels, requirements for operation, 455C.112, 512.564
Nonstandard boilers, period of operation, 455C.240
Operating permits, certificates and work cards
Authority of Mechanical Compliance Section, 455C.616
Cancellation and reissuance of operating permit, 455C.142
Definitions, 455C.600-455C.614
Inspection for operating permit, 455C.056, 455C.150-455C.154
Modification, revocation or suspension, 455C.624-455C.630
Requirement for operating permit, 455C.140
Special inspectors, certificates and cards for identification, 455C.130-455C.134
Summary suspension, 455C.632-455C.644
Platforms or runways, 455C.204, 512.583
Reinstallations, 455C.142, 455C.184, 455C.240-455C.242, 512.577
Repairs, 455C.216-455C.224, 512.585
Return pipe loop connections, 455C.260
Safety appliances, 455C.202, 512.587, 512.589
Stamping, tagging and numbering, 455C.190-455C.194
Steam gauges, 455C.262
Supervision, 455C.274, 512.592
Supports, 455C.208
Alteration, prohibited acts, 455C.202
Capacity ratings, 455C.226
Discharge piping, 455C.236
Power boilers, safety valves, 455C.228
Pressure-reducing valves, 455C.282
Pressure vessels, safety and release valves, 455C.296
Repair of safety valves, 455C.218
Steam heating boilers, safety valves, 455C.230
Stop valves and check valves, 455C.264, 455C.278
Water heaters, relief valves, 455C.232, 455C.234
Ventilation, 455C.270
Water level indicators, 455C.266
Working pressure
Boilers, 455C.200, 455C.242-455C.246
Pressure vessels, 455C.290-455C.294
Assistance to finance housing, issuance, use of proceeds, 319.015, 319.600-319.790
Charter School Financing Law, 388A.700-388A.750
Industrial development, revenue bonds, 349.010-349.080
Municipal obligations, ch. 350
Private activity bonds, ch. 348A
Water projects, financing, 349.100-349.574
Body shops, 487.140
Commercial coaches, certificates of title, 489.740
Credit unions, 678.020, 678.030
Dental care, organizations for, 695D.300
Document preparation services, return of cash bonds, 240A.060
Driver’s licenses, third-party certifiers, 483.12234
Education savings accounts, duties of participating entities, 353B.830
Health insurance for small employers, voluntary purchasing groups, 689C.300
Health maintenance organizations, 695C.120
Insurance administrators, 683A.155
Manufactured or mobile homes, certificates of title, 489.740
Mining operations and exploration projects, 519A.350-519A.390, 534B.140
Mortgage lending and related professionals, 645F.605-645F.625, 645F.970-645F.972
Nursing pools, bonding of staff, 449.7479
Private professional guardians, notifications to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 628B.120
Refractive surgery, facilities for, claims against, 449.4526
Special fuel tax, users of special fuel, 366.060
Unarmed combat, promoters, 467.162
Viatical settlements, providers and brokers or, 688C.130, 688C.140
Dissolved mineral resources, ch. 534B
Brand inspections, ch. 565
Equine infectious anemia, animals testing positive, 571.410
Fees, 564.010
Trichomonosis, testing of livestock for, 571.660
Local government employees, right to express breast milk, complaint for expedited review, 288.205
State employees
Break times provided for breast milk expression, 284.5242, 284.5243
Complaints concerning rights of certain employees to express breast milk under certain circumstances, 284.658-284.697
Dairy animals, testing, 584.2781, 584.4561
Diseased animals, 571.340-571.370
Importation of alternative livestock, 576.200
Investigation by health authority, 441A.475
Vaccines, regulation, 571.310, 571.355
Barbecues, compliance, 446.925
Fire retardant roofing materials, 472.020, 472.030
Interior design, providers of certain materials, 477.333-477.3338
Applicability of regulations, 645D.080
Bad checks issued to Real Estate Division, effect, 645D.095
Application, 645D.150-645D.180
Cancellation, suspension or revocation of certificate, 645D.400-645D.420
Educational requirements, 645D.231-645D.248
Examination, 645D.250-645D.290
Issuance and renewal of certificate, 645D.300-645D.390
Liability insurance, failure to maintain, proof, 645D.335
Qualifications, 645D.210-645D.230
Types and scope of certificates, 645D.100-645D.130
Complaints, 645D.650
Continuing education, 645D.435-645D.442
Correction of deficiencies, 645D.660
Definitions generally, 645D.010-645D.065
Hearings and other procedures, 645D.700-645D.730
Petitions regarding regulations, 645D.070
Severability of regulations, 645D.090
Standards of practice, 645D.093, 645D.450-645D.640
Limitations on fees, 354.185
Asbestos abatement, 618.850-618.986
Energy conservation, standards for, 701.010-701.245
Fire protection generally (See FIRE PROTECTION)
Movement of buildings or structures, 484D.695
Property tax
Abatement for certain buildings and facilities, 360.479, 361.617-361.620, ch. 701A
Exemption for qualified systems for heating, cooling or provision of electricity, 361.052-361.058
Sale of residential property, disclosure of condition of property, 113.150
State buildings (See STATE BUILDINGS)
Taking bullfrogs, requirements, 503.100, 503.580
Charter service, 706.1377, 706.352, 706.354, 706.355
Fleet vehicles, use of alternative fuels, ch. 486A
Passenger carriers, taxes on, ch. 372B
School buses (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
Taxicabs, solicitation of bus passengers prohibited, 706.374
Charter School Financing Law, 388A.700-388A.750
Consumer Affairs Division
Comparative price advertising, 598.200-598.290
Deceptive trade practices, 598.100-598.174
Mobile home sales, escrow accounts, 598.010-598.060
Telephone solicitation, ch. 599B
Tour brokers and operators, 598.550, 598.560
Travel agents, 598.500-598.520
Definitions, 232.010
Division chiefs, selection, 232.010, 232.100-232.140
Financial Institutions, Division of
Audits and examinations, duties relating to assessment of costs, 658.020, 658.030
Examination and reports, ch. 665
Foreign banks, ch. 666A
Powers and miscellaneous provisions, ch. 662
Supervision, ch. 658
Collection agencies, ch. 649
Consumer litigation funding, ch. 604C
Corporations for economic revitalization and diversification, ch. 670A
Credit unions, ch. 678
Debt-management services, ch. 676A
Development corporations, ch. 670
Installment loans, ch. 675
Issuers of instruments for transmission or payment of money, ch. 671
Motor vehicle sales, duties, 97.050
Private professional guardians, ch. 628B
Savings and loan associations, ch. 673
Thrift companies, ch. 677
Trust companies, ch. 669
Housing Division
Administrator, member of Special Committee to Provide Advice on Private Activity Bonds, 348A.280
Affordable housing, transferable tax credits for, 360.870-360.896
Assistance to finance housing, ch. 319
Escrow accounts for sale of manufactured or mobile homes, 598.010-598.060
Manufactured buildings, ch. 461
Manufactured homes, mobile homes and similar vehicles, ch. 489
Mobile home parks and lots, ch. 461A
Weatherization assistance program, 702.600-702.870
Industrial Relations, Division of
Industrial insurance, ch. 616A-ch. 616D
Occupational safety and health, ch. 618
Insurance, Division of
Collection, use and disclosure of information on transactions of insurance, 679B.560-679B.750
Communication of Internal Control Related Matters Noted in an Audit, receipt of report, 680A.193, 680A.203
Computer access, log, 679B.0407
Confidentiality of information generally, 679B.034
Credentials of health care providers, use of prescribed form to obtain information, 679B.0405
Credit personal property insurance, ch. 691C
Examinations and evaluations of financial conditions, adoption of certain publications, 679B.033
Exchange enrollment facilitators, ch. 695J
Expenses of certain examinations, 679B.0335
Fee for returned or dishonored check or other method of payment, 679B.0395
Financial reports, receipt, 680A.160, 680A.193
Health care, collection of information, 679B.501-679B.551
Industrial insurance, ch. 616A-ch. 616D
Insurance Administration and Enforcement, Fund for, ch. 680C
Insurance Code, ch. 679A-ch. 697
Insurance Recovery Account, 679B.041-679B.151
Investments, ch. 682A
Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, authority to require, confidentiality, receipt, 680A.203
Medical discount plans, ch. 695H
Medical malpractice, loss prevention and control programs, 690B.550-690B.580
Network plans, 687B.750-687B.784
Occupational therapy licensees, receipt of list, 640A.140
Physical therapy licensees, receipt of list, 640.010
Quarterly financial statements, authority to require, 680A.160
Rules of practice, 679B.161-679B.490
Service contracts, ch. 690C
Special deposits, ch. 682B
Special Investigative Account, 679B.154, 679B.157
Viatical settlements, ch. 688C
Mortgage Lending, Division of
Escrow agencies and agents, ch. 645A
Mortgage bankers, ch. 645E
Mortgage brokers and mortgage agents, ch. 645B
Title insurance personnel, reporting of certain violations, 692A.170
Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, ch. 231A
Practice before the Department, 232.010-232.060
Private activity bonds, issuance, ch. 348A
Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for (See PRODUCT INNOVATION, REGULATORY EXPERIMENTATION PROGRAM FOR)
Real Estate Division
Appraisers of real estate, ch. 645C
Asset management companies and asset managers, ch. 645H
Campgrounds, memberships in, ch. 119B
Common-interest communities, ch. 116
Community managers and other personnel, ch. 116A
Condominium hotels, ch. 116B
Inspectors of structures, ch. 645D
Qualified intermediaries of tax-deferred exchanges of property, ch. 645G
Sale of subdivided land, ch. 119
Time shares, ch. 119A
State obligations, ch. 349
Limitations on fees, 354.185
Exemptions from requirement, 76.050-76.100
Fees, 76.080
Home-based businesses, 76.070
Willful failure to obtain or renew license, penalty, 76.200-76.230
Affordable housing, transferable tax credits for, 360.870-360.896
Audits of taxpayers, 360.700-360.706
Compromise of taxpayer’s liability, 360.437, 360.438
Definitions, 363B.010-363B.100
Dishonored checks, effect, 360.410
Economic development, transferable tax credits to promote, 231.350-231.385
Electronic submission of returns and remission of payments, 360.550-360.598
Imposition and collection
Credit for matching employee contributions to prepaid tuition contracts and college savings accounts
Computation of annual limit of tax credit, 363B.315
Definitions, 363B.300, 363B.305
Employer required to provide verification of matching contribution with quarterly return, 363B.310
Submission of list of all matching contributions made on behalf of employees, 363B.310
Payroll tax
Commerce tax credit, 363B.161, 363B.165
Correction of errors in filed returns, 363B.180
Designation of employer as payroll provider, application, requirements, revocation or cancellation of designation, 363B.161
Exemption of Indian tribes, nonprofit organizations and political subdivisions, 363B.150
Filing of returns and reports, 363B.130
Health care deduction, 363B.170
Registration of employer with Department of Taxation, 363B.130
Installment payments, 360.042, 360.450-360.464
Late returns, acceptance by Department of Taxation, 360.401
Liability of business successor, 360.430
Overpayment, standards for determining reason for, 360.485
Penalties or interest
Late tax payment, amount of penalty, 360.395
Waiver or reduction, 360.396-360.398
Records of employer, maintenance and availability, 363B.110
Refunds, claims for, 360.480
Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights, 360.042
Business tax (See BUSINESS TAX)
Commerce tax, ch. 363C
Fines, activities subject to, 88A.400
Mergers, conversions, exchanges and domestications, ch. 92A
Names, distinguishing proposed name from existing business entities, 88A.010
Records filed with Secretary of State, 88A.005, 225.015-225.0157, 225.200, 225.210
State business licenses, ch. 76
Protection and preservation, ch. 527
Approval by Real Estate Division, fees, 119B.270, 119B.290
False or misleading ads, criteria for determinations, 119B.300, 119B.460
“Free,” use of term, 119B.400
General requirements, 119B.310
Improvements, restrictions on advertising, 119B.320
Location of campground, references, 119B.330, 119B.400
Maps and other pictures, requirements, 119B.360
Prohibited material, 119B.370
Purpose of sales presentations, inclusion, 119B.380
Reciprocity, repurchase or resale, statements regarding, 119B.390
Recreational or public facilities, statements regarding, 119B.350
“Streets” and “roads,” references, 119B.330, 119B.400
Use of membership for other purpose, prohibited statements, 119B.340
“Waterfront,” use of term, 119B.400
Branch offices, 119B.130
Brokers and developers
Designation as broker of record, 119B.160
Inspection of campground by broker, 119B.160
Responsibility, 119B.120, 119B.130
Service of process, 119B.150
Supervision of sales agents, 119B.120, 119B.180
Complaints, investigation, 119B.450
Contracts and other documents of sale, 119B.240-119B.260
Definitions, 119B.010-119B.100
Fees of Real Estate Administrator, submission, refunds, 119B.110, 119B.290
Investigation of prohibited activity, 119B.450, 119B.460
Press releases, 119B.280
Promotional meetings, prizes and gifts, 119B.410-119B.440
Registered representatives
Application for registration, 119B.230
Real estate and time-share licensees prohibited from registering as, 119B.220
Sales agents
Association with and compensation from broker of record, 119B.190
Delivery of offers, acceptances and counteroffers, 119B.200
Disclosure of interest in campground to prospective purchaser, 119B.210
Supervision, 119B.120, 119B.180
Sales locations, use of more than one location, 119B.130
Sweepstakes, vacation or other gift certificates, 119B.430
Amygdalin (See DRUGS)
Cancer Drug Donation Program, ch. 453B
Children, services under Social Security Act, 442.600-442.788
Marijuana, medical use, ch. 453A
Radioactive materials, use in the healing arts, 459.3801, 459.3805
Reporting and analyzing information on cancer and other neoplasms
Administrative penalty for violation, appeal, single report authorized for company that operates multiple facilities, 457.145
Adoption of publications by reference, availability, review of revisions, 457.015
Confidentiality of information, 457.060-457.100
Definitions, 457.010
Disclosure of information
Authorized recipients, 457.110
Identity of person making request by telephone, verification, 457.110, 457.130
Requirements of person seeking information, 457.120
Scientific research into cancer, 457.140
Exceptions to reporting requirement, 457.045
Fees, 457.150
Health care facilities and certain other facilities
Abstracting and submitting of information to Chief Medical Officer, 457.050
Reporting of information pursuant to NRS 457.230, 457.052
Health care providers
Abstracting and submitting of information to Chief Medical Officer, 457.050
Reporting of information, 457.052, 457.057
Medical laboratories, reporting of information, 457.053
Persons with whom Chief Medical Officer contracts, 457.100
Severability of provisions, 457.030
Types of neoplasms to be reported, 457.040
Acquisition of control of or merger with captive insurer, 694C.310
Acting as manager, broker or agent without authorization, 694C.300
Administration, 694C.200-694C.295
Adoption by reference of certain publications, review, 694C.090, 694C.092
Definitions, 694C.010-694C.080
License applicants and applications, 694C.100, 694C.110
Bathing places, posting of information, 444.268
Child care facilities, notice of availability of person trained in CPR, 432A.350
Do-not-resuscitate identification, application, effect, 450B.950-450B.960
Group residential facilities, caregiver requirements, 449.231
Nurse anesthetists, requirements, 632.500
Unarmed combat, ringside physicians, 467.071
Charter schools, requirements, 388A.590, 388A.600
High school programs, 389.672, 389.673, 389.800-389.817
Bait and lures, restrictions, 503.504, 503.510
Fort Churchill State Park, Carson River Ranches, fees, 407.055
Grants to enhance and restore, 321.400-321.466
Navigable bodies of water in State, use of lands associated with, 322.010-322.270
Water quality standards, 445A.1792-445A.1828
Child care facilities, care of pets, 432A.265
Entry from out-of-state, requirements, 571.080
Food establishments, requirements, 446.074, 446.601
Public accommodations, nuisances prohibited, 447.330
State parks, restrictions, 407.140
Call location information, maintenance and availability, 707.100
Portable electronics insurance, notices sent by electronic means, 691D.300
Anchors, 452.070
Bed joints, 452.110
Class A construction, definition, requirement, 452.010, 452.030
Crypts, requirements, 452.150
Exterior veneering, 452.120
Fireproofing, 452.140
Footings, 452.040
Loads, 452.050
Mausoleums, general requirements, 452.020
Mortar, 452.090
Pointings, 452.100
Roofs and skylights, 452.130
Settings, 452.080
Walls, 452.060
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board
Issuance of report of violations, 642.169
Practice before Board, 642.180-642.260
Recusal of Board member from proceedings, disclosure required, 642.050
Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services burial park, removal of remains, 433.130-433.150
Operators of cemeteries
Change of name, 642.118
Initial assessment of applicant’s good moral character, consideration of aggravating or mitigating factors after initial assessment, 642.085
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board shall deem incomplete application withdrawn after 2 years, 642.117
Renewal, 642.110
Disciplinary action, grounds, 642.170
Disinterment or removal of remains
Adherence to order of priority of persons authorized to request, exception, 451.210
Death certificates, correction to show new place of interment, 440.190
Human remains, proper care and storage of, 642.158
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board may issue report of violations, period to correct violation, subsequent inspection, disciplinary proceedings authorized, 642.169
Practice before Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, 642.180-642.260
Recusal of Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board member from proceedings of Board, disclosure required, 642.050
Sales and use tax, application, 372.270
Applications to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fingerprints may be required, 657.010
Generally, ch. 604A
Facilities providing care for ill children, restrictions on admissions, 432A.600
Health authority, investigation of reports, duties, 441A.7205
Immunization requirements, 392.105, 394.250, 432A.503
Child care facilities, reports, 432A.410
Children’s Trust Account, requests for money from, 432.010-432.040
Protection from abuse and neglect
Administration, 432B.030-432B.060
Agencies which provide child welfare services, 432B.070-432B.130, 432B.400-432B.440
Agencies which provide family assessment services, 432B.135-432B.1368
Child welfare services and custody, 432B.180-432B.320
Definitions, 432B.010-432B.024, 432B.330
Foster care, services for children, 432B.400-432B.440
Reports of abuse or neglect, 432B.140-432B.170
Residential institutions, 432B.330-432B.370
Services and facilities for care of children, ch. 432A
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from child care services, 363C.395
Communicable diseases
Generally, ch. 441A
Immunizations, 432A.500-432A.510, 439.895, 439.897
Reports, 432A.378
Definitions, 432A.010-432A.165
Fire protection
Drills, 432A.280
Grounds for suspension or revocation of license, 432A.230
Inspection reports, 432A.280
Inspections, investigations and licensing, 432A.180-432A.230
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, duties, 432A.170
Standards of operation
Additional requirements for certain facilities
Accommodation facilities, 432A.435, 432A.436
Early care and education programs, 432A.430
Institutions, 432A.440-432A.460
Nurseries for infants and toddlers, 432A.425
Special events, facilities for, 432A.437, 432A.438
Special needs facilities, 432A.470-432A.485
General requirements, 432A.240-432A.416
Ill children, facilities that provide care for, 432A.550-432A.620
Immunization against disease, 432A.500-432A.510
Outdoor youth programs, 432A.630-432A.780
Staffing requirements
Family homes, 432A.534, 432A.538
Field trips, 432A.520
Generally, 432A.520
Group homes, 432A.536, 432A.538
Ill children, facilities that provide care for, 432A.540
Minimum staffing ratios, 432A.5205
Replacement of absent caregiver, 432A.521
Water activities, facilities which provide, 432A.546
Violations, fines, 432A.195
Gross income
Definition, 425.025
Monthly gross income, determination, 425.120
Guidelines for support, 425.100-425.170
Obligations of obligors
Change of circumstances, 425.155, 425.170
Incarceration or institutionalization of obligor, 425.155
Needs of child and economic circumstances of parties, 425.150
Type of custody held by parent, 425.115
Base child support obligation, schedules for determining, 425.140, 425.145
Considerations by court, 425.125, 425.130
Definition, 425.015
Determination in accordance with guidelines if no stipulation, duties of court, 425.115
Establishment deviating from guidelines, duties of court, 425.100
Obligee defined, 425.035
Obligor defined, 425.037
Order to be based upon obligor’s earnings, income and ability to pay, 425.100
Presumption if established pursuant to guidelines, 425.100
Stipulation not complying with guidelines, requirements, authority of court to reject, 425.110
Based upon obligor’s earnings, income and ability to pay, requirement, 425.100
Incarceration or institutionalization of obligor, adjustment of order, 425.155
Medical support for child, inclusion of provision required, 425.135
Change in circumstances, 425.155, 425.170
When child reaches certain age, notice, procedures, 425.160, 425.165
Order defined, 425.040
Review, petition to request hearing, 425.155
Termination when child reaches certain age, 425.160
Underemployed or unemployed obligors, authority of court to impute income, 425.125
Adoption of children (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)
Child abuse or neglect, protection from, duties, 432B.070-432B.130, 432B.400-432B.440
Disasters, plan for care of children during, 432.400
Institutions, agencies and facilities to which children are committed, ch. 62B
Advance directives for health care, registry, ch. 449A
Anesthesia, requirements for performing manipulation on patient under anesthesia, 634.3665
Animal chiropractic, 638.800-638.840
Applicant waiting to take examination, practice by, 634.368
Chiropractic assistants
Ancillary services, performance, 634.348
Certification, application, additional requirements, 634.350, 634.355
Continuing education, 634.385, 634.386
“Detrimental to the best interests of the public” interpreted, 634.3475
Display of certificate, 634.455
Dry needling, performance by assistants prohibited, 634.3668
Emergencies, duty to recognize and respond to, 634.357
Professionalism, duty, 634.357
Prohibited acts, 634.460
Standards of practice, adherence to, 634.357
Trainees, employment and training, 634.360
Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada
Election of officers, 634.140
Enforcement, authority, 634.810
Meetings, 634.130
Internet website, 634.373
Judgment, settlements and convictions, 634.425
Mobile offices, practice in, 634.383
Name or address, 634.373-634.380
Other license, certificate or registration as health care provider, 634.366
Practice before Board, 634.610-634.775
Conduct on premises, 634.410
Continuing education, 634.385, 634.386
Dry needling, certification, requirements, 634.3668
Enforcement, authority of Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, 634.810
Health care records, 634.435
Independent contractors, requirements for provision of services to patients, 634.418
Insurance claims, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
Internet website, notice to Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, 634.373
Liability insurance, practice without maintaining, disclosures, 634.445
Licensing and certification, 634.220-634.390
Malpractice, reporting judgments involving, 634.425
Mobile chiropractic office, notice to Chiropractic Physicians’ Board, 634.383
Name or address, notices to Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, 634.373-634.380
Practice of chiropractic or providing services relating to chiropractic, requirements, 634.366
Preceptor program for students, 634.331-634.347
“Precisely controlled force” interpreted, 634.1245
Referrals by practitioners, 439B.5205-439B.5408
Replacement of lost, stolen or mangled license or certificate, 634.370
Report to Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of other license, certificate or registration as health care provider, 634.366
Self-inspection forms, submission, 634.384
Severability of regulations, 634.125
Standards of practice, 634.410-634.460
Supervision of others by licensee, 634.415, 634.418
Temporary license, authorized acts, 634.367
Unprofessional conduct, 634.430
Voluntary surrender of license or certificate, complaint, 634.390
Work in chiropractic practice for training and education, authorization, 634.423
Applicant for license, compliance with certain laws required, 370.015
Application for subsidiary place of business, 370.020
Audits of taxpayers, 360.700-360.706
Compromise of taxpayer’s liability, 360.437, 360.438
Definitions, 370.010, 370.500-370.525
Directory of manufacturers and brand families, removal from, 370.500-370.590
Dishonored checks, effect, 360.410
Electronic submission of returns and remission of payments, 360.550-360.598
Indian reservations and colonies, sales on, 370.210-370.250
Installment payments, 360.042, 360.450-360.464
Late returns, acceptance by Department of Taxation, 360.401
Liability of business successor, 360.430
Overpayment, standards for determining reason for, 360.485
Penalty or interest
Late payment of taxes, amount of penalty, 360.395
Waiver or reduction, 360.396-360.398
Refunds, claims for, 360.480
Reports, returns and remittances sent by mail, receipt, 370.120
Stamping machine, conditions for use by dealer, 370.030
Suspension or revocation of license, administrative proceedings, 370.500-370.590
Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights, 360.042
Vending machines, sales through, 370.100
Voluntary disclosure of failure to file return, 360.440-360.448
Bonds and other obligations
Annual statement and report, 350.010
Debt management commission, approval, 350.200-350.250
Medium-term obligations, 350.100-350.170
Private activity bonds, issuance, ch. 348A
Child care facilities, licensing, duties, 432A.180
Claims against, ch. 41
Clerks, election duties, ch. 293
