(Listed in keyword order)
(I=Initial Agency Draft, P=LCB Proposed Draft, RP=Revised Proposed LCB Draft,
RP2=Second Revised Proposed LCB Draft, NW=Notice of Workshop,
NH=Notice of Hearing, NI=Informational Statement, A=Adopted,
CA=Corrected Adopted, AP=Approved, CAP=Corrected Approved, W=Withdrawn)
(The date for filing permanent regulations is July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
The date following the subject is the date the regulation was received.)
All of the information is provided in Adobe PDF format; you will need Acrobat Reader to view these files.
NO. |
Accountants (628) |
Revises provisions relating to education and experience requirements (09/08/22) |
295 |
Accountants (628)
Revises provisions relating to education and experience requirements (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Accountants (628) |
Revises provisions relating to education and experience requirements (01/19/22) |
287 |
Accountants (628) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Accountants (628) |
Revises provisions relating to education and experience requirements (03/09/22) |
289 |
Accountants (628) |
Revises provisions relating to education and experience requirements (04/12/22) |
290 |
Accountants (628) |
Revises provisions relating to education and experience requirements (04/15/22) |
290 |
Aging & Disability Services (656A) |
Revises provisions relating to sign language interpreters (09/20/22) |
295 |
Aging & Disability Services (656A)
Revises provisions relating to sign language interpreters (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Aging & Disability Services (656A) |
Revises provisions relating to sign language interpreters (02/07/22) |
288 |
Aging & Disability Services (656A) |
Informational Statement (09/20/22) |
295 |
Aging & Disability Services (656A) |
Revises provisions relating to sign language interpreters (05/03/22) |
291 |
Agriculture (552) |
Revises provisions relating to the identification of apiaries (09/08/22) |
295 |
Agriculture (552)
Revises provisions relating to the identification of apiaries (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Agriculture (552) |
Revises provisions relating to the identification of apiaries (03/01/22) |
289 |
Agriculture (552) |
Notice of Hearing (04/21/22) |
290 |
Agriculture (552) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Agriculture (552) |
Revises provisions relating to the identification of apiaries (03/15/22) |
289 |
Agriculture (554) |
Revises provisions relating to quarantines (03/02/22) |
289 |
R027-22W |
Agriculture (554) |
Withdrawn (3/26/24) |
Agriculture (581) |
Revises various provisions relating to measurement standards (04/08/24) |
314 |
Agriculture (581)
Revises various provisions relating to measurement standards (Approved by Legislative Commission 04/19/24) |
Agriculture (581) |
Revises various provisions (05/13/22) |
291 |
Agriculture (581) |
Notice of hearing (02/06/24) |
312 |
Agriculture (581) |
Informational Statement (04/09/24) |
314 |
Agriculture (581) |
Notice of workshop (11/15/23) |
309 |
Agriculture (581) |
Revises various provisions relating to measurement standards (06/27/22) |
292 |
Architects (623) |
Revises provisions relating to mutual recognition agreements and communications (09/18/23) |
307 |
Architects (623)
Revises provisions relating to mutual recognition agreements and communications (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/29/23) |
Architects (623) |
Revises provisions relating to mutual recognition agreements and communications (06/14/22) |
292 |
Architects (623) |
Notice of hearing (07/21/23) |
305 |
Architects (623) |
Informational Statement (09/18/23) |
307 |
Architects (623) |
Revises provisions relating to mutual recognition agreements and communications (07/15/22) |
293 |
Architects (623) |
Revises provisions relating to mutual recognition agreements and communications (12/09/22) |
298 |
Athletics (467) |
Revises provisions relating to unarmed combat (12/17/22) |
298 |
Athletics (467)
Revises provisions relating to unarmed combat (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Athletics (467) |
Revises provisions relating to unarmed combat (06/09/22) |
292 |
Athletics (467) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Athletics (467) |
Revises provisions relating to unarmed combat (08/11/22) |
294 |
Barbers (643) |
Revises various provisions (05/24/23) |
303 |
Barbers (643)
Revises various provisions (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Barbers (643) |
Revises various provisions (04/03/22) |
290 |
Barbers (643) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Barbers (643) |
Revises various provisions (08/18/22) |
294 |
Children (62B) |
Revises provisions relating to training programs (10/30/23) |
308 |
Children (62B)
Revises provisions relating to training programs (Approved by Legislative Commission 11/09/23) |
Children (62B) |
Revises provisions relating to training programs (04/21/22) |
290 |
Children (62B) |
Informational Statement (10/30/23) |
308 |
Children (62B) |
Revises provisions relating to training programs (08/25/22) |
294 |
Children (62B) |
Revises provisions relating to training programs (07/20/23) |
305 |
Children (62H) |
Implements provisions of SB 366 (2021) relating to data reporting (04/09/24) |
314 |
Children (62H)
Implements provisions of SB 366 (2021) relating to data reporting (Approved by Legislative Commission 04/19/24) |
Children (62H) |
Implements provisions of SB 366 (2021) relating to data reporting (04/21/22) |
290 |
Children (62H) |
Informational Statement (04/09/24) |
314 |
Children (62H) |
Requires each department of juvenile services and the Youth Parole Bureau to submit certain data and information relating to any proceeding to determine the competency of a child to the Division of Child and Family Services (SB 366 (2021)) (06/24/22) |
292 |
Children (62H) |
Requires each department of juvenile services and the Youth Parole Bureau to submit certain data and information relating to any proceeding to determine the competency of a child to the Division of Child and Family Services (SB 366 (2021)) (08/23/23) |
306 |
Chiropractors (634) |
Revises certain requirements relating to licensees (05/24/23) |
303 |
Chiropractors (634)
Revises certain requirements relating to licensees (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Chiropractors (634) |
Revises certain requirements relating to licensees (07/14/22) |
293 |
Chiropractors (634) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Chiropractors (634) |
Revises certain requirements relating to licensees (09/29/22) |
295 |
CLGF (354) |
Implements provisions of SB 439 (2021) revising provisions related to budgeted ending fund balances (12/19/22) |
298 |
CLGF (354)
Implements provisions of SB 439 (2021) revising provisions related to budgeted ending fund balances (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
CLGF (354) |
Implements provisions of SB 439 (2021) revising provisions related to budgeted ending fund balances (06/10/22) |
292 |
CLGF (354) |
Informational Statement (12/19/22) |
298 |
CLGF (354) |
Implements provisions of SB 439 (2021) revising provisions related to budgeted ending fund balances (07/12/22) |
293 |
College Savings Plans (353B) |
Revises provisions relating to the Nevada College Kick Start Program, was R051-20 (09/08/22) |
295 |
College Savings Plans (353B)
Revises provisions relating to the Nevada College Kick Start Program, was R051-20 (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
College Savings Plans (353B) |
Revises provisions relating to the Nevada College Kick Start Program, was R051-20 (03/16/22) |
289 |
College Savings Plans (353B) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
College Savings Plans (353B) |
Revises provisions relating to the Nevada College Kick Start Program (03/24/22) |
289 |
Colorado River (538) |
Revises provisions relating to administrative charges (09/19/22) |
295 |
Colorado River (538)
Revises provisions relating to administrative charges (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Colorado River (538) |
Revises provisions relating to administrative charges (05/25/22) |
291 |
Colorado River (538) |
Informational Statement (09/19/22) |
295 |
Colorado River (538) |
Revises provisions relating to administrative charges (06/23/22) |
292 |
Conservation (407A) |
Implements provisions of SB 52 (2021) establishing the Nevada Starry Sky Destination program (12/17/22) |
298 |
Conservation (407A)
Implements provisions of SB 52 (2021) establishing the Nevada Starry Sky Destination program (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Conservation (407A) |
Implements provisions of SB 52 (2021) establishing the Nevada Starry Sky Destination program (06/09/22) |
292 |
Conservation (407A) |
Notice of Hearing (09/13/22) |
295 |
Conservation (407A) |
Notice of hearing (11/04/22) |
297 |
Conservation (407A) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Conservation (407A) |
Implements provisions of SB 52 (2021) establishing the Nevada Starry Sky Destination program (08/30/22) |
294 |
Consumers (598) |
Revises provisions relating to deceptive trade practices (06/04/24) |
316 |
Consumers (598)
Revises provisions relating to deceptive trade practices (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/20/24) |
Consumers (598) |
Revises provisions relating to deceptive trade practices (04/28/22) |
290 |
Consumers (598) |
Notice of hearing (03/12/24) |
313 |
Consumers (598) |
Informational Statement (06/04/24) |
316 |
Consumers (598) |
Notice of workshop (03/12/24) |
313 |
Consumers (598) |
Revises provisions relating to deceptive trade practices (06/10/22) |
292 |
Consumers (598) |
Revises provisions relating to deceptive trade practices (04/08/24) |
314 |
Contractors (624) |
Establishes provisions relating to residential remodeling (09/08/22) |
295 |
Contractors (624)
Establishes provisions relating to residential remodeling (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Contractors (624) |
Establishes provisions relating to residential remodeling (03/21/22) |
289 |
Contractors (624) |
Notice of hearing (04/28/22) |
290 |
Contractors (624) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Contractors (624) |
Establishes provisions relating to residential remodeling (04/19/22) |
290 |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Revises various provisions (01/05/24) |
311 |
Cosmetology (644A)
Revises various provisions (Approved by Legislative Commission 04/19/24) |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Revises various provisions (08/08/22) |
294 |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Notice of hearing (11/08/23) |
309 |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Notice of Hearing (04/02/24) |
314 |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Informational Statement (01/05/24) |
311 |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Informational Statement (04/09/24) |
314 |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Notice of workshop (03/21/23) |
301 |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Revises various provisions (11/01/23) |
309 |
Cosmetology (644A) |
Revises various provisions (04/09/24) |
314 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises provisions relating to examinations and temporary certificates (12/04/23) |
310 |
Court Reporters (656)
Revises provisions relating to examinations and temporary certificates (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/15/23) |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises provisions relating to examinations and temporary certificates (05/27/22) |
291 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Notice of hearing (09/26/23) |
307 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Informational Statement (12/04/23) |
310 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Notice of Workshop (08/09/23) |
306 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises provisions relating to examinations and temporary certificates (09/01/22) |
295 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises various provisions (12/04/23) |
310 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises various provisions (was R172-20) (10/11/22) |
296 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Notice of hearing (09/26/23) |
307 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Informational Statement (12/04/23) |
310 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Informational Statement (08/09/23) |
306 |
Court Reporters (656) |
Revises various provisions (was R172-20) (10/24/22) |
296 |
DCNR (232) |
Revises provisions relating to programs and grants (09/08/22) |
295 |
DCNR (232)
Revises provisions relating to programs and grants (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
DCNR (232) |
Revises provisions relating to programs and grants (03/02/22) |
289 |
DCNR (232) |
Notice of hearing (04/22/22) |
290 |
DCNR (232) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
DCNR (232) |
Revises provisions relating to programs and grants (04/20/22) |
290 |
Deferred Compensation (287) |
Revises provisions relating to authorized employer contributions (04/22/22) |
290 |
Deferred Compensation (287) |
Notice of hearing (12/10/22) |
298 |
Deferred Compensation (287) |
Revises provisions relating to authorized employer contributions (12/08/22) |
