Ways and Means

Ways and Means Committee Chair Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno portrait

The Assembly Committee on Ways and Means examines all department budgets, appropriation requests, and appropriation bills. Measures with fiscal notes may also be referred to the Committee for review.

Linda Fitzgerald, Committee Manager
Legislative Building, Room 3133
(775) 684-8591
Joi Guthrie, Committee Manager
Legislative Building, Room 3133
(775) 684-8590


Daniele Monroe-Moreno – Chair
Shea Backus – Vice Chair
Natha Anderson
Tracy Brown-May
Michelle Gorelow
Sandra Jauregui
C.H. Miller
Sarah Peters
Howard Watts
Steve Yeager
Jill Dickman
Gregory T. Hafen II
Heidi Kasama
PK O’Neill

Click here for more information about this committee and its sub-committees.