Finances and funds
Administration, ch. 354
Annual statement and report, 350.010
Business tax exemption, 363B.150
Catalyst Account, grants and loans for economic development, 231.400-231.450
Deposit of money in banks, credit unions or savings and loan associations, ch. 356
Financial statement, publication, 268.100
Loans from investment portfolios, restrictions, 355.100
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, 360.650
Payroll tax exemption, 363A.400
Population, estimation for taxing purposes, 360.300-360.390
Government employee-management relations, ch. 288
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Hunting and trapping, use of trail camera or similar device, restrictions, exceptions, 503.1485
Manufactured or mobile homes, duties, 489.180, 489.500-489.515
Medical marijuana, prohibited acts by public employees, 453A.700
Nonprofit corporations for advancement of local interests, petition for creation, 232.060
Public records, 239.011-239.165, 239.850, 239.900-239.945
Publications, duties, 378.090
Roads, manual of procedures for relinquishment between city and State, 408.559
Room tax, duties, ch. 364
Traffic fines, notice of nonpayment to Department of Motor Vehicles, 482.450-482.480
Transfer of governmental functions between local governments and state agencies, 354.060-354.090
Uniform Plumbing Code, review of proposal for local adoption, 341.127
Water projects, financing, 349.100-349.574
Air carrier, application for exemption from tax, 372.715
Audits of taxpayers, 360.700-360.706
Compromise of taxpayer’s liability, 360.437, 360.438
Dishonored checks, effect, 360.410
Electronic submission of returns and remission of payments, 360.550-360.598
Installment payments, 360.042, 360.450-360.464
Late returns, acceptance by Department of Taxation, 360.401
Liability of business successor, 360.430
Overpayment, standards for determining reason for, 360.485
Penalties or interest
Late tax payments, amount of penalty, 360.395
Waiver or reduction, 360.396-360.398
Refunds, claims for, 360.480
Resale certificates, 372.730
Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights, 360.042
Voluntary disclosure of failure to file return, 360.440-360.448
Examination of claims against State for payment pursuant to legislative appropriation or authorization, 353.100
Malpractice (See MALPRACTICE)
Tort claims against State, agencies and political subdivisions, ch. 41
Development in Fort Mohave Valley, 321.100-321.230
Advance directives for health care, registry, ch. 449A
Continuing education, 641A.121-641A.133
Definitions, 641A.035
Disciplinary action, 641A.301-641A.635, 641A.685, 641A.705
Foster children, disclosure of information regarding gender identity or expression or sexual orientation, 424.485
Insurance claims, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
Professional conduct, 641A.243-641A.258
Severability of regulations, 641A.061
Generally, ch. 78A
Applications to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fingerprints may be required, 657.010
Audits and examinations, assessments for costs related to, 649.060, 649.070
Branch offices, 649.130-649.140
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from collection services, 363C.400
Conduct of business, 649.250-649.280
Disciplinary action, 649.310-649.340
Fees of Division of Financial Institutions
Collection agencies, 649.120
Foreign collection agencies, 649.160
Managers, 649.151
Supervision, fee for, 649.060
Fictitious names, use, 649.260
Fines, failure to submit reports, 649.340
Foreign collection agencies
Certificate, reinstatement, transferability, 649.160
Examination, investigation and audit, 649.076
Fees of Division of Financial Institutions, 649.160
Licensing and certification, 649.105-649.160
Machine-derived form letters, approval, 649.280
Managers, 649.151, 649.210-649.230
Public inspection of written instruments filed with Division of Financial Institutions, 649.086
Supervision and related activities, fees, 649.060
Taxes and fees, contracts for collection, 360.432
Trust account statements and reports of financial standing, 649.081
Navigable bodies of water in State, use of lands associated with, 322.010-322.270
Commission defined, 538.010
Communications, 538.070
Construction of chapter, 538.030
Development in Fort Mohave Valley, 321.100-321.230
Deviation from regulations, 538.040
Marketing of electric power (See WATER)
Practice and procedure before Commission, 538.075-538.330
Severability of chapter, 538.050
Water of Colorado River, federal contracts, original appropriations, 538.750-538.830
Cemeteries, construction requirements, ch. 452
Business tax, commerce tax credit, 363B.161, 363B.165
Compromise of taxpayer’s liability, 360.437, 360.438
Definitions, terms construed, 363C.100-363C.120
Imposition and collection
Business activities constituting nexus within this State, 363C.200
Business entity subject to filing requirement, factors for determining, 363C.210
Health care providers, calculation of uncompensated care deduction, 363C.230
Imposition, 363C.200
NAICS code category, changes, 363C.240
Nevada Commerce Tax Return, filing requirements, 363C.210, 363C.220
Overpayments, disallowance of interest under certain circumstances, 363C.250
Rate used to calculate amount of tax, changes, 363C.240
Situsing of certain gross revenue to this State
Accounting services, 363C.320
Advertising, sale of, 363C.375, 363C.380
Agency services, 363C.335
Air transportation services, 363C.570
Architectural services, 363C.330
Artistic services, 363C.495
Agent or manager representing in contract negotiation, 363C.340
Remuneration or payment for certain services, 363C.345
Barbering, 363C.360
Beauty salons, 363C.360
Business interruption insurance proceeds, 363C.590
Cable service, sale of, 363C.365
Call center services, 363C.390
Child care services, 363C.395
Collection services, 363C.400
Computer programming services, 363C.405
Construction contracting services, 363C.410
Contract manufacturing services, 363C.415
Cosmetology, 363C.360
Data processing services, 363C.420
Director of corporation, certain remuneration, 363C.425
Dry cleaning services, 363C.510
Employees, leasing to another person, 363C.430
Engineering services, 363C.435
Agent or manager representing in contract negotiation, 363C.340
Remuneration or payment for certain services, 363C.350
Entertainment services, 363C.355
Event promotion services, 363C.540
Extermination services, 363C.440
Facilities management services, 363C.445
Financial services, 363C.475
Funeral services, 363C.480
Gaming, 363C.485
Health care services, 363C.490
Internet or web hosting services, 363C.385
Investigative services, 363C.500
Legal services, 363C.505
Linen services, 363C.510
Logistics services, 363C.570
Magazines, sales of subscriptions and advertising, 363C.380
Management consulting services, 363C.515
Market research services, 363C.520
Memberships to enter or participate in activity, sales of, 363C.525
Methods for situsing of revenue from certain services for purposes of tax, list not exclusive, 363C.300
Mobile telecommunication service, sale of, 363C.370
Money order or wire transfer services, provision, 363C.530
Newspapers, sales of subscriptions and advertising, 363C.380
Payroll services, 363C.535
Personal property
Lease or sublease, rental or subrental of tangible property, 363C.460
Moving services, 363C.450
Repair, maintenance or installation, 363C.455
Purchaser “located only in State,” conditions, 363C.310
Real property
Appraisal services, 363C.470
Real estate brokers, services provided, 363C.465
Satellite service, sale of, 363C.365
Security services, 363C.545
Spas, 363C.360
Tax preparation services, 363C.550
Technical assistance services, 363C.555
Telecommunication service, sale of, 363C.370
Testing services at testing laboratory, 363C.560
Towing services, 363C.565
Transportation services, 363C.570
Travel arrangement services, 363C.575
Uniform supply, 363C.510
Veterinarian services, 363C.580
Waste management services, 363C.585
Writing services, 363C.495
Overpayment, standards for determining reason for, 360.485
Penalties or interest
Late tax payment, amount of penalty, 360.395
Waiver or reduction, 360.396-360.398, 363C.250
Voluntary disclosure of failure to file return, 360.440-360.448
Certificates and labels of compliance, issuance, 489.180, 489.185
Certificates of title
Application for, document submitted in support of, 489.730
Bond submitted with application, 489.740
Duplicates, 489.195
Names on certificate, 489.710
Notice to Housing Division if certificate does not pass immediately to buyer, 489.700
Trustee, certificate held by, 489.720
Clarification of regulations, 489.215
Complaints, investigations, 489.205
Compliance with laws, determination, 489.205
Federal law or regulations, conflicts with, 489.215
Fees of Housing Division, 489.360-489.390
Informal hearings, 489.210
Liens on commercial coaches, 489.602, 489.603
Local government units, duties, 489.180
“Manufactured building” defined to include commercial coaches, applicability of laws, 461.050, 489.183
Manufacturer’s certificate or statement of origin, 489.190
Reconstructed coaches, requirements, 489.180
Severability of regulations, 489.220
Standards, adoption, 489.177
Violations, reports, 489.180
Account for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, deposits, use, 116.445, 116.520
Administrative costs of Office of Ombudsman and Commission for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, fees for, 116.445
Administrative proceedings, 116.550-116.635
“Annual assessment” interpreted, 116.525
Arbitration or mediation of disputes, 38.350, 116.520
Executive boards (See Executive boards, this heading)
Financial statements, 116.451-116.461
Investigation and audit of financial accounts, 116.550, 116A.550
“Limited-purpose association” interpreted, compliance with statutory provisions, 116.090, 116.095
Officers, duties, prohibited acts, 116.480, 116.484, 116.486
Records of association, availability, 116.440
Remedial and disciplinary action, 116.550, 116A.550
Budget to maintain reserve, contents, 116.415
Citizens’ complaints regarding real estate appraisers, investigations, 645C.480
Collection fees for past due obligations of units’ owners, 116.470
Community managers (See COMMUNITY MANAGERS)
Condominium hotels (See CONDOMINIUM HOTELS)
Declarant, delivery of audited financial statements, 116.448
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 116.010-116.090, 116.440, 116.525
Escrow of deposits, 116.151
Executive boards (See also Associations, this heading)
Classes, reports regarding attendance or participation, 116.484
Contact information for members, submission to Real Estate Division, 116.385
Gifts, incentives, rewards or other items of value, restrictions on receipt, reports, 116.480, 116.484, 116.486
Institutions holding money of association, fiduciary duty, 116.395
Performance of duties, determination by Commission for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, 116.405
Investigations by Real Estate Division or Commission for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, 116.550, 116.555, 116A.350, 116A.550, 116A.560
Property tax, appraisal and determination of taxable value, 361.1285, 361.133-361.1336
Records maintained by Real Estate Division, public inspection, 116.500
Reporting principles and practices of financial accounting, adoption by reference, 116.410
Reserve studies
Contents, 116.425
Disclosure requirements, 116.430
Period for conducting, commencement, 116.427
Summary of results, dissemination, 116.435
Reserve study specialists, 116A.410-116A.440
Sales of units
Escrow of deposits, 116.151
Resale certificates, fees, 116.465
Duties, ch. 116, ch. 116A, ch. 116B
Adoption by reference and availability of recommendations, guidelines and publications, 441A.200
Adult day care, employee records, 449.4073
Amebiasis, 441A.455
Barbers and barbering, restrictions, 643.440, 643.760
Bottled water plants, employee restrictions, 445A.584
Brucellosis (See BRUCELLOSIS)
Campylobacteriosis, 432A.600, 441A.480
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, 441A.482
Chickenpox, 392.105, 394.250, 432A.503, 441A.7205
Chikungunya virus disease, 441A.487
Child care facilities (See also Facilities for care of ill children, this heading)
Immunization against disease, 432A.500-432A.510
Reports of disease, 432A.378
Staff and residents, personal health, 432A.310
Coccidioidomycosis, 441A.500
Cosmetology, restrictions, 644A.775
Cryptosporidiosis, 441A.505
Dairy animals, 584.4551-584.4571
Dead bodies, embalming, 451.010, 451.020
Definitions, 441A.010-441A.195, 441A.775
Dengue, 441A.508
Diphtheria (See DIPHTHERIA)
E. coli, 441A.687
Ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, 441A.512
Employees, persons deemed employees for purposes of chapter, 441A.205
Encephalitis, 441A.520
Equine infectious anemia, 571.380-571.410
Extraordinary occurrence of illness, 441A.290, 441A.525
Facilities for care of ill children
Director and staff, health, 432A.560, 432A.570
Restrictions on admissions, 432A.600
Food borne diseases (See also SALMONELLOSIS)
Investigation of outbreak, 441A.530
Frail elderly persons program, suspension due to disease, 427A.450
Giardiasis, 432A.600, 441A.535
Hantavirus, 441A.557
Hepatitis (See HEPATITIS)
Hotel and motel employees, restrictions, 447.350
Influenza (See INFLUENZA)
Information, medical records or reports, provision to health authorities, 441A.335
Insurers, reports to Chief Medical Officer, 441A.252
Invasive body decoration operators
Authority to ask client regarding history of blood-borne infectious disease, 444.00829
Infection control plan, 444.00777
Legionnaire’s disease, 441A.580
Leprosy, 441A.555
Leptospirosis, 441A.585
Listeriosis, 441A.590
Lyme disease, 441A.595
Malaria, 441A.605
Massage therapists, duties, 640C.360
Measles (See MEASLES)
Meningitis, 392.105, 394.250, 441A.615, 441A.620, 441A.755
Meningococcal disease, 441A.620
Mumps (See MUMPS)
Outdoor youth programs, approval of plan to prevent and eliminate communicable diseases, 432A.765
Outpatient facilities, prevention and control, 449.99943-449.999448
Perfusionists, exposure to HIV, 630.243
Pertussis (See PERTUSSIS)
Physicians and physician assistants, exposure to HIV, 630.243
Poliomyelitis (See POLIO)
Presence of disease, powers and duties relating to, 441A.275-441A.310
Prostitution (See PROSTITUTION)
Psittacosis, 441A.645
Psychiatric residential treatment facilities, prevention and control of diseases, 449.430
Public bathing areas and spas, diseased persons prohibited, 444.280, 444.532
Q fever, 441A.650
Quarantine (See QUARANTINE)
Rabies (See RABIES)
Relapsing fever, 441A.655
Reporting requirements, 441A.225-441A.260
Respiratory care, practitioners of, exposure to HIV, 630.243
Respiratory syncytial virus infection, 441A.660
Rotavirus infection, 441A.670
Rubella (See MEASLES)
Saint Louis encephalitis virus, 441A.678
Salmonellosis (See SALMONELLOSIS)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 441A.683
Sexually transmitted diseases (See SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES)
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, 441A.687
Shigellosis, 432A.600, 441A.690
Smallpox, 441A.691
Spotted fever, 441A.692
Staphylococcus aureus, 441A.693
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, 441A.694
Streptococcus pneumonia, 432A.504, 441A.6945
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, requirements, 449.980, 449.982, 449.98451-449.98457
Syndromic reporting and active surveillance system, 441A.900-441A.940
Tetanus (See TETANUS)
Toxic shock syndrome, 441A.694, 441A.705
Trichinosis, 441A.710
Tuberculosis (See TUBERCULOSIS)
Tularemia, 441A.715
Typhoid fever, 441A.720
Varicella, 392.105, 394.250, 432A.503, 441A.7205
Vibriosis, 441A.721
Viral hemorrhagic fever, 441A.722
West Nile virus, 441A.723
Whooping cough (See PERTUSSIS)
Wildlife, reports of exposure of captive wildlife to disease, 504.482
Yellow fever, 441A.724
Yersiniosis, 441A.725
Zika virus disease, 441A.735
Appeals, 449.861
Licenses and provisional licenses
Application, requirements, 449.818, 449.819
Denial, grounds, 449.822
Extension or revocation, 449.823, 449.856, 449.858
Inspection of facility, 449.820
Renewal, 449.825
Requirements, 449.817
Training, 449.820
Operation of provider, 449.826-449.852
Quality assurance reviews and discipline, 449.823, 449.853-449.861
Termination of provision of services, 449.859
License, name of administrator to appear on, 449.39577
Qualifications and duties, 449.39579
Rights of clients, duties, 449.39589
Community health workers
Personnel files, 449.39585
Qualifications, 449.39583
Training and evaluation, 449.39587
Definitions, 449.39565-449.39575
Initial screening of client, 449.39591
Liability coverage, 449.39577
License and renewal fees, 449.013
Location to which license applies, 449.39577
Records, access to in absence of administrator, 449.39579
Rights of clients, requirements, provision of written description to clients, 449.39589
Written policies and procedures, 449.39581
Administrative proceedings, 116A.550-116A.655
Appeal of decisions of Real Estate Division, 116A.135, 116A.280, 116A.290, 116A.350
Audit or inspection of records, 116A.350
Certification, 116A.110-116A.165, 116A.615
Change of name, address or association, 116A.340
Check or draft returned to Real Estate Division for lack of payment, 116A.520
Collection agency, licensure as, 649.111
Compliance with statutory standards of practice, 116A.320
Definitions, 116A.005-116A.095
Disciplinary action
Allegations of misconduct, 116A.350
Authorized action, 116A.350, 116A.360
Complaints, 116A.350, 116A.575, 116A.580
Involuntary inactivation of certificate, causes, 116A.340, 116A.520
Provisional community manager, complaint or disciplinary hearing concerning, 116.570, 116A.580
Reports, 116A.615
Sponsors of education course, discipline of, 116A.285
Voluntary surrender of certificate, 116A.610
Disclosures to prospective clients, 116A.330
Display of certificate, 116A.335
Education of community managers
Approved courses and instructors, 116A.265-116A.305
Audit committees, establishment, duties, 116A.180, 116A.270, 116A.285
Continuing education, 116A.230-116A.255
Courses for original certification, 116A.185-116A.220
School defined, 116A.175
Fingerprints, 116A.110, 116A.145
Fraud, 116A.110, 116A.285, 116A.355
Gifts, incentives or gratuities, restrictions, duties, 116.482-116.486, 116B.410-116B.430
Management agreement, 116A.325
Office, 116A.335
Professional incompetence, 116A.355
Prohibited acts, 116A.345
Provisional managers
Certification, requirements, 116A.155, 116A.160
Change of name, address, association or supervising community manager, 116A.340
Complaint or disciplinary hearings, 116.570, 116A.580
Definition, 116.065
Records maintained by Real Estate Division, public inspection, 116A.510
Supervising managers
Change of name, address, association or supervising community manager, 116A.340
Complaint or disciplinary hearings, 116.570
Definition, 116.075
Qualifications and responsibilities, 116A.165
Unprofessional conduct, 116A.355
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from computer programming services, 363C.405
Desktop publishers, application of sales and use tax, 372.229
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, ch. 453C
Health information exchanges, 439.572-439.596
Information services, ch. 242
Insurance companies, privacy notices, 679B.850
Mechanical voting systems or devices, ch. 293B
Portable electronics insurance, notices sent by electronic means, 691D.300
Security of information systems
Cybersecurity incident response plans, 480.200-480.215
Political subdivisions, duties, 480.230-480.240
Software, sales and use taxes, 372.875-372.885
Building inspector, 384.190
Certificates of appropriateness, 384.160, 384.170
Comstock Historic District Commission, 384.010-384.130
Establishment, 384.140
Informational conferences and hearings, 384.180
Map of boundaries, 384.150
Permits, ch. 202
Account for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, deposits, 116B.190
“Adequate reserves” interpreted, 116B.100
Administrative costs of Office of Ombudsman and Commission, fees for, 116B.190
“Annual assessment” interpreted, 116B.600
Associations, registration with Real Estate Division, 116B.250
Budget to maintain reserve, contents, 116B.170
Community managers (See COMMUNITY MANAGERS)
Definitions, 116B.010-116B.030
Executive boards
Classes, disclosure regarding attendance or participation, 116B.420
Gifts, incentives, rewards or other items of value, restrictions, 116B.400, 116B.420, 116B.430
Performance of duties, determination by Commission for Common-Interest communities and Condominium Hotels, 116B.150
Financial statements of association
Audited statements, preparation and contents, 116B.220
Contents, 116B.230
Interim statements, 116B.200, 116B.210
Review, 116B.240
Hotel unit owners
Budget for unit, preparation, 116B.310
Financial statements of owners
Audited statements, 116B.330
Contents, 116B.340
Interim statements, 116B.320
Preparation and audit, 116B.310
Persons authorized to take action, 116B.300
Officers, 116B.400, 116B.420, 116B.430
“Regular working hours” interpreted, 116B.180
Reporting principles and practices of financial accounting, adoption by reference, 116B.160
Reserve study, determination of reduction in useful life of shared components and hotel unit, 116B.350
Sales of units
Public offering statements, requirements, 116B.500, 116B.520
Resale certificates, fees, 116B.360
Resale packages, requirements, 116B.510, 116B.520
Supplemental disclosure statements, 116B.530
Assistance to finance housing, ch. 319
Common-interest communities, mediation or arbitration of claims, 38.350
Energy conservation, 701.010-701.245, 704.800-704.876
Subdivision of land, 278.010-278.530
Accountants, practice-monitoring documentation, 628.590
Achievement and proficiency examinations, 390.240
Advance directives for health care, registry, 449A.705
Air pollution, 445B.043, 445B.224, 445B.385
Alcohol, drug and gambling counselors, 641C.425, 641C.435, 641C.560
Apprenticeships, complaints concerning equal opportunities, 610.980
Autonomous vehicle network companies, 706B.120, 706B.630-706B.650
Autonomous vehicles, confidentiality of certain information, documents and records obtained by Department of Motor Vehicles, 482A.060, 482A.240
Banks, complaints filed against, 668.010
Behavior analysts, 641.224
Cancer registry, 457.060-457.140
Central Repository for Records of Criminal History, duties, 179A.250
Child care institutions, 432A.460
Child-placing agencies, 127.200
Collection agencies, complaints against, 649.310
Common-interest communities, disclosure of confidential information prohibited, 116.405, 116A.345
Consumer litigation funding, 604C.330
Court reporters, 656.380
Craft food operation, recipes for acidified food, 587.846
Credit unions, complaints and related information, 678.220
Development corporations, complaints filed against licensees, 670.090
Diabetes, drugs essential for treating, information contained in certain reports, 439.735
Digital signatures, 720.205
Disability Prescription Program, 439.790
Domestic violence treatment programs, 228.160, 228.470
Drug manufacturers, 439.735, 585.620
Economic Development, Office of, clients’ records and documents, 231.060, 231.140
Economic revitalization and diversification, corporations for, complaints against licensees, 670A.090
Education, Department of, 388.472, 391.485
Education records, protection of confidentiality, 388.289, 392.301-392.360
Employee leasing companies, 687B.562
Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, investigatory information, 233.115
Escrow agencies and agents, 645A.800
Ethics, Commission on, 281A.420, 281A.425
Foster care
Children, confidentiality of information relating to, 424.485
Licensing authority, access by provider of foster care to information maintained by, 424.815
Solvency, 424.168
Frail elderly persons in certain facilities, records regarding, 427A.388
Geothermal energy, 534A.140, 704.776
Halfway houses for persons recovering from alcohol or other substance use disorders, 449.154943
Hazardous materials consultants, certification examinations, 459.9726
Health authorities, certain information concerning communicable diseases, 441A.335
Hepatitis, case reports, 460.030
Human Resource Management, Division of, 284.718, 284.726
Immunization Information System, 439.895
Industrial insurance
Insurers and employers, disclosure of information, 616B.008
Insurer’s formula for calculating dividends, 686B.845
Installment loans, complaints filed against licensees, 675.150
Insurance Division, certain reports and information obtained by, 679B.034, 680A.203
Actuaries, annual opinions and supporting memoranda, 681B.215, 681B.290
Certified reinsurers, information submitted to Commissioner of Insurance, 681A.435
Health information exchanges, 439.596
Insurance Commissioner, duties, 679B.034
Reports of material transactions, 681B.305
Risk-based capital, 681B.505, 681B.580, 681B.585
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Board for the Regulation of, 590.648
Marijuana regulation and taxation, 453D.180, 453D.185
Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors, Board of Examiners for, 641A.447
Maternal and child health, 442.056-442.090
Medical marijuana, 453A.200, 453A.712-453A.716
Milk distributors’ price lists, 584.6397
Mining operations, 513.070, 519A.170
Money, issuers of instruments for transmission or payment, 671.095, 671.100
Mortgage lending and related professions, 645F.485, 645F.830, 645F.966
Nevada Capital Investment Corporations, 355.260
Nurses, violations constitute unprofessional conduct, 632.890
Occupational safety and health, 618.6449, 618.764
Occupational therapists, standards of practice, 640A.290, 640A.320
Off-highway vehicles, personal information relating to registration and licensing, 490.065
Oil and gas, well records, 522.540
Perfusionists, 630.275
Computer systems, requirements, 639.943
Counseling regarding prescriptions, 639.708
Immunization records, 639.2978
Pharmacy benefit managers, 439.735
Physical therapy licensees, 640.610, 640.640
Physicians and physician assistants, 630.275
Polygraphic examinations, 648.380
Psychologists, 641.207, 641.224
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 228.470, 449.948
Public records declared confidential, disposal, 239.165, 239.722
Public utilities
Commission proceedings, 455.350, 703.527-703.5282, 703.680
Providers of new electric resources, 704B.340, 704B.370
Radiation control, certain records and documents of Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 459.125