298 |
Deferred Compensation (287) |
Revises provisions relating to authorized employer contributions (12/09/22) |
298 |
R054-22W |
Deferred Compensation (287) |
Withdrawn by agency (7/18/24) |
Dentists (631) |
Revises various provisions (05/26/22) |
291 |
Dentists (631) |
Notice of hearing (02/13/24) |
312 |
Dentists (631) |
Revises various provisions (08/30/22) |
294 |
Dentists (631) |
Revises various provisions (02/06/24) |
312 |
Dentists (631) |
Revises provisions relating to disciplinary actions (05/26/22) |
291 |
Dentists (631) |
Notice of Hearing (04/15/24) |
314 |
Dentists (631) |
Revises provisions relating to disciplinary actions (04/11/24) |
314 |
Dentists (631) |
Revises provisions relating to continuing education (05/26/22) |
291 |
R074-22W |
Dentists (631) |
Withdrawn by agency, see R072-22 (06/24/22) |
Dentists (631) |
Establishes provisions relating to resolution of conflicts (05/26/22) |
291 |
R075-22W |
Dentists (631) |
Withdrawn by agency (05/26/22) |
Dentists (631) |
Revises provisions relating to qualifications for a limited license (05/26/22) |
291 |
Dentists (631) |
Revises provisions relating to Board staff (05/26/22) |
291 |
R077-22W |
Dentists (631) |
Withdrawn by agency (05/26/22) |
Dentists (631) |
Revises provisions governing dental therapists (06/23/22) |
292 |
R106-22W |
Dentists (631) |
Withdrawn and added to R072-22 (08/30/22) |
Dentists (631) |
Establishes provisions relating to dental therapists (06/29/22) |
292 |
Economic Development (360) |
Revises provisions relating to transferable tax credits for film and other productions (02/13/23) |
300 |
Economic Development (360)
Revises provisions relating to transferable tax credits for film and other productions (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Economic Development (360) |
Revises provisions relating to transferable tax credits for film and other productions (05/04/22) |
291 |
Economic Development (360) |
Notice of Hearing (08/24/22) |
294 |
Economic Development (360) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Economic Development (360) |
Revises provisions relating to transferable tax credits for film and other productions (07/13/22) |
293 |
Economic Development (360) |
Revises provisions relating to transferable tax credits for film and other productions (07/15/22) |
293 |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions related to administrative expenses caps (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387)
Revises provisions related to administrative expenses caps (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions related to administrative expenses caps (01/26/22) |
287 |
Education (387) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions related to administrative expenses caps (03/16/22) |
289 |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions related to attendance area adjustments (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387)
Revises provisions related to attendance area adjustments (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions related to attendance area adjustments (01/26/22) |
287 |
Education (387) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions related to attendance area adjustments (03/16/22) |
289 |
Education (387) |
Revises school day in session for kindergarten (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387)
Revises school day in session for kindergarten (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (387) |
Revises school day in session for kindergarten (05/09/22) |
291 |
Education (387) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387) |
Revises school day in session for kindergarten (06/02/22) |
292 |
Education (387) |
Establishes provision of SB 84 (2019) relating to prekindergarten programs supported by a grant (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387)
Establishes provision of SB 84 (2019) relating to prekindergarten programs supported by a grant (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (387) |
Establishes provision of SB 84 (2019) relating to prekindergarten programs supported by a grant (05/09/22) |
291 |
Education (387) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387) |
Establishes provision of SB 84 (2019) relating to prekindergarten programs supported by a grant (06/22/22) |
292 |
Education (387) |
Establishes provision of SB 84 (2019) relating to prekindergarten programs supported by a grant (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (387) |
Revises provisions relating to attendance, enrollment and chronic absenteeism (06/29/22) |
292 |
Education (387/388) |
Revises provisions relating to the average daily enrollment (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387/388) |
Revises provisions relating to the average daily enrollment (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (387/388) |
Revises provisions relating to the average daily enrollment (06/29/22) |
292 |
Education (387/388) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (387/388) |
Revises provisions relating to the average daily enrollment (08/17/22) |
294 |
Education (387/390) |
Revises provisions related to the adult high school program (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (387/390) |
Revises provisions related to the adult high school program (07/22/22) |
293 |
Education (388) |
Revises provisions relating to restorative discipline (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388)
Revises provisions relating to restorative discipline (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (388) |
Revises provisions relating to restorative discipline (02/18/22) |
288 |
Education (388) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388) |
Revises provisions relating to restorative discipline (06/06/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Establishes provisions of SB 2 (2021) relating to kindergarten entry assessments (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388)
Establishes provisions of SB 2 (2021) relating to kindergarten entry assessments (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (388) |
Establishes provisions of SB 2 (2021) relating to kindergarten entry assessments (05/09/22) |
291 |
Education (388) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388) |
Establishes provisions of SB 2 (2021) relating to kindergarten entry assessments (06/01/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 210 (2021) relating to enrollments of a child admitted to a facility which provides residential treatment for mental illness (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 210 (2021) relating to enrollments of a child admitted to a facility which provides residential treatment for mental illness (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 210 (2021) relating to enrollments of a child admitted to a facility which provides residential treatment for mental illness (06/28/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 210 (2021) relating to enrollments of a child admitted to a facility which provides residential treatment for mental illness (07/27/22) |
293 |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 485 (2019) relating to reimbursement of costs of providing educational services by a facility or hospital (02/20/23) |
300 |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 485 (2019) relating to reimbursement of costs of providing educational services by a facility or hospital (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 485 (2019) relating to reimbursement of costs of providing educational services by a facility or hospital (06/29/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Informational Statement (02/20/23) |
300 |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 485 (2019) relating to reimbursement of costs of providing educational services by a facility or hospital (08/16/22) |
294 |
Education (388) |
Implements provisions of SB 485 (2019) relating to reimbursement of costs of providing educational services by a facility or hospital (12/07/22) |
298 |
Education (388) |
Establishes the Handle With Care program (was R063-20) (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388)
Establishes the Handle With Care program (was R063-20) (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (388) |
Establishes the Handle With Care program (was R063-20) (06/29/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388) |
Establishes the Handle With Care program (was R063-20) (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Establishes provisions governing social and environmental factors that affect the educational experience of pupils (was R064-20) (06/29/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Establishes provisions governing social and environmental factors that affect the educational experience of pupils (was R064-20) (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Revises required training for literacy specialists (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388)
Revises required training for literacy specialists (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (388) |
Revises required training for literacy specialists (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (388) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (388) |
Revises required training for literacy specialists (08/10/22) |
294 |
Education (388) |
Revises required training for literacy specialists (09/16/22) |
295 |
Education (388A/389/391) |
Revises provisions relating to career and technical studies (09/05/24) |
319 |
Education (388A/389/391)
Revises provisions relating to career and technical studies (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Education (388A/389/391) |
Revises provisions relating to career and technical studies (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (388A/389/391) |
Informational Statement (09/05/24) |
319 |
Education (388A/389/391) |
Revises provisions relating to career and technical studies (09/30/22) |
295 |
Education (388A/389/391) |
Revises provisions relating to career and technical studies (08/14/23) |
306 |
Education (388A/389/391) |
Revises provisions relating to career and technical studies (12/20/23) |
310 |
Education (388E) |
Implements provisions of SB 210 (2021) relating to convening of meetings to review appropriateness of a residential placement (06/28/22) |
292 |
Education (388E) |
Implements provisions of SB 210 (2021) relating to convening of meetings to review appropriateness of a residential placement (08/16/22) |
294 |
Education (388E) |
Implements provisions of SB 210 (2021) relating to convening of meetings to review appropriateness of a residential placement (12/05/22) |
298 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes dispute resolution processes to address issues relating to a member of organizational team (09/08/22) |
295 |
Education (388G)
Establishes dispute resolution processes to address issues relating to a member of organizational team (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Education (388G) |
Establishes dispute resolution processes to address issues relating to a member of organizational team (05/06/22) |
291 |
Education (388G) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes dispute resolution processes to address issues relating to a member of organizational team (06/01/22) |
292 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes dispute resolution processes to address issues relating to a member of organizational team (06/21/22) |
292 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes dispute resolution processes to address issues relating to a member of organizational team (08/03/22) |
294 |
Education (388G) |
Defines other staff who work under the direct supervision of the principal (09/08/22) |
295 |
Education (388G)
Defines other staff who work under the direct supervision of the principal (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Education (388G) |
Defines other staff who work under the direct supervision of the principal (05/06/22) |
291 |
Education (388G) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Education (388G) |
Defines other staff who work under the direct supervision of the principal (05/23/22) |
291 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions governing Non-Compliance notices relating to reorganization of large school districts and consequences (09/08/22) |
295 |
Education (388G)
Establishes provisions governing Non-Compliance notices relating to reorganization of large school districts and consequences (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions governing Non-Compliance notices relating to reorganization of large school districts and consequences (05/06/22) |
291 |
Education (388G) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions governing Non-Compliance notices relating to reorganization of large school districts and consequences (06/02/22) |
292 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions governing Non-Compliance notices relating to reorganization of large school districts and consequences (06/10/22) |
292 |
Education (388G) |
Establishes provisions governing Non-Compliance notices relating to reorganization of large school districts and consequences (07/22/22) |
293 |
Education (389) |