Real Estate Division, 116.500, 116A.510, 645C.040, 645H.040
Released offenders, transitional living facilities for, resident files, 449.154997
Respiratory care, practitioners of, 630.275
Savings and loan associations, complaints against licensees, 673.160
Schools, bullying or cyber-bullying, certain information, 388.900, 388.920
Senior Prescription Program, 439.862
Social workers, 641B.210, 641B.215
Solution providers, proprietary information provided at registration, 240.720
State employees, employment examinations, 284.341
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, universal billing data system, 439A.810
Taxation, Department of, 360.730
Taxicab Authority, 706.479
Thrift companies, 677.400, 677.610
Trade secrets, protection
Digital signatures, 720.205
Milk, 584.2851
Mining permits, 519A.170
Occupational safety and health, enforcement proceedings, 618.6437, 618.6449, 618.764
Public utilities, hearings, 703.680
Solid waste, materials recovery facilities, 444.74767
Unarmed combat, disciplinary proceedings, 467.934
Underground injection control, 445A.860
Water pollution, discharge permits, 445A.237
Transportation Authority, Nevada, 706.1325, 706.3944-706.3954, 706.3979, 706A.180
Trauma Registry, Nevada, 450B.765
Trust companies, complaints filed against licensees, 669.110
Unarmed combat, contracts between drug testing organizations and promoters, 467.587
Unemployment compensation proceedings, 612.252
Vendors Who Are Blind, Nevada Committee for, 426.095
Veterinary practice
Disciplinary proceedings, 638.245
Medical records, 638.0475
Vital statistics, information furnished to governmental agencies or covered entities, 440.022
Wildlife, Department of, removal of personal information from certain lists, 488.050, 502.211
Air pollution control generally, 445B.001-445B.3689, 445B.780-445B.846
Conservation Districts Program, powers and duties, ch. 548
Environmental Commission (See ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION, STATE)
Environmental Protection, Division of
Brownfield Projects, Fund for, 459.9991-459.99939
Cleanup of discharged petroleum, duties, 445C.200-445C.390
Consultants and contractors, certification
Disciplinary action, 459.99951-459.99972
Emissions from Motor Vehicles, Advisory Committee on the Control of, 445B.850-445B.857
Environmental requirements, 445C.010-445C.140
Facilities for the management of hazardous waste, 444.842-444.8482
Hazardous substances, voluntary clean-up program, duties, 459.973-459.9743
Hazardous waste, certification of laboratories to analyze samples, 459.96902-459.9699
Highly hazardous substances and explosives, 459.952-459.95528
Mining reclamation, ch. 519A
Recycling, programs for, ch. 444A
Storage tanks, 445C.320-445C.380, 459.9921-459.999
Subdivision of land, duties, 278.010-278.530
Water controls, ch. 445A
Forestry, Division of
Fire retardant roofing materials, 472.020, 472.030
Forest practice and reforestation, ch. 528
Protection and preservation of timbered lands, trees and flora, ch. 527
Rangeland fire protection associations, agreements with, 472.130, 472.170
Outdoor Recreation, Division of
Grant program for pupils, duties, 407A.140-407A.165
Nevada Starry Sky Destination Program, duties, 407A.200-407A.280
State Conservation Commission, duties regarding conservation districts, ch. 548
State Lands, Division of
Administration, control and sale of state lands, 321.010-321.070
Appraisal of land offered for sale or lease, 321.500-321.525
Grant program for the conservation, protection and enhancement of certain property and resources, 321.400-321.466
Lake Tahoe Basin, protection, 321.300-321.365
Navigable bodies of water in State, use of lands associated with, 322.010-322.270
State Parks, Division of
Grants for urban parks or greenbelts, duties, 321.454
Outdoor recreation and education, technical advisory committee, membership, 407A.150
Parks, monuments and other recreational areas, ch. 407
Underground injection control, 445A.810-445A.925
Water pollution control, 445A.070-445A.348
Water Resources, Division of, powers and duties, ch. 532
Accounts of receipts and disbursements, statements of, duties, 548.085
Annual reports, filing with Program, 548.080
Good standing, determination, requirements, 548.090-548.110
Grants generally, 548.115-548.150
“Reasonable and necessary expenses” interpreted, 548.150
Sage grouse grant program, 548.500-548.540
Advertising, prohibited acts, 604C.140
Assessment for certain costs, 604C.230, 604C.315
Collection of proceeds, limitations, 604C.130
Complaints alleging violations, 604C.600, 604C.605
Confidentiality of certain records and documents, 604C.330
Cancellation, notice, requirements, 604C.120
Communication through electronic mail, 604C.150
Filing, procedures, 604C.110
More than one funding contract per legal claim, requirements, 604C.100
Translation of contract written in language other than English, 604C.160
Additional requirements, 604C.210
Denial, grounds, 604C.205
Expiration, renewal, suspension and reinstatement, 604C.220
Issuance and delivery, display, 604C.205
Name change, 604C.215
Prerequisites, 604C.200
Refund of certain fees, 604C.225
Revocation, grounds, 604C.220, 604C.230, 604C.310
“Promptly” interpreted, 604C.080
Records, duties of licensee, 604C.300, 604C.305
Report, requirements, 604C.320
Supervision, examination, audit, investigation or hearing, fees, 604C.310
Advertising by optometrists, 636.170
Opticians, equipment for fitting lenses, 637.245
Prescriptions by optometrists, 636.670, 636.680
Seeds, hermetically sealed containers, 587.020
Administrative citations, 624.725, 624.72505
Administrative fines, 624.7251
Asbestos abatement, 618.850-618.986
Association with unlicensed person prohibited, 624.650
Bids deemed void, 624.640
Certificates of eligibility, 624.685-624.6899
Changes regarding licensee, 624.640, 624.665
Classifications, 624.140-624.585
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from construction contracting services, 363C.410
Commission on Construction Education, 624.810-624.840
Complaints seeking recovery, 624.730-624.770
Construction Education Account, 624.840
Constructional defects, questions and disputes, 624.780-624.795
Contracts deemed void, 624.640
Conversion of business organization of licensee, 624.667
Dams, duties, 535.260
Death of licensee, effect, 624.660
Disciplinary action, 624.6975-624.7296
Fees related to licenses and certificates, 624.130, 624.681
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Informational forms provided to owners of single-family residences, 624.693, 624.6932
Application, 624.590
Conditional licensing, 624.603
Credit towards experience requirements, 624.590
Duties of licensees, 624.640
Examinations, 624.600
Financial statements, 624.593
Fingerprint cards, 624.590, 624.681
Inactive status, 624.635
Licensure in another state or territory, 624.615
Monetary limits, 624.640, 624.669-624.675
Renewal, 624.630
Scope, effect of exceeding, 624.640
Manufactured or mobile homes, requirements for license as specialty serviceperson, 489.311
Occupational safety and health, construction projects, 618.490-618.507
Orders for corrective action, 624.72512-624.72518
Owner-builder, exemption from requirements, 624.015, 624.017
Partnerships, termination or change, 624.660
Petition for declaratory order or advisory opinion, 624.120
Photovoltaic systems, residential, prohibited advertising practices, 624.694
Professional fee, term construed, 624.010
Proof of licensure, 624.640
Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)
Residential Recovery Fund, claims, 624.730-624.770
Sales and use taxes, 372.190, 372.200
State Contractors’ Board
Investigations Office, 624.135, 624.136
Officers generally, 624.030, 624.080
Practice before Board, 624.6975-624.7296
Swimming pools and spas for single-family residences, 624.695-624.697
Cannabis, excise tax, 372A.100-372A.160
Definitions, 453.010
“Directions for use” interpreted, 453.015
Outsourcing facilities, requirements, 639.6916
Practitioners, duties, 453.400-453.490
Remote sites or satellite consultation sites, 639.391, 639.395, 639.399
Trade practices, 639.740-639.750
Driving while intoxicated (See DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE)
Emergency medical services, requirements and restrictions, 450B.461-450B.481
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, ch. 453C
Medical use, ch. 453A
Program to research therapeutic effects, 453.740
Methamphetamine precursors, real-time stop sale system for retail distributors, 639.815, 639.817
Nurses, authority, 632.246, 632.257-632.2595, 632.295
Opioid analgesics use, compliance with guidelines, 630.187, 630.230
Storage and destruction of certain substances, 639.050
Records to be maintained, 453.485
Physician assistants, permitted activities, requirements, 639.269-639.295
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Psychiatric residential treatment facilities, requirements, 449.433
Security, 453.400, 639.285, 639.597
Sodium pentobarbital, use by euthanasia technicians, 638.510-638.535
State employees
Penalties for unlawful acts, 284.650, 284.653
Screening tests for drug use, 284.880-284.894
Tax on controlled substances, ch. 372A
Veterinary facilities, requirements, 638.0628, 638.0629
Concessionaires, sales and use taxes, 372.180
Generally, ch. 329
Accountants, registration, 628.130-628.190
Business tax (See BUSINESS TAX)
Commerce tax, ch. 363C
Complaints, filing, procedures, 78.405-78.415
Contractors, applications for certain changes, 624.665, 624.667
Engineers and land surveyors, registration of firms, 625.013, 625.425
Fine, activities subject to, 78.400
Foreign corporations, ch. 80
Jobs and day training services, 435.775-435.965
Mergers, conversions, exchanges and domestications, ch. 92A
Motor carriers, regulation, 706.1372-706.1377, 706.206
Name of corporation, 78.010-78.100
Nevada Capital Investment Corporation, 355.200-355.340
Nonprofit corporations, ch. 82
Private investigator’s and related occupations, licensing, 648.215-648.330, 648.520
Psychologists, registration, 641.1505
Real estate licenses, application, 645.115
Records filed with Secretary of State, 78.005, 225.015-225.0157, 225.200, 225.210
State business licenses, ch. 76
Records filed with Secretary of State, 84.005, 225.015-225.0157, 225.200, 225.210
Accident involving vehicle transporting cosmetics, services performed by Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 439.610-439.622
Cosmetological establishments, storage, prohibited products, 644A.755, 644A.800
Apprentices, 644A.300-644A.395
Application for licensure as barber, requirements, 643.020, 643.734, 643.736
Instruction in schools of cosmetology, requirements, 644A.630
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from certain services, 363C.360
Construction of provisions, 644A.095, 644A.500
Cosmetological establishments
Cleaning of instruments and hands, 644A.740, 644A.765
Clothing of licensees, 644A.770
Cosmetics, storage, prohibited products, 644A.755, 644A.800
Equipment, 644A.700, 644A.720-644A.750
Exhaust system, 644A.710
Flooring and other building components, 644A.715, 644A.720
Foot spas, 644A.735
Hot steamed towels, 644A.760
Infectious disease control, 644A.775, 644A.780
Inspections, 644A.520
Invasive procedures, prohibitions, 644A.790
Mobile cosmetological establishments
Applications, 644A.535, 644A.540
Definition, 644A.530
Delivery of license, 644A.550
Electrical system, 644A.580
Equipment, removal from establishment, 644A.555
General standards, compliance, 644A.565
Inspections, 644A.545
Itinerary, submission to State Board of Cosmetology, 644A.560
Waste, disposal, 644A.575
Water supply, requirements, 644A.570
Private residences, establishments in, 644A.820
Prohibited devices, 644A.805
Restrooms, 644A.715
Skin removal, restrictions, 644A.785
Supervision, 644A.505
Waste disposal, 644A.705, 644A.720
Wigs and hairpieces, cleaning and styling, 644A.795
Definitions, 644A.001-644A.080, 644A.530, 644A.535
Disciplinary action, 644A.860-644A.875
Fines, 644A.860
Licensing and registration
Application for examination for licensure, requirements, 644A.240
Certification of licensure, procedures, 644A.205
Course in infection control and prevention, approval by State Board of Cosmetology, 644A.235
Examinations, 644A.270-644A.295
Incomplete hours in courses, credit, 644A.230
Limited license, requirements, 644A.210
Name change, proof, 644A.215
Training, hours required for students, 644A.225
Translation of certain documents, requirements, 644A.220
Use of license or certificate, 644A.200
Limited license holder, restrictions on practice, 644A.825
Malpractice, 644A.865
Practice outside establishment, 644A.810, 644A.815
Regulations, deviations permitted in special cases, 644A.085
Sales and use tax, application, 372.140
Schools of cosmetology
Advertising and signs, 644A.650
Building space and other requirements, 644A.600, 644A.720-644A.730
Cleaning of instruments and hands, 644A.740, 644A.765
Clothing of licensees, 644A.770
Continuing education, 644A.260
Corrections, Department of, schools located within, 644A.655
Cosmetics, storage, prohibited products, 644A.755, 644A.800
Courses, approval by State Board of Cosmetology, 644A.235
Equipment, 644A.603, 644A.700, 644A.720-644A.750
Exhaust system, 644A.710
Filing of contract, rules and forms with State Board of Cosmetology, 644A.605
Infectious disease control, 644A.775, 644A.780
Application for license, fee, 644A.250, 644A.255
Credit for advanced training, 644A.260
Curriculum, 644A.638
Examination for licensure, 644A.115, 644A.293
Restoration of license after retirement, 644A.275
Prohibited acts, 644A.644, 644A.646
Registrar, 644A.615
Badges, 644A.618
Electrology, practical training and technical instruction, 644A.637
Limitation on practice of cosmetology, 644A.618
Recesses and breaks, 644A.642
Registration with State Board of Cosmetology, 644A.610
Time records, 644A.620, 644A.625
Transfer of credit hours, 644A.640
Waste disposal, 644A.705, 644A.720
Severability of regulations, 644A.100
State Board of Cosmetology
Communications, 644A.090
Practice before Board, 644A.900-644A.990
Psychologists (See PSYCHOLOGISTS)
Social workers (See SOCIAL WORKERS)
Bonds and other obligations
Annual statement and report, 350.010
Debt management commission, approval, 350.200-350.250
Medium-term obligations, 350.100-350.170
Private activity bonds, issuance, ch. 348A
Child care facilities, licensing, duties, 432A.180
Claims against, ch. 41
Clark County, development in Fort Mohave Valley, 321.100-321.230
Economic development (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT)
Finances and funds
Administration, ch. 354
Amount of bills allowed, publication of statements, 354.595
Annual statement and report, 350.010
Business tax exemption, 363B.150
Catalyst Account, grants and loans for economic development, 231.400-231.450
County fuel taxes, receipt of distributions, 373.160
Deposit of money in banks, credit unions or savings and loan associations, ch. 356
Financial statement, publication, 244.100
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, 360.650
Payroll tax exemption, 363A.400
Population, estimation for taxing purposes, 360.300-360.390
Real property transfer taxes, remission of collection allowance to county general fund, 375.440
Government employee-management relations, ch. 288
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Hunting and trapping, use of trail camera or similar device, restrictions, exceptions, 503.1485
Indigent persons (See INDIGENT PERSONS)
Manufactured or mobile homes, duties, 489.180, 489.500-489.515
Medical marijuana, prohibited acts by public employees, 453A.700
Miscellaneous special taxes, ch. 360
Nonprofit corporations for advancement of local interests, petition for creation, 232.060
Public records, 239.011-239.165, 239.850, 239.900-239.945
Publications, duties, 378.090
Roads, manual of procedures for relinquishment between county and State, 408.559
Room tax, duties, ch. 364
Traffic fines, notice of nonpayment to Department of Motor Vehicles, 482.450-482.480
Transfer of governmental functions between local governments and state agencies, 354.060-354.090
Uniform Plumbing Code, review of proposal for local adoption, 341.127
Water projects, financing, 349.100-349.574
Performance audits of certain county officers, 360.720-360.736
Property tax, ch. 361, ch. 361A
Elections, ch. 293
Initiative and referendum, ch. 295
Presidential electors and elections, ch. 298
Property tax, duties, 361.626, 361.634, 361.638
Recall of public officers, ch. 306
Collection and enforcement, procedures, 360A.300
Deficient payment, determination, 360A.190-360A.220
Dishonored payment as result of error or fault of financial institution, 360A.150
Installment payments, 360A.170, 360A.180
Interest or penalty, waiver or reduction, 360A.160
Jeopardized taxes and fees, determination, 360A.250, 360A.260
Adjustments, 373.190
Approval of requests, 373.150
Examinations and audits of taxpayers, maintenance of records, 373.180
Fee for submitting requests, 373.170
Special fuel consumed outside State, requests for reimbursement of certain taxes, 373.140
Trust accounts, establishment by Department, use, distributions to county, 373.160
Advance of taxes apportioned to local government, 354.280
Letters of credit issued to local government, 354.270
Performance audits of certain county officers, 360.720-360.736
Property taxes
Claims for postponement of payment, 361.851-361.871
Liens, assignment, 361.595-361.597
Application for certificate, 656.100, 656.150, 656.160
Cancellation of submission of application, 656.100
Administration, 656.120, 656.130
Certification and notice of results, 656.150
Contents, 656.130
Failure and retaking of examination, 656.160
Purpose, 656.110
Use of materials by applicant during examination prohibited, 656.130
Fees, 656.100, 656.170, 656.200, 656.203
Inactive status, reactivation, 656.170
Voluntary surrender, 656.180
Continuing education, 656.205-656.240
Disciplinary action
Action following investigation of informal complaint, 656.440
Chair authorized to rule on certain posthearing motions, oral argument not permitted, 656.470
Failure to produce records and other evidence, disciplinary action against respondent, 656.430
Hearings, 656.460
Informal complaints, 656.420, 656.430
Notice of hearing and formal complaint, answer by respondent, joining of complaints, 656.440
Practice by firm
Application of certain statutes and regulations, 656.270
Examination of designated representative, 656.261, 656.265
License, application for and issuance, filing of amended application upon certain changes, 656.250
Standards of practice, 656.280
Professional conduct
Advisory opinions, requests for, issuance, 656.415
Cooperation with and donation of services to organizations that provide legal services to indigents encouraged, 656.400
Retention of electronically stored data in lieu of paper notes, 656.410
Standards of conduct, 656.300-656.390
Sales and use taxes, 372.214, 372.216
Occupational safety and health, 618.342-618.410
Deceptive trade practices, hearings, 598.100-598.174
Abandoned or unclaimed property, duties, ch. 120A
Accounting Manual for Federal Credit Unions, use, 678.120
Applications to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fingerprints may be required, 657.010
Audits and examinations, 678.130-678.155
Borrowing, 678.060
Complaints, failure to respond, confidentiality, 678.220
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 678.002-678.008
Demand deposits, 678.050
Depositories of public money and securities, ch. 356
Dissolution, 678.190
Fees and charges for services provided to customers, notices, 678.035
Foreign credit unions, fees, 678.165
Formation, 678.010
Investments, 678.100
License fees, 678.160
Records, retention, 678.210
Reports, 678.110
Reserves, 678.050, 678.070, 678.200
Sales and use tax exemption, 372.695
Supervision and examination, fee, 678.150
Taxes on financial institutions, ch. 363A
Allowance of person to witness cremation, written authorization, 451.050
Allowance of simultaneous cremation of remains of two or more persons, written authorization, 451.050
Burial park at Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, removal of remains, 433.150
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 451.002-451.004, 451.008, 451.009
Duties of operator of crematory, funeral establishment or direct cremation facility, 451.070
Operators of direct cremation facilities and crematories
Continuing education, 642.140
Crematory certification program, 642.130
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 642.010-642.040
Disciplinary action, grounds, 642.170
Contents of required disclosure by facility, prohibition on advertising services outside scope of permit, 642.156
Purchaser of at-need goods or services, disclosure of location of human remains during storage or cremation, 642.154
Human remains, proper care and storage of, 642.158
Licenses or permits
Change of name, 642.118
Initial assessment of applicant’s good moral character, consideration of aggravating or mitigating factors after initial assessment, 642.085
Lapsed licensed, reinstatement, reapplication required under certain circumstances, 642.114
License to operate crematory, 642.095, 642.100
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board shall deem incomplete application withdrawn after 2 years, 642.117
Permit to operate direct cremation facility, 642.095, 642.103
Temporary authorization to engage in certain regulated activities while application is pending, 642.080
Management of direct cremation facilities by licensed funeral director, exception, 642.116, 642.163
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board
Practice before, 642.180-642.260
Recusal of Board member from proceedings, disclosure required, 642.050
Reports of violations, issuance, period to correct violation, subsequent inspection, disciplinary proceedings authorized, 642.169
Transfer of business to another location, inspection of new location, 642.095
Applications for clemency, consideration, 213.085
Accountants, 628.019
Alcohol, drug and gambling counselors, 641C.200, 641C.235
Audits of information systems, 179A.080
Body shop licensees, 487.110
Building inspectors, 645D.150
Child care facilities, licensees and employees, 432A.200
Collection, use, handling, retention, storage, dissemination or destruction of records, requirements, 179A.040
Common-interest community managers, 116A.110, 116A.145
Correction of records, 179A.090-179A.110
Custodians of records, standards for employment, 179A.070
Definitions, 179A.010-179A.037
Dentists and dental hygienists, 631.030
Driving instructors, 483.754
Financial institutions, licensees, 657.010
Homeopathic physicians, 630A.050
Insurance producers, 683A.272
Intermediary service organizations, receipt of records, 449.39518
Jobs and day training services, employees and independent contractors, 435.893, 435.895, 435.925
Medical marijuana, applications for registry identification cards or letters of approval, 453A.100
Mental health information, transmittal to national system, 179A.250-179A.280
Motor vehicle dealers and other licensees, 482.905
Nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services, providers of, 433.420, 433.425
Owner-developers, 645.710
Policies, adoption by reference, 179A.038, 179A.039
Private Investigator’s Licensing Board may obtain records of applicant, 648.290
Private schools, licensees, 394.160
Real estate licensees, 645.100, 645.315, 645.325
Security of records
Agencies of criminal justice and authorized recipients, duties, 179A.040
At repository, agency of criminal justice or authorized recipient, 179A.060
Social workers, 641B.090, 641B.111
Supported living arrangement services, employees and independent contractors, 435.537, 435.538, 435.689
Time share sales agents, 119A.075
Volunteers who work with children, 179A.150-179A.200
Euthanasia technicians, regulation, 638.450-638.565
Veterinary technicians, authorized and prohibited acts, 638.059
Regulation generally, ch. 452
Bodies of water dangerous to wildlife, regulation, 502.460-502.495
Definitions generally, 584.005-584.0095
Food establishments, safety requirements (See FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS)
Manufactured dairy products, 584.0111-584.0551
Milk and milk products, 584.3001-584.4581
Stabilization and marketing plan, 584.5551-584.6712
Standards of identity, adoption by reference, conformity, 584.0103, 584.0107
Manufactured dairy products, 584.0111-584.0551
Rules of practice, 584.9011-584.9391
Abandonment of dam, 535.280
Assessment of fee on privately owned nonagricultural dams, 535.350
Computation of time, extension of time, 532.180
Construction, reconstruction or alteration, 535.200-535.270
Decommissioning dam, 535.220, 535.290
Effective date of documents, 535.420
Exemptions, 535.410
Expression of elevation, 535.110
Hazard classifications, 535.140
Height, crest and toe, 535.120
Impoundment of water, 535.300-535.340, 535.380
Inspections, 535.360
Operation and maintenance, 535.370
Size, determination, 535.130
Variances, 535.400
Violations, 532.200-532.270, 535.270, 535.390
Deceptive trade practices, hearings, 598.100-598.174
Cemeteries (See CEMETERIES)
Cremation (See CREMATION)
Death certificates, time for initiation, 440.162
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 451.001-451.009
Records, maintenance, 451.200
Transportation, 451.100-451.140, 642.160
Boating accidents, notice of death of person, 488.440, 488.445
Certificates of death
Alteration or correction, 440.023-440.040, 440.190
Certified copies of certificates, issuance, quality, 440.070, 440.075
Examination of certificate, 440.021
Rejected certificates, time for completion, 440.160
Replacement certificates, 440.050, 440.060
Statistical portion of certificate, restrictions on use, 440.075
Time for initiation, 440.162
Child care facilities, reports of deaths of children who attend, 432A.378
Dentists, ownership of practice following death of dentist, 631.273
Fees for certain records, 440.400
Registration of deaths
Attendance at death and death not attended, 440.170, 440.180
Burial or removal permits, issuance without certificate of death, 440.185
Cause of death
Certification, 440.160
Statement of cause of death, electronic submission to approved electronic death registry system, 440.165
Disinterment, 440.190
Electronic death registry system, 440.165
Index of data or statistical information, procedure for use, 440.0215
Pronouncement of death, 440.158
Severability of provisions, 440.020
Statistical information, furnishing to governmental agencies or covered entities, 440.022
Application for pardon or commutation of punishment, consideration, 213.120
Annual statement and report by municipalities, 350.010
Proposed incurrence of debt or levy of special elective tax, powers and duties, 350.200-350.250
Administration, fees, 676A.260
Administrative proceedings before Commissioner of Financial Institutions
Authority of Commissioner of Financial Institutions or designee concerning case, 676A.200
Conduct of hearing, 676A.220
Examination of witnesses, 676A.240
Failure to appear at hearing, 676A.250
Order to cease and desist issued by Commissioner, contested hearing, 676A.210
Subpoena of witnesses, 676A.230
Base year for adjustment of dollar amounts, adoption of, 676A.060
Conduct of business, 676A.150-676A.180
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 676A.010-676A.050
Prohibited acts, 676A.180
Registration of providers
Approved training programs and certifying organizations, posting on Internet website, 676A.100
Expiration, fees for renewal and reinstatement, 676A.130
Extension and reinstatement after expiration, 676A.140
Fees for application, 676A.120
Proof for certain qualifications of applicant required, 676A.110
Revocation of registration, 676A.260
Assignment of debts to State Controller for collection, 353C.550-353C.570
Installment payments, agreement with debtor, interest on debt, 353C.500
Licensees, debts owed by
Contesting debt, no additional right conferred on licensee, 353C.640
Definitions, 353C.600-353C.607
Designation by State Controller of persons to carry out certain duties, 353C.610
Failure of licensee to take certain actions, consequences, 353C.625
Hearings to determine validity of debt, 353C.645-353C.725
Licensing agency, duties, 353C.615
Notices and correspondence concerning debt, 353C.620
Rights of licensee, 353C.630, 353C.640
Scope and construction of provisions, deviations from provisions, 353C.635
Offset of debts owed to debtors
Action by State Controller, 353C.110, 353C.120
Employees of State, debts owed by, 353C.140
Hearing on request to offset debt, 353C.150-353C.340
Payment of debtor after notification of interception, 353C.100
Proration of amount due from debtor upon multiple requests to offset, 353C.130
Request to offset debt, 353C.100
Restrictions on offsetting debt, 353C.140
Payments to state agencies, 353C.400
Refusal by agency or State Controller to take certain actions, 353C.450, 353C.460
Real property transfer taxes, ch. 375
Advertising, 695D.230
Bond, 695D.300
Capital account, requirements, 695D.300
Certificate of authority, application, 695D.070-695D.110
Contract of insurance required, 695D.300
Definitions, 695D.010-695D.060
Disciplinary action taken in another state, filing of documents, 695D.330
Dispute resolution system, 695D.500-695D.540
Employee leasing companies, duties, 687B.550-687B.564
Examination of organization, requirements, 695D.370
Financial condition, determination, 695D.270-695D.290
Financial statements, filing, 695D.260
Forms, filing procedures, 687B.004
Hearings and other proceedings, 695D.360
Insurance Administration and Enforcement, Fund for, ch. 680C
Investments, 695D.250
Licensure in another state, filing of copy required, 695D.310
Managed care organizations, system for resolving complaints of insureds, 695G.100, 695G.110
Marketing, enrollment or administrative services, filing copy of contract required, 695D.350
Medical discount plans, ch. 695H
Medical examination required by insurer, 687B.640
Name of organization, 695D.120
Notification of disassociation of dentist from organization, 695D.200
Offices, 695D.130
Payment for services rendered by health care practitioner, 686A.270-686A.306
Plan, copy to be provided members, 695D.230
Policies, grace period for payment of premiums, 687B.630
Powers of organization, 695D.160
Providers, contracts with, 695D.190, 695D.320
Qualifications of person responsible for operating organization, 695D.150
Rates for coverage, certification of information concerning limitation on, 695D.340
Records of organization, maintenance, 695D.140
Reports, filing, 695D.260, 695D.530, 695D.540
Risk-based capital of health organizations, 681B.400-681B.595
Accessibility, 695D.170
Coordination of benefits, 695D.220
Geographic area, enlargement, 695D.180
Severability of regulations, 679A.010
Solicitation, 695D.230
Summary of coverage, 695D.225
Utilization review, registration of agents who perform, 683A.280-683A.295
Addresses, filing, 631.150
Advance directives for health care, registry, ch. 449A
Advertising, false or misleading, 631.270
Anesthesia, administration, 631.2211-631.2256
Applicability and construction of laws and regulations, 631.279
Assistants, authorization to perform certain services, supervision, 631.220
Board of Dental Examiners
Applicability of laws and regulations, advisory opinions, 631.279
Fees, 631.029
Inspection of offices or facilities owned by dentists, duties, 631.1785-631.1795
Investigation of complaints, 631.250, 631.255
Practice before Board
Appearances, 631.280
Briefs, 631.400
Decision of Board, 631.410
Evidence, presentation, 631.390
Failure to answer, effect, 631.350
Failure to appear, 631.380
Filings, 631.320
Investigator, participation, 631.395
Motions, 631.310
Representation by attorney, 631.285
Service of process, 631.290, 631.330, 631.340
Subpoenas, 631.355
Verification of pleadings, 631.300
Witnesses, expenses, 631.370
Clinical practice, activities constituting exercise of authority or control, 631.275
Compliance with certain guidelines required, 631.178
Continuing education
Anesthesia and sedation, administration, 631.2256
Registered facilities, 631.2203-631.2206
Controlled substances, dispensing, 453.400-453.490, 639.745
Death of dentists, ownership of practice following, 631.273
Disciplinary action
Complaints against licensees, 631.240
Investigations by Board of Dental Examiners, 631.250, 631.255
Unprofessional conduct, 631.230, 631.235
Hospitals, dental services, 449.391
Hygienists, authorization to perform certain services, referral of patient to authorizing dentist, 631.210
Infection control, compliance with preventive recommendations, 631.178
Inspection of offices or facilities owned by dentists, 631.1785-631.1795
Claims, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
Liability insurance, 690B.520-690B.580
Display, 631.150
Examinations, 631.090, 631.140
Fees, 631.029
Inactive status, 631.170
Laser radiation used in practice, requirements for licensure, 631.030
Specialties, 631.190
Summary suspension, grounds, 631.1785
Voluntary surrender, 631.160
Neuromodulators, administration, 631.257, 631.258
Nitrous oxide machines, equipment, 631.265
Public health dental hygiene, special endorsement to practice, 631.145
Radiographic procedure, 459.580, 631.260
Referrals by practitioners, 439B.5205-439B.5408
Residential facilities for groups, dental services, 449.262
Sedation, administration of moderate or deep sedation, 631.2211-631.2256
Skilled nursing facilities, dental services, 449.74529
Supervision of hygienists and assistants, delegation of duties, 631.200, 631.220
Accommodations for, 449.15363
Inventory of belongings of client, 449.15333
Medication and biologicals, 449.15349
Money of client, handling, 449.15331
Records of clients, 449.15353
Transfers, 449.15329
Construction or remodeling, 449.15359, 449.15361
Definitions, 449.15311-449.15321
Disasters, preparedness, reporting, 449.15367
Equipment and maintenance, 449.15361
Fire safety, reports of fire, 449.15365, 449.15367
Laundry requirements, 449.15357
Liability insurance, 449.15335
Certification, proof required, 449.15323
Revocation, 449.15323
Operation of facility
Administrator, responsibilities and duties, 449.15339
Bylaws and policies, 449.15325
Employees, policies and procedures concerning, 449.15341
Governing body, 449.15325
Policies and procedures for, 449.15327
Program, requirements, review, 449.15337
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, control over medical records upon suspension of license or cessation of operation, 449.009
Safety and sanitation, 449.15355
Services of facility
Dietary services, 449.15351
Health services, 449.15345
Nursing services, 449.15343
Pharmaceutical services, 449.15347
Policies and procedures for, 449.15327
Temperature of facility, 449.15355
Examination, 458.345
Maintenance or renewal, requirements, 458.349, 458.351
Qualifications, 458.341
Disciplinary proceedings, 458.361-458.391
Display of certificate, 458.347
Professional responsibility, 458.348
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of
Convictions, requirement to notify Division, 458.352
Review of actions, appeals, 458.401
Scope of practice, 458.346
Audits and examinations, annual assessments to cover costs, 670.050
Complaints, failure to respond in timely manner, confidentiality, 670.090
Fees of Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 670.010-670.040
Housing, development corporations related to, 319.005
Inspection of documents filed with Division of Financial Institutions, 670.080
Prerequisites to conduct business, 670.060
Revocation or suspension of license, 670.070
Adult day care facilities, duties, 449.40815
Drugs essential for treatment, reports, confidentiality of information, 439.730-439.740
Intermediary service organizations, duties, 449.395185
Personal care services in the home, attendants, duties, 449.39775
Residential facilities for groups, duties, 449.1985, 449.2726, 449.2742
DIESEL FUEL (See generally FUELS)
Advance directives for health care, registry, ch. 449A
Dietitian Advisory Group, 640E.300
Disciplinary action, 640E.200-640E.270
Applications, 640E.050
Background investigations, 640E.070-640E.090
Documents, requests for, 640E.065
Endorsement, 640E.055
Examination, waiver of requirement, 640E.120
Fees, 640E.060
Provisional license, 640E.100
Registration with certain organizations as satisfaction of certain requirements for licensure, 640E.130
Requirement, 640E.020
Temporary license, 640E.110
Medical facilities and other related entities, contracts with or employment of unlicensed dietitians, 449.0085
Notice sent to licensee or applicant, validity, 640E.030
Check-cashing services, deferred deposit loans, short-term loans and title loans, use, 604A.030
Generally, ch. 720
Investigation and care of cases, 441A.510
Proof of immunity, 441A.140
Reports by health officers, 441A.290
University students, immunization, 441A.755
Sales and use taxes, application, 372.900-372.912
Apprenticeship programs, equal opportunity, 610.510-610.990
Autism spectrum disorders, services for certain persons with, 427A.551-427A.558
Services under Social Security Act, 442.600-442.788
Special needs facilities (See also CHILD CARE SERVICES AND FACILITIES)
Definitions, 432A.075, 432A.165
Requirements, 432A.323, 432A.470-432A.485
Teachers, licenses and endorsements, 391.3393-391.398
Disability Prescription Program, 439.750-439.790
Driver’s licenses
Inability to walk, designation of disability on license, 483.077
Physical and mental disabilities, restrictions on license, 483.280-483.415
Waiver of certain physical requirements, 483.803-483.8036, 483.807
Educational programs
Diplomas for pupils with disabilities, 390.520, 390.530
Special education, discretionary program units, 387.400-387.420
Special instructional services and programs, 388.001-388.488
Electronic transmission, use of approved system by certain persons, 293.205-293.212
Information and assistance provided to, 293.187-293.192, 293.242, 293C.230, 293C.235
Employment agencies to provide nonmedical services, 449.870-449.882
Employment at special minimum wage, 608.200-608.370
Expedited service permits, 426.600-426.630
Archery, disability permit for persons with permanent disability, 503.1465
Blinds, designation on wildlife management area for use by persons with physical disabilities, 504.160
Scope permit for persons with visual disability, 503.146
Identification cards, 483.077
Intermediary service organizations, 449.395-449.39561
Motor carriers, transportation of persons with disabilities, 706.248, 706.278
Residential housing for, reporting requirements, 319.267-319.283
Signature stamps, use, 427A.650-427A.665
State employees (See STATE EMPLOYEES)
State parks, annual permits for disabled veterans, 407.050
Taxicab transportation, 706.496, 706.857-706.870
Telecommunication for persons with impaired speech or hearing, 707.010-707.040
Training and employment organizations, requirements, ch. 334
Traumatic brain injuries, program for persons with, 427A.600-427A.633
Unsupervised setting, program to enable persons with physical disabilities to live in, 427A.675-427A.789
Vending facilities for the blind, 426.010-426.500
Vocational rehabilitation, resolution of grievances, 615.105-615.175
Weatherization assistance program, eligibility, 702.870
Deceptive trade practices, hearings, 598.100-598.174
Agencies which provide child welfare services, 127.311
Apprentices and apprenticeships, equal opportunity, 610.510-610.990
Child-placing agencies, 127.183
Complaints, ch. 233
Disabling conditions in children, prevention program, discrimination prohibited, 442.718
Insurance, 679B.876, 686A.110-686A.160
Medical facilities, cultural competency and prevention of discrimination, 449.011901-449.011951
Medicare, policies supplementary to, 687B.207
Mental health, community programs for, 436.080
Motor carriers, 706.278
Nurses, unprofessional conduct, 632.890
Physical therapy licensees, unprofessional conduct, 640.580
State employment
Affirmative action program and equal employment opportunity, 284.114
Grievances, filing, 284.696
Generally, ch. 637
Charter schools, health and safety inspection of building or facility required for certain programs, 388A.510
Common-interest community managers, 116A.205, 116A.235
Days in session, 387.131
Enrollment and attendance of pupils, 387.193
Reports and counts of pupils, 387.294
School calendar, contents, approval, 387.120
Brand inspection districts, map, 565.210
Business tax exemption, 363B.150
Deposit of money in banks, credit unions or savings and loan associations, ch. 356
Finances and funds, administration, ch. 354
Government employee-management relations, ch. 288
Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)
Local Government Tax Distribution Account, 360.650
Medical marijuana, prohibited acts by public employees, 453A.700
Municipal obligations, ch. 350
Payroll tax exemption, 363A.400
Public records, 239.011-239.165, 239.850, 239.900-239.945
Publications, duties, 378.090
Rodent control districts, 555.800, 555.810
Special districts, transfer of property on merger, consolidation or dissolution, 354.780, 354.790
Transfer of governmental functions between local governments and state agencies, 354.060-354.090
Water projects, financing, 349.100-349.574
Weed control districts, 555.035-555.095
Computation of time, extension of time, 532.180
Violations, penalties, procedures, 532.200-532.270
Application, effect, 450B.950-450B.960
Advertisements, requirements, 240A.070
Cash bond, return, 240A.060
Complaints, 240A.080
Interpretation of terms, 240A.010, 240A.020
Registration, 240A.030-240A.050
Child care facilities, care of pets, 432A.265
Competitive field trials, 503.610-503.650
Entry from out-of-state, requirements, 571.080
Food establishments, restrictions, 446.074, 446.601
Hunting with dog, 503.147
Peace officers, training in effective response to incidents involving dogs, 289.180
Public accommodations, nuisances prohibited, 447.330
Rabies (See RABIES)
State parks, restrictions, 407.140
Fictitious address program for victims, ch. 217
Practice and procedure, 228.460-228.655
State employees
Leave for victims, requests
Annual leave, 284.539
Family and medical leave, 284.5811
Leave of absence without pay, 284.578
Sick leave, 284.554
Reasonable accommodation, provision to victims, 284.599
Treatment programs, certification, 228.100-228.275
Public schools, elective courses of study, 389.568
Schools for drivers
Administration and operation of schools, 483.766-483.795
Licensing of operators and instructors, 483.745-483.7651
Address of principal residence, definition, 483.011
Age of applicant, documentation required for proof, 483.050
Alternate address on license, issuance, 483.035
Alternate service transaction defined, 483.0115
Cancellation, suspension, revocation and voluntary surrender
“Arises out of the” interpreted, 483.4615
Award of credit against period of revocation, 483.480
Fees, 483.465
Imprisonment, notification to Department, 483.463
New license, obtaining after cancellation of minor’s license or voluntary surrender of license, 483.495
Parole or residential confinement, notification to Department, 483.463
Privileges, definition of “withdrawn” privileges, 483.461
Records of conviction, submission to Department, 483.462
Reinstatement, 483.465-483.478
Reissuance of voluntarily surrendered license, 483.495
Resumption and setting aside of period of revocation, 483.463
Voluntary surrender of license, 483.485-483.495
Withdrawal of license, termination or rescission, 483.480
Changed or corrected license, procedures for issuance, 483.075
Classifications of licenses, restrictions and endorsements, 483.110
Commercial driver’s licenses
Age of applicant, documentation required for proof, 483.8045
Application, requirements, 483.810, 483.815
Assignment of number to license, 483.830
Cancellation, suspension and revocation generally, 483.847
Certification by third-parties, 483.121-483.1236
Definitions, 483.121-483.1219, 483.799-483.7998
Denial of license, 483.825
DUI, test to determine concentration of alcohol, suspension of license, 483.848-483.849
Examiners, requirements, 483.806
Exemptions from requirements, 483.850
Expiration and renewal, 483.832
False application, cancellation of license or permit, reapplication, 483.8475
Federal regulations, adoption, compliance, 483.800
Instruction permits
Application, requirements, 483.810
Medical examiner’s certificate, 483.801-483.8014
Waiver of certain physical requirements for instruction permit, 483.807
Issuance of license, 483.820
Learner’s permits
Age of applicant, documentation required for proof, 483.8045
Alternate address on permit, issuance, 483.035
Application, requirements, 483.810, 483.815
Denial of permit, 483.825
Disqualifications, 483.8041
Eligibility, 483.804
Expiration and renewal, 483.8043
Name of applicant, acceptable documentation, 483.8045
New class or endorsement, removal of restrictions, requirements, 483.8061
Nondomiciled applicants, issuance of permit, 483.8047
Waiver of certain physical requirements, 483.807
Medical examiner’s certificate, 483.801-483.8014
Motor carriers, drivers’ permits, 706.13775-706.1378
Name of applicant, acceptable documentation, 483.8045
Nondomiciled applicants, issuance of license, 483.8047
Penalties for certain violations, 483.8495
Possession and surrender of license, 483.835
Waiver of certain physical requirements, 483.803-483.8036
Contents, 483.040
Date of birth, documentation to correct, 483.065
Demerit points, 483.500-483.530
Driver authorization cards (See Instruction permits and driver authorization cards, this heading)
Driving records, interjurisdictional exchange, 483.550-483.565
Driving skills test
Classification of licenses, 483.110
Commercial driver’s licenses, 483.1222, 483.1232, 483.8049-483.8059
Expiration, 483.043
Eye and written examinations, exception for, 483.120
Fees, additional fees to cover cost of production of photographs, 483.900
Gender, declaration required for change, 483.070
Good cause to believe defined, 483.013
Highway defined, 483.100
Information obtained by Department of Motor Vehicles, storage, 483.046
Instruction permits and driver authorization cards
Applicability of certain regulations and laws, 483.078, 483.0783
Date of birth, documentation required to correct, 483.0789
Name and age of applicant, documentation required for proof, 483.0787
Residence, documentation required for proof, 483.0785
Statement of translator, contents, 483.079
“Verified translation” interpreted, 483.079
Limited-term driver’s license defined, 483.015
Medical condition, imprinting of indicator, 483.077
Motor carriers, drivers’ permits, 706.13775-706.1378
Applicants, documentation required, unacceptable documents, 483.050
Change of name, documents required, appearance of name, 483.055
Noncommercial driver’s licenses, certification by third-parties, 483.126-483.1286
Physical and mental disabilities
Designation of disability which limits or impairs ability to walk, 483.077
Imprinting of indicator of certain medical conditions, 483.077
Restrictions on license
Denial of license, physical or mental conditions, 483.370
Examination of applicant or licensee, 483.310
Fee, no fee for imposition of medically-related restriction, 483.330
Hearings, 483.390
Information regarding hazard to public welfare, submission, 483.400
Medical reports, persons required to submit, 483.330
Medically-related restrictions, 483.350
Reinstatement of license or issuance after denial, 483.400
Restrictions not medically related, 483.360
Sources of information regarding disabilities, 483.300
Suspension, cancellation and voluntary surrender of license, 483.320
Telescopic devices, operation while wearing, 483.295, 483.405-483.415
Vision screening standards, 483.340
Radio frequency identification chip, geospatial technology or other related technology, placement in card or permit prohibited, 483.040
Records of conviction, submission to Department, 483.462
Renewal of licenses using alternate service transactions, 483.423-483.459
Restricted licenses
Licenses issued during period of suspension or revocation of driver’s license, 483.200-483.254
Licenses issued to persons with medical hardship in family or for transportation to school, 483.265-483.276
Revocation of license (See Cancellation, suspension, revocation and voluntary surrender, this heading)
Seasonal resident defined, 483.017
Social security number, documentation to correct, 483.060
Special investigations, licenses for, return to Department, 483.700
Suspension of license (See Cancellation, suspension, revocation and voluntary surrender, this heading)
Third-party certifiers
Commercial driver’s licenses
Agreement with Department, contents, 483.12235
Bond, maintenance, 483.12234
Correction of deficiencies, 483.123
Eligibility, scope of authority, 483.1224
Employment, limitations on, 483.12269
Instruction and certification of driving ability of person, 483.1232
Monitoring, inspections and reports by Department, 483.12265, 483.123
Notifications, requirements, 483.12263, 483.12265, 483.1228
Records, 483.12232
Denial, notice, reapplication following, 483.1226
Evaluations by Department, assignment of number, 483.12231, 483.1226
Fingerprinting, 483.12267
Recertification, 483.12261
Renewal of registration, 483.12233, 483.12263, 483.1228
Requirements, 483.1223
Revocation, 483.12233, 483.12236, 483.12261, 483.1236
Suspension, grounds, 483.12233, 483.1236
Training, provision by Department of Motor Vehicles, 483.1226, 483.12263
Vehicles, inspection, 483.1229
Noncommercial driver’s licenses
Agreement with Department, 483.1282
Applicability of provisions, 483.1274
Drive examination, authority to conduct, 483.1276
Notifications, 483.1284
Prohibited acts, 483.1286
Registration, 483.1278
Suspension or refusal to renew license or registration, 483.128
Translation of documents, approval of translator, prohibited activities, 483.022
Validity, 483.040
Veteran status, designation on license or permit, 483.030
Voluntary surrender of license (See Cancellation, suspension, revocation and voluntary surrender, this heading)
Affidavits of expert witnesses concerning alcohol or controlled substance, ch. 50
Commercial driver’s license, suspension, 483.848-483.849
Motor vehicle registration, suspension, 482.910
State employees, conviction grounds for disciplinary action, 284.653
Tests for intoxication
Commercial drivers, testing of, 483.848, 483.8485
Definitions, 484C.010
Devices to prevent intoxicated person from starting vehicle, 484C.160-484C.180
Evidential breath-testing devices, 484C.090-484C.150
Forensic analyst of alcohol, certification, 484C.020, 484C.030
Preliminary breath-testing devices, 484C.050-484C.080
Hunting, restrictions on use, 503.148
Public agencies, purposes for which agency may operate, 493.100
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, ch. 453C
Accident involving vehicle transporting drugs, services performed by Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 439.610-439.622
Analysis, appeal of determination, 585.640
Definition, 585.040
Ingredients, 585.200
Manufacture (See Manufacture, this heading)
Asthma treatment, sale of preparations containing hypnotic drug, 639.755
Cancer Drug Donation Program, ch. 453B
Community triage centers, patient orders for medication and biologicals, 449.74353
Compounded drugs, preparation and sale by pharmacy or pharmacist, 639.757
Dangerous drugs
Outsourcing facilities, requirements, 639.6916
Remote sites or satellite consultation sites, 639.391, 639.395, 639.399
Trade practices, 639.740-639.750
Emergency medical services, requirements and restrictions, 450B.461-450B.475
Prescriptions, requirements, 454.060
Records to be maintained by pharmacist, 454.050
Veterinarians, consignment of approved drugs from wholesalers to pharmacies, 639.645-639.6495
Diabetes drugs, reports, confidentiality of certain information, 439.730-439.740
Disability Prescription Program, 439.750-439.790
Emergency medical services, 450B.461-450B.481
Gerovital H3 (See Procaine hydrochloride, this heading)
Diabetes drugs, reports, requests for confidentiality, 439.730, 439.735
Equipment and components, 585.320-585.420, 639.615
Facilities, 585.290-585.310, 639.610
Inspections, 585.630
Personnel, 585.270, 585.280, 639.615-639.619
Production controls, 585.430-585.570
Scope of regulations, 585.010
Nasal inhalers containing stimulants, sale restricted, 454.030
Nurses, authority, 632.246, 632.257-632.2595, 632.295, 639.841-639.900
Optometrists, certification to administer and dispense therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, 636.730
Physician assistants, permitted activities, requirements, 639.269-639.295
Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)
Procaine hydrochloride
Analysis, appeal of determination, 585.640
Definition, 585.160
Ingredients, 585.210
Manufacture (See Manufacture, this heading)
Psychiatric residential treatment facilities, resident orders for medication and biologicals, 449.4325
Security of drugs, chemicals and poisons, 454.040, 585.440
Senior Prescription Program, 439.800-439.862
State employees, screening tests for drug use, 284.880-284.894