Implements provisions of AB 38 (2021) establishing the Advisory Technical Skills Committee (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (389) |
Implements provisions of AB 38 (2021) establishing the Advisory Technical Skills Committee (07/22/22) |
293 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements for the examination to be employed as a paraprofessional in a Title I school (09/08/22) |
295 |
Education (391)
Revises requirements for the examination to be employed as a paraprofessional in a Title I school (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements for the examination to be employed as a paraprofessional in a Title I school (05/12/22) |
291 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements for the examination to be employed as a paraprofessional in a Title I school (06/01/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions related to license to teach middle school or junior high school education (08/30/24) |
318 |
Education (391)
Revises provisions related to license to teach middle school or junior high school education (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions related to license to teach middle school or junior high school education (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational statement (08/30/24) |
318 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions related to license to teach middle school or junior high school education (09/09/22) |
295 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions related to license to teach middle school or junior high school education (09/12/23) |
307 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as school counselor and school psychologist (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391)
Establishes requirements for endorsement as school counselor and school psychologist (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as school counselor and school psychologist (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as school counselor and school psychologist (07/25/22) |
293 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions related to endorsements related to audiological services, social work and school nurse (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391)
Revises provisions related to endorsements related to audiological services, social work and school nurse (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions related to endorsement to provide audiological services (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions related to endorsements related to audiological services, social work and school nurse (07/21/22) |
293 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements to teach English language (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements to teach English language (08/10/22) |
294 |
R122-22W |
Education (391) |
Withdrawn by agency (7/18/24) |
Education (391) |
Establishes provisions for endorsement to serve as a school occupational therapist or therapy assistant (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391)
Establishes provisions for endorsement to serve as a school occupational therapist or therapy assistant (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Education (391) |
Establishes provisions for endorsement to serve as a school occupational therapist or therapy assistant (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391) |
Establishes provisions for endorsement to serve as a school occupational therapist or therapy assistant (07/21/22) |
293 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements for endorsement to serve as school psychologist (09/04/24) |
319 |
Education (391)
Revises requirements for endorsement to serve as school psychologist (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements for endorsement to serve as school psychologist (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (09/04/24) |
319 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements for endorsement to serve as school psychologist (07/25/22) |
293 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements for endorsement to serve as school psychologist (09/14/23) |
307 |
Education (391) |
Revises qualifications for teaching students who have speech and language impairments (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391)
Revises qualifications for teaching students who have speech and language impairments (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Education (391) |
Revises qualifications for teaching students who have speech and language impairments (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391) |
Revises qualifications for teaching students who have speech and language impairments (09/09/22) |
295 |
R126-21W |
Education (391) |
Withdrawn by agency and added to R165-22 (07/25/22) |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to comprehensive majors and minors recognized by Commission (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as an educational mentor (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as an educational mentor (07/27/22) |
293 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as an educational mentor (08/10/23) |
306 |
R127-22W |
Education (391) |
Withdrawn by agency (7/18/24) |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as a student teacher resident (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391)
Establishes requirements for endorsement as a student teacher resident (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as a student teacher resident (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements for endorsement as a student teacher resident (07/27/22) |
293 |
Education (391) |
Implements provisions of SB 352 (2021) relating to student teaching and psychology internships (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391)
Implements provisions of SB 352 (2021) relating to student teaching and psychology internships (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Education (391) |
Implements provisions of SB 352 (2021) relating to student teaching and psychology internships (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391) |
Implements provisions of SB 352 (2021) relating to student teaching and psychology internships (08/09/22) |
294 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to secondary licenses (08/30/24) |
318 |
Education (391)
Revises provisions relating to secondary licenses (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to secondary licenses (was R113-20) (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational statement (08/30/24) |
318 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to secondary licenses (was R113-20) (08/31/22) |
294 |
Education (391) |
Revises provisions relating to secondary licenses (was R113-20) (09/12/23) |
307 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements to obtain license/endorsement (was R114-20) (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391)
Revises requirements to obtain license/endorsement (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements to obtain license/endorsement (was R114-20) (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Education (391) |
Revises requirements to obtain license/endorsement (was R114-20) (08/31/22) |
294 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements relating to Nevada Model Code of Ethics for Educators (09/04/24) |
319 |
Education (391)
Establishes requirements relating to Nevada Model Code of Ethics for Educators (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements relating to Nevada Model Code of Ethics for Educators (was R117-20) (06/30/22) |
292 |
Education (391) |
Informational Statement (09/04/24) |
319 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements relating to Nevada Model Code of Ethics for Educators (was R117-20) (07/27/22) |
293 |
Education (391) |
Establishes requirements relating to Nevada Model Code of Ethics for Educators (was R117-20) (10/13/23) |
308 |
Education (391/391A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative (provisional) licensure (08/30/24) |
318 |
Education (391/391A)
Revises provisions relating to alternative (provisional) licensure (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Education (391/391A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative (provisional) licensure (06/27/22) |
292 |
Education (391/391A) |
Informational statement (08/30/24) |
318 |
Education (391/391A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative (provisional) licensure (07/26/22) |
293 |
Education (391/391A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative (provisional) licensure (08/10/23) |
306 |
Education (391/391A) |
Revises provisions relating to alternative (provisional) licensure (09/14/23) |
307 |
Education (392) |
Implements provisions of AB 194 (2021) relating to student discipline (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (392)
Implements provisions of AB 194 (2021) relating to student discipline (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Education (392) |
Implements provisions of AB 194 (2021) relating to student discipline (02/18/22) |
288 |
Education (392) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
Education (392) |
Implements provisions of AB 194 (2021) relating to student discipline (03/29/22) |
289 |
R022-21W |
Education (432B) |
Withdrawn by agency (08/10/22) |
Education (432B) |
Implements provisions of SB 210 (2021) relating to the continued education of foster children (02/18/22) |
288 |
Emergency (459) |
Revises various provisions relating to the Commission (12/17/22) |
298 |
Emergency (459)
Revises various provisions relating to the Commission (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Emergency (459) |
Revises various provisions relating to the Commission (05/02/22) |
291 |
Emergency (459) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Emergency (459) |
Revises various provisions relating to the Commission (06/23/22) |
292 |
Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (612) |
Establishes the unemployment compensation contribution rate for calendar year 2023 (12/14/22) |
298 |
Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (612)
Establishes the unemployment compensation contribution rate for calendar year 2023 (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (612) |
Establishes the unemployment compensation contribution rate for calendar year 2023 (09/27/22) |
295 |
Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (612) |
Informational Statement (12/14/22) |
298 |
Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (612) |
Establishes the unemployment compensation contribution rate for calendar year 2023 (09/28/22) |
295 |
Energy (701) |
Implements provisions of AB 383 (2021) relating to appliance energy standards (02/21/23) |
300 |
Energy (701) |
Implements provisions of AB 383 (2021) relating to appliance energy standards (06/30/22) |
292 |
Energy (701) |
Informational Statement (02/21/23) |
300 |
Energy (701) |
Implements provisions of AB 383 (2021) relating to appliance energy standards (12/02/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions relating to water projects (12/09/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A)
Revises provisions relating to water projects (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions relating to water projects (06/22/22) |
292 |
Environment (445A) |
Notice of Hearing (08/18/22) |
294 |
Environment (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/09/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions relating to water projects (08/12/22) |
294 |
Environment (445A) |
Establishes provisions relating to disadvantaged communities (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A)
Establishes provisions relating to disadvantaged communities (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Environment (445A) |
Establishes provisions relating to disadvantaged communities (06/24/22) |
292 |
Environment (445A) |
Notice of Hearing (11/10/22) |
297 |
Environment (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A) |
Establishes provisions relating to disadvantaged communities (08/26/22) |
294 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises permit application fees (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A)
Revises permit application fees (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Environment (445A) |
Revises permit application fees (06/27/22) |
292 |
Environment (445A) |
Notice of Hearing (11/10/22) |
297 |
Environment (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises permit application fees (08/26/22) |
294 |
Environment (445A) |
Establishes provisions for the classification of certain waters as waters of extraordinary ecological, aesthetic or recreational value (04/08/24) |
314 |
Environment (445A)
Establishes provisions for the classification of certain waters as waters of extraordinary ecological, aesthetic or recreational value (Approved by Legislative Commission 04/19/24) |
Environment (445A) |
Establishing provisions for the classification of certain waters as waters of extraordinary ecological, aesthetic or recreational value (06/27/22) |
292 |
Environment (445A) |
Informational Statement (04/09/24) |
314 |
Environment (445A) |
Establishing provisions for the classification of certain waters as waters of extraordinary ecological, aesthetic or recreational value (07/26/22) |