Veterinary drugs, 639.650-639.660
Wholesalers of prescription drugs, 639.585-639.607
Chiropractic physicians, certification required, 634.3668
Solid waste disposal, 444.570-444.7499
Consumer litigation funding companies, communication with consumer, 604C.150
Dietitians, notices, 640E.030
Insurers of portable electronics, notices sent by, 691D.300
Mortgage bankers, notice of change of address, 645E.235
Mortgage brokers and agents, notice of change of address, 645B.0115
Music therapists, notices, 640D.030
Public Utilities Commission, proceedings before, 703.290, 703.610, 703.680
Real estate licensees, dissemination of unsolicited information, 645.613
State employees, notice by e-mail of disciplinary action prohibited, 284.656, 284.6561
Abatement of taxes for certain businesses, 360.466-360.479
Catalyst Account, grants or loans to sponsoring municipalities, 231.400-231.450
Certification of businesses for certain benefits, 231.053, 231.055
Electric Rate Rider Program, 704.895-704.8958
Film and other productions, transferable tax credit program, 360.800-360.865
Industrial development, revenue bonds, 349.010-349.080
Local emerging small businesses, 231.200-231.240
Nonprofit corporations for economic development, 231.140
Private activity bonds, ch. 348A
Regional development authorities, 231.161-231.176
Training for employees of business, program of, 231.300-231.330
Transferable tax credits to promote economic development, 231.350-231.385
Workforce development program, 231.300-231.330
Allocations, grants or loans
Conditions for, 231.075
Requests on prescribed form, approval, denial or modification of request, 231.075
Recipient required to enter into agreement with Office upon approval of application, 231.070
Regional development authorities, review of proposed allocations, grants or loans by Board of Economic Development, 231.171
Workforce development, allocation, grant or loan to defray cost of program, 231.315-231.327
Certification of businesses for certain benefits, 231.053, 231.055
Executive Director, member of Special Committee to Provide Advice on Private Activity Bonds, 348A.280
Written request by client to keep records and document confidential, approval or denial of request, 231.060
Audits and examinations, annual assessments to cover costs, 670A.050
Complaints, failure to respond in timely manner, confidentiality, 670A.090
Fees of Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 670A.010-670A.040
Inspection of documents filed with Division of Financial Institutions, 670A.080
Prerequisites to conduct business, 670A.060
Revocation or suspension of license, 670A.070
Adult standard diploma, 389.674, 389.680, 390.470-390.500
Alternative school choices, ch. 388D
Barber schools (See BARBERS AND BARBERING)
Charter schools (See SCHOOLS, CHARTER)
Confidentiality of education records, protection, 388.289, 392.301-392.360
Conservation education programs, use of raptors in, 503.445
Continuing education (See specific occupation or profession)
Cosmetology schools (See COSMETOLOGY)
Drivers’ education (See DRIVERS’ EDUCATION)
Finances and funds (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)
High school equivalency assessments, 390.105-390.155
Incarcerated persons, programs of education, ch. 388H
Massage schools, requirements, 394.526
Occupational education (See CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION)
Oriental medicine, schools for, approval of curriculum, 634A.035
Outdoor Recreation and Education Grant Program for Pupils, 407A.140-407A.165
Peace officers and other law enforcement personnel, ch. 289
Private schools (See SCHOOLS, PRIVATE)
Public schools (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)
State colleges and universities (See NEVADA SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION)
Student workers with disabilities, wages for services provided, 608.265
Superintendent of Public Instruction (See SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION)
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, 391A.050-391A.090
Educational personnel, ch. 391
Alternative schools, duties, ch. 388G
Charter schools
Administrative head of school, receipt of information regarding, 388A.110, 388A.580
Annual audits, duties, 387.773-387.780
Automated system of accountability information, receipt of data, 388A.555
Closure of school, duties, 388A.355
Comprehensive review of sponsors, 388A.205
Governing bodies, receipt of certain information, 388A.525
Performance audits, receipt, 388A.595
Termination of charter contract, receipt of notice, 388A.345
Data regarding school-level administrators and teachers employed by district, annual submission to Department, 391.589
Education savings accounts, receipt of information, 353B.790, 353B.815
Educational Choice Scholarship Program, Nevada, duties, ch. 388D
Examinations and assessments, duties, receipt of information, 390.220, 390.230, 390.300, 390.310, 390.340
Financial support of the school system, ch. 387
Property tax receipts and distributions, receipt of reports, 354.566-354.577
Safe and respectful learning environment, complaints by parents or guardians, 388.915
Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office for a, duties regarding Bullying Prevention Account, 388.925
School bus standards, 386.550, 386.555
Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, reimbursements to districts and charter schools from, duties, 388.323
Special instructional services and programs, 388.001-388.655
Superintendent of Public Instruction (See SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION)
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, 391A.050-391A.090
Agreements with State Treasurer
Requirement, 353B.790
Termination, 353B.800-353B.815
Application to establish account, requirements for approval or denial, notification, request for waiver, exemptions, 353B.785
Audit of accounts, 353B.810
Committee to Review Payments, creation, duties, 353B.795
Definitions and construed meanings, 353B.760-353B.780
Deposit of money into and payments from accounts, 353B.790
Dissolution of accounts, 353B.805, 353B.810
Examinations, administration, list, 353B.790
Financial management firms, contracts to maintain and manage accounts, 353B.820
Freezing of accounts, 353B.805, 353B.810
List of children on whose behalf accounts have been established, 353B.790
Open enrollment period, 353B.785
Participating entity, application to become, additional requirements, 353B.825, 353B.830
Purposes of regulations, 353B.755
Reversion of money to State General Fund, 353B.815
Short title, 353B.750
Terminated accounts, quarterly list, 353B.815
Academics and textbooks, ch. 389
Bullying Prevention Account, grants from, duties, 388.925
Disabilities, persons with, education, 388.460-388.488
Drivers of school buses, 386.500-386.530
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, receipt of reports, 388D.070, 388D.120
Private kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools, 394.010-394.235
State administrative organization, ch. 385
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, 391A.050-391A.090
Application for grant, requirements, 388D.080
Complaints concerning violation of Program, 388D.130
Notice to school district that pupil will not attend current school, 388D.090
Registered private school, defined, 388D.010
Scholarship organizations
Annual financial statements, 388D.050
Award of grant, duties, 388D.090
Directory of organizations, Internet publication, 388D.070
Disclosure of financial records, 388D.050
Donations received, notice requirements, maximum duration to carry forward, 388D.060
Grant applications, duties, 388D.080
Information provided to Department, requirements, 388D.040, 388D.070
Notice of ineligibility or ceasing to exist, 388D.050
Registration for participation in Program, 388D.030
Norm-referenced tests, administration requirements, 388D.110
Quarterly submission of electronic list of certain information, annual report of aggregate data, 388D.120
Registration with Department required to receive grant on behalf of pupil, 388D.100
Transfer of pupil during school year, effect, 388D.090
Uses of grant, 388D.090
Certified produce vendors’ certificates, 576.500-576.640
Certified producers’ certificates, 576.300-576.440
Farmers’ markets, requirements, 446.979
Food establishments, protection, preparation and service of food, 446.101-446.192
Grades and standards, 583.080-583.201
Raptor eggs, possession, 503.205, 503.220
Scientific permits to collect eggs, 503.094
Mechanized reports, requirements, 293.359, 293C.260
Preparation, 293.160, 293C.150
Aged persons, provision of information or assistance to, 293.187-293.192, 293C.230, 293C.235
Applicability of regulations, 293.023, 293C.050
Audits of election results, 293.480-293.485
Ballot questions, 293.090, 293C.090
Ballots (See also Voting, this heading)
Absent ballots
Approved electronic transmission, sent by, 293C.196
Delivery of absent ballot by mail, 293C.190
Procedures for handling in city with absent ballot central counting board, 293C.195
Receipt, recording, verification of signatures, 293C.198
Reporting requirements after election, 293C.199
Voting at polling place after receipt, 293.243, 293C.155
Conduct of voting, 293.160, 293C.150
Counting procedure
Hand count of votes, 293.35611-293.35619, 293C.600-293C.640
Observation of process and counting of ballots, 293.356
Recess of procedure, 293.3555
Electronic transmission, use of approved system by certain persons, 293.205-293.212
Mail ballots
Surrendered mail ballots, processing, cancellation, 293.243, 293C.155
Voting by mail ballot, 293.243, 293.321-293.345, 293C.155
Mechanical systems or devices, requirements, 293B.012, 293B.017, 293B.040, 293B.060-293B.090
Name of candidate on ballot, change of manner of appearance, 293.081, 293C.080
Name of party, use on ballot, 293.073, 293.077
Printing, size and form of city election ballots, 293C.360-293C.380
Procedures after voting, 293.250, 293C.340
Processing of ballots
Nonpartisan office, determination of majority in primary election, 293.3573, 293C.245
Observation of processing and counting of ballots, 293.356
Reporting requirements after elections, 293.3595
Surrendered mail ballots, processing, cancellation, 293.243, 293C.155
Quantity required, city elections, 293C.100
Reimbursement for cost of basic ballot stock, 293.200
Sample ballots
Election supplies, preparation for each precinct, 293.220, 293C.310
General elections, 293.130, 293C.120
Omission of notice of availability in large type, 293.135
Presidential preference primary elections, 293.132
Primary elections, 293.120, 293C.110
Summary of votes cast, electronic, public record, 293.3593
Campaign practices
“Advocates expressly” or “expressly advocates,” determinations regarding statements or communications, 294A.135
Civil penalties, 294A.097, 294A.098
“Clearly identified,” determinations regarding candidate, group of candidates, question or group of questions, 294A.145
Complaints alleging violations to be in writing, 293.025
Construction of regulations, 294A.020
Contributions and campaign expenses, 294A.040-294A.098
Implication of nonincumbency in office, 294A.130
Nonprofit corporations, registration, 294A.200
Notification to candidate or public officer of alleged violation, 294A.120
Political action committee, 294A.250-294A.270
Political signs, 410.440
Recall of a public officer, committee for the, 294A.300
Reports to be personally signed by candidate, 294A.0405
Severability of regulations, 294A.030
Use of contributions to satisfy civil or criminal penalty prohibited, 294A.098
Certified lists to be sent to Secretary of State, 293C.070
Change of name on ballot, 293.081, 293C.080
Declaration of candidacy, 293.0602-293.0607, 293C.065
Petitions, requirements for certain petitions, 293.1775-293.1823, 293.183-293.1844
Challenged voters
Counting of votes cast, 293.173, 293C.200
Written challenges, 293.416, 293.418
City elections, ch. 293C
Complaint alleging violation of state laws, filing, 293.025
Conduct of elections
Election operations significantly disrupted, contingency plans, 293.202, 293C.270
Recall or other special election not held on same day as primary or general election, 293.203, 293C.275
Congress, filling of vacancy in office, ch. 304
Constitutional amendments and statewide measures, request for payment of publication costs, 293.071
Definitions, 293.010
Disabilities, persons with, provision of information or assistance to, 293.187-293.192, 293C.230, 293C.235
Early voting (See Voting, this heading)
Electronic rosters, required tests before election, 293.228, 293C.075
Electronic transmission use of approved system by certain persons, 293.205-293.212
Help America Vote Act, complaints alleging violation, 293.500-293.560
Initiative petitions
Compensation of persons to circulate petitions, reporting of information, 294A.270
Complaints concerning violations to be in writing, 293.025
Constitutional convention, notice if initiative would require, 295.040
Individual documents limited to voters of single county, 295.025
Multiple documents, requirements, 295.020
Request to remove person’s name from petition, 295.050
Separate documents required for each petition district contained within county, 295.025
Signatures on petitions, verification, prohibited acts, 293.1823-293.185
Mechanical voting systems or devices
Audit, postelection, for verification of operating systems, 293B.120
Ballot duplicating board, creation, members and duties, 293B.017, 293C.307
Documentary records, maintenance, requirements, 293B.022
Generally, ch. 293B
Official title for each race, requirements, 293B.012
Polling places using systems in city elections, 293C.300-293C.340
Security of and access to, requirements, 293B.050, 293B.055
Certification, maintenance of audit trail, 293B.110
Installation on system, prohibition, 293B.105
Vote adjudication board, creation, members and duties, 293B.015
Military and overseas absentee voters, ch. 293D
Offices to be filled, notice, 293.040, 293C.060
Petitions other than initiative and referendum petitions, requirements, 293.1775-293.1823, 293.184-293.1844
Political parties
Candidacy for major political party, requirements, 293.0606
Congress, nominations to fill vacancy in office, ch. 304
Major political party
Candidacy, requirements, 293.0606
Petition for qualification, requirements, 293.1823, 293.184-293.1844
Name of party, use on ballot, sample ballot or application to register, 293.073, 293.077
Polling places
Accessibility, confirmation of, 293.192, 293C.235
City elections, procedures, 293C.300-293C.400
Election boards
Cities, members of boards, 293C.130
Before voting, 293.230, 293C.320
Non-mechanical voting systems, supplies and equipment, 293C.390
Procedures regarding voting, 293.240, 293C.330
Observance of voting, requirements, 293.245
Opening and closing of polls
Approval of plan, 293.217
Notification to Secretary of State, 293.215, 293.217
Proclamation, 293.160, 293C.150
Soliciting votes and electioneering, “polling place” interpreted for purposes of, 293.015, 293C.055
Supplies or equipment, 293.220, 293.225, 293C.140, 293C.310, 293C.390
Vote center defined, 293C.052
Voting booths, 293.240, 293.245, 293C.140
Presidential elections, voting by new residents, 298.010
Recall of public officers
Candidate nominated as successor, withdrawal of candidacy, 306.050
Complaints concerning violations to be in writing, 293.025
Election not held on same day as primary or general election, conduct of elections, 293.203, 293C.275
Notification of special election by county or city clerk, 306.025
Clerical errors, correction, 306.022
Complaints to challenge petitions, 306.040
Copy of proposed petition, compliance with requirements, 306.015
Filing of proposed petition with Secretary of State, 306.015
Individual documents, requirements, 293.182
Nomination of other candidate, copy of petition to be filed with filing officer, 306.045
Notice of intent to circulate, filing, 306.005, 306.007
Officer to be recalled, notification of filing, 306.023
Number, verification, notifications, 293.1823, 293.184-293.1844, 306.018-306.021
Witnesses to verification, 293.183
Withdrawal, 306.031
Referendum petitions
Compensation of persons to circulate petitions, reporting of information, 294A.270
Complaints concerning violations to be in writing, 293.025
Individual documents limited to voters of single county, 295.025
Multiple documents, requirements, 295.020
Request to remove person’s name from petition, 295.050
Separate documents required for each petition district contained within county, 295.025
Signatures on petitions, verification, prohibited acts, 293.1823-293.185
Reporting requirements after election, 293.3595
Results, submission to Secretary of State, 293.217
Risk-limiting audits of election results, 293.480-293.485
Sample ballots (See Ballots, this heading)
Supreme Court justices, designation of offices of, 293.060
Tribal member, declaration of registered voter, 293.2083
Voter registration
Aged persons, provision of information or assistance to, 293.187-293.192, 293C.230, 293C.235
Applications for registration, 293.077, 293.419-293.450
Disabilities, persons with, provision of information or assistance to, 293.187-293.192, 293C.230, 293C.235
Electronic transmission, use of approved system by certain persons, 293.205-293.212
Ex-felons, 293.414
Identification numbers, assignment to certain persons, 293.411
In county where not previously registered, 293.405
Inactive voters, 293.412
Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties, 293.407-293.409
“Official identification” interpreted, 293.395
Polling place, registration in person, proof of identity for certain persons, 293.397
Signatures of registered voters, provision to city clerk by county clerk, 293C.145
Statewide voter registration list, 293.456-293.476
Voter registration agency, duties, 293.410, 293.4105
Written challenge, 293.416, 293.418
Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail
Certification audits after election, 293.255, 293B.100
Conduct of voting, 293.160, 293C.150
Procedures after voting, 293.250, 293C.340
Testing, 293B.090
Aged persons, provision of information or assistance to, 293.187-293.192, 293C.230, 293C.235
Audits of election results, 293.480-293.485
Challenged voters
Counting of votes cast, 293.173, 293C.200
Written challenges, 293.416, 293.418
Conduct of voting, 293.160, 293.245, 293C.150
Disabilities, persons with, provision of information and assistance to, 293.187-293.192, 293C.230, 293C.235
Early voting
Opening and closing of polls, notice to Secretary of State, 293.215
Procedures after voting, 293.249, 293C.335
Reporting of small number of returns, 293.357, 293C.240
Electronic transmission, use of approved system by certain persons, 293.205-293.212
Examination of voting booths, 293.240, 293C.330
Mail ballot voting, 293.243, 293.321-293.345, 293C.155, 293C.500-293C.535
Mechanical voting systems (See Mechanical voting systems or devices, this heading)
Military and overseas voters, ch. 293D
Observance of voting, requirements, 293.245
Presidential elections, 298.010
Procedures after voting
Early voting, 293.249, 293C.335
Election day, 293.250, 293C.340
Generally, 293C.400
Procedures regarding voting, 293.240, 293C.330
Provisional ballot, voting by under certain circumstances, 293.265-293.280
Returns, 293.357, 293.358, 293.359, 293C.240-293C.260
Signature stamp, use by voter, 293.177
Turnout of voters on election day, notification to Secretary of State regarding, 293.219
Violations, notice, 293.240, 293C.330
Vote adjudication board, creation, members and duties, 293B.015, 293C.305
Waiting to vote at time polls close, determination, 293.247
Use by State Controller, 353.010-353.080
Accidents, procedure following, 455C.526
Applicability and scope of regulations, 455C.410, 455C.446
Codes, adoption by reference, 455C.500
Compliance with codes and regulations, requirements, 455C.502, 455C.504
Construction, installation, alteration or repair, 455C.506, 455C.508
Definitions, 455C.002-455C.012, 455C.400-455C.444
Dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks and wheelchair platforms, applicability of regulations, 455C.410
Emergency orders, 455C.615
Exemptions from regulation, 455C.448
Fees of Mechanical Compliance Section, 455C.450
Inspection agencies
Certification, 455C.480-455C.488
Mechanical Compliance Section, audits, duties, 455C.492
Inspections, 455C.516-455C.522
Log of machine room incidents, requirements, 455C.523
Mechanic apprentices and helpers, work cards, 455C.468-455C.476, 455C.600-455C.644
Mechanical Compliance Section, authority and jurisdiction, 455C.015
Mechanics, certificates, 455C.460, 455C.462, 455C.600-455C.644
Numbering of equipment, 455C.524
Operating permits, 455C.506, 455C.510
Periodic maintenance and testing, 455C.512, 455C.514, 455C.522
Phase II Emergency In-Car Operation, requirements, 455C.503
Reports of inspections and tests, 455C.510, 455C.522
Special inspectors
Certificates of competency, 455C.464-455C.466, 455C.472-455C.476
Enforcement, 455C.600-455C.644
Violations, procedure following, 455C.528, 455C.600-455C.644
Autonomous vehicle network companies, excessive rates during emergency prohibited, 706B.435
Emergency Assistance Account, use, ch. 414
Motor carriers, emergency use, 706.254
Nevada Interstate Mutual Aid System, ch. 414A
Transportation network companies, excessive fares during emergency prohibited, 706A.290
Ambulance services and fire-fighting agencies, 450B.505-450B.645
Authorized activities, 450B.384-450B.455
Critical care paramedics, endorsement, 450B.381, 450B.382
Licensing and certification, 450B.310-450B.380, 450B.390
Registered nurses, requirements, 632.565-632.590
Commerce tax, calculation of uncompensated care deduction for health care providers, 363C.230
Community paramedicine services, 450B.482-450B.489
Controlled substances and dangerous drugs, 450B.461-450B.481
Crashes or incidents, reports, 450B.717
Definitions, 450B.010-450B.280
Disciplinary action, 450B.650-450B.695
Dispatchers, certification, 450B.456-450B.459
Emergency medical responders, certification, 450B.305, 450B.355, 450B.366
Endorsement to administer immunizations, dispense medications and respond to public health needs, 450B.493-450B.497
Fees, 450B.700
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, ch. 453C
Immunizations, endorsement to administer, 450B.493-450B.497
Independent centers for emergency medical care (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND OTHER RELATED ENTITIES)
Administration and personnel, 449.6132-449.61338
Facilities, 449.6135-449.61354
Health and safety of patients, 439.900-439.945
Licensing, 449.013, 449.0168, 449.61302-449.61308
Medical services and medical records, 449.6137-449.61384
Instructors, endorsements, 450B.723, 450B.725
Insurance, contents of group health policy, 689B.130
Life-sustaining treatment, withholding, 450B.950-450B.960
Nonresidents, certification, 450B.715
Patient wait times, collection of data, 450B.880-450B.890
Rejection of permit, endorsement or license, 450B.710
Severability of regulations, 450B.300
Special events, reports by host organization, 450B.718
Standards, 450B.297
Trauma Registry, Nevada
Confidentiality of information collected, 450B.765
Scientific research, access to information in registry, 450B.7655
Trauma, treatment of, 450B.760-450B.875
Unarmed combat, notice of program to be provided to emergency medical services, 467.414
Unmanned aerial vehicles, operation by public agencies, 493.100
Variances by local authorities, 450B.295
Cancellation or failure to renew insurance policy or contract, notice requirements, 687B.564
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from leasing employees to another person, 363C.430
Disclosure of names and address of client companies to insurers, 687B.562
Abatement of taxes for certain businesses, 360.466-360.479
Business tax, ch. 363B
Disabilities, workers with, employment at special minimum wage, 608.200-608.370
Drug manufacturers, 585.270, 585.280
Employer-assisted housing programs, 319.491-319.501
Employment agencies and offices, ch. 611
Food establishments, management and personnel, 446.051-446.058
Government employee-management relations, ch. 288
Group and blanket health insurance, ch. 689B
Health insurance for small employers, ch. 689C
Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)
Institutions, agencies and facilities to which children are committed, ch. 62B
Labor Commissioner, ch. 607
Minors, employment of, ch. 609
Occupational safety and health, ch. 618
Public accommodations, 447.350-447.370
Taxes on financial institutions, ch. 363A
Wages, ch. 608
Welfare-to-work programs, ch. 613
Generally, ch. 611
Administrator, qualifications and duties, 449.879
Attendants, qualifications and training, 449.880
Duties of agencies, 449.882
Liability coverage, 449.877
Licenses, fees, 449.013, 449.877
Operation of multiple work station, 449.877
Autism spectrum disorders, reports, 427A.558
Employment Security Division, unemployment compensation, ch. 612
Mine inspection, ch. 512
Occupational diseases, ch. 617
Occupational safety and health (See OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH)
Rehabilitation Division
Blind or Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are, ch. 426
Employment of workers with disabilities at special minimum wage, 608.200-608.370
Organizations for training and employment of persons with mental or physical disabilities, registration and reports, ch. 334
Practice before the Division, 232.210-232.330
Vocational rehabilitation, ch. 615
Buildings, standards for energy conservation, 701.010-701.245
Electricity, resource planning, 704.9005-704.9525
Geothermal resources (See GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES)
Natural gas, conservation and energy efficiency programs, 704.9702-704.9718
Property tax abatement
Energy efficient structures, 360.479, 361.617-361.620, 701A.010-701A.370
Renewable energy facilities, 701A.500-701A.660
Property tax exemption for qualified systems for heating, cooling or provision of electricity, 361.052-361.058
Public utilities, conservation of energy in residences, 704.800-704.876
Renewable energy generally (See RENEWABLE ENERGY)
State buildings, incorporation of green building design measures for construction or remodeling of larger buildings, 341.301-341.376
Water and sewer systems, resource planning, 704.565-704.5688
Account for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loans, 701.600-701.700
Green buildings, partial abatement of property taxes, 701A.010-701A.290
Renewable energy facilities, partial tax abatements, 701A.500-701A.660