293 |
Environment (445A) |
Establishing provisions for the classification of certain waters as waters of extraordinary ecological, aesthetic or recreational value (02/12/24) |
312 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provision relating to water quality and levels of beryllium (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A)
Revises provision relating to water quality and levels of beryllium (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provision relating to water quality and levels of beryllium (06/27/22) |
292 |
Environment (445A) |
Notice of Hearing (11/10/22) |
297 |
Environment (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provision relating to water quality and levels of beryllium (07/25/22) |
293 |
Environment (445A) |
Adds water quality standards for specific channels tributary to the Las Vegas Wash (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A)
Adds water quality standards for specific channels tributary to the Las Vegas Wash (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Environment (445A) |
Adds water quality standards for specific channels tributary to the Las Vegas Wash (06/27/22) |
292 |
Environment (445A) |
Notice of Hearing (11/10/22) |
297 |
Environment (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A) |
Adds water quality standards for specific channels tributary to the Las Vegas Wash (07/25/22) |
293 |
Environment (445A) |
Adds selenium criterion values for support of aquatic life in the Las Vegas Wash (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A)
Adds selenium criterion values for support of aquatic life in the Las Vegas Wash (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Environment (445A) |
Adds selenium criterion values for support of aquatic life in the Las Vegas Wash (06/27/22) |
292 |
Environment (445A) |
Notice of Hearing (11/10/22) |
297 |
Environment (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A) |
Adds selenium criterion values for support of aquatic life in the Las Vegas Wash (07/21/22) |
293 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions related to fees to operate water systems (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A)
Revises provisions related to fees to operate water systems (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions related to fees to operate water systems (06/22/2022) |
292 |
Environment (445A) |
Notice of Hearing (11/10/22) |
297 |
Environment (445A) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Environment (445A) |
Revises provisions related to fees to operate water systems (10/05/22) |
296 |
Environment (445A/459) |
Revises fees for certification (01/05/24) |
311 |
Environment (445A/459)
Revises fees for certification (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/24) |
Environment (445A/459) |
Revises fees for certification (06/28/22) |
292 |
Environment (445A/459) |
Notice of hearing (10/30/23) |
308 |
Environment (445A/459) |
Informational Statement (01/05/24) |
311 |
Environment (445A/459) |
Revises fees for certification (10/12/22) |
296 |
Environment (445B) |
Adopts by reference certain provisions of federal regulations relating to air quality (09/08/22) |
295 |
Environment (445B)
Adopts by reference certain provisions of federal regulations relating to air quality (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Environment (445B) |
Adopts by reference certain provisions of federal regulations relating to air quality (03/28/22) |
289 |
Environment (445B) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Environment (445B) |
Adopts by reference certain provisions of federal regulations relating to air quality (04/22/22) |
290 |
Environment (445B) |
Revises provisions relating to low and zero emissions vehicles (06/30/22) |
292 |
Environment (445B) |
Revises provisions relating to low and zero emissions vehicles (09/06/22) |
295 |
R154-22W |
Environment (445B) |
Withdrawn by agency (7/18/24) |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to certification (09/08/22) |
295 |
Environment (459)
Revises provisions relating to certification (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to certification (03/18/22) |
289 |
Environment (459) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to certification (04/06/22) |
290 |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to the Chemical Accident Prevention Program (12/07/22) |
298 |
Environment (459)
Revises provisions relating to the Chemical Accident Prevention Program (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to the Chemical Accident Prevention Program (06/21/22) |
292 |
Environment (459) |
Notice of Hearing (08/18/22) |
294 |
Environment (459) |
Informational Statement (12/07/22) |
298 |
Environment (459) |
Revises provisions relating to the Chemical Accident Prevention Program (08/12/22) |
294 |
Family Therapists (641) |
Revises various provisions (09/13/22) |
295 |
Family Therapists (641)
Revises various provisions (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Family Therapists (641) |
Revises various provisions (04/25/22) |
290 |
Family Therapists (641) |
Informational Statement (09/13/22) |
295 |
Family Therapists (641) |
Revises various provisions (06/10/22) |
292 |
Fire Marshal (477) |
Revises provisions relating to fireworks and fees (12/14/22) |
298 |
Fire Marshal (477)
Revises provisions relating to fireworks and fees (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Fire Marshal (477) |
Revises provisions relating to fireworks and fees (08/25/22) |
294 |
Fire Marshal (477) |
Revises provisions relating to fireworks and fees (09/26/22) |
295 |
Fire Marshall (477) |
Informational Statement (12/14/22) |
298 |
Forestry (527) |
Revises various provisions (12/07/22) |
298 |
Forestry (527)
Revises various provisions (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Forestry (527) |
Revises various provisions (06/13/22) |
292 |
Forestry (527) |
Informational Statement (09/19/22) |
295 |
Forestry (527) |
Notice of hearing (10/12/22) |
296 |
Forestry (527) |
Informational Statement (12/07/22) |
298 |
Forestry (527) |
Revises various provisions (08/12/22) |
294 |
Funerals (642) |
Establishes provisions pertaining to reciprocity opportunities for active duty military, veterans and their spouses (12/17/22) |
298 |
Funerals (642)
Establishes provisions pertaining to reciprocity opportunities for active duty military, veterans and their spouses (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Funerals (642) |
Establishes provisions pertaining to reciprocity opportunities for active duty military, veterans and their spouses (01/06/22) |
287 |
Funerals (642) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Funerals (642) |
Establishes provisions pertaining to reciprocity opportunities for active duty military, veterans and their spouses (04/27/22) |
290 |
Health (433) |
Establishes a procedure for determining whether to involuntarily administer psychotropic medication (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (433)
Establishes a procedure for determining whether to involuntarily administer psychotropic medication (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Health (433) |
Establishes a procedure for determining whether to involuntarily administer psychotropic medication (01/20/22) |
287 |
Health (433) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (433) |
Establishes a procedure for determining whether to involuntarily administer psychotropic medication (04/13/22) |
290 |
Health (433) |
Establishes provisions of SB 390 (2021) relating to fees (06/10/22) |
292 |
Health (433) |
Establishes provisions of SB 390 (2021) relating to fees (08/01/22) |
294 |
R091-22W |
Health (433) |
Withdrawn (10/12/2023) |
Health (433) |
Implements provisions of SB 69 (2021) relating to peer recovery support services (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (433)
Implements provisions of SB 69 (2021) relating to peer recovery support services (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Health (433) |
Implements provisions of SB 69 (2021) relating to peer recovery support services (06/10/22) |
292 |
Health (433) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (433) |
Implements provisions of SB 69 (2021) relating to peer recovery support services (07/15/22) |
293 |
Health (439) |
Establishes programs of treatment for persons who solicit prostitution Was R038-20 (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (439)
Establishes programs of treatment for persons who solicit prostitution Was R038-20 (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Health (439) |
Establishes programs of treatment for persons who solicit prostitution Was R038-20 (03/25/22) |
289 |
Health (439) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (439) |
Establishes programs of treatment for persons who solicit prostitution, was R038-20 (05/06/22) |
291 |
Health (439) |
Implements the provisions of AB 254 (2019) relating to the reporting of sickle cell (07/31/23) |
305 |
Health (439)
Implements the provisions of AB 254 (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/22/23) |
Health (439) |
Implements the provisions of AB 254 (2019) relating to the reporting of sickle cell (06/24/22) |
292 |
Health (439) |
Informational Statement (07/31/23) |
305 |
Health (439) |
Implements the provisions of AB 254 (2019) relating to the reporting of sickle cell (07/15/22) |
293 |
Health (439) |
Implements provisions of SB 175 (2021) relating to lupus reporting (07/31/23) |
305 |
Health (439)
Implements provisions of SB 175 (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/22/23) |
Health (439) |
Implements provisions of SB 175 (2021) relating to lupus reporting (06/24/22) |
292 |
Health (439) |
Informational Statement (07/31/23) |
305 |
Health (439) |
Implements provisions of SB 175 (2021) relating to lupus reporting (07/15/22) |
293 |
Health (440) |
Revises provisions relating to birth, death and replacement certificates (07/26/23) |
305 |
Health (440)
Revises provisions relating to birth, death and replacement certificates (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/22/23) |
Health (440) |
Revises provisions relating to birth, death and replacement certificates (06/24/22) |
292 |
Health (440) |
Informational Statement (07/26/23) |
305 |
Health (440) |
Revises provisions relating to birth, death and replacement certificates (08/10/22) |
294 |
Health (441A) |
Revises provisions related to sexually transmitted diseases (09/18/23) |
307 |
Health (441A)
Revises provisions related to sexually transmitted diseases (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/29/23) |
Health (441A) |
Revises provisions related to sexually transmitted diseases (01/07/22) |
287 |
Health (441A) |
Informational statement (09/18/23) |
307 |
Health (441A) |
Revises provisions related to sexually transmitted diseases (02/18/22) |
288 |
Health (441A) |
Revises provisions related to sexually transmitted diseases (08/15/22) |
294 |
Health (441A) |
Revises provisions related to sexually transmitted diseases (05/10/23) |
303 |
Health (441A) |
Implements provisions of SB 275 (2021) relating to communicable diseases (07/26/23) |
305 |
Health (441A)
Implements provisions of SB 275 (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/15/23) |
Health (441A) |
Implements provisions of SB 275 (2021) relating to communicable diseases (06/30/22) |
292 |
Health (441A) |
Informational Statement (07/27/23) |
305 |
Health (441A) |
Informational Statement (12/05/23) |
310 |
Health (441A) |
Implements provisions of SB 275 (2021) relating to communicable diseases (09/08/22) |
295 |
Health (441A) |
Implements provisions of SB 275 (2021) relating to communicable diseases (12/05/23) |
310 |
Health (441A) |
Implements provisions of AB 181 (2021) relating to reporting of attempted suicides (02/21/23) |
300 |
Health (441A)
Implements provisions of AB 181 (2021) relating to reporting of attempted suicides (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Health (441A) |
Implements provisions of AB 181 (2021) relating to reporting of attempted suicides (06/30/22) |
292 |
Health (441A) |
Informational Statement (02/21/23) |
300 |
Health (441A) |
Implements provisions of AB 181 (2021) relating to reporting of attempted suicides (08/08/22) |
294 |
Health (441A) |
Implements provisions of AB 181 (2021) relating to reporting of attempted suicides (11/03/22) |
297 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to residential facilities for groups and employee training, was R056-20 (07/26/23) |
305 |
Health (449)
Revises provisions relating to residential facilities for groups and employee training, was R056-20 (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/22/23) |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to residential facilities for groups and employee training, was R056-20 (04/01/22) |
290 |
Health (449) |
Informational Statement (07/27/23) |
305 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to residential facilities for groups and employee training, was R056-20 (04/06/22) |
290 |
Health (449) |
Revises provisions relating to residential facilities for groups and employee training (06/28/22) |
292 |
Health (449/450B) |
Revises various provisions (12/19/22) |
298 |
Health (449/450B)
Revises various provisions, was R061-20 (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Health (449/450B) |
Revises various provisions, was R061-20 (04/16/22) |
290 |
Health (449/450B) |
Informational Statement (12/19/22) |
298 |
Health (449/450B) |
Revises various provisions, was R061-20 (04/19/22) |
290 |
Health (449/450B) |
Revises various provisions, was R061-20 (06/23/22) |
292 |
Health (449/457/652) |
Implements provisions of AB 471 (2021) relating to various provisions (12/07/22) |
298 |
Health (449/457/652)
Implements provisions of AB 471 (2021) relating to various provisions (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Health (449/457/652) |
Implements provisions of AB 471 (2021) relating to various provisions (01/20/22) |
287 |
Health (449/457/652) |
Informational Statement (12/07/22) |
298 |
Health (449/457/652) |
Implements provisions of AB 471 (2021) relating to various provisions (07/21/22) |
293 |
Health (449/457/652) |
Implements provisions of AB 471 (2021) relating to various provisions (08/02/22) |
294 |
Health (450B) |
Revises provisions relating to emergency medical services (12/16/22) |
298 |
Health (450B)
Revises provisions relating to emergency medical services (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Health (450B) |
Revises provisions relating to emergency medical services (5/27/22) |
291 |
Health (450B) |
Informational Statement (12/16/22) |
298 |
Health (450B) |
Revises provisions relating to emergency medical services (08/01/22) |
294 |
Health (450B) |
Establishes provisions relating to background checks (09/18/23) |
307 |
Health (450B)
Establishes provisions relating to background checks (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/29/23) |
Health (450B) |
Establishes provisions relating to background checks (06/22/22) |
292 |
Health (450B) |
Informational Statement (09/18/23) |
307 |
Health (450B) |
Establishes provisions relating to background checks (06/30/23) |
304 |
Health (451) |
Establishes provisions governing nontransplant anatomical donations organizations that procure a human body or part in this State (was R067-20) (03/25/22) |
289 |
Health (451) |
Establishes provisions governing nontransplant anatomical donations organizations that procure a human body or part in this State (was R067-20) (08/03/22) |
294 |
R036-22W |
Health (451) |
Withdrawn, is now R184-24 (7/18/24) |
Health (458) |
Revises provisions relating to alcohol and drug use (02/20/23) |
300 |
Health (458)
Revises provisions relating to alcohol and drug use (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
Health (458) |
Revises provisions relating to alcohol and drug use (06/27/22) |
292 |
Health (458) |
Informational Statement (02/20/23) |
300 |
Health (458) |
Revises provisions relating to alcohol and drug use (09/22/22) |
295 |
Health (640D) |
Implements provisions of AB 330 (2021) relating to the practice of music therapy (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (640D)
Implements provisions of AB 330 (2021) relating to the practice of music therapy (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Health (640D) |
Implements provisions of AB 330 (2021) relating to the practice of music therapy (06/10/22) |
292 |
Health (640D) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (640D) |
Implements provisions of AB 330 (2021) relating to the practice of music therapy (07/14/22) |
293 |
Health (640E) |
Implements provisions of AB 73 (2021) and AB 330 (2021) relating to the practice of dietetics (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (640E)
Implements provisions of AB 73 (2021) and AB 330 (2021) relating to the practice of dietetics (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Health (640E) |
Implements provisions of AB 73 (2021) and AB 330 (2021) relating to the practice of dietetics (06/10/22) |
292 |
Health (640E) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Health (640E) |
Implements provisions of AB 73 (2021) and AB 330 (2021) relating to the practice of dietetics (07/13/22) |
293 |
Health & Human Services (439) |
Establishes provisions governing testing and labeling of products intended for human consumption (09/18/23) |
307 |
Health & Human Services (439)
Establishes provisions governing testing and labeling of products intended for human consumption (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/29/23) |
Health & Human Services (439) |
Establishes provisions governing testing and labeling of products intended for human consumption Was R034-20 (03/25/22) |
289 |
Health & Human Services (439) |
Informational Statement (09/18/23) |
307 |
Health & Human Services (439) |
Establishes provisions governing testing and labeling of products intended for human consumption (03/30/22) |
289 |
Health & Human Services (439A) |
Establishes requirements to establish and maintain a database of information relating to applicants for renewal of license, certificate or registration as a provider of health care (05/03/22) |
291 |
Health & Human Services (439A) |
Establishes requirements to establish and maintain a database of information relating to applicants for renewal of license, certificate or registration as a provider of health care (06/03/22) |
292 |
Health & Human Services (439A) |
Establishes requirements to establish and maintain a database of information relating to applicants for renewal of license, certificate or registration as a provider of health care (08/29/22) |
294 |
R060-22W |
Health & Human Services (439A) |
Withdrawn by agency (3/16/23) |
Housing (118B) |
Establishes procedures for administration of a program to assist eligible low-income owners of manufactured homes (12/04/23) |
310 |
Housing (118B)
Establishes procedures for administration of a program to assist eligible low-income owners of manufactured homes (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/15/23) |
Housing (118B) |
Establishes procedures for administration of a program to assist eligible low-income owners of manufactured homes (was R184-18) (01/12/22) |
287 |
Housing (118B) |
Informational Statement (12/04/23) |
310 |
Housing (118B) |
Establishes procedures for administration of a program to assist eligible low-income owners of manufactured homes (02/22/22) |
288 |
Housing (118B/461/461A/489) |
Revises provisions governing housing. (12/04/23) |
310 |
Housing (118B/461/461A/489)
Revises provisions governing housing. (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/24) |
Housing (118B/461/461A/489) |
Revises provisions relating to eligibility for assistance (06/24/22) |
292 |
Housing (118B/461/461A/489) |
Informational Statement (12/04/23) |
310 |
Housing (118B/461/461A/489) |
Informational statement (02/20/24) |
312 |
Housing (118B/461/461A/489) |
Revises provisions relating to eligibility for assistance (09/13/22) |
295 |
Housing (118B/461/461A/489) |
Revises provisions relating to eligibility for assistance (02/20/24) |
312 |
Insurance (680A/688C/689C/690C/695B/695C) |
Repeals sections of code which are obsolete (12/16/22) |
298 |
Insurance (680A/688C/689C/690C/695B/695C)
Repeals sections of code which are obsolete (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Insurance (680A/688C/689C/690C/695B/695C) |
Repeals sections of code which are obsolete (06/30/22) |
292 |
Insurance (680A/688C/689C/690C/695B/695C) |
Notice of hearing (10/17/22) |
296 |
Insurance (680A/688C/689C/690C/695B/695C) |
Informational Statement (12/16/22) |
298 |
Insurance (680A/688C/689C/690C/695B/695C) |
Notice of workshop (10/17/22) |
296 |
Insurance (680A/688C/689C/690C/695B/695C) |
Repeals sections of code which are obsolete (08/11/22) |
294 |
Insurance (681A) |
Establishes provisions governing term and universal life insurance, was R154-20 (12/14/22) |
298 |
Insurance (681A)
Establishes provisions governing term and universal life insurance, was R154-20 (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Insurance (681A) |
Notice of hearing (09/30/22) |
295 |
Insurance (681A) |
Informational Statement (12/14/22) |
298 |
Insurance (681A) |
Notice of Workshop (09/27/22) |
295 |
Insurance (681A) |
Establishes provisions governing term and universal life insurance, was R154-20 (09/07/22) |
295 |
Insurance (683A/692A/695J) |
Amends the requirements for licensure, was R078-20 (12/17/22) |
298 |
Insurance (683A/692A/695J)
Amends the requirements for licensure, was R078-20 (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Insurance (683A/692A/695J) |
Notice of hearing (10/13/22) |
296 |
Insurance (683A/692A/695J) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Insurance (683A/692A/695J) |
Notice of workshop (10/13/22) |
296 |
Insurance (683A/692A/695J) |
Amends the requirements for licensure, was R078-20 (09/07/22) |
295 |
Insurance (687B) |
Revises provisions related to Medicare supplement policies (12/07/22) |
298 |
Insurance (687B)
Revises provisions related to Medicare supplement policies (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Insurance (687B) |
Revises provisions related to Medicare supplement policies (06/30/22) |
292 |
Insurance (687B) |
Notice of hearing (09/19/22) |
295 |
Insurance (687B) |
Informational Statement (12/07/22) |
298 |
Insurance (687B) |
Notice of workshop (09/16/22) |
295 |
Insurance (687B) |
Corrected Notice of Workshop (09/23/22) |
295 |
Insurance (687B) |
Revises provisions related to Medicare supplement policies (08/08/22) |
294 |
Insurance (689B/689C/695B) |
Establishes limitations on the sale of stop-loss insurance (12/14/22) |
298 |
Insurance (689B/689C/695B)
Establishes limitations on the sale of stop-loss insurance (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Insurance (689B/689C/695B) |
Notice of hearing (10/12/22) |
296 |
Insurance (689B/689C/695B) |
Informational Statement (12/14/22) |
298 |
Insurance (689B/689C/695B) |
Establishes limitations on the sale of stop-loss insurance (09/07/22) |
295 |
Insurance (690C) |
Revises provisions relating to status reports (12/14/22) |
298 |
Insurance (690C)
Revises provisions relating to status reports (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Insurance (690C) |
Revises provisions relating to status reports (06/17/22) |
292 |
Insurance (690C) |
Notice of hearing (10/17/22) |
296 |
Insurance (690C) |
Informational Statement (12/14/22) |
298 |
Insurance (690C) |
Notice of workshop (10/17/22) |
296 |
Insurance (690C) |
Revises provisions relating to status reports (08/01/22) |
294 |
Insurance (697) |
Notice of hearing (11/01/22) |
297 |
Insurance (697) |
Notice of hearing cancellation (12/06/22) |
298 |
Insurance (697) |
Notice of hearing (12/06/22) |
298 |
Insurance (697) |
Notice of workshop (11/01/22) |
297 |
Insurance (697) |
Revises provisions governing businesses related to bail, was R153-20 (09/07/22) |
295 |
Intoxication (484C) |
Revises provisions relating to testing for intoxication, (was R174-18) (07/22/22) |
293 |
R176-22W |
Intoxication (484C) |
Withdrawn by agency (is now R132-23 and R133-23) (12/13/2023) |
Labor (338) |
Revises various provisions relating to public works projects (04/15/22) |
290 |
Labor (338) |
Revises various provisions relating to public works projects (08/08/22) |
294 |
Motor Vehicles (482) |
Revises fees relating to the defrayal of the cost of license plate production (09/16/22) |
295 |
Motor Vehicles (482)
Revises fees relating to the defrayal of the cost of license plate production (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Motor Vehicles (482) |
Revises fees relating to the defrayal of the cost of license plate production (05/31/22) |
291 |
Motor Vehicles (482) |
Informational Statement (09/16/22) |
295 |
Motor Vehicles (482) |
Revises fees relating to the defrayal of the cost of license plate production (06/23/22) |
292 |
Motor Vehicles (482B) |
Establishes provisions relating to alternate electronic transportation systems (08/01/23) |
306 |
Motor Vehicles (482B)
Establishes provisions relating to alternate electronic transportation systems (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/22/23) |
Motor Vehicles (482B) |
Establishes provisions relating to alternate electronic transportation systems (05/31/22) |
291 |
Motor Vehicles (482B) |
Informational Statement (08/01/23) |
306 |
Motor Vehicles (482B) |
Establishes provisions relating to alternate electronic transportation systems (08/01/22) |
294 |
Motor Vehicles (482C) |
Establishes provisions of SB 389 (2021) relating to peer to peer car sharing (03/28/22) |
289 |
Motor Vehicles (482C) |
Establishes provisions of SB 389 (2021) relating to peer to peer car sharing (05/03/23) |
303 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises various provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses (01/28/22) |
287 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises various provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses (05/10/22) |
291 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises various provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses (08/08/22) |
294 |
R014-22W |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Withdrawn by agency, added to R088-24. (08/23/24) |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure as an instructor (04/15/22) |
290 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure as an instructor (05/09/22) |
291 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises provisions relating to impaired driving and schools of instruction regarding driving while impaired and driving under the influence (01/05/24) |