State contracts for operating cost-savings measures, duties, 333A.150
State officers and employees, repayment of loans made from Renewable Energy Account, 701A.700-701A.750
Advisory Committee on the Control of Emissions from Motor Vehicles, 445B.850-445B.857
Concealment of emissions prohibited, 445B.601
Definitions, 445B.401-445B.4556, 445B.737-445B.762, 445B.782-445B.808
Devices to control pollution, requirements, 445B.575, 445B.579
Diesel engine vehicles, testing, 445B.587-445B.589
Disciplinary action, appeals, inapplicability of certain provisions, 445B.885
Electronic monitoring of emission information, voluntary program of, 445B.602, 445B.603
Environmental performance labels, requirements, 445B.819
Environmental requirements, 445C.010-445C.140
Evidence of compliance, 445B.583-445B.586
Exhaust gas analyzers, 445B.472, 445B.5049-445B.5075
Facilities for inspection and maintenance, 445B.460-445B.480, 445B.5895, 445B.735
Fleet stations, 445B.478
Fleet vehicles, program of electronic monitoring of emission information, 482.665
Heavy-duty vehicles, 445B.737-445B.774
Inspection of vehicles, 445B.579-445B.582, 445B.592-445B.595, 445B.735, 445B.832
Inspectors, 445B.485-445B.502, 445B.7015-445B.7045
Model year 2025, standards for motor vehicles beginning with, 445B.780-445B.846
Older vehicles with special license plates, applicability of regulations, 445B.574
Out-of-state vehicles, 445B.5915
Recall campaigns, compliance, 445B.836
Inspection of vehicle unnecessary, registration forms, 445B.591
Renewal of registration by authorized station or inspection station, 482.700-482.765
Rescission and cancellation of registration of vehicle emitting excessive fumes or smoke, 482.913
Repair of vehicle, reinspection or retesting, 445B.582
Scope of regulations, 445B.400
Severability of regulations, 445B.456
Standards for emissions, 445B.596
Test stations, inspections of, 445B.7015-445B.7045
Visible emissions, restrictions, 445B.576-445B.578
Voluntary program of electronic monitoring of emission information, 445B.602, 445B.603
Waiver of standards, 445B.590, 445B.774
Warranties, provision to purchaser of model year 2025 or later, 445B.834
Zero emission vehicles, certification, 445B.838
Advertising, unlawful acts, 625.630
Code of conduct, 625.510-625.550
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from engineering services, 363C.435
Contact information of licensee, filing, 625.615
Continuing education, 625.430-625.490
Dams, preparation of plans and specifications, ch. 535
Disciplinary action, 625.640-625.645
Examinations, 625.310, 625.330
Fictitious names, 625.620
Firms, registration, 625.425
Government employees, notification of certain conduct, 625.550
Licensure, 625.020, 625.210, 625.217, 625.220-625.260, 625.410
Notice of change in employer, category or discipline, 625.625
Retired or inactive status of licensee, 625.420
Stamps, seals and signatures on documents, 625.610-625.613
Structural engineers, licensure for certain activities, 625.260
Air pollution, 445B.001-445B.3689
Alternative fuels, use by fleet vehicles, duties, ch. 486A
Emissions from engines, 445B.400-445B.774
Hazardous waste
Certification of laboratories to analyze samples, publications adopted by reference, 459.96946-459.96954, 459.9699
Facilities for the management of, 444.842-444.8482
Limitations on issuance of permits, 444.960
Mining reclamation, appeal of grievances, 519A.415
Polychlorinated biphenyl, 444.940-444.9555
Practice before Commission, 444.980, 444A.150, 445B.875-445B.899, 459.9998
Public water systems, 445A.450-445A.6731
Solid waste disposal, 444.570-444.7499
Storage tanks, 459.9921-459.999
Subdivision of land, appeals, 278.530
Underground injection control, 445A.810-445A.925
Water pollution control, 445A.070-445A.348
“Basic science courses” interpreted, 625A.011
Board of Environmental Health Specialists, 625A.0111-625A.0125
Continuing education, 625A.080-625A.086
Definitions, 625A.010
Disciplinary actions, 625A.090-625A.130
Professional responsibility, 625A.065
Registration, 625A.013-625A.069
Unprofessional conduct, 625A.090
Consultants to conduct environmental audit, certification, 455C.120
Environmental audit agreements, 445C.040, 445C.100, 445C.110, 445C.130
Public records, public registry, 445C.140
Violation of environmental requirement, 445C.130
Rules of practice, ch. 233
State employees, complaints of unlawful discrimination, 284.696
Advisory opinions, 361.749-361.753
Communications, 361.688
Meetings, 361.686
Parties to proceedings, 361.690-361.700
Performance audits of certain county officers, 360.720-360.736
Valuation of property, equalization by Board, 361.650-361.669
Applicability, 368A.110
Computation of amount of tax, 368A.140
Applications to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, fingerprints may be required, 657.010
Complaints against escrow agencies, 119A.290
Mobile homes, escrow accounts for sale of, 598.010-598.060
Mortgage brokers, escrow accounts, 645B.150-645B.170
Time shares, escrow account for purchasers of, 119A.258
Definitions, 645A.005-645A.065
Educational requirements for licensure, 645A.055-645A.160
Enforcement, 645A.350-645A.425
Investigations and examinations, confidentiality of records, reports and other information, 645A.800
Licensure by endorsement, 645A.180-645A.190
Standards of practice, 645A.210-645A.290
Supervision by Commissioner of Mortgage Lending, 645A.300-645A.315
Generally, ch. 375A
Alcohol and other substance use disorders, treatment programs, operators and staff, 458.177
Alcohol, drug and gambling counselors, 641C.120
Architects, 623.900
Audiology, speech-language pathology or fitting and dispensing hearing aids, reports of unethical practice, 637B.042
Behavior analysts, 641.255
Brand inspectors, 565.310
Captive insurers, 694C.290
Clinical professional counselors, 641A.252
Court reporters, 656.300-656.390
Developers, 119.310
Dietitians, 640E.230
Dispensing opticians, 637.235
Escrow agents, 645A.210-645A.290
Insurance brokers, 683A.700-683A.718
Insurer licensees, adoption of conflict-of-interest policy, filing of disclosure, 679B.035
Interior designers, 623.860-623.885
Landscape architects, 623A.480
Marijuana regulation and taxation, state employees enforcing provisions, 453D.175
Marriage and family therapists, 641A.252
Massage therapists, 640C.410, 640C.420
Nevada Capital Investment Corporation, members and employees, 355.290, 355.310
Occupational therapists, 640A.205, 640A.350
Oriental Medicine, State Board of, members, 634A.105
Osteopathic physicians, 633.350
Physical therapy licensees, 640.550-640.660
Podiatric physicians, 635.098
Psychologists, 641.250
Public Works Division, State, employees, 341.030
Residential designers, 623.900
Securities personnel, 90.327
Veterinarians, 638.045-638.052
Administration, 281A.150-281A.200
Definitions, 281A.010-281A.105
Ex parte communications, duties of member participating, 281A.195
Filing of certain documents, form, 281A.615
Hearings, ethics complaints, 281A.450-281A.470
Advisory opinions, 281A.350-281A.375
Ethics complaints and opinions, 281A.403-281A.473
Petitions to adopt, file, amend or repeal regulations, 281A.555
Practice and procedure before Commission, 281A.250-281A.310, 281A.555
Public records, inspection and copying, 281A.560
Severability of regulations, 281A.110
Alcohol or controlled substance, affidavits regarding presence, identity or amount, ch. 50
Birth certificates for homebirths, 440.092-440.098
Boating, prima facie evidence of reckless or negligent operation, 488.435
Industrial insurance, grievance hearings, 616B.9936
Registration of births and deaths, alteration or correction of certificate, 440.030, 440.035
Unarmed combat, drug testing credits, burden of proof on promoter to prove legitimacy and accuracy of credits claimed, 467.588
Claims against State for payment pursuant to legislative appropriation or authorization, procedure, 353.100
Tort claims, ch. 41
Water projects, approval of findings regarding, 349.380
Administrative proceedings and practice, 455.200-455.450
Association for operators deemed to be Underground Service Alert North or successor organization, 455.100
Subsurface installations, excavation or demolition near, 455.105-455.165
Certification, 695J.200-695J.220
Continuing education, 695J.300-695J.390
Duties of facilitators toward clients, 695J.400-695J.490
Precertification education, 695J.100-695J.180
Containers for flammable or combustible liquids, sale, 477.680
Fuels (See FUELS)
Manufacturing operations
Certificates of competency, 618.511-618.5114
Construction or alteration of manufacturing plant, 618.5105-618.5108
Safety programs and procedures, 618.5115-618.5120
State parks, prohibited acts, 407.101
Use of explosives in blasting, 477.710-477.730, 528.070
Appropriation of water, requests to Colorado River Commission of Nevada, 538.800
Prescriptions, transmission, 639.7105, 639.711, 639.7145
Public utilities, discovery requests, 703.680
Voter registration forms, requests, 293.425
Construction and design, ch. 461
Movement of structure, 484D.690
Real property, certificates and notices, 489.203
Community health nursing clinics, fees for services and supplies, 442.222
Generally, ch. 430A
Air pollution, minimization, 445B.22093
Generally, ch. 588
CARA plans of care, 449.939-449.948
Accountants, public, 628.140
Architects, 623.740
Autonomous vehicle network companies, 706B.380
Bail businesses, 697.350
Collection agencies, 649.260
Court reporting firms, 656.250
Dentists, false advertising, 631.270
Engineers, 625.620
Fire systems, licensees, 477.345
Interior designers, 623.740
Manufactured or homes, licensees, 489.335
Mortgage bankers, 645E.240, 645E.250
Mortgage brokers, 645B.035
Mortgage lending and related professions, 645F.260, 645F.265, 645F.300
Motor carriers, 706.1375-706.1377, 706.167, 706.906
Optometrists, 636.215
Oriental medicine, 634A.121
Private investigators and related occupations, 648.540
Real estate licensees, 645.620
Residential designers, 623.740
Securities broker-dealers, branch offices, 90.3935
Surveyors, 625.620
Transportation network companies, 706A.230
Loans from investment portfolios, duties, 355.100
Private activity bonds, receipt of documents, duties, 348A.240, 348A.270
Credit unions (See CREDIT UNIONS)
Installment loans (See INSTALLMENT LOANS)
Taxes on financial institutions (See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TAXES ON)
Thrift companies (See THRIFT COMPANIES)
Trust companies (See TRUST COMPANIES)
Affordable housing, transferable tax credits for, 360.870-360.896
Audits of taxpayers, 360.700-360.706
Compromise of taxpayer’s liability, 360.437, 360.438
Credit for matching employee contributions to prepaid tuition contracts and college savings accounts, 363A.500-363A.515
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 363A.010-363A.110, 363A.350
Dishonored checks, effect, 360.410
Economic development, transferable tax credits to promote, 231.350-231.385
Electronic submission of returns and remission of payments, 360.550-360.598
Employers, maintenance and availability of records, 363A.330
Excise tax on banks, 363A.350, 363A.360, 363A.510
Installment payments, 360.042, 360.450-360.464
Late returns, acceptance by Department of Taxation, 360.401
Liability of business successor, 360.430
Overpayment, standards for determining reason for, 360.485
Payroll tax, 363A.380-363A.430
Penalties or interest
Late tax payment, amount of penalty, 360.395
Waiver or reduction, 360.396-360.398
Refunds, claims for, 360.480
Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights, 360.042
Air pollution and emission controls
Administrative fines and other penalties, 445B.727
Classification of violations, 445B.281
Manner of paying fines, 445B.283
Manufacturer of approved analyzer, violations, 445B.5075
Test stations, inspections, violations, 445B.7045
Alternative fuels for fleet vehicles, violations, 486A.220, 486A.230
Animal chiropractic practitioners, 638.840
Animal physical therapy practitioners, 638.790
Audiologists, speech-language pathologists and hearing aid specialists, 637B.0382
Automobile wreckers, 487.900
Autonomous vehicle network companies, 706B.115, 706B.475
Aviation fuel tax, 365.167, 365.300
Barber schools, 643.525
Barbers, 643.780
Boating, waste disposal violations, 488.540
Body shops, 487.900
Boilers and pressure vessels, violations involving, 455C.618-455C.622
Cancer, failure of health care facilities to provide information regarding neoplasms, 457.145
Child care services and facilities, 432A.195
Collection agencies, 649.340
Common-interest community managers, 116A.345, 116A.350, 116A.360
Contractors, 624.7251
Cosmetology licensees, 644A.860
Dental licensees, failure to provide change of address to Board of Dental Examiners, 631.150
Depositories of public money and securities, 356.180
Dissolved mineral resources, violations, 534B.500
Driver schools and instructors, 483.7651
Elevators and similar mechanisms, violations involving, 455C.618-455C.622
Emergency medical services, violations, ch. 450B
Garages and garage operators, 487.900
Gasoline, sale of nonconforming fuel, 590.070
Hazardous materials
Disposal of hazardous waste, 444.8701-444.8746, 459.950
Violations generally, 459.949
Health services executives, 654.098, 654.181, 654.250
Homeopathic assistants and advanced practitioners of homeopathy, 630A.610
Hospitals, failure to submit financial reports, 439B.240
Industrial hemp growers, handlers or producers, 557.260
Assessments, late payment or nonpayment, 679B.157
Fees, failure to pay, 449.953, 679B.078, 680C.220
Information collection, use and disclosure, violations, 679B.750
Intermediary service organizations, 449.39561
Interscholastic activities, 385B.820, 385B.920, 385B.960
Jet or turbine powered aircraft fuel, tax on, 365.167, 365.300
Marijuana taxation and regulation, civil penalties, 453D.905, 453D.908
Mining reclamation, maximum civil penalty, 519A.405
Money, issuers of instruments for transmission or payment of, 671.085
Motor carriers, 706.4008-706.4019
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, 365.167, 365.300
Motor vehicle licensing and registration, violations, 482.042, 482.930, 482.933, 482.942
Nursery stock, 554.980, 554.982, 555.115-555.175, 555.190, 555.210-555.235
Nursing facility administrators, 654.144, 654.181, 654.190, 654.250
Occupational therapists, 640A.170
Optometrists, 636.215
Pesticide application, 555.530
Pharmacists and pharmacies, 639.955
Photovoltaic installers, 618.471, 618.474
Physicians, 630.237
Postsecondary educational institutions, administrative fines, 394.670
Private investigators and related occupations, 648.431, 648.433, 648.439
Public weighmasters, 582.300
Public works violations, 338.120, 341.210-341.230
Raptors, violations involving, 503.330
Real estate licensees, 645.695
Remission of fines, 213.040-213.205
Residential facilities for groups, administrators, 654.165, 654.181, 654.190, 654.250
Respiratory care practitioners, 630.555
Salvage pools, operators of, 487.900
Special fuel tax, violations, 366.0075, 366.400-366.420
State Engineer, authority, 532.210
Telemarketers, payment, 599B.805
Traffic fines, notice of nonpayment to Department of Motor Vehicles, 482.450-482.480
Transportation network companies, 706A.140, 706A.180, 706A.370, 706A.380, 706A.750, 706A.760
Unarmed combat, licensees, 467.5705-467.578, 467.900, 467.905
Veterinarians, 638.0433, 638.790, 638.840
Weights and measures, 581.260, 582.300
Accountants, 628.019
Alcohol, drug and gambling counselors, 641C.200, 641C.277
Asset managers, 645H.110
Behavior analysts, 641.029, 641.031
Body shops, applicants for licensing, 487.110
Building inspectors, applicants for certificate, 645D.150
Business brokers, 645.913
Child care facilities, licensees and employees, 432A.200
Chiropractic, examination applicants, 634.220
Common-interest community managers, 116A.110, 116A.145
Covered service providers, licensure by endorsement, 645F.350
Criminal records, custodians, 179A.070
Dentists and dental hygienists, 631.030
Driving instructors, 483.754
Escrow agents, licensure by endorsement, 645A.180
Financial institutions, license applicants, 657.010
Health services executives, 654.091
Homeopathic physicians, 630A.050
Insurance producers, 683A.272
Intermediary service organizations, applicants for certificates, 449.3951
Jobs and day training services, employees and independent contractors, 435.893, 435.925
Marijuana establishment agent registration card applicants, 453D.340
Marijuana establishments, owners, officers and board members, 453D.305
Medical use of marijuana, applicants for registry identification card or letters of approval, 453A.100
Mortgage bankers, 645E.315
Mortgage brokers and agents, licensure by endorsement, 645B.012
Mortgage servicers, 645F.953, 645F.962
Motor vehicle dealers and other licensees, 482.905
Nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services, providers of, 433.420
Notaries public, 240.215
Nursing assistants and medication-aides certified, 632.167, 632.192
Nursing facility administrators, 654.110, 654.112
Off-highway vehicles, licensees, 490.165
Owner-developers, 645.710
Perfusionists, licensure by endorsement, 630.715
Podiatric licensees, 635.023
Prescription drugs, wholesale distributors, 639.223, 639.224, 639.593, 639.59305
Private schools, licensees, 394.160
Psychologists, 641.025, 641.028
Real estate licensees, 645.100, 645.315, 645.325
Residential facilities for groups, administrators, 654.1505, 654.152
Respiratory care, practitioners of, licensure by endorsement, 630.513
Social workers, 641B.090, 641B.111
Supported living arrangement services, employees and independent contractors, 435.537, 435.689
Third-party certifiers, 483.12267
Time shares, sales agents, 119A.075
Emergency medical services, 450B.505-450B.645
Training of personnel, requirements, 477.2835
Unmanned aerial vehicles, operation by public agencies, 493.100
Generally, ch. 477
Additions and alterations to existing buildings and structures, 477.917
Alcohol and drug treatment facilities, 449.098, 449.135
Ambulatory surgical centers, 449.983
Child care facilities, 477.562-477.568
Clarification of regulations, requests for, 477.285
Codes, adoption, compliance and variances, 477.275-477.287
Commercial buildings in rural regions, 477.920
Community triage centers, 449.74373
Emergency response guidebook, adoption by reference, 477.2833
Fire incident reporting system, 477.905
Fire retardant roofing materials, 472.020, 472.030
Food establishments, requirements for temporary establishments, 446.664
Forest practice, requirements, 528.030, 528.060-528.090
Foster homes
Fire drills, 424.605
Fire safety generally, 424.400
“Single-family residential occupancy” interpreted, 477.564
Groups, residential facilities for, 449.229
Halfway houses for persons recovering from alcohol or other substance use disorders, 449.154945
Housing Division, adoption of standards, 489.175
Hydrants, maintenance, 704.569
Institutional buildings, 477.550-477.560
Interior design, 477.333-477.3338
Interlocal agreements, requirements, 477.288
Manufactured home parks, 461A.270
Marijuana establishments, inspection, 453D.288
Mobile medical units, 449.9704
Modified medical detoxification facilities, 449.15365, 449.15367
Open burning, regulation, 445B.22067
Outpatient facilities, inspection, 449.999421
Performers working with fire, certification required, 477.630
Portable buildings used by schools, 477.172, 477.440-477.446
Power-driven vessels, 488.415-488.425
Practice before State Fire Marshal Division, 477.930-477.997
Rangeland fire protection associations, 472.100-472.170
Refractive surgery, facilities for, 449.4516
Released offenders, transitional living facilities, 449.154993, 449.154999
Repairs to existing buildings and structures, 477.917
Residential structures, smoke alarms, 477.350
Review of plans, 477.325, 477.740-477.750
Rural areas, commercial buildings, 477.920
Severability of regulations, 477.290
State buildings, 477.910-477.915
Storage of hazardous materials, permit requirements, 477.323
Type 1 exhaust systems, 477.770-477.790
Alarm systems
Evidence of capability, 477.365
Installation, maintenance and inspection, 477.346, 477.365, 477.370
License, classification and application, 477.345
Plans and specifications, 477.365
Sound levels, 477.365
Tags, 477.370
Annual reports of registrants employed by firms, 477.345
Applicability of provisions, 477.340
Disciplinary action, 477.943, 477.993
Equipment, approval, 477.350
Extinguishers and extinguishing systems
Advertising and sales, 477.407
Applicability of provisions, 477.380
Disciplinary action, 477.410, 477.420
Employees of licensed firms, 477.400, 477.435
Approval, 477.405
Service shops and vehicles, requirements, 477.409
Fixed systems, 477.430
Hydrostatic testing, 477.415
Installation, maintenance and service, 477.410, 477.422-477.430
Power-driven vessels, required equipment, 488.415
Replacement of extinguishers, 477.420
Reports to State Fire Marshal, 477.435
Swapping out, practice prohibited, 477.410
Heat detectors, sale, installation or repair, 477.3465
Inspections, 477.300, 477.325, 477.335
Installation, maintenance, service and inspection, 477.348, 477.349, 477.370
Licenses and certificate of registration
Access to systems, 477.300
Application, requirements, 477.300
Certification, 477.314-477.3148
Expiration and renewal, 477.310
Fees, 477.310, 477.3142, 477.325
Notice of employment or termination, 477.310
Permits to store hazardous materials, 477.323
Separate and duplicate licenses, 477.305
Practice before State Fire Marshal Division, 477.930-477.997
Sprinkler systems
Equipment, approval, 477.455
Inspection and testing, notices, 477.460, 477.470
Installation, maintenance and service, 477.346, 477.460-477.470
License, classification and application, 477.345
Residential systems, 477.480-477.540
Standards, compliance with, 477.455
Standards, compliance, 477.350
Standpipe systems
Hydrostatic testing, 477.810, 477.830
Inspections, 477.810, 477.820, 477.850
Installation, maintenance and service, 477.346, 477.810-477.850
License, classification and application, 477.345
Plans and specifications, 477.830
Child care facilities, safety concerning weapons, 432A.255
Concealed firearms, permits, ch. 202
Foster homes, safety requirements, 424.600
Big game mammals, 503.142
Migratory game birds, 503.183
Mountain lions, 503.142
Safety course, 502.500
Sight attached to firearm, 503.145
Private investigators and related occupations, use of firearms by licensees or employees, 648.345-648.355
State parks, limitations on use, 407.105
Trapshooting supplies, application of sales tax, 372.250
Wildlife highway crossings, limitations on use, 504.105
Wildlife management areas, limitations on use, 504.135
Commercial displays, 477.576, 477.606-477.618
Disciplinary action, 477.46
Exemptions from regulation, 477.601
Licenses and certificates of registration, 477.620-477.646
Prohibited acts, 477.661
Records, 477.651
Seizure, impoundment and disposal, 477.661, 477.666
State parks, prohibited acts, 407.101
Storage, 477.323, 477.663, 477.666
Theft, loss or disappearance, reports, 477.651
Bait and lures
Aquatic bait, authority to capture, sale, hold or transport, 503.510
Colorado River, Lake Mead and Lake Mohave, use of bait, 503.508, 503.590
Commercial wildlife permit, 503.513
Definitions, 503.500
Eastern Region, restrictions on bait and lures, 503.506, 503.510
General authority to capture, transport and use bait, restrictions, 503.502
Importation of live or aquatic bait, 503.515, 503.530
Inspection of shipment of live bait, 503.535
Sale of live or aquatic bait, 503.520
Southern Region, restrictions on bait and lures, 503.507, 503.510
Species of live bait that may be captured, sold, held or transported, 503.510
Western Region, restrictions on bait and lures, 503.504, 503.510
Carp, stocking of triploid grass carp, 504.720-504.730
Classification of fish, 503.060-503.072
Colorado River, fishing in, 502.285, 503.508, 503.590
Commercial permit to take unprotected fish, 503.545-503.555
Commercial taking, sale and purchase, 503.540
Methods of taking, 503.100
Definitions, 502.001-502.1175, 503.0001-503.0047, 503.500
Demerit points, schedule, 501.200
Energy development projects, requirements, 701.800-701.820
Filleting of fish, 503.586
Food establishments, protection, preparation and service of food, 446.101-446.192
Game fish
Classification, 503.060
Transportation of live game fish, restrictions, 503.115
Hatcheries and farms
Carp, stocking of triploid grass carp, 504.720-504.730
Disease, certification as free from, 503.560, 503.565
Noncommercial license for possession of endemic species, 503.575
Ice fishing, size of holes, 503.583
Injurious aquatic species, classification, 503.072
Lake Mead and Lake Mohave, fishing in, 502.285, 503.508, 503.590
License agents, 502.120-502.197
Applications, requirements, 502.199
Arizona, waters shared with, 502.285
Armed Forces personnel, 502.220
California, waters shared with, 502.286
Date when license unnecessary, 502.300
Duplicate license, 502.250
Fees, payment, 502.118, 502.119
Nevada Colorado River special use stamps, use, 502.285
Severe physical disability, persons with, 502.245
Suspension or revocation, 501.140-501.190, 501.210
Applications, requirements, 502.199
Arizona, waters shared with, 502.285
California, waters shared with, 502.286
Fees, payment, 502.118, 502.119
Nevada Colorado River special use stamps, use, 502.285
Season or special use permits, 502.282
Short-term permits, 502.101, 502.283
Special permits, 502.295
Personal information, removal from list sold by Department, 502.211
Private property, authorized activities without licenses, 504.4595, 504.4597
Second combination of hook, line and rod, use, 502.297
Spear fishing, restrictions, 503.590-503.593
Unprotected fish, methods of taking, 503.580
Flower seeds (See SEEDS)
Protection and preservation, ch. 527
Sales tax exemption, 372.230, 372.605, 372.620
Public water systems, 445A.65975, 445A.6682
Accident involving vehicle transporting food, services performed by Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 439.610-439.622
Breakfast After the Bell Program, 387.370, 387.375
Certified produce vendors’ certificates, 576.500-576.640
Certified producers’ certificates, 576.300-576.440
Craft food operation
Fees, 587.848
Labeling requirements, 587.844
List of pH meters, maintenance and availability, 587.840
Publications and recipes approved by Department, 587.840
Recipes for acidified food, approval, modifications, confidentiality, disclosure by Department, 587.846
Dairy products, ch. 584
Diseases, food borne, reports, investigation, 441A.290, 441A.465, 441A.530
Farmers’ markets, 446.970-446.981