311 |
Motor Vehicles (483)
Revises provisions relating to impaired driving and schools of instruction regarding driving while impaired and driving under the influence (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/24) |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises provisions relating to impaired driving and schools of instruction regarding driving while impaired and driving under the influence (06/02/22) |
292 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Informational Statement (01/05/24) |
311 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises provisions relating to impaired driving and schools of instruction regarding driving while impaired and driving under the influence (07/12/22) |
293 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises provisions relating to impaired driving and schools of instruction regarding driving while impaired and driving under the influence (10/20/22) |
296 |
Motor Vehicles (483) |
Revises provisions relating to impaired driving and schools of instruction regarding driving while impaired and driving under the influence (10/12/23) |
308 |
NIAA (385B) |
Revises provisions relating to the composition of the Board of Control of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (02/13/23) |
300 |
NIAA (385B)
Revises provisions relating to the composition of the Board of Control of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (Approved by Legislative Commission 03/02/23) |
NIAA (385B) |
Revises provisions relating to the composition of the Board of Control of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (03/28/22) |
289 |
NIAA (385B) |
Informational Statement (02/13/23) |
300 |
NIAA (385B) |
Revises provisions relating to the composition of the Board of Control of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (07/15/22) |
293 |
NIAA (385B) |
Revises provisions relating to amateur status of student athletes (09/08/22) |
295 |
NIAA (385B)
Revises provisions relating to amateur status of student athletes (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
NIAA (385B) |
Revises provisions relating to amateur status of student athletes (03/28/22) |
289 |
NIAA (385B) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
NIAA (385B) |
Revises provisions relating to amateur status of student athletes (05/04/22) |
291 |
NSIB (408) |
Establishes provisions governing State Infrastructure Bank Fund and capital allocations (04/18/22) |
290 |
NSIB (408)
Establishes provisions governing State Infrastructure Bank Fund and capital allocations (Approved by Legislative Commission 04/19/22) |
NSIB (408) |
Establishes provisions governing State Infrastructure Bank Fund and capital allocations (02/08/22) |
288 |
NSIB (408) |
Informational Statement (04/18/22) |
290 |
NSIB (408) |
Establishes provisions governing State Infrastructure Bank Fund and capital allocations (02/25/22) |
288 |
NSIB (408) |
Establishes provisions governing State Infrastructure Bank Fund and capital allocations (03/08/22) |
289 |
NSIB (408) |
Establishes provisions governing State Infrastructure Bank Fund and capital allocations (03/29/22) |
289 |
Nurses (632) |
Revises provisions relating to student nurses (06/01/22) |
292 |
Nurses (632)
Revises provisions relating to student nurses (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/13/22) |
Nurses (632) |
Revises provisions relating to student nurses (see E001-22) (02/08/22) |
288 |
Nurses (632) |
Informational Statement (06/01/22) |
292 |
Nurses (632) |
Revises provisions relating to student nurses (02/25/22) |
288 |
Nurses (632) |
Establishes provisions relating to delegation (06/01/22) |
292 |
Nurses (632)
Establishes provisions relating to delegation (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/13/22) |
Nurses (632) |
Establishes provisions relating to delegation (02/14/22) |
288 |
Nurses (632) |
Informational Statement (06/01/22) |
292 |
Nurses (632) |
Establishes provisions relating to delegation (03/03/22) |
289 |
Nurses (632) |
Revises provisions relating to the administration of intravenous fluids and medications by a licensed practical nurse (12/07/22) |
298 |
Nurses (632)
Revises provisions relating to the administration of intravenous fluids and medications by a licensed practical nurse (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Nurses (632) |
Revises provisions relating to the administration of intravenous fluids and medications by a licensed practical nurse (05/04/22) |
291 |
Nurses (632) |
Notice of Hearing (08/18/22) |
294 |
Nurses (632) |
Informational Statement (12/07/22) |
298 |
Nurses (632) |
Revises provisions relating to the administration of intravenous fluids and medications by a licensed practical nurse (05/26/22) |
291 |
Opticians (637) |
Revises various provisions (06/16/22) |
292 |
Opticians (637) |
Notice of Hearing (11/10/22) |
297 |
Opticians (637) |
Notice or workshop (10/25/22) |
296 |
Opticians (637) |
Revises various provisions (09/12/22) |
295 |
Opticians (637) |
Revises various provisions (10/18/22) |
296 |
R101-22W |
Opticians (637) |
Withdrawn by agency (2/7/24) |
Oriental Medicine (634A)
Revises requirements for the issuance of a license to practice Oriental medicine (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Oriental Medicine (634A) |
Revises various provisions (03/02/22) |
289 |
Oriental Medicine (634A) |
Notice of hearing (06/20/22) |
292 |
Oriental Medicine (634A) |
Informational Statement (09/20/22) |
295 |
Oriental Medicine (634A) |
Notice of workshop (03/14/22) |
289 |
Oriental Medicine (634A) |
Revises requirements for the issuance of a license to practice Oriental medicine. (04/20/22) |
290 |
Oriental Medicine (634A) |
Revises requirements for the issuance of a license to practice Oriental medicine. (04/29/22) |
290 |
Oriental Medicine (634A) |
Revises requirements for the issuance of a license to practice Oriental medicine (09/20/22) |
295 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions governing the approval of succession plans by the Administrator (E002-22) (04/13/22) |
290 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of Hearing (03/25/24) |
313 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions governing the approval of succession plans by the Administrator (E002-22) (03/01/24) |
313 |
R046-22W |
Personnel (284) |
Withdrawn, is now R169-24 (7/16/24) |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to reclassification of positions (06/04/24) |
316 |
Personnel (284)
Revises provisions relating to reclassification of positions (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/20/24) |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to reclassification of positions (06/29/22) |
292 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of Hearing (03/25/24) |
313 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (12/13/23) |
310 |
Personnel (284) |
Informational Statement (06/04/24) |
316 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions relating to reclassification of positions (09/19/23) |
307 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions relating to telework (06/29/22) |
292 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes provisions relating to telework (08/15/22) |
294 |
R135-24W |
Personnel (284) |
Withdrawn by agency (7/16/24) |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions related to administrative leave with pay for veterans (10/30/23) |
308 |
Personnel (284)
Revises provisions related to administrative leave with pay for veterans (Approved by Legislative Commission 11/09/23) |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions related to administrative leave with pay for veterans (06/29/22) |
292 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (08/22/23) |
306 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (11/08/22) |
297 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of Hearing (12/21/22) |
298 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing cancellation (01/19/23) |
299 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing cancellation (12/08/22) |
298 |
Personnel (284) |
Informational Statement (10/30/23) |
308 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions related to administrative leave with pay for veterans (07/27/22) |
293 |
Personnel (284) |
Revises provisions related to administrative leave with pay for veterans (08/15/22) |
294 |
Personnel (284) |
Requires resolution conferences relating to a grievance or complaint (06/29/22) |
292 |
Personnel (284) |
Requires resolution conferences relating to a grievance or complaint (09/13/22) |
295 |
Personnel (284) |
Requires resolution conferences relating to a grievance or complaint (01/10/24) |
311 |
R139-22W |
Personnel (284) |
Withdrawn by agency (7/16/24) |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes when an employee shift begins (06/04/24) |
316 |
Personnel (284)
Establishes when an employee shift begins (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/20/24) |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes when an employee shift begins (06/29/22) |
292 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of Hearing (03/25/24) |
313 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (08/22/23) |
306 |
Personnel (284) |
Notice of hearing (12/13/23) |
310 |
Personnel (284) |
Informational Statement (06/04/24) |
316 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes when an employee shift begins (09/08/22) |
295 |
Personnel (284) |
Establishes when an employee shift begins (11/06/23) |
309 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds isotonitazene to the controlled substances listed in schedule I (06/01/22) |
292 |
Pharmacists (453)
Adds isotonitazene to the controlled substances listed in schedule I (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/13/22) |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds isotonitazene to the controlled substances listed in schedule I (01/14/22) |
287 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Informational Statement (06/01/22) |
292 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds isotonitazene to the controlled substances listed in schedule I (02/23/22) |
288 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Revises various provisions (09/16/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (453)
Revises various provisions (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Pharmacists (453) |
Revises various provisions (04/20/22) |
290 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Informational Statement (09/16/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Revises various provisions (05/20/22) |
291 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds daridorexant to the controlled substances listed in Schedule IV (09/19/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (453)
Adds daridorexant to the controlled substances listed in Schedule IV (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds daridorexant to the controlled substances listed in Schedule IV (07/19/22) |
293 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Informational Statement (09/19/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Adds daridorexant to the controlled substances listed in Schedule IV (08/02/22) |
294 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Revises provisions relating to DEA approved registrations (01/05/24) |
311 |
Pharmacists (453)
Revises provisions relating to DEA approved registrations (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/24) |
Pharmacists (453) |
Revises provisions relating to DEA approved registrations (10/19/22) |
296 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Informational Statement (01/05/24) |
311 |
Pharmacists (453) |
Revises provisions relating to DEA approved registrations (05/11/23) |
303 |
Pharmacists (453B) |
Revises provisions relating to the donation of prescription medications (12/16/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (453B)
Revises provisions relating to the donation of prescription medications (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Pharmacists (453B) |
Revises provisions relating to the donation of prescription medications (01/14/22) |
287 |
Pharmacists (453B) |
Informational Statement (12/16/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (453B) |
Revises provisions relating to the donation of prescription medications (02/17/22) |
288 |
Pharmacists (453B) |
Revises provisions relating to the donation of prescription medications (03/21/22) |
289 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions relating to disclosures (09/08/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (639)
Establishes provisions relating to disclosures (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions relating to disclosures (04/20/22) |
290 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions relating to disclosures (05/05/22) |
291 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to medical product wholesalers (09/19/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (639)
Revises provisions relating to medical product wholesalers (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to medical product wholesalers (06/09/22) |
292 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (09/19/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to medical product wholesalers (07/19/22) |