Marijuana products, production requirements, 453D.650-453D.698
Meat, fish, produce, poultry and eggs, ch. 583
Medical facilities and other related entities, contracting or employing person to provide nutrition services, restrictions, 449.0085
Organic agricultural products, certification, 587.9015-587.928
Pharmacy prescription department, restrictions on food, 639.528
Sales tax exemption, 372.230, 372.605-372.620
Swimming and bathing facilities, restrictions, 444.288, 444.536
Vending machines, 446.870-446.910
Drugs and cosmetics, ch. 585
Bed and breakfast facilities, 446.845-446.860
Certificate of free sale, 446.844
Equipment and utensils
Location and installation of equipment, 446.271-446.279
Warewashing equipment, 446.301-446.333
Exemption from requirements, revocation of exemption, 446.042
Farmers’ markets, 446.970-446.981
Food processing establishments, requirements, 446.955, 446.960
Insects and rodent control, 446.602-446.612, 446.935
Linens, 446.146, 446.381-446.391
Management and personnel, 446.051-446.058
Mobile units and servicing areas, 446.732-446.759
Outdoor assemblies, standards of operation, 444.5488
Permits and fees, 446.811-446.843
Physical facilities, 446.551-446.604
Poisonous and toxic materials, 446.611-446.629
Portable food units, operation, 446.946-446.9472
Protection, preparation and service of food, 446.101-446.192
Refuse, recyclables and returnables, 446.451-446.467
Severability of regulations, 446.040
Surfaces, cleaning, 446.351-446.367
Temporary food establishments, 446.630-446.669
Vending machines, 446.870-446.910
Warewashing and warewashing equipment, 446.301-446.333
Water, wastewater and plumbing
Farmers’ markets, 446.976, 446.977
Mobile units and servicing areas, 446.748-446.753
Temporary food establishments, 446.650, 446.651
Uniform Plumbing Code, adoption by reference, 446.044
Vending machines, 446.895, 446.905
Generally, ch. 645F
Commerce tax, ch. 363C
Complaints, filing, procedures, 80.405-80.415
Fine, activities subject to, 80.400
Mergers, conversions, exchanges and domestications, ch. 92A
Name of corporation, 80.010
Records filed with Secretary of State, 80.005, 225.015-225.0157, 225.200, 225.210
Forest practice, 528.010-528.100
Reforestation, 528.110
Remission of forfeitures, 213.040-213.205
Development in, 321.100-321.230
Abuse or neglect of child
Protective services, 432B.400-432B.440
Reporting requirements, 424.613
Safety plan to protect children from, 424.610
Audit of records of agencies which provide child welfare services, 424.750
Care and treatment of children, general requirements, 424.500
Child and family team, assignment, members, meetings, 424.502
Child-placing agencies
Agreements with, 424.460
Chores and other work, assignment, 424.535
Clothing and personal possessions, 424.585
Communication with family of origin and others, 424.495
Confidentiality of information, 424.168, 424.485, 424.644, 424.674, 424.815
Disasters and other emergencies, plan for responding to, 424.615
Discipline of children, 424.515-424.530
Education of children, 424.570
Emergency shelter care, 424.040, 424.145, 424.510
“Employee” interpreted, 424.090
Extracurricular activities, participation, 424.573
Facilities, grounds and furnishings, 424.350-424.425
Fire safety, 424.130, 424.135, 424.400, 424.605, 477.564
Food and water, provision to children, 424.540
Foster care agencies, 424.642-424.684, 424.710-424.728, 424.825
Gender identity or expression or sexual orientation of child, requirements regarding, 424.175, 424.270, 424.375, 424.485, 424.500, 424.585
Grievances concerning foster care agencies or foster homes, process for filing and resolving, 424.825
Hazardous materials and chemicals, 424.595
Health care, provision to children, 424.555
Immunization of children, 424.555
Infants born to children in care, acceptance, 424.470
Information provided to foster care provider and foster care agency, 424.810, 424.815
Liability insurance, requirements, 424.820
Licensing and organization, 424.100-424.220
Maintenance of home and vehicles, 424.490
Medications, 424.560
Notification and reporting requirements, 424.475-424.478
Personal hygiene and grooming, 424.580
Personnel and adult residents, 424.250-424.300
Pets and animals, 424.590
Physical and mental health of foster parents and members of household, 424.550
Placement of child in foster home, 424.465
Records, maintenance and confidentiality, 424.480, 424.485
Removal of child from home, notice of request, 424.478
School choice program, application to participate, required action of board of trustees upon receipt of notification, 388E.100
Self-sufficiency programs, 432.200-432.340
Services provided to foster parents and foster care agencies, 424.805
Specialized foster homes, 424.620-424.632, 424.710-424.728
Supervision of foster children, 424.505
Training in personal health, 424.580
Transition to economic self-sufficiency, programs to assist certain foster children, 432.050-432.160
Transportation of children, 424.490
Visitation with family and others, 424.495
Waiver or variance from requirements, 424.800
Weapons and ammunition, 424.600
Assets and liabilities, ch. 681B
Capital accounts, 695A.100
Conflicts of interest, adoption of policy by licensed insurer domiciled in Nevada, filing of disclosure, 679B.035
Credentials of health care providers, use of prescribed form to obtain information, 679B.0405
Employee leasing companies, duties, 687B.550-687B.564
Insurance Administration and Enforcement, Fund for, ch. 680C
Medical discount plans, ch. 695H
Medicare, policies supplemental to, 687B.200-687B.376
Payment for services rendered by health care practitioner, 686A.270-686A.306
Utilization review, registration of agents who perform, 683A.280-683A.295
Behavior analysts, 641.245
Blind persons operating vending stands, 426.140
Chiropractic physicians, 634.430
Common-interest community managers, 116A.110, 116A.285, 116A.355
Dentists, 631.230
Guides, 504.671
Industrial insurance, panel members, 616C.006
Insurance, assessment for investigation of fraudulent claims, 679B.154, 679B.157
Meat and poultry inspection, grounds for withdrawal of services, 583.470
Physicians and physician assistants, 630.230
Podiatric physicians, 635.390
Property tax, fraudulent claims for postponement of payment, 361.871
Psychologists, 641.245
Sales and use taxes, filing fraudulent returns, 360.435
Securities personnel, 90.328
State employees, 284.650
State Fire Marshal, persons licensed by, 477.410, 477.993
Telecommunications, grounds for refusal or termination of service, 704.418
Time shares, misleading sales techniques or tactics, 119A.270
Veterinarians, 638.048, 638.560
Taking bullfrogs, requirements, 503.100, 503.580
Advertisement of motor vehicle fuel and petroleum products, 590.090
Alternative fuels, use in fleet vehicles, ch. 486A
Availability of standards adopted by reference, 590.045
Aviation fuel, 590.055
Biodiesel fuel, 590.051
Chemical composition of gases by mass spectrometry, 590.054
Cleanup of discharged petroleum, ch. 360A, 445C.200-445C.390
Ethanol fuel blends, 590.053
Fees for certain fuels and heating oil, ch. 360A, 590.800, 590.810
Fines for violations, 590.070
Gallon defined, 590.041
Hydrogen sold or supplied in State, restrictions, 590.054
Methanol fuel blends, 590.052
Motor oil, 590.048
Motor vehicle fuel, 590.059
Nevada Petroleum Products Inspection Act, civil penalties for violation, 590.090
Storage tanks (See STORAGE TANKS)
Arrangers, functions only to be performed by, 642.165
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from funeral services, 363C.480
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 642.010-642.040
Disciplinary action, grounds, 642.170
Functions only to be performed by, 642.165, 642.167
Report after embalming human remains, requirement, contents, 642.168
Funeral directors
Death certificates
Alteration or correction, 440.040, 440.190
Time for initiation, 440.162
Functions only to be performed by, 642.165
Management of funeral establishments and direct cremation facilities, exception, 642.116, 642.163
Human remains
Proper care and storage, 642.158
Transportation of dead human bodies, exception, 451.120, 642.160
Change of name, 642.118
Embalmer, registered apprentice, failure to pass examination for license within required time frame, reapplication, 642.112
Funeral director’s license, transfer to different funeral establishment or direct cremation facility, 642.090
Initial assessment of applicant’s good moral character, consideration of aggravating or mitigating factors after initial assessment, 642.085
Lapsed licensed, reinstatement, reapplication required under certain circumstances, 642.114
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board shall deem incomplete application withdrawn after 2 years, 642.117
Temporary authorization to engage in certain regulated activities while application is pending, 642.080
Location for preparation of funerals, 642.150
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board
Issuance of report of violations, 642.169
Practice before Board, 642.180-642.260
Recusal of Board member from proceedings, disclosure required, 642.050
Practice before Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, 642.180-642.260
Sales and use tax, application
Memorial dealers, 372.270
Morticians, 372.280
Statement of funeral goods and services, 642.150
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from funeral services, 363C.480
Cremation (See CREMATION)
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 642.010-642.040
Disciplinary action, grounds, 642.170
Disclosure to purchaser of at-need goods or services of location of human remains during storage or embalming, 642.154
Embalmer, funeral establishment must employ or retain licensed embalmer, proof, 642.161
Human remains, proper care and storage of, 642.158
Management of funeral establishment by licensed funeral director, exception, 642.116, 642.163
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board
Issuance of report of violations, 642.169
Practice before Board, 642.180-642.260
Recusal of Board member from proceedings, disclosure required, 642.050
Change of name, 642.118
Initial assessment of applicant’s good moral character, consideration of aggravating or mitigating factors after initial assessment, 642.085
Lapsed licensed, reinstatement, reapplication required under certain circumstances, 642.114
Nevada Funeral and Cemetery Services Board shall deem incomplete application withdrawn after 2 years, 642.117
Renewal, 642.103
Temporary authorization to engage in certain regulated activities while application is pending, 642.080
Transfer of business to another location, inspection of new location, 642.095
Definitions, 501.010
Denial, suspension or revocation of licenses, hearings, 501.140-501.190
Licensing, 505.100
Records and reports, 505.110
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from conducting game, 363C.485
Economic development, transferable tax credits to promote, 231.350-231.385
Energy conservation standards for casinos, 701.010-701.245
Instruction in gaming, 394.523
Problem gambling counselors, ch. 641C
Problem gambling, prevention and treatment, ch. 458A
Live entertainment tax, 368A.300-368A.540
Administrative fines, 487.900
Books and records, maintenance, inspection, 487.275
Definitions, 487.100
Estimate of costs for repairs, waiver, 487.250
Frame, replacement of conventional frame of vehicle, 487.300
Liens, enforcement, ch. 108
Notice of additional charges, 487.250
Registration to operate garage
Application, contents, 487.228
Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation, 487.290
Salvage and nonrepairable vehicles, 487.360, 487.370
Specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicle, registration, 482.900
Commerce tax, situsing of gross revenue from waste management services, 363C.585
Cosmetological establishments and schools, 644A.705
Food establishments
Mobile units and servicing areas, 446.754
Temporary establishments, 446.653
Foster homes, 424.415
Jails, county and city, requirements, 211.570
Marijuana establishments, storage, management and disposal of waste, 453D.745
Mobile home parks and lots, 461A.280
Public accommodations, 447.200
Recycling programs, ch. 444A
Schools, requirements, 444.5686
Solid waste disposal, 444.570-444.7499
Vending machines, trash receptacles to be provided near, 446.910
Advisory Board, ch. 556
Quarantine against disease, 554.910-554.950
Seeds, registration and certification, 587.640-587.810
Generally, ch. 556
Cleanup of discharged petroleum, ch. 360A, 445C.200-445C.390
Fees for certain fuels and heating oil, ch. 360A, 590.800, 590.810
Financial administration, ch. 354
Municipal obligations, ch. 350
Acquisition, retention and disclosure, 629.100, 629.110
Abandonment and plugging of wells, 534A.470-534A.510
Applicability of regulations to domestic, commercial or industrial wells, 534A.180
Definitions, 534A.010-534A.085
Dixie Valley power plant, air pollution standards, 445B.2208
Exceptions to certain requirements of provisions, authority of Administrator to grant, 534A.175
Licenses, permits, fees, and other requirements for drilling, 534A.185-534A.330
“Natural heat of the earth” construed, 534A.173
Records and reports, 534A.535-534A.560
Sale of geothermal energy, 704.760-704.782
Tax abatement for certain businesses, 360.466-360.479
Inactive wells, abandonment and plugging, 534A.465-534A.510
Types, 534A.170
GEROVITAL H3 (See DRUGS—Procaine hydrochloride)
Marijuana, medical use, ch. 453A
Treatment by optometrists, 636.280, 636.290
Taxes on real property, 361A.310-361A.440
Generally, ch. 453C
Breast milk, right of employee to express, complaint for expedited review, 288.205
Construction of regulations, 288.040
Electronic filing of documents, 288.075
Filing requirements for written documents and other matters, 288.070
Issuance and service of process and papers, 288.080
Mailing lists, 288.060
Practice before Government Employee-Management Relations Board
Declaratory orders, 288.380-288.420
Dismissal of matter, 288.375
Motions, complaints and other papers, 288.200-288.270
Petition for adoption, amendment or repeal of regulations, 288.430
Sanctions, imposition, 288.373
Recognition of and negotiation with employee organizations and labor organizations, 288.100-288.155
Service, request to opt out of electronic service, 288.070
Settlement conference, 288.255
Severability of regulations, 288.050
Time, computation, 288.090
Internal administrative investigations, requests by appointing authorities for extension, 284.6555
Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program, receipt of reports, 388D.070, 388D.120
State Board of Pardons Commissioners, Chair, 213.030
Air transportation, regional commercial service, 231.500-231.550
Arts Council, Nevada, ch. 233C
Brownfield Projects, Fund for, 459.99929-459.99939
Bullying Prevention Account, grants from, 388.925
Business start-ups by veterans or aged persons, loan program, 612.665-612.685
Conservation districts, 548.115-548.540
Conservation, protection and enhancement of certain property and resources, 321.400-321.466
Construction Education Account, applications, 624.840
Economic Development
Catalyst Account, grants to sponsoring municipalities, 231.430-231.450
Grants as incentives, 231.070, 231.075
Educational Choice Scholarship Program, Nevada, ch. 388D
Educational Technology, Trust Fund for, grants from, 388.700-388.780
Employer-assisted housing programs, 319.491-319.501
Jobs and day training services, report of sources of grants, 435.915
Lake Tahoe Basin, protection, 321.300-321.365
Off-Highway Vehicles, Account for, grants from, 490.127-490.1465
Outdoor Recreation and Education Grant Program for Pupils, 407A.140-407A.165
Problem gambling, prevention and treatment, 458A.100-458A.140
Public libraries, acquisition of materials, 378.150-378.170
Sage grouse grant program, 548.500-548.540
Solid waste management systems, 444A.600-444A.655
Storage tanks, grants for purchase and installation of upgrades, 445C.320-445C.380
Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, grants from, 391A.050
Unarmed combat, promotion of amateur contests or exhibitions, 467.151
Volunteers who work with children, background checks, 179A.150-179A.200
Water conservation and improvements to certain water and sewage disposal systems, 349.430-349.574
Weatherization assistance program, 702.600-702.870
Wildlife restoration and research programs, 501.400
Property tax abatement for certain buildings and structures, 360.479, 361.617-361.620, 701A.010-701A.370
State buildings, incorporation of green building design measures for construction or remodeling of larger buildings, 341.301-341.376
Grants for acquisition of land and water, 321.400-321.466
Southern Nevada Enterprise Community, tax abatement for stores located in, 360.478, 360.4785
Licensing and regulation, 504.590-504.711
Personal information, removal from list sold by Department, 502.211
Administrative fine for failure to comply with regulation of statute, 459.949
Air contaminants, toxic or hazardous, 445B.2201, 445B.22013, 445B.229
Ammonium perchlorate, manufacture, handling and storage, 618.5155-618.5335
Appeal of decision of State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 459.9998
Asbestos, abatement and disposal, 444.965-444.976, 618.850-618.986
Brownfield Projects, Fund For, financial assistance from, 459.9991-459.99939
Certification of certain consultants and contractors
Action of applications, 459.9726
Aggrieved persons, rights and remedies following action taken by Division, 459.97295
Applicability of provisions, 459.9718
Contents and duration of certificate, 459.9727
Environmental manager, 459.972
Examinations for certification, 459.9726
Handler of underground storage tanks, 459.9722
Intent of provisions, 459.9717
Provider of approved underground storage tank training program, 459.97232
Renewal of certificate, 459.9728
Services for which certification required, 459.9719, 459.97285
Standards of practice, 459.9729
Tester of underground storage tanks, 459.9723
Waiver of training requirements, 459.9725
Contaminated property, property tax, 361.123-361.1236
Discharge of hazardous material, planning for and responding to, 459.9912-459.99189
Disciplinary action, 459.99951-459.99972
Disposal of hazardous waste, 444.580, 444.646, 444.850-444.8746
Driver’s licenses, transport of hazardous materials, 483.110, 483.8495
Emergency planning, 459.9912-459.99189
Environmental requirements, 445C.010-445C.140
Facilities for the management of hazardous waste, 444.842-444.8482
Food establishments, poisonous and toxic materials, 446.611-446.629, 446.669
Foster homes, safety requirements, 424.595
Highly hazardous substances, regulation, 459.952-459.95528
Household products, disposal programs, 444A.130
Limitations on issuance of permits to operate facilities, 444.960
Motor carriers, transportation of hazardous material
Federal regulations, adoption and enforcement, 706.377
Public highways, transportation upon, 459.975-459.991
Radioactive material, 459.181, 459.1997
Polychlorinated biphenyl, storage or disposal of waste containing, 444.940-444.9555
Railroads, transportation of hazardous material, 705.311-705.331
Schools, 444.56836
State Environmental Commission, practice before, 459.9998
Storage permits, issuance, fees, expiration and termination, 477.323
Storage tanks, regulation, 459.9921-459.999
Unmanned aerial vehicles, operation by public agencies, 493.100
Voluntary clean-up program and relief from liability, 459.973-459.9743
Waste, certification of laboratories to analyze samples, 459.96902-459.9699
Water pollution control, notification of release of hazardous substance, 445A.345-445A.348
Appeals and hearings, 439.300-439.395
Emergency medical services (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Fees for services provided by certain nurses, 439.500, 442.222
Maternal and child health
Birth defects and adverse birth outcomes, information concerning, 442.052-442.058
Blood samples from infants, 442.020-442.050
Childbirths at home, 442.017, 442.018
Female unarmed combatants, provision of results of pregnancy test required, 467.568
Hearing screenings of newborns, reports and referrals, 442.850, 442.860
Information obtained in administration of programs, confidentiality, 442.060-442.090
Neonatal care, provision by hospital, 442.250-442.550
Services under Social Security Act, 442.600-442.788
Planning for the provision of health care, 439A.010-439A.675
Radioactive material
Licenses for medical uses
Federal regulations, adoption by reference, 459.3062
In vitro testing, 459.228, 459.230
Specific licenses, requirements, 459.236, 459.238
Use in healing arts, 459.3801, 459.3805
X-rays (See X-RAYS)
Declaratory orders and advisory opinions, 439.100-439.130
Petition for adoption, amendment or repeal, 439.010-439.040
Wellness programs, major hospitals, 439B.550-439B.565
Aging and Disability Services Division
Autism spectrum disorders, receipt of reports, 427A.557, 427A.558
Intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities, persons with, ch. 435
Interpreters and realtime captioning providers, duties, ch. 656A
Services to aging persons and persons with disabilities, ch. 427A
Subsidized transportation program, 706.857-706.870
Traumatic brain injuries, program for persons with, 427A.600-427A.633
Unsupervised setting, program to enable persons with physical disabilities to live in, 427A.675-427A.789
Child and Family Services, Division of
Adoption of children, ch. 127
Children’s Trust Account, 432.010-432.040
Confidentiality of information, 442.056-442.090
Disasters, plan for care of certain children during, 432.400
Foster care, ch. 424, 432.050-432.160
Institutions, agencies and facilities to which children are committed, ch. 62B
Protection of children from abuse or neglect, 432.010-432.040, ch. 432B
Diabetes, drugs essential for treating, duties, 439.730-439.740
Disabilities, workers with, employment at special minimum wage, 608.200-608.370
Disability Prescription Program, 439.750-439.790
Family resource centers, ch. 430A
Grants Management Advisory Committee, administration of Children’s Trust Account, 432.010-432.040
Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of
Hospitals, payments for treatment of indigent persons, ch. 422
Medical facilities and other related entities, duties, 449.9982-449.99939
Health care, planning for the provision of, 439A.010-439A.675
Health information exchanges, duties, 439.572-439.596
Hospitals, consumer information program, 439A.830-439A.840
Medical facilities, cultural competency course or program, duties, 449.011939
Problem gambling, duties, ch. 458A
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of
Accidents involving vehicles transporting food, drugs or cosmetics, services performed in responding to, 439.610-439.622
Alcohol and other substance use disorders, treatment programs, duties, ch. 458
Appointment of deputy attorney general to represent Division before State Board of Health, 439.700
Autism spectrum disorders, reports, 427A.557
Cancer, ch. 457
Chief Medical Officer
Animal rabies, receipt of information from local governments, 441A.410
Anthrax, receipt of notices, 441A.460
Birth defects and adverse birth outcomes, powers and duties, 442.054-442.058
Botulism, receipt of notices, 441A.465
Brucellosis, receipt of notices, 441A.475
Cancer, receipt of certain information, powers and duties, 457.050, 457.052, 457.100, 457.145
Communicable diseases, reports, duties, 441A.252, 441A.290, 441A.295
Extraordinary occurrence of illness, receipt of notices, powers, 441A.525
Foodborne disease outbreak, 441A.530
Infectious diseases, receipt of reports, powers and duties, 441A.200, 441A.235, 441A.260
Leptospirosis, receipt of notices, 441A.585
Listeriosis, receipt of notices, 441A.590
Maternal and child health, ch. 442
Plague, receipt of notices, 441A.635
Psittacosis, receipt of reports, 441A.645
Q fever, receipt of reports, 441A.650
Regulations of State Board of Health, variances from, duties, 439.280
Smallpox, receipt of notices, 441A.691
Sterilization of used bedding, 444.003, 444.006
Trauma treatment, 450B.765, 450B.7655
Trichinosis, receipt of reports, 441A.710
Tularemia, receipt of notices, 441A.715
Viral hemorrhagic fever, receipt of notices, 441A.722
Child care facilities and services, duties, ch. 432A
Competency of criminal defendants, certification to evaluate, 178.010-178.130
Dead bodies, transportation, 451.140
Death registry system, electronic, approval, 440.165
Domestic violence
Practice and procedure, 228.460-228.655
Treatment programs for persons who commit domestic violence, certification, 228.100-228.275
Emergency medical services, duties, ch. 450B
Food establishments, duties, ch. 446
Genetic information, acquisition, retention and disclosure, 629.100, 629.110
Hazardous materials, duties, 459.949
Medical facilities and other related entities, duties, ch. 449
Medical laboratories, duties, ch. 652
Medical use of marijuana, duties, ch. 453A
Mental health services, duties, ch. 433, ch. 436
Nurses, fees for services provided by, 439.500, 442.222
Physician Visa Waiver Program, duties, 439A.700-439A.755
Radiation control, duties, 459.118-459.950
Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, ch. 625
Sanitation, ch. 444
Social Security Act, services for children pursuant to, 442.600-442.788
Voluntary health care services, duties, 629.150-629.170
Water samples, fee for collecting, 439.650
Senior Prescription Program, 439.800-439.862
Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, consumer information program, 439A.810-439A.840
Vocational rehabilitation, ch. 615
Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, weatherization assistance program, 702.600-702.870
Youthful offenders, rehabilitation, ch. 62G
Calculation of uncompensated care deduction, 363C.230
Situsing of gross revenue of business entity to this State, 363C.490
Collection of information on transactions with parent corporations, subsidiaries and affiliates, 679B.501-679B.551
Contracts and agreements between hospitals and practitioners, 439B.470, 439B.480
Definitions, 439B.010-439B.190
Diabetes, drugs essential to treating, reporting of certain information, 439.730-439.740
Financial practices of hospitals, 439B.220-439B.260
Hearing required before imposition of penalty, 439B.520
Indigents, care of, 439B.390-439B.449
Major hospitals, 439B.325-439B.340
Petition for declaratory order or advisory opinion, 439B.600-439B.640
Prohibited contracts and transactions, 439B.455-439B.520
Referrals by practitioners, 439B.5205-439B.5408