293 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions related to certificate of registrations (06/09/22) |
292 |
R086-22W |
Pharmacists (639) |
Withdrawn by agency, see R100-23 (7/23/24) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions governing dispensing license for practitioners (12/07/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639)
Establishes provisions governing dispensing license for practitioners (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions governing dispensing license for practitioners (06/09/22) |
292 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (12/07/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions governing dispensing license for practitioners (08/08/22) |
294 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions relating to dispensing technicians and dispensing technicians in training (12/16/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639)
Establishes provisions relating to dispensing technicians and dispensing technicians in training (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions relating to dispensing technicians and dispensing technicians in training (08/03/22) |
294 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (12/16/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions relating to dispensing technicians and dispensing technicians in training (09/29/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions governing the mechanical means to distribute certain drugs (12/16/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639)
Establishes provisions governing the mechanical means to distribute certain drugs (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions governing the mechanical means to distribute certain drugs (08/03/22) |
294 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (12/16/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes provisions governing the mechanical means to distribute certain drugs (08/24/22) |
294 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes requirements for the use of automated drug dispensing systems by reproductive health care centers (12/17/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639)
Establishes requirements for the use of automated drug dispensing systems by reproductive health care centers (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes requirements for the use of automated drug dispensing systems by reproductive health care centers (08/03/22) |
294 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes requirements for the use of automated drug dispensing systems by reproductive health care centers (09/06/22) |
295 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to single inventory of dangerous drugs by reproductive health care centers (10/12/22) |
296 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to single inventory of dangerous drugs by reproductive health care centers (12/07/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639)
Revises provisions relating to single inventory of dangerous drugs by reproductive health care centers (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to single inventory of dangerous drugs by reproductive health care centers (08/03/22) |
294 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (12/07/22) |
298 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to single inventory of dangerous drugs by reproductive health care centers (08/29/22) |
294 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes licensing requirements for facilities for treatment with narcotics (09/18/23) |
307 |
Pharmacists (639)
Establishes licensing requirements for facilities for treatment with narcotics (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/29/23) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes licensing requirements for facilities for treatment with narcotics (10/19/22) |
296 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (09/18/23) |
307 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Establishes licensing requirements for facilities for treatment with narcotics (06/30/23) |
304 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to pharmacists who administer immunizations (07/26/23) |
305 |
Pharmacists (639)
Revises provisions relating to pharmacists who administer immunizations (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/22/23) |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to pharmacists who administer immunizations (10/19/22) |
296 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Informational Statement (07/26/23) |
305 |
Pharmacists (639) |
Revises provisions relating to pharmacists who administer immunizations (05/12/23) |
303 |
Pharmacy (639) |
Revises provisions related to certificate of registrations (06/28/22) |
292 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises various provisions including provisions related to perfusionists and patient attendants (03/08/22) |
289 |
Physicians (630) |
Notice of hearing (12/01/22) |
298 |
Physicians (630) |
Notice of workshop (10/06/22) |
296 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises various provisions including provisions related to perfusionists and patient attendants (03/29/22) |
289 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises various provisions including provisions related to perfusionists and patient attendants (04/11/22) |
290 |
R028-22W |
Physicians (630) |
Withdrawn by agency, is now R002-23 (03/13/23) |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions relating to applicants for licensure (05/24/23) |
303 |
Physicians (630)
Revises provisions relating to applicants for licensure (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/02/23) |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions relating to applicants for licensure (07/25/22) |
293 |
Physicians (630) |
Notice of hearing (12/01/22) |
298 |
Physicians (630) |
Informational Statement (05/24/23) |
303 |
Physicians (630) |
Notice of workshop (10/06/22) |
296 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions relating to applicants for licensure (09/06/22) |
295 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure and renewals (10/30/23) |
308 |
Physicians (630)
Revises provisions relating to licensure and renewals (Approved by Legislative Commission 11/09/23) |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure and renewals (09/20/22) |
295 |
Physicians (630) |
Notice of Hearing (07/11/23) |
305 |
Physicians (630) |
Informational Statement (10/30/23) |
308 |
Physicians (630) |
Notice of workshop (06/12/23) |
304 |
Physicians (630) |
Revises provisions relating to licensure and renewals (05/02/23) |
303 |
POST (289) |
Revises the definition of an executive level position (09/08/22) |
295 |
POST (289)
Revises the definition of an executive level position (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
POST (289) |
Revises the definition of an executive level position (04/20/22) |
290 |
POST (289) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
POST (289) |
Revises the definition of an executive level position (05/20/22) |
291 |
POST (289) |
Revises provisions relating to executive certificates (04/20/22) |
290 |
POST (289) |
Revises provisions relating to executive certificates (05/10/22) |
291 |
R053-22W |
POST (289) |
Withdrawn by agency (07/22/22) |
POST (289) |
Implements an annual behavioral health wellness program (04/08/24) |
314 |
POST (289)
Implements an annual behavioral health wellness program (Approved by Legislative Commission 04/19/24) |
POST (289) |
Implements an annual behavioral health wellness program (09/21/22) |
295 |
POST (289) |
Informational Statement (04/09/24) |
314 |
POST (289) |
Implements an annual behavioral health wellness program (12/15/23) |
310 |
Psychologists (641) |
Establishes provisions governing license by endorsements a psychologist (03/09/22) |
289 |
R031-22W |
Psychologists (641) |
Withdrawn by agency (7/29/24) |
Public Safety (454B) |
Establishes provisions relating to temporary commercial advertising on certain highways. (01/31/23) |
299 |
Public Safety (454B)
Establishes provisions relating to temporary commercial advertising on certain highways. (Approved by Legislative Commission 01/31/23) |
Public Safety (454B) |
Establishes provisions relating to temporary commercial advertising (06/30/22) |
292 |
Public Safety (454B) |
Notice of hearing (12/21/22) |
298 |
Public Safety (454B) |
Informational Statement (01/31/23) |
299 |
Public Safety (454B) |
Establishes provisions relating to temporary commercial advertising (10/27/22) |
296 |
Public Safety (454B) |
Establishes provisions relating to temporary commercial advertising on certain highways (12/20/22) |
298 |
PUCN (455) |
Revises provisions relating to notifications to the association for operators (03/08/22) |
289 |
PUCN (455) |
Revises provisions relating to notifications to the association for operators (03/24/22) |
289 |
R030-22W |
PUCN (455) |
Withdrawn by agency, see R115-24 (6/6/24) |
PUCN (704) |
Establishes provisions governing accelerated transportation electrification (09/16/22) |
295 |
PUCN (704)
Establishes provisions governing accelerated transportation electrification (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
PUCN (704) |
Establishes provisions governing accelerated transportation electrification (01/14/22) |
287 |
PUCN (704) |
Informational Statement (09/16/22) |
295 |
PUCN (704) |
Establishes provisions governing accelerated transportation electrification (02/17/22) |
288 |
PUCN (704) |
Establishes provisions governing accelerated transportation electrification (04/15/22) |
290 |
PUCN (704) |
Revises provisions governing natural disaster protection plans (01/25/22) |
287 |
PUCN (704) |
Revises provisions governing natural disaster protection plans (03/02/22) |
289 |
PUCN (704) |
Revises provisions governing natural disaster protection plans (05/03/22) |
291 |
PUCN (704) |
Revises provisions governing natural disaster protection plans (09/06/22) |
295 |
R011-22W |
PUCN (704) |
Withdrawn by agency, is now R181-24 (7/2/24) |
PUCN (704) |
Adopts provisions related to alternative ratemaking (02/25/22) |
288 |
PUCN (704) |
Adopts provisions related to alternative ratemaking (05/05/22) |
291 |
PUCN (704) |
Adopts provisions related to alternative ratemaking (08/04/23) |
306 |
R023-22W |
PUCN (704) |
Withdrawn, is now R182-24 (7/16/24) |
PUCN (704) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of services by an alternative seller, was R102-19 (04/01/22) |
290 |
PUCN (704) |
Revises provisions governing the provision of services by an alternative seller. (04/12/22) |
290 |
R042-22W |
PUCN (704) |
Withdrawn, is now R183-24 (7/16/24) |
PUCN (704/704B) |
Revises provisions relating to exemptions and annual limits of energy and capacity sales (09/05/24) |
319 |
PUCN (704/704B)
Revises provisions relating to exemptions and annual limits of energy and capacity sales (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
PUCN (704/704B) |
Informational Statement (09/05/24) |
319 |
PUCN (704/704B) |
Revises provisions relating to exemptions and annual limits of energy and capacity sales. Was R062-20. (10/11/22) |
296 |
PUCN (704B) |
Establishes provisions governing bundled electric service (08/30/24) |
318 |
PUCN (704B)
Establishes provisions governing bundled electric service (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
PUCN (704B) |
Establishes provisions governing bundled electric service (03/08/22) |
289 |
PUCN (704B) |
Informational Statement (08/30/24) |
318 |
PUCN (704B) |
Establishes provisions governing bundled electric service (05/04/22) |
291 |
PUCN (704B) |
Establishes provisions governing applications and licensing of persons who sell energy, capacity or ancillary services to eligible customers. (08/28/24) |
318 |
PUCN (704B)
Establishes provisions governing applications and licensing of persons who sell energy, capacity or ancillary services to eligible customers. (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
PUCN (704B) |
Informational Statement (08/28/24) |
318 |
PUCN (704B) |
Establishes provisions governing applications and licensing of persons who sell energy, capacity or ancillary services to eligible customers. Was R029-20 (10/11/22) |
296 |
PUCN (704B) |
Establishes provisions governing applications and licensing of persons who sell energy, capacity or ancillary services to eligible customers. Was R029-20 (10/17/23) |
308 |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises various provisions (06/04/24) |
316 |
Real Estate (645)
Revises various provisions (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises various provisions (11/10/22) |
297 |
Real Estate (645) |
Informational Statement (06/04/24) |
316 |
Real Estate (645) |
Informational Statement (09/05/24) |
319 |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises various provisions (11/30/23) |
309 |
Real Estate (645) |
Revises various provisions (09/05/24) |
319 |
Secretary of State (293/293C) |
Establishes requirements for conducting a hand count of ballots (09/18/23) |
307 |
Secretary of State (293/293C) |
Establishes requirements for conducting a hand count of ballots (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/29/23) |
Secretary of State (293/293C) |
Establishes requirements for conducting a hand count of ballots (was T002-22) (12/02/22) |