Deceptive trade practices, hearings, 598.100-598.174
Access to information, 439.592
Administrative hearings, 439.582
Certification, 439.578
Complaints, 439.594
Confidentiality of information, breaches, 439.596
Duties, 439.584, 439.586, 439.596
Operation, requirements, 439.576
Prohibited acts relating to information, 439.588
Emergency medical services, collection of data, delegation of duties, 450B.886
Food establishments, duties, ch. 446
Invasive body decoration establishments, 444.00701-444.00939
Jails and local correctional institutions, ch. 211
Outdoor youth programs, approval of plan to prevent and eliminate communicable diseases, 432A.765
Sanitation, duties, ch. 444
Subdivision of land, duties, 278.010-278.530
Variances from regulations, 439.200-439.280
Water systems, regulation, 445A.450-445A.6731
Administration of organization, 695C.217-695C.295
Advertising and solicitation, 695C.140, 695C.295
Agents, licensing, 695C.150
Capital expenditures, approval or exemption of projects, 439A.010-439A.675
Certificates of authority, 695C.111-695C.129
Complaint resolution system, 695C.230, 695C.235
Conflicts of interest, adoption of policy by licensed insurer domiciled in Nevada, filing of disclosure, 679B.035
Consumer satisfaction, joint board on, 695C.240
Cost-sharing between enrollee and organization, 695C.215
Credentials of health care providers, use of prescribed form to obtain information, 679B.0405
Definitions, 695C.010-695C.090
Delivery system intermediaries, 695C.500-695C.550
Drug formularies, duties, 695C.175
Employee leasing companies, duties, 687B.550-687B.564
Enrollment, 695C.217, 695C.220
Examination of organization, 695C.300-695C.320
Financial requirements, 695C.130
Financial statements, 695C.270
Forms, filing procedures, 687B.004
Genetic information, acquisition, retention and disclosure, 629.100, 629.110
Insurance Administration and Enforcement, Fund for, ch. 680C
Insurance, requirements for, 695C.135
Licensure in another state, 695C.127, 695C.128
Managed care organizations, system for resolving complaints of insureds, 695G.100, 695G.110
Medical discount plans, ch. 695H
Medical examination required by insurer, 687B.640
Medicare, policies supplemental to, 687B.200-687B.376
Modification of approved plan of operation, application, 695C.130
Optometrists, employment, 636.085
Payment for services rendered by health care practitioner, 686A.270-686A.306, 695C.195, 695C.215
Policies, grace period for payment of premiums, 687B.630
Projects, approval or exemption, 439A.010-439A.675
Provider-sponsored organizations (See PROVIDER-SPONSORED ORGANIZATIONS)
Providers of medical care, 695C.190-695C.215
Quality assurance programs, 695C.400-695C.430
Reports, 695C.105, 695C.235, 695C.270, 695C.275
Reserves, 695C.137
Risk-based capital of health organizations, 681B.400-681B.595
Services and benefits, 695C.165-695C.185
Severability of regulations, 679A.010
Summary of coverage, 695C.290
Utilization review, registration of agents who perform, 683A.280-683A.295
Board of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators
Administration of multiple facilities, notice to Board, administrative fine, 654.250
Changes in circumstances, notice to Board, administrative fine, 654.181
Complaints, 654.220
Continuing education, 654.093, 654.170
Disciplinary action, 654.181, 654.210, 654.220, 654.250
Duties, 654.095
Hearing, service of notice, 654.220
Application, fee, incomplete application void after 1 year, 654.087
Automatic expiration, 654.091
Denial or refusal to renew, 654.210
Display, administrative fine, 654.190
Duplicate license, issuance, fee, 654.200
Provisional licensure, transfer of license to inactive status, fee, 654.168
Qualifications, 654.085
Reinstatement, 654.091, 654.230
Renewal, fee, 654.091, 654.169
Secondary administrator’s license, fee, 654.250
Surrender of license, 654.220, 654.250
Multiple facilities, limitations on administration, requirements, penalty, waiver of limitation, 654.250
Subpoenas, 654.225
Training and instruction programs, sufficiency, 654.170
Use of title, administrative fine, 654.098
Administration of public health, ch. 439
Alcohol and other substance use disorders, ch. 458
Blood banks, dissemination of data concerning viral hepatitis, 441A.310
Cancer and other neoplasms, adoption by reference of certain publications, 457.015
Cemeteries, ch. 452
Chickenpox, immunizations, 392.105, 394.250, 432A.503, 441A.7205
Communicable diseases, ch. 441A
Dead bodies, ch. 451
Dietetics, ch. 640E
Emergency medical services, ch. 450B
Food establishments, ch. 446
Hazardous materials, ch. 459
Hepatitis, immunizations
Child care facilities, 432A.501, 432A.502
Influenza, immunization against, 432A.505
Invasive body decoration establishments, adoption by reference of regulations and certain publications, 444.00759, 444.00761
Jails and local correctional institutions, ch. 211
Marijuana, program to research therapeutic effects, 453.740
Maternal and child health, ch. 442
Meat, fish, poultry and shellfish, 583.010-583.070, 583.211-583.590
Medical facilities and other related entities, ch. 449
Medical laboratories, ch. 652
Meningitis, immunizations, 392.105, 394.250
Mumps, immunizations
Child care facilities, 432A.500
University students, 441A.755
Pertussis, immunizations, 392.105, 394.250
Public accommodations, ch. 447
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, representation before Board, 439.700
School construction, adoption by reference of certain publications, 444.56816
Sewage disposal, adoption by reference of certain publications, 444.7825
Spa construction, adoption of standards by reference, 444.428
Streptococcus pneumonia, immunizations, 432A.504
Vital statistics, ch. 440
Energy conservation standards, 701.010-701.245
Cleanup of discharged petroleum, ch. 360A, 445C.200-445C.390
Motorcycle helmets, 486.015
Acute unspecified hepatitis, 441A.574
Blood banks, data and restrictions, 441A.310, ch. 460
Children, services under Social Security Act, 442.600-442.788
Dental licensees, compliance with guidelines for infection control, 631.178
Facilities providing care for ill children, restrictions on admissions, 432A.600
Hepatitis A, 432A.501, 441A.560, 441A.565
Hepatitis B, C or Delta, 432A.502, 441A.570
Hepatitis E, 441A.572
Immunization requirements
Child care facilities, 432A.501, 432A.502
Insurers, reports to Chief Medical Officer, 441A.252
Leptospirosis, 441A.585
Proof of immunity, 441A.140
Sexually transmitted disease includes hepatitis B, 441A.775
Hazardous materials, transportation on public highways, 459.975-459.991
Records of criminal history, ch. 179A
Beautification of highways, ch. 410
Forestry, construction or use in logging areas, 528.060
Informational and directional signs for tourists, 408.700-408.830
Installation and relocation of utilities, 408.010-408.557
Railroad tracks above or below road, clearance, 705.064, 705.066
Roadside parks and safety rest areas, 408.595-408.615
Transportation facilities, 408.650-408.698
Wildlife highway crossings, prohibited acts, 504.105
Generally, ch. 384
Alcohol and drug abuse programs, duties of operators, 458.163, 458.241
Body piercing shops, duties, 444.00885, 444.00887
Communicable disease, defined, 427A.450, 441A.040
Cosmetological establishments and schools, applicability of regulations, 644A.775
Dental licensees, compliance with guidelines for infection control, 631.178
Frail elderly persons program, services to, laws inapplicable, 427A.450
Health authorities, duties, 441A.305, 441A.450
HIV testing laboratories
Applicability of laws, 652.155, 652.156
Definition, 652.074
Director, qualifications, 652.156, 652.398
Fees, 652.488
Hospital laboratory services, requirements, 449.373
Insurers, reports to Chief Medical Officer, 441A.252
Medical laboratories, reports, 441A.235
Perfusionists, exposure to, procedure, 630.243
Physicians and physician assistants, exposure to, procedure, 630.243
Prostitution, prohibited acts, testing of sex workers, 441A.800, 441A.802
Publications, adoption by reference, 441A.200
Respiratory care practitioners, exposure to, procedure, 630.243
Sexually transmitted disease, defined for purpose of NRS, 441A.775
Unarmed combat, requirements, 467.027
Youth correctional services, medical education and services received, 62H.360, 62H.390
Definitions, 449.749
Guidance publication, adoption by reference, 449.750
Licensing and regulation, 449.013, 449.752-449.800
Long-term care insurance, 687B.005-687B.140
Children, admission to public schools, 392.205, 392.225
School pupils, appointment of surrogate parent, 388.283
Advance directives for health care, registry, ch. 449A
Advanced practitioners of homeopathy, 630A.400-630A.550
Advertising by homeopathic physicians, prohibited acts, 630A.140
Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners
Committee to examine and make recommendations regarding education in homeopathy, 630A.031
Malpractice claims, reports to Board, 630A.136
Oath or affirmation of office, 630A.024
Petitions for regulations, orders or opinions, 630A.240, 630A.250
Practice before Board, 630A.160-630A.230
Chelation therapies, use, 630A.134
Communicable diseases (See COMMUNICABLE DISEASES; specific disease)
Consultations with other health care providers, 630A.138
Definitions, interpretation of terms, 630A.010-630A.014, 630A.020
Disciplinary action, 630A.560-630A.620
Electronic testing and treatment device, use, 630A.015
Herbal substances, formulation, 630A.022
Homeopathic assistants, 630A.300-630A.370, 630A.550-630A.620
Insurance claims, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
Intrastate practice using electronic means, 630A.142-630A.148, 630A.490
Licensing and certification, 630A.050-630A.130, 630A.550
Medical malpractice liability insurance, 690B.520-690B.580
Medical records, duties and prohibited acts, 630A.132
Nutritional evaluation and treatment, 630A.023
Standards of practice, 630A.132-630A.140
Definitions, 449.15511-449.15519
Director, qualifications and duties, 449.15521, 449.15523
Fees for license and renewal, 449.016-449.0168
On-site survey of home by Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance, 449.15529
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, control over medical records upon suspension of license or cessation of operation, 449.009
Rates, agreement between home operator and resident, 449.15527
Records of residents, maintenance, 449.15527
Safety and sanitation of facility, 449.15525
Tuberculosis, testing of residents and employees, 441A.375, 441A.380
Brand inspections, ch. 565
Equine dentistry, 638.735-638.748
Equine infectious anemia, 571.380-571.410
Quarantine, movement after, 571.030
Commerce tax, calculation of uncompensated care deduction for health care providers, 363C.230
Freestanding facilities for hospice care
Cancer, abstracting and submitting information to Chief Medical Officer, reports, penalty for violation, 457.050, 457.052, 457.145
Construction or remodeling, new, prerequisites for licensure, 449.01875
Continuity of service to patients, requirement, 449.0188
Definition, 449.0172
Fees, 449.016
License requirements, 449.0181
Operational requirements, 449.0187
Programs of hospice care
Change in ownership, address or staff, reports, 449.0183
Continuity of service to patients, requirement, 449.0188
Fees, 449.013
Governing body, requirements and duties, 449.0184
License requirements and renewal, 449.013, 449.0168
Requirements generally, 449.0184-449.0188
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, control over medical records upon suspension of license or cessation of operation, 449.009
Residential facilities for groups, 449.275
Annual statement of condition and affairs, 695B.310
Capital accounts, 695B.305
Coinsurance, disclosure of points at which insured’s payment no longer required, 695B.010
Complaint resolution system, 695B.200, 695B.210
Conflicts of interest, adoption of policy by licensed insurer domiciled in Nevada, filing of disclosure, 679B.035
Credentials of health care providers, use of prescribed form to obtain information, 679B.0405
Definitions, 695B.002-695B.006
Employee leasing companies, duties, 687B.550-687B.564
Examination of corporation, 695B.320
Financial statements, 695B.310
Insurance Administration and Enforcement, Fund for, ch. 680C
Managed care organizations, system for resolving complaints of insureds, 695G.100, 695G.110
Medical discount plans, ch. 695H
Medical examination required by insurer, 687B.640
Medicare, policies supplemental to, 687B.200-687B.376
Payment of benefits, 695B.100-695B.125
Policies, grace period for payment of premiums, 687B.630
Preferred provider programs, 695B.020
Reserve fund, maintenance, 695B.300
Risk-based capital of health organizations, 681B.400-681B.595
Services rendered by health care practitioner, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
Severability of regulations, 679A.010
Stop-loss insurance policies, 695B.250
Summary of coverage, 695B.030, 695B.035
Utilization review, registration of agents who perform, 683A.280-683A.295
Accreditation, 449.318
Advance directives for health care, registry, ch. 449A
Cancer, abstracting and submitting information to Chief Medical Officer, reports, penalty for violation, 457.050, 457.052, 457.145
Cancer Drug Donation Program, duties, 453B.080-453B.120
Capital expenditures, approval or exemption of projects, 439A.010-439A.675
Children, services under Social Security Act, 442.600-442.788
Commerce tax, calculation of uncompensated care deduction for health care providers, 363C.230
Consumer information program, 439A.830-439A.840
Controlled substances, dispensing, 453.400-453.490, 639.745, 639.750
Financial practices, 439B.220-439B.260
Financial reporting, 449.951-449.969
Fire protection, 477.550-477.560
Indigent persons
Appeal of determination of indigent status, 439B.441-439B.449
County to provide report on indigent patients treated, 439B.435
Determination of minimum obligation for provision of care, 439B.420
Injured by motor vehicles, reimbursement for care, ch. 428
Payments to hospitals for treatment, ch. 422
Reports on minimum obligation for care of, 439B.430
Blood samples from, 442.020-442.090
CARA plans of care, 449.939-449.948
Hearing screenings, reports and referrals, 442.850, 442.860
Insurance claims, payment, 686A.270-686A.306
License fees, 449.016
Licensing and administration, 449.307-449.3156
Malpractice (See MALPRACTICE)
Medical records (See MEDICAL RECORDS)
Medicare Cost Report and estimate of inpatient net revenue, submission to Department of Health and Human Services, 439B.410
Mental health crisis, admission of persons experiencing, 433A.200, 433A.220
Neonatal care, provision by hospital, 442.250-442.550
Open-heart surgery, 449.612-449.61256
Operation of hospital, policies and procedures, 449.316-449.394
Health and safety, 439.900-439.945
Psychotropic medication to patients at mental health facilities, involuntary administration, 433.220-433.285
Waiting times for emergency services, collection of data, 450B.880-450B.890
Pharmaceutical technicians, 639.010, 639.240-639.260
Pharmacies and off-site pharmaceutical service providers, 639.440-639.4916
Prohibited contracts and transactions, 439B.455-439B.520
Projects, approval or exemption, 439A.010-439A.675
Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, control over medical records upon suspension of license or cessation of operation, 449.009
Radioactive material
Licenses for medical uses
Federal regulations, adoption by reference, 459.3062
In vitro testing, 459.228, 459.230
Specific licenses, requirements, 459.236, 459.238
Use in healing arts, 459.3801, 459.3805
Restraining costs of health care, ch. 439B
Sales and use tax, application, 372.260
Services primarily engaged in, requirements, exemption, 449.321
Transactions with parent corporations, subsidiaries and affiliates, collection of data, 679B.501-679B.551
Transplantation of organs, 449.6126-449.6127
Centers for treatment of trauma, 450B.780-450B.875
Submission of reports concerning patients treated for, 427A.617, 450B.768
Unarmed combat, notice of program to be provided to hospitals and emergency room personnel, 467.414
Wellness programs, 439B.550-439B.565
Bed and breakfast facilities, 446.845-446.860
Construction and remodeling, 447.100, 447.110
Disposable articles, storage and use, 447.230
Energy conservation (See ENERGY CONSERVATION)
Flooring, 447.120
Garbage and sewage disposal, 447.200, 447.210
Heating and ventilation, 447.150
Ice and ice machines, 447.190, 447.260
Inspections, fees, 447.400, 447.410
Kitchenettes, 447.170
Lavatories, 447.160
Lighting, 447.140
Linens and towels, 447.240, 447.250
Parking areas, 447.220
Pets and other animals, nuisances prohibited, 447.330
Room tax, ch. 364
Severability of regulations, 447.090
Soap bars, 447.250
Tableware, cleaning and storage, 447.270-447.310
Vermin, control, 447.320
Walls and ceilings, 447.130
Water supply, 447.180, 447.190
Account for Low-Income Housing, 319.885-319.950
Advisory Committee on Housing, 319.030-319.038
Assisted living facilities, certification, 319.251-319.265
Bonds, notes and other obligations, effect of issuance, 319.015
Clarification of regulations, 319.020
Deferred mortgage loans for down payments and closing costs, 319.562-319.568
Definitions generally, 319.005
Disabilities, persons with, residential housing for, reports, 319.267-319.283
Employer-assisted housing programs, 319.491-319.501
Energy conservation, loans, 319.800-319.842
General Reserve Trust, assistance from, 319.572-319.594
Land, acquisition and sale, 319.850-319.872
Manufactured home sites, loans, 319.600-319.790
Multi-unit housing, loans, 319.600-319.790
Purpose of regulations, 319.010
Relief from regulations, 319.020
Second mortgage loans for down payments and closing costs, 319.505-319.559
Single-family homes, loans, 319.300-319.489
Tax credits for low-income housing, 319.951-319.998
Aerial vehicles or devices, restrictions on use, exceptions, 503.148
Archery disability permit for persons with permanent disability, 503.1465
Baiting, prohibited acts, 503.149
Dogs, restrictions on use, 503.147
Gall bladders, prohibitions on sale or purchase, 503.174
Tags, 502.373
Blinds, use in wildlife management areas, 504.160
Bobcats, requirements, prohibited acts, 502.347
Bonus points (See Tags, this heading)
Bows, use, 503.141-503.1465, 503.170, 503.187
Cape and horns or antlers of wildlife, possession, 503.173
Classification of wildlife, 503.005-503.104
Controlled hunt, designation of period within season, 502.312
Crossbows, use, 503.143, 503.145, 503.1465
Restrictions, 502.423-502.4238, 503.170
Shed antlers, taking or gathering on certain public land during certain period prohibited, 503.172
Definitions, 502.001-502.1175, 503.0001-503.0047
Demerit points, schedule, 501.200
Competitive field trials, 503.610-503.650
Hunting with dog, 503.147
Applications other than for tags or bonus points, 502.118
Black bears, tags, 502.373
Bobcats, seal, 502.347
Damage compensation tags, 502.426
Deer tags, restricted nonresident, 502.4238
Dishonored payment or nonpayment, effect, 502.119
Duplicate license, 502.250
Electronic submission of application, 502.118
Elk, special incentive elk tags, 502.42279
Firearms, safe handling course, 502.500
Hunting license, refund of fee, 502.4225
License agents, 502.145
Method of payment, 502.118
Partnership in Wildlife Drawing, 502.4273
Refunds, 502.336, 502.422, 502.4225, 502.4238, 502.4295
Season or special use, permits for, 502.282
Silver State Tag Drawing, 502.4292
Swans, permits, 502.380
Tags or bonus points generally, 502.118, 502.331, 502.4175, 502.4215, 502.422
Wild turkeys, tags, 502.378
Firearms, use
Big game mammals, 503.142
Shotguns and shot, use, 503.170, 503.183
Sights and scopes, use, 503.145, 503.146
Grouse, transport, 503.185
Guides, 502.4233, 504.590-504.711
Guzzlers, prohibited acts, 503.192
Hunter safety, 502.500
Junior hunt, application for, 502.333, 502.4189
License agents, 502.120-502.197
Agents, authorization to issue, 502.120
Applications, requirements, 502.199
Armed Forces members, issuance to residents, 502.220
Blind, persons who are, 502.240
Disability, persons with, issuance of license to, 502.245
Duplicate licenses, 502.120, 502.250
Exceptions to requirements, 503.193, 503.195
Fee, refund, 502.4225
Suspension or revocation, 501.140-501.190, 501.210
Unlawful issuance, 502.125
Mentor hunters, affidavits, 502.264-502.266
Migratory game birds, 503.045, 503.180, 503.183
Mountain lions
Client to accompany guide during pursuit and taking, 504.701
Dogs, restrictions on use, 503.147
Firearms, use, 503.142
Tags, 502.370
Use of flashlight when hunting lion, 503.189
Nonedible parts of game, sale, 503.174
Agents, authorization to issue, 502.120
Applicability of laws, 502.417
Applications, requirements, 502.199, 502.4175
Attachment to animal, 502.400
Computerized drawings, notification of results, 502.4208
Computerized system for awarding tags, effect, 502.4205
Computer contaminant or malfunction, power outage or interruption of Internet services, 502.4196
Third-party errors, 502.419
Issuance, 502.310
Season or special use permits, 502.282
Short-term permits, 502.101, 502.283
Special assistance permits, 502.42903, 502.42905
Swans, 502.380
Transportation permits, 502.401
Unlawful issuance, 502.125
Use, 502.385
Validation, 502.390
Personal information, removal from list sold by Department, 502.211
Protected wildlife, requirements, 503.093
Raptors, license required, 503.205
Scope permit for person with visual disability, 503.146
Sexual characteristics of wildlife, disguising unlawful, 503.175
Shed antlers, taking or gathering on certain public land during certain period prohibited, 503.172
Shotguns, use, 503.142, 503.183
Skull and horns of bighorn sheep, presentation to Department for inspection, 502.345
State parks, hunting zones, 407.105
Swans, requirements, 502.380
Agents, authorization to issue, 502.120
Alternate lists
Deer tags, restricted nonresident, 502.4238
Generally, 502.4175, 502.421, 502.4215
Partnership in Wildlife Drawing, 502.4275
Silver State Tag Drawing, 502.4298
Antelope tags, 502.331, 502.341
Applicability of laws, 502.417
Fees generally, 502.118, 502.331, 502.4175, 502.422
Groups of persons, tags for, 502.4185, 502.4189
Rejection, 502.418
Requirements, 502.199, 502.331, 502.4175
Restrictions, 502.4179
Submission for sole purpose of obtaining bonus point, 502.4177
Withdrawal, electronic submission of new application, 502.4183
Armed Forces members, 502.336, 502.337, 502.422
Attachment to animal, 502.400
Awarded or successfully drawn, time at which, 502.311
Bighorn sheep, 502.331, 502.345
Bonus points
Applicability of laws, 502.417
Applications, 502.331, 502.4175-502.4183, 502.4189, 502.41895
Award and accumulation, 502.4187
Categories of species, 502.4188
Computerized system for awarding tags, effect, 502.4205
Definition of “bonus point program,” 502.027
Loss and reinstatement, 502.4187
Refund or transfer, effect, 502.4187
Third-party errors, 502.419
Use and transfer, 502.4189
Cancellation of tags, 502.422
Computerized drawings, 502.4205-502.4215, 502.4298
Damage compensation tags, 502.424-502.4268
Death of holder of tag, effect, 502.337, 502.422, 502.4238
Deer tags, restricted nonresident, 502.423-502.4238
Defer due to extenuating circumstance, 502.337
Disability of holder of tag, effect, 502.337, 502.422, 502.4238
Dream tags, 502.422, 502.4269-502.42696
Duplicate tags, 502.314
Elk, 502.331, 502.361, 502.42253-502.42283
Cancellation of tags issued in error, 502.422
Computer contaminant or malfunction, power outage or interruption of Internet services, 502.4196
Department, errors by, 502.4195, 502.4295
Silver State Tag Drawing, 502.4295
Third-party errors, 502.419
Moose, 502.331
Mountain goat, 502.331, 502.364
Mountain lion, 502.370
Number of big game tags, limitation, 502.331
Partnership in Wildlife Drawing, 502.4275-502.429
Questionnaires, 502.405, 502.407
Conditions for issuance of tags, 502.310
Errors by Department, authority to exceed quota, 502.4195
Hunter choice number defined, 502.057
Partnership in Wildlife Drawing, 502.4275, 502.428
Refill procedure generally, 502.421
Replacement tags, 502.321
Silver State Tag Drawing, 502.4295, 502.4298
Replacement tags, 502.321
Return due to extenuating circumstance, effect, 502.337
Silver State Tag Drawing, 502.4291-502.4298
Time awarded or successfully drawn, 502.311
Transfer program, 502.337
Transportation permit, use of tag as, 502.401
Turkeys, wild, 502.378, 502.407
Use, 502.385
Validation, 502.390
Wildlife Drawing, Partnership in, 502.4275-502.429
Taxidermist, transportation of animal to, 502.403
Time, computation for presenting animal to Department representative, 502.411
Transmitting device attached to wildlife, restrictions, 503.1475
Turkeys, wild
Permissible weapons and type of shot for hunting, 503.003, 503.187
Upland game birds, shooting preserves, 504.750-504.760
Use of trail camera or similar device, restrictions, exceptions, 503.1485
Wildlife highway crossings, prohibited acts, 504.105
Wildlife management areas
Areas closed to hunting, 504.340
Blinds, use, 504.160
Decoys, use, 504.160
Responsibilities of hunters, 504.158
Wounding of wildlife, duty following, 503.191
Applicability of laws, 522.720
Fees, 522.212
Permits, Internet publication, 522.210
Requirements and procedures generally, 522.232, 522.722-522.730
Underground injection control, 445A.810-445A.925, 522.380
Selling or supplying for use in vehicles, restrictions, 590.054
Medical marijuana, registry identification cards, 453A.100-453A.140
State identification cards
Address of principal residence defined, 483.011
Age of applicant, documentation required for proof, 483.050
Alternate address on card, issuance, 483.035
Alternate service transaction defined, 483.0115
Changed or corrected card, procedures for issuance, 483.075
Contents, 483.040
Date of birth, documentation to correct, 483.065
Definition, 483.014
Disability which limits or impairs ability to walk, designation, 483.077
Expiration, 483.043
Fees, additional fees to cover cost of production of photographs, 483.900
Gender, declaration required for change, 483.070
Good cause to believe defined, 483.013
Information obtained by Department of Motor Vehicles, storage, 483.046
Limited-term identification card defined, 483.016
Medical condition, imprinting of indicator, 483.077
Applicants, documentation required, unacceptable documents, 483.050
Change of name, documents required, appearance of name, 483.055
Radio frequency identification chip, geospatial technology or other related technology, placement in card prohibited, 483.040
Renewal using alternate service transactions, 483.081-483.087