298 |
Secretary of State (293/293C) |
Notice of hearing (08/15/23) |
306 |
Secretary of State (293/293C) |
Informational Statement (09/18/23) |
307 |
Secretary of State (293/293C) |
Notice of workshop (08/15/23) |
306 |
Secretary of State (293/293C) |
Establishes requirements for conducting a hand count of ballots (was T002-22) (07/17/23) |
305 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to population estimates (06/11/24) |
316 |
Tax (360)
Revises provisions relating to population estimates (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/20/24) |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to population estimates (06/15/22) |
292 |
Tax (360) |
Informational Statement (06/11/24) |
316 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to population estimates (09/01/22) |
295 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to refund of overpaid tax (06/30/22) |
292 |
R149-22W |
Tax (360) |
Withdrawn by agency, see R116-24 (6/6/24) |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to appeals (06/30/22) |
292 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to appeals (08/17/22) |
294 |
R151-22W |
Tax (360) |
Withdrawn by agency (02/10/23) |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to the voluntary disclosure of failure to file a return (09/04/24) |
319 |
Tax (360)
Revises provisions related to the voluntary disclosure of failure to file a return (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to the voluntary disclosure of failure to file a return (06/30/22) |
292 |
Tax (360) |
Notice of hearing (05/24/24) |
315 |
Tax (360) |
Informational Statement (09/04/24) |
319 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to the voluntary disclosure of failure to file a return (08/03/22) |
294 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to the voluntary disclosure of failure to file a return (04/23/24) |
314 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to contact of a taxpayer by auditors (09/04/24) |
319 |
Tax (360)
Revises provisions related to contact of a taxpayer by auditors (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to contact of a taxpayer by auditors (06/30/22) |
292 |
Tax (360) |
Notice of hearing (05/24/24) |
315 |
Tax (360) |
Informational Statement (09/04/24) |
319 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to contact of a taxpayer by auditors (08/18/22) |
294 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions related to contact of a taxpayer by auditors (04/24/24) |
314 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to the waiver or reduction of penalties (06/30/22) |
292 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to the waiver or reduction of penalties (08/02/22) |
294 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to the waiver or reduction of penalties (05/30/24) |
315 |
R158-22W |
Tax (360) |
Withdrawn by agency, see R114-24 (6/3/24) |
Tax (360) |
Adopts provisions regarding a petition for adoption, filing, amendment or repeal of any regulation (was R059-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
Tax (360) |
Adopts provisions regarding a petition for adoption, filing, amendment or repeal of any regulation (was R059-20) (08/11/22) |
294 |
R171-22W |
Tax (360) |
Withdrawn by agency (7/18/24) |
Tax (360) |
Establishes procedures for filing of petitions for declaratory orders (was R098-20) (12/17/22) |
298 |
Tax (360)
Establishes procedures for filing of petitions for declaratory orders (was R098-20) (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Tax (360) |
Establishes procedures for filing of petitions for declaratory orders (was R098-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
Tax (360) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Tax (360) |
Establishes procedures for filing of petitions for declaratory orders (was R098-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to filing of certain briefs relating to appeals (was R120-20) (12/17/22) |
298 |
Tax (360)
Revises provisions relating to filing of certain briefs relating to appeals (was R120-20) (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to filing of certain briefs relating to appeals (was R120-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
Tax (360) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Tax (360) |
Revises provisions relating to filing of certain briefs relating to appeals (was R120-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
Tax (361) |
Revises provisions relating to determining obsolescence (was R082-20) (10/11/22) |
296 |
Tax (361) |
Revises provisions relating to determining obsolescence (was R082-20) (08/02/24) |
318 |
R192-22W |
Tax (361) |
Revises provisions relating to determining obsolescence (is now R191-24) (8/15/24) |
Tax (370) |
Revises provisions relating to wholesale dealers of tobacco products and certain credits (09/04/24) |
319 |
Tax (370)
Revises provisions relating to wholesale dealers of tobacco products and certain credits (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/16/24) |
Tax (370) |
Revises provisions relating to wholesale dealers of tobacco products and certain credits (06/15/22) |
292 |
Tax (370) |
Notice of hearing (05/24/24) |
315 |
Tax (370) |
Informational Statement (09/04/24) |
319 |
Tax (370) |
Revises provisions relating to wholesale dealers of tobacco products and certain credits (05/20/24) |
315 |
Tax (372) |
Establishes sales tax collection requirements imposed on remote sellers, marketplace sellers and marketplace facilitators (01/12/22) |
287 |
R004-22W |
Tax (372) |
Withdrawn by agency, see R099-24 (05/06/24) |
Tax (372) |
Revises NRS Chapter reference concerning credit unions (06/15/22) |
292 |
R099-22W |
Tax (372) |
Withdrawn by agency (06/28/22) |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions relating to letters of exemptions (06/11/24) |
316 |
Tax (372)
Revises provisions relating to letters of exemptions (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/20/24) |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions relating to letters of exemptions (06/30/22) |
292 |
Tax (372) |
Informational Statement (06/11/24) |
316 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions relating to letters of exemptions (07/14/22) |
293 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions relating to premiums gifts, complimentary food and beverages (06/11/24) |
316 |
Tax (372)
Revises provisions relating to premiums gifts, complimentary food and beverages (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/20/24) |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions relating to premiums gifts, complimentary food and beverages (06/30/22) |
292 |
Tax (372) |
Informational Statement (06/11/24) |
316 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions relating to premiums gifts, complimentary food and beverages (07/18/22) |
293 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions relating to sales and use taxes and mandatory warranties (was R073-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions relating to sales and use taxes and mandatory warranties (was R073-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
R172-22W |
Tax (372) |
Withdrawn by agency (4/6/24) |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions governing imposition and collection of sales and use tax for repair work (was R106-20) (12/17/22) |
298 |
Tax (372)
Revises provisions governing imposition and collection of sales and use tax for repair work (was R106-20) (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions governing imposition and collection of sales and use tax for repair work (was R106-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
Tax (372) |
Informational Statement (12/17/22) |
298 |
Tax (372) |
Revises provisions governing imposition and collection of sales and use tax for repair work (was R106-20) (07/22/22) |
293 |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Revises provisions relating to the regulatory assessment paid by transportation network companies (06/01/22) |
292 |
Transportation Authority (706A)
Revises provisions relating to the regulatory assessment paid by transportation network companies (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/13/22) |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Revises provisions relating to the regulatory assessment paid by transportation network companies (01/31/22) |
287 |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Notice of Hearing (03/03/22) |
289 |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Informational Statement (06/01/22) |
292 |
Transportation Authority (706A) |
Revises provisions relating to the regulatory assessment paid by transportation network companies (02/23/22) |
288 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises various provisions (12/16/22) |
298 |
Veterinarians (638)
Revises various provisions (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises various provisions (06/01/22) |
292 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Informational Statement (12/16/22) |
298 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises various provisions (07/18/22) |
293 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises provisions relating to veterinary technicians (12/16/22) |
298 |
Veterinarians (638)
Revises provisions relating to veterinary technicians (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises provisions relating to veterinary technicians (06/01/22) |
292 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Informational Statement (12/16/22) |
298 |
Veterinarians (638) |
Revises provisions relating to veterinary technicians (08/16/22) |
294 |
Water (532) |
Revises provisions related to certain hearings and public meetings held by the State Engineer (06/29/22) |
292 |
Water (532) |
Revises provisions related to certain hearings and public meetings held by the State Engineer (07/25/22) |
293 |
R142-22W |
Water (532) |
Withdrawn by agency, is now R164-24 (7/19/24) |
WICHE (397) |
Establishes provisions relating to the Nevada Office of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (01/05/24) |
311 |
WICHE (397)
Establishes provisions relating to the Nevada Office of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Approved by Legislative Commission 02/27/24) |
WICHE (397) |
Establishes provisions relating to the Nevada Office of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (09/19/22) |
295 |
WICHE (397) |
Revised notice of hearing (10/16/23) |
308 |
WICHE (397) |
Informational Statement (01/05/24) |
311 |
WICHE (397) |
Establishes provisions relating to the Nevada Office of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (08/10/23) |
306 |
Wildlife (278) |
Relating to land use planning requiring a tentative map to be forwarded to the Department (06/04/24) |
316 |
Wildlife (278)
Relating to land use planning requiring a tentative map to be forwarded to the Department (Approved by Legislative Commission 06/20/24) |
Wildlife (278) |
Relating to land use planning requiring a tentative map to be forwarded to the Department (06/30/22) |
292 |
Wildlife (278) |
Informational Statement (06/04/24) |
316 |
Wildlife (278) |
Relating to land use planning requiring a tentative map to be forwarded to the Department (08/23/22) |
294 |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions relating to petitions for regulations (09/08/22) |
295 |
Wildlife (501)
Revises provisions relating to petitions for regulations (Approved by Legislative Commission 09/28/22) |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions relating to petitions for regulations (04/07/22) |
290 |
Wildlife (501) |
Informational Statement (09/08/22) |
295 |
Wildlife (501) |
Revises provisions relating to petitions for regulations (04/25/22) |
290 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to antlers and spike elk (12/19/22) |
298 |
Wildlife (502)
Revises provisions relating to antlers and spike elk (Approved by Legislative Commission 12/29/22) |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to antlers and spike elk (06/09/22) |
292 |
Wildlife (502) |
Informational Statement (12/19/22) |
298 |
Wildlife (502) |
Revises provisions relating to antlers and spike elk (07/11/22) |
293 |
Wildlife (503) |
Establishes provisions governing permits for possession of golden eagles (08/01/23) |
306 |
Wildlife (503)
Establishes provisions governing permits for possession of golden eagles (Approved by Legislative Commission 08/22/23) |
Wildlife (503) |
Establishes provisions governing permits for possession of golden eagles (06/30/22) |
292 |
Wildlife (503) |
Informational Statement (08/01/23) |
306 |
Wildlife (503) |
Establishes provisions governing permits for possession of golden eagles (09/12/22) |
295 |
NO. |
Claims (445C) |
Adopts policy resolution 2022-01 providing Executive Secretary authority to waive reimbursement claim submittal deadlines (06/02/22) |
292 |
Claims (445C) |
Policy Resolution 2022-02 Replaces Resolution No. 2001-05 and Establishes New State of Nevada Petroleum Fund Cost Guidelines (9/8/2022) (10/12/22) |
296 |
Claims (445C) |
Amended Policy Resolution 2017-01 Provides Criteria for Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Registration and Recommended Coverage Reductions for Certain AST Business Practices (12/8/2022) (12/23/22) |
298 |